– Week of May 3, 2012 – Vol.5, No. 18 – FREE
Bemus Bay Pops Unveils Naming of DFT Communications Floating Stage By the Chautauqua Star Staff For the first time in its history, the Floating Stage in Bemus Point, NY will have an official name thanks to a new partnership between DFT Communications and the Bemus Bay Pops. The stage will now be known as the DFT Communications Floating Stage. “Anyone who has attended a Bemus Bay Pops event knows what an exceptional and unique experience it is. The Pops concerts series attracts thousands of residents and visitors throughout the summer, and has a significant economic and cultural impact upon the region. DFT Communications is proud to support the Bemus Bay Pops and we look forward to our continuing partnership with them,” stated Mark Maytum, President/COO of DFT Communications. “As founder and creator of the Bemus Bay Pops I am very excited to welcome the collaboration and partnership of DFT Communications. Both of our organizations recognize the value of joining these valuable brands and partnering to provide growth and increased development for the entire region. Bringing arts and education to the people has always been the Bemus Bay Pops mission. We are honored to introduce the new
events such as Lake Night at the Movies, hilarious comedy troupes, and so much more are featured. The DFT Communications Floating Stage was constructed in 2003 which allowed the Bemus Bay Pops group to expand from a free open-air symphony orchestra pops concert on the rooftop of the Italian Fisherman to over fifty programs per season. The Bemus Bay Pops eventually became a not-for-profit entity funded mainly through corporate and private sponsorships. Performances are free, but Dalpra says reserved seating is made available at $10 to $15 a ticket to help defray costs and guarantee attendees “the best seat in the house.” Tickets for the Bemus Bay Pops 2012 The Bemus Bay Pops Concert Series annually draws nearly a half a Concert Series on the DFT Commumillion people to Bemus Point and Chautauqua County throughout nications Floating Stage are for sales the summer. The 2012 season kicks off June 24, 2012. now and can be purchased online at www.bemusbaypops or at the Italian naming rights for the DFT Commu- world with her uncanny tribute to Fisherman box office, located at 61 nications Floating Stage to the com- Shania Twain. Lakeside Drive in Bemus Point. munity,” said Dan Dalpra, Founder/ Now in its fifteenth season, the BeWith over 80 employees dedication CEO of the Bemus Bay Pops. mus Bay Pops is a series of outdoor concert events with a strong tradition to exceptional customer service, The Bemus Bay Pops 2012 Summer DFT Communications has customer of “bringing the arts to the people,” Concert Season kicks off Sunday, featuring world-class musicians from service centers at 38 Temple Street June 24 at 9:00 a.m. with the annual in Fredonia and 279 East Fairmount the Chautauqua Region as well as Praise on the Lake, a contemponational acts on the Floating Stage on Avenue in Lakewood. For more inrary worship service from the DFT Chautauqua Lake. The summer long formation on DFT Communications Communications Floating Stage, series provides a variety of entertain- extensive family of services and other followed by a 2:30 p.m. concert by ment such as music concerts includ- community support initiatives, visit Shania Twin – the Ultimate Tribute ing classical, swing, jazz, country and to Shania Twain. Shania Twin has enthralled audiences throughout the modern. During the weekdays other
Local Boilermaker Experiments with Old-World Firewood Drying Technique Contributed Article Mark Odell, Econoburn Boile
Driving through the countryside it’s not hard to notice the number of firewood piles springing up as many people look for alternative heating methods to offset record-high fuel oil and propane prices; however one man’s wood piles vary greatly from the rest. Dale Furman, the designer of the Econoburn series of high-efficient wood boilers in Brocton NY is always looking for ways to maximize the efficiencies of wood boilers, thus reducing emissions. He stated...” The key to increased efficiency with wood heating hinges on two things, first the optimization of combustion, and second, the use of properly seasoned (dry) firewood.” He went on to say that unseasoned (or wet) firewood decreases wood boiler or wood stove efficiencies by nearly 35 percent. “Water simply does not burn”, he added, “it takes a lot of heat energy to dry the wood in the combustion chamber before it will burn properly, and being a year or more ahead with your firewood is essential to getting the most heat, and longest service life, from your wood heating appliance.” Mr. Furman came across an article in a German publication which demonstrated traditional firewood
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Dale Furman, from Econoburn Wood Boilers, poses with his “Holzhausens”
drying techniques utilized in northern Europe which varies greatly from what we see here in North America. The “Holzhauzen”, which is German for ‘wood house’, is a unique firewood stacking method which creates a significantly shorter firewood drying time than the traditional stacks seen here in North America. The concept is to create an 8-foot diameter circle of split firewood approximately 8 feet tall. Inside this circle the firewood is placed vertically. This method creates
a natural chimney effect through the wood pile, thus increasing air flow and accelerating the drying process. Dale, with the assistance of his son, erected 5 of these ‘Holzhauzens’ on March 1st. Each of which remarkably contains 5-cord of wood on average. Mr. Furman has been keeping records of the firewood’s moisture content reduction thus far, with the use of a wood moisture meter, and stated “I am truly amazed at the accelerated rate this wood is drying. At
this rate even the hardwoods will be ready to use come this fall.” Mr. Furman noted that they will be erecting a ‘Holzhauzen’ outside at the Econoburn wood gasification boiler factory, 2 Central Ave – Brocton NY, for people to see first-hand in mid May. To see this demonstration, or to learn more about high-efficiency wood heating,people are encouraged to call the Econoburn factory at 716792-2094.
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