CHASE COUNTY CHRISTMAS planning has begun. Please join us at our NEW MEETING TIME of 6:00pm Wednesday Oct. 12 at the Visitors Centre. Let’s come back this year with GREAT event
Jack-o-lantern Colouring Contest Chase Library Oct 1 to 31. Colour a cute pumpkin picture (available at the Chase Library) and return it to the library. We will enter your name in a draw and your adorable pumpkin will help decorate the windows! 250679-3331 All ages!
Nerf Blasters - Oct 26 6-7 pm an AFTER HOURS event! We supply the safety glasses, darts, Nerf Blasters, and snacks. You bring the skills! Costumes are encouraged as long as
they don’t restrict movement. A waiver must be completed by a parent/guardian before the event. Children will not be permitted to play without a signed waiver. Ages 9-12 Registration required. Chase Library 250.679.3331
Monday October 3rd 1 - 3 pm
Monday October 17th 5 - 7 pm Food bank days are extremely busy. With the increase of usuage at the food bank it is so important for clients to call ahead and pre-register. You will be provided a time to pick up your food hamper. Walk ins will be served last. Please call 250-682-6155. Thank you
More on page 7...
The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase * For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Mon. Oct. 10 - open 2 pm - League Darts at 7 pm
Tues. Oct. 11 - open 2 pm - 6 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws Wed. Oct. 12 - CLOSED
Thurs. Oct. 13 - open - 2 pm League Darts at 7 pm
Fri. Oct. 14 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - fun darts, Sat. Oct. 15 - open 1 pm - meat draws, 50/50. Dance with The Barn Katz 7 pm Sun. Oct. 16 - CLOSED
General Meeting Wed. Oct. 19, 2022 - 7 pm at the Chase Legion. Halloween Dance - Sat. Oct. 29th at 7 pm with Strange Brew.
With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.
Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677)
Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome!
PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0
Facebook Chase & District Lions Club
President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527
call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470
For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808.
Bob McLellan $100.00
At the Blessed Sacrament Parish we invite you all to Mass on Saturdays @ 4:00 pm.
Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.
For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
3:16 "For God so loved
that He gave His only begotten Son, that
believes in Him should not perish but have
Chase Evangelical
Free Church
Provincial Health
Online Gatherings
Service at 10 am Sunday More Information at ChaseChurch.com 250 679 3626
Accessible at
679 1676 or
Community Church Outdoor Services 10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park
www.aplacetobelong.ca for more info.
(778) 824-0383
Join us Sunday morning at 10am @ The Chase Community Hall. Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca or more info call: (778) 824-0383 email: spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
Spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
submitted by Chase Country Quilters
Many hands, many stitches, many pieces of cloth. The Chase Country Quilters, twenty members strong are a “quiet” Chase treasure. They are a group of friendly ladies that meet and sew on Wednesday mornings.
The club was started 25 years ago in 1997 by Chris Welch as a Learn to Quilt group. Since 2009 the club has made 1770 quilts and given away most of them. The Chase public health nurse gifts a quilt to each new baby on their first home visit (324 quilts). Fire victims received a quilt (30). The Royal Inland Hospital received quilts – cancer clinic (246), renal dialysis (72), pediatrics (258). Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Memorial Hospice Home, Kamloops received 61 quilts for their beds. Organizations in Chase received quilts to help with fundraising – Chase
Rotary Auction (9), Chase Museum (7), Chase Legion Telethon (6), Team Chase (9), Chase Heat Hockey (7) and Chase Curling Club (3).
The Quilters are not in it for the money, but for the joy of making and giving.
Once a year, quilts and handmade items are exhibited and sold to raise money for fabric (they accept fabric donations also), batting, thread and operating costs. This allows them to continue using their skills to comfort and assist others. Come out and support these ladies
at the 12th Annual Show & Sale, Saturday Oct 22, 2022 at Creekside Seniors 10 am – 2 pm.
A really big THANK YOU goes to the Chase Curling Club for welcoming us with space to sew and to EVERYONE for their support.
250-320-3050 email info@chasesunflower.ca 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase
Harvest Sale Saturday Oct 8 9am1pm 702 3rd ave. Many homemade treats and fresh bannock!
Garage Sale - Saturday, October 8, 2022 336 Aspen Drive 8 am - 2 pm.
For Sale - Two Michelin winter tires 225/65 R17. Used but still 50% tread left. $50 for the pair. Phone 250-6795425.
For Sale - Mastercraft belt sander . Belt size 4x36. Like new, hardly been used. $100. Phone 250-679-5425.
Wood Kitchen Table with Leaf & 5 Chairs. Price $200 Call Allan 250-6793753
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
Experienced Handyman: Repairs, renovations, yard cleanup. Call Aaron 250-682-5121.
Looking for a home to rent. Must be immaculately clean. Have a small dog that is well trained. We are seniors. Please call Ron or Betty Ann at 778-220-8471 or email bettann1590@gmail.com
Custom-made products for pain and skin management. Fireweed Wellness Products @ 632 Shuswap Avenue, Chase. 250-679-1156.
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave 250-819-3875
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
Also buying coin collections, old money, 999 bullion, jewelry, Rolex & Omega watches 1-250-864-3521
The 8th Annual Wild Salmon Caravan took place on Sunday, October 2, 2022 in Chase
The Wild Salmon Caravan, led by the Secwepemc Chapter of the Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty, is in its 8th year of public arts-based engagement to celebrate the spirit of wild salmon, our most important Indigenous food and a cultural and ecological keystone species. Following the theme of “Oneness with Wild Salmon and All our Relations,” the Wild Salmon Caravan led a ceremonial procession and Mardi Gras-style parade through Chase, followed by feast, storytelling and music throughout the day, with artists lending their voices to express solidarity with
Indigenous Peoples working to save wild salmon. The main show featured a well-seasoned Blues band named Wolfchild and the Bandits at Chase Memorial Park Bandshell. We are calling for a just transition out of the industrial storm that is killing wild salmon. Dawn Morrison, Founder/Curator of the Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty, said “It is our sacred responsibility to return to our original instructions as Indigenous Peoples to protect and maintain our sacred trusts of land, water, people, plants and animals that have provided us with our food for thousands of years”.
have lived in Chase
Fire Dept,
rumor going
y’all hear about the cow who weighed a ton??
personally think it’s a whole lot of
Conversations in French - Chase Library
5:00-6:30pm Oct 6, 20, Nov 3, 17 and Dec 1. Drop in. A casual time to try out, practice and learn French at the Chase Library. We will have topics and questions to get conversations going. Un moment décontracté pour essayer, pratiquer et apprendre le français à la Chase Library. Nous aurons des sujets et des questions pour faire avancer les conversations. Drop-in. For adults. 250.679.3331
Chase and District Recreation Society Learn to Skate Programs Fall 2022Online fillable registration forms are available by contacting: jherman@cablelan.net
Payment by etransfer info will be noted on Registration form. Please make the answer to the security question: skating ( ie) What will my child be doing? Phone/text 250-8516524 FMI.
Sunday October 9th, 2022 8am to 10am $10 for 12 years and older, $5 for children 6 to 12years, Children under 6 years free. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice
Chase & District Recreation Centre Society
AGM. Thursday October 13th at 6pm in the arena mezzanine. Everyone welcome, new members needed.
SKMANA SKI & SNOWSHOE CLUB, requires volunteers for Oct 15 and or 16th. We have an extra heavy amount of clean up to do in preparation for the coming season. Please call or text Darcy for details. 250 319 8301
To all those who want to join Beginner’s Tai Chi, we finally have a go! We will be meeting at the Chase Community Hall from 10 to 11:30 on Thursday, Oct. 13. Come and see what it’s all about. No obligation to join, no charge for the first 2 lessons. FMY Phone Judy Mackenzie at 250-679-5425.
North Shuswap Christian Fellowship Church
Location – 4071 Butters Road, Scotch Creek Worship Circle - A Night of Inspirational Singing
Thu., Oct 27/2022, 07:00 PM Join us for a night of inspirational singing and music! Please bring some goodies to share, beverages will be provided. Everyone is invited.
The 2022/23 ski season registration is now open!!!!
Register before December 1st for a chance to win prizes from Rossignol, Fischer & Swix, Supercamps from Sovereign & SilverStar, and The Pinnacles Suites at SilverStar. https://ski-skmana.com/
An election by voting is to be held to elect a Mayor and four Councillors, and that the following persons are candidates for each office:
MAYOR – One (1) to be elected
Usual Names
Residential Address
ALLEN 1022 Hillside Avenue, Chase, BC
LEPSOE DAVID 910 Paquette Street; Chase, BC
SCOTT STEVE 636 Hysop Place, Chase, BC
Usual Names
Residential Address
CONNETT COLIN 421 Cedar Avenue, Chase, BC
RON 4844 Gerella Road, Pritchard, BC
HERMAN JANE 590 Elm Street, Chase, BC
BEVERLEY 621 3rd Avenue, Chase, BC
KRYSTAL 5958 Waterfront Lane, Chase BC TORBOHM
FRED #11-312 Arbutus Street, Chase, BC
WELTON SANDRA 6377 VLA Road, Chase, BC
Between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at: CHASE COMMUNITY HALL 547 SHUSWAP AVENUE, CHASE, BC
Between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: CHASE COMMUNITY HALL 547 SHUSWAP AVENUE, CHASE, BC
To register as a resident elector you must:
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day October 15, 2022;
• be a Canadian citizen;
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be a resident of the Village of Chase on the day of registration (at time of voting); and
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
P.O. BOX 440
PHONE (250) 679-3238 - FAX (250) 679-3070
• To register as a non-resident property elector you must:
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day October 15, 2022;
• be a Canadian citizen;
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be a registered owner of real property in the Village of Chase for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• not be entitled to register as a resident elector; and
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
In addition, for non-resident property electors:
• The only persons who are registered owners of the property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust.
• If more than one person is registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector.
In addition, in order to register at time of voting:
To register, resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity.
To register, non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the other property owners.
If you wish to vote by mail, you must submit the following information to the VILLAGE OF CHASE office by mail PO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC V0E 1M0, telephone (250-679-3238), fax (250-679-3070) or email elections@chasebc.ca no later than September 30, 2022:
(1) Full name, (2) Residential address, (3) Address of the property in relation to which you are voting (for non-resident property electors), (4) Method of delivery of your mail ballot package:
• pick up at office and, if you wish, name of person you authorize to pick up package for you, OR
• regular letter mail through Canada Post to residential address, OR
• regular letter mail through Canada Post to an alternate address that you provide when requesting the ballot package, and (5) If you are not on the list of electors, to ensure you receive the correct registration application form in your package, you must indicate whether you are going to be registering as a resident or non-resident property elector.
To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer no later than 8 pm on Saturday, October 15, 2022.
Joni Heinrich
Chief Election Officer
PO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue Chase, BC V0E 1M0
Ph: 250-679-3238 Fax: 250-679-3070 elections@chasebc.ca
Sean O’Flaherty
Deputy Chief Election Officer
PO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue
Chase, BC V0E 1M0
Ph: 250-679-3238 Fax: 250-679-3070 elections@chasebc.ca
Starting with the raising of the flag declaring September Literacy Month to the Community Team Spirit of creating awareness of the importance of Literacy Skills in everything through Golf tournament, raising funds at businesses , sharing posts and word of mouth we did it!!
Thank you to Village of Chase, Chase Rotary, Chase Lions, Chase Legion, Safety Mart Foods and ISCU for their generous donations.
Special Thanks to all who helped make Raise a Reader day a success Chase Heat, Jane Herman, David Lepsoe, Jane Torbohm (created our mascot! Smartie who made his debut), Ron Harder, Krystal Laluha, Girls from Eye Candy, Rob McLean and April, Maureen MacDonald, Jacqueline Drake, and the InClusive Café, and to all of YOU! THANK YOU!
Thank you, CHASE- For continuing to support Raise a Reader!
Funds raised will stay in our community. This year we raised $3500
This past weekend your Heat left town on a 52 passenger land yacht in the early hours of Friday the 30th of September. Their first stop on their itinerary was a meet and greet with the Kimberley Dynamiters. Now the KABOOM crew are perennially one of the best in the KIJHL, so who knew which way this was going to go. Young hearts and bus legs stepped out of the bus to face the opposition at the historic Civic Centre, a place that permeates the blood sweat and tears of battles fought decades ago. Remember there are 14 rookies walking into the unknown on a team that is still trying to find it’s footing and some chemistry. Added to this is the fact this is the Heat’s first crossover competition in years. The KIJHL consists of the Kootenay Conference and the Okanagan of which the Heat belong.
So, enough bafflegab lets get to the action. 26 seconds in the opposition sticks a dagger in the Chase crew. A little over a minute later veteran Aidan Brown evens the score with a helper from Kieran Armitage. The hosts then pop in a second goal followed by Maddex Bignell on the man advantage
submitted by Scott Koch, Chase Heatfrom Braeden Huth and Josh Gagnon. Before the first twenty minutes is in the books Ryan Keylor gets his first KIJHL goal on the powerplay helped by Mason Lilly and Matt Crews, its 3-2. In the 2nd Jalen Davidson on the man advantage from Lilly and Crews adds to the lead. Dynamiters get one back on a powerplay and after 40 its 4-3. It’s a tennis match for 12 plus minutes in the 3rd before Kimberley ties it up. Three minutes later Davidson with his 2nd of the game regains the lead with aide from Gagnon and Armitage. With their net empty and an extra marksman on the ice the hosts tie it at 5-5. The teams are off to overtime where nothing changes. Time for a shootout and the hosts take a 6-5 win, with Chase garnering a single point for the regulation tie. Roderic May stopped 28/33 in a valiant effort between the pipes. A huge moral boosting point versus strong opposition.
After overnight slumbers the Chase crew ready themselves for a Saturday night Special in Invermere versus the Columbia Valley Rockies. Off to the races and the hosts strike first, but Bignell again on the powerplay pots his
second of the road trip from Huth and its 1-1. The Rockies score twice more in the 1st, twice more in the 2nd and 3 more times in the 3rd, prior to Armitage from Davidson making it in the end an 8-2 loss. The Rockies had 51 scoring opportunities faced by a combination of Meyer Gaume and late in the 3rd May who both stood tall in a barrage from a formidable opponent.
Coming up next is a busy Thanksgiving weekend including two games at the Art Holding Memorial Arena with a Golf Tournament at Sunshore sandwiched in between on Saturday. Friday night at 7:00 pm the Princeton Posse ride into a hostile environment at our chilly Chaos Castle. Sunday features a 1:00 pm clash with the Beaver Valley Nitehawks. The Heat and Nitehawks battled for the KIJHL Championship some 6 years ago with the visitors winning the series. Both these contests will be supercharged with some like and a lot of the other (you fill in the blank). What is better on a long weekend then taking your sweetie and the kids to a couple of entertaining hockey games. See you at the rink!
A little extra help for seniors and elders to remain confidently in their own home
• Friendly Visit Calls
• Light Housekeeping
• Resource and Referrals
Services are subject to availability
Staff, Volunteers and Contractors have been carefully vetted & trained for your security.
Central Intake 250-253-2749
Funded by the Government of BC. Income based service fees may apply.
The Chase Environmental Action Group (CEAG) has reached out to Chase Council candidates in an attempt to understand their level of concern regarding the Climate Crisis.
We thank those who took the time to respond--Steve Scott, Jane Herman, Beverley Iglesias, Colin Connett, David Lepsoe, Sandra Welton, Krystal Laluha, and Ron Harder. We apologize for any errors and omissions. (Time was limited, and two council candidates could not be contacted or had not responded.)
Here are the questions we asked.
Following that, we include a summary of the candidates’ answers.
1) On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the most important), how important is Climate Change?
2) On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the most important), how important is it to reduce GreenHouse Gases (GHG’s) in our community
3) If you have taken any actions to battle climate action, please list them below. If not, please explain why you have not felt it necessary to date.
4) If elected, what will you “take on” to promote local climate action?
In answering questions 1 and 2, Mayoralty Candidate Steve Scott chose 7 for both. For question 3, his actions to try to reduce personal carbon emissions include cycling more, switching to electric appliances, and home renovations. His reply to question 4 was that he would take
on one climate related project per budget cycle.
Mayoralty Candidate David Lepsoe opted not to respond to the questions, but replied “I am very much for issues regarding the environment especially when they are financially feasible. “
Council Candidate Jane Herman chose 10 for the first two questions. Her family’s actions include recycling as much as possible, using a golf cart for errands and transportation around town, growing as much as possible of their own food and otherwise purchasing locally, as well as conserving water and electricity.
With regards to question 4, Jane stated that she would support CEAG and bring issues to Council as she wishes to leave a “clean future” for following generations.
Council Candidate Beverley Iglesias thanked CEAG for sending the questionnaire but preferred to keep her observations on Climate Change private. She said that she would be present at the All Candidates Forum, and assured us that she personally takes action every day, such as walking wherever and whenever she can. “Our household is green and we are diligent when it comes to recycling and composting.”
Council Candidate Colin Connett’s choices for questions 1 and 2, were 8 and 10. For question 3, his environmental actions include composting, using natural rather than chemical pesticides, and walking whenever possible. Regarding question 4, he is concerned about road salt leaching into Chase Creek. He would check into what other communities are doing. He would ensure that charging stations were installed in central locations and would encourage the Village
to purchase a chipper so that wood waste could be chipped rather than burnt.
Council Candidate Sandra Welton chose 10 for the first two questions. Her actions to reduce carbon emissions include composting, using a clothesline, buying local farm produce, walking, and switching to a golf cart. She would take on environmental issues, and support CEAG. She would like Chase to be “a proud community supporting climate change actions, and making this world a better place bit by bit”.
Council Candidate Krystal Laluha responded to the last question. “I think there are some very reasonable ways we can lower our carbon footprint in Chase…go plastic free like many of the other towns and cities by doing away with plastic shopping bags and switching to biodegradable or reusable bags. I think we could do an event to raise awareness in reducing, reusing, and recycling. Perhaps even displaying some upcycled projects people have done. I was a bit disappointed to come to my business one day and find all our recycle bins were taken away. I’d like to see them returned as most businesses have a lot of cardboard from shipments that now end up in the garbage.”
Council Candidate Ron Harder answered the first two questions with 10. Regarding personal actions, he stated that they make do with one vehicle wherever possible to not only help the environment but also cut costs. They are also heavy into recycling. Ron stated that he doesn’t have a real answer for question 4 at this point “until we discuss this as a council if I’m elected. There are so many things that have to happen on a global basis to be effective locally. I think until we can get the biggest polluters in the world such as China and India on side a lot of what we need to achieve can’t happen. We also need cities like Victoria to stop pouring sewage into the ocean, cruise ships to stop dumping in the ocean, and we need heavier fines for big businesses that are notorious polluters.”
The goal of this brief article was to provide some assistance to those Chase voters who share our concern about the effects of climate change. We hope that the Council elected on Oct. 15 is willing to take the necessary action.
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure project team wishes to provide the public with updates on key project activities, construction, and traffic impacts to keep locals and highway users informed as the project progresses. These updates can be found on the project website www.gov.bc.ca/bchwy1 chase
One major change to be noted this month is the originally planned completion date for the Chase West project has been delayed until May 2023 Additional details for how this will affect highway traffic can be found in the table below.
Chase West A D Highway through traffic
Paving until the end of October Shuswap Ave. W will be closed for 1 week and moved to the new intersection. Highway 1 will have two paved lanes at 80km/hr for winter shutdown.
Chase West B Chase Creek Road Chase Creek Road will access the highway at the new intersection
Chase West C VLA Road Connection to VLA road will be completed by end of October
Chase East E Highway through traffic
Blasting continues between 1300h 1500h or 1900h to 2200h daily. Expect closures of up to 20 mins in both directions along Hwy 1.
Chase East F Village Roads Shuswap Ave sewer installation ongoing All Village of Chase roads will be paved prior to winter shutdown.
Chase East G Coburn Street Access Coburn Street at Hwy 1 will re open by the end of October.
Chase West:
Construction well underway, expected completion spring 2023.
Chase East: Construction underway, expected completion fall 2023.
To apply for work on either phase of the project please visit www.bcib.ca.
Ministry of Transportation:
Greg Jones 778 945 6153 chasefourlaning@gov.bc.ca
Chase West Contractor: Dawson Civil Ltd.
Chris Cooper 250 374 3657 ccooper@dawsoncivil.ca
Chase East Contractor: CIF Construction Ltd.
Scott Fomenoff 778 835 5357 scott.fomenoff@cifcon.com
The Village of Chase Council will be holding a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 464 of the Local Government Act, to consider amendments to the Village of Chase Zoning Bylaw No. 683.
The Council will consider amending the zoning bylaw to allow up to four (4) backyard hens on low/medium density properties greater than 550m2.
If you feel your property interests may be affected by the proposed amendment and you wish to address Village Council on any matters pertaining to this bylaw, please attend the Public Hearing at the Village Office on:
Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 at 4:00 pm Your comments/concerns may also be presented in writing, in advance of the meeting by addressing them to the undersigned, or at the public hearing in person, by petition or by attorney.
Sean O’Flaherty, RPP Corporate Officer Village of Chase
Note: This is the second of two consecutive Public Notices.
Dated this 7 day of October, 2022 at Chase, BC
Chase & District Museum & Archives is being
at the G20 YEA
Chase & District Museum & Archives Society has joined The VR Voyage Classroom community.
Over the last year, technology startup Forager Education and the BC Museums Association (BCMA) collaborated on the development of a platform that connects the province’s natural and cultural heritage with BC classrooms. Chase & District Museum & Archives Society has joined this innovative new platform to share our story with a larger audience of teachers, classrooms, and schools across British Columbia and the world. The VR Voyage Classroom will have the spotlight on an international stage in October. It was named one of the official delegates for the 2022 G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (YEA) Summit in Germany. We are excited to forge a new path forward through the pandemic. Learning from the adaptations that other organizations made, we can collaborate as a sector through the help of the BCMA and Forager Education.
With the platform fully launched this September 2022, Forager Education and its production partners are developing new inperson programs and educational experiences that utilize the latest in distance education and virtual reality trends. Creating programs to be enjoyed on-site or from any corner of the BC and the globe allows us to share our story beyond the limits of our community. COVID caused us to rethink how we operate and further our mandate. With fewer physical visitors, we had to explore
new technologies to support our operations and ensure our story continued to be told.
“We are so excited to work with the Chase & District Museum & Archives Society and showcase their important story locally and internationally during the G20 YEA Summit in Germany.”
- Bryce Mathew Watts, Founder & Program Director at Forager Education
“Myself and the Chase & District Museum & Archives Society’s board of directors are thrilled to have the opportunity to share our history on a wider scale than ever before and to join other institutions in creating a valuable resource.”
- Breanne Malo, Curator/Manager at Chase & District Museum & Archives Society
The G20 YEA Summit coincides with the annual G20 Summit where young entrepreneurs from G20 nations present novel business models to create a stronger entrepreneurial ecosystem. Forager Education, as an official Canadian Delegate, provides a platform to showcase what BC’s heritage sector is doing to build a stronger future together.
Forager Education is innovating the way curriculum-connected programming is developed by institutions and experienced by students. Working with a network of Indigenous, cultural, scientific, and artistic partners, we are creating a new era of experiential learning for in-class and distance learning. Whether our partners are rural organizations or large provincial institutions, each has an important story to tell.
If elected to Council in Chase my goal is to see new businesses in the downtown and to work with the province on providing more affordable housing. I have a plan of how this can be done and the contacts to achieve this.
My wife and I are currently working on making the move to Chase and hope to be in our new home by Christmas if it works like we want it to.
I want to work for a better future for us all.
I worked for the Village of Chase for 38 years.
I am now looking forward to sharing my passion for Chase in my retirement years.
I would appreciate the opportunity to work for the citizens of Chase.
Advertisement Authorized by Colin Connett- On October 15, please vote -
Wildwood Productions and the Gleneden Association are pleased to again present the popular Coffee House evenings—entertainment events that ran for ten years during the 1970’s and 80’s— to be held at Gleneden Hall located at 5151 49th Street NW, just west of Salmon Arm, running off TransCanada Highway opposite Pierre’s Point Road.
So, what is a “Coffee House?” The Oxford Canadian Dictionary defines it as a place serving coffee and refreshments, as well as (more significantly) live performances presented cabaret style. And that’s what will be re-staged at the Hall every third Saturday from October 15 to next May. Shows will be Open Mic format, with talented local singers and instrumentalists stepping up to the microphone and delivering music sure
to lighten the mood and set toes to tapping. As an added attraction, poets and raconteurs are invited to weave their stories with readings that take audiences to imagined places through word pictures.
In the interest of health safety, COVID protocols will be optional. Shuswap Coffee House doors will open at 6:30 pm for performer registrations and audience attendees, with the programme starting at 7:00 pm. A few spots can be booked in advance for outof-town performers. Call 250.832.2300 to reserve. Beverages and snacks will be available. Admission fee is $4.00.
Music and the arts – a panacea like no other. And a great way to add to your weekends.