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Vol. 2 Edition 16
Blame It On Rio
Bracelet sales help breakfast program sell them to raise money for the soup kitchen. Morgan’s mother Ria Morgan Kellam wove Kellam said the family her $25 Kingdom assign- initially hoped to raise ment into a donation of perhaps $100. “We aimed for $100, but more than $1,300 to a loin a week we had more cal soup kitchen. The Grade 8 St. Vincent than 100 sold,” she said. The famiSchool stuly realized dent re- “I wanted to invest ceived the with my $25. I thought, it was onto something, $25 to start ‘Why not help the spreading the project, the word which is homeless?’” through d e s i g n e d - Student Morgan Kellam friends, for students to think of the funds as family and their church. God’s money. It must be Morgan’s father, Glenn used outside the school’s Kellam, a trucker, took walls to further God’s the fundraising on the road. Kingdom. “Places helped sell them Morgan said it took a little time to figure out what for us,” Ria said. The fundraising spiraled to do. “I wanted to invest with from there. “We did well. It was my $25. I thought, ‘Why so much fun doing it,” not help the homeless?’” She targeted the Satur- Glenn said, recalling day Outreach Breakfast the many nights spent program at First Pres- around the dining room byterian Church in Cha- table making the bracelets. “To think in the betham. Her plan was to make ginning we were wonderelastic-band bracelets on ing how we’d make 100.” Continued on page 2 her Rainbow Loom and By Bruce Corcoran bruce@chathamvoice.com
Sarah Schofield/Special to The Chatham Voice
Dancers from Toronto based Samba Connection Dance Company and Axe Capoeira performed Saturday night to a soldout crowd at the Festival of Giving, which had a Blame It On Rio theme this year. Ticket holders enjoyed hours of entertainment, music, dinner, as well as a live and silent auction. The event raised nearly $308,000 for the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent and local foodbanks.
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