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Magick Spelles for Everyday Life: Spell Foure - Protecting Yowre Lockere

Magick Spelles for Everyday Life: Spelle Foure - Protecting Yowre Lockere

Uri Wizzerd Harri


Of alle the mystick artes, it is the Charmes of Protection that requyre the moste commitment. To simplie want to protecte youre locker is notte enough: yow muste neede to protecte it. I cannotte advise that this charme is attempted by fledgling MAGICKMAKERS.

Onlie those who have obtained a level sevene diploma should turn their eyes to this mystick spelle. Godespeede my young friends, and may the lighte of the angeles shine upon ye.

Step 1: Goeth to thy nearest hardeware shoppe.

Step 2: Buye a smalle padlocke that wille fitte thy locker.

Step 3: Returnest thou to thy locker.Step 4: Locke thy locke on thy lockere.

Step 5: Rememberest thou thy most secrete padlocke code. Important: do notte under any circumstances tell anyone else thy padlocke code.

And lo! Thy locker is now protected from the forces of eville.

Next week: defrosting your freezer

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