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Chatham’s Winter Classic Creek transforms into popular outdoor ice hockey rink few years ago. “Every Christmas, usually if there’s ice on the On a mild winter after- pond, we end up going,” noon Saturday, drivers said Markovich. “This is probably the and those taking walks near Mud Creek Park most ice I’ve seen – the most top could probquality ice. ably make “This is probably the It’s a little out the most ice I’ve seen – bumpy here figure of and there, a hockey the most top quality but it’s pretplayer on ice. It’s a little bumpy the frozen here and there, but it’s ty good,” he added. water. pretty good.” On the E i g h t e e n - Brady Markovich busiest year-old days, there Brady Markovich, home from Trent have been up to five University for the holi- games happening simuldays, took to the stretch of taneously. “It’s rare you don’t see ice in his neighbourhood that has become a favou- someone on the pond,” rite spot for folks to play said Markovich. For anyone who thinks hockey. Dressed in a Toronto Ma- the cold might stop him ple Leafs jersey, Markov- from getting his skates on, ich said the creek froze Markovich says it’s not a over a couple days before factor. “I don’t have many layChristmas. This isn’t the first year ers on, but once you get he has taken advantage moving, it doesn’t matof the ice even though he ter.” Continued on page 4 only learned to skate a By Sarah Schofield Contributing Writer

Driver training for any stage of life www.yd.com Phone: (519) 351-8305

Sarah Schofield/Special to The Chatham Voice

Brady Markovich, 18 approaches the net along a stretch of ice at Mud Creek Park in Chatham on Jan. 4. The recent cold weather has created a great outdoor rink on Mud Creek, as the watercourse has frozen over and become a hot spot for those with a hockey stick and pair of skates.

Upcoming Courses Chatham Jan. 18/19 & Feb. 01/02 9:15am-3:30pm, 2 weekends Feb. 11 - Feb. 20, 4:15-9:45pm Tues. & Thurs. 2 weeks

Wallaceburg Jan. 18/19 & Feb. 01/02 9:15am-3:30pm, 2 weekends

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