The Month July 2015

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July 2015

Bring the kids to light a candle for Christ’s birthday



Arc hdeacon’s View By VEN JOHN PERUMBALATH, Archdeacon of Barking One of the serious problems the church faces today is biblical illiteracy. How have we ended up here? Firstly, there is neglect of Christian education. Christian life has become a matter of experiencing rather than one of learning. We are centred on our needs and experience today, catering to the narcissistic individualism of modernity. So we go for a 'needs' based reading with a ‘feel good’ orientation. We are not on a pilgrimage of learning but on a quest to find capsules for quick relief and to feel good. Secondly, there is a loss of biblical narrative even among the Bible-reading Christians. We do not let the narratives of the scriptures speak to us; rather we pick and choose useful verses. This is a drastic departure from the practice of early Christian communities who found their own stories in the biblical narratives. We often treat Scripture primarily as a collection of information, be it historical, moral or doctrinal. Thirdly, there is loss of confidence in CONTINUED ON PAGE 5


School keeps ball rolling East London pupils and teachers support Ethiopian links: Page 12

Parishioners get needles clicking to knit woolly hats for freezing sailors

Susan awarded Order of St Cedd for service to the diocese

Page 4

Page 3

■ Lunchtime reading club launch: Page 4 ■ What's on in Essex and East London: Page 9


THE MONTH July 2015

month — Your chance to take part in our photographic competition

Pilgrimage's Cathedral's young focus organist meets THE Bradwell Pilgrimage is expecting a bigger turnout of families and young people this year. The ecumenical Pilgrimage, being held at Bradwell-onSea on July 4, will include many more activities for families and the young. Every year the event has a number of activities for children and young people and this year there is more, alongside the acts of worship for all ages. The Brentwood Catholic Youth Service will set up base in the main field near St Peter’s Chapel where young people of all ages can get together with arts and crafts and make new friends. The Bar’N’Bus will also return to the pilgrimage by popular demand with a double-decker bus, complete with coffee bar, sofas and games consoles. It will be parked on the main field. Nearby, at the Othona Christian Community, there will be a bouncy castle and opportunities to take part in a variety of sports.

Tim Leeson, Youth Minister at Chelmsford Cathedral who has led the arrangements for the young, said: “While there is a strong emphasis on worship on the day, there will be a great deal to keep younger members of families happy and occupied and we urge pilgrims and their families to come and join in with the many activities.” As they have for many decades, Bradwell villagers are preparing to welcome the annual influx of hundreds from churches across London and the Home Counties. This year’s keynote guest is Canon Michael Mitton, an influential speaker and Christian author. Canon Mitton has a ministry in the Derby diocese and is the Fresh Expressions’ advisor. The Pilgrimage has a very apt theme this year of 'Generous Welcome' because for more than three decades Bradwell residents have afforded a warm welcome to their annual visitors. The event almost doubles the village population for the day.

Chaplain of St Peter’s Chapel, Revd Brigid Main, said: “We are very pleased to have such an inspirational speaker at this year’s Pilgrimage. There is always a buzz around the village on the day of the Pilgrimage and a lot of local people put a great deal of effort into the welcome they give.” The centrepiece for the Pilgrimage is the Chapel of St Peter on the Wall, built in the 7th century by St Cedd as he brought Christianity to Saxon Essex. The ancient structure will provide a place for quiet prayer and reflection. The chapel field and the nearby Othona Christian Community will be the venues for a full afternoon of activities and worship. The chapel’s artist in residence, Chris Macallan, will be displaying her work on the theme “Ancient Marks” during the day. This will also include artwork done by participants from a recent quiet day there. ● For more information: www.

Nativity is Colin's winner THE Month photographic competition judge Paul Starr of Chelmsford photographers StarrPhotos picked a picture caption 'Neatly knitted nativity' as this month’s winner taken by Colin Lander. Paul saiid: “My winner this month is this charming Nativity scene. "The ultimate church celebration with wonderful warm lighting portraying an intimate, nicely cropped and beautifully-composed tableau. "The shepherd on the left and the cow on the right effectively draw the eye in

towards the main subject, baby Jesus, in the middle of the frame. "Some people may look at this shot and think all the photographer had done is to copy an already existing composition but this would detract from the exceptionally competent execution of this photograph. Keeping things simple is often the way to achieve success, not only in photography but also in life, of course.” Each month a winning photograph, taken according to a fixed theme will be printed

Youth work opportunities

THE Bishops of Barking and Bradwell are each recruiting a youth work adviser to serve their Areas. To find out more about these exciting opportunities and how to apply, look on our website vacancies. Apply by July 1 (Barking) and July 23 (Bradwell).

in The Month and as many contributions as possible will be showcased on our new Pinterest board www. The entrant judged to have submitted the best photograph of the year will be invited to a masterclass with Paul Starr of photographers and videographers Starrphotos. To enter the competition, email your photograph (one per reader) with the caption and your name to photos@ Next month’s subject is 'Church summer fun'. The closing date for entries is July 6, 2015 at midday. The winning picture will appear in the August issue of The Month. Terms and conditions are online at www. photocompetition

Calendar Girls! BY CLARE BROOME

ORGANIST and Master of the Choristers at Chelmsford Cathedral James Davy is once again dusting down his copy of Jerusalem for the annual meeting of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes. James has been the organist for the meeting when it is held in London every two or three years since 2006 and his duties involve playing as some 5,000 delegates arrive at the hall, most famous for hosting the annual BBC Proms concerts. The meeting opens in WI tradition with the singing of Jerusalem and at the end God save the Queen is sung as is Land of my Fathers in Welsh. This year the National Federation of Women’s Institutes celebrates its centenary and the Queen and Princess Royal (both WI members) will attend the special event. James said: “It’s quite breath-taking to hear so many people singing together, and to play the organ (pictured above) as part of the meeting is a real privilege.

“The Albert Hall organ is renowned for its size and sheer power and it copes well with supporting thousands of singers. “In a previous year, Tony Christie, best known for 'Is this the way to Amarillo?', led the singing, but in most

The Month, incorporating NB and East Window, is the free circulation newspaper of Church of England in Essex and East London (Diocese of Chelmsford). www.chelmsford. ● Find Chelmsford Diocese on Twitter @chelmsdio ● Find Bishop Stephen on Twitter @cottrellstephen ● Subscribe to our YouTube channel ● Like us on Facebook: www. ● Like our Ask an Archdeacon Facebook askanarchdeacon ● View our photostream on Flickr www.

editorial Editor: Jon Longman Editorial and photographs for The Month should be sent to: or Jon Longman, The Month, 1 Bouchiers Place, Messing, Colchester CO5 9TY. Tel: 01621 810530. Mobile: 07860 769906 ● Digital photographs for publication: Please take pictures at largest size,

years, it’s just me and the mighty organ.” The choirs of Chelmsford Cathedral have sung twice for Her Majesty the Queen in the past year and the Cathedral itself hosts the monthly meeting of the New City Girls branch of the WI.

resolution and compression. Hi-res JPGs or Tiffs should be re-sized to min 7x5in at 300dpi with no layers or sharpening. Captions, your name and contact details should be embedded in the 'File Info' section if possible. If e-mailing many shots, send only 72dpi initially at max size of 8x6in. When submitting photos please confirm that written consent has been obtained from parents / guardians of children under age 16 for publication of photos publicising church activities in The Month. ● The inclusion of an advertisement should not be taken as implying endorsement of the objects of the advertiser by the diocese.

advertising Please contact: Glenda Charitos, Cornerstone Vision, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell,Plymouth, Devon PL3 4PY. Tel: 01752 225623. Fax: 01752 673441. e-mail:

distribution For distribution contact: Tel: 01245 294443. Your newspaper will normally be available from the third Sunday in the month. Any further changes will be advised to distributors.

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month — 'It is easy to miss the overarching vision'

Church reform and renewal are needed . . .

DON’T miss the point of the work going on to reform and renew the church, the Bishop of Chelmsford, Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, told Chelmsford Diocesan Synod meeting in Chelmsford Cathedral on June 6. In his Presidential Address, Bishop Stephen said that the gospel of Jesus Christ needed to be “shared effectively and lived joyfully.” Besides the separate measures making up the national reform and renewal package, “a renewal of prayer and a reform of theological vision will be the main tools of our participation with God in the renewal and reform of his church," the Bishop said. It is the 'very local', “the local church which is you the individual follower of Christ, the place where the Holy Spirit has chosen to dwell, the one for whom Christ died and rose again which really matters.” “Unless each one of us is prepared to be reformed and renewed in our discipleship, the church will not grow and we will have inhibited the hand of God.” Bishop Stephen announced that the

FORTHRIGHT: Bishop Stephen next Synod will put this at the heart of the agenda. In this, the last presidential address of this Synod entitled 'Sharing the gospel effectively and living it joyfully', Bishop Stephen said that he wanted to reflect on the big picture of where we are as a church. Picking up on the debate Synod had in its morning session on the package of initiatives which go under the heading Reform and Renewal, Bishop Stephen said he wanted to explain "where they particularly challenge and shape our thinking at both the diocesan and the very local level of church life". Bishop Stephen said: "Having now not only ordained women as bishops, but also found a way of doing this which holds the church together in what we are learning to call ‘good disagreement’, (that is a way of living where we acknowledge legitimate and conscientious difference within the household of what is still one church), the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the General Synod are rightly asking us to turn our attention to the reform and renewal of the church. "This not only prompted the good debate we had in the morning session but has also provoked a good deal of

...but so is discipleship says Bishop Stephen

interest and some unease across the whole church." Bishop Stephen apologised for going over some of the ground that was covered in the morning debate but he hoped that it was helpful for him to share his response to all of this, "not least because when we are dealing with what is basically a package of separate measures, it is easy to miss the overarching vision. "Each initiative does stand in its own right. There are different task groups working different work streams. But it is vital to see where they lead when taken together. "Let us be absolutely clear: the purpose of the Reform and Renewal programme is that the gospel of Jesus Christ be shared effectively and lived joyfully. That’s what the morning discussion was about. This centres on and flows from Christ’s commission at the end of Matthew’s gospel that we make disciples (Matthew 28.19). I believe this focus on discipleship is more and more going to take centre stage in our work for the gospel over the coming years. "And let me start with the one that we didn’t discuss this morning, namely the work stream on evangelism. "Unfortunately, the group working on this, under the chairmanship of the Archbishop of Canterbury himself, has yet to report. But when it does, I think it will help makes sense of a lot of the others pieces of work. "Evangelism is the effective proclamation of the gospel (see for instance 1 Corinthians 9.19-23). It is about sharing and communicating the gospel and inviting people to respond and be part of the church. "As we constantly emphasise in this diocese, evangelism is the work of God in which we are called to share. But it is where we must begin. We are Christians because someone has shared the gospel with us and we have responded. "Part of that response is the sharing of the gospel with others." Among other items discussed at Synod was an interim report containing proposals for a new parish share scheme (see page 5). A wideranging consultation will now begin. The process for electing a new Synod is under way. Voting papers will be mailed to the Deanery electorate on June 18, 2015. ● The full Presidential Address and links to other documents can be found at The minutes of Synod will be published at committees/diocesan-synod.

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Canon Dr Susan Atkin with the Order of St Cedd

Susan is awarded Order of St Cedd

CANON Dr Susan Atkin was presented at Diocesan Synod with the Order of St Cedd on her retirement as Chair of the House of Laity of the Chelmsford Diocesan Synod. Bishop Stephen’s citation stated: "For more years than she probably cares to remember, Dr Sue Atkin has been an extraordinarily faithful servant of the Chelmsford diocese: not just a fantastic Chair of our Diocesan Synod, but a Lay Canon of our Cathedral; one of our representatives on General Synod; Lay Chair of Colchester Deanery; and an invaluable member of committees and working groups too numerous to mention. "Apart from anything else Sue has served on appointment boards for most of the current senior staff, myself included. But even if she waves all this away as just doing what she could, we remember. We remember the years of faithful service. We remember her wisdom, her cheerful tenacity, her sheer hard work, and her astonishing capacity for getting things done. "As she stands down from these responsibilities and looks towards a new chapter in her life and ministry, we will miss her enormously. She has been a key person in the life of this diocese for more than a quarter of its history, helping us shape our strategy and put it into practice. "Above all Sue has shown us what a Christian disciple looks like, using her time, gifts and talents in the service of the gospel. In acknowledgement of all that she has done for the Diocese of Chelmsford, it is my great honour to award her the Order of St Cedd."

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THE MONTH July 2015


month — An informal opportunity to discuss spiritually-themed books

Reading group to be launched

Arranged for The Month readers

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equipped to work in the freezing conditions which they have to endure. On Easter Sunday, the Archdeacon of Harlow, above left, blessed 58 hats, two balaclavas, three pairs of gloves and eight neck warmers before they were sent off to the Sailors’ Society.




MEMBERS of the congregation from St Martin Chipping Ongar with St Peter Shelley knitted their way through Lent to make woolly hats for sailors. They were knitting for Sailors’ Society who rely on volunteers to knit woolly hats for the seafarers who often arrive ill-



Woolly hats suit sailors


THE Chelmsford Christian Bookshop staff are launching their new reading group in July. The group will meet from 1pm-2pm on the first Wednesday of each month in the Library at the Diocesan Offices, 53 New Street, Chelmsford CM1 1AT. Everyone is welcome and the idea is to give people an informal opportunity to discuss spiritually-themed books they have read with like-minded people. The first group meeting will be on Wednesday, July 1 and the discussion will focus on Less is More: Spirituality for Busy Lives by Brian Draper. Future books will be chosen by the group. For more details and to sign up, please contact the bookshop on 01245 294405 or bookshop@chelmsford. ● This book is quick and easy to read but the author invites us to "chew, ponder, dream, listen to our souls”. Each chapter ends with a practical application and I am sure most of us will find

one or more of them will hit home. Near the end he quotes Eckhart Tolle saying "the secret of life is to die before you die and find there is no death" which is one of the many that appealed to me. What has to die? Our ego and (as Tolle puts it) the things we use to fashion our superficial identity – possessions, the work we do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships personal and family history, belief systems – but actually they are not who we are. Do you ever feel there is more to who you are than the sum of many things and that one day everything will be made new? It would be easy to dismiss this book as yet another fashionable plea to be “in the present” and yes, that does get a mention, but it is more than that. It is a reminder that we are already rich and have all that we could possibly need. Nothing we can take for ourselves can add to the person we were born to become and nothing can be taken away. ● Less is More is available from the Chelmsford Christian Bookshop at the special price of £7 (RRP £7.99).


BY SALLY MATTHEWSON Reading group leader

THE MONTH July 2015


month — Interim report available on diocesan website Chair of diocesan share review group CANON JENNY TOMLINSON reports from Diocesan Synod

DID you know that on June 6, the Share Review group presented an interim report to the Diocesan Synod? We have been working on this for just over a year, and while there are still questions to answer and details to work out, our proposals have taken shape sufficiently to be shared and discussed. Any parish share scheme is only effective because people love God, are committed to his kingdom and give generously in response to all that God has given them. In our diocese, we are committed to supporting one another. Financial interdependence expresses our solidarity within the Body of Christ, and makes mission and ministry possible in every part of Essex and East London. Much has changed since the

We need your views on parish share proposal present parish share scheme was introduced, and our proposals are designed to support all the developments arising from Re-imagining Ministry. That’s why the costs of the deployed stipendiary and lay ministers will be allocated to the Mission and Ministry ‘Unit’ where they serve, together with a proportion of the various shared services that are provided across the diocese. This proportion will be calculated on the same basis as now, using a formula which reflects the number of worshippers and the Electoral Roll. A proposed new feature, however, is a Mutual Support Fund, including any contribution from the national church, and investment income from the

Stipends Fund. Every ‘Unit’ would be invited to offer a contribution to the Fund, which would then be used to support those Units unable at present to meet their own financial commitments. Mutuality remains vital. In time, the Mutual Support Fund might be able to make resources available for innovations in mission and new enterprises. The new scheme will, we think, be simpler with the current floor and ceiling mechanisms and ‘parish grade’ abolished and the Mutual Support Fund used to accommodate areas of need, and also significant changes. Mission and Ministry ‘Units’ will be free to decide for themselves how to apportion their Share request among their constituent parishes, and examples of how this might be done will be

provided, together with people to offer assistance in the early stages of the new scheme. There is very significant change ahead in the way that the national church allocates financial resources. Our proposals appear to dovetail well with the new arrangements, and it would therefore make sense for it to begin in 2017. This autumn gives an opportunity for information and discussion about the proposals, before the diocesan synod makes a decision in March 2016.

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● You can find the full paper on

the website at www.chelmsford. - please play your part in the conversations that lie ahead.

Eucharist at school

THE Bishop of Bradwell, John Wraw, presided at a Communion service in May held at The Bishops’ CofE and RC Primary School in Chelmsford and blessed the new school building with Monsignor George Stokes, Director of Education with the RC Diocese of Brentwood. The picture shows pupils receiving Communion from Bishop John and Revd Jane Anderson, Priest in Charge of St Augustine of Canterbury.

Tackling Bible illiteracy problem

FROM FRONT PAGE understanding the Bible. The Bible has become a strange world we are hesitant to visit. Studying the Bible has become an expert’s job. Often there is some direct or indirect warning from preachers that makes ordinary people think they are not competent enough to understand scripture. So we develop a tendency to put our trust in experts to tell us the real meaning. How can we recover biblical literacy? First of all, we need to claim the Bible back as the church’s book. We should take scripture out of individual hands – of both scholars and individual believers – and place it in the community of believers. The church interprets scripture by shaping itself as communities of prayer, worship, service, and witness. Secondly, we have to learn to read the

whole story, not just sections lifted from it, as a coherent story. Scripture tells a story – the story of God creating, sustaining, judging and saving the world. But this coherent story has place within it for differing and parallel voices or traditions. We should be comfortable to feel the tensions within the story. This is a story where we can feel at home as human beings with a sense of freedom and choice. Thirdly, we need to develop a non-specialist approach to biblical interpretation. Read the story, enter into the story, stay within the story and let the story encounter us and speak to us. We should be able to get beyond the orthodox and liberal impasse by approaching scripture as a sacrament because scripture has the capacity to mediate an encounter with the transcendent. Fourthly, we have to cultivate historical

imagination. The basic historical framework that we need in order to understand the narratives in the Bible is available from the Bible itself. What we need is familiarity with the biblical narrative in general. It may be something like reading a fiction set in the context of antiquity. In order to enjoy the book we do not do a historical research! Rather the story itself will give us the basic background required to stretch our imagination. There will be situations when we need more information but that should not hinder us from developing historical imagination and letting the story draw us into itself. We are called to an imaginative task of being faithful to the story of God, which is our own story.

VEN JOHN PERUMBALATH Archdeacon of Barking


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THE MONTH July 2015


month — Biographical details of Deacons to be ordained

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The class PROFILES

Cherry Sandover Leigh St Clement

CHERRY writes: "When I am ordained and return to my church to deacon my first parish mass, it will be with a huge sense of awe, and some trepidation. "The reason? We shall be making history. "I have been a Reader at St Clement in Leigh on Sea for the last three years and really wondered what on earth God was thinking as I began to feel called to ordained ministry. I fought it for a number of reasons. "The main reason was because it is only about two years since the PCC voted to accept the ministry of ordained women in our church. "And the second was that I have to continue to work as a full-time job as a lecturer in a busy FE college. "However, I have learnt that when God has something in mind, it is best to go with the flow. I hope to develop an arts' chaplaincy which will fit in well with the life and culture of our busy town."

Elis Matthews East Ham St Paul

ELIS was born in West Middlesex and grew up there, with a keen interest in theatre and sports before studying English in York. After meeting and marrying Sheila, they moved into a church house in Stratford and enjoyed worshipping at St John's. He helped with the youth group and worship leading, alongside my job working as an editor for The Scout Association in Chingford. Elis has been training for ordination at Ridley Hall in Cambridge since 2012, where he served at Holy Trinity and St Paul's. The family are now excited to be moving back to Newham where he will be a curate serving the "great" people of St Paul's East Ham. With lots of changes afoot, a new house, new church, new ministry and new baby (Barnabas) to get accustomed to, Elis is glad to be called to serve a faithful, unchanging God, who makes all things new.

THE MONTH meets the new Deacons who will be ordained by Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford Cathedral on June 27, in the second of a three-part series. Canon Philip Need, Director of Ordinands (DDO) for the Diocese of Chelmsford, says: “Here we are in the ordination season once again, seeing some of the fruition of the work done by DDO’s and Assistant DDO’s over recent years. But this isn’t the end of the story, nor should it be. "Ordination services need to remind the whole church of the ministry of the people of God and, as we celebrate our response to our baptismal calling, the stories of those being ordained challenge others too. Many ask, “Why do we need deacons and priests?” and the answer is so that we have people in focal positions of leadership and service, people who walk with the church and take others by the arm, providing a sacramental, pastoral and prophetic ministry in today’s world. "Priesthood is the church’s gift to the world and the priest’s role is to head up the church’s ministry of the Word, of calling, holiness, worship, reconciliation, Eucharist and blessing, to serve the servants of Christ and be signs of the kingdom. "We affirm those who will be ordained this Petertide in the Cathedral and in Ordination Services across the Areas in early July and once again the Diocese and the Church says “What about you? Do you think YOU could be ordained?” If there is even a flicker in your heart – speak to your local clergy or the Area Ordination Adviser.”

Pauline Hart Alresford St Andrew

PAULINE was brought up in Walton on the Naze, "attending church only on high days and holidays". After two years studying housing management in Sheffield, she worked in council housing departments in London and Ipswich for 30 years, mainly involved in securing the development of affordable housing. Pauline came to faith following the end of her first marriage after a profound experience of God’s forgiveness in the lovely church in Lavenham. She joined St John’s church in Ipswich and moved to St Andrew’s in Alresford when she married her "fantastic" husband Steve 22 years ago. Pauline has two grown-up stepsons, three grandchildren with one on the way and a daughter who is training to be a nurse. She first sensed a call to ordained ministry ten years ago and the journey has involved many ups and downs. Pauline has a particular interest in how we live out our life of faith in the whole of our lives and have completed a MA in Mission and the

Pauline Hart World of Work from Cliff College. She is looking forward to serving the communities in Alresford, Frating and Thorrington.

Mark Blakely Becontree South TM

MARK was brought up in Belfast where his family owned an hotel. There weren't many tourists in Northern Ireland in the 1980's but he loved talking to the journalists and intrepid visitors who stayed. His father was Church of Ireland and his mum is Presbyterian so he always had a mixture of church styles to experience. Mark read law at Wolverhampton and Chester before moving to London in 1999, practising as a solicitor in Woolwich and Sevenoaks then becoming a law lecturer. He is now the director of the law Masters programme at University College London. Leaving this all behind as he starts his fulltime curacy at Becontree South, Mark has been worshipping at St Botolph Without Aldgate in the City of London since he worked next door in 2003. Mark started to explore his call to priestly ministry in 2006 but really pursued it

Lesley McGlynn

Alex will join Witham Tea Alex Jeewan, Witham TM

AN only child, Alex was born in Stoke Newington in 1971 and, after his parents divorced, he moved to Swindon and then Harlow. He went to school at Fawbert and Barnard’s and Mark Hall, both in Old Harlow. He then moved on to Harlow College to do his A levels. While attending the University of East London he met his wife Caroline before obtaining a degree in Cultural Studies. Alex studied for a teaching qualification and taught in various primary schools in Barking and Dagenham for 14 years and worked in a school in Epping for four years. In 2001 they had their first son Thomas

and Ben followed in 2008. Having children developed his sense of love and parenthood. They lived in Epping and Elm Park, Hornchurch before moving to Cambridge for Alex to attend Westcott House theological college. His hobbies and interests include films, music of all varieties, and playing the guitar and badminton. He is an avid reader, enjoying both fiction and non-fiction. The family enjoy playing board games together, travelling and visiting new places. Alex had been going to a Baptist church since he was a child. His faith became important to him when he first went to university. He began to experience God’s call and

THE MONTH July 2015

d by Bishop Stephen in Chelmsford Cathedral

s of 2015

- Wanted Part-Time Christian Youth & Children’s Worker £11,000 PA

An exciting opportunity has opened for an experienced person to develop and lead a team to work with our Young people and Children to equip and enable them to be missionaries to their own generation. We would love to receive your application if you have a call and heart to develop a Youth Club, an after school’s children’s club and build on existing links and develop new relationships with the local schools. Part of this Leadership role also would be to oversee our Sunday school activities

Carol Newnham Becontree St Thomas

Mark Blakely seriously from 2010. Through his theological training at St Mellitus College Mark has also been worshipping at the UCL hospital chaplaincy and at Belvedere in north Kent. Mark hopes he will still have time to read novels, follow aviation and keep up with his Monday swimming club.

David Pierce Westcliff St Peter

DAVID was born, grew up, and until 15 years ago, lived in Birmingham. He has a brother, Stephen, who is a professional musician. He trained as a teacher at St John’s College, York, and taught in Birmingham. After nine years David left teaching and became part of the relatively-new IT industry. After 20 years in IT, he became IT manager for a firm in London which relocated to Essex. David worshipped at Holy Cross church, Felsted where he felt strongly that God was calling him, but was not sure what to. He completed the Course in Christian Studies, and then trained as a Reader. In 2003 he returned to teaching, and there met Susan. They married in 2008, set up home in Westcliff and started worshipping at St. Peter’s Westcliff. But God kept calling…

Olivia Maxfield-Coote

am Ministry

His hand on Alex's life and was encouraged by the Anglican university chaplain to draw closer to God. The family worshipped at various churches but in 2006 attended St John’s church. He says it was like coming home. It was there, he felt called to some kind of ministry and really felt God working on him. At St John’s he had the opportunity to lead lay services, teach Lent groups and be a youth group leader. He also volunteered at a local Christian-led youth centre. Alex, pictured right, says: "I didn’t see myself in ordained ministry at first and it wasn’t until my priest and other friends encouraged me to see what God might have in store for me that I took the plunge."

David Pierce

Lesley McGlynn Canvey Island Team Ministry

LESLEY was born and raised in Hackney, where at the age of 15 she met Doug, whom she then married in 1979 at St Mark’s Dalston. A year later they moved to Canvey Island and had two children, John and Mark. In 1988 Lesley began to worship regularly at St Nicholas Canvey, and soon began to sense God calling her to ministry. She completed the Course in Christian Studies, and went on to train as a Pastoral Assistant in 2005. Lesley was sent on placement to HMP Bullwood Hall in Hockley, where she worked for a further 18 months as a Pastoral Assistant after the placement finished. Lesley also worked alongside a hospital chaplain in a specialised care home for people suffering with late-stage dementia. By 2010 Lesley had a strong sense that God was calling her to ordination. After months of discernment, she trained part-time at St Mellitus College for three years. Lesley loves singing, and her favourite hobby is swimming.

CAROL is married to Gary and they have three sons, a daughter and seven grandchildren. She grew up in East London before moving to Dagenham and then to Chadwell Heath. Having left school with no qualifications, she did a variety of shop and office work before training as a primary teacher through the Access to BEd course. She attended Anglia Polytechnic University and then spent 17 years teaching in Barking and Dagenham before qualifying as a dyslexia teacher. Carol now tutors dyslexic students. Carol has worshipped at St Thomas, Becontree for 30 years and was involved in children’s ministry before becoming a Reader. Being called to the priesthood was a great surprise but, through a short illness, God gave her the time and space she needed to really listen to him and how he wanted her to serve him and her home parish in a new role.

This is a Part –Time initiative working 20 hours a week for initially three years. Funding already in place. Job description, Full Person Specification and Application Form available on request. Please contact the Church Office on: 01708555260 or email

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Cross Rhythms Direct.

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Olivia Maxfield-Coote Black Notley

OLIVIA was born and lived in Truro until moving to Penzance but has felt a strong call to serve in Essex since her time at St John the Baptist, Epping while spending a year exploring her vocation and six months employed as the Epping District team administrator. Olivia gained a BA in English and American Literature at Kent and an MA in Medieval History at UCL. She trained at Westcott House where she gained a Theology for Ministry degree from Jesus College with placements in Jesus College Chapel; St Mark’s Newnham; Littlehey Prison; St Ann’s Manchester and Ferrar House Retreat Centre. She spent her third year on extra placements around the world including India and New Zealand. Olivia's mother and father, originally from London and Epping respectively, still live in Cornwall while her younger brother is a herd manager in Ringwood.

St John & St Matthews Church of England Evangelical Church in South Hornchurch, Rainham, Essex

Check out thousands of amazing books and DVDs... Austin Uzoigwe, Mardyke Team Ministry Thurrock

AUSTIN was born and grew up in Aba in eastern Nigeria. He has three brothers and three sisters. In 1993 he went to study in the Ukraine. He first recognised the call to ordained ministry through active involvement as the Committee leader of Christian Businessmen International Kharkov Ukraine. In 1996 Austin left the Ukraine and moved to Holland where he worked as a logistics officer for the Mosaic Traders Aalsmeer before starting his own export business. He is married to Annette and they have three children. The family have worshipped at Christ Church, Amsterdam where Austin has exercised significant ministry as a member of the church council, youth leader, home group leader. He has helped to plant and lay-lead a new church plant in south-east Amsterdam Austin enjoys biking, jogging, walking, football, watching Arsenal, reading and cooking. Coming from Europe Diocese, Austin has been adopted into Chelmsford Diocese. He has trained for two years at the Queen's Foundation for Ecumenical Education in Birmingham and will serve as curate in the Mardyke Team Ministry Thurrock.

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OR CALL 01782 251000

There is none like you, O Lord, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

1Ch 17:20 (ESV)



THE MONTH July 2015

Life NOT Death For Bethlehem Youth

There is a concerning trend amongst Palestinian Arab youth. In just three years, the suicide rate in the Palestinian West Bank has risen by 400%!


hat’s more, statistics show the highest rate of suicide is among those aged just 18-25 - the very generation that Cross Rhythms, in partnership with people like you, are passionate to reach with a unique radio vision, Radio Hayah, now being set up in the Palestinian Territory of Bethlehem!

This is such an important work. Consider the youth of Bethlehem...They are growing up surrounded by war, terrorist ideology, poverty, unemployment, hopelessness, hatred and fear. As one young man declared: “I can’t live without hope and dreaming, but sometimes our life here makes us so depressed”. Young Palestinians face incredible obstacles that are daily bombarding their hearts and shaping their minds. What impact will this emerging generation have on that region? And they are not a small minority either. A staggering 48% of the Bethlehem population is under 18! What shapes a generation today, impacts the future of the world tomorrow! How can you and I help make a difference here? With Cross Rhythms you can. Here’s why... A huge key to influencing hearts and minds is through media. Even in the Middle East we see this, with the power Islamic State has through their use of the internet - drawing thousands of young people to their cause, even from out of our very own nation!

Recently, one youth worker in Bethlehem told us how so many young people have nothing to do but sit around in cafes consuming social media and the internet - vulnerable to the flood of media influence, voices and opinion that surges through those platforms, shaping the worldview of a generation. This generation, who will determine the future of their region and beyond, need to hear today, another voice through media! Media in the hands of those who carry a lifechanging message: of hope and a future; of peace and wholeness of heart; and of the love of a Father, who would reveal to them their purpose and identity in Him. And you can help empower this today!...

We already know how popular our Christian music is, through the response to our weekly show, Nagham El-Hayah, going out on an Arab FM station. The vision is really close now! Here are H and F recording those jingles...And below, J is drilling a hole for cables that link the main Radio Hayah studio to the computers on the other side.

base of the equipment that will launch Phase 1 of this new online radio station for Palestinian Arab youth! This equipment was actually ready last August, but processing it through so many departments and customs bodies took ages. But this year our mega box finally set sail for the Israeli port of Ashdod, cleared Israeli Customs and arrived at our base near Manger Square!

Then, significantly, this March, we celebrated the delivery to the Bethlehem

 In addition, to complete Phase 2 we also need to purchase the final equipment required for the live studio; complete the Arabic translations; and pay the annual fee for the Radio Hayah website. To deliver Phase 2 and make Radio Hayah ready for its official public launch, I need your support. This summer, to accomplish the above, we need to secure £8,788. Can you help towards this with a one-off special donation today?

voice of hope and life to the youth of Bethlehem, this water well reminds us of the scripture when Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink”! Please stand with us to offer ‘living water’ to a generation! You can donate by completing and returning the coupon below, OR you can give online today at, OR call us on 01782 251000. Thank you Jonathan Bellamy Cross Rhythms CEO

For F, B, I, H, J, and thousands in the emerging youth generation that we are yet to connect with, please, today, consider the youth of Bethlehem and work with us to impact young Arab lives. To the right is an amazing picture. It is the opening to a water well that sits right underneath the Radio Hayah broadcast studio! What a great reminder of the purpose of this work! As we push to establish a platform that will speak a It’s an exciting milestone. We’ve come a long way. And we are now ready to complete Phase 1! Over the next 6 months the Radio Hayah, 24 hour a day Christian music stream, will be set up, thoroughly tested and trialled and then integrated into the Radio Hayah website. At the same time work now begins on Phase 2 and this is where we need your help…

J himself is also translating hundreds of Christian music reviews and articles into Arabic for the new Radio Hayah website. Along with local writers and a bank of articles on life in Bethlehem, that Radio Hayah website is coming together now!

Bethlehem, and we need additional financial support to do this.

 Phase 2 involves training young Arab Christians to present and produce local content relevant for a Bethlehem audience. Right now a team of young people are volunteering for just that purpose. But we need to go and invest into them, to empower them to present the best radio station possible for their generation! To do that we need to send our radio production manager, IT Manager and myself to

‘Yes, I want to reach Bethlehem youth with Cross Rhythms!’


ow, wow! I never heard anything like this in Palestine!” So said one of the first young Arab listeners to the exciting new Radio Hayah sound we’ve been putting together - and he was only listening to the brand new jingles package!

I enclose a cheque/postal order (made payable to ‘Cross Rhythms’) Please debit this sum from my VISA/MASTERCARD/MAESTRO as a one off gift Card number Issue number_______ Expiry date_______ Please send me information on becoming a regular supporter of Cross Rhythms Bethlehem Please add me to the Cross Rhythms mailing list Name: Address: Postcode: E-mail:


Please cut out this form and post it to: Cross Rhythms, PO Box 1110, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 1XR. Alternatively you can call 01782 251000 to make a donation or go to


THE MONTH July 2015



month — What’s on near you in Essex & East London

Daily (until July 31) ● St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4JJ. ‘The Bridge’ is an East-West travelling art exhibition showcasing the work of 47 premier contemporary visual artists from 15 countries. Each artist has created one original work specifically for the exhibition focusing on what they hold in common through their cultures and creeds: Christian, Muslim and Jewish. ‘The Bridge’ is organised and curated by CARAVAN, an interreligious and intercultural peacebuilding NGO. Saturday-Sunday, June 20-21 ● St Anne & St Lawrence Church, Church Road, Elmstead Market. Friends of Elmstead Church Art Exhibition. Sat 10am-5.30pm: Sun noon-5pm. Refreshment available, including ploughman's lunches from noon-2pm (both days). ● St John's Church, Mount Bures CO8 5AS. 10am-4pm. Flower Festival. A chance to admire the old church and the charming level crossing of the Bures to Sudbury railway. Includes open garden, plant stall and opportunity to buy metal artwork and garden furniture. Treasure Hunt Nature Trail and fun activities for children. Scrumptious cakes, and homemade refreshments in the village hall with book stall, name the teddy, bric a brac and raffle. Guided talks on the history of St John Church, Bluegrass music and Morris Dancers! Songs of Praise service on Sunday evening at 5pm. Tel: Jan Hughes 01787 227649 or
 ● Holy Trinity Church, Hatfield Heath. Flower Festival with music, stalls and refreshments. Sat: 10-5pm and Sun 11-5pm in conjunction with the Hatfield Heath Midsummer Festival. Free entry and parking. Sunday, June 21 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm – Evensong. ● The Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 2-5.30pm. Sunday afternoon teas. Come and enjoy home-made cake, tea/coffee in the tranquillity of Epping Forest. Puddings for Father's Day will be on sale and there will also be two walk in concerts at 2.30 and 4.00 which are free with a retiring collection. Please contact Revd Gill Hopkins 01992 760492 for further details. ● Writtle Gardens Open Day. Noon-6pm. Opening on The Green at 12 noon by our Patron The Lord Petre, Lord Lieutenant of Essex. 20 Village Gardens open, Children’s Scarecrow competition. Refreshments available around the village, Extra parking at Writtle College’s Lordship Road car park and Brewhouse Hoppit (behind Co-op). Admission by programme: £4 per person on the day from The Green. Accompanied children under 16 free No dogs please. Writtle Gardens Open Day is organised by The Friends of Writtle Parish Church, a charity that raises funds to help maintain the fabric of All Saints. Information: Jean Pinkney 01245 421503, Peter Pegg 01245 420200, Sue Field 01245 423176. ● The Friends of St Lawrence Church Bradfield CO11 2US. 11am-5pm. Gardens Open Day” 10+ gardens open to visit, Refreshments and lunches available, Cakes and plants stalls. Admission by programme available from the village shop in advance and also on the day at St Lawrence Church. Adults £3 each with accompanied children free. Telephone 01255 870681 for further details. June 22 and Mondays in June & july ● St Stephen Walbrook London EC4N 8BN. Jonathan Evens and the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields will present a lunchtime series of themed services at during June and July. A new theme will be explored each Monday from 1.10-1.50pm, including music by Tallis, Hogan and Whitbourn, and readings from the Bible, Brother Lawrence, Ernesto Cardenal, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and W H Davies. The programme: 15 June – Faith; 22 June – Home; 29 June – Love; 6 July – Work; 13 July – Imagination; 20 July – Leisure; 27 July – Beauty. The series will reflect the recent Guildhall Art Gallery re-hang with a guided tour on 21 July at 1.10pm. Meet in the main entrance of the Guildhall Art Gallery. St Mellitus College, Collingham Road, London. Doors open 6.45pm; Lecture 7.15pm. The McDonald Lecture Series 2015. The Future of African Christianity and its Relevance to the West. Lamin Sanneh, Professor of Missions & World Christianity, Yale University. Admission free. @stmellitus Tuesday, June 23 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. ● The Julian Meeting. St James the Less, High Street, Hadleigh, Essex. 2pm. Contemplative prayer introduced with words and music. Wednesday, June 24 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/ coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● St John’s Church, Stratford E15. 1.10-1.50. Concert by St Francis School Choir. Free entry. Retiring collection. Visit St John’s website Thursday, June 25 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. Annual Meeting with entertainment and supper. Resumes September 24 after summer break. ● St Laurence, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster. 1.50pm. Lunchtime Recital by Richard Brasier. Free admission. retiring collection. Friday, June 26 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by the Choir of Christchurch Cathedral, New Zealand. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own. ● St Thomas of Canterbury, Brentwood. 1-1.45pm. Lunchtime Live! With Tim Smith (piano). Admission free Retiring collection. For further details: 01277 218121. Saturday-Saturday, June 27-July 11 ● St Mary’s Church / All Saints Church, Maldon. The Maldon Festival 2015. Tickets from Maldon Tourist Office information centre: 01621 856503. Full details www. Saturday-Sunday, June 27-29 ● St. Peter's church, Aldborough Road North, Aldborough Hatch IG2 7QN. Flower Festival 2015 Theme: Two of a Kind. Sat: Church open 10am-6pm; Craft Market 10am-5pm. Refreshments 10am-5pm (including hot and cold drinks, salad lunches, strawberries and cream teas). 11am St Barnabas Band on the Green; Robert Pyatt at the keyboard on the Green at 1pm; ‘Bells Aloud’ bellringers from St Margaret’s, Barking on the Green at 2pm; Choral Music The combined choirs of local churches will give a recital in Church at 3pm; The Palmerstone Stage School Dancers on the Green at 4pm; Service of Compline in the Church at 6pm. Sun: Service of Holy Communion in the Church at 9am; Church 10am-6pm; Craft Market 10am-5pm. Refreshments

available from 10am-4.30pm; The Palmerstone Stage School Dancers on the Green at 2pm; Choral Music The combined choirs of local churches will give a recital in Church at 3pm. Mon: Church open 10am-6pm. Saturday-Sunday, June 27-28 ● St Mary’s church, Church Lane, Sheering. Flower Festival. Sat: 11am-5pm Sun: noon-5pm. Stalls include local produce, homemade cakes, books, a tombola. Refreshments available. Celebration services Sunday 11am and 6pm. ● St Margaret’s church, Castledon Road, Downham. Summer Fete and Flower Festival. Stalls, games, refreshments and entertainments outside. Sat: 1-5pm. Sun: 11am Flower Festival Sung Eucharist; 2.00pm Flower Festival and Cream Teas. See our Facebook page for more details Saturday, June 27 ● St Mary Magdalene, Great Burstead. 11am. Church fete in the grounds of a medieval church once used by the pilgrim fathers. There will be an entertaining programme of arena events, activities to suit all ages, displays in the Hall and a wide variety of stalls and refreshments to please all tastes. Free Entry, Free Parking, Prize Draws. Proceeds from the church fete go towards maintaining the landmark medieval building. Any enquiries to ● St Mary’s Church, 207, High Road, South Woodford. 7.30pm. Concert by Valentine Singers with Conductor: Christine Gwynn and Pianist: Tim Smith. 1215 and all that ~ musings on the Magna Carta. Featuring Gilbert & Sullivan; Trial by Jury and Vaughan Williams In Windsor Forest. Box Office 020 8550 4657 Tickets: £12 / £7 (students and benefit holders) £14 / £9 on the door. Available online from www. or from Mayfair Stationers, 80, High St, Barkingside or contact us at Sunday, June 28 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm – Evensong. ● The Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 2-5.30pm. Sunday afternoon teas. Come and enjoy home-made cake, tea/coffee in the tranquillity of Epping Forest. Please contact Revd Gill Hopkins 01992 760492 for further details. ● St John’s Church, Stratford E15. 5pm. Organ recital by Geoff Hobbs. Free entry. Retiring collection. Visit St John’s website ● All Saints Church, Ashdon. 2-5pm. Open Garden & Quiet Trail. Tickets £5 - Children are free. Refreshment and lunches are available. Visit Beeches the plant nursery & Ashdon Museum. Contact Helen for details 01799 584339. Monday, June 29 ● St Mellitus College, St Judes, Collingham Road, London SW5 0LX. 6.30pm. Young vocations evening, of interest to those, including clergy and those who work with young people who may be exploring a vocation to ordained ministry. This is a free event from CPAS, Diocese of London and St Mellitus College. RSVP Tuesday, June 30 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. Wednesday, July 1 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/ coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. 1-3pm. Café Theology. Meet at the Food Court. ● St John’s church, Stratford E15. 1.10-1.50. Concert by Maryland School Choir. Free entry. Retiring collection. Visit St John’s website Thursday, July 2 ● Chelmsford Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am. Mothers Union Corporate Communion in St Cedd’s Chapel. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 8pm. Mothers’ Union Evening Section meets in St Cedd’s Hall. Friday, July 3 ● Chelmsford Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Cappella Musicale Corradiana Cathedral choir from Italy. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. ● St Mary Magdalene, Great Burstead. Summer Concert. Any enquiries to ● St Mary’s Church, Wivenhoe. 8pm. Roman River Summer Festival. Music by Schubert & Beethoven. Mia Cooper violin - Orlando Jopling cello - Joseph Middleton piano. Tickets £15: at the door or online www. Saturday, July 4 ● Bradwell Pilgrimage — see Page 2. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am-12 noon. Cathedral Coffee Morning in the Chapter House. Come and enjoy fresh coffee, home-made scones and a bring & buy. ● All Saints, Little Totham village fete. 1pm on the Little Common in The Street(CM9 8JQ). Country fete with live music, plenty of food, beer tent, games and pony rides. For more information contact Lorna Key on 01621 891667. ● Walcotts Hall, Great Tey, CO6 1AH. 2pm. Great & Little Tey Church Summer Fete being opened by Archdeacon Robin King. Enjoy a traditional summer fete in a beautiful garden with refreshments, cakes, stalls, games & swimming for children. For more details contact Mrs Freda King on 01206 211056. Parking is available. ● St Mary the Virgin, Kelvedon. 3pm. Join Alice, the Mad Hatter, and the White Rabbit for the summer fete celebrating 150 years of Alice in Wonderland.All the usual stalls, raffles and tombolas plus a Wonderland of games as well as beer tent, barbecue and Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Contact Simon Prideaux (01376 571436) for more information. ● St Mary’s Rectory Garden, 44 Belle Vue Road, Wivenhoe. 6pm. St Benedict’s College Orchestra and Choir. A variety of music from their Italian tour. Tickets £6 – children free: by phone 822987 or 825724 or at the gate ● St. Andrew’s Church, Althorne. 7.30pm. Music for a Summer’s Evening. Favourite tunes on the organ, singing & poems £5. Tickets 01621 740481 including glass of wine & nibbles. In aid of organ repair. ● St. Leonard's Church, Lexden Road, Colchester. CO3 4BL. 11am-2.30pm. The Summer Fete. Traditional stalls, games and attractions, including the Smoothie Bike, Crockery Smashing and Bouncy Castle. Entertainment will include the brass band, 1st Class Brass, and the Spectrum Majorettes from Langenhoe, as a nod to our American cousins for Independence Day. There will be a Real Ale bar plus lunches and teas served at the back of the church. ● Liston Church (1m west of Long Melford). 8pm. The King's Men (Choral & Organ Scholars from King's College, Cambridge), present MidSummer Magical Music - an entertaining mix of close harmonies from Byrd to The Beach

Boys, via Durufle & Jackson 5! Tickets (£20 & £10 (under 16's), inclusive of interval wine & canapes from Ian McMillan ( Sunday, July 5 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm – Evensong. ● Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 2-5.30pm. Sunday afternoon teas. Come and enjoy home-made cake, tea/coffee in the tranquillity of Epping Forest. 3pm. Concert by the Woodford Ladies Choir. Please contact Revd Gill Hopkins 01992 760492 for further details. ● St Nicholas, South Ockendon. 2-4pm. Grade I listed, masonry architecture from c. 1180 Open day. Refreshments available. Historical information display changing each month. Free [Sundays] commuter car park two minutes away. ● The Chapel of St Peter-On-The-Wall, Bradwell-on-Sea. 3pm. Lynne Creasey, renowned local harpist, will present a concert of harp music with afternoon Tea. Admission £15 by ticket only. Tickets available from: Revd Brigid Main 01621 776438 email: All proceeds to the Chapel Restoration Fund A place where the distance between heaven and earth is tissue thin. A Festival of Pilgrimage Revd Brigid Main with Lynne Creasey will share their experience of pilgrimage. ● St Mary’s Church, Wivenhoe. 7.30pm. Summer Canticles, choral concert by St Mary’s Singers. Missa Cellensis ‘Mass for Mariazell’ by Joseph Haydn. Free – retiring collection. Monday, July 6 ● St Stephen Walbrook, London EC4N 8BN. Jonathan Evens and the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields will present a lunchtime series of themed services at during June and July. See June 22 entry. Tuesday, July 7 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. ● Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 11am-12.30pm. Coffee Morning in the church in association with Ashbrook Court. ● St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell-on-Sea. 10am-4pm. Singing Day led by Laurie & Revd Brigid Main - Cost £15 including lunch and refreshments. For further information please contact Revd Brigid Main tel: 01621 776438. email: - Wednesday, July 8 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/ coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● St John’s Church, Stratford E15. 1.10-1.50. Concert by Elizabeth Bass, Harp. Free Entry. Retiring Collection. Visit St. John’s website Thursday, July 9 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 2pm. Mothers' Union Afternoon Section meet in St Cedd’s Hall. Friday, July 10 ● Quiz Evening: St James the Less, John H. Burrows Recreation Ground, Rectory Road, Hadleigh. 7.30pm. In aid of the Friend of St James the Less. Tickets: £5. Bring your own refreshments. Saturday, July 11 ● The Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 7pm. Concert by Chingford Ladies Choir. Tickets £10 with light refreshments from Jane Begley 07572 111387 or or on the door. ● St Luke’s, Tiptree CO5 0SU. 7.30pm. A Summer Serenade from Tiptree Choral Society. Conductor, Malcolm Boulter has put together yet another wonderful programme including a selection of jazz classics, a Beatles Medley, the theme from the Vicar of Dibley and much more. There will be another chance to hear Malcolm and Graham sing the duet from The Pearl Fishers. Accompanying us will be David Leveridge. Tickets £10: children free. Tel: 01206 734625. ● St John's, Epping. 7.30pm. Epping Church Choirs Association Summer Concert Conducted by Simon Winters Accompanied by Matthew Jorysz. Admission free, programmes £2.50. Retiring collection. ● Ilford Hospital Chapel Open Day. 10-noon. Come and visit the oldest building in Ilford. Free entry and free guided tours all day. Stalls including souvenirs, greetings cards, CDs, DVDs, Books, White Elephant. Light refreshments available all day. On Ilford Hill, just past NatWest Bank on the corner. ● Tarpots Recreation Ground, Thundersley. Noon-5pm. Community Picnic with St George's Church, Branching out in community spirit. A great family day out: Picnic area, drinks and cakes, Inflatable fun, Kids corner and much more... Sunday, July 12 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm – Evensong. ● The Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 2-5.30pm. Sunday afternoon teas. Come and enjoy home-made cake, tea/coffee in the tranquillity of Epping Forest. During teas, Stephen Fellowes will be entertaining everyone with storytelling. Please contact Revd Gill Hopkins 01992 760492 for further details. ● Emmanuel Church, Laindon Road, Billericay. 6.30pm. Event organised under 'Churches together in Billericay' at which Revd Canon Andrew White, also dubbed the 'Vicar of Baghdad', will speak. ● Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell-on-Sea. 6.30pm. Summer Sunday Evening Services at the place where the land meets the sea and the sky comes close. A place where the distance between heaven and earth is tissue thin. A Festival of Pilgrimage: Ven Martin Webster, Archdeacon of Harlow, will share his experience of pilgrimage. ● Holy Trinity Church, Southchurch Boulevard, Southend. 7.30pm. The Choral Scholars from St Martin in the Fields & instrumentalists present an evening of baroque music, including Scarlatti – Stabat Mater; Monteverdi – Beatus Vir; Pergolesi – Stabat Mater. Tickets 01702 303628. ● St Leonard's Church, Southminster. 4-6pm. Music for a Summer Afternoon. A variety of musical styles with vocalists, pianists and organists. Organiser David Felstead is celebrating 66 years of organ-playing, much in the diocese. Light refreshments will be available. Admission £6 - but additional donations will be appreciated. Proceeds are in aid of the church organ fund (for rebuilding the swell organ). Full details on Monday, July 13 ● St Stephen Walbrook, London EC4N 8BN. Jonathan Evens and the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields will present a lunchtime series of themed services at during June and July. See June 22 entry. Tuesday, July 14 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. Wednesday, July 15 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/ coffee and cakes. All welcome.

● St Peter’s, Harold Wood. 8pm. Chelmsford Cathedral Theological Society. ● St John’s Church, Stratford E15. 1.10-1.50. Concert by Cynthia Hall, organ. Free entry. Retiring collection. Visit St John’s website Saturday, July 18 ● St Mary’s Church, High Easter (postcode CM1 4QW). The July walk in the series planned by the Deanery of Dunmow and Stansted for 2015 will be hosted by the Great Dunmow benefice. Walkers meet at 9am at the churches where parking will be available and walk for about 1¼ hours, returning to the church for refreshments. This is followed by a short time for prayer from about 10.30am to 11am. People not wanting to walk will be most welcome to join in with refreshments at 10.15am. Everyone will be most welcome and may certainly bring dogs with them. Contact Caroline Abbott on 01371 875753 e-mail ● Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 7pm. Concert by Davanant Community Choir tickets £10 to include light refreshments from Jane Begley 07572 111387 or or on the door. ● Church Hall, Althorne CM3 6BY. 2pm. ‘Trash & Treasure’. Tea, coffee, cakes. Details: 01621 773162. In aid of hall funds. ● Christ Church Southchurch, Colbert Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Southend-on-Sea. 11am-4pm. Fun for all the family! Bouncy castle and games. Stalls. Refreshments. Live entertainment. Free admission. ● Gig in the garden: The Rectory, 40 Laindon Rd, Billericay. 6pm. The High Voltage Big Band will entertain with an evening of great swing, soul, classics and a few surprises along the way, finishing with a 'Last Night of the Prom's' set so you'll need to bring your Union Jacks, bunting etc. Don't forget to bring a picnic, drinks, something to sit on (no tables, please) and something warm to wear! Tickets are £5 (under 12's free) and any proceeds will go to a charitable cause. You can send a SAE with a cheque made payable to Emmanuel DCC to Revd Paul Carr, the Rectory, 40 Laindon Road, Billericay, CM12 9LD. More information: Sunday, July 19 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm – Evensong. ● Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach, IG10 4BF. 2-5.30pm. Sunday afternoon teas. Come and enjoy home-made cake, tea/coffee in the tranquillity of Epping Forest. During teas there will be two walk in concerts at 2.30 and 4.00 pm which are free with a retiring collection. Please contact Revd Gill Hopkins 01992 760492 for further details. ● Little Totham. 3pm. Concert on the Common. Weather permitting revel in the sounds of Maldon Orchestra en plein air with a cream tea during the interval. £3 donation. If wet in the adjacent Little Totham Evangelical Church hall. The Street, Little Totham, CM9 8JQ. ● Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell-on-Sea. 6.30pm. Summer Sunday Evening Services at the place where the land meets the sea and the sky comes close. A place where the distance between heaven and earth is tissue thin. A Festival of Pilgrimage: Rt Revd Peter Hill, Bishop of Barking, will share his experience of pilgrimage. Monday, July 20 ● St Stephen Walbrook, London EC4N 8BN. Jonathan Evens and the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields will present a lunchtime series of themed services at during June and July. See June 22 entry. Tuesday, July 21 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. Wednesday, July 22 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/ coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● St John’s Church, Stratford E15. 1.10-1.50. Concert by Dr Jane Gamble, organ. Free entry. Retiring collection. Visit St John’s website Thursday, July 23 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. Resumes 24th Sept 2015. Sunday, July 26 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm – Evensong. ● Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell-on-Sea. 6.30pm. Summer Sunday Evening Services at the place where the the distance between heaven and earth is tissue thin. A Festival of Pilgrimage Revd Marion Walford, Team Vicar, Canvey Island will share her experience of pilgrimage. Monday, July 27 ● St Stephen Walbrook, London EC4N 8BN. Jonathan Evens and the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields will present a lunchtime series of themed services at during June and July. See June 22 entry. Tuesday, July 28 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. ● The Julian Meeting. St James the Less, High St, Hadleigh. 2pm. Contemplative prayer introduced with words and music. Wednsday, July 29 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/ coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● St John’s Church, Stratford E15. 1.10-1.50. Concert by Suyeong Jang, soprano. Free entry. Retiring collection. Visit St. John’s website Friday, July 31 ● St Thomas of Canterbury, Brentwood. 1-1.45pm. Lunchtime Live! With musicians from St Thomas’ Church. Retiring collection. For further details: 01277 218121. Dance training audition dates ● elevate dance company apprenticeship scheme auditions. The apprenticeship scheme offers the unique opportunity of intensive dance training within a Christian context in which participants learn from the extensive experience of a professional touring Christian dance company. Springs Dance Company is now accepting applications for its apprenticeship scheme. For further information and dates please contact or find more details on Springs’ website. Afternoon teas every Sunday ● All Saints' church, Epping Upland. Every Sunday up to and including October 25. Come and enjoy the lovely rural setting and fantastic views. A warm welcome and a fine selection of homemade cakes await you and tea and coffee. August 2015 diary deadline ● Forward details to Sarah Newman, internalcomms@, 01245 294443 by July 1 for inclusion in The Month and on the diocesan website. Latest events ● You can find the latest events online at www.


THE MONTH July 2015

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THE MONTH July 2015


month — Developing teaching skills in maths and science

St Luke's staff build on Ethiopian experiences

Bethany School pupils enjoy a science lesson. Cover picture: Mohamed, one of four sponsored children, at home with gifts from St Luke's


Rowan praises church friends

WARM applause greeted Dr Rowan Williams (above) after the former Archbishop of Canterbury had delivered the third annual Gepp Lecture for the Friends of Essex Churches Trust in Chelmsford Cathedral on May 13. Extoling the virtues of friends of churches organisations, Dr Williams highlighted four of his favourite churches - his home church in Oystermouth, South Wales; a delapidated cinema in Zimbabwe; the rebuilt Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow; and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jersusalem. Bishop Stephen gave a vote of thanks after Dr Williams had answered questions.

Worship & Prayer at Chelmsford Cathedral

A warm welcome to your cathedral, serving Essex and east London Sunday

8.00am 9.30am 11.15am 3.30pm

12.00pm 5.15pm

James Jennings added: "I know that my experience in Ethiopia has changed me as a teacher. "I bring a great deal of experience back to St Luke’s as much as sharing resources and teacher knowledge with the Bekoji teachers. "It has been a very good training experience for everyone on our team." Meanwhile Shirley Cole and Carol Owen worked alongside and supported the teachers and also worked in the Bekoji Nursery classes. Carol said: "What I saw humbled me. I have seen poverty in the Caribbean but the poverty and need in Bekoji made me appreciate how much we have in the west and how much the Lord has blessed us in our homes and families here." Shirley added: "This is my

Morning Prayer Holy Communion

(also Weds at 12.35 and Thurs at 10am)

Midday Prayer Evensong

(sung on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri)

second visit to Bekoji and I really felt I was making a real difference to the lives of others. "We have so much here in the west and it’s good to be reminded of our wealth. "We will use our Ethiopian experience to support this year’s environment week at St Luke’s where we will be looking at sustainable energy and climate change." The information brought back to the Canning Town school has greatly enriched the school’s curriculum and led to an exciting environment week where the pupils and staff have been comparing our energy use and recycling practice with that of Ethiopia where they are way ahead of us in solar power and wind farms. The St Luke's team attended worship at the local church, taking

greetings from the Kelvedon Hatch Benefice churches and a signed card of greetings from St. Nicolas, Kelvedon Hatch which was presented during a morning service. Feedback from the Bethany School teaching staff was positive with comments including "The whole experience has been a great help" and "I have learnt a lot that will improve my teaching." Theresa Aanonson, Headteacher of St Luke's, said: "Our partnership with Bethany School has proved to be a productive two-way experience with our pupils learning a great deal about a different cultural and social setting and providing a real stimulus to writing opportunities. "It has certainly not just about us sharing our expertise and resources."

Rogation service get-together

MEMBERS of the congregations of St Thomas Bradwell and St Lawrence Newland came together on Sunday, May 10 to share in the annual rogation service. Starting from Bradwell church, members, led by Archdeacon David Lowman, processed from Bradwell via West Newlands Farm (pictured left). Archdeacon David would have liked to have tried out the 240hp John Deere tractor but time did not allow. The service ended at St Lawrence Church Centre with a Christian Aid soup and cheese lunch.

Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Choral Eucharist Evensong

Daily Services 7.45am 8.15am

CANNING Town's St Luke’s CofE Primary School has sent a second team of four staff to work alongside teachers in their partnership school in Ethiopia. St Luke’s works closely with the charity Standbyme based in Chadwell Heath, who seek to share the Gospel message across the world through children’s relief and education projects. Bethany School at Bekoji in Ethiopia hosted a team from St. Luke’s two years ago and a second St Luke’s team went out at Easter to visit the four children they have sponsored for the last five years and also to work alongside the teachers in the school; providing resources, team teaching and teacher training. James Jennings and Geoff Aanonson, teachers from St. Luke’s, focused on developing teaching skills in maths and science. Both teachers worked closely with the Ethiopian teachers in their classes and then led staff training sessions in the evenings. The team took out science resources and demonstrated how these could be used in practical science lessons. The team visited another local school as part of a fact finding project in preparation for advising on the building of a new science laboratory at Bethany School to improve the quality of science teaching further. Geoff Aanonson said: "I feel privileged to be part of the work at Bethany School. "The teachers were very receptive to strategies to improve the quality of provision and I think there are many opportunities to use the new science laboratory and practical equipment to improve pupils’ experiences and standards."

Change lives of vulnerable children BY KAREN O’CONNOR AS we look forward to longer days and kids get excited about the holidays, thousands of children in the UK face desperate situations. For them summertime won't be a happy time. The work of The Children’s Society leads the way in helping children and keeping them safe from harm. That’s something worth celebrating. You can celebrate through:

● Prayers: The society's 70 projects wouldn’t

make such a difference to children without prayer. Why not commit to praying for children at risk and help The Children’s Society be even more effective? Sign up to our prayer email and keep up-to-date with our worship resources. ● In your church: Many congregations already do so much to help vulnerable children, so why

not hold a service of celebration? It’s a great opportunity to celebrate those who work hard to change children’s lives. ● Visit for more information or contact Karen O’Connor, Regional Manager karen.o’connor@ or by phone: 01245 491030, for more information about our summer of celebration.

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