FREE! Take one! Chase’s community paper for over 27 years! 236-586-1766 Chase CourierDeliveryBC&Services THE DELIVERY GUY Your Local Realtor® Donna Smith-Bradley direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250-679-7748 Local Office: 826 Shuswap Ave, Chase Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-320-5472 Back to Table of Contents The tagline logo is also available for horizontal applications, with the tagline positioned to the left of “official white space” present on all versions of the logo. These logos are not to be recreated, or altered All versions of the logo are available at All versions are available as PMS, CMYK, Royal LePage Logos Horizontal Applications CHASE • KAMLOOPS • SHUSWAP REDUCED Are you having trouble finding employees due to the housing shortage? With this property, you can provide housing and earn income. No Strata Fees, Freehold title. Brand New up and down Duplex. $699,000MLS 165298 The Top 10 Things to do when buying or selling your home: #1 - Call me. ...and I will handle the other 9 :) Proud to serve CHASE • KAMLOOPS • SHUSWAP YourRealtorLocalisBACK! 250-320-5472MYNEWOFFICE Issue for the week of Friday, September 9th, 2022 • Volume 27 - Issue 36 CHASE TAXI We’re Back! Service 24/7 (we deliver) Call 236-313-3200 or 250-679-8884 Tournament organizer Heinz Torbohm on the left presents the Sunshore Golf Course Mens Championship Trophy to Mitch Wells. Your Weekly Community Newsletter OUT EVERY FRIDAY A Folk Concert with Canadian Song Writers Saskia Delaronde & Nathan Tinkham At Chase Creekside Seniors Saturday, Sept 10 at 7 pm • Tickets $20/person For tickets/info: Billie 250-679-8241 or Vern 778-586-8377 AvailableTickets at the Door!

President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527 call for Lion projects incl pull-tab
Tues. Sept. 13 - open 2 pm - 6 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws
Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.
* For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome! Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
11 AM at Willson Park HorseShoe Pitches. Legion HorseShoe Tournament - pre register at the Chase Legion General Meeting Wed. Sept. 21, 2022 - 7 pm at the Chase Legion.

Adult Creative Card Craft

Page 2 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Children under 6 years free Pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice
Curling will be starting up in October. FMI Janice 250-6794471.
Thurs. Sept. 15 - open - 2 pm League Darts at 7pm
September is Literacy Month: Please support our Raise a Reader campaign Sept 18Sept 24. All funds raised stay in Chase and receive some matching government funds. Online donations can be made starting today at!Ataxwillbeissued($20+)To find out how you can support Literacy programs and events for all ages in Chase please contact us literacyinchase@ or Visit
Thu 530-630 Sept 22. Paint a greeting card for the season. Fall, Thanksgiving, Halloweenyour choice. For adults. Chase Library. Registration required. 250.679.3331
Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677)
Chase Rotary 17th annual golf tournament - Sept.10/22, Texas Scramble, Registration 2 pm Shotgun 3 pm. $65 per person includes golf/steak dinner Proceeds of tournament to support Chase Literacy. Contact Patrick Herba 250.702.3677 FMI
Chase Rotary Box 73
Wed. Sept. 14 - CLOSED
Sat. Sept. 17 - open 1 pm - fun darts, meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs
With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.
At the SacramentBlessedParish we invite you all to Mass on Saturdays @ 4:00 pm.
Chase Legion Activities
Sunday September11th, 2022 8am to 10am $10 for 12years and older, $5 for children 6 to 12years,
the unceded
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase
Teen Creative Card Craft
Sun. Sept. 18 - open 1 pm - HorseShoe Tourney
Thu 530-630 Sept 15. Paint a greeting card for the season. Fall, Thanksgiving, Halloweenyour choice. Ages 12-18 years old. Chase Library. Registration required. 250.679.3331
Mon. Sept. 12 - open 2 pm - 10 pm - league darts 7 pm
Gene & Randie Askeland $100.00
For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
Sun. Sept. 11th - 1:30 pm Coffee House - Deb Foster & Friends

Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808. Club Winner

The Light of Life Native Fellowship Pastor theJohn"Joseph#1.250.457-3845JosephFindShuswapKim"onYoutube3:16"ForGodsolovedworldthatHegaveHisonlybegottenSon,thatwhoeverbelievesinHimshouldnotperishbuthaveeverlastinglife." Chase Tyler@ChaseChurch.comOrder,SuspendedPhysical295FreeEvangelicalChurch-ShuswapAveGatheringinresponsetoProvincialHealthOnlineGatheringsAccessibleatwww.ChaseChurch.com2506791676or CommunityShuswapChurch Outdoor Services 10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park www.aplacetobelong.caVisitformoreinfo.Call:(778) Chase Lions Club PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E Facebookchaselions67@gmail.com1M0Chase&DistrictLions Club
Join us Sunday Morning at 10am @ Memorial Park www.aplacetobelong.caVisitformoreinfo.Call:(778)
Fri. Sept. 16 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - fun darts, burger nite 5 - 7 pm
Hey, is it too late to get an ad in the paper? We want to do a freezing sale next week. $9/dz for 3dz or more.
Chase OFFICE: 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Monday - Thursday (250)PHONE:320-3050EMAIL : WEB: ** Alternate Willowslocationdrop-offatNaturalFoods ** MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 KelseyPublisher/Editor:Snelgrove The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher. The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento,
Events Bulletin
We live here here We know here!
Page 3 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
6 pm Sundays: Closed Food & Drug 825 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Hot Water Tanks • Drain Cleaning • Furnace Boiler Service & Installs • Gas Fitting • Plumbing Repairs Installs • Renos NO TRAVEL OR OVERTIME CHARGES! Seniors Discount! Dan's Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572 Red Seal Journeyman Plumber Bonded B Gas Fitter 35 Yrs Exp • WCB & Liability Ins

8 pm 7
by and check
BrendaPatterson@hhre.caPREC 778-220-1822
daily. CHASE OFFICE: Open Thursdays 10
250-679-8611Pharmacy 9
submitted by Ashton Sweetnam, CAYLES
Continued on page 5...
• We work
be able to attend. Chase Home Hardware Building Centre donated supplies for the mural and Sherry Thiessen, owner and operator of Stiltz Painting and Décor offered her expertise and time in preparing the wall. Joey Nash proved to be a patient and thoughtful teacher for the mural project, and we feel proud to be a part of this endeavor that contributed to the beautification of Shuswap Avenue.

Avenue Phone: 250-679-3180 Web:
ofaeachthemes.onunderstandingknowledgetospecificallythatopportunitiesuniquewerecreateddeepenandthecampFinally,camphadcomponentcommunityengagement, where the kids got to apply their learning and enthusiasm to the community and area that we live in.

Kassidy Porlier, Gikie Yeung, Kennedy Erbin, Lauren Leduc-Sjodin, and Owen Cormack, worked together to create a safe and welcoming space for Chase and area kids. We were truly amazed by this remarkable group of young people who so consistently put the needs of the kids first and went above and beyond in making a memorable summer for the those in their care.
our great selection of in season B.C. grown fruits and vegetables. Fresh stock
The Summer Recreation Program wouldn’t have been possible without the generous financial support of the Chase and District Lions Club. The Village of Chase gave us the use of the Community Hall for all of our summer programming, which we made good use of in the hottest parts of the days. The Chase
Wills & ConveyancingFamilyEstatesLaw 250-679-3553Grocery 8 am

Chase Summer Recreation Program

In addition, we hosted three interestbased week long summer day camps on topics that can be difficult to access locally: Theatre, Science and Art. For each of these camps we brought in professionals on the topics to teach and mentor the children. The kids were given access to
1265 Montgomery Place Covered balcony! 3bed plus den/3bath plus sauna. Open concept, hi ceilings, back deck with hot tub, Gas BBQ hookup Att dbl garage $778,900.

Summer Reflection
As we enter the new school year and reflect on the eventful summer, we are feeling incredibly grateful for the support of our community. Because the Village of Chase was unable to run the decades old children’s Summer Recreation Program this year, the Chase and Area Young Learners Society took the program on for the 2022 season. Every weekday between 9am-2pm, children aged 5-12 came to the Community Hall to play games, do fun projects, and go on community outings.

The Summer Recreation Program was managed by Susan Waters, who put her heart and soul into developing a quality program with weekly themes. With very little time to plan and prepare, she created a program that was so popular that it was consistently at capacity with registered campers. Summer program leaders,
Stop out arriving am - 4:30 pm Shuswap www.cfselaw.cadays/week am -
Lucas Lee White
August 13, 1974 - August 19, 2022
Page 4 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower

Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
250-320-3050 email 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase
It is with great sadness and regret that we announce the passing on August 19,2022 of Lucas Lee White. Lucas is survived by his parents Robert (Julie) White, Nina (Bob) Ferguson, his sons Cole, Isaac and Samuel and his daughter Ashten. He also leaves his paternal grandmother Beatrice Shaner, his sister Renee (Mike Witt) White, step brothers Jason, Kiel, Sean, step sisters Sorrel and Alex as well as a significant number of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews and numerous friends.
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
Lucas was a kind and generous person, known as “that guy” who would help anyone in need. He could grow anything and his gardens were amazing. He could build anything including structures and furniture. Lucas could fix anything from small motors and appliances to vehicles and farm equipment. He was a very good mechanic. Lucas drove semi trucks for a number of years and had just recently made the choice to return the school.
Buying Old Items - Wood Windows, Doors, Ladders, Suitcases, furniture, tools, trunks, tubs, signs, lanterns, pumps, taxidermy, advertising, barrels, scales, farm. 250-577- 3357.
Experienced Handyman:
FOUND phone ear piece in the curling rink parking. Call 250-320-1225 Marg.
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave 250-819-3875

BIG BIG YARD SALE - Multi-Family, moving sale. 563 Lakeshore Dr. Sat 9-4, Sunday 9-2 • Sept 10 & 11. Sooooo many items, big and small. No early birds please.
The world is definitely a sadder place without him. He was taken far too soon.
Great Aprons for BBQing. Available at Natty Cakes.
A private family memorial is planned for a later date.
Repairs, renovations, yard cleanup. Call Aaron 250-682-5121.
Custom-made products for pain and skin management. Fireweed Wellness Products @ 632 Shuswap Avenue, Chase. 250-679-1156.
Also buying coin collections, old money, 999 bullion, jewelry, Rolex & Omega watches 1-250-864-3521
Lucas was born in Kamloops, BC on August 13, 1974. He grew up in Kamloops initially before the family moved to Pritchard when he was nine. He graduated from Chase High School in 1993. As an adult he lived mainly in Armstrong and Chase.

Classifieds $5 for up to 20 words 20 cents per additional word
Senior Citizen Looking for Suite to Rent in Chase and area. 250-5844492.
web: Summer Rec Program

Continued from page 3...
The Chase Library, the Chase and District Museum and Archives, the Big Little Science Centre, 4 Trees
Art Party, Project X Theatre, and Runaway Moononarea.inandtoopportunitiesofferingforward2023,theeveryoneinspiringofdifficulteffort.communitywasprogrammingsummers’missed,weanyoneapologiesTheatre.MytothatmayhavethistrulyaAfteracoupleyears,itwastoseepulltogethertodosomethingspecialforthekids.WhilewewillbepassingtheSummerRecreationProgrambacktotheVillageofChaseforsummerofwelooktofuturechildrenfamiliestheChaseFindusFacebook
Advertisement paid for the Committee to Elect Colin Connett
I worked for the Village of Chase for 38 years. I am now looking forward to sharing my passion for Chase in my retirement years.
to stay up to date on programming details and @Chaseyounglearners.announcements,

Ecology, Kamloops

Page 5 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower STUDIO SUITES AVAILABLE Independent and Assisted Living for Seniors All inclusive, home cooked meals, housekeeping, 24 hr on-site staff and social calendar. For more information or to book a tour contact us at 250-679-1512 or 250-679-4447 Ext live@parksidecommunity.ca404743OkanaganAve,Chase SunflowerBicycleRepair 838 Shuswap Ave. Chase BC 778-220-6709 A big thanks to those who follow for giving your time and contributions, we could not have pulled this VillageDepartment,theCraftChaseforexperiencesenrichingustookorganizationsTheSunflower.atandAmundrud,Byrnes,ShannonEyeandHill,Welton,SandrathehelpingHinksonCarmenFromm,Hall,you!withouttogethersummerSusanKristenandforwithmural.NakiaShellyLeslieatCandy,BevKelseytheChasefollowingtimewithtocreatethekids:Farm&Market,ChaseFireLanes

I would appreciate the opportunity to work for the citizens of Chase.

Page 6 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower Word Search - O words

What does IKEA furniture do when it’s stolen? Activates its shelf sequence.destruct
Sorrento Plumbing & Pumps 250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap! MJK Home Renovations Chris Walker 250-572-7035 Framing, Custom Woodworking, Tile, Flooring Duck Range Plumbing & Heating Your Local Gas, Heating, and Cooling Specialist 250-214-0539 Todd "The Coin Guy" 1-250-864-3521 Buying coin collections, old money, jewelry, old silver Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open Tues to Sat • Closed Sun & Mon 250-679-2775 CHASE HAMPER SOCIETY EMERGENCY HELP 250-682-6155 Kalin Good Carpentry Services Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp. Call 250-819-9335 NEED JUNK REMOVED? DUMP RUNS? Friendly Discrete Reliable Bill Currie 250-463-2101 All your Civil & Oil+Gas Inspection Needs Armstrong Inspections 778-362-1606 ALM Mobile RV Certified RV Tech - Gas Certified & Bonded 250-308-9022 Village Fitness Gym & Tanning 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250-679-5377 My husband and I laugh at how competitive we are But I laugh more OCCUPATIONOCCASIONALLYOCCASIONOBVIOUS OCTOBEROCEANOCCUROCCUPY ODORODD OFF OFFEND OATHOBSESSIVEOFFENSE OBDURATE I have been hospitalized for a peekaboo accident. They put me in the ICU

this opportunity to thank all the volunteers and organizations who supported Music on the Lake and CornStock:Sue&Jim Bepple, Gail Maddalozzo, Brock Endean, Patrick Herba, Jennie Dawson, Diane Tarry, Stefanie Barnard, Shirely Papiz, Joan Anderson, Christina Lutterman, David Lepsoe, Chayla Wilcox, Ricardo Rodriguez, Ali Maki, Carolyn
Parks Mintz, Village of Chase, Creative BC, Interior Savings, MP Mel Arnold, MLA Todd Stone, Burkholder Bros Corn, Ashley Campbell, GK Sound, Chase Rotary Club, Chase Citizens on Patrol, Chase & District Chamber of Commerce, Chase Curling Club, Chase Museum and Archives Society, LakesideSunflower.andLionsRescue,ChaseSalmonAdamsChaseVillageMiniConcessionDonuts,Lanes,Heat,RiverSociety,Fire&ChaseClub,theChaseIfyousee
these fine folks on the street or visit one of the organizations, please thank them for their dedication to our community. Please forgive us if we missed your name, there were a number of folks who stuck behind each night to help take down the beverage garden and clean up the park. We thank everyone for their contribution and look forward to hosting more events soon!
And that’s a wrap! The Chase & District Festival Society would like to thank all the citizens and guests who came out to enjoy the live music every Tuesday in July & August. Hosting 10 days of events is no small feat, and it is through the support of the whole community (and some beautiful weather) that we had another weonthecontributionsforthisthankedfolksallsummer.successfulInadditiontothewonderfulwhoweearliersummertheirtocelebrationsCanadaDay,wouldliketotake
Page 7 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower Here to make buying or selling real estate easy for you! Ricky (Ulrike) Hedrich AssociAte Broker 250-572-0828 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250) 679-5377 GET RIGHTFITINTOWN CHASE'S GYM 24/7 Access with Fob Clean Affordable,TanningEnvironmentLocalAdvertising Email: Call or 250-320-3050text

Another Successful Lakeside Summer Music Series

by Chase & District Festival Society

submitted by Chase Lions Club
Event goes from 9am-2pm, September 18, at the Curling Rink.
If you advertise in the 2022 General Local Elections, it’s important you know the rules. ■ Register with Elections BC before running any ads ■ Include your name and contact information in all your ads ■ Accept contributions only from eligible individuals within the contribution limits ■ Stay independent from candidates and elector organizations (local political parties) ■ Keep your expenses under the spending limits ■ Don’t advertise on General Voting Day, Saturday October 15, 2022 ■ File a disclosure statement after the election Find our guide for third party advertisers and the expense limits for 2022 at The advertising rules in local elections can be complex. Contact Elections BC before advertising to make sure you know the rules. KNOW THE ADVERTISING RULES
or however
the new Heat Hockey guys on hand to sign autographs and play a little street hockey with the kids from 11-12pm. There will be raffle basket draws there as well. Mark your calendars, grab a pledge sheet and join us to support ongoing Cancer research. 1-800-661-8683 Page 8 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower

you would like to join in and participate, will leave the Curling rink at 10am for a 1km, 2km, or 5km distance. Even a smaller distance is ok, just show your support. The Lions concession will be on hand at the event. We will be selling Terry Fox Burgers &fries for $10.00 with $5.00 of that going to the Terry Fox Foundation. We will have
The Chase Lions Club will be hosting the 42nd annual Terry Fox run on September 18. Get your pledge sheet from participating businesses around town. Create a team or just be an individual. The day will kick off with Registration at the Curling rink parking lot from 9-10 am. The run, walk, cycle, scooter, walker
Terry Fox Run
Bylaw –Backyard Hens. Council approved first and second reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 892-2022 and submitted the bylaw to a public hearing. The amendment permits the keeping of up to four hens in low and
Fire Department Bylaw –Amendments. Council directed staff to draft an amending bylaw to change the training level of the fire department from Exterior Operations to Interior Operations and that member remuneration be removed from the bylaw and be administered through an administrative policy always keeping within Council approved budget limits.
Shuswap Better at Home
• Friendly Visit Calls

Funded by the Government
Continued on page 11...
Borrowing for Fire Truck. Council approved the application to borrow funds from the Municipal Finance Authority in the amount of $250,000 for the purchase of a new firetruck.
Hysop Road Lake Access. Council passed a resolution directing staff to collect further information regarding the Hysop Road Lake Access and safety and traffic concerns relating to the right of way following a presentation from a delegation of local residents.
of BC. Income based service fees may apply.EVCSS Page 9 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Village of Chase Council Highlights
Village of Chase Special Meeting of Council September 6, 2022 – Highlights
Development Variance Permit, 424 Bay Street. Council accepted the application for a Development Variance Permit for 424 Bay Street and directed staff to draft a Development Variance Permit and complete the referral process.Development Variance Permit, 230/234/238 Aylmer Road. Council directed staff to draft a Development Variance Permit for 230/234/238 Aylmer Road to normalize the current status of all pre-existing shipping containers on the property and waive the requirement for a solid 2.5-metre fence. Council also directed staff to prepare amendments to the Village of Chase Zoning Bylaw for Council’s consideration that would allow additional shipping containers to be placed on the property if the business needs to Zoningexpand.Amendment
• Resource and Referrals
submitted by Village of Chase
FreezingCORNsalenextweek$9/dzfor3dzormore Burkholder Bros. Corn Farm Downtown Store Chase Farm & Craft between10FridaysMarketfromam-2pmtheHomeHardwareandtheRCMPdetachment Chase Farm & Craft Market Season Starts Friday, May COME CHECK OUT THE LOCAL PRODUCTSFRUIT • VEGGIES • BAKED GOODS • EGGS MEAT • PRESERVES • HONEY • CRAFTS WOODWORKING • PLUS MORE! Chase Farm Season Starts COME CHECK OUT LOCAL PRODUCTS FRUIT • VEGGIES • BAKED MEAT • PRESERVES • HONEY WOODWORKING • PLUS

Services are subject to availability
Sign Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 920-2022. Council approved first, second and third reading of Sign Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 920-2022, which includes revisions to limit the amount of election signs to 30 display signs visible from public property for mayoral candidates and 20 for councillorConsiderationcandidates.of
Use Permit, 425 Cottonwood Street. Council accepted the application for a Temporary Use Permit at 425 Cottonwood Street, and directed staff to draft a Permit, and initiate the referral process to neighbours.Municipal
Development Variance Permit, 21–235 Aylmer Road. Council accepted the application for a Development Variance Permit for 21–235 Aylmer Road and directed staff to draft a Development Variance Permit and complete the referralTemporaryprocess.
medium density residential areas.
A little extra help for seniors and elders to remain confidently in their own home

Property Maintenance Amendment Bylaw. Council approved third reading of Property Amendment Bylaw No. 916-2022, which includes revisions to clarify the intent to regulate the outdoor storing of vehicles and provide greater certainty in situations of unlicensed, uninsured or derelict vehicles.
• Light Housekeeping
Staff, Volunteers and Contractors have been carefully vetted & trained for your security.

Emergency Coordinator Position. Council passed a motion directing staff to assess the need for a new emergency coordinator position for the Village of Chase and draft a report to be brought forward to Council with potential tasks, hours required and costs associated for budget consideration purposes.
Finance Authority
Central Intake 250-253-2749
Council held a Special Meeting on September 6, 2022 at the Community Hall and via Zoom. Twenty-seven people attended in-person and two people attended virtually.
Chase West B ChaseRoadCreek Chase Creek Road will access the highway at the new intersection
Chase East Contractor: CIF Construction Ltd. Scott Fomenoff 778 835 scott.fomenoff@cifcon.com5357
Blasting continues between 1300h 1500h or 1900h to 2200h daily. Expect closures of up to 20 mins in both directions along Hwy 1.
Paving from Mid September to Mid October. Shuswap Ave. W will be closed for 1 week and moved to the new intersection.
Description of Activity
Chase East: Construction underway, expected completion fall 2023.
Paving from Mid September to Mid October. Shuswap Ave. W will be closed for 1 week and moved to the new intersection.
Page 10 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Chase West B ChaseRoadCreek Chase Creek Road will access the highway at the new intersection
September 2022
Segment Area Impacts
Chase East F Brooke Drive Brooke Drive will be paved, and work will start on the Roundabout.
Chase East D CoburnAccessStreet Coburn Street at Hwy 1 will re open mid September.
Chase East D CoburnAccessStreet Coburn Street at Hwy 1 will re open mid September.
Blasting continues between 1300h 1500h or 1900h to 2200h daily. Expect closures of up to 20 mins in both directions along Hwy 1.
Description of Activity

Chase East: Construction underway, expected completion fall 2023.
Know Before You Go
Chase East Contractor: CIF Construction Ltd. Scott Fomenoff 778 835 scott.fomenoff@cifcon.com5357
To apply for work on either phase of the project please visit
Have a Question?
Chase East F Brooke Drive Brooke Drive will be paved, and work will start on the Roundabout.
Ministry of Transportation: Greg Jones 778 945 chasefourlaning@gov.bc.ca6153
Chase Four Laning Project – Construction and Traffic Updates September 2022

Construction well underway, expected completion fall 2022. advisory
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure project team wishes to provide the public with updates on key project activities, construction, and traffic impacts to keep locals and highway users informed as the project progresses. These updates can be found on the project website chase
Chase East C throughHighwaytraffic
Chase Four Laning Project – Construction and Traffic Updates
Chase West Contractor: Dawson Civil Ltd. Chris Cooper 250 374 ccooper@dawsoncivil.ca3657
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure project team wishes to provide the public with updates on key project activities, construction, and traffic impacts to keep locals and highway users informed as the project progresses. These updates can be found on the project website chase.
Chase West AE throughHighwaytraffic
Have a Question?
To apply for work on either phase of the project please visit
Chase East C throughHighwaytraffic
Know Before You Go advisory
Ministry of Transportation: Greg Jones 778 945 chasefourlaning@gov.bc.ca6153
Segment Area Impacts
Construction well underway, expected completion fall 2022.
Current & Upcoming Activities
Chase West Contractor: Dawson Civil Ltd. Chris Cooper 250 374 ccooper@dawsoncivil.ca3657
Chase West AE throughHighwaytraffic
Current & Upcoming Activities
Our Monthly general meetings are as always every second Thursday of the month at 1pm. everyone is welcome.
Continued from page
Regular Meeting, Council passed a resolution declaring a climate emergency.
Tanner’s “Hometown Show” is Friday Sept 16th, presented by the Chase Festival Society, 7-10pm @ Chase beach, Memorial Park Pre-Sale Tickets available online on his Facebook page and at Interior Savings Chase or can contact me Jennie Dawson 250Pre819-8646sale$20, at the door $25 Beverage gardens and Rotary hotdogs too

Join us for our first planning meeting on Wednesday Sept. 28th - Visitors Centre @ 5:15pm

Have you seen us doing Tai Chi down at the park this summer?
Page 11 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
BC Crisis Line Network Request for Support. Council passed a resolution in support of a Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) resolution by the BC Crisis Line Network regarding the implementation of a provincial wireless callanswer levy to fund a mental health option when calling 9-1-1.Declaration of Climate Emergency. Following the submission of a notice of motion by Councillor Alison Lauzon at the August 9, 2022
With no further business, the Council meeting concluded at 5:10Forp.m. more information regarding Council’s meetings, please go to the Village’s website at viaatTuesday,ofcouncil/minutes-agendas/,2022theCommunityHallandZoomat4:00p.m.
If you would be interested in learning beginner’s Tai Chi, we will be starting a new year on Sept. 15, from 10 to 11:30am, upstairs in the Community Hall. Everyone is welcome (men included). This is a standing set of exercises, very gentle on the joints, good for flexibility, balance, and relaxation. We learn slowly, with a lot of repetition, and we have a “tea break” half-way through the class. Come and join us for exercise and socialization. FMI phone Judy at 250-679-5425
All regular activities at Creekside are now up and running after the hot summer, if you are looking for something to get involved in, come along and join us.
Thanks for Reading!
Council9... Highlights
Contact Name: Joni Heinrich Email address: Phone: 250-679-3238
The successful candidates will have a minimum Grade 12 education, be presentable in appearance, have the ability to work well with the public while under pressure, have the ability to explain election procedures, have the endurance to work a long day and be at least 18 years of age. Experience with local government elections is beneficial but not required. The Election Official must not be related to any candidate running for office in the election and must not be actively working for any election campaign or any candidate.
b. Whether registering as a resident elector or nonresident property elector
Short Description:
The day will begin at 7:30 a.m. and continue until approximately 9:30 p.m. There will also be a mandatory paid 1.5 hour training session on Wednesday, September 28th beginning at 5:00 p.m. The wage for these positions is $20.00 per hour with lunch and dinner also being provided on General Voting Day and Advance Voting Day. Legal entitlement to work in British Columbia and Canada is required.
c. The manner by which the mail ballot package is to be distributed to the elector – mail, pick or courier; and
The process to apply vote by mail is:
For further information, or to receive an application to vote by mail, please contact the Chief Election Officer or Deputy Chief Election Officer at 250.679.3238, by email at or visit the Village Office at 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC.
3. Application can be emailed to you.
2. By providing to the Chief Election Officer or Deputy Chief Election Officer, the following information by mail, in person or by email:
The mailing address for the Village of Chase is PO Box 440, Chase, BC V0E 1M0.

To Apply Contact: Resumes and references to be submitted no later than 4:00 pm, Monday, September 19, 2022 to:
1. Applications to vote by mail are available at the Village Office at 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC.
Company Name: Village of Chase
2. Applications can be mailed to you.
Posting information: Category: Business, Finance, Administration Position Title: Election Officials Date Posted: August 11, 2022 Location: Chase, BC Wage: $20.00/hr Hours: Temporary, short-term
The process to receive an application to vote by mail:
Notice is hereby given that Eligible Voters for the Village of Chase 2022 Local Government Election may apply to vote by mail up to and including Friday, September 30, 2022.
Chief Election Officer Village of Chase PO Box 440; 826 Shuswap Avenue Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Fax: 250-679-3070
The Village of Chase is accepting applications for Election Officials on General Voting Day, Saturday, October 15, 2022 and/or on the Advance Voting Day on October 5, 2022.
Election Official Recruitment Posting
These positions will be responsible for: setting up the voting place (including voting booths and election staff tables and posting signs and notices); verifying elector’s names on the voters list and confirming address information; ensuring that all required forms are completed; explaining the voting and ballot procedures to voters; assisting voters as required; and assisting with the packing of equipment and supplies and the closing of the voting place.
The email address to request an application or to submit your information to vote by mail is
The physical address of the Village Office is 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC.
1. Either by completing the application form and supplying it to the Village office via mail, in person or by email; OR
2022 Local Government Election –Application to Vote by Mail Ballot
Page 12 • September 9th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
a. Full name and residential address if a resident elector or address of the property which they own in the jurisdiction if a non-resident property elector
Skills & Requirements:
d. If the mail ballot package is to be picked up by someone other than the person requesting the package, the elector must provide the name of the person to pick up the package.
If you wish an application to be mailed or email to you, please send an email to the Please include “vote by mail application” in the subject line of your email, and include your full name and mailing or the email address to which the application form is to be sent.