Chase Sunflower, December 9, 2016

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FREE! Take one!

Friday, December 9th, 2016 • Vol. 21, Issue 49

Chase Enjoys Country Christmas Festivities

Turkey Dinner

...More on page 4 The Evangelical Free Church hosted many activities for Chase Country Christmas including a nativity scene. Photo by Zilly Palamar

Get your 400 Club Ticket NOW

by Lorna Douglas, Chase Lions he Chase Lions 400 Club has We are happy to announce that rock been going for 35 years or more. band, Shattered Blue will be the playing Each year, only 400 tickets are at the social this year.. Tickets are not sold at $50.00 each. Tickets are sold available at the door. between September and December for Proceeds from the 400 Club support two the following years prizes. Your ticket bursaries for Chase Secondary students includes 48 draws of $100 and 4 draws entering post secondary education, Lions for $1000 which is announced every Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, Wednesday at TRU Hardware and in the Easter Seal Camp Winfield, and other Chase Sunflower. local community support. Your ticket also entitles you and a guest Don`t be disappointed buy your ticket admission to the Lions 400 Club social today - Call - 250-819-9736 to reserve in April, serving a light dinner, 2 drink yours. The Ticket deadline is December tickets, dance, and door prizes. 12th.



Originally built for the town doctor in 1910 many of the features remain including the original wood floor and the stately 9' ceiling, 5 bedrooms on the 2nd floor and a huge master suite on the 3rd level. Own a part of Chase history.

Thank you to all who came out to enjoy and support the Christmas Parade!

on Dec 9th & 10th



• Starter Green Salad • Oven Roasted Turkey • Mashed or Roasted Potatoes • Mushroom Apple Stuffing • Whipped Sweet Potatoes• Brown Sugar glazed carrots• Dinner Roll served with Butter• Cranberry Sauce and Turkey Gravy Dessert: Funfetti White Cake with Whipped Buttercream Icing

Live music from 5:30-6:30 by the Silver Belles & Beaus


718 Shuswap Ave. Chase 679-3321

Remember the CP Holiday Train on Thursday, December 15th! Arrives 2:50 pm across from Chase RCMP Station. Bring food bank donation!

Donna Smith-Bradley Your Local Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

Page 5 December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Pin Chatter:

Furnace Service/Cleaning •Servicing Pritchard, Chase & Surrounding Area • Red Seal Plumber • Bonded Gas Fitter •35 years experience • WCB & Liability Insured • SENIOR’S DISCOUNT AVAILABLE!

News from the Bowling Alley submitted by Calyn Buresh, Village Lanes

Hello again everyone! It’s getting so cold outside, we hope you are all keeping warm! And if not, it’s warm at the bowling centre if you want to stop in for a coffee! It was a weekend that was centered all around our Youth Bowlers as they competed in the YBC Singles Zone Finals here at Village Lanes as well at Bowlertime Sports in Kamloops. Our senior bowlers got the homelane advantage this weekend, but unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. There was some fantastic bowling in both the boys and girls division! Congratulations to Matthew Greer and Kayli BreitKreutz from Lincoln Lanes in Vernon, who will be advancing on to the Provincial Finals in Surrey and Langley on March 4th! Local competitors Alex Greenaway and Mikea Boadway both placed 7th in their divisions. It was a tough day in Kamloops for Brook Mindel, and Jordan Fletcher, but despite having to bowl with very noticeable

lane conditions, the pair did quite well! Jordan placed 5th in the Junior boys division, while Brook ended up placing 3rd and earned herself a bronze medal! Congratulations to all competitors from the weekend! We are in major staff party mode right now as we get closer and closer to Christmas, and at this time we would like to thank our friends from Blind Bay Village Grocer for hanging out with us this past Sunday! You are a great group to host, and we look forward to it each season! Upcoming events include People’s Food and Drug staff party this Saturday night, and our 3rd Annual 10 Game Singles tournament taking place the following day. We have some of the best bowlers in the Interior joining us on December 11th, so come on down and check out the competition! Cheers to a great weekend!

Call for any other plumbing & heating needs! Dan’s Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572

Heidi McCartney, RMT

Registered Massage Therapy

Random Acts of Kindness by Kelsy Pozzobon

Chase Secondary School’s "Random Acts" club is a group of students who meet once a week to perform random acts of kindness and random acts of service in their school, and in their community. Next week, the club will be hosting a Chilli Sale in the Safety Mart parking lot on Wednesday, December

14th, from 1:00-2:30 (or while supplies last). The club wants to give back to Chase, so the chilli will be by donation, and all proceeds will go back into the c om mu n it y. Come by for some chilli, or just come by to say hi!


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Now accepting new patients 830 Thompson Ave, Unit #3, Chase, BC

Page 2 • December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Community Bulletin Board Email your community event to

• Chase Museum Annual Christmas Store will be held at in the Safety Mart Plaza by the Dollar Store. If you have new or gently used items to donate please let us know. We will also accept consignments at 35% of sales to Museum. Contact Sher Dickson 250-6793306 or Billie Phillips 250-679-8241. • Thu. Dec 22/16, 10:30 - 11:30 am - take time to sing Christmas carols with Garth & Gail & the seniors @Chase Parkside Estates. Treat the seniors with the gift of attending. Everyone is welcome. • Help Us Support Our Community Safety Mart Foods along with the Chase Hamper Society have coupon books for sale at $10 per book with over $50 worth of savings. For every coupon book sold 100% of the sales will go to your local food bank. Coupon books can be purchased at Safety Mart Foods. Coupon Books expire Dec. 31, 2016. • Do you enjoy children? Are you keen about reading? Haldane Elementary is seeking volunteers to work with children approximately one hour per week starting in January. The one-to one reading program

is a way to help students become life long readers and love books! Please contact our office at 250-679-3269 if you are interested. • Children’s Annual Christmas Party Pritchard Community Hall on Duck Range Rd. Sunday December 18, 1:00pm with SANTA arriving at 3:00 There will be crafts, hot dogs, hot chocolate If anyone would like to bring a craft to share and help out you would be more than welcome. Parents please have a gift under $10.00 wrapped with the first and last name on the front. • The Chase Hamper Society and Community Toy Shop are accepting monetary donations at RBC or Interior Saving & Credit Union in Chase. Donations can also be mailed to: Chase Hamper Society P.O. Box 137, Chase BC V0E 1M0 “If you can’t feed a hundred people then feed just one” Mother Teresa • Children’s Christmas Store - last day open on Saturday December 10th from 10 - 3:30. Open to everyone! 632 Shuswap Avenue! • CP Holiday Train on Thursday December 15th. Train arrives in Chase, across from RCMP Detachment at 2:50. Performance by Dallas Smith and Odds from 3- 3:30. Free admission, bring donation to Chase Hamper Society

CHASE CURLING CLUB Curling Breakfast

December 11th 9 am - 11 am $7 Join us! For info/hours phone 250-679-3536 December 12th LA LUNCHEON MEETING 1 pm December 14th BRANCH GENERAL MEETING 7 pm December 19th LEAGUE DART PLAYOFF 7:30 pm

Wednesday nights are open for drop in lessons starting at 6:30 pm

FMI contact Dave @ 250-675-3682 Churches of Chase & Area Blessed Sacrament

Parish welcomes you to Sunday Mass @ 9 am. + Mass most Tuesdays @ 9 am. + Please join us every 3rd Sunday at 10 am for the K of C Breakfast

The Light of Life Native Fellowship -

Every Sun 3 pm @ Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Dr). Friendly fellowship with food, family & friends after service. Everyone is welcome. Pastor Joseph (250) 679-7656

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday

Chase Lions

Box 12 email: Medical Equip: 250-319-6702 400 Club Winner: Larry Merchant Dec 7, 2016 $100.00 Community Birthday Calender: Now due! Contact: 250-819-9736 FMI Drop off box at TRU Hardware Just in time for Christmas: Homemade Pierogies Potato and Cheese - $5.00 per dozen Phone: 250-320-0346/250819-9736 Deadline for orders: Dec 19

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Roy Nelson 250-679-1192 / 250-819-4912 Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm


Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Page 4 December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Business Listings

Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri


Duck Range Plumbing & Heating 250-214-0539

Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting

Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday

250-679-2775 Cut Flowers For All Occasions

Chase Garden Centre & Flower Shop At Safety Mart (250) 371-1117

CHASE COUNTRY X-MAS WINNERS Chase Country Christmas went off without a hitch and in the end there are winners in all sorts of categories to announce: Winners of the business decorating contest: 1st TRU Hardware 2nd - The Village Barber Shop 3rd - Miller’s Cabin Puck stacking contest at the Heat Game Winner: Mike Timm Children’s Coloring Contest: Boy over 8 - Aiden Girl over 8 - Alyssa Bowden Boy under 8 - Dawson Campbell Girl under 8 - Candyce Winners Craft Fair Vendor Gifts Sharon Skjeie, Doreen Doll. Deanna Gay Children’s Store Raffle: 1st- Deb Tams

2nd - Joan Anderson 3rd - Joey Nash Cookie Entry Winners: 1st - Chase Excellence 2nd - Diane Boisclair 3rd - Kristyne McCoy Parade: Best Candy Cane Theme Entry: Home Hardware Best Youth Entry: Chase Thunder (Chase Novice Hockey Team buddied with Chase Heat) Best Service Entry: Chase Rotary Club Best Business Entry: LJ’s Towing and Transport Best Sport Entry: Ice Breaker Float (Chase Minor Hockey)

Women’s Haircuts Every Wednesday by Margot

Village Barber Shop • 250-679-1158

G-Force Sports & board Shop

BC’s premier sports & board shop since ‘06 250-679-8456 • 927 SHUSWAP AVENUE

Kalin Good Carpentry Services

Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp.

Call 250-679-2386 with

Craig’s Bakery

725 Shuswap Avenue Chase, BC Thursday, Dec 15th 10:30am - 11:30am

Photos: TRU Hardware took the 1st Place in the Best Decorated Business category (Photo by Zilly Palamar), Mr. & Mrs Claus had a busy weekend in Chase meeting children (Photos by Amber Poffinbarger), Treats from the Cookie Contest (Photo by Zilly Palamar).

Page 3 • December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Updates from the Village of Chase

Give her a gift she will love!!

by Joni Heinrich, CAO, Village of Chase

Village Council has been hard at work on your behalf, focusing on various services that benefit everyone in the community. Wastewater Treatment – Slightly Boring yet VERY important! A few months ago we shared information with the community about our sewer treatment facility. As most of you know, we have a lagoon system which is located on the Northwest side of the CP Rail line across Shuswap Avenue from the A&W, Team Equipment and Black Todd’s. That system has been in place since the mid-1980’s and has served us all well. The Village staff is currently working with engineering consultants regarding a much needed upgrade to the facility. In short, there is a need to ‘de-sludge’ one of the two lagoons (this is where the initial waste water material is deposited), to remove the old aeration equipment (that is the equipment that provides the air/oxygen to allow the good bacteria in the lagoons to ‘do their work’) and install new aeration equipment. New equipment will provide more oxygen, helping the good bacteria to slowly consume our liquid waste (yes, we have to face reality that we DO indeed produce waste and we have to deal with it). And remember, please do not put inorganic material and items down the toilet! No rags, toys, kitty litter, “Wetones” wipes, Swiffer sweeper wipes, paper towels, diapers…. the better we treat our sewer system, the less it will cost us all in the long run! The more crud we put into the system, the more maintenance we need to do on the facility which COSTS MONEY! Help us all save money by being careful what you throw into the toilet/sewer. It may be boring and “icky”, but a wellfunctioning sewer system is REALLY IMPORTANT for everyone! Chase Country Christmas A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped plan, organize and implement the Chase Country Christmas events

– WOW! And thanks to everyone in the community that participated and enjoyed the wonderful community spirit that is Chase. Chase Fire/Rescue You may have noticed that a wrecked vehicle was parked at the Fire Hall for a couple of weeks recently. That vehicle was utilized by the members for road rescue training – they were able to train on how to utilize the various tools to cut a vehicle apart in order to safely remove occupants – continuous training is very important, and allows our volunteers to attend vehicle crashes and provide a much needed service to those involved in such incidents. Money/Taxes/Budget/Services The time is coming around again when Council will be reviewing the proposed 2017 budget for the Village. This is a perfect opportunity for members of the public to sit in on the proceedings and to provide input and ask questions of Council. Council’s first budget meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 16, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber at the Village Office, 826 Okanagan Avenue. We urge anyone and everyone who can attend to do so! Have questions? Comments? Concerns? Kudos? Please call us at 250-679-3238 or send us an email to And please check the Village’s Facebook page for updates about Village related matters – village of chase - municipality

Gift certificates for that special treatment

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Get your Christmas Photos done in Chase! • 2 Digital Images Christmas Mini Session $19.95 • Family Portrait Photo Session from $49.95 Book your session on Mondays or Tuesdays and receive 2 free digital images!

250.571.9837 114 Chase Street, Chase BC


741 Shuswap Avenue, Chase (250) 679-3335


Page 6 December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Gear Down the X-Mas Engine & Enjoy the Season by Carolyn Parks-Mintz, Author & Freelance Writer

Part 2 of a three part series about enjoying Christmas rather than just surviving it. While the holiday season promises much fun and excitement, it also often brings with it anxiety and extra work—not entirely the experience we’d anticipated. And for some, there is the angst of someone missing, something very sad that arrives along with the season of light and making merry. If that’s the case, it’s important to recognize this, to remember, to grieve and to acknowledge that it won’t be as it was. Striving to find new meaning, new purpose, is never easy but hopefully it may include an appreciation of past happy times. A number of years ago, a couple I knew lost both their sons to a motor vehicle accident just before Christmas. In memory of their two wonderful boys, these parents decided to hold a community dinner for those in need. It grew every year, with family, friends and strangers (including my family) donating to this special dinner, a heartfelt, giving event in the face of loss. And their sons were commemorated at Christmas by so many. Many churches offer Blue Christmas services for those experiencing loss to


help them get through a difficult time. Communities hold dinners for singles and couples without nearby family. It’s all about being together. For those planning a homegrown holiday celebration, there are a few ways to unplug t h e Christmas tre admill and create the festive time we all long for. G i f t giving s e e m s to have become more of a conundrum of late—perhaps because we enjoy largesse all year. I used to suggest to my stepson that instead of buying something for his young siblings, he take them out for an afternoon—to a movie, to the science museum, or to a sporting event, complete with treats and more importantly, lots of time with big brother. My son used to give me Christmas gift coupons for special things: chores around the house, washing the car, foot rubs, whatever he thought would be of help to his busy mother. Years ago with a nod to saving trees, I decided to send Christmas cards only to people out of town, friends and family I couldn’t see over the holidays. With the arrival of inexpensive long distance plans, this evolved to a Christmas

Paper available online at

telephone call—a ‘talking card’ if you like—that let us exchange news and best wishes. Giving to a charity in the name of a loved one has become a significant gift that makes an important difference. About twenty years ago at a workshop, participants were asked to fantasize the perfect festive season holiday. S u r p r i s i n g l y, underneath the eccentric details, most of their fantasies were essentially alike. The core of these imagined celebrations centered around simple gifts, natural decorations, a fire, traditional food, leisurely schedules, music, time spent out of doors, and an emphasis on family activities. Mind you, a simple Christmas could be an economic bust for retailers, and many people have a strong need to keep Christmas the same, to hold on to the comfort of the nostalgia of childhood. That being said, given that we buy, buy, buy seemingly all year and the holiday season will always involve more food, refreshments, decorations and some gift giving, simplifying it all comes with lots of advantages, not the least of which is arriving at Christmas weekend and not being exhausted. Entertaining can be made easier too. Take the pressure off the cook. Few of us have “hidden help” and few of us need gilded pears to make our holiday perfect. Involve guests in the preparations. Have a ‘Christmas Leftover Party’ where guests bring leftovers from their festive meal. Plan a meal that your guests make themselves, such as pizza, sandwiches, tacos, or salad. Continued on page 7...

Page 7 December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Enjoying the X-Mas Season

Continued from page 6...

Divide up a meal so the men make the lasagna and the women make the salad. Plan a main dish that lends itself to ‘slow food’: cheese or meat fondue, sausages roasted over a fire, cooked crab cracked and dipped into sauce or melted butter. Have a tasting party—guests provide, wine, coffee, cheeses or other food to share, emphasizing variety and quality. Organize a progressive dinner, with each course provided by a different household and the entire party moves from one place to another.


Invite friends or family over spontaneously—regardless of ‘how tidy or clean’ the house is. If kids are included, you’ll change expectations to more fun, organized chaos, and a happy madhouse atmosphere. There are aspects of Christmas Past that are important to retain. For me, it’s making mince tarts in memory of my dear Grandmother. Rolling out dough takes me back. However, the year I gave birth on December 9th while caring for a teenager

and a three year old, the mince tarts didn’t happen. But a happy Christmas did anyhow. While traditions differ, the true meaning of the holiday season, the best of the late part of the year is the same for all of us: remembering, being grateful, lighting the dark, spending time with loved ones, enjoying good food, sharing what we have, reverence for whatever Higher Being exists for us, and preparing for the New Year. That’s comforting. •

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Sunday, Dec 11th from 4:30-8 Adults $18.95 Seniors $17.95


Due to Popular Demand Authentic Chinese Buffet will continue every second Sunday

Open 7 Days per week Mon- Sat 11 - 9 • Sun 10:30-9 333 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC • 250-679-1086

Page 8 December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower The Chase Country Christmas Committee would like to thank the many people and business for their help and support: • Chase & District Chamber of Commerce • Peter Murray • Citizens on Patrol • Chase Lions Club • Craig’s Bakery • Evangelical Free Church • The Chase Sunflower • Chase & District Rec Society • Chase Heat • Chase Secondary Senior Band • Dr. Baker • The Village of Chase • Tanner Dawson • Village U-Brew • Janice Winfield • Dave Lepsoe • Chase Excellence Program • Black Todd’s Diesel & Off-Road • Shuswap Shutterbug/ Amber Poffinbarger

• • • • • • • • • •

Bev Amundrud Janet and Lance Beatty Ricky Becker TRU Hardware & Just Ask Rentals The Willows Natural Foods Barb Maher/Chase Literacy Street Vendors Parade Entrants Children’s Store Donors LJ Towing and Transport for Supplying a rie for Mr. & Mrs Claus

From the Chase Museum: Can You

Guess This Object?!?

If we missed anyone please accept our apologies, it was not intended.

• We thank the whole

community for coming out and supporting this great annual event

Submit your guesses to

Snickerdoodles Ingredients: 1 cup butter 1 1⁄2 cups sugar 2 large eggs 2 3⁄4 cups flour 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1⁄4 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons cinnamon Directions: Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix butter, 1 1/2 cups sugar and eggs thoroughly in a large bowl. Combine flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl. Blend dry ingredients into butter mixture. Chill dough, and chill an ungreased cookie sheet for about 10-15 minutes in the fridge. Meanwhile, mix 3 tablespoons sugar, and 3 teaspoons

cinnamon in a small bowl. Scoop 1 inch globs of dough into the sugar/ cinnamon mixture. Coat by gently rolling balls of dough in the sugar mixture. Place on chilled ungreased cookie sheet, and bake 10 minutes. Remove from pan immediately.

Page 9 December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Fitness Challenge - PLANK YOU! Submitted by Terra Lundy

With exercise, sometimes the simplest of movements result in the greatest gains to your fitness, and the plank position is an example of this. To do a plank, you simply hold our body off the ground, making sure to hold it in a straight line. It may look easy, but holding the position takes strength and endurance in your abs, back and core. Last week, I held a Plank Challenge in three different locations; Pritchard, Chase and at TRU in Kamloops. The fitness challenge, to those wiling to accept, was to hold the plank position as long as they could. I loved watching each person dig a little deeper than they did the day before. Thank you to ALL the Business that took part and donated amazing prizes to this Annual 3rd Annual fitness challenge. ALL PLANKERS went home with a prize and were amazed by their personal times. The best times from that day, in minutes were: TRU 11:00 -Theron Reed 8:54-Jim Hu 7:14-Nicolas

Chase 13:00 -Linda Kynoch 12:00 -Lisa Mcculloch 4:37 -Jane Herman Pritchard 6:10-Deanna Schneider Patterson 6:10-Melissa Schriml damini 4:02-Niki Rudichuk

Kamloops Businesses

TRU Rec Dept-Pina Russo, Subway Kamloops, Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory, Kangoo Club Kamloops-Isagenix, Bliss Chair Massage, Kami Pizza, Be Teased, Oh Sushi., Enigma, Flaman Fitness, Bliss Float Center, Reflex Supplements, Natures Fare, Running Room, Chopped Leaf, TRU Bookstore, Tracy Wallbank, Bhumikas


Subway, Willows Natural Foods, The Chase Sunflower, Life is Good-Tralee Mazu, Chum N’ Luba’s, TRU Hardware, Kangoo Club KamloopsIsagenix, Home Hardware, Craig’s Bakery, Monte Creek Ranch, Village Lane Fun Center, Bavarian Haus, Village U-Brew

Terra offer a variety of group fitness classes in Kamloops and surrounding areas, including Kangoo Bootcamp in kangoo jump boots.


Located at Chase Country Inn 576 Coburn St 250-679-8822 “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK



Lorine Evans Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing evening & weekend appointments

Phone: 250-679-3180 Email: Web:

Everything for Healthy Living Now In Store:

(Great as Gifts) • Nut & Fruit Trays • Himalayan Salt Lamps & Candle Holders • Bees Wax Candles • Pure Essential Oils ª Bath bombs & Salt

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What will you say if your first attempt doesn’t succeed? You can simply say it as Version 1.0!

Grocery 250-679-3553 Open 8 am to 8 pm

Pharmacy 250-679-8611 Open 9 am - 6 pm


Page 10 • December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). $2.50 for Lost and Found. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.


Business & Services


For Sale - Hassock porta pottie for camping $30. 250-679-5341


Sofa Bed for Sale - $75 318-4773

gutters, yard & house cleaning,

FREE 18 styrofoam filled tires. Good for floating docks. 20 45 gal plastic barrels good for dock floats. $10/barrel. 250-679-3351.





FOR SALE - • Pull behind Car Dolley. Take your car wherever you go. Has new tires. $400. • Closed in trailer. Ideal for someone transporting tools. $5000. 250-851-1694. 2001 F150 V8 XLT 4.6 L 4 x 4 $5000 250-679-2488. FOR SALE - 4 Arctic Claw Winter Tires 275/65R18 $240 • 4 18” Ford 6 stud steel rims with sensors $450 250-788-5222


In search of leather couch to buy at a decent price, wooden kitchen table, and cool rustic type stuff 250-6798880.

PRODUCT OFFERED LOSE WEIGHT and inches, make money, drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Ask me how www.valentustour. com/Maryerickson or call 250-6790009.

SERVICES OFFERED Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153. Math Tutoring - 1 to 1, personal, professional, in your home or mine. Over 18 years experience. Up to Grade 12. 778-981-0057


pruning, dump


power windows,





Community Health Worker (RCA) Experienced, Certified, Licensed Specializing in Therapeutic Foot Care Offering




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Will do repairs to chainsaws, wood splitters,


automotive engines.







small Call

Jarrett 250-320-6082 Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs


Management, Meal Preparation, etc. Please

Need a small engine mechanic?


5122 for more information and free consultation



est.1996. Licensed facility. Certified staff. Children 3mths up to 12 years. Hot




Nutritious snacks provided. Daily educational programs. Part/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN

Need some extra help? Around the house or in the yard, I can help

WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or ph: 250-679-2229

with odd jobs of all sorts. Yard work, cleaning, computer questions and

Interiors By Patricia - Specializing

more. Call Ian at 778-220-7578.

in Feature walls, Home Staging, Home Decor, and also Unique Painted Furniture. 250 679 5427


in the Sunflower for as little as $5 Call 679-8880

Page 11 • December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Word Search - Simpsons Characters

Dave’s Appliance Repair

Guaranteed Service to all Brands and Makes


Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Come on in!

OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am

LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week


Jessica Kantymir, RMT 250-679-8066 Little Shuswap Physiotherapy


Myofascial, trigger point therapy & more

YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Sorrento Plumbing & Water Well Service

250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap! HOMER MARGE BART LISA KRUSTY





Dr. Roy Rodrigues & Dr Melanie Keith

Chase Wellness Centre 250-679-2900

Underwood Restaurant 250-679-3321

Roast Beef Mondays



Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays Awesome Ladies Fashions Available Locally

Chum ‘n’ Luba’s

826 Shuswap Ave • 250.679.3134 • Tues - Friday 10 - 4:30

Page 12 • December 9th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower


Your Local Realtor TODAY!

250-320-5472 95 Leighton Ave. Come take a look at this lovely home... built in 2008 has to be seen to be appreciated! Wonderful large open floor plan makes it so easy to entertain or raise a family here. Laundry is currently on main floor but hookups downstairs as well . 2 large bdrms & 2 bathrooms on the main floor with another bedroom and bathroom in the fully finished basement. Workshop downstairs with outside access along with the over-sized family room. Hot water on demand, scored in the top ratings for energy guide, true double garage and largest lot in the subdivision are just a few features of this immaculate home! $379,900




RELAX!!! There is room for everyone to advertise in the CHASE SUNFLOWER 250-679-8880

Pebbles Place is having a

Super Christmas Shopping Sale on now until December 17th!!

ALL Clothing 30% OFF


25% OFF


25% OFF

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Three weeks of indifferent play find the HEAT stumbling along in a haphazard manner. The past week saw the EAGLES from Sicamous cruise houseboat style past the Chase crew in a leaky boat, in a home and away pair of ice capades. Wednesday, November 30th on the eastern shores of Shuswap Lake the EAGLES teased the HEAT while recording a 5-4 two pointer. In the 1st the Sicamous squad posted a pair from Alex Hartman and Jace Woodley. Josh Bourne on the powerplay from Kolten Moore and Michael Fidanza and then Pat Brady from Fidanza and Brett Alexander tied the match up. Off to the 2nd and the EAGLES pop in two from Tyler Collens and Woodley with his 2nd. Chase comes back with a powerplay goal from Mason Palaga assisted by Kaden Black and Brady. Then Captain Spencer Farstad from Black and Zachary Fournier evens things at 4-4. However Dominic Dumas scores for the soaring birds, the 3rd is scoreless and the result a 5-4 slap in the face loss for the Little Shuswap team. Game 2 on Saturday night the 3rd of December at the Art Holding Memorial Arena, the two teams suit up again. 272 fans in the bleachers are expecting redemption but instead get served a big plateful

of indifferent play. While the result a 4-3 loss was hard to swallow, there were some moments of thrills and chills. Sicamous ends the 1st period ahead 2-0 thanks to goals from Dumas and Woodley. The middle frame is scoreless due to the EAGLES going 0 for 5 on the powerplay as Chase got into penalty trouble. In the 3rd Chase pops in two, Fidanza a powerplay counter from Moore and Josh Bourne, then Fidanza with his 2nd from Brady and Bourne. Sicamous gets one from Cameron Flinton and another from Alex Astasiewicz to go up 4-2. With 20 seconds to go Fidanza gets his 3rd of the night from Palaga and Black. Inspite of the night being the “Fiddle Sticks Show”, the rest of the squad played uninspired shinny for 50 of 60 minutes. The result a 4-3 loss of two points. Loose Change: The HEAT shuffled Calgarian Chris Pedersen out, and brought in defenceman Noah Looman in a trade with the Nelson Leafs. Looman is from Saskatoon Saskatchewan and debuted in HEAT red Saturday night. Travis Beaubien was back in the lineup after spending 4 weeks on the sidelines with a lower body injury. Jake Delorme and Evan Hughes remain on the injury list. Friday night the 9th features the POSSE from Princeton at AHMA at 7:00 pm.

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