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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper
Vol. 5 Edition 37
One puzzle after another By Bruce Corcoran
To Chatham native Meaghan Creed, the brain is a puzzle. Her quest for solutions has taken her to Switzerland and now Maryland. Creed, 30, is turning heads with her research into addiction. Currently an assistant professor in pharmacology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, she recently earned the Science & PINS Prize for Neuromodulation. Last year, she received the Pfizer Prize for Young Scientists. The awards are for her research into addiction and its impact on the brain. Creed grew up in Chatham, attending first McNaughton Avenue Public School and then Chatham-Kent Secondary School, before heading off to the University of Toronto.
It was at McNaughton Avenue PS when she became particularly interested in biology. “I think I always wanted to be a scientist. I remember a career day in Grade 2 and a scientist came in to talk about genetically engineered corn,” she said. “Biology has been my interest since that second-grade career day.” She credited a trio of high school educators for honing her interest. “I really had excellent high school science teachers: Robin Shepherd, George Argenti and Dave Page,” she said. “My physics, biology and chemistry teachers were pretty formative.” At the U of T, Creed earned first her Bachelors of Science and then her PhD in pharmacology and neuroscience. From there, she moved to Switzerland for four years for extra training. Continued on page 2
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Want some water to wash it down?
Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice
Marc St. Pierre, left, gives a likeness of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne a drink of dirty well water Friday, with the support of Kevin Jakubec, spokesperson for Water Wells First. The group held a luncheon on Bush Line at the construction site of one of North Kent Wind 1’s turbines. See story on page 3.
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