Voice Homes, Jan. 25, 2018

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Steve Carroll


Sales Rep.



Peifer Realty Inc.






Open Houses: Monday 9-11am Thursday 9-11am Saturday1-3:30pm

Residential, Commercial and Farm Mortgages! 519-351-SAVE Our Family Taking Care of Your Family

Thurs. Jan. 25 9-11am 5-7pm Sat. Jan. 27 1-3pm 1-3:30pm 1-3:30pm 1-3:30pm Sun. Jan. 28 1-3:30pm Mon. Jan. 29 9-11am 5-7pm Tues. Jan. 30 9-11am Wed. Jan. 31 1-3:30pm 5-7pm



(North of Fatima School)

Open House: Wednesday 1-3:30pm

This Weeks Open Houses

205 Summerset Place, $309,000 . . . . . . . . . Steve Carroll, Royal LePage 205 Summerset Place, $309,000 . . . . . . . . . . Royal LePage, Maple City Homes 484 Tweedsmuir West, $329,900 . . . . . . . . . . Andrea Okopny, Royal LePage 205 Summerset Place, $309,000 . . . . . . . . . Steve Carroll, Royal LePage 67 Valencia Drive, $398,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Royal LePage, Maple City Homes 91 Dunkirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barb Phillips Real Estate Brokerage 91 Dunkirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barb Phillips Real Estate Brokerage 205 Summerset Place, $309,000 . . . . . . . . . Steve Carroll, Royal LePage 67 Valencia, $398,500, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Royal LePage, Maple City Homes BARB PHILLIPS Estate Brokerage 205Real Summerset Place, $309,000 . . . . . . . . . . Royal LePage, Maple City Homes WHERE DREAMS COME HOME 67519-359-8588 Valencia Drive, $398,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Carroll, Royal LePage phillba@mnsi.net 205Email: Summerset Place, $309,000 . . . . . . . . . . Royal LePage, Maple City Homes Barb Phillips Broker of Record

18 Willcox St., Chatham

• Stone/Vinyl Sided Bungalow • 2 full baths • Double garage

10 Grand Ave • Located at very high traffic intersection • Approx 3300 sq ft retail/office/warehouse • $17/sq ft + utilities • High volume tenants in mall 7-11, BoRics, Playback Sports

74 Elizabeth Street

Great family home

in lovely mature neighbourhood. BARB PHILLIPS Features eat-in BARB PHILLIPS

BARB PHILLIPS PHILLIPS kitchen, formal Brokerage Real Estate BARBBARB PHILLIPS, Real Brokerage dining Estate room, living

Peifer Realty Brokerage

Real Estate Real EstateWHERE Brokerage Real Estate Brokerage DREAMS COMEBrokerage HOME $174,900 room w/natural WHERE DREAMS COME HOME WHERE DREAMS COME HOME WHERE WHERE DREAMS COME HOME 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept woodwork, 3 bedWHERE DREAMS HOME 519-359-8588 on main floor, master with ensuite, mainCOME floor rooms, 1 bathroom, 519-359-8588 519-359-8588 Open House 519-359-8588

519-359-8588 email: phillba@mnsi.net

main floor laundry. laundry, main floor office, lower level finished, Sat., Barb Phillips Email: phillba@mnsi.net Call Barb for details! large lot, no backyard Email: neighbours. phillba@mnsi.net Email: phillba@mnsi.net Broker of Email: Record

Email: phillba@mnsi.net

Barb Phillips Barb Phillips Barb July 8 Phillips from Phillips Broker of 1-3 Record Broker of Barb Record

Open House - January 27 & 28 1-3:30pm • 91 Dunkirk

Broker of Record



100-acre farm located 100-acrebungalows.

fireplace, updated main bath with heated floor, attached garage.Reduced Call Barb for details.

Reduced Reduced

Barb Phillips NEW Barb Phillips 519-359-8588 519-359-8588 Township. area, 4 piece bath, separate laundry, enclosed in Raleigh Raleigh PRICE! in Contact today. today. By By email: email: Call for Call Barb Barb Phillips Barb Phillips Bydeck, phone:shed. 100-acre phillba@mnsi.net rear Call Barb for details. farm located phillba@mnsi.net all details By today! all the the phone: $48,900

$48,900 NEW PRICE!mobile, open concept, living 2 bedroom living room, room, kitchen, kitchen, large Present All All Offers. Offers. shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present NEW


100-acre farm located

PRICE! $48,900 519-359-8588 today. in Raleigh Township. 519-359-8588 in Raleigh Township. barbphillipsrealestatebrokerage.com By email: barbphillipsrealestatebrokerage.com 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Call Barb Phillips for By email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Reduced By phone: CallOffers. Barblocated Phillips for 100-acre farm large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All phillba@mnsi.net large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. all the details today! $48,900 phillba@mnsi.net all the details today! 519-359-8588


519-360-0315 • penny@pennywilton.com


Potential to build 5 plus acres on Lake Erie

By By phone: phone:

Penny Wilton, Broker

Broker of Record

100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. 18 Willcox Chatham 18 clients Willcox St., St., Chatham 74 Elizabeth I have 18 Willcox St., Chatham 7474 Elizabeth 18 Willcox St., Chatham 18 Willcox St., Chatham Elizabeth 74 Elizabeth Street looking for Street Street Street single family Great family home in lovely mature Great bungalows. Great family home Great family home family home neighbourhood. in lovely mature in lovely mature Contact mature Features eat-in in lovely neighbourhood. neighbourhood. Barb Phillips neighbourhood. NEW kitchen, formal Features eat-in Features eat-in PRICE! dining room, living today. Features kitchen, formal kitchen,eat-in formal $174,900 $174,900 room w/natural kitchen, formal Reduced By phone: 100-acre farm located dining room, living dining room, living 44 bedrooms, lovely concept bedrooms, lovely family family home, home, open woodwork, 3 bed$48,900 $174,900 dining living $174,900 519-359-8588 Raleigh Township. roommain w/natural roomroom, w/natural on ensuite, floor rooms, 1 bathroom, on main main floor, floor, master master with within ensuite, $174,900 Open House Open w/natural 4laundry, bedrooms, lovely family home,office, open concept By email: 2home, bedroom mobile,room open concept, livingHouse room, kitchen, 4 3bedrooms, open concept woodwork, bed- forlovely family main floor main floor lower level finished, Call Barb Phillips 3 bedwoodwork, laundry. laundry, main floor office, lower level July 8 8 from from 1-3 1-3 large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. 4details bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept on main floor, master withno ensuite, main floor Call Barb 3bathroom, bed- July woodwork, 1 bathroom, phillba@mnsi.net large lot, backyard neighbours. for ontoday! main floor, master with ensuite, main floordetails! rooms, 1Sat., large lot, no backyard neighbours. all therooms, Open House Open House main floor laundry, laundry. laundry, main floor office, lower level finished, on main floor, master withJuly ensuite, main floor rooms, 1 bathroom, main floor laundry. mainSat., floor office, lower level finished, 8 from 1-3 Open House Sat., July 8 from 1-3 Call Barb for details! large lot, no barbphillipsrealestatebrokerage.com backyard neighbours. 100-Acre Callfloor Barblaundry. for details!Dr. large no backyard neighbours. laundry, main floor lot, office, lower level finished, 89main Farm Dr. 100-Acre Regency II have have clients clients Sat., July 8 from 1-3 Barb for details! NewCall Listing - 12 Lark large lot, no backyard neighbours. looking looking for for 100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. 100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. Isingle have clients family single family I have clients Lovely 3 bedroom home in bungalows. looking for 89 Regency Dr. bungalows. looking for 100-Acre Farm I have clients pristine condition, updated Contact Contact single single looking for family Lovely 3family bedroom Estate. Barb Phillips Barb Phillipshome in St. ClairNEW NEWbungalows. bungalows. kitchen, family room with gas PRICE! single family PRICE! today. today. Contact Feature large living room, kitchen area, dining

Independently Owned & Operated 42 Talbot St. W., Blenheim

Elliot Wilton, Sales Rep.

519-358-8755 • elliot@royallepage.ca FIND US ON


12 Vander Ave., Blenheim 4 BR, 2 bath raised ranch. Main floor features sunroom, 2 lg BR & 4pc bath. Fully finished basement with 2 BR, family room & 3pc bath. $159,900


BEST of Chatham-Kent


Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore

Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore

Reader's Choice

Reader's Choice

of Chatham-Kent

TWITTER @ckrealtor

24 Nichols Dr., Blenheim Awesome 3 BR, side split on a beautiful double lot. Many updates including roof, furnace/air & gas fireplace. $259,900.

12494 Talbot Trail, Morpeth Move-in ready 2+1 BR home on a lovely lot. Gorgeous open main floor, finished basement & great curb appeal! $169,900

in Raleigh Township.

By email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Call Barb Phillips for barbphillipsrealestatebrokerage.com barbphillipsrealestatebrokerage.com large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. phillba@mnsi.net

all the details today!


215 Grand Ave. W., Chatham

Maple City Realty Ltd. Brokerage Your Local Experts

Well established business for sale. Recently renovated, plenty of parking & outdoor patio space. $284,900.

19554 Lagoon Rd., Blenheim 2+1 BR, 2 bath country package! Amazing great room, wrap around deck & beautiful maple kitchen. 1.67 acre lot with 40x60 shop & vintage bank barn. $329,900.

You get

Judy Kovacs Broker



21 for

17996 Rondeau Rd., Rondeau Park Bayfront 3 BR, 2 bath cottage inside Rondeau Provincial Park. $149,900.

Jim Kovacs Broker of Record

519-809-4808 jim@jimkovacs.com

Over 60 Combined Years in Selling Real Estate in Chatham-Kent. Call Us Today!

17998 Rondeau Rd., Rondeau Park 3 BR, 1.5 bath bayfront cottage inside Rondeau Provincial Park. Enjoy watersports, fishing & sunsets from your back yard. $169,900.

2276 Lambton Line, Wallaceburg Beautiful country property with a spacious 3 level, 3 BR, 2 bath home with new metal shingle roof, 32x60 shop with cement floor and a heated & insulated area. $389,900.

18125 Equus Trail 4.6 acre horse farm with stunning 4 level 3 BR, 2 bath home. Completely renovated, attached garage and 30 x 50 barn. Truly one of a kind! $895,000.

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