The Month April 2017

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April 2017



Easter Message By Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford “HE became what we are so that we can be what he is” - St Athanasius (296-373 AD) 
“For our sake he made him to be sin

I S T O R I E S I A R E A U P D AT E S I E V E N T S N E A R Y O U God.” - 2 Corinthians 5. 21 Two images dominate western art. You can see them in every art gallery in

This seems preposterous! It’s not

the Christian faith: it is what we must

how we think of God at all!

declare before we declare anything else;

Surely God is not a tiny child? Surely

God is with us.
In this man God has

Europe and in the stained glass windows

God doesn’t hang on a cross? Surely

come to us in our own flesh and blood.

of every church.

God – if he is God at all – is ‘all

God breathes the air we breathe. God

One depicts a child in his mother’s

powerful’, ‘unchanging’, and ‘all knowing’.

walks the ground we tread.

arms. The other shows a young man

In this man, and especially in the awful

dying on a cross.
 The Christian faith says this child and

God knows what it is to be human,

climax of his awful death, we are invited

shows us how to be human, and speaks

to consider God as one who is emptied

to us with a human voice., shows us

who knew no sin, so that in him we

this man are the same person. They say

of power, as one who shares the life of

how to be human, and speaks to us

might become the righteousness of

that he is God come down to

earth. This is always the first message of


Journey invite: See Page 3

Bishop Stephen hits the road again

First conference considers the challenges of Interim Ministry

Great Waltham prepares to stage Easter Passion Play around the village

Pages 2 and 12

Page 6

■ Look inside for your Annual Briefing for Parishes ■ Cycle of Prayer: Centre Pages


THE MONTH April 2017


month: 'An interesting and potentially very beneficial development'

CASE STUDY 1 Recovering from conflict in a rural parish An Interim Minister worked for 14 months with an ancient rural parish with a population of around 5,000 people. The parish had cycled quickly through two incumbents following the departure of a long-standing and much-loved rector. The final incumbent brought ideas for change, seen by some as refreshing, but strongly resisted by others, causing a conflict which resulted in the loss of 40% of the electoral roll. As a result the parish found itself in a three-year vacancy and struggled to appoint. The IM engaged in a listening process over 12 months with those who remained and left the parish. A process of visioning explored the history and identity of the parish, resources and opportunities for outreach from which some broad priorities for mission were developed. The worship and welcome were also improved and one closed church in the parish reopened. A reconciliation eucharist was held towards the end of the listening process, inviting back both those who had stayed and left. The parish subsequently appointed a half-time priest-in-charge.

Is Interim Ministry a stop gap measure or strategic change? INTERIM Ministry is a growing area, and one which is increasing being adopted by the Church of England to help parishes find a way forward in times of change. The Chelmsford Diocese has been exploring Interim Ministry (IM) for two years as part of a wider programme of parish support and transformation, which has been funded by the Church Commissioners under the Renewal and Reform programme. John Ball, Chief Executive of Chelmsford Diocese, said: "We recognised that sometimes a parish needed a bit of breathing space or transition between one incumbency and another: to help identify priorities; prepare for a new future; help the PCC address issues; or sometimes to help confront painful truths in a parish. "We experimented with interim ministry. These experiences were hugely positive for the parishes and ministers, so we looked to supplement through a small number of paid interim posts." Legislative changes approved by General Synod in July 2015 allowed for short-term clergy

The Month, incorporating NB and East Window, is the free circulation newspaper of Church of England in Essex and East London (Diocese of Chelmsford). www.chelmsford. ● Find Chelmsford Diocese on Twitter @chelmsdio ● Find Bishop Stephen on Twitter @cottrellstephen ● Subscribe to our YouTube channel ● Like us on Facebook: www. ● Like our Ask an Archdeacon Facebook askanarchdeacon ● View our photostream on Flickr www.

editorial Editor: Jon Longman Editorial and photographs for The Month should be sent to: or Jon Longman, The Month, 1 Bouchiers Place, Messing, Colchester CO5 9TY. Tel: 01621 810530. Mobile: 07860 769906 ● Digital photographs for publication: Please take pictures at largest size,

Revd HELEN GHEORGHIU GOULD, Priest-inCharge, All Saints with St Giles, Nazeing, explains the emergence of Interim Ministry

appointments under Common Tenure, and gave further impetus to the deployment of Interim Ministers (IMs). IMs can deployed for periods from six months to three years. They are not usually based in the parish, but provide strategic guidance, pastoral support and mentoring to help parishes explore their issues and find a new way forward. Chelmsford currently has ten posts operating around the diocese under Interim legislation. There is no one ‘shape’ of IM in the diocese – it takes a variety of formats, including a ‘Turnaround’ Area Dean working as an IM to

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advertising Please contact: Glenda Charitos, Cornerstone Vision, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell,Plymouth, Devon PL3 4PY. Tel: 01752 225623. Fax: 01752 673441. e-mail:

distribution For distribution contact: Tel: 01245 294443. Your newspaper will normally be available from the third Sunday in the month. Any further changes will be advised to distributors.

revision an entire deanery; a stipendiary Interim Minister and vacancy development advisor; interim lay missioners, plus a mixture of stipendiary, non-stipendiary and retired clergy. Interims are also working alongside diocesan staff providing a variety of other inputs, such as governance and stewardship support and buildings advice.

'It can also contribute significantly to enhancing the role of lay leadership' "The requirement for IM arises where there is a need for transformation, but the conditions, capacity, resources, or the will, don’t yet exist locally to bring about this transformation," says Peter Hill, Bishop of Barking, who leads on IM and Turnaround for Chelmsford. "Disturbance is necessary for transformation. I believe we see this again and again in the New Testament with

Jesus and the disciples. But because change is uncomfortable and raises awkward questions, congregations don’t always welcome spending time in these ‘zones of uncomfortable debate’. "We deploy IMs in places where there are a number of challenges," adds Peter. "We do not have a single model of IM. We have found it needed a flexible approach including longer-term appointments, short-term input on issues like governance, and we are now beginning to look at models where IMs work in multiple parishes, and teams of lay and ordained people working together – it’s about having a mixed economy of IM with appropriate resources." After two years, the results from Chelmsford’s investment in IM have been mostly positive. John Ball adds: "We have found that interim ministry can help where there is need of a leader and facilitator of change who is purposely not invested in the parish for the long term and so can both lead, and reflect, to a congregation. "We have already seen transformation in terms of mission and financial health in a number of parishes.’ Chelmsford is not alone in its IM venture: the Dioceses of Liverpool and Sheffield are also deploying interims and IMs from all three, with other diocesan representatives, have started exchanging their learning. As part of this process, Chelmsford Diocese sponsored the first national conference on Interim Ministry (see page 12). So what are the potential benefits at this time for the

Church of England? "Interim ministry is an interesting and potentially very beneficial development in helping congregations and parishes move forward, and not just when the past has been difficult," says Ven Julian Hubbard, Director of Ministry for the Archbishops’ Council.

'It’s about having a mixed economy of Interim Ministry with appropriate resources' "IM has the capacity to support Renewal and Reform in facilitating growth in depth and commitment as well as numbers. It can also contribute significantly to enhancing the role of lay leadership and setting a high standard for the quality of collaboration and common purpose between all members of a church." So the emerging view is that IM is not just about bridging gaps or ‘holding the fort’ until the real priest arrives, but a real opportunity to invest time, skills and creativity in growth for a change of direction. The tools of IM are not just for Interim Ministers, but can help the whole church respond positively and with confidence to the necessity of renewal and transformation.

● Further details from ministers/interim-ministry ● Revd Helen Gheorghiu Gould is an Interim Minister in the Diocese of Chelmsford. She can be contacted at

CASE STUDY 2 Transitioning into shared ministry in an urban area ● A half-time Interim Minister worked

across two urban parishes in a large town, serving a combined population of more than 25,000. The parishes were previously linked as a team, and were part of an ecumenical partnership, but recently separated and became vacant. The role of the IM was to help explore their vision for mission and growth, address underlying issues of leadership, governance and stewardship; and explore pastoral reorganisation and ecumenical partnership. The IM engaged in a

listening exercise with members of the PCC and previous incumbents. Congregational meetings explored the history, identity and future vision. A worship survey produced new ideas to reach to a younger generation – in one church a popular children’s church sprang up almost overnight. A team of cover ministers helped support worship and pastoral services during the IM process. By the conclusion of the IM process, focal ministers were appointed to each parish take them forward into a covenant partnership with other parishes in the same urban area.

THE MONTH April 2017


month — 'My aim is to hear the questions and stories'







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Bishop invites you to join him on his journeys

By BISHOP STEPHEN IN 2014, the centenary year of the diocese, I asked every parish to think about doing something new to engage with their local community. There was a wonderful response. Hundreds of weekends of mission happened all over the diocese. However, leaders should never ask people to do something they are not prepared to do themselves. So the new thing I decided to do was to go walkabout. I called these walks ‘missionary journeys’ rather than pilgrimages. My aim was to get out and about in a different sort of way, to meet people, to hear their questions and stories, and have an opportunity to share the gospel with them. That year ten missionary journeys took place. I enjoyed them hugely, and I think they went down well in the many parishes I visited. I spoke to hundreds and hundreds of people. And quite a number of people walked with me along the way. Since then these walks have become a regular part of my ministry. The first one in 2017 is on Sunday May 21. This is also Rogation Sunday, Details of the journey will be on the diocesan website in due course, but the Day starts in Black

FIVE LOAVES AND LOADS OF FISHES: Bishop Stephen visited the fishmonger in Hornchurch during a 2015 journey


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TWITTERING: Bishop Stephen keeps in touch with a Tweet Notley, with a Rogation Service led by Revd Janet Nicholls, Rural Adviser and Agricultural Chaplain. Janet told me: “We are delighted that your first Missionary Journey of 2017 falls on Rogation Sunday. "Congregations connect with Rogation Sunday in a variety of ways across the diocese. Some will be out and about 'Beating the Bounds'. This is the practice of walking the boundaries of the parish, with accompanying prayers for the land, people and activities we meet enroute. "Traditionally, Rogation Processions provided an annual opportunity to affirm the boundaries of the parish. Today the boundaries are established by different means,

but bringing God’s blessing on the land, people and activity of the parish remains a vital function of our Churches. Rogation Sunday provides the opportunity to reach beyond the church building to be amidst the activity of the parish and to bring God’s blessing as we go.” My journey will then pass though Braintree to Bocking and onwards to Gosfield. The afternoon sees another Rogation Sunday service at the Farm Shop in Greenstead Green, a visit to the Essex Air Ambulance and ending in a pub in Earls Colne. Do join me. When you travel by foot you see the world differently. Conversations are natural and unforced. Doors of opportunity open.

Remuneration will be commensurate with experience in the region of £40,000 per annum. Flexible working arrangements are available and the post includes the provision of a pool car and pension contributions. Interested? For a full job description and person specification please contact Brian Livesey, Chair of Hope Now UK, Boundary Cottage, West Dean, Wiltshire SP5 1JQ Tel: 01794 341340 Letters of Application are invited by 28th April 2017 accompanied by names and contacts of three referees, one of which must be the Minister of your Church. Interviews are provisionally scheduled for June 2017 with appointment to commence in Autumn 2017.


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01752 225623

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THE MONTH April 2017


month — Deans present annual awards to successful candidates

Choristers hit high notes

THE annual service for the presentation of awards to successful Deans’ and Bishops’ Chorister candidates was held in Chelmsford Cathedral. The Awards were presented by the Deans and Bishops of both Brentwood and Chelmsford Dioceses. The service followed the form of Choral Evensong. The successful candidates sang with the Cathedral Choir, under their Director of Music, James Davy who had rehearsed the candidates in the afternoon. The music for the service included the motet 'Iste' by Bruckner, a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Richard Shephard, and the anthem 'O’er the hill and o’er the vale' arranged by James Davy. The awards recipients are: BISHOPS’ CHORISTERS Brentwood Cathedral Matthew Adams Alonso Gracia-Martin Henry Man

WINNERS: The 2017 Chorister Awards presentation in Chelmsford Cathedral Owen Romhany Luke Simpson Chelmsford Cathedral Bethany Shorden Chingford Parish Church Eddie Adams Caroline Easey Adam Miller

Felix Petheu Oliver Petheu St Andrew, Hornchurch William Beech Hayden Musham Seth Wylie St Laurence's, Upminster Hannah Allen

Special Edition

St Peter's, South Weald Jessica Appleton Elizabeth Reynolds Rebecca Slaney DEANS’ CHORISTERS Brentwood Cathedral Antony Fashesin-Souza Thierry Racon

Brentwood Cathedral Girls’ Choir Olivia Mills Chingford Parish Church Samuel Hay-Campbell Femi Kotun Margaret Omosanya

Isaac Summers Miriam Summers St Edward the Confessor, Romford Sarah Famakinwa Breanna Herring St Nicolas, Witham Mitzi Boyle


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THE MONTH April 2017

month — Trees for Sacred Spaces project off to flyer

Churchyards key to a greener London CHURCHES across London can make their neighbourhood a greener, more bee-friendly place as part of a new project supported by the Mayor of London. The Conservation Foundation’s Trees for Sacred Spaces project is enabling churches in the London, Southwark, Chelmsford and Rochester dioceses to plant trees that support bees and other pollinators as part of the Mayor’s ambition to make London one of the greenest cities in the world. The tree plantings will also offer an opportunity for churches to organise events and ceremonies that involve members of other faiths in their parishes to celebrate and help to enhance the environments that people of all faiths and no faith share. There are more than 600 churchyards or areas of church land within Greater London. Whilst not all churches have suitable spaces, those with no space to plant a tree will be encouraged to donate one to a school or community garden within their parish, helping to increase London’s tree canopy cover and support bees and other wildlife to thrive in London. The project is supported by the diocesan bishops of Chelmsford, London, Rochester and Southwark. Rt Revd Richard Chartres, Bishop of London, says, “In our global city, in this interconnected world, practising love of our neighbours means looking after the natural environment that we share. "Parishes across London’s dioceses have made strides in encouraging biodiversity in our churchyards through Churchyards for London. "It gives me great pleasure that one of the final projects I will launch as Bishop of London will offer our churches the opportunity to plant more trees in their areas, contributing to local air quality as well providing places of peace and beauty for generations to come.” Bishop Richard played a pivotal role in developing The Conservation Foundation’s Yews for the Millennium project which planted over 8000 yew trees, many in churchyards, throughout the country to celebrate the year 2000. The Bishop of Chelmsford, Rt




TREE LOVERS: Shirley Rodrigues, Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy with the B ​ ishops of London (left), Chelmsford (second from left) Salisbury and Southwark at Westminster Abbey.

FIFTH MARK OF MISSION The trees provide a range of ecosystem benefits, in particular the conservation of pollinator services. Your planting will also contribute to the Mayor's London Plan, which recognises that increasing tree cover provides much broader benefits, including improving health and well-being. If your planting will involve your school or local groups you'll also be bringing together people from across your community to Revd Stephen Cottrell, says: “The Diocese of Chelmsford happily serves a large part of East London: lots of people, lots of buildings, vibrant communities, but not enough trees. `'We are delighted to be part of this initiative and where possible and appropriate look forward to seeing new trees planted in the churchyards we look after and all across our capital. To plant a tree is to invest in someone else's future.” Welcoming the involvement of churches, Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy, Shirley

focus on helping to improve the environment for all. You'll also be demonstrating your commitment to the Fifth Mark of Mission, to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth, and can help express through your action our love for God, for our neighbours, now and in the future.

Rodrigues, said: “The Mayor wants London to be one of the world’s greenest cities and is introducing a wide range of measures to fulfil this ambition: a first step has been the commitment to provide £750,000 to plant more than 40,000 new London trees this winter, including helping The Conservation Foundation plant more than 600 trees in or near churchyards across London.” David Shreeve, director of The Conservation Foundation, says, “A fifth of the capital is already covered by trees but some parts of London are short of greenery.

Churches can play an important role in helping to make these areas look and feel better by planting one of the trees. All the trees available will be bee-friendly and therefore as well as benefiting London’s landscape and atmosphere they will also be supporting the capital’s pollinators.” ● The trees will be available between March and June 2017. Those wishing to take part are asked to visit to find out more and to register to receive trees.

Re-setting the compass of the heart


with a human voice. In this demonstration of perfect humanity and all giving love we, at last, see what God is like. God’s all-powerfulness emptied into an ‘alllovingness’ which walks the second mile of love and plumbs even the depths of death itself. For the God who in the tiny child becomes a human being, shares our humanity for a


purpose: to save us from ourselves, from the false north of all our wrong choices, and from the sin and death which is their destination.
 We are turned around. Our lives given a new direction. The inner compass of our humanity is re-set. All this is the achievement of the man

upon the cross. His purpose is to die and rise and take us with him. In his death, death is destroyed. In his life, life is restored; sins are forgiven and humanity is reconciled to God.
His name is Emmanuel, which means God is with us.
 His name is Jesus, which means God saves.

STEPHEN COTTRELL Bishop of Chelmsford

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There is none like you, O Lord, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

1Ch 17:20 (ESV)


THE MONTH April 2017


Church lights low du month — Project to try to accommodate the needs of bot bats’ breeding seas �The larger, and rarer, serotine bat is one of the three species represented in Littlebury church.

(Photo:Hugh/clark/www. bats. org.UK)

Littlebury lowered d bats’ bree

BATS, NOT ONLY in the belfry, are causing probunusual animal. All 17 species lems in numerous parish churches. Their urine is protected by law. highly acid and can do very serious harm to Jeremy Parsons said that he ecclesiastical metalwork, sculpture, books and for Radio 4 on the previous Fr furnishings in the building. probably responding to the rec A project to try to accommodate the needs of both Heritage Lottery Fund had ma bats and the churchgoers was highlighted on Radio ÂŁ4 million to Natural England 4 on Sunday morning when the Rev Jeremy Parsons, safeguarding bat colonies in ch Team Vicar for Littlebury, described a scheme at the damage they cause. Holy Trinity Church to reduce lighting in the church Julia Hanmer, Joint Chief Ex so as not to disturb the bats in their breeding season Conservation Trust, said: “We and to reduce their activity. this funding church communit He told the Walden Local that the scheme had been can together play a signiďƒžcant designed to improve light levels and illuminate the these vulnerable and fascinatin decorated roof. time they are helping to protec The uplighters used in the scheme will now be church buildings.â€? switched off between May and September and a Various schemes are being p separate locked fusebox will ensure that they are not modiďƒžed lighting and ultrason switched on by accident. keep bats away from certain pa not only,‘bat in the belfry,can areisolate causing The bat population at Littlebury is quiteBATS, small but boxes’ the roos problems parish churches. Theirm includes three species - the common pipistrelle, the in numerous clergy, however, would very urine is highly acid and very seriousalto long-eared bat and the serotine, a larger and more move outcan of do their churches

harm to ecclesiastical metalwork, sculpture, books and furnishings in the building. A project to try to accommodate the needs of both bats and the churchgoers was POLICE INVESTIGATING burglaries involving Nine of those incidents have been in Essex whereon BBC knocks on 4your door, please highlighted Radio on February 21 when the Revd picious. Jeremy Parsons, Team Vicar criminals impersonating police ofďƒžcers have warned suspects have pretended to be police ofďƒžcers respondOn the call we’ll be for Littlebury, Holy the public to be aware and not be afraid to challenge ing to an alleged crime, and have on occasions showed described the call ais scheme genuineatand if it is Trinity Church tomind reduce lighting in the importa church callers at their homes. fake police warrant cards or other identiďƒžcation. at all. It’s really so as not to disturb the bats in their breeding Forces in Essex, Kent and London are investigatDetective Chief Inspector Jason Hendy said: “Tar- message on to friends and rel and to reduce their activity. ing over 20 offences where suspects have burgled the geting older or more vulnerable people isseason despicable any information.â€? He said that the scheme had been homes of vulnerable people aged over 70 using dis- and we need to catch these people as soon as possible. For more advice on bogus ca designed to improve light levels and traction techniques. If you’re not expecting an ofďƒžcer to call and someone the decorated roof. The uplighters used in the scheme will now be switched off between May and September and a separate locked fusebox will ensure that they are not switched on by accident. The bat population at Littlebury is quite small but includes three species - the common pipistrelle, the long-eared bat (right) and the serotine, a larger and more unusual animal (top left). All 17 species of British bat are protected by law. Jeremy Parsons said that he had recorded his piece for Radio 4 on the previous Friday. The BBC was probably responding to the recent news that the Heritage Lottery Fund had made a grant of almost ÂŁ4 million to Natural England to study methods of FLASHBACK: Holy Trinity Church Littlebury was given a Design Award by the Diocesan Advisory Committee in 2015 for its sensitive and versatile new lighting safeguarding bat colonies in churches while scheme that enhances the architecture and the key features of the High Gothic reducing the damage they cause. interior, while making the building easier to use by the church and the community. Julia Hanmer, Joint Chief Executive of the Jeremy Parsons and Isabella Warren receive their DAC certificate on behalf of Holy Bat Conservation Trust, said: “We are Trinity Littlebury from Bishop Stephen. delighted that with this funding church

Burglars posing as police ofďŹ cers target vulnerable hous

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Psalm 1 (ESV)

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GREAT Waltham's latest production, 'The Passion of Christ', is a play cycle of four instalments that will be staged this Easter in a number of locations around the village with parts of three scenes in the church. The first scene takes place on Sunday, April 9 (6pm) when the action moves from the village hall to the church (from Galilee to Jerusalem). The action resumes on Thursday, April 13 (6pm) with the 'Confrontation' staged in the church and around the war memorial. Good Friday (6pm) will will witness 'Four Trials and a Crucifixion' as the action moves from Great Waltham church to Marshalls Cottages. It is enacted on a high ridge in

Langleys main roa village. The fin will take Easter D come to culminat encounte The sc gospel a with Jes and prep the final Playwr Michael Plays are Century the coun Hornchu with a m outside t "The c Woodham


THE MONTH April 2017








y church lights during protected eding season


th bats and churchgoers

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communities and bat workers can together play a significant role in supporting these vulnerable and fascinating species. At the same time they are helping to protect historic mediaeval church buildings.”

s Park, in full view of the ad into the

nal scene, 'Resurrection' place in the church on Day (11am) as the women the empty tomb, ting in Mary Magdalene's er with the risen Christ. cript draws from all of the accounts, and begins sus teaching and healing, paring his disciples for journey to Jerusalem. right and producer Proctor says: "Passion e enjoying a 21st revival in many parts of ntry. In Essex, urch led the way in 1995 modern script performed the theatre. churches in South m Ferrers followed suit

Various schemes are being promoted including modified lighting and ultrasonic sound devices to keep bats away from certain parts of a church while ‘bat boxes’ can isolate the roosting bats. Some clergy,

however, would very much prefer the bats to move out of their churches altogether. ● This article is reproduced courtesy of the Walden Local and photographer Hugh Clark for the bat picture top left.

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Tel: 020 7223 5473 in 2009 and again in 2014 with 'One Life One Passion' performed in the town centre. "Since then, there have been a number of varied and inventive passion plays in Essex. "But the fundamental approach is the same - ordinary people from many different backgrounds coming together to retell the story of Jesus of Nazareth in ways that speak to everyone. "People of faith and people of no faith collaborate, because whatever one believes about Jesus of Nazareth, his story has changed the history of the world. "One of my most vivid childhood memories is of watching a modern mystery cycle performed on an open-air stage in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral. It was ordinary people telling an amazing story in a way

that touched me more deeply and made more sense than anything I was learning in Sunday School. "Fast-forward a couple of decades, and by now a young parish priest on a tough 'sink estate' in the North East of England, I gained great solace and encouragement by joining with hundreds of others in a Good Friday Procession of Witness through the streets and squares of Newcastle. It was a kind of rolling passion play. "I remember that quite a few passers-by joined in, and groups of well-hard lads came out of the pubs to watch, supping their glasses of brown ale. I often wonder what they made of it but none of us stopped to ask them."


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THE MONTH April 2017

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THE MONTH April 2017


month — Lambeth Palace date for chaplain


New book focuses DESIGN PRINT on Bradwell chapel DISTRIBUTE YOUR LEAFLETS

Revd Brigid Main with Archbishop Justin Welby on his visit to Bradwell Chapel in 2014

REVD Brigid Main, chaplain to the chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, attended a reception at Lambeth Palace to mark the launch of the Director’s Choice Book, Churches of the Church of England. This book is a celebration of churches from each of the Church of England’s 42 dioceses, one of those featured being St Peter’s chapel. Copies of the book are available from Chelmsford Cathedral and the chapel. Also invited were David Thorpe, Roger Scurrell, Laurie Main and Zanny Lawrence,who are all involved in caring for the chapel. After canapés and wine, there was a presentation by the Bishop of Worcester, Dr John Inge, and Janet Gough, the author of the book. The chapel is always open and is the central

focus of the Bradwell Festival on the first weekend in July. Throughout the year there are quiet days and concerts and of particular interest this year is a day exploring the Aramaic Lord's Prayer with Revd Dr Jenny Williams on July 29. On July 9, Lynne Creasy makes a welcome return with her harp. Summer evening services are held every Sunday in July and August at 6.30pm, the theme this year is 'Music for the Soul'. A variety of speakers and musicians will be exploring this theme: details and further information can be found on the chapel website – ● Save the date! The 2017 Bradwell Festival takes places on July 1-2. Visit the website

Maldon repeat for Passion

THERE are several large-scale works for choir and orchestra that occupy a particular place in the public consciousness. Handel's Messiah; Verdi's Requiem and both Bach Passions, for instance. This Good Friday, April 14, there is the chance to attend a free performance of one of these great works - Bach's St John Passion. This is the fifth year that the Choir of St Mary's, joined by Pegasus Baroque Orchestra, will sing this dramatic and moving work. The Good Friday performance is now wellestablished as an annual event. The choir of St Mary's has become noted for its stylistic performances of the great baroque masterpieces, accompanied by original instruments. The talented young professional players of Pegasus

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Baroque have become firm favourites as part of the programme of the Maldon Festival, and the annual performance of the Passion has become noted for its showcasing of talented young, local soloists. The performance sticks closely to Bach's original intentions. There is a short homily between

parts one and two, as at the original performance and this will be given by the Bishop of Chelmsford, Stephen Cottrell. In addition, listeners are given the opportunity to actually take part in the performance by joining in with singing some of the more familiar chorales (hymns). The performance takes place in

St Mary's church, Church Street, Maldon, CM9 5HW on April 14 at 7.30pm. There is no entry charge; however, a retiring collection will be taken to help defray costs. “Last year's performance was the equal of any professional performance available in London,” said Bishop Stephen.

Worth a visit

WELL worth a visit: St Mary’s Church in Stebbing (pictured) is on the itinerary for the Friends of Essex Churches Trust’s next Study Day on May 3. The stone rood screen is very rare, but there is another example at the Church of St Mary the Virgin in Great Bardfield which will be visited on the same day. The Study Day will be led by Dr Christopher Starr. ● Find more details and book your place at www. Photograph by Tim Goodbody.

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Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16 vs 3 (NRSV)

THE MONTH April 2017






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THE MONTH April 2017


month — Diocese stages first national conference

David Lowman is given a new role DAVID Lowman has been appointed as the Bishop’s Officer for Retired Clergy. “There are few people in the Diocese of Chelmsford better qualified for this work,” said Bishop Stephen. “Until last year David was a much loved and greatly respected Archdeacon of Chelmsford. "His knowledge of the diocese, his pastoral heart and his experience as an Archdeacon mean that the retired clergy of the diocese and their widows and widowers will be well served.” Bishop Stephen has praised the contributions retired clergy make. “I don't know where we would be without our retired clergy. "Many of them continue to offer service to the Church week in week out. "Sadly, however, we are not always as good as we should be at keeping track of them and offering them the care and support they need, particularly as oldage takes its toll. "With David Lowman as my Officer for Retired Clergy and by building a network of support in each archdeaconry we will be able to do a much better job."

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EASTER SERVICES & CONCERTS Palm Sunday, 9 April 10.30am Eucharist with Procession of Palms 4pm Music & Readings for Holy Week

Fridays in Lent & Monday 10, Tuesday 11, Wednesday 12 April 7pm

Night Prayer (Compline)

Tuesday 11 April 8pm

Holy Week Concert

Maundy Thursday 13 April 7.45pm

Eucharist with the Watch

Good Friday 14 April 12 noon Meditations on the Cross 2pm Liturgy of the Cross 5.15pm Choral Evensong

Holy Saturday 15 April 7.00pm Easter Vigil and Confirmations

Easter Day 16 April 8.00am 9.30am 11.15am 3.30pm

Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Easter Day Choral Eucharist Festal Evensong with Procession

For more information visit

FLOOR SHOW: Bishop Peter Hill, the Bishop of Barking, and delegates at the first national Interim Ministry conference at High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Herts

Meeting challenges of Interim Ministry


A 'FANTASTIC' first national Interim Ministry conference at High Leigh, Hoddesdon, was attended by 50 delegates representing 19 dioceses. The Diocese of Chelmsford sponsored the gathering for Interim Ministers and senior staff involved in this area in the Church of England, to share current experience and explore the way forward in Interim Ministry (IM), considering the theological background, current challenges and the need for training and resources for the future. The conference was addressed by Revd Angus Mathieson, Partnerships Development Secretary for the Church of Scotland where IM has been used for 20 years; Dr Jane Williams, St Mellitus College; Tony Evans, from the

Institute for Interim Management, who operates as an Interim Manager at chief executive level in the business sector; and Ven Julian Hubbard, Director of Ministry for the Church of England Archbishop’s Council. The event supported both practitioners and those working at a senior and strategic level by offering an opportunity to share perspectives, learn how interim roles operate in different contexts and reflect on effective ways of working in and deploying IM. Interim Ministry is an area of growing interest for many dioceses, following recent legislative changes which allows for short-term appointments in parishes undergoing change. Delegates - lay representatives, bishops, archdeacons, directors of ministry, training institutions and national church institutions -

discussed three fundamental questions: ● Is Interim Ministry about covering gaps in ministry or stimulating strategic change? ● What are the underlying challenges Interim Ministry is trying to address? ● And how can Interim Ministry be most effectively used? The next steps being considered include shared national networking, training and learning to help dioceses develop IM skills and make best strategic use of interim posts. ● Revd Helen Gheorghiu Gould is Priest-inCharge, Parish of All Saints with St Giles, Nazeing - an Interim Minister in the Diocese of Chelmsford. ● Interim Ministry feature: See Page 2 ● Chelmsford Diocese will be sharing event outcomes at www.chelmsford.

'God chose the things despised by this world to save the world' I AM reading a book about men and church. Its message was essentially that men don’t like women things and mostly church is about Women Things. So, in order for men to like church, it needs to be less about the women things. This book has been hugely popular in the United States and within men’s groups in the UK. The book describes Jesus’ life, death and resurrection as an action film plot: “Christ came to earth as a dangerous man – skilled, knowledgeable, and in control. He held the power of life and death in his hands. "He was given an impossible assignment – to overcome a ruthless enemy single-handedly. He was betrayed by an ally and handed over to his enemy, whose henchmen beat him almost beyond recognition. "Yet he miraculously escaped his captors and completed his mission in the most unexpected fashion… in the end, he will receive a radiant bride.”


As much as we might want to rewrite the Passion of Christ according to our preferred narrative, we really can’t! Jesus didn’t come to earth as a dangerous man. He came as a baby, carried inside a woman for nine months, pushed out of her, breastfed and nurtured by her. He was not a warrior, but rather a servant. He didn’t escape His captors, instead he

submitted Himself to death, even death on a cross. The uncomfortable reality is that God chose the things despised by this world to save the world. He was birthed by a young woman. Chose to become a powerless man. Through love and sacrifice He saved the world. And that is what we remember at Easter, and each Sunday during communion. Perhaps this truth is too hard for the author writing about men and church. It is easier to make Jesus who we want Him rather than to accept who Jesus really is. For each of us, there is a similar challenge. Who do we want Jesus to be? Is it different to who Jesus is? The chorus of 'Colourful' by Will Reagan and United Pursuit comes to mind: 'From the heights of heaven to the sea below 'You came to tear down the

doors of our imprisoned souls 'You lift the weight of the world, give the world what our heart’s longing for 'We see the mercy of undeserving love 'We see your perfect heart as you remake us, God 'We see you as you are, not as we’ve made you to be 'You’re the maker of all our hopes and dreams.' Jesus is not someone we can co-opt into our agenda, He is the Word made flesh, the Son of God, the Lion and the Lamb. He cannot be labelled. He is I Am. His name is a verb. As we spend time mourning over Holy Week, and celebrating on Easter Sunday, let us choose to remember Jesus as He is, not as we’ve made Him to be. NATALIE COLLINS

2016 National Sermon of the Year winner

● 'Why Men Hate Going to

Church. by Dave Murrow is published by Thomas Nelson. ISBN 978-0-7852-3215-5.

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