The Chatham Voice, May 24, 2018

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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2018

Someone had fun at Rondeau

Call Randy Manicom



Friends unite to celebrate life, remember others

Tired of gathering at funerals, these guys decided to put some fun and fundraising together for friends “We all knew each other before, and Mike said we need to do something Three Chatham-Kent about this; like a famimen have decided to ly reunion but a friend reunion,” make sure O’Phee said. they enjoy “We all knew each F r o m the peo- other before, and Mike that conple in their said we need to do versation lives while over beer, they are something about this; the three still alive, like a family reunion men, with instead of but a friend reunion.” help from m e e t i n g - Ray O’Phee O’Phee’s every few sister Linda St. Pierre, deyears at funerals. Ray O’Phee, Howard cided they would host a Morton and Mike Dorner celebration party, with an have known each other opportunity for people in since elementary school attendance to donate to and connected recently the Chatham-Kent Hosat the celebration of life pice. O’Phee said while their of their mutual friend Brent Preston. Happy to friend Brent was in the see each other, the three hospice, they were immen commented that pressed with how the it’s too bad they only see staff took care of him and each other when a mutual his family, allowing him to die with dignity in a friend has passed. 0’Phee said that observa- caring and supportive attion sparked an idea with mosphere. “We knew one of his last Dorner that they should make an effort to get to- wishes was to see his dog gether while they are able again and we couldn’t to enjoy each other’s com- believe it when we asked and they let us bring his pany. By Mary Beth Corcoran

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Dozens of northern map turtles, and the odd snapping turtle, climbed out of the water to enjoy some sunshine on May 17 at Rondeau Joe’s as anglers try their luck in the background. While much of the rest of the area was all but underwater after heavy rains, these turtles didn’t seem to care.

dog up to lay with him,” Dorner said. “He really enjoyed it.” Dorner said the three men had no idea what a hospice was until they came to the Chatham-Kent Hospice and they were more than happy to try and raise awareness and funds in honour of Preston. Their friend passed away shortly after that visit with his dog, so they were happy they were able to make his last wish possible. Once the idea to host a celebration took shape, the friends decided to dedicate the celebration to Preston, and went ahead not knowing how many people might be interested in attending. Through social media and word of mouth, close to 400 people attended the party and $2,000 was raised for the hospice. Morton said people from as far away as Saskatchewan, Fort Erie and Toronto came to the recent event.

Continued on page 2

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