The Chatham Voice, Feb. 23, 2017

Page 1




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Vol. 5 Edition 8


Peeking inside the Boardwalk By Bruce Corcoran

Two Chatham-Kent councillors, two Historic Downtown Chatham BIA personnel and one journalist received a tour of the downtown high-rise project recently. On Feb. 15, Chatham councillors Darrin Canniff and Brock McGregor, along with BIA administrator Connie Beneteau and co-chair Paul Shettel, as well as this writer, toured all 10 storeys of the Boardwalk on the Thames, courtesy of site manager Brian Chute. They viewed issues that have caused delays to the project, such as failed concrete, saw windows being installed and took note that it appears the framing for all the interior walls in the residential portion of the building are done. But they also saw that there remains a great deal of work left to be done. Chute said the hopeful completion date is now Christmas of this year. When announced back in 2010, the development was to feature 64 condominium units, a 22-room hotel and retail space. It was to be completed by early 2012. But delays have pushed back that completion date, and the size of the project has been scaled back somewhat as well. Gone is the hotel and some of the retail space. What remains at the

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Connie Beneteau, administrator with the Historic Downtown Chatham BIA, toured the Boardwalk on the Thames project recently, with a handful of others. While a great deal of work remains to be done, project supervisor Brian Chute said it is hoped to be completed by Christmas.

10-storey site are 88 residential units and some retail space that will have street-level frontage on King Street. With two and a half floors of parking, Chute said they have more than enough space to accommodate the future occupants of the building. As well, Chute said

while the original plan was to sell condominium units, Everlast Group, which is run by developer Victor Boutin, now wishes to rent the units instead. “We’re finding people coming from out of town would rather not pay a condo fee or pay a mortgage. They like the idea of renting, paying hydro

and insurance and that’s it,” he said. He didn’t rule out people renting with an option to purchase. There have been a number of issues which helped contribute with delays in construction. The most recent of which has yet to be felt. There is failed concrete in the basement that

was poured near Christmas. Chute said there was too much chloride in it and it did not meet the engineer’s standards. Workers will have to chip it out and replace it. They are working out a deal with the concrete supplier. The unique one-piece balconies, which were to speed up construction,

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have actually caused delays, as the camber was too high, creating a potential trip hazard. The concrete balconies should have simply slid into place, but instead had to be pressed down and then attached to the building with a special brace. Continued on back page





Crow bombing catches resident off guard

wise enjoyable evening. found it covered in crow She found a great place crap. to park, kicking the night “It was quite something. I’d never seen anything It wasn’t straight out of off in fine form. “In Chatham, you al- quite like it before,” Stoa script by Alfred Hitchcock, but a local Chatham ways get so excited when rey said of the filth coverresident had an expe- you get that perfect park- ing her Honda Civic. “It’s not an experience I’d care rience that was for the ing spot,” she said. The spot to repeat.” birds recently. Just walkWell, actually, it was by may have “I don’t know what ing up to the birds; crows in partic- been awe- they’re eating, but it’s some in something that did not the vehicle ular. was no easy Alysson Storey took to terms of lotask, as the social media to describe cation rela- react well to the finish crows had the encounter in tongue- tive to the of my car.” liberally in-cheek detail, a synop- restaurant - Resident Alysson Storey coated the sis of which appears as a and the perletter to the editor in this formance hall, but it came sidewalk with their poop with a catch – it was un- as well. week’s Chatham Voice. Despite taking her Civic Storey said she took der a tree in downtown her Aunt Marian out for Chatham in the middle of through a car wash that night, some damage had a nice meal and then a winter. When Storey and her already been done by concert downtown, and the crows delivered a dis- aunt returned to the vehi- the corrosive crow dropgusting end to an other- cle four hours later, they pings. Storey said some of the layers of paint on the roof of the car had been destroyed. “I don’t know what BOTH BUSINESS & PERSONAL they’re eating, but it’s something that did not – at low, low prices – well to the finish of The InsTanT PrInT shoPPe react my car,” she said. “It’s 111 Richmond St. Chatham • 519-352-6813 not the end of the world by any stretch, but it’s an By Bruce Corcoran



annoyance. It permanently damaged my property.” While the crow bombing of her vehicle disgusted her, she is not one to advocate having a cull and blasting the birds out of the sky. “I really enjoy nature. We have a lot of it in Chatham-Kent. I don’t have anything against crows,” she said. “But I’m not sure what can be done about the crows. If there are non-lethal ways to encourage them to move on, great, but if you are just moving them around town, that’s not really helping anything.” Taking away the crow perches would be another way to force the birds to move on, but it too is something Storey doesn’t want to see happen. “The trees downtown, I’ve always really enjoyed them, especially in the warmer months,” she said. In the future, Storey said she would continue to frequent downtown businesses and enjoy dinners in the heart of Chatham, as well as nights out. But she will look up before parking. “There are lots of oth-

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Was this one of the culprits that carpet bombed the vehicle of a local citizen recently in downtown Chatham? It declined to comment.

er spots in the same area that aren’t under trees. I will use them when I go downtown,” she said. She urged other residents to enjoy what Chatham’s downtown has to offer as well, but suggested they too not park underneath the trees at night in the middle of winter. And if they do suffer from a bombing by the “Crow Luftwaffe” as she called it in her social media rant, head to the car wash immediately to try to prevent permanent

damage to their paint. “When you come out of having supper, or seeing the show, or doing some shopping, you may have a nasty surprise,” she said. “I urge other folks who get bird poo on their vehicle to remove it tout de suit.” She also reminded everyone there is a light at the end of the crow-poopcoated tunnel – spring is just around the corner, and the crows will soon move back into the countryside and beyond.

INFORMATION NOTICE MUNICIPALITY OF CHATHAM-KENT INFORMATION NOTICE The Blenheim Elevated Water Storage Tank, constructed in 1999, will undergo a number of improvements and miscellaneous upgrades which started on February 21st, 2017. After almost 20 years, the interior and exterior coating systems (paint) are demonstrating a need for re-coating. During the construction, the existing Blenheim Bulk Water will be decommissioned and permanently relocated to the existing Public Works Garage at 386 Chatham Street South, Blenheim. For more information please visit our website at

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News Strong Kids campaign seeks $110K By Bruce Corcoran

The YMCA of Chatham-Kent received a hand up from a local business to kick-start its annual Strong Kids campaign Feb. 16. Tek Savvy donated $15,000 to Strong Kids, a fund designed to help allow families in need be able to afford to attend the YMCA. “We believe every child deserves a chance for a healthy start,” Amy Wadsworth, general manager of the Chatham-Kent YMCA said. “Strong Kids offers assistance to families in need.” It’s the focus on the children that attracted Tek Savvy’s support towards this year’s Strong Kids $110,000 campaign, company chief financial officer Catherine Playford said. “One of the reasons why Tek Savvy chose the Y

is because of the work it does with the kids,” she said. “Tek Savvy believes in giving back to Chatham-Kent. It takes a village to raise a child and we want to be part of that village.” Playford admits she has personal reasons for wanting to help out with the Strong Kids campaign as well. “I’m a huge fan of the Y. I learned to swim at the Y; my children learned to swim at the Y,” she said. Playford said she’s particularly impressed with the various programs the Chatham-Kent YMCA has for teenagers. “Ages 13-17 are very important years in kids’ development,” she said. “This is a safe place to come and express themselves.” Wadsworth said a big fundraising element this year is the Giving Hands effort. Give as little as $5

and you can have your name placed on a paper hand that will be posted in the Y. “It could be $5, $50 or $500; we sincerely appreciate any amount,” she said. Jim Loyer, chair of the Strong Kids campaign, purchased the first hand at the press conference Feb. 16. For Loyer, it was a no brainer. He said volunteers and staff give more than just their time, as they all tend to be active financial contributors as well. He believes in Strong Kids, and has seen how it impacts so many people in the community. Loyer said 2016’s campaign raised more than $93,000, thanks to the efforts of 31 volunteers and hundreds of donors. As a result, Strong Kids helped nearly 1,100 people gain access to the YM-

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Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Lily Parayno, 16 months, plays on the bus/slide at the Chatham-Kent YMCA with her sister Mia, 2, during the Strong Kids campaign announcement Feb. 16. Last year’s campaign raised more than $93,000 and helped more than 1,000 people gain access to the Y’s programs where they might not have had the financial ability otherwise.

CA’s programs who may not normally have been able to afford it. “This is a hand up, not a hand out,” he said. Catherine Harvack said

she appreciates the campaign, which allows people such as herself to be a member at the YMCA. “We get to participate in everything here,” she

said. “Anything is possible.” For Harvack, the Y staff is supporting her on her goal of achieving better health.

“There is not one crime out there that is immune to digital technology,” the report stated. “Technology-based crime is an area that is continually evolving and as such, those assigned to investigate said crimes need to maintain proper training and equipment in order to effectively collect, pre-

pare and properly present the evidence in a court of law.” Const. Gary Oriet, the only officer in the Internet Child Exploitation Unit, also presented a report to the board. In 2016, he had a total of 101 investigations – 41 IP (Internet Protocol) address investigations, which track the owner of a

device; 17 luring; 34 other Internet; and nine self-exploitation, such as the case of an 11-year-old girl who sent “intimate” images of herself over the Internet. What Oriet said is most concerning is the fact there were 32 IP address investigations he did not get to.

Fighting crime increasingly high tech

ital Forensics Unit (DFU), not limited to any specific which was established in crime,” the report stated. 2014, there were 209 elecThe different types of Several year-end reports tronic devices examined crimes involving some were discussed at the Cha- in 2016, up from 183 de- type of device in 2016 intham-Kent Police Services vices in the previous year. cluded domestic assaults, “As we have seen since assaults, sexual assaults, Board meeting recently, with some stats jump- the conception of the threats, child pornoging out including the in- DFU, the use of technol- raphy, luring, Internet creased use of technology ogy is ever-increasing in luring, drugs, break and occurrences being investi- enters, homicides and in crime. Date: from Feb21,the 2017 Chatham Voice x 2.143") Colour EOR#7778 gated by(10.333" the CKPS and isFull sudden deaths. InRun a report DigBy Mary Beth Corcoran







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Continued on page 4

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Hundreds of tax bills returned to municipality numbers or those which list general delivery as an option. “With the March 1 due date on its way, we would like anyone who hasn’t received a tax bill to contact the municipality at 519-360-1998 and we will look into the matter right away,” Bossy said in a release. Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt a property owner from the requirement from paying taxes. If your tax bill still references a general delivery

or Rural Route number, please contact the mu-

nicipality to ensure the required address updates

can be made to allow for future delivery of tax

order for the IP address “Being only one per- of someone suspected of son, I can downloadonly do so “Being only one pering imagmuch,” he es, filling son, I can only do so told the out the inmuch.” board. formation I n v e s t i - - Const. Gary Oriet needed for gating a a search child pornography case warrant, organizing a can take months, begin- search and seizure and ning with a production then sifting through the

forensic investigation of the seized device. Oriet said that in some cases, even when they go through all those steps, the actual person who downloaded the images can’t be pinpointed and no charges can be laid. Sgt. Steve Kloostra; who is responsible for supervising the Internet Child

Exploitation Unit, Digital Forensics Unit and the Sex Offender Registry; was at the PSB meeting. He backed up the time frame Oriet discussed, and said just the production order can take up to a month. In 2016, stats show 26 production orders and 20 search warrants that

led to eight people being crime will increase. arrested on a total of 17 “We are looking at our charges. For these inves- business plan for 2018tigations, 2020. It will 111 devices “We are looking at our start with a were seized business plan for 2018- survey and and prowe will be 2020. It will start with cessed. looking at “Over the a survey and we will all of our past sever- be looking at all of our specialty al years, we specialty units and will units and have come see see where we need to will to find that where we our com- distribute resources.” need to m u n i t y - Chief Gary Conn distribute is not imresources,” mune from this threat to Conn said. “We are cogour children and youth,” nizant of the concerns the report stated. “Our and we have broadened digital age has allowed our training (of the propfor predators to virtually er seizure of digital deenter our homes and con- vices) and are actively nect with our kids.” trying to streamline the Police Chief Gary Conn process.” told the board he is aware With front-line officers of the need for more re- able to secure and seize sources. Mayor Randy devices at the scene of a Hope said with eventu- crime, it saves a DFU offial availability of more cer from having to attend broadband Internet ac- the scene, the report statcess, he is concerned the ed. occurrences of Internet

The Chatham Voice

Hundreds of local property owners have yet to receive their interim property tax bills, which are due in the near future. Municipal officials say the property owners had their bills returned to the municipality for problems with the mailing address. Amanda Bossy, Chatham-Kent’s supervisor of accounts receivable, said Canada Post is no longer delivering bills based on Rural Route

Contributed image

Amanda Bossy, accounts receivable supervisor with the municipality, shows some of the hundreds of interim tax bills that have been returned by Canada Post due to address issues.


Staffing limited in cyber crimefighting

Continued from page 3

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Medical pot plant coming to Chatham?




Property receives zoning approval from municipal council By Mary Beth Corcoran

A proposed medical marijuana facility on Richmond Street in Chatham received zoning approval from Chatham-Kent council at a recent meeting. The current building, located at 715 Richmond St., is a 196,450-square-foot vacant industrial facility which sits on a 12.48-acre parcel of land on the north side of the street. After a report to council from municipal planner Ryan Jacques, council unanimously approved the recommendation to allow medical marijuana

production as an additional permitted use on the property. This a just a small piece of the approvals needed to continue with the project, according to municipal planning staff. Chet Liu, president of Y.C. Liu Engineering, in a deputation to council, said his company was designing the building and assisting the applicant, 1741098 Ontario Inc., with the rezoning. He addressed concerns from a neighbouring business about the smell affecting her products. “It’s completely enclosed,” Liu said in his address to council. “Within

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

A numbered Ontario company wants to put in a medical marijuana grow op at 715 Richmond St. in Chatham. Council recently cleared one hurdle, allowing the property to be rezoned to include that as one use.

the building, there are going to be additional growing rooms that are completely separated. Health Canada requires complete isolation of the building, not only for growing but also for security.” The plus side of the proposed facility is the potential for up to 50 jobs once it is up and running, he added. In his report to coun-

cil, Jacques said “Health Canada regulations aim to manage marijuana as much as possible like any other narcotic used for medical purposes by creating conditions for a new, commercial industry that is responsible for its production and distribution.” He added the new regulations would also provide more choices of marijuana strains and

commercial suppliers. Fire and police services were made aware of the application, and have no concerns. The zoning bylaw states that a setback of 100 metres is required between the proposed marijuana facility and a residential zone boundary, and in this case, nearest dwelling is located approximately 400 metres away, the re-

port states. It also states that only a facility that is approved and licensed by Health Canada and the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) will be a permitted use. McAllister said the application was the seventh proposed operation that has come forward in Chatham-Kent for zoning approval.

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Get ’er done We recently had the opportunity to tour the Boardwalk on the Thames high rise in downtown Chatham. The views are impressive. The location will likely sell itself. We’re sure there are groups that hope this editorial heads in a particular direction – condemnation of the project, or pure praise. There are naysayers who have hated the project from the day it was announced. They are the folks who said developer Victor Boutin would never even break ground on the project. And when that occurred, they said he’d walk away with it barely completed (and there were times when it looked like that would be the case). Until Everlast puts on the last coat of paint inside and opens its doors to let people move in, these naysayers will always have grounds to gripe. And there are the people who don’t understand why anyone would criticize Boutin and his vision for the downtown. To them, this editorial would be nothing but praise of the project. Sorry to disappoint both sides, but we stand somewhere in the middle. We are huge proponents of seeing the project completed. Imagine the impact 88 high-quality residential units in downtown Chatham would have on our community. The residents would breathe life into our downtown at all hours of the day. Their buying power would lure at the very least a corner market of sorts to a nearby location. Downtown shops would be a convenient short walk away. The sidewalks might not roll up as early as they do now. Yes, we’d love to see the project completed. That said, we want it completed sooner rather than later. The Christmas 2017 timeline sounds nice, but after seeing the amount of work still to be done inside, as well as looking back on Everlast’s historically slow pace at the site, we don’t hold out much hope that deadline will be met. Yes, Boutin works at his own pace, and he certainly has a lot on the go, but, please commit more manpower to finishing this job. It’s great that the downtown has both sides of King Street back in front of the project, but we now want the next and final stage to be over. We’re pretty darned sure Boutin wants the same. He just has to remain focused on the project and commit the personnel to getting it done.

Letters to the editor policy The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to (use “Letter” in the subject line). All letters need to be signed.

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The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.



A tale of guano woe in C-K Sir: I recently had a rather vile and disgusting experience. I parked on King Street on a recent evening. It was the perfect parking spot, leaving me feeling proud and satisfied that we managed to score such a convenient location for our dinner and music concert down the street. Dinner was absolutely delicious; the concert was lovely. We returned to the car four hours later to find layer, upon layer, upon layer of crow poop. It was to the point where the sidewalks were slippery, the roadway hazardous. And the guano bombs were still coming fast and furious. My normally blue car was almost entirely covered and dripping with white, brown and other fiendish hues. I gingerly helped my aunt get into the car, trying to ensure she didn’t slip right under the car, only to sploosh my way to the driver’s side. Once in the vehicle, after uttering expletives I

normally try to avoid saying in front of Aunt Marian, I started the car and realized I couldn’t see out the windshield due to the carnage covering all windows. I look down: my windshield fluid light is on. “Nooooooooo,” I cried, hoping and praying there may be just a few last ounces of that sweet washer fluid nectar to allow for enough visibility to drive. A few miserly jets come out. I put pulled back on the wiper wash hand hard, willing every last drop out. Combined with a light rain and the highest setting of my wipers, I managed to clear enough visibility to see out the front. We made it to Aunt Marian’s place. I saw the car under a brighter light, and rear back in horror again. I will never be able to unsee this. I drive as swiftly but safely as I can down Keil Drive, wondering what other drivers are thinking as I pass by. I stare blankly through

the refuse-blotted windshield, hoping and praying that the car wash on Richmond was still open. Sakes alive it was! Hallelujah! I punched in my wash code, the entrance door slides up and I pull into the car wash. As the layers of water and soap cover the car, I can feel the layers of horror wash away from my psyche, along with the layers upon layers of crow crap. I watch with satisfaction as my window & windshield visibility begin to return, and feel that all will be right with the world again soon. This was all a bad dream, and I’ll just push it out of my mind, never to think of again. I pull out of the car wash and back in front of the gas station. This trauma clearly deserves some junk food as a reward. I head into the gas bar and load up on supplies. Relaying my tale of guano-woe to the cashier - she couldn’t believe it

either. “I thought that was just over on this side of town,” she exclaimed. “I did too,” I exclaimed back. Loaded down with artery-clogging comfort food, I stepped back outside and returned to what should be my beloved vehicle. I stop, stunned. My roof; what the heck was wrong with my roof?? The colour was not the same as the rest of the car; it’s jagged, matted ... gone? Several layers of paint in several areas across the roof of my car have been eaten away by the crow guano! In the four hours my poor, innocent vehicle was bombarded by the Crow Luftwaffe, their radioactive poop had literally eaten away layers of paint on my car. What are these nefarious creatures eating? I hope that by sharing my tale of guano-woe, if even one innocent person or vehicle can be spared, it will be worth it. Alysson Storey Chatham

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36 BIRMINGHAM $665,000 Exquisite 5 + 1br, 3.5 bath Bouma built 2 storey backing onto the creek. Call Pat 519-360-0141.

136 TECUMSEH $439,000 Beautiful custom built 3+1br, 3 bath brick 2 storey home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

3 SOUTH HAMPTON $588,888 Unique 2+2br, 2.5 bath custom built sprawling brick rancher. Call Eric 519-436-4865.

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20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,400,000 Inventory & equipment incl. 60’x120’ all steel Vertec building on 4.77 acres at Hwy.401. 5 bay doors, 5 ton overhead crane. Call Ron 519-3607729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

7543 RIVERVIEW $499,900 Custom built 3+1br, 3 bath ranch on 1.17 ac lot with outstanding view of the river. Call Gus 519-355-8668 or Heather 519-355-8666.

June McDougall* 519-358-5199

SAT, FEB. 25, 2:30-5:00PM SUN, FEB. 26, 12:00-2:00PM 119 CARTIER - $224,900 RON FRANKO Spacious 4br raised rancher backing onto a farmer’s field. Call Ron Franko 519-355-8181.

20438 KENESSERIE, RIDGETOWN • $596,000 Hobby farm on just over 5 ac’s. Custom built 4br, 2 bath brick & stone bungalow. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

George McDougall* 519-360-7334

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162 KING W $799,900 Thriving turnkey restaurant operating since 1983. Excellent sales with great profits. Call Deb R 519-401-5470.

66 MOLENGRAAF $349,900 Beautiful 2+1br, 3 bath Ewald built bi-level, very well cared for. Call Jim 519-358-3984.

Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666

160 KEIL LEASE SPACE Indian Creek Rd & Keil Dr S from $4-$10/sf. Call Bev 519-358-8805.

SAT, FEB. 25, 12:00-2:00PM SUN, FEB. 26, 2:30-5:00PM 177 INSHES - $89,900 RON FRANKO 2br bungalow with many renovations. Cheaper than renting! Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.

S 6575 ANGLER, MITCHELL’S BAY • $169,000 1 floor plan, 1br + den, large main room, great area for fishing, hunting & birding. Many updates. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

11523 RONDEAU, MORPETH $388,888

3 yr old 4br rancher on the Lake Erie bluffs. Call Brian K 519-3656090 or Chris 519-350-1402.

Completely renovated 3br, 2 bath 1862 sq ft ranch. Call Brian K 519-365-6090.

12 ST ANTHONY $249,900 Brand new 2br, brick & sided raised ranch with double garage. Call Pat 519-360-0141.

New Listing



72 HOLLAND $189,900 3br rancher with hardwoods, newer windows & detached garage. Call David 519-350-1615.

25 COURTYARD $299,000 Very spacious floor plan, enclosed lanai, double car garage, all brick with mature landscaping. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.

Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668

Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653

19170 DOUGLAS, BLENHEIM • $489,900 Incredible unique custom built 3br, 2 bath rancher on 1.19 ac lot near Lake Erie. Call Andrea 519-359-2482.

4628 TALBOT TRAIL $318,888

open house Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189

Brian Peifer Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669

9565 RIVER LINE $880,000 Five star executive 3br, 5 bath, brick 1.5 storey home on the Thames River. Call Amber 519-784-5310.

SAT, FEB. 25, 1:00-4:00PM 76 PARTRIDGE - $178,900 STEVE CARROLL 3br bungalow in Birdland with carport & 1.5 car detached garage. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

Vacant Lot 29971 OAKDALE $20,000 Large (3/4 acre) lot in Croton. Own a piece of property! Call Bev 519-358-8805.

155 GRAND AVE. W. $199,900 Great business opportunity to take over an existing operation + the land & building. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

New Listing 97 KING ST E $87,500 2+1br, 2 storey great for investors and first time buyers. Call Michael 519-365-5634.

144 SEMENYN $269,900 4 plex in good state of repair in excellent location. Call George 519-360-7334.

D L SO 19393 CLEVELAND, CEDAR SPRINGS • $119,900 Great 2br home with attached garage & small work shop. Call Penny 519-360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755.

224 JOSEPH $132,900 Many updates throughout this 4+1br, 2 bath 1.5 storey home. Call Cindy 519-360-0628.

445 GRAND W $699,900 Professional office building in excellent condition. Currently zoned HC1. Call Kristen 519-784-7653.

6620 MIDDLE, S BUXTON $229,900 Completely refurbished 3br bungalow on a unique property on double lot. Call Gus 519-355-8668.

Immediate Possession

Don’t Miss Out!

86 VAN ALLEN $95,000 2br, 1 floor bungalow. Large kitchen with eating area. All appliances incl. Call June 519-358-5199.

17996 RONDEAU $179,000 Own a 3br waterfront cottage in Rondeau Park with endless sunsets. Call Larry 519-355-8686.

Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482

Chris Papple* 519-350-1402

Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959

Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310

Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141

Brian Preston* 519-355-9868

Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470

Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805

Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838

David Smith* 519-350-1615

Ron Smith* 519-360-7729

Larry Smyth** 519-355-8686

Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470

Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800

Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856

Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628

7866 GRANDE RIVER LINE $1,500,000 One of a kind custom built 3br, 6 bath 2 storey on 2.9 ac’s on the river. Call Carson 519-809-2856.

D L SO 194 BRISTOL $199,900 Pride of ownership is evident in this totally updated 3br rancher. Call Deb Rhodes 519-401-5470.

open house

open house Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810



Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315

SATURDAY, FEB. 25, 1-3PM 7910 GRANDE RIVER - $559,900 WAYNE LIDDY Beautiful completely renovated exclusive 5br, 3.5 bath 2 storey on the river. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.



3 MAIN #6, MITCHELL’S BAY $284,900 Stunning 3br, 2.5 bath townhouse with an awesome view of Lake St. Clair. Call Penny 519-360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755.

364 WELLINGTON W $179,000 Great location & well maintained brick triplex. All 1br units. Many improvements. Call Amber 519-784-5310.

New Listing 119 HARVEY $89,900 Duplex for sale. 2br unit on the 2nd floor and 1br unit on the main. Call George 519-360-7334.

Broker** Sales Representative *



Peifer Realty Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated 42 Talbot St. W., Blenheim

Penny Wilton, Broker

519-360-0315 •


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3 Main St. #6, Mitchells Bay 3 BR, 2.5 bath townhouse with views of lake St. Clair. Open concept living with gas fireplace, granite counter tops and hardwood floors. Upstairs has large master with ensuite, 2 additional BR, 3 pc bath and lovely terrace. Attached garage has rear entrance into the Open House - Sun. Feb. 25 1-3pm laundry/mudroom. $284,900.

151 Talbot St. W., Blenheim

Unique 2 + 1 BR, 2 bath century home. Large kitchen with patio access, tall ceilings and a main floor master. $159,900.

• First Time Offered! • 7910 Grand River Line Open House • Saturday, February 25 • 1-3pm

Completely remodelled executive 2 storey on the water. 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, open concept main floor. Upper level perfect for granny suite. Incredible view of the Thames River with family room overlooking kidney shaped pool 2 car garage. 90 Sleepy Meadow Dr., Blenheim 18116 Third Ave., Rondeau

Gorgeous, custom built 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home. Open concept & full basement. Short walk to beaches! $399,900.

26 Jackson St., Blenheim

3 BR, 2 bath brick rancher. Open concept 2 BR, 1 bath bungalow with a large with vaulted ceilings and fireplace. Premium hardwood and high end finishes. kitchen area. Mud room at front and rear entrances. Nice size lot! $62,900. Gorgeous landscaping! $379,900.

26 Sherman St., Blenheim

Owner Says Sell! 10989 River Line • $959,900 Open House • Sunday, February 26 • 1-3pm

2 BR, 1 bath bungalow. 14006 Talbot Trail, Chatham-Kent Good size kitchen & laundry One of a kind stone 2 storey home. This 5BR, room. Large laundry/utility 1.5 bath has irreplaceable wood work & wood room. Good opportunity floors. Mature trees & a distant view of Lake for an income property or Erie make this 3.3 acre property magnificent. project. $59,900.

Situated on 3.2 acres on the water. This 3,500 sq.ft. rancher boasts 4br, 4 baths, huge great room, 20ft cathedral ceilings, gourmet kitchen, master 14’x 23’ w/225sq.ft. en suite. Also guest/granny suite, 40’x48’ heated workshop, games room and wet bar. Constructed to I. C. S. standards. One of a kind home! Don’t Miss Out!

for a virtual tour visit



Peifer Realty Inc.


Andrea Okopny

519-359-2482 Res:

Sales Rep. Bus. 519-354-5470



Deborah (Deb) Rhodes Sales Representative

Live in one. Rent the other

Successfully Selling Real Estate Full Time Since 1989 DIRECT: 519-401-5470 •


194 Bristol Drive - $199,900

18-18 1/2 HILLYARD Why not use your rental to pay for your mtg? Ideal duplex with seperate utilities paid by tenant. Seperate FAG furnaces, central air units & hydro. Call today for an income statement.

19170 DOUGLAS RD Exceptional custom built home on over 1 acre landscaped lot. Beautiful kitchen w/granite, spacious LR DR with cedar strip ceiling, 3 large BR’s 2 baths and gorgeous stone gas fireplace in spacious family room plus new 3 season room and seperate 3 bay garage. Call Andrea to view!

Am Ready to Serve you in 2017! Cell:

Steve Carroll


Sales Rep.



Peifer Realty Inc.


New Listing

Pride of Ownership is evident in this fully finished rancher. Main floor approximately 1300 square feet with new hardwood flooring, bright white kitchen with loads of cupboards and stainless steel appliances, 2 + 1 bedroom, 2 full baths, one with Jacuzzi tub. New roof 2015. Large family room with wet bar with loads of room for entertaining. Private rear yard with pool and deck is perfect for those hot summer nights. Call Deb today, this one won’t last long!!

Glitter’s Fun Eatery - 162 King St. W. -

Here’s your chance to own this popular Downtown Chatham eatery landmark!! Close to Capital Theatre and New High Rise Condo development. Owner is retiring. Phenomenal Yearly Sales. Call Deb for details


New Listing • $169,000 6575 Angler Line, Mitchell’s Bay • 1 Floor Plan - 1 Bedroom + Den • Large main rooms • Great area for fishing, hunting, birding • Many updates • Municipal water

New Listing • $178,900 76 PARTRIDGE OPEN HOUSE Sat. Feb. 25 • 1-4pm • 3 bedroom Bungalow • Some updates • Detached garage • Full finished basement

$99,900 19950 Hill Road, Ridgetown



Large building on large lot with many Exceptional professional office building with potential uses just a minute from Ridgetown. great existing tenants. Building is being convertHigh traffic location. Building and lot only ed to gas heating. Special incentives offered for first 2 general practitioners! Call Deb for details. for sale. Does not include business.


Time for a walk on a cold evening




Free smiles through dental clinic

Coldest Night of the Year event set for Saturday The Chatham event will start and finish at The Hub at Ursuline College While the weather may Chatham. The route takes still be cold at night in walkers along a path borChatham-Kent, organiz- dered by Sandys and Laers of a local charity event croix streets on the west; said that’s exactly why Poplar and Forest streets they are partaking in the on the north; Victoria, Coldest Night of the Year Fifth and Centre streets on the east; and Park and (CNOY). The CNOY is a national Richmond streets to the charity event, according south. It’s a 5K loop, Bakto Alan Baker, network er said. “They get people to seek co-ordinator for Neighpledges and bourLink go for a 5K C h a - “They always do it in tham-Kent. the dead of winter. The or a 10K walk in the The walk communitakes place overall purpose of the Feb. 25, and event is to raise aware- ty,” he said this year, ness of the plight of the of CNOY. “If people Neighbour- hungry, the homeless, want to do Link is hostand hurting.” 10K, they’ll ing one in - Organizer Alan Baker just walk it Chatham. twice.” “CNOY At the terminus of the is a national charity that exists to raise money for walk, MPP Rick Nicholls charities coast to coast,” will speak, and particiBaker said. “They always pants will also enjoy a hot do it in the dead of winter. meal. Baker said registration The overall purpose of the event is to raise aware- for the event has been ness of the plight of the decent, considering it is hungry, the homeless, and the first time Chatham is hosting CNOY, and typihurting.” According to the national cally people here wait unevent website, “CNOY is a til the last minute to take super-fun, family-friendly part. There is still time to fundraiser. Bundle up and sign up. For more inforaccomplish something re- mation, go to https:// markable by doing some- thing ordinary!” Registration the day of Baker said NeighbourLink got involved to help the event begins at 4 p.m. raise awareness and to ob- and opening ceremonies take place at 5 p.m., with tain funding. “It’s a fundraiser for us. the walk following shortWe have a very low bud- ly thereafter. Baker would like to conget,” he said. “We need funds and we’ll use them tinue running the event in to expand our mandate in the future. “We hope it becomes an Chatham-Kent. We come into contact with a lot of annual event here and we hungry, homeless and hope to be the annual host hurting people in Cha- charity.” tham-Kent.” By Bruce Corcoran

Contributed image

Bright Smiles Community Dental Hygiene and Chatham-Kent Public Health joined forces recently to offer a free dental treatment day at the Bright Smiles office on Forsyth Street in Chatham. Fifteen clients received treatment, including a dental exam, cleaning, polishing and fluoride treatment. Bright Smiles’ Christine Fairbairn said nearly $2,400 worth of dental cleaning was done at no charge. She plans on hosting another free clinic April 8.

LTVCA to give away 500 free trees The Chatham Voice The pick up date and location for the free trees is April 15 at C.M. Wilson Conservation Area, 21799 Fargo Rd, Blenheim. Trees will be bare root so bring your own garbage bag. Residents can sign up by going to and selecting the Free

Tree Program button on the home page and follow instructions. Trees must be planted on your own property and comply with municipal setbacks. Remember to call or go online to Ontario 1 Call before you dig: or 1-800-4002255.

Free trees. It’s that simple. The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) is has brought back the former Chatham-Kent Free Tree program. The first 500 C-K residents to sign up will receive a large stock tree for free. Species available in57 Harvest Cres. • $259,900 93 Gladstone Ave. • $188,000 clude Ironwood, Sugar Maple and Kentucky Coffee. You are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as this is first come, first served. LTVCA officials advise those interested must properly register to receive a tree. Stunning 4 bedroom, 1 bath home. Many updates! Those who provide missing Lovely 3 bedroom 2 storey located in North East painted! Move in ready! Fully fenced backyard! or wrong information will be Chatham on quiet street. Hardwood floors through- Freshly Two large sheds! Great street! Short walk to schools, disqualified. out. A perfect family home! shopping and banks! Offered at just $188,000. To properly register you must provide in your email: 1. Email subject line must read FREE TREE 2. Full Name 3. Full mailing address inRyan Rusnak Bill Myers cluding postal code Sales Representative Broker of Record 4. Phone number 519-351-8690 519-365-2094 To register, email: FreeT- 551 Queen St., Chatham • 519-352-9400






Thursday, February 23, 2017 • Misty Melodies karaoke afternoon in the West Lounge at 1:30pm. Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham. • Open euchre at 1:00pm at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • FOR ALL VETERANS, The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham will have ONTARIO Provincial Command Service Bureau’s, Provincial Service Officer, Ms. Rebecca Calden from London Service Bureau visiting at approximately 10:30am. This is for anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding disability benefits, referrals for entitled veterans, information with rehabilitation, applications for benevolent funds, war veterans allowance and assistance for widows. Friday, February 24, 2017 • Meal and fun darts at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Dinner 5:30pm-7:00pm with choice of liver and onions, roast beef or fish and chips for $9.00. One meat draw. Fun darts at 7:30pm. Saturday, February 25, 2017 • 2 person euchre tournament at the RC Merlin Legion Branch 465. 2 Stanley St., Merlin. $20 for team of 2. Registration 12:15pm. Play 1:00pm sharp. • Meat draw and dance at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Meat draw from 4:00pm-6:00pm. Dance from 4:30pm9:30pm featuring Allen James. • Ken Yates with special guests The Oh Chays at Darrel Moffat United Church, 27 Canal St. E., Tilbury. Tickets $20 in advance/$25 ad the door. Available at or Tilbury Arts Centre. • Saturday morning breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 930am11:00am. Everyone is most welcome! • Parenting Conference at St. Paul’s Congregational Church, 450 Park Ave. W. from 10:00am3:00pm. $25. An entertaining and meaningful teaching event designed to give parents and caregivers tools and insights to use right away, no matter what stage or phase your kids are in. Boxed lunch and beverages included. Tickets online at • Bingo Fundraiser for JA South Western Ontaraio at Riverview Bingo Palace. 6:30pm. 1 Three strip book, 1 double action book, 3 early bird strips and 3 super jackpots for $15. (Reg. $23) 50” TV giveaway also! Monday, February 27, 2017 • Everyone’s favourite fiddler - Ryan St. Denis will perform in the West Lounge at 2:00pm. Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham. • Senior Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St, Chatham at 1:00pm.

• Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner sponsored by St. Agnes Knights of Columbus from 4:00pm7:00pm at St. Agnes Church Hall, 52 Croydon St., Chatham. $6 each. Children 6 and under free. • Pancakes & Sausages at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Victoria & Selkirk St., Chatham. 4:45pm-7:00pm. Adults $7.00, children 5-12 $5.00. Tickets available at the door. • Open euchre, shuffleboard and 2 person euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Open euchre at 1:00pm and 2 person registration at 6:30pm to play at 7:00pm. $5.00 per person. Shuffleboard at 7:00pm. • Euchre Party at Grace Christian Church, 26466 Bearline Rd. Admission $5.00. 7:30pm. Lunch and prizes. Come out and bring a friend! Wednesday, March 1, 2017 • Quarter Auction for Epilepsy Awareness Month. Doors open at 6;00. Salvation Army, 46 Orangewood Blvd., Chatham. Tickets $5. • A Good Life with Diabetes Open to the public. An 8 week provides info about diabetes and coping stragies to help manage your life with Diabetes. Preregister by calling Thamesview Family Health Team, 465 Grand Ave. West, Chatham. 519-354-0070 ex.602. Thursday, March 2, 2017 • Baby Leads for Expectant Families and Parents who have children under the age of two. 11:00am-12:00pm. Dr. Wendy Edwards, guest speaker. Topic: Immunizations - Open to the public. Thamesview Family Health Team, 465 Grand Ave. West, Chatham. 519-354-0070 ext.602. Friday, March 3, 2017 • Windsor Symphony Orchestra presents Mozart Symphony No. 25 at St. Andrew’s United Church, 85 William St. S., Chatham at 7:30pm. Doors open at 7:00pm. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door, students $10.) Available at the church office, Cultural Centre box office or For info call 519-352-0010. • Please join us and invite your friends and family to attend the World Day of Prayer at Blessed Sacrament Church in Chatham at 2:00pm and learn about women in the Philippines. CK Animal Rescue is holding a gigantic garage sale on March 18, 2017. Yard Sale Vendor Tables for Rent - $35 for one table and $10 per extra table until March. 11. Business Vendors Wanted - $60 per 10ft space. John D. Bradley Convention Centre, 565 Richmond St., Chatham. Contact us to register, to sponsor or to reserve your table - 519-354-5000. PAWR at the animal shelter phone number for lost and stray pets and issues at the dog parks: 226-996-9969 daytime. Emergency and after-hours number: 519-784-6146. Animal Cruelty and neglect cases call direct 310-7722 or 310-SPCA.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at First Presbyterian Church, 60 5th St., Chatham. 5:00pm7:00pm. Tickets $9.00. $18.00 family tickets. Tickets available at door or call the church office.

Chatham-Kent Metal Detecting Club - Meets last Thursday of the month. 7:00pm. Kinsman Room. Erickson Arena, new members welcome!

• Shrove Tuesday pancakes and sausages from 11:00am-2:00pm at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham.

Submit your coming events to or

Fake hip, please meet 10 storeys of stairs For the most part, I ache every day, to varying degrees. Hey, I’m overweight, in my 50s, and have arthritis in my joints, and sport one metal hip. My body is not a huge fan of stairs. Ask many people who have had knee or hip replacements and they’ll agree that stairs can be a pain. But that didn’t stop me from taking a tour of the Boardwalk on the Thames project on King Street last week. Thanks to Paul Shettel of the Historic Downtown Chatham BIA for getting me a slot on the tour. And thanks to the guys at Tony Matteis the Cement Specialist for hooking me up with a hardhat and steel-toed boots – items not generally needed by journalists. Dave Matteis loaned me the boots, which fit fine, and his brother Paul scored me the hardhat. I was admittedly somewhat surprised to receive the thumbs up to take part in the tour, which was conducted by project manager Brian Chute. I’ve known Brian for a number of years, but Victor Boutin, who runs Everlast Group, the company putting up the building, hasn’t returned phone calls from The Chatham Voice for literally years. Yet I was granted access. Along with Shettel, the BIA’s Connie Beneteau and councillors Brock McGregor and Darrin Canniff, in I went. After all, I wanted to see firsthand the progress made inside, and to also get a look at Chatham from higher up. Ever since those guys broke into the job side in early 2016 and took photos from atop the crane, I wanted to see the view from above. Only one problem. The elevators aren’t installed yet. Yep, the overweight journalist with a fake hip got introduced to 10 flights of

Not Getting Your Paper? We want to make sure you do! Please give us a call at 519-397-2020 or email

Bruce Corcoran stairs. Thankfully, Brian paused repeatedly on the way up to discuss various elements of the project, and to showcase the view from these levels. On the way down, we went straight from 10 to zero. I survived just fine, other than some muscle fatigue the next day and joint pain that night. The tour was very revealing – in terms of how much work has actually been done, and how much is still to go. For the average citizen, their impression of the project is typically from what they can see as they drive or walk by. It’s a dominating sight in Chatham’s downtown, but looks a long way away from being finished. The tour did nothing to change my mind that a lot of work still needs to be done, however, crews have accomplished a great deal as well. But so much of it can’t be seen from outside. Sure, we all got excited when the brick facades went up. Who wouldn’t? That was visible progress. We’ll get excited as the windows are installed in the coming weeks too. We toured the third floor and they were all in place there. What’s also in place is the framing for all the interior walls. The balconies have all been installed, despite complications. The elevator controller units are on site. Heating and cooling guys are lined up to do the ductwork. The coming weeks, if the site has enough workers, should yield more visible improvements. And when the weather turns warmer, Brian said we can expect more improvements to the building’s exterior. I’d love to return to the site in the summer for updated photos, inside and out. I certainly won’t complain if the elevators are up and running then either.



Sports/The Arts

Contributed image

Sydney Modien of the Chatham Pool Sharks slices through the water in competition recently in Leamington. The Sharks SEAL Team had another solid outing in Leamington. The SEAL program brings new and developing swimmers together to compete on a local circuit with teams from Windsor, Blenheim, Sarnia, Leamington, and Aylmer. Twenty-eight swimmers represented the Sharks and they brought back 17 top three results and 50 top eight results.

Mary Webb Centre looking for funding

By Mary Beth Corcoran

East Kent Coun. David Van Damme recently asked Chatham-Kent council to consider a $250,000 interest-free loan to help out the Mary Webb Centre in Highgate. Van Damme is asking for council to consider setting

aside funds for the loan to go toward the centre’s expansion and serve as bridge financing so the centre can complete the project this summer. Upgrades to be included in the expansion are alterations to meet fire and safety codes, as well as accessibility and building codes. A 2,200-sq.-ft. addition will

Contributed image

An artist’s rendition of a renovated Mary Webb Centre.

include an elevator, better entrances, new washrooms, and better amenities for the audience. The century-old heritage structure is to receive a fire alarm system, improved space for the performers, and some structural refurbishment. Van Damme said the theatre has received funding from programs such as the Trillium Foundation, but all of the costs weren’t covered. The loan is expected to be paid back by Jan. 31, 2022. “The people of Highgate and the board at the Mary Webb Centre have committed to paying it back over the short term,” he said. “I believe with their work ethic they will.” While budget chair and Chatham Coun. Derek Robertson did not believe the municipality should take on the role of a bank for community projects, the motion was passed, asking staff to look into the feasibility of providing the loan and report back to council.




Fun Stuff

ACROSS 1 Eden evacuee 4 Temporary gifts 9 School org. 12 Lucy of “Elementary” 13 Liver or lung 14 Parcel of land 15 Hearth

17 Past 18 Hot tub 19 Porter 21 Occur 24 Great Lake 25 Web address 26 Banned pesticide 28 “-- alive!” 31 Bound

This week’s answers

33 Surprised cries 35 Citrus fruit 36 Fancy neckwear 38 Special -40 Nashville-based awards org. 41 “Zounds!” 43 Rouse 45 Autobiography’s cousin 47 Carnival city 48 -- carte 49 “Monopoly” purchase 54 Tit for -55 More than enough 56 Explanation 57 Type measures 58 Called 59 Gorilla DOWN 1 Sprite 2 Evening hour, in a way 3 Asia’s neighbor (Abbr.) 4 Pruned 5 Florida city

6 Khan title 7 Mother-of-pearl 8 Derisive looks 9 Football tactic involving a tee 10 Roman garment 11 On 16 Sixth sense, for short 20 Use a rotary phone 21 Hawaiian dance 22 War god 23 Settings for settings? 27 Nevertheless, for short 29 Model nee Melissa Miller 30 Penn or Astin 32 Comic-strip possum 34 Glisten 37 James Clavell novel 39 Stole 42 Histrionics 44 Popular ISP 45 Partner 46 Verve 50 Spinning stat 51 “Eureka!” 52 Police officer 53 Ram’s 45-Down






In Memoriam

Austin (Ozzie) Suitor February 25, 1997 Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather Time cannot steal the memories We have within our hearts Or take away the happy years Of which you were a part. You did so many things for us Your heart was kind and true And when we needed someone We could always count on you. We cannot bring the old days back When we were all together But with all the love within our hearts You will walk with us forever. Loved and missed, Bette and Family

Heather Blake February 22, 2015

Love is a link death cannot sever. Always in our hearts, Love Jim, Brett, Jimmy and Shannon



Alice Zaleski 85, Wednesday, February 15, 2017 McKinlay Funeral Home

Mr. Jamie Gilbert 45, Monday, February 13, 2017 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home

Doris Smith 89, Wednesday, February 15, 2017 McKinlay Funeral Home

Mrs. Helen Cowlan 99, Saturday, February 11, 2017 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home

Clara Tetreault 89, Thursday, February 16, 2017 McKinlay Funeral Home

Grace Van Rooyen Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Denning’s of Chatham

Sir Alphonse “Al” DeWitte 91, Saturday, February 11, 2017 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Leta Hanson 91, Thursday, February 16, 2017 Blenheim Community Funeral Home

Georgette Kok 87, Friday, February 3, 2017 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Lesley (Pitchforth) Kelly 59, Thursday, February 16, 2017 Blenheim Community Funeral Home

Gerald Ladd 89, Monday, February 13, 2017 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home Mrs. Mary Rombouts 92, Tuesday, February 14, 2017 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home

60 Stanley Street, Blenheim (519) 676 – 9200

Pick us up! Wallaceburg




Gigantic Garage Sale Monday, March 18, 2017. Yard sale vendor tables for RENT! $35 for one table, $10 per extra table until March 11, 2017. Business Vendors Wanted limited space. $60for 10 foot space until March. 11, 2017. Sponsors wanted! Contact us to register, to sponsor, or to reserve a table. 519-354-5000.

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Help Wanted

NORTH Valencia Dr / Peachtree Lane Oxley Dr / Willowdale Pl Pamela Cres / Oxley Dr Orangewood Blvd / Irene Cres London Dr / Barclay St Harvest Cres / Farmhouse Pl

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Carriers Wanted SOUTH

Peters St / Birchwood St Bloomfield Rd / Oriole Pkwy Manning Dr / MacIntosh Dr Legacy Lane / Silvana Dr Birmingham Lane / Charing Cross Rd Charing Cross Rd

Monarch Dr / Valley Rd

Call Fatima today 519-397-2020,ext.223 or email





Boardwalk finished by Chrismas? Continued from page 1

“It was supposed to be quicker for installation,” Chute said. “We could have poured each balcony and we’d have been done by now. Victor tries to trend set and be ahead of the curve.” Tying the building into the bedrock 65 feet below ground level, something

that had to be done, also led to delays. “It was a very expensive process,” Chute said. He admitted some of the problems with the delay of construction lay at Boutin’s feet. He said the developer is just too busy at times. “Victor has property all over North America.

He’s busy everywhere. Sometimes he spreads himself too thin,” Chute said. “Victor has invested $20 million-$30 million in this community and he does it his way.” Chute said two crews are now onsite installing windows. It is hoped they will be done installing throughout the build-

ing in a month’s time. In previously published reports, Boutin had stated the timeline for completion of the window installation was before the end of 2016. Ongoing challenges, Chute said, are lining up contractors. If you can slot them into place like a chronological jigsaw puz-

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Project supervisor Brian Chute, right, discusses elements of the Boardwalk on the Thames building with Paul Shettel of the Historic Downtown Chatham BIA during a recent tour of the building.

zle, the construction process runs more smoothly with fewer interruptions. “It’s our duct work and heating and cooling we are waiting on now,” he said. “Once we get that in, things should move more quickly.” The heating and cooling of the building is no simple matter. The project will utilize geothermal energy for heating and cooling. Chute said water will be piped 500 feet down into the ground and will return at a temperature of about 13C. In the summer, blowing air across pipes containing the cool water will help keep the building cool, and in the winter, Chute said it’s easier to heat water from that point to 20-22C than from a lower starting point. Canniff said he was impressed by the condominium project. “There’s a lot of money being spent in the community because of this,” he said. “This is a very positive thing for the community. Has it taken longer than anticipated? Yes. But it will be a beautiful thing in the end.” Between 60 and 70 per cent of the work on the project has been done by local contractors and labourers, Chute estimated. “We try to use local

crews but when we can bring people in from Toronto for half the price, what can you do,” he asked, and alleged that some tradespeople view Everlast as a golden goose of sorts, and price themselves out of a job. Chute said his auction of the former Park Street United Church is actually what first brought Boutin to Chatham. “I was honest with him over the building and he appreciated that,” he said. “Now, I consider him a friend. I have his interests at heart.” Who introduced Boutin to Mayor Randy Hope? Chute said he did. He also showed him the former YMCA property, which Boutin purchased and is renovating. As for the Boardwalk on the Thames, Chute credits Hope and former municipal staffer James Snyder with showcasing that property to Boutin. While hopeful of the Christmas completion date, Chute said changes will become quite evident in the coming weeks, especially when the weather warms. Aside from the windows going in, exterior work will begin as we transition into spring. “You’ll see a lot of changes in the concrete look,” he said.



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