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Vol. 2 Edition 18
YOUR Independent Community Newspaper THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014
Belting it out at music festival
Sarah Schofield/Special to The Chatham Voice
Vocalist Maria Whittal, daughter of Kiwanis Music Festival alumni Rachel Schwarz, rehearses a musical theatre solo for the 69th Grand Concert at the Kiwanis Theatre on April 22. The event showcased the best talent of this year’s Chatham Kiwanis Music Festival. See story page 15.
No Contracts! 53 St.Clair St. • 519.352.0033
Don Wells raises cash, awareness “Hey Lou, can you find my awards? Jim wants to see them.” Thus begins an interview with Don Wells, a Wallaceburg native and lifelong social activist who’s lived life on both sides of the tracks – and sometimes right in the middle. Talking with Don can be a verbal sparring match, reflecting the fact that as a former boxer and tough man contestant, he was constantly on the move, throwing punches and ducking knockouts. It’s difficult to keep him on one topic when he sees so many issues that need attention. Right now, his focus is on raising donations to embark on Don’s Journey of Hope for Cancer, an e-bike ride from Wallaceburg to Owen Sound that will begin June 28 and end 12 days later. He had wanted to go across Canada, but his own stage-four prostate cancer has changed his plans. “I get so tired these days and I have to be in London (hospital) regularly so I just can’t do it,” he said. “I think this is my last trip. I can’t seem to fight the infections any
Jim Blake more.” Last year, he raised several thousand dollars for an Owen Sound soup kitchen and homeless shelter as he took an electric scooter from that city to Ottawa in time for Canada Day. Presently, his partner Mary Lou Eheler returns with a stack of awards, certificates and plaques almost as tall as she is. “He won’t let me put them up,” she said. “They’re either in a closet or in a spare room.” “It’s not about me,” Wells said. “I’m glad that the cause is recognized, but there are people who do a lot more than I do.” Nevertheless, a quick look through the pile shows a letter from Canada’s Governor General David Johnston and a photo of Wells being congratulated by astronaut Chris Hadfield after last year’s journey.
Continued on page 2
It’s Hearing Awareness Month & We are Giving Back to the Community!
Are you or someone you know in need of better hearing? We will be giving away a FREE set of hearing aids to a deserving candidate. For full details, like us on Facebook to find out how to take part or nominate someone.
Locally Owned & Operated • 519-352-1601 • Community Focused