Chase Sunflower - March 31st, 2017

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Chase’s community paper for over 20 years! Issue for the week of Friday, March 31st • Vol. 22, Issue 13

Five surrounding Fire Departments competed against each other in the first annual Firefighters Challenge at Village Lanes on the weekend.

Inside: • • • • • • •

A look a the Chase Museum by Carolyn Parks Mintz RCMP Report Notes from the Library Goodbye to Fruit Stand Chase Heat Recap Community Events Bulletin Plus much more!

400 Club Party on Saturday

A reminder for ticket holders, the Chase Lions 400 Club party is Saturday April 1st! Come dance to Shattered Blue.



Great building lot with LAKEVIEW! Priced for quick sale this great lot overlooking Little Shuswap Lake on a no-thru road won’t last long! $78,000 1253 Bay Dr.

Village of Chase Infrastructure Announcement Please join us for a major infrastructure announcement on Friday March 31, 2017 at 9 a.m. at the Chase Community Hall.

Donna Smith-Bradley Your Local Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

Page 2 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Community Bulletin Board Email your community event to

The Anglebay Entertainers are proud to present their 23rd PIG and WHISTLE Production entitled Mississippi Mud at the Lakeview Community Centre in Anglemont, B.C. Matinees: April 27,30, May 03 – doors open at 1 pm - show at 1:30. Evenings: April 29, May 05, 06 – doors open at 6:30 show at 7:00. We would love to have you join us for our 3 Act musical as we steam down the Mighty Miss. Tickets are $20.00 each & incl a light refreshment. Tickets available from Lorrie 250-955-0835, Scotch Creek Super Valu or Ross Creek Country Store in Magna Bay. Annual Daffodil Tea, Saturday April 8, 2017 - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Pritchard Community Hall on Duck Range Rd. Crafts, Bake table, Homemade lunches, Raffles, Grocery Hamper, Woven Place Mats by our own Jan Seedhouse, and a Quilt. FASHION SHOW, courtesy of G FORCE in Chase, modeled by 4 of our ladies. FMI & table rentals call April at 250-577-3798

For info/hours phone 250-679-3536

April 2nd GIANT CRIB - 10:45 am April 7th TGIF BURGER 5:30 to 6:30 pm Adults $6. Children $5. April 7th 100th YEAR CELEBRATION OF VIMY RIDGE Short Parade - starts at Community Hall to Cairn front of Chase Legion 7 pm Following the Parade a Ceremony and lighting of candles will then take place in recognition of Vimy Ridge.

The Pritchard Community Association is offering a RODEO BURSARY of $500.00 to a Graduating student from Pritchard or Chase. Please see your Councillor for the required Rodeo package, deadline June 30,2017. FMI please call Don Swift, President of the PCA at 250-577-3461 Blue Cottage Collective presents Easter Extravaganza. Sat April 8, 2017 from 9-3. Shuswap Lake Estates. 2404 Centennial Drive, Blind Bay. Come and check out some of the Okanagan’s Home Based Businesses and Artisans. Al-Anon Meetings - Wednesday Evenings from 8-9 PM. Evangelical Free Church. 295 Frontage Street Chase BC. See more events on page 11..

CHASE CURLING CLUB Pancake Breakfast on Sunday April 9th from 9 am to 11 pm cost $7.00 per adult. Please come and join us.

Blue Berry Plant Sale. $8 per plant. Plants to arrive mid to end of April. Orders must be in by March 31st. FMI or to order please call Karen @ 250-679-3637 or email

FMI contact Dave @ 250-675-3682

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Roy Nelson 250-679-1192 / 250-819-4912 Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm

Churches of Chase & Area Easter Service

Sun., April 16/17 @10:00 am - Everyone is welcome. Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Dr) invites you to an Easter service with hymns & God’s Word. Be blessed this Easter with friendly fellowship & refreshments after the service.

Blessed Sacrament

Parish welcomes you to Sunday Mass @ 9 am. + Mass most Tuesdays @ 9 am. + Please join us every 3rd Sunday at 10 am for the K of C Breakfast

The Light of Life Native Fellowship

- Every Sun 3 pm @ Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Dr). Friendly fellowship with food, family & friends after service. Everyone is welcome. Pastor Joseph (250) 679-7656

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Scotch Creek, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 838 Shuswap Ave between 10-4 Monday - Thursday Alternate drop-off location at Willows Natural Foods

Chase Lions

Box 12 email:

Medical Equip: 250-319-6702

400 CLUB WINNER! Date: March 29, 2017 Winner: Janet Bell Chase B.C. Amount: $1000.00 ___________ 400 Club Social April 1 Dance to Shattered Blue Doors open at 7:00 p.m.


Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Page 3 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower


For many, Golden Ears Fruit Stand is synonymous with summer time in the Shuswap. Every spring tourists and locals alike start thinking about getting their fresh fruit fix and checking to see when Golden Ears Fruit Stand will be opening for the season. That tradition won’t be continuing any longer, as the stand will be bulldozed to make way for the Four Laning of Highway One. Don Cavers, who has been selling corn on the highway for over 34 years, built the iconic fruit stand in 1991. Initially he sold his own field and greenhouse pro du c e and nursery products but as demand grew so did the range of products, especially Okanagan tree fruits. “I always tried to deal with growers who had tree ripened fruit so we inevitably got a percentage of bruised fruit. This led me into making jams and pies,” said Cavers. The pies developed a following and he estimates the fruit stand sold over 2000 pies every season. He also tried to estimate how much corn he has picked over the years; “I could only guesstimate that it was over 100,000 dozen. Amazing what our bodies will tolerate!” In the last decade, Don’s son took over the farming side and has done more marketing through CSA’s and the Kamloops Farmers Market, while the fruit stand operated separately and has drawn produce from a variety of local growers. Cavers has many good memories from the many years and many visitors and employees over the years. “The best memories are seeing people and their kids with peach juice running off their chins and huge smiles on their

faces. Lots of repeat customers over the years but hard to remember many of them when there were sometimes 600 a day coming through.” Cavers, who will be 72 this year, expressed ambivalence about this forced retirement. “It’s not easy to see 35 years of work erased by a stroke of the pen but I’m trying to convince myself it was time to take it easier,” said Cavers. He has doubts about the highway project in general. “Is it really progress when local businesses are removed to let people get from Vancouver to Calgary faster?” pondered Cavers. “My business and land has been expropriated and is gone completely but many others will feel the impact. I’m sure many are unaware of just how many people we have directed to local businesses, the Chase Falls, or the beach,” said Cavers. In addition to the fruit stand Cavers had an active gravel business, imported and sold vehicles and equipment and had a geothermal heat pump drilling and installation business, and an electric vehicle charging station, all based on the property where the fruit stand is. “I’m moving the Electric Charging building to another site, along with the EV chargers to a property I have on Hillside Avenue, where I have long wanted to develop affordable seniors housing in Chase,” said Cavers. In the future Cavers says he will be spending more time sailing on the coast and in the Okanagan and some off-shore sailing. “I’ve also picked up the guitar and have been getting more involved in the vibrant local music scene. I will have more time to visit with family and my two young grand daughters,” said Cavers.

Village of Chase “Village Cracks Down on Dog Deposits The Village of Chase is initiating a new program to catch dog owners who do not pick up their dog’s deposits. Starting April 1, 2017, a drone will be utilized to pick up dog feces and conduct DNA testing on each sample. All dogs’ DNA will be captured in a database at the Village office – DNA from feces can then be matched with DNA of the offending dog, and owners who have not picked up their dog’s deposits will receive a $500 for each deposit left behind. The M a y o r of Chase supports this program, and has stated, “It is about time we get into the 21st century by using advanced technology to catch dog owners who do not pick up after their dogs.” Dated April 1, 2017


Open: Monday – Friday 8 am -5 pm 141 SHUSWAP AVE. 250-679-2855

Grocery 250-679-3553 Open 8 am to 8 pm

Pharmacy 250-679-8611 Open 9 am - 6 pm

Chase North Shuswap

Bottle Depot 120 Alymer Road 250-679-8408

Winter Hours:

Tues - Sat 10 am - 4 pm Closed Holidays We also take: • Electronics • Small Appliances • Sewing Machines • Power Tools • Vacuums • Glass Containers

Page 4 March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Notes from the Library: April Come in and check it out! Submitted by Chase Library

Storytime, 3-5yr olds, every Wednesday, 11.15-11.45am Book club, gr. 6 & 7 (age 11-13), first Wednesday of every month (April 5th this month), 3-4pm Yarn & Yap, Thursdays, 5-7pm Games & Gab, Saturdays, 10.30-3pm Open 10am-4pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday; 1-7pm Thursday. Welcome! Q&A What does the library have to offer? Public libraries are a place to be. Perhaps this century’s town square. The space is meant to be accessible to everybody. All ages and backgrounds. It is not necessary to belong to any particular group or buy anything in order to use the library space. Whether meeting with others or spending time alone, this public indoor environment is something unique in modern society. Warm in the winter and cool in the summer, it is a haven; surrounded by information, it is a portal to the world beyond us. And you don’t need a library card for that. The collection of materials that can be borrowed is what probably first springs to mind when thinking about the library. Here in Chase, there are: Books, of course… For all ages. Both fiction and nonfiction can be found in sections such as children’s, juvenile, young adult (YA), and adult. Adult fiction is further divided into general fiction, sci-fi, mystery, horror, war, western, and romance sections. There is also a largeprint section and an audiobook section. Graphic novels/comic books can be found in the juvenile, young adult, and adult sections. DVDs and CDs Yeah! For free! There are a few new titles every month.

Magazines and Newspapers Chase Sunflower, Kamloops and Salmon Arm newspapers. BC Outdoors, MacLean’s, National Geographic, People, and Popular Mechanics magazines are some of the 15+ magazines the library subscribes to. Computers and such Three computers, available firstcome, first-serve, on a time limit. Two iPads available upon request for small children to play educational games on. Printing and photocopying available (20cents/page).

Curling Congrats!

Submitted Congratulations to Bev Malyk and Dale Robinson in winning the Falkland 2 on 2 bonspeil, on Saturday, March 18th. Great and gracious c omp e t itors representing the Chase Curling Club!

…And Mayor Berrigan wishes everyone a happy April Fool’s Day!

Games & Crafts Available upon request. Cards, crib board, Scrabble, Dominoes, and some others. Puzzles. Lego and blocks. Crayons and coloring pages in the children’s area. This month we start Games & Gab from 10.30-3.00 on Saturdays. All ages welcome. Games and Lego will be out. Let your friends know and meet up for some social connection, or just drop by and see what’s up. Online Resources The Library System website is www. Besides being able to search the catalogue, there are several online resources, such as the Auto Repair Reference Centre, digital magazines and newspapers, e-books and -audiobooks, article databases (like a catalogue, only for articles instead of books), InstantFlix (online video streaming), language learning, and so much more. Chase Library is part of a larger system, and cardholders have access to the entire collection. The books, DVDs, magazines, etc. on the shelves here are a fraction of what is available. Check out the website and/or ask a library worker for help finding what you need. Chase Library phone: 250-679-3331 and website:






Page 5 March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

8 Golden Rules for Kidney Health submitted by Bruce Nelson

What can you do for your kidneys? Kidney diseases are silent killers, which will largely affect your quality of life. There are however several easy ways to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease. #1. Keep fit and active Keeping fit helps to reduce your blood pressure and therefore reduces the risk of Chronic Kidney Disease. Walking, running and cycling are helpful. #2. Keep regular control of your blood sugar level About half of the people who have diabetes develop kidney damage, so it is important for people with diabetes to have regular tests to check their kidney functions. Kidney damage from diabetes can be reduced or prevented if detected early. #3. Monitor your blood pressure Although many people may be aware that MAXIMUM REFUND high blood pressure can lead to a stroke or PROGRAM heart attack, few know that it is the leading cause of kidney damage. People with blood pressure at 140/90 and above should discuss the risks with their doctor and monitor their blood pressure regularly. #4. Eat healthy This can help prevent diabetes, heart disease and other conditions associated with Chronic Kidney Disease. #5. Reduce your salt intake.

The recommended sodium intake is 5-6 like ibuprofen are know to cause kidney grams per day(around a teaspoon). Try damage and disease if taken regularly. If you are dealing with chronic pain, and limit the amount of processed and restaurant food and do not add salt to food. such as arthritis or back pain, work with your doctor to find a way to control pain #6. Maintain a healthy fluid intake Consuming plenty of fluid help the without putting your kidneys at risk. Get your kidney function checked if you kidneys clear sodium, urea and toxins from the body which, in turn, results in have one or more of the ‘high risk factors’ 1. you have diabetes, 2. you have high a “significantly lower risk” of developing chronic kidney disease according to blood pressure, 3. you are obese, 4. a kidney researchers. They provide evidence parent or family member suffers from that moderately increased water intake, kidney disease 5. you are of African, Asian around two litres daily, may reduce the risk or Aboriginal origin of decline in kidney function. #7. Do not smoke Smoking slows the flow of blood to the * kidneys. When less blood reaches the kidneys, it impairs File your taxes with us and we'll guarantee* you the their ability to function biggest refund you're entitled to or lowest taxes payable. properly. Smoking also increases the risk of For more info, visit an H&R Block location near you. kidney cancer by about 50 percent. HRBLOCK.CA | 1–800–HRBLOCK (472–5625) #8. Do not take over5-305 Brooke Drive the-counter pills on a Chase regular basis 250-679-4440 Common drugs such as non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs


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$40/EACH $75/COUPLE $300/TABLE OF 8 (table price includes 8 FREE drink tickets)




Page 6 March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Museums: Keepers of the Past

by Carolyn Parks-Mintz, Author, Journalist & Freelance Writer We are our history—whether as alarm system. The following Tuesday, individuals, communities or countries. July 12, the building, sans alarm, And in order to go forward effectively, was again ablaze, this time with dire it’s important to look back and to learn. consequences. Shuswap’s past is a draw for locals and Although flame, smoke and water visitors alike. Staycations have become damage was extensive, most of the the new holiday. mu s e u m’s And there’s plenty collections were to see in this saved—with the beautiful valley exception of nestled in BC’s one memorable interior – especially piece: the at the Chase large storefront Museum. mural, dating No discussion from about about the village’s 1911, painted museum would be by renowned complete without artist Howard mention of its Smith. It most significant had hung artifact—the over the vintage building itself. Formerly entrance one the town’s places of worship, to Clegg’s the Catholic Church of the Blessed Harness Sacrament has an interesting (and & Shoe mobile) back story. Parishioners Repair originally congregated in a small S h o p vestry building on Thompson Avenue on 1st commencing in 1909. This building Av e n u e was moved to near the current Shuswap and eventually was donated to the Avenue in 1920. Two years later in 1922, museum. The mural was damaged the present church cum museum was beyond repair. A huge canvas photo of constructed with its bell tower, vaulted the artwork and storefront, undoubtedly ceiling and balcony as adjunct to the with the Cleggs at its centre, hangs in vestry structure. With the advent of the main exhibit room, all that remains increased vehicular traffic, the entire of the valuable piece. (Note: Proprietors building was moved further back on its John Clegg Sr. and his son, John Jr., of property to allow for road construction Ontario were relatives of this scribbler. in 1945. What are the odds?) The Chase & District Museum & “The valuable painting was the most Archives Society, formed in 1984, significant artifact lost to the fire’s heat purchased the Blessed Sacrament Church and smoke,” says museum Curator Diana structure when it was replaced with Ball. “As was often the custom, it was the current larger church building, and painted on the reverse side of linoleum, officially opened it as the Chase Museum and the surface just crumbled beyond in 1987. restoration. It was irreplaceable.” Nearly 25 years later, an arsonist set fire Following the near disastrous fire, to the venerable clapboard museum. On the Village of Chase purchased the Saturday, July 9, 2011, firefighters doused museum, in order to assist with the a fire that caused minimal damage but shortfall in funding needed for repair took out the museum’s electrical and fire and refurbishment. Continued on page 7

Thanks for reading! Please recycle when you are finished!


838 Shuswap Avenue Chase BC • 250-679-8880 HOURS: Monday - Thursday 10 am -4 pm

The Sunflower: PICK one up in Pritchard SCORE one in Scotch Creek SCOOP one in Sorrento CHECK one out in Chase OGGLE one Online

Page 7 March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower Continued from page 6....

Here to make buying or selling real estate

A Closer Look at the Chase Museum easy for you GoldenGolden Ears Farm And with the invaluable help of generously give of their time and talent Ricky (Ulrike) Ears Hedrich Farm numerous volunteers, Phoenix-like, in overseeing operations. A presentsB the Chase Museum, whose structure remained intact, rose from the ashes, resilient and better than before. And then there’s the Laviolette (“Lovelette”) cabin located next to the museum proper. Dating from the early 1900’s and once the Turtle Valley family home of Richard and Sarah (Cinmenak, of the Neskonlith band), this main part of a settler’s rustic residence is an absolute gem. Its donation to the museum in 2007 initiated sourcing of funds, its careful transportation, the support of many area businesses and the village, heritage restoration, First Nations elder’s blessing, and the collective efforts of a band of keen volunteers under the guidance of Roger Behn, long the impetus behind Chase Museum development. Curator Ball has definitely found her calling at the museum. “I so enjoy and appreciate the creativity involved with my work,” she reports. “My education included art as a major, and it’s my first passion. As well, I really like people, meeting them, talking with them. And of course, I love the stories and provenance of old things.” This important repository of days gone by welcomes visitors and researchers year-round. Interesting and welldocumented artifacts take one back in time—figuratively and literally—for guests of the museum can don costumes and be photographed in front of the beautiful and extensive Underwood Hotel bar exhibit (circa 1911)—recording their visit to Chase’s yesterday for the future. In addition to its well-designed exhibits, the museum’s archives and resources are comprehensive, covering so much of what Chase has been—textual records, citizens, businesses organizations, photos, maps, cemetery registers, subject files, and obituaries, to name a few. The museum’s dedicated volunteer Board of Directors includes Anne Lamoureux, Roger Behn, Sher Dickson, Billie Phillips, Janie Emeny, Dick Hermann and Bea Mason who




presents Recruiting additional volunteers and 250-572-0828 obtaining funds to keep the doors open are two major challenges facing not subscriptionpresents only the Chase Museum, but museums subscription “What is a CSA?” Golden in general. Folks are busy, even in Golden Ears Farm “What is Community Supported/ presents retirement. But volunteering is a winCommunity Shared subscription win-win: for the organization, for the Agriculture “What is a CSA?” Sha of same-dayof same-day Community Supported/Agric volunteer, and for the public. The Shared subscription harvested harvested fruitofandsame-day veggies benefit of being located in a municipallyAgriculture “What is a CSA?” fruitCommunity and veggies Supported/ owned building, fundraising, grants, June 13 to September 19 Shared June 13 to September 19 harvested fruit and veggies Agriculture and donations are the museum’s only of same-day September 19 financial sources, with grants often being harvested June fruit13 toand veggies June 13 to September 19 limited in amount and applicable to specific projects. At www.chasemuseum. com, a “Donate Now” button facilitates one-time or ongoing tax-deductible donations in support of this very special Small or large sizes Small or la history lesson in our midst. Small or large sizes or per large sizes Starting Small at $15 week Starting at $15 p contact us at contact Starting $15 per week Starting at $15 perat week contact contact at at On Saturday, May 13, the museum will contact usus atus contact us a Sign up Sign 250-679-8421 250-679 Sign up up 250-679-8421 250-679-842 250-679-8421 250-679-8421 Or reserveyour your shareOr host a yard sale. Donated items would be share www.golden reserve your share www.go reserve yo Or reserveOr April 30! goldenearsf by April 30! by bybyApril 30! goldene most welcome and of course, too. Saturday, June 24, will mark its Annual SOLD OUT!!! Golden Strawberry Tea, featuring delicious, Golden Ears Farm presents homemade, strawberry shortcake. Who presents could resist? Another way to contribute presents presents 250-679-3261 is to take out a museum membership, subscription Chase, “What is BC a CSA?” affordable at $15 per couple or family Community Supported/ subscription and $10 for individuals. In addition to Shared Agriculture “What is a CSA?” ofProduce same-day subscription becoming part of this important Chase subscription Weekly SpecialsCommunity Supported/ harvested fruit and veggies “What is a CSA?” Shared “What is attraction, museum members are invited Agriculture Community Community Supported/ June 13 to September 19 of same-day to attend and vote at the Annual General Eggplant U.S.Shared Russet Sha Stoplight Meeting, which will be held Saturday, - U.S. harvested fruit Agric and veggies Agriculture Potatoes of same-day of same-day Peppers May 6 at 1:00 pm. June 13 to September 5lb19 bag Grown $2.98 eachfruit and veggies harvested Depending on grants, Curator Ball harvested 2/$5.00 $1.28 ea fruit and veggies and the Board hope to hire two student June 13 to September 19 June 13 to September 19 assistants this summer, one as a Small or large sizes Starting at $15 per week contact us a Curatorial Assistant and one as a Visitor contact us at Sign up 250-679-8421 250-679-842 Or reserve your share www.golden Guide. In addition to the museum’s by April 30! goldenearsf BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS database, archival storage, and the daySmall or large sizes to-day tasks of running the museum Starting at $15 per week contact us at and tourist destination, the ongoing 250-679-8421 CHASE OFFICE Sign up share Ask for Or reservebyyour assessment of items damaged in the fire April 30! Small or la or large Starting sizes is an important job. About 2/3 of such contact us at LorineSmall at $15 p E vans Starting at $15 per week contact artifacts have been sorted but the contact task us at250-679-8421 Sign upOr reserve 250-679-8421 250-679 yo requires time and volunteers. Wills & Estate Family Law by www.go goldenearsfarm@gmail.comOr reserve your share Through the village’s museum, past Conveyancing by April 30! goldene is well served and bygone narratives evening & weekend appointments remain intact for citizens of tomorrow. Phone: 250-679-3180 Its buildings and their artifacts are Email: valuable assets to the region and vital to the mosaic of the Chase story. Web:

Golden Ears Farm csa certified organic certified organic csa certified organic csa 15 weeks15 weeks certified15 organic weekscsa


15 weeks

Ears Farm GoldenGolden Ears Farm Golden Ears Farm

certified organic csa

certified organic csa



certified csa 15 weeks organic certified organic csa 15 weeks

15 weeks15 weeks

Page 8 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

New Manager at Chamber/Info Centre by Kelsey Snelgrove

A new face will welcome visitors at the Info Centre, which is run by the Chase & District Chamber of Commerce, this season. The Chamber is excited to welcome Ali Maki in the Chamber Manager position. Ali grew up in Kamloops and moved to Chase over 5 years ago to enjoy small town living.

With a passion for volunteering, Ali got involved with many different groups and community events. She was elected to Village Council in 2014. Among other projects, Ali spearheaded the successful Music on the Lake concert series last summer. She brings an extensive volunteer background, marketing/event planning

experience in business and tourism and a strong record for making a positive difference in the community. As of April 1st, the Info Centre will be open full time 5 days a week, so stop in and say hello to Ali!

What are the Odds? T S ’ C C Brian and Brad he

unflower s



submitted by Alan Pineo We had moved on to the ranch in April drinks on the sundeck overlooking of ‘93 and it wasn’t long before we met their 500 acres, and knowing Brad our new neighbours, Brad & June, who was originally from Manitoba, I lived on their 500 acre spread to the mentioned that although Brian was north which bordered our 120 acres. now living in Calgary he used to live in They were the same age as us, their grown Manitoba as well, hoping it might add children were the same age as ours and it to the conversation…. and to everyone’s wasn’t long before we found we had even surprise, it did more than that. more in common, soon becoming good It took maybe two minutes before they friends, and remain so today. discovered that they were both raised Brian & Helene had come into our lives in the same small community north of ten years earlier when they boarded our Winnipeg called…. Argyle. They had boat as paying passengers for a day trip been to the same school, had the same to Hot Springs Cove, which was about 20 teacher, played on the same swings and km up the coast from Tofino. It was an all had lived only a block apart for close day trip and by the time we got back to to twelve years. Because they were five Tofino, Brian and I had bonded ….. (the years apart in age they didn’t actually onboard refreshments might have helped remember each other, although they that process) …. and I invited them to certainly knew each other’s families and join us for dinner and to spend the night the family names. Brad then described at our lodge on Stubb’s Island. We have Brian’s grandfather to a tee, including been dear friends ever since. his missing arm from a farm accident, It was in the summer of ‘95 that Brian and Brian’s jaw dropped as he looked & Helene finally made their way from back fifty years to his childhood while Calgary to our ranch to see what had remembering his beloved paternal drawn their west coast friends to the grandfather, Sam Fletcher. majestic rolling hills and mountains of To this day they both love to reminisce Princeton. They were going to be with about the day when they discovered that us for several days so we soon arranged the person they were now having a drink to take them down to Brad & Junes for with in the mid 90’s had been living down a few drinks one afternoon so we could the block from them in the mid 40’s. introduce our old friends to our new You just never know who will show up friends. from your past when least expected. Anyway, after sharing a couple of cold

Local resident, Alan Pineo has been kind enough to submit another of his own coincidence stories, but he’s just keeping the column warm hoping readers send in their own stories! Submissions can be any length and if you need help writing it out, let us know at 250-679-8880, or info@


Read the Sunflower


every week!

Page 9 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

HEAT Conference Champions now into KIJHL Final

by Scott Koch The Cardiac Kids from the from Colton Rhodes. Less Chase HEAT found the only then 2 minutes later Captain way to win in Game 4 of the Farstad evens things up assisted Conference on March 22nd, by Kaden Black and Fournier. was to score in less time than In the 2nd the HEAT are Hot, the 2.7 seconds in Game 3. too hot as first Black from Pat So, they tied the Osoyoos Brady and Fournier on the COYOTES with 3/10’s of a powerplay and then Fournier second left to send the game to from Black and Farstad overtime…3/10’s of a second! make it 3-1. The beleaguered In the 1st Michael Fidanza COYOTES couldn’t mount a opened scoring from Cody comeback and the underdog Hodges and Josh Bourne. HEAT seal the deal with The YOTES tied it up on Bruyere stopping 50 of 51 the powerplay from Judd shots. The HEAT are the 2016Repole. In the 2nd Kolten 17 KIJHL Okanagan/Shuswap Moore popped in the disk Conference Champions! from Bourne and Fidanza. It’s then time to trundle down OSOYOOS came back with a the highway once again as pair from Tyler underdogs Holz and to take on A u s t i n the Regular Steger on the Season leading powerplay. In Beaver Valley the 3rd stellar N I T E HAW K S defender in Fruitvale. Mason Palaga The HAWKS scored from on Monday the S p e n c e r 27th take a lead Farstad and in the 1st from Z a c h a r y Tyler Hartman. Fournier. Once In the 2nd they again, on the add to the total powerplay the desert dogs take scoring twice from Jake Yuris the lead from Colin Bell. Then and Mitch Foyle on the man drum roll please, Fidanza from advantage. Chase mounts Travis Beaubien and Palaga ties a comeback, the first from it up with less then a second Fournier assisted by Palaga to go. In the 1st overtime on and Ryan Okino, the second the powerplay Bourne pops in from Bourne aided by Fidanza the winner from Moore and and Hodges. Then BV replys Fournier. Nic Bruyere stops 38 with a pair from Bradley Ross of 43 to backstop the HEAT to and Sam Swanson. After 40 a 5-4 win. minutes its 5-2. In the 3rd Game 5 on Friday March 24th Beaubien gets the third tally is in Osoyoos and a record from Fidanza and Hodges. crowd of 693 in attendance, Its not enough as BV closes 150 there for the HEAT! It’s a scoring Swanson sliding in an winner take all in a best of five empty net goal. 6-3 final and series and Osoyoos comes out Chase will make adjustments hard popping in the first tally for Game 2. Cont’d on page 16


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Page 10 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower




to the Editor Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect those of anyone except the Opinion Holder themselves! Share your opinion! Email or drop off at 838 Shuswap Avenue in Chase BC. We reserve the right to edit letters for length or content, or to not run them. Chase welcomes you What makes Chase an ideal location to retire? Is it the beautiful surroundings, the lake, the salmon run, the close proximity to Kamloops, Salmon Arm or the Shuswap lake? Could it be the laid back village environment where everyone says hi and cares for one another? We have a first class arena, curling rink, bowling lane, community hall, seniors centre and a 9 hole golf course to die for. Plus, yes, we have the privilege of being one of the first communities in the country to allow golf carts on the streets of our village in a pilot project that the rest of Canada will be watching very closely. In a nutshell, we are a retirement and tourist village of

2400 inhabitants. The number one attraction is located in the north east corner known as the Sunshore Golf Course. It is short, flat, inexpensive to play and the place to meet new friends who are more than willing to show you the ropes and make you feel like you have lived here forever. So my friend, what are you waiting for? Call to-day 679-3021 . Be a part of the best kept secret around. You will not be disappointed and, oh! We have 3 doctors to keep you going forever. Peter van Hoof citizen of Chase

Warm Fuzzies

the Sunflower has received lately “That's a really neat little newspaper. I love the creativity.” “I enjoy doing your puzzles but one thing keeps bugging me... Sudoku is the correct word... I think your paper is the real deal- full of lots of info on everything.” “I was looking for a rental out there and your newspaper is the only one that listed anything. I like the colors, nice community newspaper.”

“You should be congratulated for stewarding this small paper to success. I bank in Chase and try to pick up a copy when I’m there.” “All outstanding, you beat all the rest.”

Prose Look and Learn © Carolyn Parks Mintz

It stands ghostly in the dusk Centre of a well-ploughed field Metal turned to rust Vines growing up stone at will Its past completely turned to dust Belfry now without a bell Its vacant windows staring So quiet, so lonely Locks and boards it is wearing What are the stories it could tell? We are our past, our history The future’s not such mystery If we look back, return If we look back and learn Much happened in this sacred place People sang and prayed and cried The Book, The Word, the ritual For those newborn, those who died Past, just bricks and mortar remain Walls rise in silent testament To lives and ceremony gone Is there a sound, murmured keening? Spirits here for one last song? For those who’ve left?—a sacrament We are our past, our history The future’s not such mystery If we look back, return If we look back and learn

“You are doing such a terrific job. Many thanks for keeping us all so informed.”

--30-© 2005/2009 C.M.Parks-Mintz

Feedback is always welcome! Thank You!

Would you like to have your poems featured here? Email

Page 11 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower More

Community Bulletin Board

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! 5050 RAFFLE!! Help fund your Museum and maybe win big!!! Tickets will go on sale April 3 with the Draw to take place August 15th. Last year we were happy to give the winner almost $2200. Maximum prize if all tickets are sold is $5000!!! gaming licence # 93707 . Chase Community Garden Club Spring Meeting - Tuesday April 11 at 7 pm. Illahee Lounge, 333 Wilson St. Gardening spaces available for ALL residents of Chase. FMI Call Jane Norman 250-679-2528 or Barb Paquette 250-679-8426.

Sign Paramedic Petition in support of amending the Fire and Police Bargaining act at Safety Mart on Saturday, April 1st from 10 am -3 pm.. For more info go to The COP coffee house -April 14 . We welcome new and old musical talent 7 pm at the community Hall. Sunnybrae Hall Fundraiser, Sat 1st April, - Community Dance with Doc & The Disorderlies , Tickets $15, Doors at 730. - sorry, no minors - beer/wine/ snacks/door prizes

Dan’s Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572

Hot Water Tanks • Drain Cleaning • Furnace/Boiler Service & Installs • Gas Fitting • Plumbing Repairs/Installs/Renos NO TRAVEL OR OVERTIME CHARGES!

Seniors Discount!

Red Seal Journeyman Plumber / Bonded B Gas Fitter 35 Yrs Exp • WCB & Liability Ins


Located at Chase Country Inn 576 Coburn St 250-679-8822 “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK

Everything for Healthy Living

RCMP Report Submitted by Chase RCMP

On March 21st, 2017 Chase RCMP Detachment received a report of an unlocked vehicle, parked at a residence on Cedar Avenue in Chase, BC, being rummaged through the night prior. No items of value were kept in the vehicle and nothing was reported missing. On March 21st, 2017 Chase RCMP Detachment received a second report of a vehicle being rummaged through the night prior. This vehicle was parked at a residence on Okanagan Avenue, Chase BC. Again nothing of value was kept in the vehicle. Although items were strewn throughout the interior, no items were noted to be missing. Anyone with any information regarding the above investigations, or any other crime, is asked to contact the Chase Detachment at (250) 6793221 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477. On March 23rd, 2017 at approximately 12:30pm, Chase RCMP responded to a report of a distraught adult male who jumped in front of a commercial transport

truck on the Trans Canada highway approximately 2 miles east of the Highway 97 intersection. The truck was able to avoid the male but hit the ditch. The male then fled towards the river. Chase Detachment members, RCMP Police Dog Service and an RCMP Air Services helicopter searched the area. The man was located safe a short time later and transported to hospital for medical assistance. The truck driver sustained no injuries and the truck sustained no notable damage from hitting the ditch.


Daily drink mix powder w/ 1000mg of Vitamin C, plus vitamins & electrolytes

30 pkg box Sale $12.95

729 Shuswap Ave Chase, BC



On March 18th, 2017 at 1:55 am, Chase RCMP received a report of mischief on Shuswap Avenue in Chase, BC. Suspects broke the front windows of the People’s Drug Mart and the Mountain View Cafe. On March 23rd, 2017, Chase RCMP investigators arrested a 25 year old Chase man for this offence. He was released from custody on a Promise to Appear in Court for Mischief related charges.

Computer Support

on/off-site, remote service & sales

Website Development affordable, local hosting Stefan Schielke 250.679.7744


Page 12 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). $2.50 for Lost and Found. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters at 838 Shuswap Avenue or at Willows Natural Foods. Thank you!


For Sale - 4 -14” Tires. Don’t fit new car. 679-3765. For Sale - Dining room table with five chairs. 250-679-8397.

GARAGE SALES Yard sale, Sat & Sun April 1 & 2 from 9-3 at 232 Brooke Drive. More good stuff!


Serenity Acres Senior Home - Now available - 1 bedroom for respite or permanently. Offers all amenities. Ph 250-679-3530 for open house.


Need some extra help? Around the house or in the yard, I can help with odd jobs of all sorts. Yard work, cleaning, computer questions and more. Call Ian at 778-220-7578. Community Health Worker (RCA) Experienced, Certified, Licensed Specializing in Therapeutic Foot Care Offering Personal Care, Companionship, Medication Management, Meal Preparation, etc. $20/Hr References Available Please call Angie @ 250-5745122 for more information and free consultation


A 1 bedroom rental is available in the residential area of the Little Shuswap Lake community. $935 per month plus hydro (electric heat). Damage Deposit and References required. Contact Housing at 250-679-3203 or housing for an application.

LOST: Ladies pair of Tri-gold wedding ring set. Lost March 25th at Safety Mart washroom. Thin band engraved “I love you”, wider band is flat braid, both rings inset diamond chips. Many years of sentimental value. Call Sheri 250-679-3284.

1 bedroom in shared house. $500/ month, including utilities, laundry and internet. 250-682-2194.

LOSE WEIGHT and inches, make money, drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Ask me how www.valentustour. com/Maryerickson or call 250-6790009.


Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153. Power Washing, Windows, Gutters, Pruning, Yard, Dump Runs, Moving, Painting, Flooring, Renos, Call Ken 250-852-2754.



Drill Press. Call or text Paul at 778220-6709.

Business & Services Pebbles Place - Gently used clothing -gifts - jewellery - books Open Tues - Sat. 642 Shuswap Ave. Come enjoy a Yummy Cup of Coffee It’s time to start pruning! Call Jonnie Walker Landscape Services at 250.318.5237 Handy Man Carpenter, 30 years experience. Guaranteed price and time frame. Call Don at 778-257-6956. Need a small engine mechanic? Will do repairs to chainsaws, wood splitters, snowmobiles,



and all other small engines. Work guaranteed. Call Jarrett 250-320-6082 Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs SAHHALTKUM DAYCARE est.1996. Licensed




Children 3mths up to 12 years. Hot




Nutritious snacks provided. Daily educational programs. Part/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or ph: 250-679-2229 Sewlutions Weddings,


Alterations, Home

Decor. Call Bev at 250-679-3307

Page 13 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower Obituary

Terry Keith Anderson (Kiki)

On Thursday March 9, 2017, Terry passed away suddenly and peacefully at home, sitting in his arm chair in the early morning hours after completing his night shift at the mill. Terry was born February 28, 1962. He lived his life in Chase and worked at the Adams Lake lumber mill since he was 18 years old. He loved fishing, hunting and his coffees at A+W with friends who enjoyed his great sense of humour. He will be sadly missed by his family, coworkers, Arrow boys and his many, many friends. Terry is predeceased by his father Soren in 1981, his mother Julienne in 1989 and his brother David in 1983. He is survived by his best friend and partner Wanda Pickell, his sisters Sharon (Laurence), Arlene, Kathy, his brother Allan (Lorell), nieces Nola, Candice, Alivia and Madasin, nephews Curtis, Shawn, Russell, Mason and Ryker. We had an open house on Sunday March 12th and want to thank all those who attended for their kind words and memories. Thank you for all the cards, flowers and food. Also, a special thank you to Adams Lake Lumber who contributed so much. Arrangements entrusted to Alternatives Funeral & Cremation Services 250554-2324. Condolences may be expressed to the family from

In Loving Memory of

Pin Chatter: News from the Bowling Alley by Cayln Buresh, Village Lanes

Another great weekend at Village Lanes, and we are inching closer and closer to the end of our season! We were happy to host the Chase Fire Department fundraiser on Saturday night! What a ball! We were joined by five surrounding Fire Departments, as they competed against each other in the first annual Firefighters Challenge! A big congratulations to the Adams Lake Fire Department who took home this year’s trophy, along with $160.00! Funds from this event were donated to Victim Services! Please keep in mind, that if you have a fundraiser in mind, they are our specialty! We love hosting them, and helping in any way that we can! Sunday was a beautiful day to host a Zone Championship. We had eight local Club 55 teams bowling for the chance to head to the Bert

Hill Provincial Finals in Vancouver in May. A job well done to Guy and Janet Alden, Karl Berglund, Sharron Mindel, and Marg Nelson. They will be representing Chase and Village Lanes at this year’s tournament. Just because our Fall/ Winter leagues have almost come to and end, we’re not ready for Summer just yet! We will be offering an eightweek Spring League, happening on both Wednesday or Thursday evenings. Registration will be $20.00, and the weekly bowling fee will be $13.00. If you are looking for something to do this Spring, why not join us? Another reminder to always call ahead for public bowling registrations, as we are in full swing with weekly tournaments. Cheers, and all the best for this weekend!

Brian William Watson March 19, 1956 - April 3, 2016

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I had to say goodbye to the man I love so much. My heart is still absolutely broken, he was everything to me. He was always there for me. There will never be anyone who could replace him. He was so proud of our four children - Derek, Robin, Aleasha, and Ben. They will be here for me. He just adored our six grand children and they still ask about him all the time. It’s hard for them to understand that grandpa’s not coming home. What a terrible tragedy it is when such a wonderful person had to be taken needlessly away from us this way. My dear Brian will remain in our hearts forever. Ila & Family

Spring Bowling League LEAGUES BEGIN APRIL 26TH

$20.00 registration fee, $13.00 weekly bowling fee. New bowlers, if you last the full 8 weeks, you will get your own personal pair of bowling shoes. Call to register, or stop in today!


Crazy good deal!

Every Wednesday from 4 - 6pm until April 26th $10.00 per person, all you can bowl! Shoe rental included!

Page 14 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

BUSINESS LISTINGS Scooter’s Dog Grooming

921 Okanagan Ave, Chase BC


Jessica Kantymir, RMT 250-679-8066 Little Shuswap Physiotherapy Myofascial, trigger point therapy & more

Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday

250-679-2775 Cut Flowers For All Occasions

A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before the problems start!” He drinks the beer and then orders another saying, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”

The man answers, “Now the problems start!” My girlfriend said to me, “I’m sick of you pretending to be a detective. I think we should split up.” I said, “Good idea - we can cover more ground that way.”

Thank you student loans for getting me through college. I don’t think I can ever repay you.

At Safety Mart (250) 371-1117

Heidi McCartney


Therapeutic Treatment of Pain, Injury & Chronic Conditions

Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays

Free-er than Free Range Eggs $5 / dozen delivered

Ranfurly Farm 250 679-2738

Underwood Restaurant 250-679-3321

Not all math puns are bad. Just sum.


The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?”

Chase Garden Centre & Flower Shop

Registered Massage Therapy

I got fired from my job as a taxi driver. It turns out my customers didn’t like it when I tried to go the extra mile.

I tried to change my password to “14days”. The computer said it was two week. What do skinny jeans and cheap hotels have in common? No ballroom. What do we want? Low flying airplane noises! When do we want them? NNNEEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWW.

Two men meet on opposite sides of a river. One shouts to the other “I need you to help me get to the other side!” The other guy replies “You are on the other side!”

Sudoku puzzle The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contains the digits from 1 to 9. A cell is the smallest block in the game. A row , column and region consists of 9 cells and the whole game consists of 81 cells.

Roast Beef Mondays


Respite, Independent & Assisted Living Suites available call 250-320-0400



Duck Range Plumbing & Heating 250-214-0539

Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting

Cream Cheese Strudel

2 cups flour 1 sm. carton sour cream 1/2 lb. butter Mix these ingredients and divide into 2 oblongs. FILLING: 2 (8 oz.) Philadelphia cream cheese 1 egg 1/2 c. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Mix and use as filling.

Roll out each of the 2 doughs. Place half the filling down center of each oblong while on the cookie sheet. (Put oblongs on cookie sheet before placing filling on them.) You can also add raspberry or apricot jam. Lap 2 slices over and pinch ends to close down center. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. When cool, dissolve 3/4 cup powdered sugar with enough hot water to consistency of cream. Dribble over strudel

Page 15 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower



Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri


CHASE HAMPER SOCIETY Emergency Help 250-682-6155

Donations Welcome

G-Force Sports & board Shop

BC’s premier sports & board shop since ‘06 250-679-8456 • 927 SHUSWAP AVENUE

LJ’s Towing and Transport

Open 24 hrs 7 days /week 250-679-8600 ANSWERS

Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Come on in!

OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am

Kalin Good Carpentry Services

Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp.

Call 250-679-2386

Awesome Ladies Fashions Available Locally

Chum ‘n’ Luba’s

826 Shuswap Ave • 250.679.3134 • Tues - Friday 10 - 4:30

Sorrento Plumbing & Water Well Service

250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap!

MJK Home Renovations

Chris Walker


Framing, Custom Woodworking, Tile, Flooring

Get Your Ad RIGHT HERE! 250-679-8880

Dave’s Appliance Repair Guaranteed Service


Page 16 • March 31st, 2017 • Chase Sunflower


Your Local Realtor TODAY!

250-320-5472 THE MARKET IS HOT! I have buyers looking for the following: • Investors looking for properties up to $220,000 • Families looking for homes between $200,000 to $350,000 • Any homes on Arbutus Street, Lakeshore Drive, Beach Place & area under $500,000

If you are thinking of selling call me for a FREE market evaluation to find out the value of your home.... I have buyers ready to go!


Continued from page 9...

Heat News

Tuesday night the 28th and the lads are ready for a barn burning game. In the 1st Bourne on the powerplay from Fournier and Moore. Then Fidanza fandangles a tally from Bourne and Jayce Schweizer. To make things a touch better Cory Loring gets goal 3 from Moore and Beaubien. The HAWK’S on the powerplay get one from Dylan Kent. The 1st closes out with Moore scoring goal 4 from Loring and Palaga. In the 2nd BV has regrouped and Ross pops in a powerplay tally and then gets his 2nd of the period to get his

crew to within one 4-3. In the 3rd its more HAWKS McKoy Hauck on the man advantage ties the match up and the comeback is complete when Aiden Browell scores to claim a 5-4 victory for Beaver Valley. Game 3 of the best of five is scheduled for Thursday the 30th at the Art Holding Memorial A r e n a , Game 4 if necessary at AHMA on the 31st and Game 5 in Fruitvale if necessary on April 2nd. The underdog Cardiac Kids are able with the thundering drumming fans support!

a i n r H a v a a us B Restaurant

Chinese Food Buffet Sun. April 2nd from 4:30 -7:30



Adults $17.95 Seniors $16.95 **Reservations Recommended** OPEN: Tues - Sun 11 am - 8 pm • 333 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC • 250-679-1086

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