Spring Yoga
Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:45 pm studio above RBC in Chase
10 weeks: 5 weeks of Yin, 5 weeks of Hatha
Either 5 week session (Yin or Hatha) $80 ($16/class)
Both sessions disc. rate $150 ($15/class)
New Listing
Yin: April 12-May 10. This is a slow and meditative form of yoga. This class will help you to release the facial layer of the body and deeply relax. Self massage techniques will be incorporated into the class.
Hatha: May 17-June 14. This class includes active and strengthening poses along with relaxation and meditation techniques.
I strive to make classes fun, safe and accessible to all!
Register: or 778-266-0590
This newer custom built, centrally located 5 bdrm/3 bath rancher features central air, fenced yard and a master with walk-in closet, 4 pc ensuite & walk out to the backyard. $675,000 MLS to follow....
for over 28 years! 236-586-1766 Chase BC Delivery & Courier Services THE DELIVERY GUY Issue for the week of Friday, March 24th, 2023 • Volume 28 - Issue 12 Your Local Realtor® Donna Smith-Bradley direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250-679-7748 Local Office: 826 Shuswap Ave, Chase Personal Real Estate Corporation
33 Blue Spruce $699,000 5+bdrm - updated baths Private Beach Access 229 Aspen Drive $715,000 extensive updates on Sunshore Golf Course 914 Second Ave $475,000 Immacute, ensuite on Sunshore Golf C Real Estate Professional lllfollow on facebook LisaAtkinson@royallepage ca lisaatkinson ca "your Local Realtor®"
Shuswap Skating Club held a Brag Night on March 12 to show off their
progress and skills
First Day of Spring Photo by Ann Steenhuysen
Community Events Bulletin
Music on the Lake Planning Meeting on April 12th
Planning for this summer’s Music on the Lake is now underway. If you are an individual, organization, or business that would like to support the planning, sponsorship, or onsite delivery of the event, please join the Planning Committee’s next meeting at 6pm on April 12th at the Sunshore Golf Course. If you are unable to attend but would like to be involved, please email
Please help us start a Lego Club at the Chase Library!
We’re seeking lightly used or new Lego, so we can offer a free program for families to design, build and create together. Donations can be dropped off at the Chase library during regular hours. Questions?: chalib@ / 250-679-3331
There will be a Giant Crib at the Chase Legion on Sunday, April 2, 2023, at 11:00. The cost is $12 per person. Bring your own partner. Lunch will be available. Payout 85%.
Chase Citizens on Patrol meeting 7:00 pm Tuesday, April 11 at Sunshore Golf Club. If you have an interest in learning more about the Citizens Patrol program please join us. If you are unable to attend but wish to help, please contact us through the Chase Visitors’ Centre.
Pritchard Ladies Group Daffodil Tea to be held on April 1st, 2023 from 10:00 A M to 2:00 P M at the Pritchard Community Hall on Duck Ranch Road Pritchard. Crafts, bake table, lunches and in house raffles. For table rentals please call April Stewart @ 250-577-3798
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase
* For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Mon. Mar. 27 - open 6pm - 9:30pmLeague Darts 7:30pm
Tues. Mar. 28 - open 2 pm - 6:30pm fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws
Wed. Mar. 29 - CLOSED
Thurs. Mar. 30 - open - 6pm League Darts at 7:30pm
Fri. Mar. 31 - open 1:30pm - 8pm - Ladies fun darts, Dinner 5-7pm Garlic Lemon Chicken
Sat. Apr. 1 - open 1 pm - fun darts, meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs April Fools
Comedy at 8pm downstairs. Ticket Available!
Sun. Apr. 2 - CLOSED
The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
Chase Rotary Box 73
Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677)
Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome!
Chase Lions Club
PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0
Facebook Chase & District Lions Club
President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527
Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808.
400 Club Winner
Bonnie Hunter $100.00
At the Blessed Sacrament Parish we invite you all to Mass every Sunday at 8:00 am
Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.
For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
Chase Evangelical Free Church295 Shuswap Ave
Physical Gathering
Suspended in response to Provincial Health Order, Online Gatherings
Accessible at
250 679 1676 or
The Light of Life Native Fellowship Pastor Joseph #1.250.457-3845
Find "Joseph Shuswap Kim" on Youtube
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Shuswap Community Church Outdoor Services
10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park
Visit for more info.
Call: (778) 824-0383
Email: Spencer@
Page 2 • March 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower
838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Monday - Thursday PHONE: (250) 320-3050 EMAIL:
** Alternate drop-off location at Willows Natural Foods ** MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0
respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.
us Sunday morning at 10am @ The Chase Community Hall. Visit or more
Churches of Chase
(778) 824-0383
Chase Evangelical Free Church Service at
Sunday More
10 am
Information 250 679 3626 Tyler@
News from First Nations
by Carolyn Parks Mintz, Author & Journalist
Pink Shirt Day
February 22nd marked this worldwide day of benevolent demonstrations against homophobic and racist bullying. Pink Shirt Day started in 2007 in small-town Nova Scotia, when David Shepherd, Travis Price, and their teen-age friends organized a high school protest by wearing pink, along with posting most of the student body, in support of a teen boy being bullied and harassed—for wearing a pink shirt. Unfortunately, mistreatment and intimidation continue within global societies. However, the anti-bullying crusade undertaken by Indigenous and non-Indigenous locals each February on Pink Shirt Day clearly indicates such abuse is completely unacceptable and is not to be tolerated. Kindness is one size—it fits all!
Secwepemc Health Caucus Event
A gathering of all Secwepemc peoples was held in Kamloops, February 18-19, to acknowledge multi-faceted trauma, to honour relatives lost, and as mutual care through healing ceremonies, professional support and traditional customs.
MMIWG Provincial Conference
The Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls Conference Tour, for families and survivors affected by the MMIWG issue, will be held in Kamloops March 16th to 17th. Guest speakers and specialized workshops will be part of the event, along with traditional activities.
Gathering Our Voices 2023 Conference
Recognizing the need for Indigenous youth to gather in a supportive and encouraging environment, the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC) and its members established “Gathering Our Voices” (GOV) in 1999 as a youth conference to acknowledge the resilience and strength of Indigenous young people. Since then, n consultation with area First Nations, BCAAFC has hosted seventeen
Youth Leadership Training forums throughout British Columbia, which have grown from an original 100 participants to over 1,000 attendees annually. Since its founding, the unwavering GOV goal has been to provide Indigenous youth with the tools to work toward a better future by improving themselves and the world in which they live.
The 2023 GOV will be held in Vancouver, March 22nd to 25th, co-hosted by the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Society and the Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre. Delegates will attend from across Canada to participate in ceremonies, workshops, and informative educational experiences.
Splatsin Monument Project
The Splatsin Tsm7aksáltn (Splatsin Teaching Centre) Society and the Splatsin Residential Monument Planning Group are requesting artists’ submissions for the design and construction of a large-scale sculpture, to be located near Enderby, in commemoration and recognition of those Splatsin members who attended residential school institutions. For additional information and details, contact
ALIB is pleased to welcome new Chief Executive Officer Wayne Beatty, who has had a long relationship with ALIB, having worked in forestry and housing development for over 20 years. Living on and off reserve, Wayne served as General Manager of Forestry in Northern BC, Executive Director with Kaska and Dene Nations in northern BC and the Yukon, as well as being a Senior Advisor on Indigenous Relations for Suncor in Ft. McMurray.
Continued on page 5...
2023 Grads at Chase Secondary are graciously accepting donations for their Safe Grad celebrations. Donations can be e-transferred to: Thank you for your support.
Page 3 • March 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower Grocery 250-679-3553 8 am - 8 pm 7 days/week Pharmacy 250-679-8611 9 am - 6 pm Sundays: Closed Food & Drug 825 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Easter’s coming! Hop on by and check out our selection of chocolates. Hot Water Tanks • Drain Cleaning • Furnace Boiler Service & Installs • Gas Fitting • Plumbing Repairs Installs • Renos NO TRAVEL OR OVERTIME CHARGES! Seniors Discount! Dan's Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572 Red Seal Journeyman Plumber Bonded B Gas Fitter 35 Yrs Exp • WCB & Liability Ins BRENDA PATTERSON PREC 778-220-1822 We live here • We work here • We know here! Exclusive 5 Bed / 3 Bath, Full basement, large lot, a Gardener's Delight! OPEN HOUSE! 104 Leighton Ave, Chase March 25th, 12-3PM
Moving Sale - April 1, 2023 at 1194
Currie Avenue, Chase from 8 am - ??
Wanted: Heavy wool plaid, Macinaw Jacket, Heavy wool pants, wool blankets - HBC, Simpson Sears, Woodwords, Eatons, Striped Wool HBC Coat. Call George 250-546-3556.
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy
vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave. 250-819-3875
phone: 250-320-3050
838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase
$5/20 words
Heidrun Handyman Services: Yardwork, Small projects, Home repairs & maintenance, Extra hand, Class 1 driver. Chase & Area. Roy Hegelstad 250-320-0106
Pruning, dump runs, power washing, gutters, windows. Call Lee 250-852-8503.
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
BUYING COINS & ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Old coins, old money, Royal Canadian Mint coins, Franklin Mint, US Mint, OLYMPIC coins, and World collections WANTED! Todd 250-864-3521
Community service, flexible hours, variety of duties
Help to keep Chase safe by:
• Going out on a 4-hour vehicle patrol one afternoon or evening per month.
• Patrolling at a variety of community events
FMI and an application, please call Christina at the Chase Info Centre.
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
BUYING UNWANTED JEWELRY, coins, 9999 bullion, Sterling Silverware, coin collections, old money, nuggets, gold, silver, platinum. Todd 250-864-3521
CASH FOR 9999 SILVER BULLION! ALSO PURCHASING COINS, BARS, INGOTS, PRE 1968 coins, coin collections, jewelry, gold, nuggets, sterling +++. Todd 250-864-3521
Page 4 • March 24th, 2023 •
Chase Sunflower
Chase’s Community Paper Affordable Advertising Weekly News Local Happenings 250-320-3050 Find us on Facebook Since 1996
Continued from page 3...
News From First Nations
ALIB Events
• Women’s Nights and Art Party
• Elders’ Pictograph, Planning & Life Session
• Elders’ Afternoon Bingos
• Men’s Group meeting
• Family Health Walk
• ISPARC Run/Walk/Wheel Programme
• Dreamcatchers Youth Conference
• Elders Conference
Quaaout Lodge
Talking Rock Golf Course and Jack Sam's Restaurant are still closed for the season. Reopening is planned for the spring of 2023 and is enthusiastically looked forward to by all. Further announcements will be forthcoming.
Lek7e Spa is open by appointment only. Please contact the spa at spa@quaaoutlodge. com or 1.250.679.3018
The Lodge’s Conference Centre will be closed for the months of March & April, and will re-open in May for the year. Inquiries can be made via email to
Election Results
Neskonlith members recently elected Irvin Wai as Chief Kukpi7 and Councillors Michael (Brad) Arnouse, Shirley Anderson, Mindy Dick, Joan Manuel-Hooper, Frances Narcisse, and Chantal Kawamoto Stott.
Switzmalph Child Care Centre
“Always Learning—Always Growing” Serving residents of Salmon Arm area and surrounding First Nations bands, the Switzmalph Child Care centre has fulltime and part-time spaces available in its toddler and preschool programming—and is pleased to announce that Before & After Care for students aged five to twelve, as well as a Summer Camp programme for that age group, will soon be in place. Registration for Summer Camp amp will be allocated to Before & After Care students first.
NIB Events
• Potluck dinner hosted by the Secwepemc Community Improvement Association
• Art Workshop
• March Break Camp for K-12 youth organized by Neskonlith Education
Start your day right!
Breakfast Sandwiches ready at store opening Grab & Go rotating choices include Bacon Eggers, Sausage Eggers, Denver Croissants, Breakfast Wraps, Sandwiches, and French Toast Breakfast Sandwich
Page 5 • March 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower
Friendly Discrete Reliable
Bill Currie 250-463-2101
All your Civil & Oil+Gas Inspection Needs Armstrong Inspections 778-362-1606
Todd “Gold Silver Guy”
Buying coins, coin collections, jewelry, GOLD, SILVER, BULLION +
Pete’s Pizza & Pasta
Open Tues to Sat • Closed Sun & Mon 250-679-2775
Duck Range Plumbing & Heating
Your Local Gas, Heating, and Cooling Specialist 250-214-0539
Village Fitness Gym & Tanning 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250-679-5377
ALM Mobile RV
Certified RV Tech - Gas Certified & Bonded 250-308-9022
Kalin Good Carpentry Services
Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp. Call 250-819-9335
MJK Home Renovations
Chris Walker 250-572-7035
Framing, Custom Woodworking, Tile, Flooring
Quick Dry Carpet Cleaning
Carpet, Upholstery, Hard Floors
250-851-8556 Chase BC
Word Search - art
How many Bitcoin miners does it take to change a light bulb? A million – one to do it and the rest to verify he/she did it.
A reporter asks a 104-year-old woman, “What is the best thing about being 104?”
She replies, “No peer pressure.”
Page 6 • March 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower
Chase Fish & Game Update
by Helen Dalin, Club Secretary
Well it looks like Spring has arrived this week and activities are ramping up for our club. First of all we have some great news about one
of our members. Fred Madryga is a long time member of CDFGC and lives in Chase Creek. Fred has a doctorate is Psychology, has been a college instructor and a brain researcher. As well as being a lifelong outdoors person, Fred has also worked from running a roofing kettle, to tin bashing, to coast logging. His book is a collection of unique stories from his life and is called “A Pathway to an Ending”. CDFGC highly recommends this book to anyone who enjoys the outdoor lifestyle. Fred’s writing is excellent and transports you into his experiences. You will really enjoy it. Contact Fred at 250-679-5464 to get a copy.
Fred and his wife Patricia Jarvis were at the Chase Library on Thursday March 23rd from 5:30 pm to 7 pm to read from his book and answer any questions the audience may have.
Our 3D shoot is coming up the weekend of May 13th, 14th and all archers are welcome to attend. This 3d shoot is one of our main fund-raising events. Registration can be done early online at www. Click on the 3D button at the home page to bring up registration information and application. Pass the information around to any other archers you may know in the area. Concession will be onsite and there is a potluck dinner in the evening.
The following long weekend May 21, 22, 23 the Traditional Bow Hunters of BC are holding their yearly Rendezvous at our range with the help of the Chase Club. Archers will be attending from all over BC. It will be an exciting opportunity to see
amazing archers shoot. As you can guess with these 2 shoots back to back the executive is in need of volunteers to help on both weekends. If you can help please contact Helen Dalin at 250-679-8019.
More exciting news about Harper Lake. The Section 57 application (permission to build on a recreation site) has been completed and given oral approval by the recreation Officer in charge of Harper Lake. There are a few more permits to get into place (water sustainability Act Section 11) but the good news is that everything is going well with red tape and CDFGC is on the way to getting the dock organized, built and put in place this year.
Membership has been really increased this year. Our range Orienteer Mark Chinnock has orientated about 30 new members to our club since January. (Thank you Marc). This is awesome. Our club is getting bigger and better all the time. If you are interested in the outdoors you should think about joining our club. We are part of the BC Wildlife Federation’s strong lobby voice on conservation of BC’s habitat, animals, and fish. You can get a membership online or at the Village Ubrew on 1st Ave.
Our next meeting is the 3rd Monday of the month April 17th at 7 pm at Creekside Senior Center.
Independent and Assisted Living for Seniors
All inclusive, home cooked meals, housekeeping, 24 hr on-site staff and social calendar.
For more information or to book a tour contact us at 250-679-1512 or 250-679-4447 Ext 404 743 Okanagan Ave, Chase
Page 7 • March 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower
Wills & Estates
Family Law
CHASE OFFICE: Open Thursdays 10 am - 4:30 pm
#4-834 Shuswap Avenue
Phone: 250-679-3180
Submitted by Chase RCMP
On March 15th, 2023, Chase RCMP were called to a seasonal residence in Celista. Neighbours checking on the property discovered the door unlocked and lights on inside. Police attended and examined the small cabin. Clearly someone had been living in the cabin undetected for at least several days. Although the water was turned off, the person had been cooking and using the toilet. Unfortunately, this meant the toilet had been filled but could not be flushed. Nothing of value appeared to be missing but the cabin reeked of moldy rotten food and feces. Police seized several items from the residence which will be sent for forensic examination in hopes of identifying a suspect via fingerprints. The front door to the cabin was of an older style and entry was gained relatively easily despite the deadbolt.
Chase RCMP are investigating a theft from a residence in Lee Creek which occurred during the first week of March. The residence was not occupied by the owners during that time frame and was being rented via Airbnb. Missing items included multiple firearms and valuable jewelry. The tenants did not provide proof of identification to confirm their Airbnb profile names and two different groups had access to the residence before the theft was discovered. Investigation is ongoing.
On March 14th, 2023, Police were alerted to a serious assault that had just occurred in Chase. The victim reported he was “jumped” by four or five adult males who attacked him without provocation. The victim was bleeding from a head wound and had multiple contusions. An ambulance was required to assess and treat his injuries. Further investigation is required but several suspects have been identified.
On March 17th, 2023, at 2:27 am, Chase RCMP were dispatched to a residence on Pine Street. The elderly female resident believed someone had shot through her front window. Upon arrival, Police determined that, in fact, a tire iron had been thrown through the window. A suspect known to Police was seen in the area at the time of the report and was questioned but
not arrested. This is believed to be a targeted attack and investigation is on-going.
On March 17th, 2023, Chase RCMP received a report of a suspicious vehicle on CP Rail Property near the Trans Canada Highway. Police were told that the area was being used to hide stolen vehicles. When Police attended as requested, the police vehicle drove over a homemade tire deflation device that was hidden in a deep puddle. The tire deflation device was made of metal, with jagged teeth cut into it and it was welded in an ‘X’ shape. The welding appeared somewhat professional. The police vehicle was damaged, putting it out of service for several days until repairs could be made. This limited the Chase RCMP Detachments ability to serve the public during that time frame. Of note, no suspicious vehicles were located at the CP Rail property.
On March 21st, 2023, Chase RCMP received a report that a male had walked into a neighbour’s house uninvited and, disconcertingly, while she was in the shower. Police located and spoke with the male. During the conversation, Police became concerned for his well-being. He was apprehended under the Mental Health Act and transported by Police to a hospital in Kamloops where he was admitted for treatment.
On March 19th, 2023 at 12:47 am, Chase RCMP were called to a domestic disturbance at an apartment in Chase. Upon arrival, responding officers discovered that a dog had been stabbed and killed by a male guest at that apartment. The male was arrested for several offences which include assault, mischief and killing or injuring an animal. The male was released from custody with a future court date. Chase RCMP are aware that a disturbing video of this incident was circulated on social media and hope to reassure the public that the unlawful killing of an animal is taken very seriously and has been dealt with appropriately. The male’s name will not be released at this time; the matter must first be assessed by the BC Prosecution Service for charge determination.
Page 8 • March 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower