Chase Sunflower - February 3, 2017 Issue

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Chase’s community paper for over 20 years! Issue for the week of Friday, February 3rd, 2017 • Vol. 22, Issue 04

Computer Support

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Website Development affordable, local hosting Stefan Schielke 250.679.7744

The Chase Country Christmas Committee donated funds to several community organizations in Chase this year. The group’s Treasurer, Suzanne Foster (Far Right) presented cheques to: Citizens on Patrol (Rollie Mockford), the Chase & District Skate Park Society (Kelsey Snelgrove), The Chase Hamper Society (Marilyn & Ernie Kotanko, Maureen McDonald), The Chase Heat (Pat Brady, Kolten Moore, Travis Beaubien, Spencer Farstad).

Inside: • • • • •

Letters to the Editor Village of Chase Budget Progress Part 2 of Why Chase by Carolyn Parks-Mintz Local lady turns 99! The Land of the Secwepemc by Kathryn Michel

Chase & District Fish and Game Club Annual Banquet Saturday, February 4th, 2017 Tickets $25 See page 9 for more info and ticket vendors


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Page 6 February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

The Land of the Secwepemc


Written by Kathryn Michel, Secwepemc Nation


The Secwepemculecw, the land of the Secwepemc, covers a vast area encompassing approximately 55,000 square miles spreading across SouthCentral British Columbia. In 1909, ethnographer James Teit described the Secwepemc Nation as consisting of five major divisions each with a unique land base and dialect (p.462). The Sexqeltemc division included the following bands surrounding the Chase/Shuswap Lakes area: the Cstelnec, Sk’atsinec, and Qw’ewt. The language of the Secwepemc is called Secwepemctsin. It is one of 23 languages within the Salishan language family. The Secwepemc language has two main dialects called the Eastern (east of Kamloops), and the Western (west of PROPERTY Kamloops) withSUBJECT minor variations of rate of speech and vocabulary within each dialect grouping (School District 73, 2006). The social structure of the Secwepemc was largely egalitarian, in that social status was based on individual strengths and how each person could best contribute to group productivity and well-being. Celia Haig-Brown writes, Within the Secwepemc society existed all the complexities of a culture: government, religion, science, technology, acknowledgment and celebration of life passages, traditions, and oral history, which included a theory of origin. As with all cultures, language served as an expression of and for the transmission of culture. (1989) A key concept within the Secwepemc worldview is that of interrelationship or k’wseltktnéws. The late George Manuel in his book The Fourth World, shared that: The land from which our culture springs Legend

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Transportation Utility


TNRD Boundary (Outline)

Administrative Boundary (Outline) First Nations Reserve (Outline)

Provincial Parks & Protected Areas


1: 1,742

The Village of Chase Council will be holding a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 464 of the Local Government Act, to consider amendments to the Village of Chase Zoning Bylaw No. 683 for the following property shown as “subject property” on the sketch plan below: Lot A, District Lot 517, Plan KAP 70874 KDYD, PID 003-124215 (315 Lakeshore Drive) The Council, as the result of an application from the owner of the named property, will consider amending the zoning designation from R1, Low Density Residential to R1SS, Low Density Residential with Secondary Suite. The purpose is to allow the construction of a Secondary Suite. If you feel your property interests may be affected by the proposed amendment and you wish to address Village Council on any matters pertaining to this bylaw, please attend the Public Hearing at the Village Office on: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 4:00 pm Your comments/concerns may also be presented in writing, in advance of the meeting by addressing them to the undersigned, or at the public hearing in person, by petition or by attorney. Sean O’Flaherty, RPP Corporate Officer Village of Chase Note: This is the first of two consecutive Public Notices. Dated this 2nd day of February, 2017 at Chase, BC 0

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January 13, 2017

THIS IS NOT A LEGAL SURVEY PLAN. This map is a user generated static output from the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Internet Mapping site and is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. The information was generated from Geographic Information System (GIS) data maintained by different source agencies. Information contained in the map may be approximate, and is not necessarily complete, accurate or current. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the data, reliance on this information without verification from original records is done at the user's own risk.


is like the water and the air, one and indivisible. The land is our Mother Earth. The animals who grow on that land are our spiritual brothers. We are part of that Creation that the Mother Earth brought forth. More complicated, more sophisticated than the other creatures, but no nearer to the Creator who infused us with life (p. 6). He further reinforced the importance of maintaining this connection: So long as there is a single thread that links us to the ways of our grandfathers, our lives are strong. However thin and delicate that thread may be, it will support the weight of a stronger cord that will tie us securely to the land. (p. 4) Although the value of k’wseltktnéws can be considered a foundational value of the Secwepemc, another value can be considered key to the maintenance of a strong Nation. The value of knucwestsut.s, or, “take care of yourself ” emphasizes the need for individual strengthening in maintaining healthy families. These values are reinforced through the oral tradition. The Secwepemc oral tradition has been used as a way to guide children into their roles in the community since ancient times. These stories called stsptekwle, share the dynamic adventures of the Trickster, Sek’lep (Coyote), and other magical Transformers. Stories help to create an interconnected ‘mind map’ that incorporate geographical features of land and their interrelationships between the plant and animal world. Today, these teachings and stories are still being shared at Chief Atahm School, a Secwepemc immersion school located on the Adams Lake Band reserve across the bridge from Chase.

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Page 5 February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Why Chase?

For Lotsa Reasons....

Part two of a two-part series by Carolyn Parks-Mintz, Author & Freelance Journalist It was difficult to leave family and caption “J.Clegg—Harness, Shoes and friends in the east, but as my dear (and Philosophy” published in the Chase wise) Aunt Jean said when I told her we Tribune on May 10, 1912. were moving, “You have to follow your John Jr. ultimately moved to McBride heart, dear.” and remarried there following the This beloved Aunt is also the family death of Minnie. Son Jesse married in genealogist and what she discovered McBride also. Records show that John about the link between Chase and Jr. is interred in McBride cemetery. our relatives last summer was simply I’ve also discovered a rather sad amazing. report on the demise of John Sr. at Unknown to us but discovered by Pritchard He had left a request that Auntie, the uncle and nephew of my he be returned to Chase to be “buried much loved Grandfather (Aunt Jean’s beside dear Ed.” The newspaper piece Dad) had travelled from Ontario and states that no relatives could be located ended up living and working here for and that his remains were returned to a time. In fact, there is a very large Chase. However, I can find no record canvas photo of this cousin of mine or evidence of his interment in the and his family hanging in the Chase village cemetery. A mystery I’ll pursue. Museum! Widower John Clegg Sr., And I shall continue researching John Clegg Jr., his wife Minnie and both their stories—and intend to take their son, Jesse, are part of the history flowers to their graves. of the village. Thousands of miles from our origins, In and around 1911, John Jr. owned and the Clegg family, my relatives, had operated the harness and cobbler shop walked where I now walk, had worked on 1st Avenue— n o w and shopped here, had enjoyed this an empty lot. idyllic place And John Jr. Our list of purchase parameters was as I do. Such was a friend soon checked off: a small town that was a surprise! of renowned clean and pretty on a lovely lake, a slower And hence artist J. Howard The Move was pace to life... Smith whom he seemingly probably met even more while travelling in the Oregon area, his right and significant. We are within wife’s home state. driving distance of loved ones and have Howard, well known for his expansive found an unknown arm of my maternal artwork displayed throughout the family. village, eventually painted a large A farewell décor piece Aunt Jean gave western-themed mural that was us as we departed for the west says: mounted on the storefront of the Clegg “Love makes the world go round— building where the family worked and family makes the ride worthwhile.” lived. Yep! The mural and the photo with the * * * * * Cleggs in front of the shop form the So what brought you to Chase? This front and back covers of Joyce Dunn’s journalist, her editor and the Sunflower’s book, “A Town Called Chase” which I readership would so like to hear about purchased soon after moving here. the road and the reasons that led you to In the Kamloops museum archives, this delightful village by the lake. I was able to find a Smith cartoon Submit your story to depicting cobbler John Sr. with the

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Page 4 February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

The Park Bench: Elders


of parkside

Resident reaches 99 years by Kelsey Snelgrove

838 Shuswap Avenue Chase BC HOURS: Monday - Thursday 10 am -4 pm 250-679-8880

Email us with your book reviews, pics, news items or anything else you think of!

Village of Chase Invitation for Public Input -


New Proposal All speed limits within the Village of Chase will not change to accommodate golf carts. Regular vehicles will be required to slow down to maneuver around golf carts if they are encountered, and can resume regular speeds once past the golf cart

Are you in favour of the Neighbourhood Golf Cart Pilot Project proceeding now that the speed limits will remain at 50 km/hr except when passing golf carts? Yes______ No_______ Name: ____________________ Street:____________ This pilot project can only begin if the Village Council approves it. If approved, Village Council can also choose to continue, alter, or discontinue the pilot project at any time. Please provide your input to the Village of Chase by 4:00 p.m. on Friday February 10, 2017 by mail to PO Box 440, Chase, BC including your name and address, or by email to chase@, or by phone at 250.679.3238 or by commenting on our Facebook page Village of Chase-Municipality.

We THANK YOU for your input!

Pauline Jones will be celebrating a milestone of a birthday this week; the Parkside resident will be turning 99 on February 2nd. Originally from a farm outside of Provost, a small Albertan town with a population of 2000, Pauline has lived in Chase for nearly 40 years. She moved here from Williams Lake with her late husband Bill Jones after he retired from the forest service. They settled into a home on Beach Drive. After Bill’s passing, Pauline lived in Sun Valley Estates for 13 years. A decade ago she made the move into the Parkside Community. Pauline, who partly credits her longevity to a positive outlook, has nothing but complimentary things to say about her home at Parkside. “This is ideal. It’s a very convenient, quiet location. I have my independence and they take very good care of us here. I am quite content here”, said Pauline. She has many friends in the community who she plays tile rummy with regularly. “We all get to know each other, we are all friends ”. In the past, Pauline was very involved in her Church, and her faith is very important to her. “I thank the Lord so many times a day for all the things he does” said Pauline. She considers herself to be very lucky to be in such good health at her age. Amazingly, she isn’t on any kind of medication, which is rare for someone closing in on 100 years old. Pauline grew up with four sisters and one brother on the farm where she remembers her dad used oxen to plow fields.

Her one remaining sister is 97, and even lives in her own house in Edmonton. They don’t travel to see each other, but the two sisters tune in to the religious program “The Hour of Power” on Sundays and watch “together” over the phone. She has many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her son and daughter, who live in Logan Lake, phone nearly every night to have a little chat. Growing up she dreamed of being a teacher. “I used to play teacher with my cousins all the time,” remembered Pauline. Unfortunately the nearest high school was 20 miles from the remote farm she grew up on and there were no relatives to live with closer to school, so she finished her education at the age of 13. She moved to Toronto when she was 20. She went to see a relative and ended up working in the housekeeping business. “It was very different. Toronto was a big city even then. I missed home and came back for visits, but it was a long trip, especially on the train,” said Pauline. She travelled a lot in the United States with her husband Bill. “I did like travelling. I never got to Norway though,” said Pauline, whose family heritage is Norwegian. Pauline has seen a lot of changes throughout her life, but she seems to take it all in stride, focusing on he good memories and good fortune. “The walker is the best invention for old people. And it’s wonderful that there are places like [Parkside] so we can be looked after so well,” said Pauline. Happy Birthday Pauline!

Page 3 • February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Letters to the

Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor do not reflect the opinions of any besides the opinion-holder themselves. To submit a letter to the editor please email and include your name and address. Letters may be edited for length or not included in publication.

OK so what is this about Chase allowing golf carts on the main roads and cars are to slow down for them until it is safe to pass? Are we mad! We will be the laughing stock of the entire nation. Such absurdity, i mean, come on.! Having said all that, let’s dissect this preposterous PILOT project proposal. We are a democratic society so lets look at the pros and cons. On the pro side: 1. we reduce our carbon footprint provided they are electric. 2. we enable seniors who otherwise could not venture out to go shopping or just get some fresh air. 3. we may create more jobs related to

Know what? It pays to “advertise” (at least in the Sunflower)

There were 14 taxpayers at the January 30th Village Council Budget Meeting, which is about a 233% increase over the previous meeting, and that’s pretty good. With just under half of these people being newcomers to Chase suggests that the majority of our long term residents had business elsewhere. However the people who did come had some excellent questions and suggestions and the Financial Officer dealt with all of them. Now that doesn’t mean we have clear sailing to a balanced budget but the participation sure was a good start. Remember this is our tax dollars being spent on our behalf so this is important business for all of us.



Editor How I see It

Valentine’s Day

cart sales and repairs. 4. we become recognized as a friendly place to retire. 5. Our town will be known by all Canadians for what we have done. 6. we could actually take up the game of Golf. On the con side: 1. Motorized vehicles may on occasion have to slow down. 2. Motorized vehicles may on occasion have to slow down. 3. Carts may not be used during winter months. Thank you Minister Stone for this free marketing of our sleepy hollow. P van Hoof Citizen of Chase

Next Monday (Feb 6th @ 10:00am) is a “crunch meeting” where we see the amended figures and will probably get some good news and some bad news. Council won’t make any decisions yet, but they were obviously impressed by the input they did received. Thanks to the people who came out and I certainly invite them back to the next session. We have about 1128+ other resident taxpayers whose finances might be affected by these critical decisions, so I also invite any or all of them to come and have opportunity to shared their knowledge or experience and perhaps even gained a little further insight into what has already happened and why. Len McLean, Chase, BC

with all the fixings

Dessert by ‘Natty Cakes’ Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Whipped Cream & Mini Hearts Call to make your Reservation!


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Page 2 • February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Community Bulletin Board Email your community event to

Introductory Adult Computer Classes - Chase Wellness Centre- 830 Thompson Ave Wednesday Feb 8, Feb 22, March 8, March 22 and April 5 2017 (9-11am) Bring your laptop and your questions. MUST register 250-679-3442 Public Skate - Art Holding Memorial Arena Friday’s 3:30 to 4:30pm, Sunday s 5:30 to 6:30pm, Mondays 5 to 6pm

Women’s Drop-In Hockey in Chase - Trying to organize for Thursdays at 7:30. Email if interested or phone 679-8880. Chase and District Victim Services is looking for dedicated volunteers to join our program. Potential volunteers will have to complete an Enhanced Security Clearance, be available for 24 hour shifts and have their own vehicle. Training and materials are provided. This is a great way to give back to your community. For more information please contact Brandi at 250-679-8638. For info/hours phone 250-679-3536 FEBRUARY 11th, 2017 VARIETY CLUB TELETHON AUCTION & MIXED TRIPLES DART TOURNEY

• Tourney 11 am

$5 per person PLUS A NEW WRAPPED GIFT. Sign your team up at the Legion

• Auction 2 pm

ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO VARIETY. If you don’t wish to play darts please feel free to donate or come bid on a gift. Everyone Welcome ... FMI phone Val 250-679-8527

Family Literacy Week Event- Jan 23 2017- 3-4:30 Free Family Skate at Art Holding Memorial Arena. Skate with Chase Heat. Or play games, crafts, or paint the ice. There will be a box at the door for donations of “gently used” books. Children must wear helmets while on the ice. FMI 250-679-3442 Barbara The Lakeview Community Centre Society in Anglemont, B.C. Sweetheart Dinner and Dance on February 11, 2017. Doors open at 4:30, Dinner 5:30, Dance to Glory Days from Kelowna at 7 p.m. Silent Auction, hors d’eourves, dinner. Tickets are $35.00/ each - FMI and tickets call Marianne at 1-250-517-8365 or Karen at 250-3170012.


FMI contact Dave @ 250-675-3682


Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Churches of Chase & Area Blessed Sacrament

Parish welcomes you to Sunday Mass @ 9 am. + Mass most Tuesdays @ 9 am. + Please join us every 3rd Sunday at 10 am for the K of C Breakfast

The Light of Life Native Fellowship

- Every Sun 3 pm @ Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Dr). Friendly fellowship with food, family & friends after service. Everyone is welcome. Pastor Joseph (250) 679-7656

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 838 Shuswap Ave between 10-4 Monday - Thursday Alternate/after hours drop-off location at Willows Natural Foods

Chase Lions

Box 12 email:

Medical Equip: 250-319-6702 400 Club Winners: Date: February 1 , 2017 Winner: Sid Lyons, Chase B.C. Amount: $100.00 Chase Lions Community Spirit Calendar: New customers welcome! Call 250-819-9736 FMI. Renewals can be dropped off at TRU Hardware

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Roy Nelson 250-679-1192 / 250-819-4912 Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm

Page 7 February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Third Budget Meeting Coming Up Submitted by Village of Chase Administration Wanted! Interested taxpayers to attend the February 6, 2017 Village of Chase 2017 Budget Meeting (Number 3) 10 a.m. Upstairs Chase Fire Hall 810 Okanagan Avenue 14 people attended the January 30, 2017 budget meeting – and they learned a lot! Currently the Village’s Sewer Fund is in good shape, and the Water Fund is moving in the right direction. But our General Fund is still operating at a deficit. Council will need to make some decisions about trimming in some areas, and setting an appropriate tax rate in 2017 to reduce the General Fund deficit. Council wants your input! Taxes affect all property owners in Chase, so your participation is very important to Council. And remember, while the Village collects taxes for the School District and the Thompson Nicola Regional District, the tax rate Council sets only applies to the municipal taxes we need to collect to provide services in our community.

On February 6, 2017 we will be discussing the Public Works and Fire Department operating budgets – a great chance to hear where money is spent in various areas including parks, roads, snowplowing, fire suppression and prevention, and training for firefighters. Council will also be reviewing the five year capital budget, with emphasis on 2017. Finally, Council will be discussing tax rates for 2017 municipal taxes. We invite public feedback, input, questions and concerns on any of the budget information provided to date. The full proposed budget that was discussed on January 30, 2017 is available to the public. You can email us at, you can write us at PO Box 440, Chase, BC V0E 1M0, and you can phone us at 250.679.3238. We also have a Facebook page “Village of Chase – Municipality” – you can provide comments on that page. Thank you!

Atom Team Hosts Successful Tourney

By Cavelle Layes The Chase Icebreaker’s tournament two thanks to the many parents who donated weekends ago was a huge success. their time and energy. Almost $3000 was raised for the home Logan Lake’s Atom team (pictured) took team through raffles and 50/50 sales, first place.

Village of Chase -

Request for Proposals Youth Activity Strategic Plan The Village of Chase in cooperation with BC Healthy Communities, wants to develop a two year youth strategic plan to guide the Village in providing activities and opportunities for our youth. We are inviting proposals from individuals and organizations for the development of a made-in-Chase Youth Activity Strategic Plan. Currently there is an active Youth Action Committee made up of several community members and two Village Council members. Some groundwork has been done in preparation for a Strategic Plan including the completion of a youth environmental scan which revealed that there are limited services and programs specifically geared to the youth of our community. The outcome will be a “needs assessment” to ascertain what specific activities and programs will benefit the youth of Chase. For a full copy of the request for proposal please contact Joni Heinrich, CAO, Village of Chase via any of the following means: Email Mail to PO Box 440 Chase, BC, V0E 1M0 Fax to 250.679.3070 Attend in person to the Village Office at 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC Proposals will be accepted until 4:00 p.m., Friday, February 10, 2017. All proposals will be reviewed by the Youth Action Committee. The successful proponent as well as unsuccessful proponents will be notified in writing of the outcome of the submissions.

Page 8 February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower


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Pin Chatter:

News from the Bowling Alley Submitted by Calyn Buresh, Village Lanes

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great week as always! Kelly and I spent last weekend down in Richmond at our Annual Meetings for Bowl BC, and there are a ton of new and exciting things that will be kicked into gear here at Village Lanes very soon! We are super excited to announce that Bowl BC is officially partnering up with the Boston Pizza chain throughout BC and we will be promoting their restaurants as well as giving out all sorts of coupons in the near future! We are wishing the best of luck to the following bowlers heading to Salmon this weekend for the B Interiors Tournament: Ronnie Jules, Guy Alden, Tom Horner, John Mosimann, Fred Torbohm, Lyle Coates, Gwen Sokal, Shirley Danyluk, Calyn Buresh, Patsy McKinnon, Terry

Vandevosse, Sandra Coates, and coaches, Kelly Collins and Kaitlyn Deleeuw! If you are looking for something to do on Saturday and are from the Salmon Arm area, swing down to Lakeside Bowling Centre and cheer for team Chase! We have nothing but public bowling hours available to you this weekend! Please stop in Friday from 1-6pm, Saturday from 1-9pm, and Sunday from 1-6pm. We had a few big scores last week as well! Congratulations to Sheryl Penttila on her 320 game, tying Kaitlyn Deleeuw for the ladies high single on lanes 1 and 2. Another job well done to Fred Torbohm, and Jessy Buchanan for hitting the 300 mark this past Thursday on Cash League! Next week we will have tournament results from Salmon Arm! Cheers folks!

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Homemade Chicken Soup

Ingredients 1 (3 pound) whole chicken 4 carrots, halved 4 stalks celery, halved 1 large onion, halved water to cover salt and pepper to taste 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules (optional) Directions Put the chicken, carrots, celery and onion in a large soup pot and cover with cold water. Heat and simmer, uncovered, until the chicken meat falls off of the bones (skim off foam every so often). Take everything out of the pot. Strain the broth. Pick the meat off of the bones and chop the carrots, celery and onion. Season the broth with salt, pepper and chicken bouillon to taste, if desired. Return the chicken, carrots, celery and onion to the pot, stir together, and serve.


Page 9 February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower


Page 10 • February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Business & Services

Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). $2.50 for Lost and Found. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters at 838 Shuswap Avenue or at Willows Natural Foods. Thank you!

FOR SALE Good condition 2002 Pontiac Sunfire. Low mileage 174,000 KM! Only 2 owners. $2500 OBO. Call 250-679-8554. For Sale - Double bed $45. Free stereo stand. Black TV stand with fireplace shelves $250. 8x10 carpet $15. 778-675-8859 For Sale - Ladies cross country skiis & Boots size 8. Used twice only, due to illness. 250-679-3024. Electric range. General Electric. As Is. $75. 250-679-8202. Moving Must Sell: Coffee table 21 in x 4 ft $20. 4 dark green & black swivel kitchen chairs $100. 1 Sklar Pepplar living room chair. $50.00 All in excellent cond. 250-679-5341.


Canadian Firearms Safety - PAL Feb 25, 2017 9 am - 5 pm Feb. 26, 2017 9 am - ? Downstairs at the Chase Legion Course, Manual & Exams $120.00 Pre-Register 250-679-2758


Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.


For Rent - Ground Level 1/2 duplex Chase, Brooke Drive. Clean, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1000 sq. feet plus patio and sunroom. Semi furnished, ideal for a couple or single person. $725 per month plus utilities, 3 references required Call 250 5719175 Have an available rental property? Advertise it here! 250-679-8880

Thank You Thank all of my family and friends who came from near and far to attend the memorial for Jerry Vaughan. Special thanks to all who helped from the Chase Curling Club, and all those who brought goodies. Jeerry Turcotte for the lovely music and especially my family (from my heart) - Thank you - Jerry’s memory will live with me forever. - Stelle Vaughan & family.

Kijiji-what? Use the Sunflower! Buy & Sell & Rent Obituaries & Thank Yous Birthdays / Announcements 250-679-8880

It’s time to start pruning! Call Jonnie Walker Landscape Services at 250.318.5237 Sewlutions Alterations, Weddings, Costumes, Home Decor. Call Bev at 250-679-3307 Need a small engine mechanic? Will do repairs to chainsaws, wood splitters, snowmobiles, quads, automotive and all other small engines. Work guaranteed. Call Jarrett 250-320-6082 Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs SAHHALTKUM DAYCARE est.1996. Licensed facility. Certified staff. Children 3mths up to 12 years. Hot Lunch program available. Nutritious snacks provided. Daily educational programs. Part/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or ph: 250-679-2229 Need photocopying done? Monday - Wednesday from 10-4 at 838 Shuswap Avenue or contact 250-679-8880. Interiors By Patricia - Specializing in Feature walls, Home Staging, Home Decor, and also Unique Painted Furniture. 250 679 5427


LOSE WEIGHT and inches, make money, drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Ask me how www.valentustour. com/Maryerickson or call 250-6790009.

Page 11• February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Word Search - Some States



Have a Laugh! What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish? Every morning you’ll rise and shine! • Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: ‘And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?’ the reporter asked. She simply replied, ‘No peer pressure.’ • Did you hear about the hungry clock? It went back four seconds.

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Underwood Restaurant 250-679-3321

Roast Beef Mondays

Three old guys are out walking.. First one says, ‘Windy, isn’t it?’ Second one says, ‘No, it’s Thursday!’ Third one says, ‘So am I. Let’s go get a beer.’ • A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it. • I won $3 million on the lottery this weekend so I decided to donate a quarter of it to charity. Now I have $2,999,999.75. • Patient: “I get a terrible pain in my eye when I drink a cup of coffee.” Doctor: “Try taking the spoon out.” • Did you hear about that new broom? It’s sweeping the nation!



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Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday

250-679-2775 Cut Flowers For All Occasions

Chase Garden Centre & Flower Shop At Safety Mart (250) 371-1117

Page 12 • February 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

BRUYERE AND LARSON STAR FOR HEAT By Scott Koch by Scott Koch, Chase Heat

The duo of Chase HEAT goaltenders led the squad to a 5 point week. Nic Bruyere got the ball rolling with a superb performance on Wednesday the 25th in Kamloops versus the STORM. At the end of sixty minutes #31 had stopped 58 of 59 attempts to score by the Loops lads, leading the HEAT to a 2-1 victory. Michael Fidanza scored in the 1st from Cody Hodges. In the 2nd the STORM’s Garrett Ewert tied things up. In the 3rd Fidanza with his 2nd of the contest popped in the game winner from Josh Bourne and Hodges. On the heels of that performance the Chase crew headed to Revelstoke for a Friday night the 27th clash versus the GRIZZLIES. After letting the bears gain a 3 goal lead, Bruyere shut the door stopping 33 of 36 shots he faced. In the 1st the Stoke squad scored a pair from Jacob Bourchier and Raphael Bassot. In the 2nd David Lenzin made it 3-0. While short handed the HEAT’S Travis Beaubien and


Kolten Moore played hot potato with the puck with Moore slipping the biscuit in the basket from close range. The comeback was on as Bourne scored a powerplay tally from Beaubien and Fidanza. In the 3rd Kaden Black tied the match from Spencer Farstad and Mason Palaga. Two periods of overtime solved absolutely nothing with the result being a 3-3 tie. Saturday night the 28th saw the seldom seen North Okanagan Knights play at the Art Holding Memorial Arena. Zak Larson led the way repelling 32 of 34 scoring chances by the visitors. Larson had to be good as his teammates had significant problems throughout the game shifting gears and using common sense. Inspite of that in the 1st Bourne scored from Fidanza and Ryan Okino. Then Beaubien got a nice powerplay tally from Moore and Fidanza. The KNIGHT’S Levi Harris kept his team close with a powerplay goal. In the 2nd there was no scoring. Moore scored on the powerplay in the 3rd from Beaubien

Bavarian Haus Restaurant

ne’s Day Dinner Spec i t n e ial l s Va

and Hodges. The visitors were awarded a penalty shot and Brady Marzocco made no mistake to make the game 3-2. That’s how it ended in a penalty filled contest, as the HEAT earned 5 of a possible 6 points in the 3 games played. The HEAT remain in 1st place in their Division and 6th overall in the 20 team KIJHL. The GRIZZLIES from Revelstoke will make an appearance at AHMA on Friday the 3rd of February. There are 7 games left in the Regular Season with the Playoffs starting February 24th. Tickets for the first 2 games are available at home games at the regular prices. After season’s end all tickets are $2 more as YOUR team adjusts for the post season. The HEAT Awards Banquet is Sunday the 19th and tickets are available at all home games. The HEAT Board of Directors, Staff, Volunteers and Players thank the fans, sponsors and donors for their continued support of the hottest product on cool ice!

Authentic Chinese Buffet Sunday. February 4th from 4:30 -7:30 Adults $17.95 Seniors $16.95

**Reservations Recommended**


Tuesday - Sunday 11 am - 8 pm (Closed Mondays) THE

Call 250-679-1086 to make your reservation!

Bavarian Haus Restaurant Come try it!

333 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC • 250-679-1086

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