2 minute read
News from First Nations
by Carolyn Parks Mintz, Author & Journalist
Winter Solstice
The Neskonlith, Little Shuswap Lake, and Adams Lake bands participated in a Solstice Ceremony on December 21st, that featured a river cleanse, games, and a dinner.
Secwépemc Winter Gathering
January 20th to 22nd, 2023 marked a Winter Gathering at the Splatsin Community Centre, in Enderby.
Secwépemc Child & Family Services Winter Gathering & Traditional Pow wow in Kamloops
The event held January 21st and 22nd, 2023, at the Kamloops Soccer Dome included a grand entry, drum groups, all ages orange regalia, women’s red dress, craft vendors dance special, teddy bear dance, and ‘have a heart’ round dance,
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
From December 6th to 8th, 2022, hundreds of First Nations Chiefs, Knowledge Keepers, Elders, youth, women and 2SLGBTQ+ people from across Canada gathered on unceded territory of the Algonquin in Ottawa, Ontario, and dealt with many key Indigenous issues, such as amendments to the AFN Charter, compensation and long-term reform to the First Nations Child & Family Services Program and Jordan’s Principle, and resolutions on Indian Residential Schools (IRS) and survivors, day schools, an AFN IRS Chief’s Committee, and national commemorative monuments and pins. An AFN Special Chief’s Assembly is planned for April 2023 to deal with additional significant matters and resolutions.
Provincial Cabinet & First Nations Leaders Meeting
The first Provincial and First Nations gathering since 2020 was held November 28th to 30th 2022, and dealt with such substantive issues as implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, government to government relationships, recognition of Indigenous Peoples and territories, and the transformative change necessary for meaningful reconciliation.
Provincial Legislative Reform – Bill 38
In the fall of 2022, the provincial government introduced Bill 38, the Indigenous SelfGovernment in Child and Family Services Amendment Act. The bill amends the Adoption Act and the Child, Family & Community Service Act. On November 24, Bill 38-2022 received royal assent, bringing the changes into effect, changes that respect the inherent rights of Indigenous communities to provide their own child and family services and that ensure Indigenous children are safely connected to their cultures and communities.
2023 Youth Conference Secwépemc Dreamcatchers
The March 17th to 19th, 2023, Conference at the Adams Lake Band Recreation & Conference Centre will feature guest speakers Stephen W. Tooshkenig, Kym Gouchie, and Jason Simon, as well as a wide variety of workshops, such as Canoe Protocols, Traditional Medicines, Fisheries, Drumming, Crafts, as well as a Talent Show and a Panel Discussion.
Welcome New Staff
ALIB welcomes Community Safety Officer Daryl Riva, who brings to the band 30 years of private investigations experience, having worked closely with many emergency departments throughout. B.C. Daryl believes trust, understanding, effective communication and listening are important aspects of his role.
Interim ALIB Fire Chief Gordon Rinke is pleased to have joined the ALIB Department. As a former high school Physical Education teacher, Gordon developed fitness and wrestling programmes for Indigenous students throughout Calgary, and also served with Calgary Fire Department, retiring in December 2021.
Ross Anderson is welcomed as the ALIB Human Resources Generalist, and will focus on recruiting, employee relations, performance management, compensation, and support of health and safety initiatives, based on his 20 years experience with HR issues and collaborative work.
ALIB Events
• Secwépemc Hunting Camp
• Baby Welcome Ceremony
• -Missing & Murdered Indigenous Men &
Boys Walk
• Knowledge Keepers Secwépemc Bingo & Lunch
• Women’s Night, Rattle Making
• Women’s Night, Wreath Making
• Community Christmas Brunch
• Secwépemc Singing at Chief Atahm School
• Community Language Learning Events at Chief Atahm School
• Elders Christmas Dinner
Council News
LSLB Council is focusing on several important issues: full authority and jurisdiction over their children and their welfare, health and wellness, Secwépemc laws and principles, economic development projects, as well as many internal and external processes being developed. The band is also in the process of reclaiming its original name, changing to Skwlāx te Secwépemcứlecw as of January 2023.
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