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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper

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THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014


Vol. 2 Edition 21

And the digging continues...

Jim Blake/The Chatham Voice

Construction on St. Clair Street in Chatham is well underway again. Municipal officials say it will likely be until the end of June before it’s finished. See story on page 2.

C-K preps for plant options

Municipality issues request for proposals to help with marketing options By Jim Blake jim@chathamvoice.com

Chatham-Kent is taking a critical step in looking for a potential location of a fertilizer plant that could result in 400 jobs. Chatham-Kent Director of Planning Services

Ralph Pugliese said the municipality is seeking an RFP (request for proposal) for a firm to develop a market assessment for a natural gas-based chemical processing facility. In addition to the market assessment, the proj-

ect involves “identifying suitable locations, recommending appropriate planning policies and conducting environmental assessments and related work required to establish the principle of land use for the introduction of natural-gas-based

chemical processing and related uses, including nitrogen-based fertilizer production, but excluding petroleum-based products.” The RFP also states that the completed project will include “a positioning statement that would

allow the Municipality of Chatham-Kent to present a strong business case to potential investors and funding organizations.” Pugliese said the work is a necessary step before the municipality can determine whether a fertilizer plant should be lo-

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cated here. “This is really the step which has to take place, from a planning perspective, before anything else is done,” he said. “The information in the report will guide our actions going forward.”

Continued on page 4

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