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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper
Vol. 6 Edition 19
Candidates grilled on health-care platforms By Mary Beth Corcoran
In the first official debate for the Chatham-Kent Leamington provincial election candidates, they were asked questions on local health concerns such as water quality, hospital funding and support for children with special needs. Sponsored by the Chatham-Kent Health Coalition and the local chapter of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), the debate focused on health care issues with questions from the audience of about 50 people at Smitty’s Restaurant in Chatham. Four candidates attended, including sitting MPP Rick Nicholls (Progressive Conservative), NDP Jordan McGrail, Green Party Mark Vercouteren and Liberal Margaret Schleier Stahl. With a theme of making sure people of Chatham-Kent have the health care they need and deserve, candidates were given three minutes for opening statements.
Nicholls opened remarks, speaking about the local doctor shortage and his lobbying efforts to have this area designated as underserviced. He said support for doctors and nurses, shortening wait times and ending “hallway health care” are needed for better health care. A strong social safety net is an important piece of better health care, according to McGrail, who spoke next, in a province as prosperous as Ontario. Vercouteren said his party’s focus is a healthcare system that is not a “sick-care system,” and that preventative health care needs to be looked at in the big picture in Ontario to reduce costs. Schleier Stahl said as a social worker for 27 years, she understands the health-care needs in the area. With a health-care system envied by our neighbours to the south, however, she knows there are still areas that need improvement and advocacy.
Continued on page 2
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Call Randy Manicom
THURSDAY, MAY 17, 2018
Through the eyes of a child
Contributed image
Students at Georges P. Vanier Catholic School in Chatham spent six weeks learning about photography with amazing results. Gavin Devlaminck, a student in Laurette Carey’s Grade 4/5 class, took this photo of his guitar using the techniques he learned – perspective, extreme point of view, rule of thirds and contrasting colours. See story on page 3.
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