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Vol. 1 Edition 24
Breakfast with Santa
Sarah Schofield/Special to The Chatham Voice
One year-old Cole Pryor-Beaumont and his family received an early Christmas visit with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus on Saturday morning at the WISH Centre at the Breakfast With Santa event. Hundreds showed up to the event and were treated to free food and goodies.
Speed still a concern on Michener By Bruce Corcoran
It’s been more than four months since an SUV flipped and rolled one night on Michener Road, but residents fear it’s only a matter of time before tragedy strikes again. In October, residents
erected signs along the road’s chicane – “Slow Down, Children at Play” – and they say they worked to control speeds on their street. But then the municipality told residents that the signs, about the size of a typical real estate “For Sale” sign, were too close
to the road and had to and licensing services be moved for the muback due to “The day we moved n i c i p a l i t y, safety and the signs back, the said the bypotential lilaw prohibspeeds all jumped ability conits people cerns, as back up.” from placthey were a - Michener’s Jeff Brooks ing signs on distraction. municipal Paul Lacina, director property unless they get of building enforcement approval.
that will capture her heart all year long! 585 St.Clair St., Chatham
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The Michener residents complied with the municipal request, and they say the cars are back to zipping down the road. Michener Road resident Jeff Brooks still has his sign up, although it is back on his lawn away from the curb, as ordered by the municipality.
“The day we moved the signs back, the speeds all jumped back up,” he said. Brooks, who lives on the street with his wife and their two young daughters, is worried there will be another crash. Continued on page 2