If you like runners, running and people that run why not join a running group. Chase the Run meeting for group runs 45 minutes to an hour from memorial park 6:30-7 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays with longer runs planned for weekends. All abilities welcome. See Facebook Chase the Run site for more info
Chase Library: Register for “Move & Groove”, a free music program for caregivers and children. Build social skills, learn new songs and keep active. Ages 0 - 5. Thursday, May 2, 16, 30, June 13 & 27. 1:30 - 2:30 pm. A light snack will be provided.
Chase Library: Book Sale! Saturday, May 11th. Drop-by and browse a selection of gently used books, magazines, and media. All donations support programming at the Chase Library.
GIANT CRIB - There will be a Giant Crib at the Chase Legion on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 11:00.
The cost is $12 per person. It is not necessary to bring your own partner. Lunch will be available. Visitors are welcome. Payout 85%.
Chase Library: Join us for an exclusive author visit with Michael Christie as he discusses his book “Greenwood”, on Monday, May 6th - 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Seed to Sprout Block Party and Plant Sale Fundraiser Saturday, May 11 10 am - 2 pm on Shuswap Ave. Food Vendors, Family Entertainment, Live music by the Barn Catz
The Chase & District Museum & Archives Society will be having its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, May 11th at 11am, outside on museum grounds, rain or shine. All members are invited and memberships will be available for purchase/renewal prior to the meeting. The 2024/2025 Board of Directors will also be elected at the meeting.
Please R. S. V. P. to the museum prior to the meeting so that we can prepare enough seating. 250-679-8847 chasemuseumsociety@gmail.com
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase * For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Sun. May 5 - CLOSED
Mon. May 6 - open 2-6pm
Tues. May 7 - open 2-6:30pm, free meat draw, pool & darts Wed. May 8 - CLOSED
The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around the Chase, BC area. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
Pres: Willy Moore 1-250-320-4346
Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome!
With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.
Email community Events to info@chasesunflower.ca The Light of Life Native Fellowship Pastor Joseph #1.250.457-3845 Find "Joseph Shuswap Kim" on Youtube John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Thurs. May 9 - open 2-6pm, 7pm crib Fri. May 10 - open 1-8pm, BURGER NIGHT Sat. May 11 – open 1-6pm, 2pm meat draw, 50/50, fun darts
Friday Night is BURGER NIGHT. Join us for one of our juicy burgers, served with all the fixin’s for only $10.00. Bring your family and friends and let us cook and serve you! Served from 5 – 7pm. Hope to see you.
COFFEE HOUSE Sunday, 12th, 2 - 5pm. Come and enjoy an afternoon of music featuring performances by “Debbie and Friends”, local talented musicians of the Shuswap & surrounding areas. Donation at the door. The Barn Cats are coming back to Chase on Saturday, May 27th. Mark your calendar!
PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0 chaselions67@gmail.com
Facebook Chase & District Lions Club
President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527
Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations
Meeting at 7 pm on the 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808. 400 Club Winner May 1st - Betty Howsen ($100)
Q. You own and operate Birch Street Flowers and Boutique here in Chase. What’s your favourite plant or flower?
A. A tie between the double specialty tulips we grow and pink peonies.
Q. What is your proudest achievement?
A. Becoming a flower farmer and teaching my daughter Rosaleigh all the things.
Q. Where are you from?
A. Langley BC
Q. What do you when you’re not in the flower shop?
A. Sleep, errands and admin for the shop, kiss my kids.
Q. You drive a Honda Element - how MUCH do you love it and why?
A. My Honda Element is the cats meow! 308,000K and it’s the perfect farmer/florist vehicle.
Q. What song would be the anthem of your life?
A. “That’s My Girl” Fifth Harmony
Q. Who or what in this world inspires you?
A. My kids inspire me. They’ve been through so much however have grown into the coolest people ever.
Q. Describe yourself in three words.
A. Just.Watch.Me. (in response to those who tell me I can’t)
Leigh Nelson, pictured at home recovering from a knee replacement.
Q. What’s your go-to snack food?
A. Protein bars - I get too busy to eat.
Q. What’s your favourite part about having a business here in Chase?
A. Making my customers happy through flowers!
Q. If you could make an office rule that everyone had to follow for a day, what would it be?
A. If you can’t say something nice then zip it
12 inch Pizzas. Always a good selection. You can call ahead if you would like us to cook, cut and pack fresh made pizzas for your large groups.
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
BUYING COINS & ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Old coins, old money, Royal Canadian Mint coins, Franklin Mint, US Mint, OLYMPIC coins, and World collections WANTED! Todd 250-864-3521
BUYING UNWANTED JEWELRY, coins, 9999 bullion, Sterling Silverware, coin collections, old money, nuggets, gold, silver, platinum. Todd 250-864-3521
WE BUY/SELL/TRADE SILVER, GOLD, bullion, coins, jewelry, nuggets, old money, Royal Canadian Mint coins & COIN COLLECTIONS! TODD 250-864-3521
Part time, help wanted, inside out coffeehouse. Apply in person. Seniors Welcome.
Bookkeeping company requires part time assistant bookkeeper for Chase office. The position is permanent with hours ranging from 8 - 20 hours per week. This position would be an assistant to the Account Manager. Some knowledge either from work experience or an education certification with Sage Accounting and basic accounting principles would be an asset. Experience on a computer is a requirement as well as with Excel spreadsheets.
Saturday May 4th/Sunday May 5th at 906 2nd Avenue. 8:00-3:00
HUGE multi Family garage sale on SATURDAY from 9am to 2pm and SUNDAY from 9am to 12pm. 424 Larch Street. LOTS OF NEW ITEMS
Huge Garage Sale at Arbutus Fairways 312 Arbutus Street. June 8th from 8 am - 12 pm.
Looking to Rent: Senior looking for 1 or 2 bdrm apartment without many stairs. Can move immediately. Call 236-313-3004.
For Sale - New 24” all in one iMac with apple M3 Chip, desk and chair. Asking $2000 OBO. Phone 778-220-1204
Service for Seniors - I am offering house cleaning service for Seniors (60+). Opening in schedule, Call 250-318-7173
Dump Runs, Windows, Gutters, Power Washing, Pruning. Call Sam 250-852-8503.
HALL’S KENNELS - Pritchard. Heated & A/C. Special rates for multiple dogs and long term stays. 250-318-8367
Are you interested in getting your foundations Welding certification right here is Chase? Chase Secondary, in conjunction with TRU, is bringing the TRU trades trailer to our community from August 6 until February. The trailer can house 12 students and we currently have 3-4 spaces available. The cost of the program is the same as it would be at TRU but the trailer will be located right here in the community.
Welder: Levels 1 and 2 (Foundation Program)
Introductory program that prepares learners for entry level positions as apprentice welders in most sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, construction, transportation, resource extraction and resource development. Students engage in a variety of classroom and shop activities. In the classroom, they learn theoretical principals of welding. Shop sessions provide the hands on opportunity to learn processes and master practical welding skills. (SkilledTradesBC Standardized written exam after Level 1 and Level 2).
Course length
28 weeks - Foundation Program
For more information please contact Greg Gartrell at Chase Secondary School: 250679-3218
In Memory of our Beloved Julia Bennett
July 30, 1947 - April 27, 2024
Devoted wife
Devoted mother
Devoted Grandmother
Best Sister, Auntie, Niece, Cousin
The Community Grandma to Many
Celebration of Life will be at Moccasin Square Garden in Kamloops on Saturday, May 4th at 11 am.
May 9, 2024 at 1:30 pm
Chase Community Hall
Brian Louis Tronson
Born October 27, 1960 Passed April 19, 2024
It is with great sadness the family of Brian Louis Tronson announce his passing on April 19, 2024, in Kamloops, British Columbia. Brian was diagnosed with cancer on April 3, 2024, and only sixteen short days he succumbed to his illness. Brian was surrounded by his children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews at the time of his death.
Brian was born October 27, 1960, in Kamloops, British Columbia, to his mother Christine Antoinette Tronson (nee LaRue) and his father Robert Tronson. Brian grew up in Chase, British Columbia with his family.
Brian is predeceased by his Mom, Dad, sister Debbie Tronson, grandparents and many uncles and aunts. Brian is survived by his siblings, Ron Tronson & Christina, Janice & Mike Paul, Bernice Tronson, Ken Tronson, and Joan & Harry Paul JR. His four children, Christine Tronson & Dan Hamm, Marie Tronson, Cody & Dr. Jo-Anna Tronson, Janet Tronson & Molly Richardson. Eight grandchildren, Ethan, Abigail, Cadao, Keegan, Brody, Landon, Antonius and Ava. In addition, many nieces and nephews.
TO ALL VISITORS: To view the wild flowers at the Meadows on the Adams Lake Indian Reserve No. 4, you are required to Purchase Permits at the Adams Lake Indian Band Office Front Desk.
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri. 8 am to 4:30 pm. Closed 12 pm to 1 pm for lunch. (250) 679-8841
Pursuant to section 40 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the Village of Chase Council proposes to consider adoption of a road closure and removal of highway dedication bylaw on May 14, 2024. Bylaw 9362024 authorizes the Village to permanently close and remove highway dedication of a portion of road that was never constructed, and not required for the transportation network.
Any persons who consider themselves to be affected by the bylaw may make representation to Council by way or written submissions prior to the meeting, or by presentation at the meeting. If any person is interested in further information they can contact: Sean O’Flaherty, Corporate Officer, Village of Chase, PO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase BC, V0E 1M0.
This is the first of two consecutive Public Notices. Dated this 9 day of April, 2024 at Chase, BC
As another tax filing deadline passes, we would like to thank you for putting your trust in H&R Block. Remember, our service doesn’t end on April 30th. We’re open year-round to assist you with any tax problems or questions.
Visit an H&R Block Tax Professional today.
5-305 Brooke Drive Chase, BC 250-679-4440
We are looking forward to hosting our 4th annual Mothers Day plant sale fundraiser. The funds raised by this event will go towards the ongoing care and upkeep of the newly installed food forest in Willson Park and Riverstone Family Resource Centre.
The block party on May 11th will feature live music from the Barn Catz, family games and activities, craft vendors, information booths from local community groups, tasty treats, yummy
food and of course, plants for your garden and Mothers Day gifts.
Come to buy bedding plants for your garden and hanging baskets. We will feature a wide variety of annuals and perennials, many of which fit with our year’s theme of promoting plants that are pollinator friendly, native and drought tolerant.
Come and celebrate with us between 10am and 2pm, and support our ongoing efforts to improve our community!
Q. What do you call people who sleep in socks?
A. Tiny
Not every problem can be solved with a sword.
That’s why I carry two swords.
What do kids and farts have in common?
We don’t mind our own but can’t stand others
A little extra help for seniors and elders to remain confidently in their own home
• Friendly Visit Calls
• Light Housekeeping
• Resource and Referrals
Services are subject to availability
Staff, Volunteers and Contractors have been carefully vetted & trained for your security.
submitted by Chase and District Chamber of Commerce
The Chase & District Chamber of Commerce Scholarship is awarded to high school graduates pursuing further education. To qualify, applicants must have completed a minimum of grade 12 or equivalent, and must be enrolled in or will be undertaking a full time or part time post-secondary degree or full time or part time program at a postsecondary institution such as a university,
community college, private institution or school of trade where tuition is payable by the student in 2024.
The 2024 Award is $500.
This application must be received by the Chamber on or before May 27th, 2024.
Contact the Chamber for more information at (250) 679-8432 or admin@chasechamber.com
Wildwood Productions and the Gleneden Association are pleased to again present the popular Coffee House evenings—entertainment events that ran for ten years during the 1970’s and 80’s— to be held at Gleneden Hall located at 5151 49th Street NW, just west of Salmon Arm, running off TransCanada Highway opposite Pierre’s Point Road.
So, what is a “Coffee House?” The Oxford Canadian Dictionary defines it as a place serving coffee and refreshments, as well as (more significantly) live performances presented cabaret style. And that’s what will be re-staged at the Hall every third Saturday from fall to spring – next Coffee House date is May 18th.
Shows will be Open Mic format, with talented local singers and
instrumentalists stepping up to the microphone and delivering music sure to lighten the mood and set toes to tapping. As an added attraction, poets and raconteurs are invited to weave their stories with readings that take audiences to imagined places through word pictures.
Shuswap Coffee House doors will open at 6:30 pm for performer registrations and audience attendees, with the programme starting at 7:00 pm. A few spots can be booked in advance for outof-town performers. Call 250.832.2300 to reserve. Beverages and snacks will be available. Admission fee is $5.00.
Music and the arts – a panacea like no other. And a great way to add to your weekends.