Friday, November 4th, 2016 • Vol. 22, Issue 44
Halloween in CHASE
Busy Weekend a BIG SCARES howling success for AT HAUNTED YARD Chase Lions submitted by Bev Iglesias
by Kelsey Snelgrove photo SUPPLIED
usan and Russ Rowe had a blast setting up their Haunted Yard again, and this year they collected around 100 lbs and food and $76 in cash donations for the Chase Hamper Society. This is the third Halloween the couple have created a spooky scene in their yard at Aylmer Road. Continued on page 5...
Halloween 2016 in Chase had lots to offer everyone this year. The week started with decorating the Community Hall outside, and on Saturday night, 125 patrons were treated to rock band “ Shattered Blue”. The dance floor of the Hall had a workout that night as this band did not disappoint those who came to dance and party. On Sunday with the help of Chase Secondary School students, the basement of the Hall was transformed into a Haunted House which entertained over 200 children and families who were treated with a hot dog, drink and goodie bag. This year the Lions Concession on Mill Road was decorated to hand out grilled hot dogs, french fries and hot chocolate to the teenagers and parents. Continued on page 5...
And... It’s Gone!
Country home, perfect hobby farm only minutes from Kamloops for a short commute! You must check out this property!
• PARADE - Starting at Peoples Food & Drug Parking Lot 10:30 am • REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE 10:55 am Community Hall • AFTER SERVICE - Hot Dog & Hot Chocolate for Children - Lower Lounge Chase Legion Sandwiches, Coffee/Tea for Adults Main Lounge / Beverage for sale • POT LUCK DINNER - 5:30 pm • ENTERTAINMENT - TURTLE VALLEY BAND /All Day - DANCE 7:30 pm
Steps away to the Shuswap Lake! Custom built park m o d e l . Spacious feel with vaulted 10114729 ceilings, french doors open to the deck, #39 1131 Pine Grove Rd furniture inlc. Scotch Creek Best lot in $169,900 complex.
“SIMPLY THE BEST” ...just ask around
250-554-8983 Grooming by A’lon McComber
308 Linden Avenue, Kamloops, BC Corner of Linden Ave & Leigh Rd, North Shore
Donna Smith-Bradley Your Local Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206
Page 2 • November 4th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Community Bulletin Board Email your community event to
• Royal Inland Hospital Craft Fair Sunday, Nov6 from 10-4 at Sandman Centre in Kamloops. • Chase Firefighters Association & Youth Action Committee hosting “The Pasta Project”. Spaghetti dinner, with homemade meatballs & garlic bread, at the Chase Community Hall on Saturday, Nov. 12th. $12 each or $40 for a family of four. Get tickets at, or through a Chase Firefighters, or YAC members. • Artistry Christmas Show & Sale - Nov. 12 from 10 am - 4 pm. Nov 13 from 11 to 3 pm. At the Community Hall in Blind Bay (2510 Blind Bay Road, Corner of Marine Drive) • The Chase Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Club is having their AGM on Monday November 14th @ 7:30 pm upstairs in the Curling Rink Lounge. • Come on out to Haldane Elementary’s annual Scholastic Book Fair!!! Nov 15th 8:00-3:30, Nov 16th 8:00-7:30, Nov 17th 8:00-3:30. Take the opportunity to check some of those kids off your Christmas List! • Chase Creek Christmas Craft Fair Sun. Nov 20th from 10 am - 2 pm. 9.6 km up the Shuswap Chase Falkland Road, cozy setting, lunch w/ homemade soup and desserts, wide variety of gifts, crafts & raffles. • Chief Atahm School, Christmas Craft Fair, Sat. Nov. 26th,2016, Time: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Place: Adams Lake Gymnasium, $10 to book a table, call Tanya at 250-679-8837 • Looking for a photographer for Chase Country Christmas pictures with Santa. Please contact Joanne at Willows 679-3189.
• Annual Christmas Bazaar - Pritchard Community Hall on Duck Range Rd, Sat Nov. 26, 10 am to 2:30 pm Craft Tables, raffle, bake table, homemade lunches. For table rentals call April 250-577-3798
• Chase Museum Annual Christmas Store will be held at the former “Simply DeVine store front. If you have new or gently used items to donate please let us know. We will also accept consignments at 35% of sales to Shuswap Pra Museum. Contact Sher Dickson 250-6793306 or Billie Phillips 250-679-8244. • Chase Country Christmas - Sat. Dec. 03/16 - Theme: Candy Cane. Asking for one (1) dozen candy cane shape homemade only decorated sugar cookies. Adults, teens to children can enter. Please drop off cookies @11:30 am @Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Drive) on Sat. Dec 03rd. Christmas story time, coloring, bonfire, Peter Murray’s hayrides & hot chocolate from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Time to view & vote (people’s choice) for cookies. Everyone is welcome!!! FMI call: Zilly 250.679-2856 • Looking for donations for Children’s Store running for Chase Country Christmas. New or slightly used items would be greatly appreciated. All profits to non profit societies. Location and time of drop off to follow in coming weeks. • More Community Events on Page 6
CHASE CURLING CLUB Pancake Breakfast Nov 13th, 2016 9am to 11am $7.00
Icebreaker bonspiel Nov 5th everyone welcome. Curling, supper & AGM. Cost $10.00 signup at rink. More info to follow.
FMI contact Dave @ 250-675-3682 For info/hours phone 250-679-3536
November 6th GIANT CRIB 10:45
• Annual Fall Craft Sale Nov 5th Chase Community Hall 10-3pm
The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher. irie Publishing
wa us
p Prairi
Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday
Chase Lions Box 12
President: Beverley Iglesias Medical Equip: Rob Simpson - 250-319-6702 Eyeglasses: Patsy McKinnon - 250-320-0346 RV Park: 250-679-8470
Chase Rotary Box 73
Pres: Roy Nelson 250-679-1192 / 250-819-4912 Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm
Churches of Chase & Area Blessed Sacrament
Parish welcomes you to Sunday Mass @ 9 am. + Mass most Tuesdays @ 9 am. + Please join us every 3rd Sunday at 10 am for the K of C Breakfast
The Light of Life Native Fellowship -
Every Sun 3 pm @ Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Dr). Friendly fellowship with food, family & friends after service. Everyone is welcome. Pastor Joseph (250) 679-7656
CHASE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Everyone welcome
Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:
Page 3 • November 4th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Submitted by Diana Ball We all know how chaotic life is these ended in 1885 he decided to take days and the days pass into months and advantage of the Western Land Grants the months into years. And often the that were being offered to both CPR things we meant to do are left in the past employees and settlers. Government as we get swept up into the chores of records show that Laviollete, who today. had married Cinmenak (Sarah) in But acknowledgment given late is not 1901,completed his homestead claim in less heartfelt than those given promptly. 1915. In 2007 the Laviolette cabin was moved In October a commemorative plaque from Skimikin Road to the Museum recognizing the volunteers and donors grounds where it sits today as one of the who made the relocation of the cabin Chase Museum’s main exhibits. possible was installed. Vic Skjeie, the The cabin was originally built in Turtle project co-ordinator stopped by with Valley by Richard Laviollete in the early Mayor Berrigan to admire the new 1900’s. Laviollete who was from Ontario, addition. The Museum is open in the worked on the building of the Canadian winter Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Pacific Railway. When his employment 10-4pm
Lyle’s Concrete
Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday
Duck Range Plumbing & Heating 250-214-0539
Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting
Sharen’s Hair Studio
611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri
Cut Flowers For All Occasions
Chase Garden Centre & Flower Shop At Safety Mart (250) 371-1117
Chase Lions Club 400 Club Winners November 2, 2016 Ticket # 76 --- $100.00 Grant Lacombe Chase, B.C.
Post Office happy with contribution to Foundation The Canada Post in Chase raised $715 this year, for the Community Foundation , which provides funding to local and national non profit groups dedicated to serving the needs of children and youth. Fundraising efforts take place every October, and the amount raised this year is a record for the Chase branch.
Cream of Carrot Soup
1 small onion, chopped 2 tablespoons (30 ml) butter 5 cups (1.25 L) chicken broth 3 cups (750 ml) carrots, peeled and sliced (about 7) 1 cup (250 ml) potatoes, peeled and cubed Salt and pepper
They raised a huge portion in one day selling popcorn, and the rest is from customers paying an extra dollar per booklet of stamps. The Post Office would like to thank TRU Hardware for donating the popcorn and the machine and the the BC Liquor Store for the paper bags.
In a saucepan, soften the onion in the butter over medium heat. Add the carrots, potatoes and broth. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer gently for about 20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.In a blender, purée the soup until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
Located at Chase Country Inn 576 Coburn St 250-679-8822 “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK
Page 4 November 4th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
CSS Hosting School Board Meeting submitted by Nancy Hassler
Grocery 250-679-3553 Open 8 am to 8 pm
Pharmacy 250-679-8611 Open 9 am - 6 pm
Lorine Evans Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing
Our biggest event for the month falls on November 7th as Chase Secondary will be hosting the November School Board Meeting at 5:30 pm. In anticipation of this event we will be holding an Open House from 3:00-4:30 pm where students will be making some Presentations of Learning. We will move directly from the Open House to a free pasta dinner from 4:30-5:30 for parents, students, staff, superintendents and school trustees. Everyone is invited. The School Board meeting will follow the dinner and parents are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting starting at 5:30. We hope to see everyone there!
evening & weekend appointments
Phone: 250-679-3180 Email: Web:
Everything for Healthy Living
Now In:
INFLUENZINUM “Homeopathic Flu Remedy” 729 Shuswap Ave Chase, BC
Chase North Shuswap
Bottle Depot 120 Alymer Road 250-679-8408
Mon - Sat 9 am - 5 pm Closed Holidays
We also take: • Electronics • Small Appliances • Sewing Machines • Power Tools • Vacuums • Glass Containers
Furnace Service/Cleaning •Servicing Pritchard, Chase & Surrounding Area • Red Seal Plumber • Bonded Gas Fitter •35 years experience • WCB & Liability Insured • SENIOR’S DISCOUNT AVAILABLE!
Call for any other plumbing & heating needs! Dan’s Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572
Continued from page 1...
Haunted Yard for a good cause
They welcomed the general public for one night only on October 29th with the warning “not for the faint of heart”. The family is passionate about this creepy holiday; Susan and Russ even met at a Halloween Party. They’ve been creating Haunted Yards for 15 years. When they moved to Chase it was only natural to get started here with their scarily imaginative creations, which they work hard on. “This year, I created a paper mache venus fly trap, that took quite a while,” said Susan. They start planning and thinking about the next Halloween in January. The Rowes thank everyone for coming out, participating and bringing donations for the Hamper Society. The Rowes, of course, are planning on doing the Yard next October.
BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 73 (KAMLOOPS/THOMPSON) PUBLIC BOARD MEETING The Board of Education of School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) will conduct its regular public Board Meeting in Chase, BC on: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2016 5:30 PM CHASE SECONDARY SCHOOL 420 Cottonwood Street Chase, BC All parents and members of the public are welcome to attend. For additional information, you may contact the Superintendent’s Office at 250-374-0679. Continued from page 1...
Lions Halloween Weekend
Over 400 people were served food and refreshments from the 3 events. Thanks Chase for your support! Many thanks also goes out to the following volunteers: Dale, Bill, Maria, Glenda & Gary, Kelsey & Paul, Rollie, Lynne Joan and Chris. Chase Secondary students Sharon Kim, Gikie Yeung, Carson Mickelson, Hunter Sauer, Nickolai Hedrich, Parker Sauer, Inez Hegelstad, Carter Sauer, Natasha Wright, Ashley Nickerson. Without these many volunteers the events this past week would not have been possible. Chase Lions thank each and everyone of you for your generous hours of service to make these events memorable for our community. A shout out to these local merchants who continue to support the efforts in fundraising for the Water Splash Pad. A&W Restaurant for the French Fries & Ketchup, Craigs Bakery and Deli for the Hot Dog and Hamburger buns for the Concession & the Halloween Events, Chase Legion for the ice for our Halloween Dance, Chase Sunflower for your keeping the Community informed, and Millers Cabin for selling tickets.
Page 5 November 4th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Chase Hamper Changes
Your Local Realtor
Submitted by Maureen MacDonald
The Chase Hamper Society has made some big changes this year! And Christmas will bring change too. The Chase Hamper Society will be taking Christmas Hamper registrations for Christmas Hampers at the Chase Community Hall. Applications will not be available at the Chase Employment Centre as in the past. Christmas hamper registration days are: Monday, November 14th, 2016 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Monday, November 28th, 2016 9:00 – 11:00 p.m. Monday, December 12th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Clients are required to
bring ID for everyone in the household. ie: Drivers licence, BC ID, Care Card etc. and proof of address. ie: rent receipt or piece of mail with physical address. Only one Christmas Hamper per household. Families visiting the Community Toy Shop will also be required to register on the above noted dates. Proof of registration will be required to visit the Community Toy Shop. This new registration process has been implemented with our emergency hampers throughout the year and has proven to be very successful. Thank you, Chase Hamper Society.
250-320-5472 1025 1st Ave
86 6421 Eagle Bay
4979 line 17 Road
Looking for an inexpensive building lot? This is it! This 30X100’ lot is flat and would be perfect for someone looking to build a new house without a lot of yard work. Chase offers the lake, mountains, recreational and year round living! $42,000
Lot #86 at Wild Rose Bay on the Shuswap Lake! Are you looking for a place for your boat to call home? Looking for an amazing dock that is fully registered and built to today’s standard? Well when, not “if”, you purchase this lake view lot you have access to that very dock! The great thing about Wild Rose Bay is you have choices.. you can choose to build your dream home or you can park your RV here and just use it for your recreational retreat. Its your choice... Choose lot 86 at Wild Rose Bay priced below assessment for quick sale. $175,000
Looking for space and total privacy, yet close to schools and shopping? This 5 acre property features a well maintained 2280 square foot log home with 3 bedrooms. Log home has a brand new sunny patio to enjoy your morning coffee or take shade in the covered deck. Just off the back patio, down the garden path there is hot tub and lounging area that is great for relaxing to watch the stars. Many upgrades include newer roof, furnace, hotwater tank, wood stove, electrical, all plumbing, lighting, central vac and landscaping. Numerous fruit trees and a garden area. Barn & a wild game cold building to hang your animals.Blessed with an abundance of water from a well and has water rights from a underground brook. Property is not zoned. Visitors are welcome as there is a RV parking spot with full services to hook up to. There is ample storage, including a cold room. On the school bus route and is close to the public beach. $520,000
The Chase & District Chamber of Commerce Presents
Business Excellence Awards & Christmas Gala Comecelebrate celebrate Come thethe businesses inbusinesses Chase and the holiday in Chase season! and the holiday season! Dress: Semi Formal Dress: Semi Formal Venue: Chase Community Venue: Chase Community Hall Hall 547 Shuswap Avenue 547 Shuswap Avenue Cost $55/person $440/table (Table Price $55/person comes with Red & Cost: White Wine) $440.00/table (Table Price comes with Red & White Wine)
December 10th,2016 2016 December 10th, 6 o’clock - Cocktails & Awards 76o’clock o’clock- Dinner - Cocktails 9 o’clock Dance &- Awards 7 o’clock - Dinner 4 Course Dinner Menu 9 o’clock - Dance Casino hosted by ChaseDinner Lions Menu Club 4The Course
Casino hosted by The Chase Lions Club
Page 6 • November 4th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). $2.50 for Lost and Found. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.
FOR SALE Quilters Fabric Sale - Nov 12, 2016 1:00 pm to ?. Sun Valley Rec Centre. Large variety of fabrics. Reasonable pricing. 679-3810. Moving - Must Sell. Roll away cot. $40. Fridge, in good shape. $150. 679-3697. For Sale - 4 winter Quest Snow Tires. Size 215/70. R15. Used one winter in Chase. Steve 250-679-8348 For Sale - Moving on Nov 8th : Must Sell, Mascon Receivers. 1 HDPVER (High Def Recorder), 1 HD (High Def) 1 Standard. Were $620.00, Asking $300.00. 250-679-3697. For Sale - Older electric stove 30” ring burner, self clean oven. Older non matching washer and dryer. Best offer. Call Judith at 250-679-3773.
Electronic device found at Haunted Road on Aylmer Road. Please call 250-679-3437 to identify. Found: Pair of keys near Chase Country Inn. @ The Sunflower. 6798880.
LOSE WEIGHT and inches, make money, drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Ask me how Maryerickson or call 250-679-0009.
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153. Math Tutoring - 1 to 1, personal, professional, in your home or mine. Over 18 years experience. Up to Grade 12. 778-981-0057
Community Bulletin Board Email your community event to
• Help Us Support Our Community Safety Mart Foods along with the Chase Hamper Society have coupon books for sale at $10 per book with over $50 worth of savings. For every coupon book sold 100% of the sales will go to your local food bank. Coupon books can be purchased at Safety Mart Foods. Coupon Books expire Dec. 31, 2016. • Sat., Dec 03/16 Chase Country Christmas. New to slightly used winter wear. Drop off @ Chase Art Holding Arena from noon to 9:00 p.m. Same day as Hockey Night in Chase. Distribution of winter wear Fri. Dec 09/16 @ Chase Evangelical Free Church from noon to 3:00 p.m. Non-perishable foods are also greatly appreciated for the Hamper Society.
Upcoming Flu Clinics: CELISTA - North Shuswap Community Hall - 5456 Squilax Anglemont Road Wednesday, Nov.2 10:30 am – 3:30 pm Drop-In—No Appointment Necessary CHASE - Chase Community Hall (Upstairs) - 547 Shuswap Ave - Wednesday, Nov 9 9:30 am – 3:30 pm - Drop-in—Not appointment necessary - **1 DAY ONLY- last names A-Z** FAMILY FLU CLINIC (for families with children) - Chase Health Center - 825 Thompson Ave - Thursday Nov 3 - *By appointment only* - Call 250-679-1393.
Business & Services
Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs SAHHALTKUM DAYCARE est.1996. Licensed facility. Certified staff. Children 3mths up to 12 years. Hot Lunch program available. Nutritious snacks provided. Daily educational programs. Part/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or ph: 250-679-2229 Interiors by Patricia - Specializing in Feature Walls, Home Staging, Man & Mom Caves & Home Decor 403-370-6661. Skw’lax Daycare - Provincial licensed. Qualified ECE staff, hot lunch program. FT/PT space avail for infant/toddler (3 mth - 36 mth) and 3-5 yr program (36 mth to 72 mth) 13-1528 Little Shuswap Lake Rd. Chase BC, V0E 1Mz ph 250679-8033.
Advertise in the
Sunflower for as little as $5 Call 679-8880
Page 7 • November 4th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Word Search
- roadways in Chase
Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Come on in!
OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am
Dave’s Appliance Repair
Guaranteed Service to all Brands and Makes
LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week
Dr. Roy Rodrigues & Dr Melanie Keith
Chase Wellness Centre 250-679-2900
Sorrento Plumbing & Water Well Service
250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap! AYLMER BEACH BELL ARBUTUS COBURN
HAR HAR What’s the difference between a cat and a complex sentence? A cat has claws at the end of its paws. A complex sentence has a pause at the end of its clause. Knock knock. Who’s there? Yoda lady. Yoda lady who? Good job yodeling! Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? All they said was, “Bach, Bach, Bach” When is the worst possible time to have a heart attack? When you are playing Charades.
Answers on page 6...
My girlfriend yelled at me today saying, “You weren’t even listening just now, were you?!” I thought, “Man, what a weird way to start a conversation.”
Handyman Dave
Appliances, Heating, Locks, Plumbing, Elec. PH: 250-679-2463
Jessica Kantymir, RMT 250-679-8066 Little Shuswap Physiotherapy Myofascial, trigger point therapy & more
Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays
Underwood Restaurant 250-679-3321
Roast Beef Mondays
Awesome Ladies Fashions Available Locally
Chum ‘n’ Luba’s
826 Shuswap Ave • 250.679.3134 • Tues - Friday 10 - 4:30
Page 8 • November 4th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
It’s Irrigation Blowout Time! Phone to book or confirm your blowout
Springhill xcavating We nowEstock : Yard •&FirGbark arden Works mulch 314 Aylmer Road, Chase BC • Black fertilizing mulch Cell:250- 371-4862 Office: 250-679-8626
POPPY FINANCIAL REPORT 2015/2016 Poppy Campaign Starts Friday 28th Oct. 2016 Opening Balance 1st October 2015 $4,776.79 Income from Oct 1 2015 to Sept, 30 2016 $9,966.54 Balance $14.743.33 Expenses from Oct. 1st 2015 to Sept. 30th 2016 Poppies & Wreaths $0,832.75 Promotional Material $0,508.90 Campaign Expenses $0,792.22 Vet’s Assistance $2,225.64 Poster Literary Contest [ZonesPrizes] $0,100.00 Special Use Expenditure [Donations] $5,8 53.43 Bursaries $1,500.00 Assessments to command $0,445.43 TOTAL EXPENSES
Balance at Sept, 30th 2016
Royal Canadian Legion #107 Chase would like to thank the communities of Chase, Sorrento / Blind Bay North Shore & Pritchard for their continued support of our Poppy Campaign. Yours in comradeship John H Angus, Poppy Chairman
40% off
iance l l A n Drago sses a l g n u s ock! t s g n i remain
G-FORCE SPORTS & Board Shop 927 Shuswap Ave • 250-679-8456
by Scott Koch As we all remember to turn our clocks minutes 2-0 for the Little Shuswap Squad. back this weekend, we also reflect on In the 2nd two events happened half way how far the HEAT have come in the past through, Palaga fired in his second of the six years. Year One a total of 5 wins, this evening assisted by Farstad and Black. season alone, 6 wins in a row over four Then Assistant Captain Pat Brady handily weekends. Sometimes building a winner took on Hayden Dick in the only tilt of the complete with 24 quality team committed contest. After 40 had ticked by, 3-0 Chase. young men takes time and a great deal of The 3rd period was “20 minutes of Josh effort. It’s still early and the Hockey Gods Bourne” as the talented twig twister and Puck Luck may have a say, but this displayed his shooting skills. The fine squad is definitely worth watching! tuned instrument in his hands played a Perched on top of their Conference troika of hip hop diddedly bop to garner a and Division the boys had a quirk in the hat trick, and a big treat for the fans. schedule, a one game weekend, against The first “Bournsey” from Michael the rival Kamloops Storm in their historic Fidanza, the second from Chris Pedersen old barn, Memorial Arena. One chance at and the third a powerplay marker from maintaining momentum and on the road Travis Beaubien and Fidanza. The STORM they take on one of the perennial best managed a pair from Keaton Gordon and teams in the entire KIJHL. Nate Pelletier in a fruitless attempt to get At game start it was evident in the stands back into the game. Nic Bruyere behind that the team faithful had made the his ghoulish mask was stellar in goal, short journey west to catch some quality stopping 31 of 33 shots he faced, keeping entertainment. On this dark autumn his foes at bay. This one sent the treated evening in the hallowed ice hall they fans home after a 6-2 HEAT victory. would not be disappointed, nor go home Next weekend the HEAT travel to the without a treat. Little Apple to take on the Kelowna Chiefs, October 29th, Saturday Night, and a Friday, November 4th. On the 5th it’s a mended Assistant Captain Mason Palaga night at the Art Holding Memorial Arena unassisted blasted a point shot past the versus the big bad bruins, the Revelstoke Kamloops tender to get the trick or Grizzlies. The Chase Lions Club are the treating started. Team Captain Spencer teams guests that evening, so come on out Farstad added to that assisted by Kaden and show your support while enjoying Black and Zach Fournier. After 20 shenanigans on hard water.
Pin Chatter: N
ews from the Bowling Alley
Hello again! Kelly, Emma and I hope that you all had a great Halloween! This past weekend at the lanes, we hosted one of our favorite tournaments; the Village Lanes Scotch Doubles! We had bowlers come from as far away as Merritt, and Fruitvale to partake in this fun little event! Congratulations to Salmon Arm bowlers, Andrea Jackson and Matt Honkanen on winning the Scratch side of the event! And to local Chase bowlers, Violet and Reuben Nancekivell on placing first in the Pins Over Average division! The rest of the crowd didn’t bowl as well, so we decided that we would try again the following morning! The four player four game team tournament was an absolute blow-out!
One of our favorite teams from Lumby, made up of Kara Kazimer, Nikki Kazimer, Alex Kazimer, and Paul Schynder, placed first by over 400 points! Kara averaged a 225 for the four games (her average is usually a 170!) And her son, Alex, bowled a massive 271, which was 110 points over his individual average! Way to go guys! Coming up at Village Lanes, is a massive amount of staff parties! Every weekend from November 19th, through to the new year is booked solid! However, we do still have a couple of dates in November, and into January, so if you were thinking of booking, call us today! We are extremely excited to be hosting some of our favorite groups!