Donmar dryden street

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Donmar Dryden Street


圖片 / Haworth Tompkins 文字 / 詹絜雲

"Dryden Street has had an immediate, transformative effect

on the life of the Donmar. The warm, adventurous and pragmatic spirit of the building has changed our working lives. There is a generous and familial spirit to the rooms, and the building is a great invitation to creativity and

communication. Everyone goes into work that bit happier, and artists working in the building have - in our first month – been overjoyed with the atmosphere.”

—— Josie Rourke, Artistic Director, Donmar Warehouse

「德萊頓街劇場對於多瑪棧房的命運有著直接且具改革性的影 響,建築物本身所蘊含的熱情、勇於冒險及務實的精神也改變 了我們的工作生涯。從寬厚如家的單一空間,到整幢建築具有 的獨特的吸引力,無形間都讓像是在對創造力與互動性招手。


Acoustic Consultants: Gillieron Scott Acoustic Design

Address: 1-3 Dryden Street, London, WC2E 9NB

Client: Donmar Warehouse

Theatre Consultant: Charcoalblue

Completion Date: March 2014

Architect: Haworth Tompkins Contractor: 8build

Project Manager: Vincent Wang

Structural Engineer: Price & Myers Services Engineer: Skelly & Couch

Quantity Surveyor: Gardiner & Theobald and Jackson Coles CDM Coordinator: PFB Construction Management Planning Consultants: DP9 Artist: Antoni Malinowski

Scenographer: Lucy Osborne

Start Date: January 2013

Contract Type: JCT Major Project Construction Construction Cost: £3,100,000 Gross Internal Area: 863 m2

每位在這裡工作的人都多了幾分開心,就連到此不久的藝術家 也十分沈浸在這樣歡心的氛圍中。」

—— 多瑪棧房藝術總監 Josie Rourke


he Donmar Warehouse is a leading producing theatre company located in London's Covent Garden. Having

acquired a small 19th Century warehouse building in nearby

Dryden Street, the theatre asked Haworth Tompkins to convert it for rehearsal, education and support facilities. The

challenge was to design a convivial and creative professional working environment within the constraints of a limited budgetand a tightly enclosed site.

By removing existing floors, extending the roof space and

re-planning the circulation routes, the new facility yields a

double height rehearsal room of a similar size to the main

Donmar stage, a street fronting green room, administration offices, a large education studio in the roof rafters and a new attic apartment for visiting artists.

Stripped back and partially demolished walls and ceilings have been left raw as a suitably theatrical backdrop to the

Donmar's working life, with a new polychromatic staircase, hand painted by Haworth Tompkins' regular collaborating

artist Antoni Malinowski, as the warm heart of the building. Scenographer and production designer Lucy Osborne has

collaborated closely on finishing and furnishings, reinforcing the collective sense of a theatre production as much as a construction project.

As for many of Haworth Tompkins' creative working spaces in existing buildings, the personality of the historic architecture

has been allowed to set the tone, with a provisional, loosefit language of new additions setting up a fluid, adaptable relationship of new and old. Materials added have been simple

and straightforward - whitewashed plywood, painted timber

beams and wall coverings, waxed mild steel - to complement the richly patinated texture of the found surfaces. The aim is very much for a benign occupation rather than an obliteration of the original fabric.

Steve Tompkins, Director of Haworth Tompkins said: "The

Dryden St project has been a joint exercise in wringing the maximum creative potential from an ordinary London building

on a tight budget. Working with Josie Rourke and her team

has been great fun and, once again, our ongoing collaboration with artist Antoni Malinowski is central to the design."



A 保留屋椽原貌的教育工作室

B 與主要舞台同樣雙層挑高的預演空間 C 和獨具彩度的階梯相呼應的擺設


「多瑪棧房(Donmar Warehouse)」座落於倫敦中心的柯


頓街上一間十九世紀的倉房,並委託 Haworth Tompkins 將其 改造成能夠進行排練預演與教學活動的空間設施。不過,這項 改建的挑戰在於,要如何運籌有限預算與受侷限的場域,設計 出愉悅、富含創造力的工作環境。

Haworth Tompkins 將舊有的地板拆除、延伸屋頂空間,並

重新規劃整體動線,讓這棟新建設含括了和主要舞台相仿挑高 的排練室、與街道相看的演員休息室、以及行政辦公室,另外

還有位於寬廣屋頂、保留屋椽原貌的教育工作室,並為來訪短 居的藝術家,在閣樓增建公寓套房。 新弦與老調的完美交融

如同多數 Haworth Tompkins 現存作品中的創造性工作空

間,縱使建築外觀在歷史洗禮下已有原先的基調,但 Haworth

嘗試在新舊時代之間建立能夠應變與流動的關係,就像是只運 用了粉刷後的夾板、上漆的木樑與牆面、將低碳鋼筋上蠟,這

些保存性高、簡單俐落的建工方式,完整呈現鑄造表面豐富的 復古紋理。而被剝除的牆壁和天花板的原貌,更成為多瑪棧房 工作時渾然天成的帷幕。 恆溫、點綴與交錯

與 Haworth Tompkins 長期搭擋的 Antoni Malinowski 也在


自於 Antoni 之手,而樓梯也正巧是連結不同樓層空間的主要支 柱,光影搭配其時而紫藍、時而紅橘的樣貌,有如溫暖整幢棧 房的心臟。

此外,舞臺製作設計師 Lucy Osborne 在傢俱擺飾上的密切


Steve Tompkins 對於這次的跨團隊合作表示意趣盎然,將原本 看似平庸的倫敦建築,轉合成極具特色的藝術建築,無非是在 限制預算下依然實行老房新興的一幢美作。

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