– Week of November 10, 2011 – Vol.4, No. 34 – FREE
Growth Spurt
Fredonia Welcomes Five New Businesses to Russo Building By Elizabeth Martin Star News Writer
Preparing for their grand opening this Saturday, Thrive Nutrition, Ciao Bella, Simply Skin, P.W. Design Services, and Fiddlehead Photography are all settling into the Russo Building in downtown Fredonia. This Saturday, Nov. 12 is the grand opening for all of these new businesses. KIX 96.5 and the KIX Chicks will be there supporting them from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Customers that visit each store will be entered into the drawing for two different gift baskets with gifts from area businesses. Thrive Nutrition is a health and wellness club that helps people become better aware of their weight and eating habits. They are appealing to those who are interested in weight loss, weight maintenance, weight gain, or just to feel healthier. “I find it very interesting when people become aware of their weight and things they can take note of. They become a part of the weight loss challenge,” said Staci who is one of the owners of the club, along with Jim Santamaria and Tami Peterson. When someone first enters the club, they get a mango flavored aloe drink that is good for digestive health. Then, they are served an energy tea to boost metabolism. After this, the person receives a smoothie of their flavor choice that functions as a meal replacement. It is a $6 membership fee after you try the first day for free. Thrive Nutrition is known for their
One side of the Russo Building, where Thrive Nutrition, P.W. Design Services, and Fiddlehead Photography are located. (Photo by Elizabeth Martin)
weight loss challenge. This program is 12 weeks long and consists of 45 minute to an hour long classes. For $35, the individual gets a personal coach, a free body analysis, and informational classes. Participants in this challenge feel better and have more energy. “The goal of Thrive Nutrition is to make the world healthy one shake at a time,” said Jim.
Fiddlehead Photography is the next door down from Thrive Nutrition. Danielle Wisniewki is the owner, photographer, and photoshop artist at Fiddlehead Photography. Her studio offers a lounge area, kid’s play area, and of course a wide variety of backdrops and many props. Danielle is a current member of the Professional Photographer’s Society of New York State and their local
chapter, Southwestern New York Association of Professional Photographers. Her portrait services include families, newborns, children, high school seniors, engagements, weddings, maternity, business, commercial, and modeling portfolios.
Continued on page 2
Honoring Our Heroes
Inside This Week
11/11/11 history and memorials
By Mallory Diefenbach Star News Writer
Veteran’s Day marks the day where America gives honor to all American veterans who have fought in wars across the years to keep this great land safe from outside threat. After all, freedom isn’t free. But it wasn’t until after World War II and the Korean War was the holiday made to include all American veterans, both past and future. On Nov. 11, 1918 an armistice, a temporary hold in fire, was declared between the Allies and Germany in World War I. The Treaty of Versailles, which would end the war, wouldn’t be signed until June 28, 1919. According to, in that month President Woodrow Wilson declared that Nov. 11 shall be the first observation of Armistice Day. The day’s activities would include parades and gatherings, and at 11 a.m. businesses would pause in their activities to honor the hour which the armistice was signed. On Nov. 11, 1921, an unidentified American soldier was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. That same day Congress declared Nov. 11 a federal holiday in honor of all those who participated in War World I. On May 13, 1938 Congress made
Armistice Day a federal holiday. In 1954, after World War II and the Korean War, lobbying efforts of veteran’s service organizations to have Armistice Day honor veterans of other wars paid off. On June 1, 1954 President Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill which changed Armistice Day into Veteran’s Day as well as making it a day to honor all American veterans no matter what war they fought in. In 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Holiday Bill. This bill was made to ensure three-day weekends
for federal employees by celebrating the four national holidays on a Monday. As a result, Veteran’s Day was set to the fourth Monday in Oct. However, many states refused to accept this change and continued to celebrate Veteran’s Day on Nov. 11. The federal government realized the actual date of Veteran’s Day held high significance to Americans, so in 1978 President Gerald Ford signed a law returning Veteran’s Day to its original date. In celebration of Veteran’s Day, restaurants are offering veterans with proof of military service special
discounts. Establishments which are participating are: Applebee’s, Chili’s, Denny’s, Golden Corral, Famous Dave’s, Hooters, Outback Steakhouse, Subway, T.G.I, Friday’s, and Uno Chicago Grill. For more information and other discounts which are being offered to veterans, go to http:// There are numerous of events taking place on Veteran’s Day. Breaking Laces at Mojo’s, a grass roots trio from Brooklyn, will be playing at 104 E. 2nd St. in Jamestown at 7 p.m. An art show will be featuring regional artists at the Adams Art Gallery in Dunkirk from 7 to 9 p.m. Robert Plano, a pianist, will be playing at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Jamestown at 7 p.m. General admission prices for the piano concert are $20, seniors cost $17 and college students are only $7.50. Free admission will be granted to students 18 and under who are attending with a paying adult. For more information on these events visit http://tinyurl. com/73l3ujd. Veteran’s Day in the end is a day to thank the veterans and service men and women who battle on the front lines to keep this great nation free. To all the veterans and service men and women, thank you and God bless.
Home for the Holidays Special Insert
State Playoffs see Sports
Flavor of the Week see Entertainment