Vol. 6 Edition 12
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Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
Sex trafficking takes place in Chatham-Kent
By Mary Beth Corcoran
Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice
Olivia Taylor from the Cornell School of Irish Dance and other members entertained a big crowd of people at the Chatham-Kent Public Library at the Chatham branch on Saturday for St. Patrick’s Day. Young dancers, from new to experienced, demonstrated hard and soft shoe reels and techniques to traditional and contemporary Irish music.
Human sex trafficking is a harsh reality in Chatham-Kent. Vulnerable girls are being lured, coerced, intimidated and forced into being sex slaves for traffickers, and speakers at a public forum hosted by MPP Rick Nicholls Thursday night brought that fact home to more than 115 people in attendance. Nicholls teamed up with Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock MPP Laurie Scott who spent two years researching and putting together the Saving the Girl Next Door private member’s bill to bring awareness to the issue of human sex trafficking and resources to the victims. The government took her bill and turned it into the Anti-Human Trafficking Bill 96. Scott hosted the first Human Sex Trafficking Awareness Day in Ontario on Feb. 20. She is travelling the province to educate and inform people and advocate for more co-ordinated services between jurisdictions, ser-
“I was 35 when I was trafficked. I was not young and naïve, so if it could happen to me, imagine how easily it could happen to a 12, 13 year old who has no life experience.”
- Trafficking victim “Carolyn”
vice organizations, police and crown attorneys. Trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery, is happening here. According to statistics Scott has compiled, 93 per cent of victims are Canadian-born, victims are an average age of 14, 60 per cent of all trafficking happens in Ontario, and Highway 401 from Windsor to Montreal is a major corridor for human sex trafficking. One of the speakers, a sex trafficking survivor from the London area, riveted those in attendance with her story. “My name is Carolyn. I went by many names but the majority of the time, I answered to the name ‘Ho,’” she said by way of introduction. Over the next 18 minutes, the sex trafficking
survivor told a disturbing story of how she was lured into a relationship with her trafficker while suffering from undiagnosed clinical depression and grief. Carolyn was told she was loved, valued and taken care of until the day her trafficker expected her to “do her part” and she was forced to work in a strip joint, performing “extras,” with all the money going to her trafficker. The method used to traffic her is called the loverboy/Romeo method of “love bombarding,” and her deceased husband’s best friend introduced Carolyn to her trafficker. “I was a sky-diving instructor and held a Canadian record for many years. And this is important – I was 35 when I was trafficked. I was not young and naïve, so if it could happen to me, imagine how easily it could happen to a 12, 13 year old who has no life experience,” Carolyn noted. “These traffickers are astute and well aware of targeting who is vulnerable.” Continued on page 3
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