July 3rd Issue of the Sunflower

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ke On a T ! E E FR

e! Friday,

July 3, 2015

Vol. 20, Issue 25

Skate Park Fundraiser

Aqua Beach

Esthetics & Tanning

10% OFF PEDICURES FOR MONTH OF JULY! 250-299-7171 • 734- 1st Ave Chase BC

Dr. Roy Rodrigues & Dr. Melanie Keith

Say “Chase Skatepark”!


n the midst of soaring temperatures nearing 40 degrees last Sunday in Chase, the beach was the place to be. With the relief of the cool lake and good music, the Chase Skate Park fundraiser at Memorial Park, featuring 9 talented DJs, was a blast! The event raised over $1500 towards the construction of the Chase Skate Park through donations, a 50/50 draw, and food concession. About 250 people made there

Skate Park Fundraiser

way to the park and beach area over the day. “It was awesome!” said Chandra Leduc, Skate Park Committee Chairperson. The Skate Park Committee thanks all the businesses that donated food and prizes (Safety Mart, People’s Food & Drug, Craig’s Bakery, G-Force, Golden Ears Bike Shop, the Djs for their time, and the Fire Department for putting on a the concession and everyone who showed up and donated!

Tuesday and Thursday Saturday mornings starting August 8 (Closed August 22)

Chase Wellness Centre, 830 Thompson Ave.

250 679 2900

Canada Day

Chase celebrated Canada Day with a parade, kids activities, music and fireworks! Above: Miss Chase makes her way down Shuswap Ave via hot rod. See page 3 for more photos.

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Page 2 • July 3rd, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Our Community

Bulletin Board July 4th Car wash 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Safety Mart parking lot. By-donation. Proceeds help purchase safety equipment for Chase Firefighters Association. chasevolunteerfire@gmail.com FMI or visit the Chase Fire Rescue Facebook page Chase Farm & Craft Market Curling Club parking lot, Every Friday. 10 am to 2 pm. Artisan products, honey, baking, and fresh produce! July 24 - Bonnie Kilroe - Divas Vegas to Vaudeville show at Lakeview Community Centre, Anglemont, BC. Tickets $30. Contact Marianne 250517-8365. Check Bonnie Kilroe out on youtube and give us a call. See you there! Chase Summer Recreation Program starts July 6. Spots fill up quickly so early registration is recommended. Come join us on our daily adventure including swimming, crafts and games. For info call Sherri Toews at 778-2201214 or Chelan Patterson at 778-2202784. Hope to see you this summer! North Shuswap Timberdays is Hosting another Lumberjack Show! North Shuswap Timberdays is excited to bring this event to our community again. Please join us this July 4th, at Memorial Park in Chase BC. The show will start around 4:30 pm. Don’t forget to enjoy the services that the Lion’s Club have provided along with the concessions and beer gardens provided by Chase Minor Hockey. Small admission fee of $5 per adult, $4 per senior, $3 per child (children 5 & under free). Come with your lawn For info/hours phone 250-679-3536


Announce events and activities of your community organization! Deadline Monday 3 pm for Friday’s paper. chairs and support our Lumberjacks as they chop and saw their way to victory! St. Andrews & All Saints Anglican/ United Church. Sunday July 5th at 10 am . Morning prayer Rev. Bill Pantzer Chase & District Fish and Game Club are having a 3D Archery Competition. July 18 & 19th. FMI and to register visit www.cdfgc.ca/

Creekside Center Summer Activities • Canasta - Mon & Wed. 1 pm Try a new game! • Exercise class - For guys and gals - Mon, Wed & Fri 9 am • Pool - Join in for a game or two - Monday & Wednesday 1 pm • Bingo - Tuesday 1 pm • Jam Session - Come on over - Wed 7 pm • Wood carving - Thursday 9 am. Try out a new hobby, lots of help! No tools? That’s OK! Call Dave at 250-679-8110 FMI. • Drop-in carpet bowling - Thursday 10 am. Low impact exercise. Lessons given. • Cribbage - In July & August we will be having Cribbage Thurs at 7 pm and Fri at 1 pm. • Mini Crib - Last mini crib July 3rd. No mini crib until September. We look forward to seeing all our members for dinner in Sept. We are getting quite a collection in our Lost & Found. Please come and check if you are missing anything. We will donate items to a charity in 2 months if not claimed.

Learn to fix your own bicycle Bike maintenance workshop. Small group - 4 spaces available.

Anyone welcome! Phone Paul at Golden Ears Bike Shop at 250679-8421 for more info and to register.

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

Shuswap Prairie Publishing Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor


PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: info@chasesunflower.ca WEB: www.chasesunflower.ca MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday



Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email: chasefellowship@gmail.com

Chase Lions Box 12

Contact: Pres Bill Riben 679-4418 Sec: Mercedes Riben 679-4418 Medical Equipment: 679-4418 RV Park: Bevelrey Iglesias: 250-371-7136

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Jacquie Everett 675-2574, Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm

Page 3 • July 3rd, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Positively Seen in Chase This Week

Submitted by Chase and District Chamber of Commerce Thank you very much to the Canada and white flowers, and to Tru Hardware Day Committee for once again ensuring for their special window displays. the Chase residents and visitors have Kudos too, to all those businesses a great way of celebrating our nations’ and groups who participated in the birthday. Many hours of hard work Canada Day Parade and provided go into the planning, organizing and entertainment for us all to enjoy. We running community events such as know that creating parade entries this, and too often the efforts of our requires a big time commitment and volunteers go unnoticed. often a significant financial outlay as It was good to see that more of the well, so we are especially appreciative business community got into the spirit of all those who contribute to our of Canada Day with flags flying proudly celebration in this way. both inside and outside their buildings. Thanks to Chase Citizens on Patrol Kudos to Naramada, Craig’s, Chase for their help with traffic and crowd Jewelers, Western Financial, and management both at the parade and Interior Savings for their flag displays, to at the park. Your efforts are much the Underwood for their new bright red appreciated.

Canada Day

400 Club $100 Winner Andy & Billie Phillips Chase, BC Wed. July 1, 2015



679-8456 • 927 Shuswap Ave.

CHASE OFFICE Ask for Lorine Evans


Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing


evening & weekend appointments

Phone: 250-679-3180

Email: levans@eppcatesoien.com Web: www.eppcatesoien.com

The beach at Memorial Park was full of activity on Canada Day with food, kid’s activities, and food. The Chase Summer Recreation Program had a fun presence in the parade, handing out Canada flag stickers along with brochures with info about their camps for kids aged 4-12. FMI on the Summer Rec Program call 778-2201214. Behind them was Safety Mart’s sporty float!

Chase Farm & Craft Market• Every Friday 10-2 • Curling Club Parking Lot One booth • THREE farms • FRESH VEGGIES


Notch Hill Organic

Certified Organic

Farm & Nursery 250.679.8421 goldenearsfarm.com goldenearsfarm@gmail.com

Transitional 2

6133 VLA Road Chase, BC

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Ph: 250.835.8332


Page 4 • July 3rd, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Be a

Smart Cookie! Advertise in the Sunflower

Chase 250-679-8880 If ever there was a time to be on the water, this is it! Beat the heat with the river at your doorstep! $429,000.

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Smith-Bradley Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 donna@century21lakeside.com

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729 Shuswap Ave Chase BC


Everything for Healthy Living



BOOK REVIEW by Annelise Grube-Cavers

A Short History of Progress by Ronald Wright

This little book by Ronald Wright is packed with interesting information. The pending disasters of our current times - weather variation resulting in droughts, floods and rising oceans seem unique to a kind of industrialized society that is shifting the earth beneath our feet. Knocking it out of balance. In this book Wright talks about other civilizations’ and the impacts of their ‘progress.’ If the ultimate implications of progress lead to disaster, how should we be conceptualizing this idea? One example he provides is of Sumer, a part of the cradle of civilization in Mesopotamia.

There a large civilization prospered, until they over-extended their irrigation and deforestation, resulting in massive desertification of the land. It is shocking to think of civilizations enduring these problems 5,000 years ago, and today the Colorado river no longer reaches the Sea of Cortez. A fascinating book that asks questions important to each person and to society as a whole.

Naturalist News

by Claudette Carlsen This month I want to encourage you to squawking above a nest. I take this to use the Computer to help you to look up mean that she probably has a family but information on any subject you would like I didn’t see any little heads peeking over to learn about. For instance, if you want the edge. We will monitor it as we will be to learn the song of a certain bird, type in going back to pick Saskatoons as they are the name of the bird followed by `song` already ripe. and it will come up on Youtube. I used to Last month Janice showed her beautiful keep hearing a twittering sound coming pictures and then we went for a nice hike from the trees and so I started looking followed by wonderful potluck supper. up all the known birds from my area and This month our Outing is to Skimikin eventually Voila, Lake and Recline there it was. It Ridge Winery was the Northern possibly followed Pigmy Owl that by a trip to a Bee frequented our Farm located in place often. Tappen. We will Here in Chase, meet at the Fast a Purple Finch Gas Station at was sitting on my Squilax at 10:00 fence so I looked AM on Tuesday, up its song and July14th going was able to first to Skimikin separate it from the other birds that are Lake for a hike, then a Picnic lunch at here. We have baby House Sparrows in the lake and then to the Winery. Bring our nest and I was able to differentiate suitable clothing (last time we had a huge it from the Song Sparrows that we downpour) and a Lunch. Come and join also have. And out in the garden, a us. Again, thank you to those people chipmunk came along – first one I’ve who do phone me with their sightings seen here. When we were down by river, and concerns. Claudette Carlsen 250a Red-tailed Hawk began circling and 679-8148

Page 5 • July 3rd, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Visitor Profiles: Non Profits by Blair Acton

Cam is visiting Canada from New Zealand. He was chairing a conference in Vancouver on International P o l i c y G ov e r n a n c e for nonprofits. He extended his trip so he could travel t h r o u g h BC to the Rockies. He overnighted in the Shuswap on his way to Lake Louise. Volunteering for non-profits groups can be very rewarding.

Some local non-profits are the Rotary, Lions, Chase Recreation, Chase Museum, Adam’s River S a l m o n S o c i e t y, and various sports from curling, hockey, baseball and soccer. If you have some spare time join up with a local group. They would greatly appreciate help. Blair Acton runs the Squilax General Store & Hostel.

Amy’s Rhubarb Cake Other diced fruit such as apples, apricots, plums, or currants can be substituted (can reduce sugar depending on sweetness of fruit used).

Village of Chase - Water Usage Do you ever consider how fortunate we are living in Chase? Not only do we have beautiful climate, affordable cost of living and good medical services, we have very good quality water. In most municipalities in Canada, the average person uses about 234 gallons of water per day (7000 gallons per month) including water usage for outdoor irrigation. On June 28, 2015, the water consumption in the Village of Chase was 4831.8 cubic litres of water – that’s 1,062,996 gallons or 409 gallons per person. If each day’s consumption were even 300 gallons per person, our monthly usage would be 9000 gallons per day. Okay, so the temperature on June 28, 2015 was 39 degrees celcius for the bulk of the day – but get this, of those 1,062,996 gallons, only 132,000 gallons went into our sewer system –

Add ingredients in order, but alternate the flour and milk.

black in 1/2 cup shortening Substitute sour te tas ich wh currants, (butter, oil, lard, etc.) lth hea of LL FU ht rig are but 1 cup sugar benefits 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups flour (using at least 1 cup of wholewheat, khorasan, or spelt flour adds taste & nutrition) 1 cup sour milk (or yogurt or buttermilk, or milk with a teaspoon of cider vinegar added) 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups diced rhubarb 9” x 13” greased baking pan (or 10” round pan) Topping: 1/4 cup sugar with 1 to 2 teaspoon cinnamon-sprinkle on top of batter in pan. Bake about 30 to 40 min. at 350. Great with yogurt or ice cream.

that’s 12% of the water being distributed to everyone in Chase that was actually used by the people - the rest, 88% of the water distributed, went onto the ground. So really, we used over 1 million gallons of water, but only 132,000 for ourselves (51 gallons per person). According to Scott’s (yes, the lawn fertilizer folks), your lawn only needs about ½ inch of water twice per week. Typically it only takes between 15 and 30 minutes to apply this much water to your lawn. We anticipate that once people start having to pay for the amount of water they use, that consumption will reduce. Please consider how fortunate we are to have such great water, and consider conserving water so we will have it for a long time to come!


Your Local Realtor TODAY!

250-320-5472 NEW LISTING!



Looking to get out of the heat? This Gem has central a/c and is cool!! Has 2 bdrms up, large dining area, wood FP in living room, wood floors in 3 rooms, windows updated 10 years ago, natural gas furnace & a partially finished bsmt. Boasts a 2 car att garage and sits on a lot and a half!! Won’t last long at this price! $169,900

Great family home on a quiet cul-de-sac w/private beach access and boat slips upon availability. Newer open kitchen with s/s appl, newer roof and hot water tank, 4+ bdrms, that are all generous in size , 2 baths, huge laundry room. 2 fire places & a true double car garage. tons of parking for RV, boats, toys and cars. Fenced yard and cross fenced so kids and pets can share $329,900

Take a look at this 4 bdrm 2.5 bath character home. Master suite boasts a deck, huge walkin closet & new ensuite. Lrg kitchen opening onto dining area and family room. Sep office & main floor laundry make for easy living. Take the spiral staircase upstairs where you find a full size bath & 2 more bdrms. Open the door to the O/S deck, sit down and enjoy the views of the Little Shuswap Lake... relaxing Shuswap Style! Corner lot in a quiet neighbourhood and close to everything! Most windows are newer along with siding and trim. $269,900

Page 6 • July 3rd, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Classifieds FOR SALE House & Large shop on private acreage. Virtual tour : House & Large shop on private acreage. Virtual tour : https://youtu. be/xAQmwbaXsSM Ph: 250 763-9056 1999 F250 4x4 7.3 Litre Ford Power Stroke Diesel Pick up. Very good condition. 148,000 km asking $7000 Phone 250-679-6805. Tractor for Sale - Kubota B7800HSD 864 hours. $22,000. 4 WD, 22 HP PTO. Comes with 54” bucket. 60” rear discharge mower. 72” rear blade. Contact Mel at 250-851-1287 Moving- Beige 3 seat sofa w/left or right chaise. Also, 2 matching side chairs - all with reverse cushions. Total $500. Only 2 years old. 250-679-2488. For Sale - 2014 Landscape/Utility/Quad Trailer 14 ft Tandem 3500 lb Axels. Only 3000 km on trailer/tires. 679-7836. $2800. For Sale - Custom Flow 5th wheel tail gate with lock. Fits 1988-2000 Chevy, GM Trucks. Asking $350 OBO. Ph 250-6798005. Treadmill for Sale: Pro form EKG. Loaded. $100 OBO. 679-2472.


Multi-family yard sale. Sat. July 4 from 9 - 1. Huge variety. 239 Willow Street (rear of house) Yard Sale: 521 Cottonwood St July 4 Sat. 8 am to 1 pm. Estate & Moving Sale. #9 566 Coburn St. July 4th from 8 am - 1 pm.

Business & Services




Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


THANK YOU Lost dog

Buying old items, pre 1950 Crocks, wood extension ladders, milk cans, wood boxes, windows, suitcases, furniture, lanterns, tools, kitchenware. 250-5773357

Glen Grey Campbell

August 2, 1930 – June 17, 2015

It is with great sadness that the family of Glen Grey Campbell announces his passing, after a short illness. Glen leaves to cherish his memory, his three daughters, Sandra B. Campbell,( Shuswap Piano Tuning and Langley, BC), Lorraine H. Losier Restoration. Call/text Kenny 250-517- (nee Campbell), (Brooks, Alberta), and Deana L. Campbell, (Terrace, 7717 kennyfin01@gmail.com BC), five grandchildren, four greatgrandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Glen was predeceased by his mother, Helen Daye (nee Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Follis) Campbell, his father, Theodore Blair Campbell, Sr., brothers: James Leith, Theodore Blair, Jr., Robert Bruce, his Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs sister, Ruth Winifred Murphy (nee Campbell), and his only son, Ian James Vincent. Glen was born in Old Hazelton, BC and raised in the Interiors by Patrica - Interior Decor, Kispiox Valley in Northern BC. But the North and Home Staging. Now with Furniture! adventure beckoned and when the opportunity arose that Office: 250-679-3504 Cell 403-370-6661. he could go to the Yukon, he followed his heart. Glen would travel north to the Yukon in the spring of Patricia@interiorsbypatricia.ca • www. 1949, working for the National Survey crew of the Federal interiorsbypatricia.ca Government, as the main horse wrangler. He would return to the Valley, but the Yukon had stolen his heart. It become his permanent home until his retirement to Tea Parties Wanted: Free tea tasting would Vancouver Island in 1985. He lived in Alberta for a short with rewards. You invite your friends, time, before making his last move to reside in Chase, BC. Glen never lost the love of the Yukon, and throughout his I’ll bring the tea. Your local steeped tea years, he made many trips back to the Yukon, to visit consultant. Rose McGuire 250-679-2472. retired many of his life long friends and to revisit the places he had rmc@cablelan.net come to know and love. From 1953 to 1957, Glen was a seasonal employee of the Yukon Forest Service, until securing a full time position Reflect your youth with age defying 1957, and would later move into the Ranger`s position skin care products. Contact Susan and hold this position until 1975, when he transferred to Popadynetz, Nerium (Optimera) at 250- Whitehorse. He held the Forest Ranger position in Teslin from 1966 – 679-3351 or visit susanpop.nerium.ca 1969, then moving to Beaver Creek from 1969-1975, before transferring to Whitehorse to operate and manage the The Yukon Forest Service Tree Nursery on the Tahkini River Gillie’s Rez Ride 7 - 10 pm 250-852-3937 Road, until his retirement in 1985. Working at many occupations in his younger years before having his family, Glen was never without work, and enjoyed a wide variety of occupations. With a resume that read like an adventure, some of the employment he did included stoking the steam boiler of the hospital, in Mayo, Mature adult wanted long term for part cutting cord wood for the sternwheelers, and wrangling time position at Naramada Downtown horses for various outfits. Glen would and could take on any and succeed, with a verve and determination to see it Centre. Must be cheerful, energetic and task through to conclusion with the best results. responsible. Please apply with resume He was a great outdoors man, and had a great respect for nature and all her bounty. Glen used his many cowboy in store. skills and knowledge in every aspect of his daily life. In his younger days, he was an avid participant in the various rodeos in Alaska and throughout the Yukon, and always doing very well. He never lost his enthusiasm for the rodeos, lost in the Chase area Lost: Dog. If anybody has info please and would very often be seen in the stands of all the nearby Lost April 21/15 Female get in touch with grey-brown (short rodeos throughout the Yukon, BC, and Alberta. Always summer haircut now) with Lhasa Apso whitehis paws ever present cowboy hat and boots, he was a true us. She is a wearing pale blue “Country Gentleman”. rhinestone collar. She has tattoo in her ear and Lhasa Apso with missing aGlen lower frontenjoyed reading a variety of literature, though the tooth. We were visiting white paws. $200 literary Glen family and she got out world of Canadian politics was his forte. of the yard, she is very enjoyed gardening, wood working, curling, travelling unfamiliar with Chase, reward offered for her name is Gidget and throughout Canada, taking ocean cruises, and watching our she is shy. If you see her information. Ph we would be so grateful national game: hockey. if you would call either 250-679-2186 or 250-676-9533. He was a Life Long Standing Member of the Yukon Order 250-676-9533 of Pioneers, past member of the Yukon Chapter of the Elks, and a Life Long Member of the National Firearms Association of Canada. The family would like to thank Dr. Bishop and all the Dear friends and family. Thank you for nursing staff, as well as Respiratory Staff that took Dad into the gifts and prayers. I had an awesome their care during his stay at the Royal Inland Hospital, in Kamloops, BC. Their compassion, respect and care went birthday. I want you to know that Yvonne above and beyond, and was very appreciated. Chantry is alive and well and living in sin There will be a Celebration of Life at the Eagles Hall in in upper Chase (Just kidding). I feel very Chase, followed by the burial at the Chase Cemetery on July 26, 2015 at 2 pm. All are welcome. Condolences may be blessed. expressed at www.schoeningfuneralservice.com Arrangements entrusted to Schoening Funeral Service, Kamloops, BC, 250 374 – 1454. 250-676-9533



Email info@chasesunflower.ca or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.

Page 7 • July 3rd, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Business Listings:



The Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places. The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness to make others feel better. International Free Hugs Month is celebrated on the first Saturday of July and continues until August first. The movement was started in ‘04 by an Australian known as Juan Mann. The word Hug probably comes from the Old Norse hugga, “to comfort.” Hugs boost our happiness levels, according to scientific research. A good hug is the fastest way to get oxytocin, aka “the love drug”, flowing in your body. Oxytocin calms your nervous system and boosts positive emotions. It lowers your blood pressure, especially helpful if you’re feeling anxious, and it lowers your cortisol (the stress hormone) levels.

LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week 250-679-8600

LX Computers

Repair, Rebuild, Upgrade IF IT’S BROKE I FIX IT! 778-932-2328

Awesome Ladies Fashions Available Locally

Chum ‘n’ Luba’s

826 Shuswap Ave • 250.679.3134 • Tues - Sat 10 - 4:30

Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri


Afternoon High Tea • Sat & Sun 1-5

Finger sandwiches, lavender scones & baked goods www.squilaxgeneralstore.ca 250 675-2977

Dave’s Appliance Repair

Guaranteed Service to all Brands and Makes


Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday

250-679-2775 Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays Underwood Hotel Restaurant Steak, Pasta, Fish & Chips OPEN 7 Days a Week!

sudoku PUZZLE

Chase Garden Centre Open 7 days per week Located in Safety Mart Plaza



Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Kerrie’s cookin’ in the kitchen, come on in! OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am

Village Barber Shop

Experience our friendly European Atmosphere


Page 8 • July 3rd • Chase Sunflower

National Bowlers do Chase proud! It was just a week ago that the Village Lanes Ladies Team went to Toronto to compete at the National Championships! The team consisting of Kristyne McCoy, Sandra Coates, Karen Dennis, Ali Maki, and Linda Woodford, had a great time in Toronto, and did Village Lanes, Chase, and British Columbia proud! The first day of the competition, the ladies started off like a house on fire, nearly sweeping two of their first three matches. As the day went on, the competition got more and more fierce. The ladies ended up sitting in 5th place after the first day of competition. Unfortunately, the second day was a larger struggle than

Submitted by Village Lanes anticipated. When the National Championships were all said and done, the ladies took home 7th place in the Country. “They did absolutely everything they could. They were pounding the middle, and getting no breaks in their favor. Lots of corner pins, lots of headpins, and very few strikes,” explained Calyn Buresh, manager of Village Lanes, who escorted the team to Nationals. Along with Calyn; Sandra and Karen’s three sisters surprised the ladies by showing up in Toronto to cheer on the team. “We are all so proud of how these

women represented our centre. It was Village Lanes’ first time sending a team to the Nationals, and now we are prepared for next year!” For further tournament results, go online to www.bowlcanada.ca.

Grocery 250-679-3553 Open 8 am to 8 pm

Pharmacy 250-679-8611 Open 9 am - 6 pm





Golden Ears

Fruit Stand & Cafe 6232 Trans Can Hwy Chase, BC


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