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Chase’s community paper for over 20 years! Issue for the week of Friday, September 14th, 2018 • Vol. 23, Issue 37
Chase Excellence Committee Seeking Candidates
Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday
submitted by Chase Excellence Committee
he Chase Excellence Committee is hoping to run our Self Improvement program t his year. We are looking for candidates and applications can be picked up the Chase Secondary School office. We are needing 5 candidates to successfully run the program. This is not a beauty contest but a self improvement program. The girls will learn public speaking, the proper way to stand, sit and walk. They will also learn about Chase history, hair care, skin care and makeup.
They will also go through a basic mechanic course and learn about looking their best (fashion). We offer a bursary each year which is open to any girl that participates in the program. We will be looking for businesses or organization to sponsor each girl. Any further questions can be answered by contacting Jacquie Everett at 250-675-2574 or Pam Hartley at 250679-8546
Trish Erbin 250-679-8610 Chase’s Trusted Mortgage Broker
Learn to Skate Fall 2018
submitted by Jane Herman Chase Rec Society is once They are followed by the Eager again pleased to offer Learn to beavers (age 5 +) from 3:45Skate lessons at Art Holding 4:45. Preschool lessons are Memorial Arena in Chase. $60.00 for 10 sessions running Here are details for our Fall Oct 2-Dec 4. Eager Beaver session: price is $100.00 and dates run Learn to Skate lessons will the same. be offered on Tuesdays with Another program that is the preschool Penguins (age offered is Jr. Rec Hockey. 3-5) on the ice from 3:15-4:15. Continued on page 3...
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