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Vol. 2 Edition 17
Hydro bill? What bill?
Sap season wraps up
Hydro One snafu has couple wondering what they’ll eventually face much concern. “I just figured they billed every two months, ” Mary For six months, Mary said. When no bill came in Thompson has been ready, willing and able to pay her January, she became conelectricity bill – she just cerned. “I spoke with the former can’t get anyone to take owner, but he didn’t know her money. Thompson, her husband any more than I did,” she Justin and their three chil- said. “He’s getting bills for dren purchased a Brook a corn dryer on the propLine home and moved in erty but doesn’t know if he’s paying for last Nov. 1, our service.” but have yet “It’s difficult to Calls to Hyto receive a believe something dro One have bill from Hyso simple could be been met with dro One. a bewildering “If it weren’t so complicated.” series of theoso frustrating, - Mary Thompson ries as to why it would be funny,” she said. “It’s dif- she hasn’t received a bill. “I’ve been told they havficult to believe something so simple could be so com- en’t been able to get anyone out to read the meter, plicated.” Mary said she contacted then I was told that the the utility as soon as she account was cancelled, knew her family would then I found out that my be moving. “I hadn’t had account number was the an account before and I same as that of the previexpected to pay a depos- ous owner,” she said. Thompson even had an it or something but I was told that wouldn’t be nec- electrician to her home. essary and there wouldn’t He determined there was nothing wrong with the be any set up fee at all.” The couple waited until service and was assured the end of November for during the visit that a bill a bill and then through the would be arriving shortly. Continued on page 3 end of the year without By Jim Blake
Jim Blake/The Chatham Voice
As mute testimony to the changing of the seasons, these sap-collecting buckets remain on a row of maple trees along Bay Line in the former Dover Township much later than usual this year. The recent warm temperatures have brought tree buds out in full force.
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