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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper
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Vol. 2 Edition 19
Fan, coach, trainer: mom
times,” said the Grade 11 John McGregor student of her mother Carrie When a young athlete Carleton. “It’s awesome scrapes his or her knee, having someone to talk needs a ride to the rink to in the house that loves or field, or comes home the game as much as I do. in tears after a loss, it’s of- She always helps me and ten a mother who mends, pushes me to become the best player and person I cares for, and encourages. can be.” Once a From fundyear on “It’s awesome having ing their Mother ’s someone to talk to in children, Day, an opto providp o r t u n i t y the house that loves ing positive arises for the game as much as sons and I do. She always helps encouragement,a mothdaughters me and pushes me to er plays an to celebrate become the best player i m p o r t a n t their earrole in the liest fan; and person I can be.” - Bridget Carleton athletic demom. velopment “Basketball is definitely some- of a child. “My mom has meant thing my mom and I both love and have a passion everything to me and my for,” said Chatham bas- brothers as a supporter ketball player and Team for our athletics,” said Canada member Bridget Jonah Pataki, an OUAA Carleton. “It is a way we All-Rookie Team member connect and I think it has with the Queen’s Univera big part in why we are so sity Gaels football team this season, regarding his close.” “Having her as a coach mother Mary Jo Pataki. Continued on page 15 is also really helpful at
Same time, 20 years later
By Ian Kennedy cksn.ca
Jim Blake/The Chatham Voice
Kayla, left, and mom Tiffany Brown share a special bond. Kayla wasn’t just born on her mom’s birthday, but at the exact same time, down to the minute. See story on page 2.
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