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Vol. 2 Edition 34
C-K native leads app design
Amazing Race rakes in $55K for United Way
By Bruce Corcoran bruce@chathamvoice.com
Sarah Schofield/Special to The Chatham Voice
The returning “Creek Connection” team of Bob and Christina Vandersluis works quickly during a final challenge on Saturday at the ninth annual Chatham-Kent Amazing Race. This year’s fundraiser, which raised approximately $55,000 for the United Way of Chatham-Kent, took teams all over the municipality, with stops at Erieau Beach, Blenheim and Mud Creek Park. First place winners were Scott Thompson and David Peltier from “The Team Formerly Known as the KBG.”
Dutch students visit Chatham-Kent
By Bruce Corcoran bruce@chathamvoice.com
host to a group of young Dutch men and women recently, as preparations continue for another Can-
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ada-Netherlands cycling trip in 2015. A total of 15 Dutch cyclists who will take part
in next year’s Frank Graham Cycle Liberation Tour came to Ontario in mid-August, along with
five adults, to get a brief experience of what Canada has to offer.
Continued on page 2
South Kent native Rick Lockyer just wanted to know more about how to help new businesses get on their feet. Instead, he’s hoping to help kids around the world start learning more easily, and at a very young age. Lockyer, who lives in Rothesay, just outside of Saint John, NB, is the lead mind behind MooBook, a mobile device app that helps people create and customize their own alphabet books, improving each child’s word-association abilities in the process. The concept is that parents – and even their children – can snap photos and upload them to the MooBook to create the alphabet books with images to which they can best relate. “This allows parents to create their own ABC e-book. You can put a picture of a child’s dad in the book for ‘D,’” Lockyer said.
Continued on back page
Upcoming Courses Chatham Sept. 8 - Sept. 17, 4:15pm-9:45pm Mon. & Wed., 2 weeks Sept. 27 - Oct. 5, 9:15pm-3:30pm Sat. & Sun., 2 weeks