Jack-o-lantern Colouring Contest Chase Library Oct 1 to 31. Colour a cute pumpkin picture (available at the Chase Library) and return it to the library. We will enter your name in a draw and your adorable pumpkin will help decorate the windows! 250679-3331 All ages!
NOW BOOKING TABLES for Chase County Christmas Craft Fair on Saturday December 3rd. Call Leila @ 250-572-1109
Skmana Ski and Snowshoe Club is excited to announce that registration is now open for Jackrabbits (6 - 9 year olds)! Our coaching will happen on Saturdays from 2 - 3 PM this year and with an adult + a child membership + $25 Rabbits Registration,
there is access to no-cost equipment for the season (size permitting). Sign up the family at ski-skmana.com. Looking forward to seeing you on the trails when the snow flies!
**Please note that a coach is needed for the Bunnyrabbits (4 & 5 year olds). We have an assistant coach lined up, however need a lead coach for the season. All training provided. Email Michelle at lmtsutsumi@gmail.com by October 31st if you are interested in coaching.**
Chase Library Booksale Nov 1 to 5 during open hours. Books, CDs, audiobooks, children’s books. New stock added daily. (Please note the library does not accept donations of any materials)
more on page 3....
Royal Canadian Legion
Mon. Oct. 31 - open 2 pm - 6 pm
No League Darts
Tues. Nov. 1 - open 2 pm - 6 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws
Wed. Nov. 2 - CLOSED
Thurs. Nov. 3 - open - 2 pm League Darts at 7 pm
Fri. Nov. 4 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - fun darts,
Sat. Nov. 5 - open 1 pm - fun darts, meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs
Sun. Nov. 6 - CLOSED
Fri. Nov. 11th - Remembrance Day
11 AM - Chase Community Hall - Wear A Poppy General Meeting Wed. Nov. 16, 2022 - 7 pm at the Chase Legion.
Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.
At the Blessed Sacrament Parish we invite you all to Mass. See back page.
PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0 chaselions67@gmail.com
Facebook Chase & District Lions Club
President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527 Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470
For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808.
Last week was Tiare Phillips $100.00 This week is Leslie Koshynsky $100.00
Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet. For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
The Light of Life Native Fellowship
Pastor Joseph #1.250.457-3845
Find "Joseph Shuswap Kim" on Youtube John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Chase Evangelical Free Church Service at 10 am Sunday More Information at ChaseChurch.com 250 679 3626 Tyler@ ChaseChurch.com
Chase Evangelical Free Church295 Shuswap Ave Physical Gathering Suspended in response to Provincial Health Order, Online Gatherings Accessible at www.ChaseChurch.com 250 679 1676 or Tyler@ChaseChurch.com
Shuswap Community Church Outdoor Services
10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca for more info.
Join us Sunday morning at 10am @ The Chase Community Hall. Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca or more info call: (778) 824-0383 email: spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
Call: (778) 824-0383 Email: Spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
The Chase
is pleased to
are now accepting donations of
mittens, scarves, small appliances, bedding, towels, Christmas ornaments, games, toys, etc.
accept large
furniture or clothing.
contact Billie Phillips @ 250-6798241 or Sher Dickson @ 250-679-3306
Chase Legion - Poppy campaign starts on Friday 28th October
Poppy tables will be set up at; Pharmachoice - Safety Mart - Post Office. Need volunteers to sign up to be at those tables. Sign-up chart at Legion. Also, there will be a parade this year. Starting at Pharmachoice at 10:30 am. March down to community hall where ceremony will take place at 11 am.
Legion will be open at noon after ceremony. Nobody is permitted to enter the legion till
after colour party has been marched in. Hot chocolate & sandwiches for the kids downstairs.
Entertain will start at approx,. 2 pm.
Soup & Buns is back at the Chase Evangelical Free Church at 295 Shuswap Avenue. Come in, enjoy soup, a bun, and a sweet, meet old friends, and make some new ones. No charge. Starting Thursday, Oct. 27 from 11:30 am to 1:00pm every week til Dec. 15. Hope to see you there.
Hey Chase! Come out and support the 1st Chase Minor hockey game of the year! The U18 Broncos are taking on the Ashcroft Warriors in an exciting no holds bar match. Puck drops at 3:45 PM at the Art Holding Arena. The concession will be serving up yummy Poutine, Onion Rings, Hot Dogs, Mochas & Hot Chocolate. The stands will be roasty toasty too. So come out Chase and show your team that you have Hockey Spirit.
submitted by Chase and Area Young Learners Society
The Chase and Area Young Learners are going to be Santa’s little helpers this year. We are accepting donations for anything kids: Clothes, shoes, toys, furniture, sporting equipment, etc. With every donation you will receive ‘kids bucks’ which can be used towards any purchases that you make.
The Lewis family has kindly donated the TRU Hardware building to us. Because of the cost of living increases and in the spirit of recycling we want to enable families in Chase to provide for their children in a more cost effective way.
We will be open for the month before
Christmas; Donation place and times will be posted soon. If you have anything you wish to donate call Bev at 250 6793307 for pick up. There will also be a drop box at the TRU Hardware Building soon.
CAYLS would also like to take this opportunity to thank the pie lovers of Chase for their support. Pies can be ordered any time by calling Bev at 250 679-3307.
We will also be at the Chase Country Christmas Craft Fair with all our Christmas goodies.
Proceeds benefit all children in our area.
The Thompson-Nicola Regional Library is seeking a casual Circulation/ Reference Assistant who creates a welcoming environment and a superb library experience for all. Candidates with a strong customer service orientation and a keen attention to detail are encouraged to apply.
Duties include providing technology assistance, library programming, and supporting patrons through reference and readers’ advisory.
The position is subject to the provisions of the Collective Agreement with the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union, Local 705. Evening and Saturday availability is required.
The Circulation Reference Assistant position pays $24.32 per hour plus 18.2% in lieu of benefits. There may be additional casual hours available as a Library Page, pays $17.02 per hour plus 18.2% in lieu of benefits.
Complete details of the position and required qualifications are available on the Thompson-Nicola Regional Library website: tnrl.ca/jobs.
is with great sadness that we announce the
of our dearly
Father, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather, Edward James Garland.
passed peacefully at his home in Chase, BC, October 20, 2022 at the age of 86. We have comfort in knowing that he has been Promoted to Glory and is now with his Lord and Saviour.
Ed was born in London, England April 19, 1936 to Beatrice (Foster) and Jack Leslie Garland. He married Sarah Plumb in June 1961 and they emigrated to Canada with their 3 young children in 1967. Ed served in the British Army before commencing his career in Telecommunications which he enjoyed until his retirement in 1994.
He is predeceased by his wife Sarah (2004) and survived by his sisters Brenda Leggett and Rita Garland along with his children Theresa (Brad) Bent, Caroline Plumb and Doug (Trish) Garland. His grandchildren Amanda, Stephanie, Andrew (Alyssa), Matthew, Rebekah (Arran), Kirstin (Brandon), Levi, Grace (Malik), and Anna Marie. His great grandchildren Taryn, Ellisyn, Kelson and Austin (AJ); and nieces and nephews in Canada and England. Ed was dearly loved and will be greatly missed, but remembered always for his kind gentle and gracious spirit, his warm smile, sense of humour, his ready laugh, courage and his generosity.
Memorial service November 5, 2022 at 2pm at the Chase Evangelical Free Church, 295 Shuswap Ave., Chase, BC - Pastor Tyler Harper Officiating.
Jan 7, 1964 – Oct 29, 2021
There is holes in our hearts where we will hold memories of you forever!
Love Mom, Dad, Wesley and Steven. Rest in peace my love.
Special Meeting of Council October 25, 2022 – Highlights submitted by Village of Chase
Council held a Special Meeting on October 25, 2022
the Community Hall and via Zoom. Two people attended in-person and three people attended virtually.
Council members provided summaries of their activities
their roles as
events recently
Arena Partnering Agreement – Extension of Term. Council passed a resolution extending the agreement between the Village of Chase and the Chase and District Recreation Centre Society until September 30, 2023 with the same terms and conditions as the existing agreement.
Letter from Chase Rotary Club – Contribution for Repairs of Clock. Council passed a resolution directing Administration to forward a letter of gratitude to the Chase Rotary Club for its contribution of $1500 towards repairs of the Chase Rotary Clock.
Fire Department Establishment and Regulation Amendment Bylaw. Council passed first, second and third readings of Fire Department Establishment and Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 9212022, which will change the service level competency to “Interior Operations Level” from “Exterior Operations Level”.
Zoning Amendment –Short Term Rental, 1106 Beach Place. Council passed a resolution accepting the zoning amendment application for 1106 Beach Place and directing Administration to process the
application and draft a zoning amendment bylaw.
Active Transportation Grant Opportunity – Coburn Street. Council passed a resolution supporting an application for BC Active Transportation Infrastructure 2022/2023 funding to pursue pedestrian improvements along Coburn Street with a 30 percent contribution from the Village and a completion date of March 2024.
Secwepemc Landmarks Project. Council passed a resolution authorizing a contribution of up to $1,500 for the unveiling ceremony of the Secwepemc Landmarks Project, a sculpture of Indigenous significance that will be placed in Memorial Park in Chase.
BC Hydro Community ReGreening Program. Council passed a resolution directing Administration to complete the application process for the next funding component of the BC Hydro Community ReGreening Program. The Village has applied for and received $5000 grants in previous years to plant trees in various parks and other publicly owned spaces.
With no further business, the Council meeting concluded at 5:54 p.m.
For more information regarding Council’s meetings, please go to the Village’s website at https://chasebc.ca/council/ minutes-agendas/
The Inaugural Meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at the Community Hall (547 Shuswap Avenue) and via Zoom.
On October 5th, 2022 at 5:53 pm, Chase RCMP were advised of a single vehicle collision on the Trans Canada Highway, west of Chase. The driver swerved to miss a dog and instead hit a giant road sign and went in the ditch. The dog ran off. Passersby, concerned the dog might be injured, followed it onto fenced private property, past a gate and a ‘no trespassing’ sign. Startled to find strangers trespassing on his property and unaware of the accident, the homeowner phoned 911 and threatened to chase the trespassers away with a bat. The 911 call-taker realized what was likely happening and was able to de-escalate the situation until Police arrived. Police investigated the collision, organized the tow, scolded the well-meaning trespassers and re-assured the homeowner but did not locate the dog.
On October 11th, 2022 Chase RCMP were notified that a psychiatric patient had escaped from his medical transport on route to the lower mainland from Alberta. The patient had been permitted a brief restroom break without an escort and had seized the opportunity to flee. Chase RCMP were requested to assist in locating the patient. Police were warned that the patient had a history of aggression toward police officers. Chase RCMP searched for the patient with assistance from Kamloops Police Dog Services. The patient eventually returned to the medical transport vehicle of his own accord. Police were then required to escort the medical staff and their patient to the nearest hospital.
On October 12th, 2022, Chase RCMP were requested to investigate a possible body in the South Thompson River. A fisherman noticed a blanket that seemed to be wrapped around a human shaped object. The object was resting under two feet of water, near a sand bar in the middle of the river. The blanket appeared to be stained with blood. The complainant explained that Police would need to travel by boat to the sand bar and then wade into the river to reach the blanket. The river was too low for the RCMP boat, so the complainant generously
volunteered to transport Police to the site. With dread, Police waded into the river and began to examine the blanket. What initially appeared to be blood splotches, was in fact, a red floral pattern on a beige background. To everyone’s immense relief, the blanket contained nothing but sand and rocks.
On October 14th, 2022, Chase RCMP were advised of a motor vehicle collision on Holding Road. Neighbours heard a crash and hurried outside in the dark to check on the driver. The driver had failed to negotiate a curve; his pickup crossed the centre line and went off the road. The pickup stopped when it became wedged on top of a concrete barrier that prevented the truck from plummeting down a steep embankment into the Adams River. Police noted that the driver seemed unsteady on his feet; however, this is not unusual given the circumstances. During the investigation, breath samples were obtained from the driver. The breath samples produced ‘fail’ readings, indicating that the driver’s ability to drive was impaired by alcohol. Luckily, no one was harmed. The driver received a 90 day driving prohibition and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days.
On October 16th, 2022 at 12:14 am, Chase RCMP were requested to attend a local motel room to investigate a suspicious situation. The complainant was convinced there was someone under his bed. He was hiding in the bathroom, while waiting for Police. Police attended and summoned the courage to check under the bed. There was nothing underneath it. No monsters under the bed...this time.
On October 20th, 2022 at 3:00 pm, Chase RCMP received another report of a possible body on the bank of the South Thompson River near Pritchard. The caller had been driving along the Trans Canada Highway when he observed something human shaped, covered with birds. Police walked along the river shore for a considerable distance but found only a human shaped
log with a bunch of birds on it.
On October 24th, 2022 at 8:06 pm, Chase RCMP were advised of a two vehicle collision on the Trans Canada Highway, west of Chase. The complainant was on hold with 911 attempting to report an erratic driver, when the vehicle (a white Mini Cooper), crossed the centre line and struck an oncoming Jeep Cherokee. The Jeep Cherokee entered the ditch and flipped several times. The driver was not seriously injured but their dog was ejected through the shattered sunroof and could not be found. The investigation determined that the driver of the Mini Cooper had suffered a medical emergency before the collision. He was treated by Paramedics and transported to hospital for further assessment.
The following day, the dog was spotted running along the highway — the dog and owner were happily reunited.
The Chase and District Fish and Game Club is getting back into the swing of things for fall. Hopefully by now you have heard of our Fall Fundraiser. The Big Fall 50 50 and Silent Auction. It is down to its last 10 days as I write this article and the fund is starting to climb. It is up to $2500 in the 50 50 raffle section. The club wants to thank the community and the businesses who have contributed to maintain our facilities and infrastructure. Without your support we would not have such an excellent facility to use. Also, thanks to all of you who have so generously bought a 50 50 ticket, bid on a silent auction item, or donated to the club. Your support means a lot.
Fundraising helps keep our membership fees to a reasonable level. Families can afford to use the facilities. Parents can take their children up to the range to do archery or plinking. I am sure there are many readers who have fond memories of going out to target shoot or plink with parents, or grand parents. It makes such a fun day.
Compared to other places, our club has some of the lowest fees by hundreds of dollars. Without fundraising, those fees would have to rise. If you want to buy
a 50 50 ticket and the raffle hasn’t closed yet, go to https://trellis.org/thebigfall5050
. The draw takes place on Novembers 1st – Live streamed on our Facebook page. The draw takes place at 3 :30 pm and sales end at 3 pm Nov 1st. The silent auction bidding ends on October 31st at 4 pm.
Our club has started working on a new community project. We have designed a new dock for Harper Lake. The old one has seen its best days and needs to be replaced. We are trying to make a dock that fishermen will be able to cast from. We have a design drawn up and hope to have all the lumber milled by spring. Ralph Bischoff, our president is going to mill the lumber for the dock. Then the hope is to get the dock built in the spring by volunteers.
If you have an idea for a local project
for the community that you think the CDFGC could help with, please contact any of our executive of our club. We are always interested in new ideas, especially ones that will get people and youth outside enjoying the outdoors.
The club is also going to donate $1000 to the BC Wildlife Federation Steelhead Research Project. Steelhead are not doing well and the DFO is disinclined to share its research with the BCWF. We feel that this is an important and relevant project to support. This donation supports our club’s mission statement “to represent all local residents whose aims are to protect, enhance, and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.”
If you are an outdoors type person, think about joining our club. We meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at Creekside Senior Center at 7 pm. New annual memberships will be required Jam 1st 2023 and the lock at the range will be changed. You can get memberships at The Village Ubrew or download them from our website in fillable PDF format. The 2023 membership forms will not be available until sometime in December 2022.
Beginning on November 6th, 2022, we will be having Mass on Sundays at 8:00 am.
We realize this is quite early, but it is back to Sunday, instead of Saturday at 4:00.