FREE! Take one! Chase’s community paper for over 27 years! 236-586-1766 Chase CourierDeliveryBC&Services THE DELIVERY GUY Your Local Realtor® Donna Smith-Bradley direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250-679-7748 Local Office: 826 Shuswap Ave, Chase Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-320-5472 The tagline logo is also available for horizontal applications, with the tagline positioned to the left of “official white space” present on all versions of the logo. These logos are not to be recreated, or altered . All versions are available as PMS, CMYK, Royal LePage Logos Horizontal Applications CHASE • KAMLOOPS • SHUSWAP REDUCED Are you having trouble finding employees due to the housing shortage? With this property, you can provide housing and earn income. No Strata Fees, Freehold title. Brand New up and down Duplex. $699,000MLS 165298 The Top 10 Things to do when buying or selling your home: #1 - Call me. ...and I will handle the other 9 :) Proud to serve CHASE • KAMLOOPS • SHUSWAP YourRealtorLocalisBACK! 250-320-5472MYNEWOFFICE Issue for the week of Friday, September 16th, 2022 • Volume 27 - Issue 37 CHASE TAXI We’re Back! Service 24/7 (we deliver) Call 236-313-3200 or 250-679-8884 3 Great Blue Herons in the Chase Area. Photo by Ann Steenhuysen The Chase Sunflower is Advertiser Supported - Please Shop Local Advertisement Authorized by David Lepsoe

11 AM at Willson Park HorseShoe Pitches.
R.I.P. Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 General Meeting Wed. Sept. 21, 2022 - 7 pm at the Chase Legion.
President – Karen Bassett call for projects pull-tab
Join us Sunday Morning at 10am @ Memorial Park www.aplacetobelong.caVisitformoreinfo.Call:(778)

With respect, I acknowledge that I and on unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation. the SacramentBlessedParish we invite you all to Mass on Saturdays @ 4:00 pm.
Wed. Sept. 21 - CLOSEDGeneral Meeting 7 PM
Thurs. Sept. 22 - open - 2 pm - 9:30 pm - League Darts at 7pm
Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677)
Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome! Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
Chase Library. Registration required. 250.679.3331
September is Literacy Month: Please support our Raise a Reader campaign Sept 18 - Sept 24. All funds raised stay in Chase and receive some matching government funds. Online donations can be made starting today at Chase!en/dn/
Mon. Sept. 19 - open 2 pm - 9:30 pm - league darts 7 pm
Tues. Sept. 20 - open 2 pm - 7 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808. Club Winner

In Honour of the late Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 a small short Tribute Remembrance Ceremony will take place at the Chase Legion Br. # 107 on Mon. Sept. 19th at 11 AM (in conjunction with many other BC Legions). A short approx 15 minute Ceremony will be held around the Cenotaph / Veterans Monument.
Email your community events to
Fri. Sept. 23 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - fun darts, Burger Nite 5 - 7 pm
Page 2 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
250-318-4527 Please
* For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Sun. Sept. 25 - CLOSED
Judy Mackenzie, Instructor.
Chase OFFICE: 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Monday - Thursday (250)PHONE:320-3050EMAIL : WEB: ** Alternate Willowslocationdrop-offatNaturalFoods ** MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 KelseyPublisher/Editor:Snelgrove The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher. The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento,
Chase Legion
Chase Rotary Box 73
Curling will be starting up in October. FMI Janice 250679-4471.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, our Tai Chi classes will have to be postponed to a later date. We will keep you posted as to when we will be able to start them. Sorry for the delay.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
issued ($20+) To find out how you can support Literacy programs and events for all ages in Chase please contact us literacyinchase@ or Visit
Gene & Randie Askeland $100.00
Sun. Sept. 18 - open 1 pm - HorseShoe Tourney
Adult Creative Card Craft Thu 530-630 Sept 22. Paint a greeting card for the season. Fall, Thanksgiving, Halloween - your choice. For adults.

The Light of Life Native Fellowship Pastor theJohn"Joseph#1.250.457-3845JosephFindShuswapKim"onYoutube3:16"ForGodsolovedworldthatHegaveHisonlybegottenSon,thatwhoeverbelievesinHimshouldnotperishbuthaveeverlastinglife." Chase Tyler@ChaseChurch.comOrder,SuspendedPhysical295FreeEvangelicalChurch-ShuswapAveGatheringinresponsetoProvincialHealthOnlineGatheringsAccessibleatwww.ChaseChurch.com2506791676or CommunityShuswapChurch Outdoor Services 10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park www.aplacetobelong.caVisitformoreinfo.Call:(778) Chase Lions Club PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E Facebookchaselions67@gmail.com1M0Chase&DistrictLions Club
Events Bulletin
Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.
For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
Sat. Sept. 24 - open 1 pm - 6 pm - fun darts, TV sports, meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs

We live here • We work here • We know here!
Minor Hockey Reffing:
8 pm 7
programs offered this year will include Beginner Skating (Ages 3-6) and Jr. Rec Hockey ages (7+).
Chase and District Recreation Society Learn to Skate Programs
Nerf Blasters - Oct 26 6:00-7:00 pm. It’s an especially spooky Nerf Blasters event just for tweens! Complete challenges and battle through the stacks after the library has closed. We supply the safety glasses, darts, Nerf Blasters, and snacks. You bring the skills! Costumes are encouraged as long as they don’t restrict movement. A waiver must be completed by a parent/guardian before the event. Children will not be permitted to play without a signed waiver. Waivers can be picked up from the Chase Library. Ages 9-12 Registration required. Chase Library 250.679.3331
Call to pre-register 250-682-6155
Chase Hamper Society: Food Bank Day

Jr. Rec Hockey: (7+)
Chase Library Book Club - Thu 5:30-6:30pm Sept 29, Oct 27 and Nov 24. Books from a variety of genres, including non-fiction will be discussed. A copy of the book will be provided and can be picked up from the library one month in advance of each meeting. Refreshments provided. Registration required. For adults. 250.679.3331
CHASE OFFICE: Thursdays am - 4:30 pm Shuswapdays/week -

Tuesdays ($80.00) This session will consist of 10 lessons beginning on Oct 4 and running until Dec 10 (No class on Tuesday Oct 11). For this session skaters will need skates, (adjustable plastic skates with buckles not recommended), helmets (preferably with face shields), warm but not restrictive clothing. Ex: no bulky snowsuits, no hockey gear. Participants will be grouped by skill level. Please contact if needing advice on skates.
our great
Avenue Phone: 250-679-3180 Web: Wills & ConveyancingFamilyEstatesLaw 250-679-3553Grocery 8 am

NEW LISTING home, onto Golf
Stop by and out selection arriving
Monday Sept 19th 5-7 pm
Wednesday Oct 21st 11:00 - 1:30 pm Basement of Chase Community Hall Everyone Welcome!
If you are interested in making money while giving back to the Chase Community this winter season look no further!
Mondays 4:00-5:00 ($80.00) Rec Hockey will consist of 10 lessons starting Oct 3 and running until Dec 19th (No sessions on Thanksgiving Oct 10, Halloween Oct 31)) This session will contain hockey skills and drills and scrimmage games. Full equipment is mandatory.
Conversations in French - Chase Library Thu 5:00-6:30pm Oct 6, 20, Nov 3, 17 and Dec 1. A casual time to try out, practice and learn French at the Chase Library. We will have topics and questions to get conversations going. Un moment décontracté pour essayer, pratiquer et apprendre le français à la Chase Library. Nous aurons des sujets et des questions pour faire avancer les conversations. Drop-in. For adults. 250.679.3331
more... Events Page 3 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Chase Library
Coming Soon NaturalScentuals&OrganicSkinCareLine
of in season B.C. grown fruits and vegetables. Fresh stock
BrendaPatterson@hhre.caPREC 778-220-1822
Chase Minor Hockey is hosting a referee clinic Sunday September 18th from 2:30-3:15 pm. We are looking for specifically adult’s age 19 and older to referee our U15 and U18 divisions. Without referee’s we cannot have games! Please either email or call 778-220-4887 if interested. ����
6 pm Sundays: Closed Food & Drug 825 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Hot Water Tanks • Drain Cleaning • Furnace Boiler Service & Installs • Gas Fitting • Plumbing Repairs Installs • Renos NO TRAVEL OR OVERTIME CHARGES! Seniors Discount! Dan's Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572 Red Seal Journeyman Plumber Bonded B Gas Fitter 35 Yrs Exp • WCB & Liability Ins

InClusive Cafe
Fall Learn2022toSkate
Online fillable registration forms are available by contacting: Payment by etransfer info will be noted on Registration form. Please make the answer to the security question: skating ( ie) What will my child be Phone/textdoing?250-851-6524 FMI.
250-679-8611Pharmacy 9 am
Beginner Skating (Ages 3-5)
NOTICE Wharehouseman’s Lien Act
Page 4 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
16 day of September,
The Council will consider amending the zoning bylaw to update the definitions and regulations as it pertains to property Ifmaintenance.youfeelyour property interests may be affected by the proposed amendment and you wish to address Village Council on any matters pertaining to this bylaw, please attend the Public Hearing at the Village Office on:
Wharehouseman’s Lien Act
By virtue of the Wharehouseman’s Lien act, we will sell by public auction, on Sept 26, 2022, at 8am at Garrick Automotive, 117 Aylmer Road, Chase BC a Grey 2008 Mitsubishi Outlander Vin# JA4MT31XX8Z600838 and the affects of Toria Dawn Setka in order to recover the outstanding balance owing.
The Village of Chase Council will be holding a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 464 of the Local Government Act, to consider amendments to the Village of Chase Zoning Bylaw No. 683.

Joseph Basani is 3 months behind in storage rent at Welton’s Storage. Balance owing $405. Balance must be paid in full by September 30th or content will be disposed of on October 1st, 2022. As per Warehouse Liens Act.
Wharehouseman’s Lien Act
Buying Old Items - Wood Windows, Doors, Ladders, Suitcases, furniture, tools, trunks, tubs, signs, lanterns, pumps, taxidermy, advertising, barrels, scales, farm. 250-577- 3357.

250-320-3050 email 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase
Rene Lougheed is 4 months behind in storage rent at Welton’s Storage. Balance owing $420. Balance must be paid in full by September 30th or content will be disposed of on October 1st, 2022. As per Warehouse Liens Act.
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave 250-819-3875
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250) 679-5377 GET RIGHTFITINTOWN CHASE'S GYM

Custom-made products for pain and skin management. Fireweed Wellness Products @ 632 Shuswap Avenue, Chase. 250-679-1156.
Also buying coin collections, old money, 999 bullion, jewelry, Rolex & Omega watches
Your comments/concerns may also be presented in writing, in advance of the meeting by addressing them to the undersigned, or at the public hearing in person, by petition or by attorney.
Dated this 2022 at Chase, BC
Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 at 4:00 pm
Experienced Handyman: Repairs, renovations, yard cleanup. Call Aaron 250-682-5121.
Sean O’Flaherty, RPP Corporate Officer
Note: This is the first of two consecutive Public Notices.
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
NO. 916-2022
Village of Chase
Catherine is the Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Thompson Nicola Invasive Plant Management Committee (on Facebook @TNIPMC). Look for more resources at
1. Re-seed bare ground – bare spots in your lawn or pasture occur for a variety of reason, including, but not limited to, routine foot traffic, heavy grazing, earth works, and/ or fire and flood damage. Before seeding your bare ground, choose an appropriate grass seed mix for the area (your local agri-supply stores are great resources for choosing appropriate seed mixes!). Then, loosen the soil to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Follow the prescribed seeding rate and keep the site well-watered, while avoiding puddling water, until the grass is well established.
Fall Seeding Brings Less Weeding
838 Shuswap Ave. Chase BC 778-220-6709 COUNCIL
2. Top Up Your Grasses – fall is the ideal time for the practice of overseeding a thin lawn or pasture. Prior to overseeding, it is critical to cut existing grasses down to 5 cm (2 inches) or less and bag up the grass clippings, if possible; this will ensure the new seeds are able to reach the soil surface. For lawns, consider aerating to increase available seed-to-soil contact. As above, follow the application rates and instructions and keep the site well-watered until the grass has established.3.
submitted by Dr. Catherine Tarasoff, PhD. P.Ag.
Advertisement Authorized by Colin Connett
Page 5 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower STUDIO SUITES AVAILABLE Independent and Assisted Living for Seniors All inclusive, home cooked meals, housekeeping, 24 hr on-site staff and social calendar.

The benefits of cover cropping are far reaching as they stabilize the soil surface and reduce soil erosion. They also assist in building soil health as nutrients are added to the soil if the crop is tilled in the spring. Finally, they will help suppress invasive plants and weeds by providing competition. Late summer/early fall is the ideal time for seeding cover crops. Again, your local agri-supply store can assist you with appropriate cover crops to suite your needs.
For information to book contact us at 250-679-1512 or 250-679-4447
I worked for the Village of Chase for 38 years. I am now looking forward to sharing my passion for Chase in my retirement years. I would appreciate the opportunity to work for the citizens of Chase.
Ext live@parksidecommunity.ca404743OkanaganAve,Chase SunflowerBicycleRepair
tall.Fall is a great time to get your lawn and pastures ready for a healthy start next year. Your investment now will help promote a healthy and diverse plant community next spring, and you will be rewarded with less weeding!
It is important to understand that once seeds have started absorbing water they are biologically alive; although you cannot see an emergent shoot, the seed has come out of dormancy and is beginning the germination process. One of the main reasons for failed seeding attempts is desiccation just before the germination stage. However, if you are not able to provide water to the site, then purchase a fast germinating, drought tolerant seed and time your seeding to capture at least 2 days of abundant precipitation. Avoid grazing or mowing until the grass is at least 8 cm (3 in)
a tour
With fall just around the corner, your garden is likely winding down for the season; however, with the combination of cooler temperatures, fall rain and warm soils, the conditions are perfect for grass germination. Outlined below are a few final yard and pasture management activities that will pay dividends in keeping invasive plants and weeds at bay next spring and summer:
Consider a Cover Crop –Cover crops do exactly what their name implies; cover the soil.
Word Search - From my window

Are you sweating while putting gas in your car? Feeling sick when paying for it? You’ve got the Carownervirus Sorrento Plumbing & Pumps 250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap! MJK Home Renovations Chris Walker 250-572-7035 Framing, Custom Woodworking, Tile, Flooring Duck Range Plumbing & Heating Your Local Gas, Heating, and Cooling Specialist 250-214-0539 Todd "The Coin Guy" 1-250-864-3521 Buying coin collections, old money, jewelry, old silver Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open Tues to Sat • Closed Sun & Mon 250-679-2775 CHASE HAMPER SOCIETY EMERGENCY HELP 250-682-6155 Kalin Good Carpentry Services Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp. Call 250-819-9335 NEED JUNK REMOVED? DUMP RUNS? Friendly Discrete Reliable Bill Currie 250-463-2101 All your Civil & Oil+Gas Inspection Needs Armstrong Inspections 778-362-1606 ALM Mobile RV Certified RV Tech - Gas Certified & Bonded 250-308-9022 Village Fitness Gym & Tanning 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250-679-5377 What’s a dogs least favourite kind of Pupper-oni!pizza? MOUNTAINROCKSSTREETCAR CARSPOSTSIGNSCURB PARKINGTAXICROSSWALK HEADLIGHT PAVEMENTBENCHCLOCKSTREETLIGHT People call me self centered... But that's enough about them
Page 6 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower

Salmon Arm “Shuswap Coffee House” Happenings
music sure to lighten the mood and set toes to tapping. As an added attraction, poets and raconteurs will have the opportunity to weave their stories with readings that take audiences to imagined places through word pictures.
registrations, with the programme starting at 7:00 pm. A few spots can be booked in advance for out-of-town performers. Call 250.832.2300 to reserve. Beverages and snacks will be available. Admission fee is Music$4.00. and the arts – a panacea like no other. And a great way to add to your weekends.

Since the beginning of August, the Chase & District Museum & Archives has been celebrating the Chase Lions Club with a large exhibit in the main gallery. If you haven’t seen it yet, time is running out as the exhibit will be packed up after September 30th, and the items will be returned to the Lions Club. A big thank you to the Chase Lions Club for loaning all the items to the museum! Breanne had a fun time going through everything and learning what the Lions Club has done for Chase and the nearby areas. Following this exhibit’s end,
Wildwood Productions and the Gleneden Association are pleased to again present the popular Coffee
by Carolyn Parks Mintz Author, Freelance Writer & Journalist
The Council, as the result of an application from the owner of the named property, will consider issuing a Temporary Use Permit for a period up to three (3) years, and renewable once for a further period of up to three (3) years. The purpose is to allow for a daycare business on the property.
LOT 2 DISTRICT LOT 517 KAMLOOPS DIVISION YALE DISTRICT PLAN 17158, PID 008-446-334 (425 Cottonwood Street)

In the interest of health safety, COVID protocols will be optional. Shuswapperformer6:30opendoorsHouseCoffeewillatpmfor
Your comments/concerns may also be presented in writing, in advance of the meeting by addressing them to the undersigned, or at the public hearing in person, by petition or by attorney.
The Village of Chase Council will be considering issuance of a Temporary Use Permit for the following property shown as “subject property” on the sketch plan below:
New Exhibits at the Museum
If you feel your property interests may be affected by the proposed amendment and you wish to address Village Council on any matters pertaining to this bylaw, please attend the Regular Council meeting of: Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 at 4:00 pm
Breanne will be setting up a display honouring our veterans for Remembrance Day. Don’t forget to watch the streets for the street pole banners, naming the local WWI and Boer War veterans, which will be going up in the near future as well. In addition to this exhibit, Breanne will also be showcasing an artifact which will be turning 100 years old in November! It’s a surprise for now but Breanne says it’s larger than most artifacts at the museum. Watch for further announcements both here and on our Facebook page!
Sean O’Flaherty, RPP Corporate Officer Village of Chase
Page 7 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Note: This is the first of two consecutive Public Notices. Dated this 16 day of September, 2022 at Chase, BC
Submitted by Chase & District Museum & Archives Society
Authorized by Sandra Welton

My folks have lived in Chase for over 30 years and I have now lived here for over 8 years and been involved with the Lions, the Chamber, Chase Country Xmas, Fire Dept, but now my passion is to run for Council. Let’s Move Chase forward!


Page 8 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower Chase Farm & Craft between10FridaysMarketfromam-2pmtheHomeHardwareandtheRCMPdetachment Chase Farm & Craft Market Season Starts Friday, May COME CHECK OUT THE LOCAL PRODUCTSFRUIT • VEGGIES • BAKED GOODS • EGGS MEAT • PRESERVES • HONEY • CRAFTS WOODWORKING • PLUS MORE! Chase Farm Season Starts COME CHECK OUT LOCAL PRODUCTS FRUIT • VEGGIES • BAKED MEAT • PRESERVES • HONEY WOODWORKING • PLUS
As my mom would say, we live in God’s Country. Contact me at or 778-245-3808

temperatures.Chainson summer tires are not an acceptable substitute on BC highways requiring winter tires.

tires or chains are required on many BC highways from October 1 to March 31. For select highways, including mountain passes and rural routes in high snowfall areas, the date extends through April 30. Drivers need to obey road signs listing the requirements. Visit for more information on the regulations.Awinter tire must be in good condition, with a minimum tread depth of 3.5 mm (5/32 inches).
tires with a 3-peaked mountain and snowflake symbol provide good winter driving performance, especially in harsh winter conditions. They outperform Mud and Snow tires at 7C or lower. Their natural rubber compound helps them stay soft and flexible in colder
All four tires need to match in size, tread type, and depth. You need at least two matching winter tires on the primary drive axle, even for a 4X4 vehicle. Using different types of tires compromises stability and could cause your vehicle to fishtail.
Winter tires provide better traction and stopping performance than summer tires in cold temperatures and on wet, snowy, and icy roads. Traction may be the difference between safely driving on winter roads in the Thompson-Nicola and being involved in a serious crash.Winter
Winter tires a smart safety investment – and they’re the law Road Safety at Work
Always check the wear of your winter tires before installing them. Are they in good shape and with enough tread? Monitor tire pressure often as it can drop in cold weather.
Carry chains or other traction devices
Make sure tires match
Passenger vehicles may be required to use chains or other traction devices with winter tires. Know and follow the weatherforandprepareremindsAlliance,Winteristheminstructionsmanufacturer’sforputtingonproperly.ShiftintoWintersupportedbytheDrivingSafetywhichdriverstothemselvestheirvehiclenowchangingroadandconditions.

Page 9 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower

Winter tires are an investment in safety — for you, your family and friends, and others sharing the road. They’re also required by law on many highways in BC as of October 1.
The 3-peaked mountain/ snowflake and all-season Mud and Snow (M+S) tires both meet the legal requirements for winter tires in WinterBC.
Check tire wear and pressure
Some other tips to give you better traction while driving:
Wednesday September 21 st is Raise a Reader Day

Raise a Reader boosts awareness about the importance of literacy and raise s much needed funds for local literacy programs. 100% of the money you contribute directly supports local programs like Parent Child Mother Goose, One to One Children’s Literacy, Bright Red Bookshelves and Book Cart, Thumper Book Club, Storybook, Art camp mural project, Senior’s computer clinic, and more. We are proud to participate in this national Postmedia initiative.
Cheques are payable School District 73 (SD 73 is the steward organization of Chase Literacy Program)

Page 10 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
If you are not able to visit us but would like to support Literacy Programs for all ages, you may: You can donate online campaign from September 19th to 2 4th, 202 2 Online donations can be made at Just scroll down and click on the community you want to support! Chase!!
Your donation allows us to work together to find innovative approaches to improve literacy skills for all ages in our community. All funds raised stay in Chase AND will be eligible for a percentage of matching funds from the Province of BC. Last year we received over 80% in matching funds.

Mail to: Box 856 Chase B.C. V0E 1M0
Attn: Barbara Maher
FMI , please contact Barbara Maher, Chase Literacy Program Coordinator .
Visit Safety Mart and add a donation on to your groceries!
Please stop by the Pocket Park on Shuswap Ave. Volunteers and the Chase Heat will be there to accept your donations and provide you a copy of Kamloops This Week paper with a special wrap. The special wrap includes a Chase literacy story the Thumper Book Club.
Donations of $250+ will have their logo in our Thank you letter , on our website and on signage at all our events and programs throughout the year.
Chase Village Office: Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm weekdays except statutory holidays Email: Phone:chase@chasebc.ca250.679.3238

Page 11 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower

Additional information, a copy of the bylaw, supporting staff reports, and any relevant documentation may be inspected until Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at:
The Village of Chase Council will be holding a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 464 of the Local Government Act, to consider amendments to the Village of Chase Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 635-2002 for the following properties shown as “subject property” on the sketch plans below.Ifyou feel your property interests may be affected by the proposed amendments and you wish to address Village Council on any matters pertaining to these bylaws, please attend the Public Hearing at the Village Office on:


Sean O’Flaherty, RPP Corporate Officer Village of Chase
Note: This is the first (and then second) of two consecutive Public Notices.Datedthis 16 day of September, 2022 at Chase, BC
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 4:00 pm
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day October 15, 2022;
In addition, for non-resident property electors:
• be a Canadian citizen;
The above listed identification documents MUST be accepted by election officials. An election official may also accept other forms of documents that provide evidence satisfactory to the election official (e.g., a valid, current passport).
Resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity.
If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the time of voting by completing the application form available at the voting place and making a declaration that you meet the requirements to be registered as set out below:
PO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue Chase, BC V0E 1M0
ONE ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITY will be HELD between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2022
In addition, in order to register at time of voting:
• The only persons who are registered owners of the property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust.
• be a resident of the Village of Chase on the day of registration (at time of voting); and

• be a Canadian citizen;
• not be entitled to register as a resident elector; and
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THESE MATTERS, please contact the Election Office: Sean O’Flaherty
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day October 15, 2022;
You must produce at least two (2) documents that provide evidence of your identity and place of residence, at least one (1) of which must contain your signature. The following classes of documents will be accepted: a) a Driver’s Licence; b) an Identification Card such as i. a photo BC services card; ii. a non-photo BC services card; c) an Owner’s Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence issued by ICBC d) a BC CareCard or BC Gold CareCard; e) a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8, (now “Monthly Form EA181); f) a Social Insurance Number card; g) a Citizenship Card; h) a real property tax notice; i) a credit card or debit card; or j) a utility bill, (such as electricity, natural gas, water, telephone or cable services).
Ph: 250-679-3238 Fax: elections@chasebc.ca250-679-3070
PO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue Chase, BC V0E 1M0
Page 12 • September 16th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the majority of the property owners.
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
• If more than one individual is registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the individual owners, register as a non-resident property elector.
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
To register as a resident elector you must:
Deputy Chief Election Officer
Ph: 250-679-3238 Fax: elections@chasebc.ca250-679-3070
Joni Heinrich Chief Election Officer
• be a registered owner of real property in the Village of Chase for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
To register as a non-resident property elector you must:
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.