Chase Sunflower November 3, 2017

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FREE! Take one!

Chase’s community paper for over 20 years! Issue for the week of Friday, November 3rd, 2017• Vol. 22, Issue 43


You Are Invited To

Submitted by Donna Dube - Chase Public Health Nurse (Interior Health Authority)

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” (John C. Maxwell). Chase Mayor Rick Berrigan, Village council members and staff willingly demonstrated their leadership abilities by rolling up their sleeves to launch the 2017/2018 Chase & District Public Health flu immunization campaign. The influenza (commonly referred to as the “flu”) is one of those silent and contagious respiratory diseases that hits Canadians every year between late fall and early spring. Influenza spreads easily from person to person through coughing, sneezing, or face-to-face contact. The virus also spreads indirectly when someone touches invisible virusladen droplets from an infected person’s cough or a sneeze and then touches their

own eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands. The influenza virus can live for 24 hours on hard surfaces and 15 minutes on soft surfaces (such as tissues). Researchers have said that we touch our faces an average of 2000-3000 times a day! The final component of influenza’s ‘perfect storm’ is the fact that an infected person can spread the virus before they even feel sick. Adults can spread the virus from about one day before to five days after symptoms start. Young children may be able to spread the virus for a longer period of time. The symptoms of influenza can include: fever, headache, muscle pain, runny nose, sore throat, cough, and extreme tiredness. Children may also experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Cont’d on page 3


MLS 142887

Absolutely Stunning home on prestigious Hysop Road in Chase with room for the entire family and friends to relax and enjoy poolside, or hot tub in the winter. 4bdrm/4bath over 3800 sq ft. 848 Hysop Road Chase $624,999

REAL ESTATE INFO NIGHT November 13th, 2017 - Part II - Finding/Buying the Right Home


Where: Chase Creekside Seniors Hall When: Doors Open @ 6:30pm, Info Seminar starts @ 7pm Guest Speakers: Local Insurance & Lending Professionals Hosted By: Brenda Patterson


Direct: 778-220-1822

Computer Support

on/off-site, remote service & sales

Website Development affordable, local hosting Stefan Schielke 250.679.7744

Donna Smith-Bradley Your Local Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

Page 2 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Community Bulletin Board Email your community event to

Next Chase Country Christmas committee on Nov 4 at 5:00pm @ Craig’s Bakery. Contact Joanne @ The Willows 250-679-3189. Looking for Not for Profit Groups interested in vending. Parade Info for Saturday Nov 11th. Parade starts at PharmaChoice Food and Drug parking lot. Marching off at 10:35 SHARP, to the Community Hall where Ceremony will take place. All marchers please be there for 10:15 am Pritchard Ladies Group Annual Christmas Bazaar. Pritchard Community Hall on Duck Range Rd. Saturday November 18, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. In house raffle:- Grocery Hamper, Quilt and Santa. Bake table, Crafters Tables, Homemade lunches. FMI and TABLE RENTALS please call April 250-577-3798 Royal Inland Hospital Craft Fair at the Sandman Centre in Kamloops. November 5th from 10 am - 4 pm.

Spaghetti Dinner - November 4, 2017. 5 pm in the basement of the Chase Catholic Church. Fundraiser for the Chase Mental Health group Silent auction, door prizes, raffles. For more info 250-679-3435 Adults - $10.00 Kids - $5.00. Kids under 5 - FREE

November 5th GIANT CRIB 10:45 am November 11th REMEMBRANCE DAY

Intéressé en un groupe de conversation Francaise (un fois par mois)? Pour tout les ages et avec du vin pour les adultes! Contactez Tristan a 250-679-8421. Chase & District Fish and Game Club AGM for election ofofficers and possible dues change at Creekside Seniors Centre. Mon at 7:30 Nov 20, 2017.

CHASE CURLING CLUB Pancake Breakfast November 5th. Time 9 to 11 am. $7 a person kids eat for less. Hope to see you there.

Curling Club Rentals Reasonable rates FMI Janice 250-6794471 or admin@

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Terri Mindel 250-819-0428 Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm

Blessed Sacrament

The Light of Life Native

Children - hot dog & hot chocolate Adults - sandwiches & coffee

Chase Evangelical Free Church

Service - Community Hall 11 am After Service - Chase Legion

Beverage for sale Potluck 5:30 pm Dance 8 pm / Strange Brew.

distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Scotch Creek, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the

Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 838 Shuswap Ave between 10-4 Monday - Thursday Alternate drop-off location at Willows Natural Foods

Chase Lions Box 12


Medical Equip: 250-319-6702

400 CLUB WINNER! Date: November 1, 2017 Winner: Jane Herman Chase BC

Churches of Chase & Area Parish welcomes you to Fellowship Every Sun 3 pm @ Chase Evangelical Free Sunday Mass @ 9 am. Church Friendly fellowship + Mass most Tuesdays with food, family & friends after @ 9 am. service. Everyone is welcome. + Please join us every 3rd Light of Life Mission- OPENSunday at 10 am for the K Shuswap Ave Pastor Joseph of C Breakfast (250) 679-7656

Parade 10:30 am

Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and


FMI Norm 250-463-1753 or For info/hours phone 250-679-3536

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by

295 Shuswap ave, Chase Sunday service 10am Kids Hour 10:30 Pastoral office hours: Monday 9-5, Tuesday 12-5 The door is open, coffee is on -- come for conversation, council, or prayer

Amount: $100.00






community calendar drop off at Tru Value Hardware FMI – 250-819-9736


Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Page 3 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower Continued from page 1...

Protect Yourself from the Flu Although other viral infections can present with similar symptoms, those due to influenza virus tend to be worse, last longer, and lead to more serious complications. What is commonly referred to as the ‘stomach flu’ (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) is not influenza, but usually a different viral illness that is common at this time of year. The common cold is another viral illness that seems to be common at this time of year. While some of the symptoms of the common cold and influenza 2 illnesses are the same, influenza the flu is characterized by sudden onset of fever, severe headache and muscle aches, and severe fatigue. So, how can you protect yourself from the influenza virus? A lot of it is common sense: wash your hands often and thoroughly, don’t leave used tissues lying around, cough and sneeze into your shirt sleeve instead of your hands, try using alternative methods of greeting people instead of shaking hands (also known as ‘dap greetings’) and get a flu shot. Publicly funded (free) flu vaccine is provided to anyone who is at risk of serious illness from influenza (infants

six 6 months of age and older, young children, pregnant women (especially in their last trimester), the elderly and those with chronic health conditions. Flu vaccine is available through Public Health, physicians, and pharmacists. How can you protect others during influenza season? The first rule to live by is: if you have symptoms - you are not indispensable or invincible – you are contagious! Stay home and get better! If you have to go out, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and cover your coughs and sneezes. If you have regular, close contact with anyone who is at risk of the complications of influenza the flu, you ALSO qualify for FREE flu vaccine. You want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem and get your flu shot. Nov 1 North Shuswap Flu Clinic (Celista Hall) 10:30AM – 3:30PM **No appointment necessary** Nov 8 Chase Flu Clinic (Chase Community Hall) 9:30AM – 3:30 PM**No appointment necessary** For more information please call Stephanie Danyluk 250-679-1393

Lions Club Ships Off Glasses In 1925, Helen Keller attended the Lions Clubs International Convention and challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” The Lions accepted her challenge and our work ever since has included sight programs aimed at preventable blindness. In 1971, the Board of Directors of Lions Clubs International declared that June 1 would be remembered as Helen Keller Day. Lions around the world implement

sight-related service projects on Helen Keller Day. The Chase Lions each year take up the challenge and through collection boxes in Chase shipped 433 lenses and glasses to help sight programs. Chase Lions Member Patsy McKinnon collects glasses and sends them off to a distribution centre in Calgary. Thank you Chase for your continued support, the gift of eyesight!

250-679-3261 Chase, BC Weekly Produce Specials B.C. Ambrosia apples $1.48/ lb $3.27/ kg

Celery $0.78/ lb $1.72/ kg

Organic gala apples 3 lb bag $5.98 ea

Read online


Grocery 250-679-3553

Pharmacy 250-679-8611

8 am to 8 pm

Sundays: 10 am-4 pm


9 am - 6 pm

825 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC

Page 4 November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

“WAIT FOR ME DADDY” submitted by Alan Pineo

Village of Chase Active Transportation Advisory Committee Chase has been awarded an Active Community grant in support of the province’s Physical Activity Strategy. We are seeking individuals to sit on a committee to support planning and implementation of active transportation initiatives. Please contact the office in person by phone or by email if you are interested in joining or in receiving more information. Deadline to apply is November 15th, 2017. Let’s together create a stronger foundation for an active healthier Chase! Call us at 250-679-3238

Tami’s Nails & Esthetics Nails & Pedicures, Up-Dos & Hair Extensions


ami! Call T

834 Shuswap Avenue

U-Thi Sushi and Grill at

718 Shuswap Ave.

Monday - Saturday 11 am - 8 pm 250-679-8822 “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK

It was early summer in 1982 and the Canadian economy was in the tank with home mortgage rates in the high teens. I had been laid off from a senior management position with a construction company that had seen business drop by over 60% and left with one final pay cheque, little savings and a family to care for. It was going to be a long summer. As luck would have it an old friend had recently purchased a 43 ft yacht and his business was also feeling the effects of a slow and struggling e c o n o my. After a few beer one day he suggested I take his boat to Tofino and see if we could drum up some business running daily cruises to Hot Springs Cove. It was there I first met a local man named Warren Bernard, or Whitey as he liked to be called. Whitey owned the local marine fuel dock and chandlery and we soon became well acquainted as my friends boat was a fuel hog and Whitey’s had become a daily port of call. It was maybe a year later that I was in the Tofino Legion enjoying a cold one with Whitey and I was admiring a famous photo hanging on the wall. It was a picture I had seen many times before with no understanding of its origin and no idea whom the people were in the picture. It was then he told me the photo was taken by a Province Newspaper photographer named Claude Dettloff on October 1st, 1940 along 8th street in New Westminster… “ and that he was the little white haired 5 year old boy in the picture “… along with his Mom and Dad and a thousand soldiers who were heading off to war.

Dorothy and I lived the next 10 years in Tofino and we became good friends with Whitey and his wife Ruby. We eventually purchased my friends 43 ft. boat in 83 and another 52 ft. boat in the spring of 85 and so continued to make many stops at Whitey’s Chevron fuel dock as you can imagine. Whitey went on to become Mayor of Tofino from 1984 to 1988 and I served with him at that time as a Tofino V i l l a g e Councilor for three of those years. J a c k , W h i t e y ’s f a t h e r , landed in Normandy July 2nd, 1944 and W h i t e y was able to retrace many of his father’s footsteps when he went on a Legion organized pilgrimage in July 2017 visiting many famous sites where Canadians had fought and died, including Juno Beach and Vimy Ridge. I phoned him a few days back to make sure it was OK if I wrote this short article about him and he gave me his blessing. It had been 10 years since I last saw him and so we chatted and caught up a little. He told me he is now 82 and that two of his three children still live in Tofino. All are doing very well with each having a child of their own. Whitey’s Dad Jack, the soldier in the picture reaching back to his son’s hand, passed in 1974 and his mother Bernice, who is seen chasing after him, passed in 1995. The city of New Westminster unveiled a life size bronze sculpture about three years ago commemorating the famous photograph. Aside from the Canada Post Stamp that came out last year with a reproduction of the picture Whitey told me there is a Toonie now being produced honouring the famous war picture. Cont’d on next pg

Page 5 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower Chase North Shuswap

Whitey then reminded me of a summer day back in 1986 when he and I, his wife Ruby and my wife Dorothy headed out for a day of cruising and fishing aboard our boat and that we ended up at the top end of Meares Island fishing close to the smaller Marthy Island where Whitey had placed his father’s ashes many years ago. You can see the trees on that island in the background on the right side of the picture of Whitey and me enjoying a laugh as we admired

one of our smaller catches of the day. Every time we caught a fish we toasted his Dad and I remember... we may have caught a few too many.

submitted by Chase RCMP OTHER

On October 24, 2017 at 11:25 am Chase RCMP members were on patrol when they noted a pick-up truck driving without a rear licence plate. A traffic stop was conducted with the vehicle near the intersection of Shuswap Avenue and the Trans Canada Highway in Chase, BC. The 49 year old driver was found to be driving while prohibited and driving while impaired. The vehicle was impounded and the driver was released with a Promise to Appear in Court. PROPERTY On October 17th, 2017 at 3:30 pm Chase RCMP received a report of a residential break and enter occurring on 1st Avenue in Chase BC. Suspects entered the residence earlier that afternoon and stole two laptops. On October 25th, 2017 Chase RCMP received a report of mischief occurring in the 3000 block of Squilax Anglemont Road in Scotch Creek, BC. Suspects spray painted the home, car, shed and a golf cart located at the location. Video footage is being reviewed in attempts to identify the suspect. Anyone with any information regarding these investigations, or any other crime, is asked to contact the Chase Detachment at (250) 6793221 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

120 Aylmer Road 250-679-8408

Summer Hours:

Mon - Sat 9 am - 5 pm Closed Holidays & Sundays We also take: • Electronics • Small Appliances • Sewing Machines • Power Tools • Vacuums • Glass Containers

Apartment in Parkside Manor


Bottle Depot

On October 25th, 2017 Chase Detachment members found two children’s bicycles left outside the detachment. The detachment would like to see the bicycles returned to their owners. If your child’s bike is missing please contact the detachment. On October 16th, 2017 Chase RCMP received a report of person who sustained a gunshot wound. Investigation found that on October 15th, a 58 year old male was walking with a .22 calibre rifle in the Adam’s Lake area. The man stumbled causing the rifle to fire, striking a woman in the shoulder. The man was arrested for charges including Possessing a Firearm without a Licence and Careless Use of a Firearm. He was later released on a Promise to Appear in Court. After serving six years as Detachment Commander of the Chase Detachment, Sgt. Gary Heebner is transferring to a position located in Kelowna BC. His new role will be with the RCMP Career Development and Resourcing department located in the South East District Headquarters. While a search for his replacement is conducted Cpl. Scott Linklater will be acting as the interim Detachment Commander.


MLS® 10136507

Your bottom floor unit has 2 bed 2 bath KADREA 141020 with a 4pc Ensuite in beautiful Parkside Manor. Bright Kitchen, Fireplace in Living room, In Suite Laundry. Your own parking stall right out your door. Easy walk to downtown Chase. So many features you must see. Easy Viewing.


Continued from page 4...

Time to Service Your Furnace!

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NOW OPEN Thursday to Monday 4:30 - 9:30 pm Tel: 250-679-3333 or 778-921-0177

Page 6 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Views expressed in Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, advertisers or anybody except the letter-writer themselves. Submit letters to Letters can be about whatever you want, they may be edited for length and/or clarity or not included.

If you would like to pack a shoe box, Miller’s Cabin has them available. The deadline for collections is November 12, 2017 at Miller’s Cabin.

Team Spirit Abounds! Team Chase would like to send out a big Thank You to the Chase Heat Hockey Team and their coach Brad Fox. Their volunteered time, on Sunday September 24th for our Fall Tea and Fashion Show, in setting up the tables and chairs bright and early

on Sunday morning and coming again at the end of the day to take them down and put them away, is greatly appreciated. Their youthful strength and enthusiasm is very welcomed and needed, those tables are heavy! Janice Winfield, Team Chase

Public Letter regarding Mascon Over the past several weeks the Chase Heat Hockey Organization struggled with a situation that disabled our ability to webcast our home games. Mascon is our internet provider and the problem was we didn’t seem to have enough “gas” or output to get the game streamed to the many hockey loving viewers. So after a flurry of calls to polite, courteous and efficient staff we couldn’t remedy the situation. Then came several visits from Technicians who replaced equipment, adjusted settings, all the while continuing to be pleasant, efficient skilled and patient. The “crisis” at our end continued intermittently and so a few more calls were made between the parties. So on October 26th, Brody the Technician and eventually Ian the Lineman with patience and a huge want to fix the situation arrived, and after many hours

Chase Proud to be part of your community!


reached the “aha” moment. The problem in the end had nothing to do with the internet, but the duo took on the personal challenge to fix the situation. They climbed, they hovered, they adjusted, they removed and replaced. In the end, their service above and beyond ruled the day! In closing, we thank all the great employees we were in contact with, they were courteous, skilled, patient, friendly, and are clearly excellent assets for Mascon. Too often we don’t take the time to thank, appreciate and recognize wonderful, diligent service. Not this time…thank you Mascon and the great employees that make the company so successful in our eyes! Sincerely; Scott Koch President and Webcaster, Chase HEAT

RELAX!!! There is room for everyone to advertise in 729 Shuswap Ave Chase, BC


the CHASE SUNFLOWER 250-679-8880

Page 7 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Get Your Museum Raffle Tickets! submitted by Chase and District Museum and Archives The Quilt raffle tickets in support of the Chase Museum are selling fast. Get yours today. You can stop by the museum and see the prizes first hand. Tickets are 3 for $5 and support the museum’s effort to go green by replacing our energy sucking H a l o g e n lighting with LED bulbs. (75 in total) Also for Christmas we are having our

Purdy’s chocolate order (saves you going to the store and we earn 25 %) Another way you can show your support is to shop our Christmas store which will be located this year beside Millers Cabin and will open around mid November. We are accepting donations and c ons i g n m e nt s for the store again. For details please call Billie 250-679-8241.

scare raises $ for food bank Russ and Susan Rowe had a great turnout to their annual Halloween Haunted Yard. “We had great weather, lots of people, and there were a bunch of new props to show off,” they said. Their one night only haunt at their home on Alymer Road raised over $250 cash for the Chase The Rowes and their hardworking, scary crew Hamper Society as extend a big "thank you in the well as 3 large boxes of food stuff. paper to Chase being awesome!” Russ and Susan wanted to

More Halloween Happenings The Chase Secondary School’s Leadership Class had a great time putting on their haunted house this Halloween. It was truly creepy in the old gun range located in the basement of the school by the time the props were set p, the actors were in place and the smoke machine was on. The spooky scene was open to

the public for two evenings and was well attended. The students raised funds for future events and projects. The hard work and creativity that went into the haunted house was evident, with the well thought out back story and detailed set-up.

Parkside is inviting the community to our

llness Day Event e W Thursday, November 16th from 1 pm - 3 pm • Vendor tables full of great items • Door prize • Everyone welcome!

Making Life Better! • 743 Okanagan Ave. Chase BC 1-866-930-3572 • • 250.679.1544


North Shuswap Flu Clinic Where: North Shuswap Community Hall, 5456 Squilax Anglemont Rd, Celista When: Nov 1, 2017 10:30am – 3:30pm Cost: FREE Surnames A-Z Drop in. To book a private/ family appointment or for a pneumococcal shot, please call 250-679-1393 Chase Flu Clinic Where: Chase Community Hall (upstairs), 547 Shuswap Ave, Chase When: Nov 8, 2017 9:30am-3:30pm Cost: FREE **1 Day Only** Surnames A-Z Drop in. To book a private/family appointment or for a pneumococcal shot, please call 250-679-1393 Catch-Up Flu & Pneumococcal Clinic Where: Chase Health Unit, 825 Thompson Ave When: Nov 15, 2017 – 9:30am – 4:30pm Cost: FREE Please call 250-679-1393 to book an appointment



Lorine Evans Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing evening & weekend appointments

Phone: 250-679-3180 Email: Web:

Page 8 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

Classifieds FOR SALE

For Sale - Wood Stove Insert for fireplace with fan. A1 Shape. Glass front. $250. 250-679-3538. Business for Sale - Taxi service. Call 679-8884. Near new Grandby ( Conforto KLR-1003T) High Efficiency Oil Furnace, c/w above ground tank and copper lines, etc . Furnace was only used for 1 month. 1200.00. Call 250319-9776. Farm Raised, grain fed, frozen chickens. No Chemicals. Gov’t inspected. $3.50/lb. 4+ lbs. Call Norm 679-3540.


LOSE WEIGHT and inches, make money, drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Ask me how www.valentustour. com/Maryerickson or call 250-679-0009.

Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). $2.50 for Lost and Found. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters at 838 Shuswap Avenue or at Willows Natural Foods. Thank you!

Lost: Male cat, “Rascal”, grey and white, long hair with ear tattoo. If anyone has seen him or knows what happened to him please phone Pat at 250-679-3578.


For Rent: 2 bdrm house. Avail now. No pets, no smoking. $975 250-819-7999

3 Bedroom, 2 bath condo for rent in Chase. Avail. Dec 1/17 $950 / mo. 250-545-2807


Taxi service looking for driver in Chase. Part/Full Time. Class 4 License. Call 250-679-8884.


Buying Old Items - Wood Windows, Doors, Ladders, Suitcases, furniture, tools, trunks, tubs, signs, lanterns, pumps, taxidermy, advertising, barrels, scales, farm. 250-577-3357. Wanted: Coin collections appraised and purchased. Buying and selling for 54 years. Also, metal detecting service for lost valuables. Chase and area. Phone 250-318-4054.

delivery. Call Carmen at 250-5773400 Get you yard ready for winter! Hedge trimming and fall clean ups available. Call design house for your quote today!! 250-852-2298. HALL’S KENNELS - Pritchard *First time boarders receive one free day. *Special rates for long term boarders.

Transportation available.

250-318-8367 Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082






weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, generators, boat motors

Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.


Quality Alterations. Pick up and



Dump Runs, Power washing, moving, deliveries, gutters, fire wood. $240/load, fir. Call Tom 250-8522754.

Business Listings


etc. Ask for Jarrett. Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs November 5, 1977




est.1996. Licensed facility. Certified

It's been 40 years & We're still having fun

staff. Children 3mths up to 12 years.

& You're still the one!! All my Love, Sue

Nutritious snacks provided. Daily





educational programs. Part/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest


CALL 250-679-8880 or email

Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or ph: 250-679-2229

Page 9 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower


submitted by Chase & District Chamber of Commerce The Chase & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that we are hosting our 2nd Annual Christmas Gala & Business Excellence Awards on December 9, 2017 at the Chase Community Hall. Cocktails at 6pm Dinner at 7pm Awards at 8pm Dance at 9pm Late Night Snack at 11pm The evening will commence at 6 o’clock with Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres along with a Chocolate Fountain with Fresh Fruit. Bar will be ran again by the Chase & District Festival Society, drinks are $5/each. Following Cocktail hour, is a Chef ’s Premium Dinner Buffet catered by Uptown Chefs Catering & Events of Kamloops at 7 o’clock, which includes: Fresh Rolls & Butter, Creamy Pasta Salad, Fraser Valley Greens, Classic Caesar Salad, Marinated Tomato, Bocconcini and Cucumber Salad, Roasted Root Vegetables, Brussel Sprouts with Maple and Cinnamon, Butternut Squash Ravioli with Pesto, Wild Rice Pilaf, Fully Loaded Whipped Potato with Bacon & Green Onion, Chef Carved Roasted Sirloin of Beef with Rich Homemade Gravy, Fresh Icelandic Cod with Roasted Pineapple & Mango Salsa, Assorted Relishes, Pickled Gherkins, Sweet Pearl Onions, Baby Corn, Olives, Artichokes & Pickled Beets. Chef ’s Selection of Desserts, includes a rich display of Decadent Cakes, Tortes, Mini Desserts, Fresh Sliced

Seasonal Fruits. At 8 o’clock we will be presenting the Business Excellence Awards! In 2017, we had over 90 nominations and they are starting to roll in again!! The award categories are: • Business of the Year with up to 6 employees • Business of the Year with 7+ employees • Employer of the Year • Organization of the Year • Environmentally Conscientious Award • Customer Service Award • New Business of the Year Award • Citizen of the Year Then, get your dancing shoes ready as we are so fortunate to have the one, the only...Randy Sherman from GK Sound deejaying from 9 o’clock til the party stops! We’ll interrupt you briefly at 11 o’clock for a Late Night Snack provided by the Chase & District Chamber of Commerce. Tickets are $65/person or $480/table of 8 (table price includes a bottle of red and white wine) Dress is Semi-Formal. Tickets can be purchased at the Chamber Office! For more information please call 250 679-8432 or email Ali at BUSINESS EXCELLENCE NOMINATION FORMS are available at the Chamber office, Miller’s Cabin, The Chase Sunflower and Elite Nail & Color Studio.

ATTENTION EVERYONE IN CHASE AND SURROUNDING AREAS! Trans Canada Highways Upgrades will affect YOU! The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is hosting an Open House on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Village’s community hall to show the most recent designs for the Trans-Canada Highway upgrades along the corridor from the Chase-Falkland Road intersection at TCH to Jade Mountain at Mattey’s property. How will this affect YOU? Your BUSINESS? We need to hear from everyone who will be affected by the upgrades to the Trans Canada Highway along the Chase/Falkland Road – Mattey Hill corridor. At present we have three full access and egress points between PetroCanada and Mattey’s Hill. The proposals from the Ministry of Highways will reduce our access points significantly! This has serious impacts to our community! We need your voice! How will changes affect YOU? Think about the following in preparation for the meeting: Accessing the Highway: 1. How do you access the Highway to travel towards Kamloops now? How might you access with the upgrades completed and the current access points removed? 2. How do you access the Highway to travel towards Salmon Arm now? What about access once the changes are done? Accessing our Community: How do you get off the highway now to go home from Kamloops or Salmon Arm or Sorrento or Pritchard? How will you get off the highway to home once the changes are made? Traffic impacts inside Chase - Congestion What about INSIDE Chase once changes have been made to the way we access the highway and access our community? Can you think of potential bottlenecks and congestion that might occur because of the proposed changes to how we access our community or travel to the highway? Think about these issues for the immediate future, but also 20 years into the future when our population will be over 3000 – what will access and congestion look like then? The highway upgrades will be in place for 100 years, so we need to look ahead for our community! The opportunities for Chase as a tourism destination may become lessened if it is difficult for tourists to easily access our community – if there are less opportunities to come to Chase, we will lose tourism. The likelihood of highway travellers turning into Chase or even having time to CONSIDER visiting will be reduced if there are fewer access points and the motorists are travelling effectively 25 km/hour faster than they currently travel along the corridor. Your input is very important for the future of Chase – proposals will be presented about what impacts the highway upgrades will have on access points into and out of Chase along the highway. For more information, please contact the Village Office at 250-679-3238 and ask for Sean or Joni or contact Mayor Berrigan at 250-318-1318.

Page 10 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

BUSINESS LISTINGS Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday


Scooter’s Dog Grooming 921 Okanagan Ave, Chase BC


G-Force Sports & board Shop

BC’s premier sports & board shop since ‘06 250-679-8456 • 927 SHUSWAP AVENUE

CHASE HAMPER SOCIETY Emergency Help 250-682-6155

Donations Welcome

Duck Range Plumbing & Heating

T h e re a re no div o rc e c o u rts a t the N orth Po l e, so when S a nta a n d his w ife wa nte d to sp l it u p , they go t a sem ic o l o n. T h ey ’re grea t fo r sep a r a ting indep endent C l a us e s .


I audi t i o n e d f o r a m u s i c a l about the periodic table I got t h e l e a d r o l e !

I t o l d m y g i r l f r i e n d to com e w i th m e t o t h e g ym . The n I s tood he r u p . H o p e f ul l y, s he ’ l l r e a l i z e the tw o of us a re n ot g oi n g to w or k ou t. How do y o u g e t e v e r y o n e t o s e t t l e down at a b a r b e r s h o p c o n v e n t i o n ? “Hair, h a i r ! ” Q : W hat d o yo u get i f yo u c ro ss t h e m an of st e el w i t h a h o t b e e f b ro t h ? A : S ouper m a n !



Q: Why d i d t h e t o m a t o t u r n r e d ? A: Bec a u s e i t s a w t h e s a l a d dressin g .

Respite, Independent & Assisted Living Suites available call 250-320-0400

Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri 250-679-8800 ** Qualified Stylist, Linda, will be filling in for Sharen until further notice. **

Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays


Q : W h at t ype o f to o l d o es a p re h i s to r i c rep t i l e c a rpe nt er use? A : A d i n o - s aw


S e min ar “ H ow to avo id f raud s ” is c an c eled . T i ck e ts ar e n o n - r efu n dab le.

Q . W h y did t he yo gi refu se a nesthesia w h e n h a v ing his w isdo m teeth rem ov ed? A . He wa nted to tr a nsc end- denta l m e d i c a ti o n!

Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting

Q: Wha t’ s the d i f f e r e nc e be t w e e n a r e a l e s ta te a g e n t a n d a n ac c o u nt ant ? A: The a ccou n ta n t k no w s he i s b or i n g .


Q: Can you nam e 10 d i n os a u r s in 10 se c o nds? A: Y e s , 8 Ig u a n a do ns and 2 S te g a s a u r u s I ’ m s o g o o d a t s l e e p in g t h at I can d o i t w i t h m y e y e s c l o sed . I ju st saw an A p p le sto re get r o b b ed ... d o es th at m a k e m e an iW itn es s ? The s hi n b on e i s a d e v i c e fo r fi ndi ng f u r n i tu r e i n a d a r k r oo m . Q: What are made A: Slippers

kind of shoes from bananas?

Q: H ow d oe s a j azz m u si c i an e n d u p w i th a s m al l fo r t u ne ? A: B y s ta r ti n g w i th a n e ve n b i gge r f or tu n e ! I t r i e d y o g a , b u t f o u n d it a b it o f a stretch.

Page 11 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower Word Search - P Qualities



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Chris Walker


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Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Come on in!

OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am


NEW, USED + COLLECTIBLES 734 1ST AVE • 778-220-5618

Page 12 • November 3rd, 2017 • Chase Sunflower

HIT AND MISS HOCKEY submitted by Scott Koch

Last weekend’s update starts with a home game at the Art Holding Memorial Arena, where the soaring EAGLES from Sicamous landed to face the HEAT on Friday the 27th. For potentially the first time in Chase history the game could be described as “mellow”. In the 1st Chase popped a pair, the first from Kaden Black assisted by Brett Alexander and Cory Loring, the second from Alexander helped along by Black and Grady Musgrave. It was 7 minutes into the 2nd period before the first minor infraction was called, the HEAT received the only 3 minors in the period. On the second one Sicamous netted a powerplay goal to make the tame affair interesting. In the 3rd, Sicamous received the only 3 minors, and Chase pocketed another duo of goals. Josh Bourne on the man advantage from Ryan Okino and Kolten Moore, and then to seal the

deal Evan Hughes from Bourne and Dune Wald. A 4-1 win, backstopped by Mathew Ens who repelled 29 0f 30 he faced. Saturday night the 28th in 100 Mile House was a different kettle of fish. Lots of hits and many more missed opportunities eventually cost the HEAT an important two points in the standings. Chase got the only counter in the 1st from Cam Watson, aided and abetted by Moore and Bourne. In the 2nd Zachary Fournier score with the extra man, assisted by Watson and Musgrave. Then the WRANGLERS struck goal in the Cariboo, before Colton Nikiforuk on the powerplay from Black and Fournier made it a 3-1 lead after 40 minutes. Apparently happy with the production to this point the HEAT idled away a good bit of the next 20 minutes as the WRANGLERS popped in 4 unanswered goals to take

a 5-3 victory in front of their pleased fans. New goalie, Billy Cawthorn stopped 39 of 44 in an effort to give his teammates a chance at claiming the valuable two points. The HEAT remain in 3rd place in the Division, 2 points back of the WRANGLERS. Next up the Division leading Revelstoke GRIZZLIES journey west for a Friday Night the 3rd encounter, another important midseason matchup that the locals can’t afford to squander.


Dr . Wayn e Quinn w ill b e jo in in g Dr . M e la nie Ke i t h a t th e

Chase Chiropractic Clinic

(W e l lne s s Ce nt r e)

starti n g O cto ber 3 0th C li n i c H o urs: 8:30 a m - 5:0 0 p m Mond ay, Tu e sd ay, We d n esd a y 8 3 0 T h o m p s o n Av e , C h a s e B C

250-679-2900 www. drw ay nequinn. c om

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