The Chatham Voice, Oct. 12, 2017

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Vol. 5 Edition 41

150-hour vigil for cenotaph


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Battle of Vimy Ridge and the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Dieppe, two In the year we celebrated key points in Canadian Canada’s 150th birthday, military history. Sceviour said the timing there’s a push on to hold a 150-hour vigil in front is right to hold such a vigof the cenotaph in down- il. “It’s just something I town Chatham. Called CK Keeping 150, was thinking about for a the non-denominational while. I’ve been at cenoevent is being organized taphs all my life, usualby Judy Smith and Mark ly in uniform,” he said. “For everySceviour one else, I of Christ “We’ve had people thought it C h u r c h who have given up was a bit C h a t h a m . their lives for the freedisconnecThe idea doms we enjoy here tive.” is to have Smith said groups take in Canada. We have the vigil is three-hour to celebrate their lives an excelshifts in the and what they gave way 150 hours for us to have what we lent of saying leading up thanks to to the Re- have.” the people membrance - Judy Smith who have Day service at the cenotaph at 11 a.m. served our country over the years. on Nov. 11. “Let’s get together and “Why not have the community do something for be a group as opposed to Remembrance Day rath- being individuals. We’ve er than just the Legion,” had people who have givSmith said. “He (Scev- en up their lives for the iour) thinks more about freedoms we enjoy here this stuff than the average in Canada,” she said. “We Joe, especially with Cana- have to celebrate their lives and what they gave da’s 150th.” This was also the year for us to have what we commemorating the have.” Continued on page 3 100th anniversary of the By Bruce Corcoran

Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Peyton Chauvin, 9, a student at St. Ursula’s School in Chatham, had no problem with having a corn snake around her neck at the ninth annual Chatham-Kent Children’s Water Festival held recently at the CM Wilson Conservation Area. Chauvin is pictured with Tilbury District High School student Mariah Marchand. See story on page 2.



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