August 14th Issue of the Chase Sunflower

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August 14, 2015 Vol. 20, Issue 31

6th Annual CornStock - Event Summary


his past Saturday, Chase Memorial Park was filled music, laughter, and smiles as Chase CornStock 2015 returned for its sixth year to provide a family fun event for the whole community on Teams in a three part competition (corn eating, shucking and corn the shores of the stalk javelin) for $150 towards their favorite charity in the CornStar Little Shuswap Challenge at CornStock on Saturday. Lake. The Kamloops Rivertown Players also Miss Chase, Miss Congeniality, and Chase performed two of their original plays to · LICENSED HOME BUILDER Princess were the emcees for the event and a group of very delighted and engaged · BONDED COMMERCIAL BUILDER · LICENSED HOME BUILDER · began the festivities by welcoming Elder youngsters and Christie Mickelson also set · EXCAVATOR · DUMP TRUCK · · BONDED COMMERICAL BUILDER · SKID STEER · AERIAL FORKLIFT · Lawrence Michel from the Adams Lake up a photobooth for all guests to grab a fun Indian Band to do a traditional prayer. shot and capture the energy of the day. email: Brian: 250-371-3413 office: Blake: 250-572-3735 On behalf of Chase Village Council, cell: 250-371-3413 250-572-3735 Continued on page 6 Councilor Maki also provided some words to welcome citizens and guests to the event and recognize the work of the volunteers • Interior & exterior painting specialists • Install base boards and organizations who made this year’s • Custom kitchens • Build decks & fences CornStock possible. There was a variety of different vendors Summer Special: 20% off interior/exterior repaints! and information booths in the CornField RE Market including unique gifts, fresh FO CUTTING EDGE E B produce, delicious meals, and hot buttered PAINTING corn on the cob from Pete Murray’s CHASE BC 250-682-9616 Corn Farm. Over in the Interior Savings R TE AF Little Kernels Zone, the Chase Summer WE DO IT RIGHT FOR LESS 20 years experience. Ticketed Red Seal painter. We offer 5 year Recreation Staff kept the young cornstockers written guarantee on all exterior paint jobs. Fully licensed & insured. busy with corn husk doll making, crafts, Service from Salmon Arm to Kamloops and surrounding areas. games, face painting, and a bouncy castle.


SUITES AVAILABLE Making Life Better!

• Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom, No Waiting List • Respite Care Available Call 1-250-517-9667 for more information 743 Okanagan Ave. Chase BC V0E 1M0






Page 2 • August 14th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Our Community

Bulletin Board Interior Savings Moonlight Movie Night August 20th at Chase Secondary School field. Gates open at 7:00pm with Big Hero 6 (G) to start at dusk (approximately 8:00pm). Activities & snack concession on site. All proceeds go to Chase Minor Baseball. Big thanks to Village Lanes Fun Centre for their sponsorship as a “Star Supporter” in this event.

Chase Farm & Craft Market Curling Club parking lot, Every Friday. 10 am to 2 pm. Artisan products, local honey, baking, and fresh produce! Curling - Registration for the 2015-2016 Curling Season is on Tuesday September 22 at the curling rink. FMI call Dave @ 250-517-8829or Janice @ 250-679-4471. Juniors welcome ages 9 to 18 $40.00 a season FMI call Diane @ 250-679-2987. The museum is in the planning process of a new exhibit on the history of Sports in Chase and the Shuswap. We are seeking stories, photos, memorabilia etc. Contact the museum at or 250-679-8847 if you have things to share. Theatre Sports for Girls - Tuesdays in August at Memorial Park 1:30 - 3 pm No admission fee. Snack Provided. FMI call Pat 250-571-4411 or Brandi 250-318-7086

Chase Summer Recreation Program Come join us on our daily adventure including swimming, crafts and games. For info call Sherri Toews at 778-220-1214 or Chelan Patterson at 778-220-2784. For info/hours phone 250-679-3536 AUGUST 14TH BURGER & BEER 5 - 7 PM $ 10 PER PERSON. $ 6 KIDS 6 - 12 AUGUST 15TH - 2 PM MEAT DRAW, 50/50 & FUN DARTS AUGUST 18TH FREE MEAT DRAW 4 - 6:30 PM POOL - 3:30 PM

Announce events and activities of your community organization! Deadline Monday 3 pm for Friday’s paper Email Learn how to can and pickle - August 15-16 at Adams lake Gym 9 am to 3 pm. $10 per house hold to cover kitchen cost. Bring what you like to can or pickle and supply jars etc. Put on by Native Soils Tim/Lissa Kenoras 250-679-3493. St Andrews /United Church 845 Thompson Ave Sunday August 16th 10 AM Holy Communion Rev Alfred Maier


Location of washrooms/ toilets in Chase:

1) Chase Memorial Park - take Pine Street off Shuswap Avenue, turn right on 2nd Avenue, takes you to the park. 2) Chase Chamber of Commerce on Shuswap Avenue 3) Chase Creek Falls (maps @Chase Chamber of Commerce office) 4) Rotary Club wading pool on Pine Street off Shuswap Ave. Sani dump for RV’s available for a small fee @ Chase Lions RV Park - drive on Pine Street (remember 30 km/hr zone) off Shuswap Ave. Over the railway tracks about 1 km, just before THE BRIDGE turn left.

Creekside Center Activities

• Canasta - Mon & Wed. 1 pm

• Exercise class - Start up again in Sept. • Pool - Join in for a game or two - Monday & Wednesday 1 pm • Bingo - Tuesday 1 pm • Wood carving - Thursday 9 am. Try out a new hobby, lots of help! No tools? That’s OK! Call Dave at 250-679-8110 FMI. • Drop-in carpet bowling - Thursday 10 am. Low impact exercise. Lessons given. • Cribbage - In July & August we will be having Cribbage Thurs at 7 pm and Fri at 1 pm. ATTENTION: NO CRIB Thursday August 6th or Friday August 14th. • Mini Crib - No mini crib until September. We look forward to seeing all our members for dinner in Sept.

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

Shuswap Prairie Publishing Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor


PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday



Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Chase Lions Box 12

Contact: Pres Bill Riben 679-4418 Sec: Mercedes Riben 679-4418 Medical Equipment: 679-4418 RV Park: Beverley Iglesias: 250-371-7136

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Jacquie Everett 675-2574, Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm

Page 3 • August 14th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

TEN questions With....

Picking up where we left off with 10 questions, we are talking to another member of the Chase Volunteer Fire Department, Bill Currie. Q • How long have you lived in Chase? A • I have been in Chase for about 4 years now.

Lyle’s Concrete .

Q • What’s your day job? A • Currently I work for

Q • How’d you get involved with the fire dept? A • Friends of mine were on the fire department and thought it be a great place to meet new people while working with the community. Q • Whats your favorite thing about being on the fire department? What are some challenges? A • My favourite part are the people I volunteer with and working with the community as well as driving the big trucks around and using the equipment. Some of the challenges are things like getting mutual aid in place with neighbouring fire departments Q • Can you share some memorable experiences from your time with the department? A • In 2012 three members went to Prince George for the firefighter’s games. There were firefighter’s from all around BC there. What I remember most is later in the day there was a woman doing the obstacle course and she had been struggling from the start. It took her about 12 minutes (average was about 5 minutes) to get to the last obstacle. When she was about to throw in the towel, she fell

dragging Rescue Randy, a life size dummy. A few firefighters helped her up and then every firefighter there encouraged and chanted her on to finish the course. That was over 250 volunteer firefighters standing together not leaving anyone behind. It’s hard not to feel proud of what you do when your surrounded by people like that Q • What do you like about Chase? A • The community spirit and the people that go out of their way to help others. And this has got to be one of the best groomed and cleanest villages in BC. All the flower beds and parks makes a person proud to call Chase home. Q • What do you do for fun? A • I enjoy fishing and Kayaking. Q • What’s the best thing you’ve done this summer? A • Best thing this summer was vacationing with my girlfriend and her daughter visiting family that were here from Ireland. Q • Fill in the blanks: I want to say a special Hello to ______ because _________: A • I want to say a special Thank you to all the Volunteer firefighters helping out with all the forest fires. Q • Where do you see yourself in 10 years? A • I want to see at least one trip to Ireland and Scotland under my belt maybe have a cabin on the lake. Q. Who should be next? A • Dan Stevens

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Smith-Bradley Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

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Chase 250-679-8880

Village of Chase, Council Briefs - Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

Fire Department: Requesting Approval to Purchase Items: Council approved additional spending for the Fire Department, who now have a high number of volunteer members; 22 compared to the 7 or so they began the year with. 4 additional pagers are required as well as some other small items. Council approved an additional $5000 be added to the Fire Department’s Supplies budget.

Proposed Water Restriction Levels Village of Chase Administration will work on changes to its Water Regulations Bylaw to include additional levels of water restrictions. In the meantime, The Village urges residents voluntarily follow the Level

2 restrictions immediately. See the Village of Chase insert page accompanying this issue for more information.

4 Way Stop at Coburn and Okanagan The agenda included several letters from citizens and a petition from residents at Old Orchard Park urging Council to reconsider the removal of the stop signs at this intersection. Council voted to keep the 4 way stop and recommended that Citizens on Patrol do a traffic study and set up its Speed Watch there in the future. It was noted that future highway expansion of the highway might affect Coburn Street in the future.

Fire Department: Critical Incident Stress Management Services The Fire Department requested more comprehensive coverage be available to the fire department volunteers in dealing with critical incident stress. Council approved coverage for all firefighters for CISM services including: 24/7 telephone counselling service, counsellors could come to Chase if needed, all counsellors have at least a masters degree, and no member would be declined counselling. This coverage amounts to a total of $600 for an entire year for 22 members. Next Council Meeting is a Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 4:00 pm.

Page 4 • August 14th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Business Listings Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri


Dave’s Appliance Repair

Guaranteed Service to all Brands and Makes




Awesome Ladies Fashions Available Locally

Chum ‘n’ Luba’s

826 Shuswap Ave • 250.679.3134 • Tues - Sat 10 - 4:30

Afternoon High Tea • Sat & Sun 1-5

Finger sandwiches, lavender scones & baked goods 250 675-2977

LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week 250-679-8600

Village Barber Shop

Experience our friendly European Atmosphere


Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays Underwood Hotel Restaurant Steak, Pasta, Fish & Chips OPEN 7 Days a Week!

Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Kerrie’s cookin’ in the kitchen, come on in! OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am

Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday


Chase Garden Centre Open 7 days per week Located in Safety Mart Plaza

Positively Seen in Chase This Week

Submitted by Chase and District Chamber of Commerce Thanks to all those who worked together like to recognize those pedestrians who to make Cornstock 2015 such a great day. are staying safe by using the crosswalks All the organizers, volunteers, donors and taking the time to make eye contact and sponsors, vendors, and performers with drivers before crossing the street. contributed greatly to the fun had by Let’s remind each other to always use the all who attended. Thanks too, to the crosswalks rather than putting ourselves residents and visitors who attended and and others at risk by darting between showed such great support for the event. parked cars into traffic when crossing the Local COP Speedwatch volunteers road. would like to thank all the residents and This has been another fine week in visitors who are respecting the posted Chase. Keep on enjoying the beautiful speeds throughout town, especially in weather and stay safe out there on the our playground zones. They would also water!

Churchill’s Corner by Wally Churchill

The federal election & hoopla It is hard to be realistic about something that will affect us big time til the next time, when some of the same old stories are told by the same old puppets. I say puppets, because that is what they are. When a mining company can let millions and millions of gallons of harmful effluent pollute our fish and our drinking water, and not get shut down and/or fined for billions of dollars. They get a little slap on the wrist and then let them back to start all over again. Something is wrong with this picture. Give your head a shake. I won’t Harp on it.... Chase is like the tale of two cities People used to ask me if I was related to Winston Churchill. I would say he is my great uncle. I ran with it. My dad

Cucumber Salad

was white and my mom was Indian. She decided it would be better for us, at that time, to walk a white man’s path. Sadly, she was probably right. Last weekend at Adam’s Lake there was a Shuswap Nation Unity Meeting. I was honored to be a part of the Celebration of the Salmon. Two traditional canoes came in, kids jumped out of the canoes, it was like a scene from the past. It’s hard to explain the feeling; there was pride and hope for the Earth. I hope to put on events where Indians and whites [I will get a little flak] can come together. I have to use my talents to bring people together. Wally “Wallbanger” Churchill is a tsixéxem̓ from Chase. This is his corner.

Ingredients: Drain cucumbers well; pat dry. Add 2 cucumbers, unpeeled, very thinly sliced cucumbers to dressing and stir to blend. 1 tablespoon coarse kosher salt Refrigerate at least 15 minutes and up to 2 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar hours; serve cold. 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh dill ASPHALT: Driveways • Pathways • Lots 3 tablespoons sugar BUILDING SINCE 1979 1/2 teaspoon freshly groundROAD black pepper Site Prep • Excavating Preparation: Free Estimates • Gravel Hauling Place cucumber slices in colander. Sprinkle 250-320-6070 with salt; toss to coat. LetGARRY stand 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, for dressing, stir vinegar, dill, One cup of cucumber contains about sugar, and pepper in large bowl until sugar 19 percent of the recommended is dissolved. daily intake of vitamin K.

Page 5 • August 14th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Chabelos cares for kids

Submitted by: Sandy Sirianni Once again members of Chabelos RV Park in chase, came together to hold a fund raiser, to raise money and collect gifts for the Chase Hamper Society. A fun time was had by all, BBQ chicken, potluck, auction 50/50 draw and musical entertainment. The event was well attended by over 115 people. We would like to thank the members of Chase Hamper Society who donated the cake, and I’m sure Cecelia Callaghan was glad that she was there to win the 50/50 draw in the amount of $235.00 dollars. Special thanks to Constable Guillavme & Constable Gien for keeping the kids entertained.

Windows 10 is here

Submitted by Lakeside Technical Solutions I have been playing with the preview are gone so everything is right with the version of Windows 10 for several world again. If you found Windows 8/8.1 months as part of the Windows Insider difficult to navigate, you will definitely program and wrote a short piece on it welcome the change. back in January. At that time, I was very Aside from the Apps Store introduced impressed with it and I still am, even in Windows 8, there are some big new though at the time of this writing, I don’t features coming with Windows 10. have the final version either. One of the biggest is their new Internet As soon as Windows 10 is available, I browser named Microsoft Edge. Edge is will be installing it because I have a spare a modern browser and replaces Internet computer to run it on. I don’t recommend Explorer which was starting to feel its the average user upgrade their main age. Edge will be the default browser computer right away. Call me paranoid for Windows 10 and I find it to be but there is always a chance there will extremely fast. It also provides the ability be problems with a big upgrade like this to create personalized reading lists and one so to me it just make sense to err on to even mark up web pages with a pen the side of caution. Remember that you or highlighter and save them for future have a full year to upgrade for free so reference. Very cool! there really is no reason to rush into it. In Another big addition in Windows 10 is fact, it’s not mandatory to upgrade at all. Cortana. Cortana is a personal assistant Windows 7 will continue to be supported built in to Windows 10 that will help you until at least 2020 and Windows 8.1 to find what you are looking for. Similar to Siri 2023. My suspicion is that Microsoft will from Apple, Cortana can also recognize nag you until you do but if you’re running voice commands and supposedly will Windows 7 you may not want to switch get to know you personally as time goes at all. On the other hand, Windows 8 and on. Pretty futuristic stuff! 8.1 users will definitely want to upgrade There is a lot more to know about sooner rather than later. Windows 10 but not the room in this Windows 10 is a much more natural article. has done a evolution of the traditional Windows really good job of reviewing the product operating system that we are accustomed so I would recommend checking them to. Everything looks different and fresh out to get the full story. but is still more or less in the same place Overall, Windows 10 looks to be a it has always been. No more hunting home run for Microsoft and everything a around to find your programs and files. modern operating system should be. So The Start button is back and the Charms far I like it and I think you will too.





while supplies last


Grocery 250-679-3553 Open 8 am to 8 pm

Pharmacy 250-679-8611 Open 9 am - 6 pm

G-FORCE SPORTS & Board Shop CHECK US OUT 927 Shuswap Ave 250-679-8456

Chase Lions 400 Club $100 Winner August 12, 2015 Zack Lewis 729 Shuswap Ave Chase BC


Everything for Healthy Living



ASPHALT: Driveways • Pathways • Lots ROAD BUILDING SINCE 1979 Site Prep • Excavating Free Estimates • Gravel Hauling



Page 6 • August 14th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower


Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $4.50 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). Lost & Found & Thank yous are pay-what-you-can/free. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Wedding, birthday, anniversary notices all welcome! Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.


For sale - 12 Ft Happer Craft Boat with trailer. 8 HP Johnson Motor and 2 Swivel seat 50 TRUS Electric Motor. 1 battery, 2 life jackets and fish finder. 1 anchor, 2 ores. $3200 OBO. Ph 250-318-3031 Empty ice cream buckets $1 @ Naramada Video. 100% goes to local charities. Plus $1 DVDs for Sale For sale - Kroehler Cape Cod Bedroom set - Box spring and mattress. Solid oak dresser, beside table, head & foot boards. Excellent condition. $1000 OBO 250-679-6803. Fresh vegetables for sale grown by Tim & Lissa Kenoras at Native Soils. Phone 250-679-3493 For Sale - Generator -like new, asking $500 OBO. Ph 250-679-4040


Business & Services

Buying old items, pre 1950 Crocks, wood extension ladders, milk cans, wood boxes, windows, suitcases, furniture, lanterns, tools, kitchenware. 250-577-3357

Sales and Maintenance of Medical Home Products. Scooters • Wheelchairs • Bathroom • Walkers. Robert Simpson Ph: 250-319-6702.

Wanted: used exercise equipment. Bar bells, dumb bells, curl bars, benches or anything else you can donate to our gym at the fire hall. We can pick them up and we can issue tax receipts for your donation. Thanks everyone fore donating exercise equipment. What we are looking for now are weights and bars. Contact the Fire Chief at 778-220-3032

Shuswap Piano Tuning and Restoration. Call/text Kenny 250517-7717 Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs


Interiors by Patrica - Interior Decor, Home Staging. Now with Furniture! Office: 250-679-3504 Cell 403-3706661. •

210 Brooke Drive, Chase. Fri & Sat 9 -2. August 14 & 15. Household items, tools, treadmill, sewing machine, 2 older bicycles. Many different craft items plus silver smithing tools, lapidary equip.


lost in the Chase areaTea Parties Wanted: Free tea tasting

Lost Dog in Chase

with rewards. You invite your friends, I’ll bring the tea. Your local steeped tea consultant. Rose McGuire 250-6792472.

Lost April 21/15 Female grey-brown (short summer haircut now) Lhasa Apso white paws wearing pale blue rhinestone collar. She has tattoo in her ear and missing a lower front tooth. We were visiting family and she got out of the yard, she is very unfamiliar with Chase, her name is Gidget and she is shy. If you see her we would be so grateful if you would call either 250-679-2186 or

Lhasa Apso with white paws. $200 reward offered for info. Ph 250-6769533.

Gillie’s Rez Ride 7 - 10 pm 250-852-3937


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


by DJ duo Eargazm, which had people dancing and the Watering Hole busy. The organizing committee would like to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped before, during, and after the event to ensure CornStock 2015 was successful. They would also like to thank the event’s platinum sponsors, Interior Savings, Pete Murray’s Corn Farm, Safety Mart Foods, and the Village of Chase as well as the following businesses who donated gift certificates/items for the door prize draws and in-kind support for the event: Cozy Corner, Chase Auto & Window Glass Ltd., G-Force Sports & Board Shop, JJ’s Asian Cuisine, Napa Auto Parts, Aqua Beach Esthetics & Tanning, Simply DeVine, Sunshore Golf Course, Zipline Experience - Treetop Flyers, Village Barbershop, Chase Home Hardware, Scotch Creek Home Building Centre, Silver Linings New Used & Collectibles, Chase Jewellers, Natural

Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Lost dog


Photos from the photobooth have been posted to the Chase CornStock Facebook page, so be sure to go check them out. Even though there was a bit of rain and some strong winds during the evening, it did not stop the fun from continuing. In fact, most CornStockers appreciated the overcast as it kept the temperature on the cooler side, making it more enjoyable for families to be out having fun and more bearable for four different acts on the CornStock Stage. Prior to the headline act, the first CornStar Challenge took place with six teams vying for the chance to win money for their favourite non-profit. Teams of three had to eat a cob of corn, shuck a cob, then throw a corn stalk javelin, and the Chase Skate Park Committee was the lucky recipient of the $150 donated by the winning team. The annual festival concluded with a high energy performance

Lost dog

Corny Fun at Chase’s Big Summer Event 250-676-9533

Continued from page 1...

Balance Day Spa, H&R Block, The Willows Natural Foods, Silver Fox Pub & Bistro, Just Ask Rentals, Chase Groceteria, Peoples Drug Mart, The Flower Girls, Chum N’ Luba’s, Chase Garden Centre, Liquid Hair, Craig’s Bakery & Deli, Big O Tires Auto Centre, Golden Ears Fruit Stand, Tru Hardware, The Chase Sunflower, Naramada Downtown, Little Shuswap Physio Therapy Services, Safety Mart Foods, Pete’s Pizza, Underwood Hotel Restaurant, Interior Savings, Village Lanes Fun Centre, Gary Lanoue, Les & Betty Kyle, Ken Shaw & Diana Foster, and Andy & Billie Phillips. CornStock Lost & Found

Missing: Black Samsung Phone – 250-2628113 Found: Digital Camera Memory Card Found: Ipod Touch E-mail to claim.

Page 7 • August 14th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower




Theatre Sports for Girls




J.J.’S ASIAN CUISINE OPEN Red Seal Chef on Board

213 Bell St. (250) 571-8858

Fresh, hot, fast stirfrys • Homemade pork dumplings

All dishes $10, We pay the GST! LUNCH HOURS: Wed. - Sat. • 11-2 SUPPER HOURS: Tues. - Sun. • 4-9

CHASE OFFICE Ask for Lorine Evans

Tuesdays in August at Memorial Park there is Theatre Sports for Girls, aged 8 - 12. Between 1:30 - 3 pm. No admission fee. FMI call Pat at 250-571-4411 or Brandi at 250-318-7086. I went to the zoo the other day, there was only one dog in it. It was a shitzu. • Dyslexic man walks into a bra’ • There was a man who entered a local paper’s pun contest.. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. • arrested Police two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one - and let the other one off.

Sudoku Puzzle

Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing evening & weekend appointments

Phone: 250-679-3180

Email: Web:

Thank You

Dear Legion Members Branch #107 Chase. Thank you to those Members who responded to our letter in the Chase Sunflower July24, 2015. The position of financial chairperson and book-keeper has been filled. We also thank the volunteers that step forward with their time and skills, however, we do need more of these volunteers for various committees along with your new ideas. We look forward to your kind response and continued support. Please reply to; Branch President ; Paul Lamoureux at


Answers on page 2

Chase & District Lions Community Club would like to thank Darcy Simpson & Investors Group Financial Services Inc. for your generous donation. The club will earmark the funds for a future community project.

Page 8 • August 14th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Electronic Dance Music for Skate Park

On Sunday, August 16th there will be another skate park fundraiser event at Memorial Park with great music. “We had such a great turnout, great music from all the Djs, awesome support from the village and raised close to $1,500 to boot!” said Tyler LaCroix, a musicloving member of the skateboard park committee who spearheaded the event. LaCroix was ecstatic to have Hertz Donut, a duo from Victoria consisting of Mitch “Apache Sound” and Tim “CrashCourse” Lange on the bill this time. Hertz Donut are swinging by Chase on their way back from Shambhala, a huge electronic music festival in the Kootenays. Tim Lange actually grew up in Chase and was one of the first people to get the skate park fundraising off the ground years back! There is a full roster of Djs performing, but fewer then the last fundraiser, so there will more music to enjoy with less breaks. The music will continue until 10 pm, and there will be a food concession, draws, and prizes. Admission is by donation.

by Kelsey Snelgrove

So here we go again! Chase Skatepark Fundraiser part II! Last time was so much fun in the sun! We managed to grab Dj/Music producing duo “Hertz Donut”. These guys rock with good energy and original tunes. Also appearances by the beautiful Dj Brownie Girl, Dj Kudos from the Beat Farm, opening set by the man - the myth - the legend Autumn Bomb as well as the Deep House stylings of myself, Tyler Logic. So bring your skateboards, your swim suits, your friends and if you can swing it.. some money to donate! Let’s make this skatepark happen!

Tyler Logic invites everybody to the next skate park fundraiser show on Sunday August 16th at Memorial Park in Chase, from noon - 10 pm. Graphic by Kelsey Snelgrove


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includes 9 holes of golf Plus a $5 food/beverage ticket redeemable at our “19TH Hole” 4:00 p.m. to closing

SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, MONDAYS Classy, tasteful, and great floor plan! Perfect for the empty nester with main floor living including large laundry room. Yet perfect fully finished space down stairs for when the kids come home for a visit or great extra space for hobbies, storage and loud TV! 2 bdrms upstairs, ensuite, open floor plan with lots of updating incl counters, backsplash and trim. Extra room upstairs could be TV or games room. Nice & bright w/lots of windows & skylights. Large dbl garage. U/G sprinklers & newer deck. When you own in this subdiv you have access to private beach & boat moorage! Newer roof, furnace, paint , trim, central AC. $345,000

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Call to book your tee time


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