The Apostle monthly newsletter for
Grace Episcopal Church including the Lutherans of Christ the King 105 S Madison Street, Whiteville, NC, 28472
October 2014 T: 910.642.4784
Please keep in your prayers: Brantley Elliott, Ruth & Johnnie B. Glass, Seth Smith Sr., Harold & Marie Hughes, Jack & Alice Babb, Peggy Blackmon, Lisa Richey’s mother (Edna Bearnes), Ray Thigpen’s sister (Dottie), Elsie Campbell’s niece (Brenda) and niece-inlaw (Debbie), Jerry Jupina’s brother (Michael), the Jupina’s daughter (Vicki Di Muzio), Peggy Blackmon’s sister-in-law (Jennifer Yoder), Kay Horne’s uncle (Jack Terrell), Jacqui Lye’s husband (Michael Newton), The Rev. Katherine Powell (Rector, Church of the Servant, Wilmington), John McNeill, all in war’s way, the unemployed, underemployed, and those in financial crises. A complete list of prayer requests is located in the on the bulletin board by the rector’s office.
Bishop Consecration and Installation: The Rev. Rob Skirving will be ordained and consecrated as the eighth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina on November 8 at Rock Springs Center, Greenville. The liturgy begins at 11 o’clock, with a boxed lunch reception ($15) following. All are invited to attend, however parking is limited so please consider carpooling. RSVP is requested here Bishop Visitation: Our soon-to-be newly consecrated diocesan bishop will visit Grace Church on December 7. A reception will follow the service. Please watch the bulletin board for a food sign-up sheet. During the worship service, Greg Currie will be confirmed and Alice Murphy will be received into the Episcopal Church. If you are interested in baptism, confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation of baptismal vows, please contact Mother Anne as soon as possible.
Liturgical Leaders: We are in need of a few more Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers to serve on Sunday mornings. Lectors need a good speaking voice, but do NOT need to be licensed or receive extensive training. Lay Eucharistic Ministers DO require training and certification from the Bishop. If you are interested in either ministry, please see Mother Anne. Denominational Service Schedule: Reminder - Our usual arrangement of Sunday worship services will change slightly during October, November, and December. Special events and feast days will cause alterations in the schedule. Please check the newsletter monthly calendars to see when a particular denominational service will be held. This month, the schedule is as posted below: October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26
Episcopal Holy Eucharist, Rite II Episcopal Holy Eucharist, Rite II Episcopal Holy Eucharist, Rite I Reformation Sunday - Lutheran HE
to our newest members: Greg Currie and Kendra Cumalander. Although they have been worshiping at Grace Church for a while, their transfers have been completed and they are now ‘official’. Please let Greg and Kendra know how happy we are to have them here.
Oktober Fest: Grace Family night will be held on October 15th at 6:30 PM. The theme will be October Fest with a menu of bratwurst, German potato salad, kraut, and German chocolate cake. Come celebrate autumn!
Theft: Two white garden benches have been stolen from the Grace House yard. A police report has been filed, but no arrests have been made. The benches had been donated by Margaret Palmer, Elsie Campbell, and Mother Anne in memory of deceased family members. Kitchen Cabinets: A row of unfinished base cabinets with countertops has been added to the kitchen. A big “thank you” to Jerry Jupina and Jim Blanchard for installing the units. Quotes for painting the kitchen, including the new cabinets, are now being sought. Nursery Door: A new nursery door has been ordered and is in the process of fabrication. Clean Up Day: Saturday, October 19 from 8:30 AM - noon. Come be part of the crew to trim bushes, pull weeds, and do general sprucing up of church lawns and buildings. A list of specific tasks to be tackled will be posted on the bulletin board. A light sandwich lunch will be served in the parish hall when our ‘chores’ are completed. .
Looking Ahead . . . Annual Parish Meeting with election of vestry members and delegates to diocesan convention will be held on Sunday, October 26 after the 9:30 service. If you are interested in running for either office, please contact Nominating Committee persons Ray Thigpen and Paula Blanchard. We will fill two positions this year for vestry and two for delegates and alternates to diocesan convention. Absentee ballots will be available if you cannot be present for the meeting. A potluck lunch in the Parish Hall will follow the meeting. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board.
Holiday Bazaar Plans are underway for our annual Holiday Bake Sale, Saturday, November 22 from 9 AM to 1PM. An initial organizational meeting is scheduled for October 5 after the Sunday service. We need volunteers to make soup, frozen casseroles, and tons of baked goods. Recipes are available if you need help with ideas. We also would appreciate a few strong folks to help set up tables on Friday November 21 and to clean up on Saturday afternoon November 22. For more information, contact co-chairs Elsie Campbell or Paula Blanchard.
Dates to save: Founders’ Day – May 3, 2015; Centennial Celebration – July 19, 2015 Addresses for Invitations: The Centennial Committee needs names and addresses of friends, family members, and former members to invite to Grace Church’s Centennial Celebration service, July 2015. Please jot down the contact information of those you think might be interested in attending in the notebook located on the table by the entrance to the Parish Hall. Centennial Fund: Please remember that donations/memorials may be made to the Centennial Fund to help defray celebration expenses.
Our food pantry continues to be visited by our neighbors in need. We have to restock all the time: canned meats and fish, hearty soups and stews, beanie weenies and chili, veggies (especially green peas, green beans, succotash), fruits, oil, sugar and flour, tea and coffee, jelly, dried lima and pinto beans, white rice and grits, cereal, cake mixes and snacks, toilet paper, personal hygiene items, laundry and dish soap. Food cards to local grocery stores also are appreciated. Box Tops for Education: Turn your shopping trips into easy cash for schools. Snip and save the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios®, Hamburger Helper® and Kleenex®. Also, be sure to check your Holiday Bazaar baking supplies for the same symbol. All you need to do is clip and place them in the basket on the table in the Parish Hall. Each coupon is worth 10¢ for schools. For more information, see Sheryl Bauer. UTO Fall Ingathering: United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. It is entrusted to promote thank offerings and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and in invited Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world. UTO envelopes will be placed in the pews in November. Please be generous. For more information, please see Gean Claire Gault. Coming soon: Operation Christmas Child. Fill a shoe box of gifts and pray for a needy child. National collection week – November 17-24. For more information, see Kay Horne. Horne for delivering the meal to First Presbyterian. A thank you note from the Circles of Hope Coordinator is posted on the bulletin board.
Church Growth and Mission Our Stewardship Drive has begun. Once again, Dr. Ray Thigpen will be heading up our efforts. If you did not pick up your card in the Parish Hall, one has been sent to you by mail. (Extras are in the narthex.) Please return your completed pledges no later than Sunday, October 12th so the vestry can prepare the annual budget. Please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge for 2015.
Brett and Danielle Goulding are the proud parents of a baby girl! Ava Louise Goulding was born on September 5. All are doing well . . . including first-time grandmother, Margaret Palmer. Congratulations! Thank you note from Edgewood Elementary School – “Thank you for your generous donation of school supplies for our students. We appreciate your continued support of our school and students.” Monché Simmons, School Counselor Thank you note Alice Murphy – “Great news this morning! My granddaughter, Kathryn Anne, is being released from Egleston Children’s’ Hospital today. I, Kathryn, and all my family want to thank you for all the prayers. If ever I had a doubt about the power of prayer, that’s one doubt I’ll never have again. Again, much love and thanks to all.” Alice Murphy Christopher Terry has been accepted into the Advanced Culinary Training Institute (a Job Corps Program) at Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA. He will be leaving North Carolina on 21 October, headed for California. After he completes this additional training (approx. 16 mos.), he will have the certifications necessary to work as a "chef". The Job Corps program will assist him in finding work placement in the hotel/restaurant industry, etc. Another option for him could be the opportunity to work aboard a cruise ship. He will be spending the time from 8 October (his last day of work in the deli of a large grocery store chain in Brevard) getting the "list" of things together that he will need to take with him to CA. He seems excited about being able to purchase chef uniforms and tools of his new trade. Chris' address until mid-October is: Schenk Job Corps Center, 98 Schenk drive, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768. If you would like to contact Chris, his cell number is 828-490-3618. Email:
OUR SEPTEMBER STEWARDSHP DATE 09/07/14 09/14/14 09/21/14 09/28/14
ATTENDANCE 25 38 35 34
OFFERING $ 4,685.00 $ 260.00 $ 367.00 $ 3,475.00
$ 8,787.00
Our weekly Ministry needs are $ 2,380.60
$ 9,522.40 735.40 Short
SPECIAL GIFTS______ Families First Cash $ 10.00 Help Mission $ 22.00 Church Pantry $ 137.00
Budget needs YTD Income YTD
$ 92,843.40 $ 82,692.85
October and the first Sunday in November
Altar Guild
Fellowship of the day
Vestry People
October 5 Donna T© volunteer Peggy B Paula B Ray T Pentecost 17 Lisa R Ray T Avis H Jerry J HE II 9:30 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 12 Pentecost 18 Gary B© Shari G Elsie C John D HE II 9:30 volunteer Kay H Bill H Connie G Kay H Shirley Jo S _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 19 same as Pentecost 19 Susan Wh© above Connie G HE I 9:30 Connie G Peggy B Sam Wh Alice M John D ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 26 Kay H Reformation Sunday Lisa R Susan Wh© John D Ruth G pot luck Jerry J Lutheran Lisa R Paula B lunch HE 9:30 annual parish meeting ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nov 2 Ray T© Willie W same as S Dail Ray T All Saints volunteer Donna T above Paula B HE II 9:30 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Grace Episcopal Church 105 S Madison Street Whiteville NC 28472
October 2014 Su n d ay
5 Pentecost 17 9:00 choir 9:30 Episcopal HE II
Mo n d ay
T u esd ay
19 Pentecost 19 9:30 Episcopal HE I
T h u rsd ay
1 12 Ministerial Assoc.Mtg 6 PM HE II 6:30 Bible study & fellowship
F ri d ay
Satu rd ay
3 Office Closed
6 PM Choir rehearsal
8 6 PM HE II 6:30 Bible study & fellowship
9 6 PM Choir rehearsal
10 Office Closed
13 10 Centennial Comm
14 noon Clericus
15 6 PM HE II 6:30 Family Night
16 6 PM Choir rehearsal
17 Office Closed
18 8:30-noon Church Fall Cleanup Day
Bazaar Planning Mtg
12 Pentecost 18 9:00 choir 9:30 Episcopal HE II
Wed n esd ay
St. Paul’s, Wilmington
7 PM Compassionate Friends Meeting
4:30-9 PM Circles of Hope Meeting 21 11 AM-3:30 PM Clergy Spirituality Grp Wilmington
22 6 PM HE II 6:30 Bible study & fellowship
23 6 PM Choir rehearsal
24 Office Closed
29Clergy Conference Trinity Center Rector gone NO midwk service NO Bible study NO fellowship meal
30 6 PM Choir rehearsal
31 Office Closed Happy All Hallows Eve
1 November All Saints’ Day
6 PM Vestry Mtg 2015 Budget prep 26 Reformation
Sun. 9:00 choir 9:30 Lutheran HE Annual Mtg/Elections Pot Luck Luncheon
27ClergyConference Trinity Center Rector gone
28Clergy Conference Trinity Center Rector gone