The Chatham Voice, May 9, 2019

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Father, son discover 500 needles

By Bruce Corcoran

Michelle Owchar/The Chatham Voice

Ivey Owchar, left, Jemma Snelgrove, and Jason Snelgrove make proverbial lemonade out of the lemons Mother Nature has given us this spring. They’re hanging out on Selton Line in East Kent in the middle of their backyard. Somewhere under all the water is green grass.

Municipal public health officials say they will continue to monitor a spot in Wallaceburg where a father and son recently discovered upwards of 500 needles. Wallaceburg Coun. Aaron Hall said he noticed a post on social media from the man, who took his son for a walk along the railroad tracks near Dufferin

Avenue and Arnold Street. “I reached out to find the location,” Hall said. “The next morning, I reached out to Public Health and met Public Health officials there.” Hall said they found the location. It had rained heavily overnight and the orange-tipped syringes were in a low-lying area. Dozens floated in a large puddle that had formed there.

Continued on page 2

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