The Month July 2017

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July 2017




In My View By Rt Revd John Wraw, Bishop of Bradwell THE sight must have been truly awesome, mysterious, terrifying

It would happen just once a

charismatic worship or the

The Temple marked a dim

year, a strange enigmatic figure

challenge and assurance rooted

reflection of heaven on earth –

taking form in the darkness of

in an evangelical gathering

the ordered lines, the carefully

that most holy of places

around the Scriptures.

delineated hierarchy of

forbidden to everyone on pain of death. The picture is very different

None of those experiences is

courtyards leading the

exclusive to any one tradition,

worshipper from themselves to

but none either captures the

an encounter with the living God.

even as the High Priest

from the worship we

awe, the majesty of the temple

emerged from the Holy of

experience Sunday by Sunday

worship which we just glimpse

Holies, the very heart of the

whether the beauty of a Roman

through the pages of the Old

seen as us – frail, anxious,

temple complex.

Catholic mass, the intimacy in



Bishop visits air ambulance: Turn to Page3

Traditionally this has been

Up, up and away

Diocese welcomes Vanessa Herrick as Harlow's new Archdeacon

CBE recognition for Ronald Blythe in The Queen's birthday honours awards

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Page 3

■ The Class of 2017 — this year's Ordinands introduce themselves: Centre Pages


THE MONTH July 2017


month: 'Creative and inspiring teacher' returns to the East

Vanessa Herrick is the new Archdeacon of Harlow THE new Archdeacon of Harlow is Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick who will bring huge experience of mission and ministry. Currently Rector of Wimborne Minster & the Northern Villages in the Diocese of Salisbury, Vanessa will begin her ministry in the Diocese of Chelmsford in September 2017. She succeeds the Venerable Martin Webster who retired in March 2017.

BRINGING HUGE EXPERENCE TO HER NEW JOB: Vanessa Herrick will be Admiited to the role of Atchdeacon of Harlow on September 24

MATT SECONDED AS CHAPLAIN REVD Matt Simpkins (right) has been appointed as Chaplain to the Bishop of Chelmsford from September 1. Stephen Cottrell, the Bishop of Chelmsford, said: "I am delighted to be making this announcement. "Matt has been working with me for one day a week since February and has shown himself to be a wise, prayerful and resourceful colleague. "It will be great to have him as part of the team at Bishopscourt." Matt will be seconded to the role of Chaplain for 60 per cent of the time from the Wickford team ministry where he will continue as Assistant Curate. He succeeds Leslie Rogers who resigned in January 2017 on his move to the Isle of Wight.

The Month, incorporating NB and East Window, is the free circulation newspaper of Church of England in Essex and East London (Diocese of Chelmsford). www.chelmsford. ● Find Chelmsford Diocese on Twitter @chelmsdio ● Find Bishop Stephen on Twitter @cottrellstephen ● Subscribe to our YouTube channel ● Like us on Facebook: www. ● Like our Ask an Archdeacon Facebook askanarchdeacon ● View our photostream on Flickr www.

editorial Editor: Jon Longman Editorial and photographs for The Month should be sent to: or Jon Longman, The Month, 1 Bouchiers Place, Messing, Colchester CO5 9TY. Tel: 01621 810530. Mobile: 07860 769906 ● Digital photographs for publication: Please take pictures at largest size,

resolution and compression. Hi-res JPGs or Tiffs should be re-sized to min 7x5in at 300dpi with no layers or sharpening. Captions, your name and contact details should be embedded in the 'File Info' section if possible. If e-mailing many shots, send only 72dpi initially at max size of 8x6in. When submitting photos please confirm that written consent has been obtained from parents / guardians of children under age 16 for publication of photos publicising church activities in The Month. ● The inclusion of an advertisement should not be taken as implying endorsement of the objects of the advertiser by the diocese.

advertising Please contact: Glenda Charitos, Cornerstone Vision, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell,Plymouth, Devon PL3 4PY. Tel: 01752 225623. Fax: 01752 673441. e-mail:

distribution For distribution contact: Tel: 01245 294443. Your newspaper will normally be available from the third Sunday in the month. Any further changes will be advised to distributors.

'I look forward to gettting to know the diverse peoples of the Archdeaconry'

An Archdeacon is responsible for the administration of an Archdeaconry which is a part of an Episcopal Area and comprises a number of Deaneries. Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, the Bishop of Chelmsford said: “Vanessa will bring huge experience of mission and ministry to her work as Archdeacon of Harlow. 'She is a creative and inspiring teacher and pastor who will bring blessing and energy to the churches of the Harlow Archdeaconry and to the whole diocese. I am delighted to be welcoming her to the good ship Chelmsford.” Vanessa thanked Bishop Stephen for his words of

encouragement and added: “I am excited to be taking up my appointment at this time of change and development in mission and ministry in the Diocese of Chelmsford. "I particularly look forward to getting to know the diverse peoples and communities of the Harlow Archdeaconry and to working alongside Bishop Peter and his team in the Barking Area.” Welcoming the appointment, Rt Revd Peter Hill, the Area Bishop of Barking said: "We very much look forward to welcoming Vanessa Herrick into the Barking Area leadership team as Archdeacon of Harlow. "She is a gifted pastor-teacher who will bring Godly wisdom and discernment to the role of archdeacon. "Vanessa has guided and taught ordinands, laity and clergy in a wide range of diocesan and theological settings, equipping God’s people to minister in contemporary society. "I know we will reap the benefits of Vanessa’s leadership and ministry, both in the archdeaconry and much further afield in East London and Essex." Rt Revd Nicholas Holtam, the Bishop of Salisbury, said: "I am delighted by her appointment. “Vanessa is an able, holy and creative priest with considerable experience to

bring to the post of Archdeacon. "Before becoming Rector of Wimborne Minster, Vanessa was a diocesan Director of Ministry. "She is a very natural educator who thinks and writes clearly. "She is wise, strategic and determined, whilst being very human and caring, just the sort of qualities that will make her a good Archdeacon." Vanessa has been Rector of Wimborne Minster since 2012 and of the Minster and the Northern Villages since 2015. Before that she served as Director of Ministry and Director of Ordinands for the Diocese of Ely. She has also worked in two cathedrals, been a university chaplain and has taught theology in Cambridge.

'Vanessa is a very natural educator who thinks and writes clearly'

She is married to David (who is also ordained) and has two grown up sons and two grandchildren. She enjoys music and the arts, long distance walking, baking bread and watching rugby and cricket. Vanessa will be ‘Collated and Installed’ at a special service in Chelmsford Cathedral on Sunday, September 24 (3pm).

FUNKY HARLOW: The award-winning Funky Voices choir delighted the audience at the Heart 4 Harlow church-community festival in May. Picture: Robert Finlay.

Tim joins Church Army THE Church Army has appointed a new Director of Research, currently the Church of England’s Head of Ministry Development, Dr Tim Ling. This follows the announcement that George Lings, who has led Church Army’s Research Unit for 20 years, will be retiring in September. Tim said: “I’m very much looking forward to working with the Church Army team, and thinking about how we may build on George’s compelling legacy.

"We cannot pause in our paying attention to how God is active in mission, particularly through the voices from ‘the edge’, which is one of the gifts that the Church Army brings to the wider Church.” In his current role, Tim oversees research work and has been responsible for the development, implementation and review of national policy relating to continuing ministerial development. Tim will be commencing his new role for Church Army in October.

THE MONTH July 2017


month — Popular author in Queen's Birthday honours

CBE for Ronald

By Revd JOHN CHANDLER, Priest in Charge of Wormingford St Andrew & Mount Bures St John the Baptist with Little Horkesley St Peter & St Paul CANON Dr Ronald Blythe MA, Reader in the Benefice of Wormingford and Mount Bures with Little Horkesley and member of the Order of St Cedd, has been awarded the CBE (Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in the 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. His services to literature include Akenfield: Portrait of an English Village, his work for Penguin English Library as editor of classics by many authors including Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy, and his long-running Church Times column Word from Wormingford from which he retired in May this year. Ronald, now 94, was born in Suffolk and is a Lay Canon of St. Edmundsbury Cathedral, and his CBE joins six Honorary Doctorates and many other prizes and honours marking a writing career which has spanned 80 years. He spent 10 years as a librarian in Colchester, through which he met the artist John Nash, and he also speaks fondly of his friendships with E M Forster and Benjamin Britten among many literary and musical greats. His gentle faith has been a constant thread through his life and writings, and as Reader he has led services in the Benefice each week for over 40 years. "I recall one Bishop imploring me to become ordained," he says. "He thought

it would complete my ministry – but my writing is my vocation, and my faith inhabits my pages." Ronald still lives in his isolated cottage at the end of an Anglo-Saxon farm track in the beautiful Stour Valley on the Essex-Suffolk border, surrounded by the garden, fields and river which have become so well-known to his readers. The Bishop of Colchester, Rt Revd Roger Morris, says: "We are so blessed to have Ronald as a minister in our diocese. His faith and his words span the globe, and his gentle character continues to enrich the Church and the community. I am delighted that he has received this great honour." ● All of Ronald Blythe’s past Church Times articles are published in book form by Canterbury Press: Word from Wormingford: A parish year (£9.99); Out of the Valley (£9.99)*; Borderland (£10.99); A Year at Bottengoms Farm (£8.99); River Diary (£12.99, hardback)*; The Bookman’s Tale (£12.99); Village Hours (£14.99, hardback)*; Under a Broad Sky (£14.99, hardback)*; In the Artist’s Garden (£14.99, hardback)*; Stour Seasons (£14.99, hardback)*. In addition, there are his reflections on old age, The View in Winter (£14.99). A final compilation of his weekly columns is currently in preparation at the Church Times. *Available from the Chelmsford Christian Bookshop at a discount of ten per cent. Tel: 01245 294405. Email bookshop@chelmsford.


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CBE HONOUR: Ronald Blythe

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Bishop Stephen praises air ambulance life savers THE Bishop of Chelmsford stopped off at the Essex & Hertfordshire Air Ambulance Charity’s Earls Colne visitor’s centre to meet the air crew. The Bishop’s Rogation Sunday missionary journey took place on May 14 and engaged with the activity of the parish. After a service led by Revd Janet Nicholls at Black Notley, Bishop Stephen and walkers made their way through Braintree,

Bocking and Gosfield to the Earls Colne visitors' centre for Essex & Herts Air Ambulance (above). After being introduced to the charity’s mission statements, Bishop Stephen and other walkers were given a tour of the air ambulance helicopter by critical care paramedic Erica Ley, pre-hospital care doctor Dominic Rayment, pilot Mark Holmes and co-pilot Will Hordley.

Bishop Stephen said: “On behalf of the people of Essex, I’d like to thank the crew for the life-saving work they do. I know that people across the county feel that they’re in safe hands with Essex & Herts Air Ambulance watching out for them.” Critical care paramedic Erica Ley said: “It was a pleasure to be part of Bishop Stephen’s Rogation Sunday walk. It’s really

beneficial for us to meet members of the public and continue to spread the word about the fundraising work we need to do to keep the charity operational. The Rogation journey concluded at The Lion in Earls Colne. ● To donate to Essex & Herts Air Ambulance – or to find out more information about its work – please visit

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Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? Ex 15:11



THE MONTH July 2017


month — CABC 2017 rekindles the Bible for Christians today

One man's vision of one man By JON EVANS THE founding vision to hold an annual Bible conference for the whole diocese came 18 years ago from John Richardson. John came to be known as ‘the Ugley Vicar’, because he was ‘Vicar’ to Ugley and because his extraordinary blog went out under that genius of a name. John died of a brain tumour in March 2014, but not before he knew that the organising committee would continue his mission. This year's conference on October 14 (10am-4pm) is entitled 'Finishing the Race' - 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus with speaker Bishop Rod Thomas. Rod Thomas is Bishop of Maidstone in the Church of England as a for ordination at Wycliffe whole and Assistant Hall, Oxford and Bishop in Chelmsford served his curacy and Diocese. incumbency in Plymouth. After a background in He became Bishop in communication and 2015 after playing a key leadership in the role in the Church of Confederation of British 4118 FF_Spring17_Cornerstone 170x261 settlement [1]:Layout England’s for 1 Industry, he was trained

Finishing the race

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus

with speaker Bishop Rod Thomas Women Bishops. Rod remains passionate about being a faithful pastor and teacher of God’s Word to God’s People. The Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy and Titus) 4/4/17 08:21 are unique in thePage New1

Testament. The generation of the apostles and their unique witness and ministry is transitioning to the era of the Church’s mission and leadership after the apostles. What charge does the

apostle Paul give? What encouragements and priorities does he set? What dangers and trials does he foresee? Above all, how does the early church continue and finish well in the mission of the gospel of Jesus? This apostolic testimony remains formative and inspirational for the Church today in its mission and ministry in the world. John Richardson’s vision was to ‘put good Bible teaching at the heart of our diocese’. Revd Canon David Banting, speaking on behalf of the CABC Organising Committee, says: "The Focus of CABC is to bring Scripture alive to ordinary people from churches throughout the Diocese, regardless of background. "We desire to give people confidence in understanding the Bible and its big picture, excitement about hearing God speak through his word, and realisation of the Bible’s relevance to

day-to-day Christian life and witness. "With 1,000 on the mailing list and recent conferences being sell-outs with around 370 attending, CABC seems to be meeting a need. "Those who attend have been encouraged to grow in understanding, confidence and even joy in handling the Bible as relevant in their daily lives of faith, devotion and service. "CABC is alive and well in its 17th consecutive year. It is particularly aimed at lay people, but all are welcome at CABC 17." CABC 17 is on Saturday, October 14, 10am-4pm, at Chelmsford Central Baptist Church, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford CM1 1LN. It costs £12 (if booked before September 30) and then £17, but there are discounts for groups of three or more. ● For a brochure (pictured left), contact David Banting on 01708 342080 or email enquiries@cabc.

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THE MONTH July 2017

month — 2017 DAC design awards honours list

Celebrating 11 useful church improvements ELEVEN churches in the Diocese were awarded Highly Commended certificates for their entries in the DAC design awards. At the awards, Bishop Stephen said: "Today we are celebrating some excellent and beautiful but also very useful improvements to the church buildings in this glorious diocese." The 11 Highly Commended DAC Awards were presented to: ● St Luke’s Tiptree – Stained glass window. ● St Catherine’s East Tilbury – Development and restoration. ● Holy Trinity Pleshey – Magna Carta stitched panel. ● St Alban’s Romford – Set of white vestments. ● St Mary’s Benfleet – Re-ordering. ● St Giles Great Hallingbury – New kitchen. ● All Saints’ West Ham – New extension. ● St Michael’s Galleywood – Organ gallery and North transcept. ● St Michael’s Braintree – Porches and gates. ● St Mary’s Little Thurrock – Re-ordering. ● St George’s Great Bromley – Lighting. ● For more details on the highly commended entries, visit http://bit. ly/2qjjbXv

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COMMUNION LINEN HALFWAY MARK: It is hour 12 of a 24 hour Bible reading at St Mary’s church in Lawford and Cameron Young (pictured) reads from Acts 10. Local church members read through the New Testament and Psalms from 5 pm on Friday, June 2 to 5 pm on Saturday, June 3. The event was part of Thy Kingdom Come, Archbishop Justin’s invitation for Christians worldwide to pray for people to know Jesus Christ.

'There is no escape from God's presence'

FROM FRONT PAGE uncertain creatures - seeking out the one who has created and sustained us. But I want to challenge this picture. Yes, we are on a search for God, but step back and see how futile and presumptuous that appears. What if the High Priest is not representing us to God, but the very opposite – marking God coming in search of us? It can take a few minutes to get your head around the difference that makes. No longer are we looking at us chasing after the most High, the Creator, but even more daring – to see the most High, the Creator, turn to face us, not in judgment and challenge but in mercy, love and forgiveness. Psalm 139 is one which has long fed and nurtured me. At one level terrifying - there is

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no escape from God’s presence – but also deeply comforting as there is no escape from God’s presence. I would love to quote the whole but you can read it for yourself so a few verses to encourage you to pick up your Bible Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. It is not for us to chase after God. God, once he has tapped us on the shoulder will not let go. Our search for God is risky, dependent on our frailties; we are the dawn mist whose love fades at the vaguest challenge. God reaching out to us is rooted in the depths of his love for each of his creatures; dependable, reliable, inescapable. Allow God to tap you on the shoulder, but don’t be surprised if having caught you, he won’t let go.


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MONTH July 2017 6 THE THEMONTH MONTHJuly July2017 2017 66 THE

THE MONTH July 2017 THEMONTH MONTHJuly July2017 2017 THE

THE month — Biographical details of Deacons to be ordained by Bishop Stephen in Chelmsford Cathedral THEmonth month— —Biographical Biographicaldetails detailsof ofDeacons Deaconsto tobe beordained ordainedby byBishop BishopStephen Stephenin inChelmsford ChelmsfordCathedral Cathedral THE

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Jane Begley JaneBegley Begley Jane High Beach HighBeach Beach High

JANE writes: born ininSouth JANEwrites: writes:II was Iwas wasborn bornin South JANE South Woodford and live next door totothe Woodford and live next doorto the Woodford and live next door the house where I Igrew up. house where grew up. house where I grew up. I Iattended Churchfields Primary attendedChurchfields ChurchfieldsPrimary Primary I attended School and then Woodford County High. School and then Woodford CountyHigh. High. School and then Woodford County I Ijoined Braby & Waller (now Irwin joined Braby & Waller (now Irwin IMitchell) joined Braby & Waller (now Irwin inintheir debt collection Mitchell)in theirdebt debtcollection collection Mitchell) their department inin1975 and still work ininthe departmentin 1975and andstill stillwork workin the department 1975 the same department as aaSolicitor. same department as Solicitor. same department as aJanuary Solicitor. I Imarried Martin in 1987 and marriedMartin MartinininJanuary January1987 1987and and I married have six stepchildren and four havesix sixstepchildren stepchildrenand andfour four have godchildren. godchildren. godchildren. My parents were married atatthe Myparents parentswere weremarried marriedat the My the Church ofofthe Holy Innocents, High Church the Holy Innocents, High Church of the Holy Innocents, High Beach and worshipped there for Beachand andII have Ihave haveworshipped worshippedthere therefor for Beach my whole life. I Ising ininthe choir, play my whole life. sing the choir, play my whole life. I sing in thevarious choir, play the carillon and organise thecarillon carillonand andorganise organisevarious various the events. I Irun aaBrownie Pack at St events. run Brownie Pack events. I run a Brownie Pack atatStStthe Mary’s South Woodford and enjoy Mary’sSouth SouthWoodford Woodfordand andenjoy enjoythe the Mary’s theatre, walking and holidays inin theatre, walking and holidays theatre, walking and holidays in Cornwall. Cornwall. Cornwall. I Ifeel God has called me as feel Godhas hascalled calledme meas asaaa I feel God churchwarden, then as Reader and churchwarden,then thenas asaaaReader Readerand and churchwarden, now as aapriest totoserve Him and the now as priest serve Him and the now as a priest to serve Himalways and the community in which I have lived. communityininwhich whichI have I havealways alwayslived. lived. community

Jane Quinton JaneQuinton Quinton Jane Chipping Ongar Shelley Chipping Ongarwith withShelley Shelley Chipping JANE writes:Ongar When I with was born in

JANEwrites: writes:When WhenI was I wasborn borninin JANE Barking 54 years ago, little did Barking 54 years ago, little didII realise Irealise realise Barking 54 years ago, little did that the plans God had for me would that the plans God had for me would that the plans God had for me would include ordination. includeordination. ordination. include InInfact, when Valentines High fact,when whenII left Ileft leftValentines ValentinesHigh High In fact, School inin1981, I Iwas rejoicing that School 1981, was rejoicing thatII I School in 1981, I was rejoicing that would never have totostudy again.... Oh, wouldnever neverhave haveto studyagain.... again....Oh, Oh, would study how God has sense ofofhumour! My howGod Godhas hasaaasense senseof humour!My My how humour! career began as secretary atatthe BBC, careerbegan beganas asaaasecretary secretaryat theBBC, BBC, career the moving through picture publicity into moving through picture publicity into moving through picture publicity into drama series. dramaseries. series. drama I Ileft totobecome picture editor atataa left becomeaaapicture pictureeditor editorat I left to become a sports photographic agency before sports photographic agency before sports photographic agency26before getting married totoGraham years ago getting married Graham 26 years ago getting married to Graham 26 years ago and subsequently running aaladies' and subsequently running ladies' and subsequently running a ladies' boutique and then newsagents. boutiqueand andthen thenaaanewsagents. newsagents. boutique So I Iguess I'm used totorobes and So guess I'm used robes and So I guess I'm used to robes and bringing good news! bringing good news! bringing good news! Hearing the call totoordained ministry Hearingthe thecall callto ordainedministry ministry Hearing ordained began ininthe Course for Christian began the Course for Christian began in the Course for Christian Studies (so beware!). amazed Studies(so (sobeware!). beware!).II am Iam amstill stillamazed amazed Studies that I Ihave the privilege ofofstill training at that have the privilege training that I have the privilege of training atat Ridley Hall for the past couple ofofyears. Ridley Hall for the past couple years. Ridley Hall for the who pasthave couple of years. I Ithanks all those helped, thanksall allthose thosewho whohave havehelped, helped, Iencouraged thanks and prayed for me on this encouragedand andprayed prayedfor forme meon onthis this encouraged journey, from my sending church atatStSt journey, from my sending church journey, from my sending church at StAll Winifred's, and also atatStStMary's and Winifred's,and andalso alsoat Mary'sand andAll All Winifred's, St Mary's Saints withinn the parish, to my Saintswithinn withinnthe theparish, parish,totomy my Saints attachment church of the past 18 attachmentchurch churchofofthe thepast past1818 attachment months atatBarkingside Holy Trinity. monthsat BarkingsideHoly HolyTrinity. Trinity. months Barkingside I Inow look forward with excitement to now look forward with excitement I now look forward with excitement toto serving my curacy atat Chipping Ongar serving my curacy Chipping Ongar serving my curacy at Chipping Ongar with Shelley, inincontinual awe to see withShelley, Shelley,in continualawe aweto tosee see with continual what our 'God of the impossible' will do what our 'God of the impossible' willdo do what our 'God of the impossible' will next! next! next!

Lee was born ininWales before moving toto LEEwas wasborn bornin Walesbefore beforemoving movingto LEE Wales Basildon with his family atatthree years Basildon with his family three years Basildon withup histhere family at later threeinyears old, growing and old,growing growingup upthere thereand andlater laterinin old, Wickford. Wickford. Wickford. Lee’s career was ininlocal government, Lee’scareer careerwas wasin localgovernment, government, Lee’s local working ininlibraries, and supporting working libraries, and supporting working in libraries, and supporting councillors and leadership teams. These councillorsand andleadership leadershipteams. teams.These These councillors roles were great for working with people roleswere weregreat greatfor forworking workingwith withpeople people roles and gaining leadership and management andgaining gainingleadership leadershipand andmanagement management and

skills. He grew up ininthe Pentecostal skills.He Hegrew grewup upin thePentecostal Pentecostal skills. the tradition and did his initial theological traditionand anddid didhis hisinitial initialtheological theological tradition and ministerial training there, gaining and ministerial training there, gainingaaa and ministerial training there, gaining BA and MA. He started attending St John BA and MA. He started attending John BA and MA. He started attending StSthe John the Baptist, Danbury inin 2006 where the Baptist, Danbury 2006 where he the Baptist, Danburyfor in five 2006years where he was churchwarden and waschurchwarden churchwardenfor forfive fiveyears yearsand and was latterly attended St Andrew's, Boreham latterlyattended attendedStStAndrew's, Andrew's,Boreham Boreham latterly before his training. beforehis histraining. training. before Lee has been ininaaCivil Partnership Leehas hasbeen beenin CivilPartnership Partnership Lee a2008, Civil with Charlie since living inin with Charlie since 2008, livingin with Charlie since 2008, living Chelmsford before moving to Mirfield toto Chelmsfordbefore beforemoving movingtotoMirfield Mirfieldto Chelmsford

study atatthe College ofofthe Resurrection. studyat theCollege Collegeof theResurrection. Resurrection. study the the He enjoys travelling, wine tasting Heenjoys enjoystravelling, travelling,wine winetasting tasting He (especially those two things can be (especiallyifififthose thosetwo twothings thingscan canbe be (especially combined!) and used totoenjoy the gym, combined!) and used enjoy the gym, combined!) and used to enjoy the gym, which he isishoping totoagain. whichhe heis hopingto again. which hoping again. His sense ofofcalling has come about His sense calling hascome comeabout about His sense of calling has through his awareness ofofthe lavish through his awareness the lavish through hisand awareness ofof the lavish hospitality welcome God ininChrist hospitalityand andwelcome welcomeof ofGod Godin Christ hospitality Christ Jesus and the desire to live that out as a Jesus and the desire to live that out Jesus and desire to its livefullest that out asasa a witness totothe living life to ininGod’s witness living life to its fullest God’s witness to living life to its fullest in God’s Kingdom. Kingdom. Kingdom.

The class of 2017 in the spotlight

THEMONTH MONTHmeets meetsthe thenew newDeacons Deaconswho who THE will be ordained by Rt Revd Stephen will be ordained by Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell,Bishop BishopofofChelmsford, Chelmsford,atat Cottrell, ChelmsfordCathedral Cathedralon onSeptember September30, 30,inin Chelmsford thefirst firstofofa athree-part three-partseries. series. the CanonPhilip PhilipNeed, Need,Director DirectorofofOrdinands Ordinands Canon (DDO)for forthe theDiocese DioceseofofChelmsford, Chelmsford,said: said: (DDO) wonderfulthat thatallallthese thesepeople peoplewill willbebe “It“Itisiswonderful ordainedininChelmsford ChelmsfordCathedral Cathedralon on ordained September30. 30.It Itisissosoexciting excitingtotowork workwith with September thewide widerange rangeofofpeople peoplewho whoare areoffering offering the themselvesfor forordained ordainedministry ministrythese thesedays days themselves as they seek to live out their baptismal as they seek to live out their baptismal callingand andoffer offerthemselves themselvesafresh afreshtotoGod. God. calling "Thesedays daysthere thereare aresosomany manyways waysinin "These whichwe wecan canserve servehim himand andmy myTeam Teamare are which constantlytrying tryingtotomake makeit itpossible possiblefor for constantly differentpeople peopletotoanswer answerthis thiscall callininnew new different andexciting excitingways. ways.If Ifyou youhave haveany anysense senseofof and feelingthat thatperhaps perhapsGod Godmight mightbebecalling calling a afeeling YOUtotoordination, ordination,speak speaktotoyour yourlocal local YOU SAFFRONRYAN RYAN clergy.Who Whoknows? knows?Your Yourpicture picturecould couldwell well SAFFRON clergy. be on this page in the coming years.” be on this page in the coming years.” andallallage ageworship worshipteam. team.I have I havea a and passionforfordiscipleship discipleshipand andequipping equipping passion Christianstotouse usetheir theirgifts giftsinintheir theircalling. calling. Christians Matt Houghton Matt Houghton Inmy myspare sparetime timeI enjoy I enjoyfilms, films,football footballand and In GreatBaddow BaddowTeam TeamMinistry Ministry listeningtotomusic. music. Great listening MATTwrites: writes:I was I wasborn bornininBurnley, Burnley,Lancashire Lancashire MATT andbrought broughtupupinina astable stableChristian Christianhome home and ChristineNewmarch Newmarch Christine alongwith withmy myyounger youngerbrother. brother.Following Followinga a along Witham Team Ministry period of rebelling against my parents' faith SAFFRON RYAN SARAH CLARKE-MOISLEY Witham Team Ministry period of rebelling against my parents' faith CHRISTINEisistotoserve serveininlocally locallydeployed, deployed,selfselfduringmy myteenage teenageyears yearsI eventually I eventuallymade madea a CHRISTINE during supportedministry ministryininthe theWitham WithamTeam TeamMinistry. Ministry. decisiontotofollow followChrist Christaged aged17. 17. supported decision St Nicolas church, Witham, has been her Nicolaschurch, church,Witham, Witham,has hasbeen beenher her THE MONTH meets the new Deacons I am married Kirsty and wehave havetwo twowho StStNicolas I am married totoKirsty and we place of worship for many years since moving place of worship for many years since moving children, Reuben (7) and Hannah (4). will be ordained by Rt Revd Stephen place of worship for many years since moving children, Reuben (7) and Hannah (4). from London Essex after graduating Town fromLondon Londontoto toEssex Essexafter aftergraduating graduatinginin inTown Town myadult adultlife lifeI of I have beena achurch church youth Cottrell, Bishop Chelmsford, at youth from InInmy have been Planning. where she and her husband, Planning.ItItItisisiswhere whereshe sheand andher herhusband, husband, workerserving serving variouschurches churches andhave have Chelmsford Cathedral on September 30, Planning. worker various and Brian, married and their son was baptised and Brian,married marriedand andtheir theirson sonwas wasbaptised baptisedand and apara-church para-church Christian youth inworked the first a three-part series. Brian, worked forfora of Christian youth confirmed. Christine has been active in many confirmed. Christine has been active in many charity. My call to ordained ministry started Canon Director confirmed. Christine has been active in many charity. MyPhilip call to Need, ordained ministryof started aspects parish life, including serving, singing aspectsofof ofparish parishlife, life,including includingserving, serving,singing singing whenI was I was21 21during during year Biblecollege. college. aspects Ordinands (DDO) for the Diocese of when a ayear atatBible the choir, and Messy Church. inthe thechoir, choir,and andMessy MessyChurch. Church. Severalyears yearsago agoinin“Canon mymid-thirties mid-thirties I againfelt felt inin Chelmsford, said: PhilipI Need, Several my again Christine sees strong links between her Christinesees seesstrong stronglinks linksbetween betweenher her thisgentle gentle 'nudge' whilstattending attendinga aFresh Fresh Christine this 'nudge' whilst Director of Ordinands background in town planning and her faith, in background in town planning and her faith, in expression of Church. My sending church is St. background in town planning and her faith, in expression of the Church. My sending church is St. (DDO) for Diocese of Chelmsford, particular the emphasis on serving people and particularthe theemphasis emphasison onserving servingpeople peopleand and John's,Colchester Colchesterwhere whereI served I servedononthe thePCC PCC particular John's, said: “It is wonderful that all these people the challenges of safeguarding the integrity of

will be ordained in Chelmsford Cathedral on September 30. It is so exciting to work with the wide range of people who are offering themselves for ordained ministry these days as they seek to live out their baptismal calling and offer themselves afresh to God. "These days there are so many ways in which we can serve him and my Team are constantly trying to make it possible for different people to answer this call in new and exciting ways. If you have any sense of a feeling that perhaps God might be calling YOU to ordination, speak to your local clergy. Who knows? Your picture could well be on this page in the coming years.”

Christine Newmarch Witham Team Ministry

Christine is to serve in locally deployed, selfMATTHOUGHTON HOUGHTON supported ministry in the Witham Team Ministry. MATT

creation while sustaining and renewing the life of the earth. Alongside her curacy, Christine will spend a day a week as the voluntary Diocesan Environment Champion. Christine grew up as an only child, but a few years ago was unexpectedly introduced to her father’s second family. She delights in suddenly having a large extended family, including sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and great nieces. Christine has been aware of a persistent call to ordained ministry for many years, and looks forward to her new role very much.

Saffron Ryan St Andrew Hornchurch

Saffron is from Ealing, London. She is married to James and they have three children, Phoebe (10), Skye (14), and Joseph (16). They also have a cat and a dog. CHRISTNE NEWMARCH Saffron has a degree in dance studies and is CHRISTNE NEWMARCH


YOUR YOUR LEAFLETS LEAFLETS Suzy Edmondson SuzyEdmondson Edmondson Suzy Downham Benefice Downham Benefice Downham SUZY writes: Benefice I was born at Dudley in

SUZYwrites: writes:I was I wasborn bornatatDudley Dudleyinin SUZY Worcestershire; however, due totomy Worcestershire; however, due my Worcestershire; however, due to my father's work we moved every three oror father's work we moved every threeor father's work we moved every three four years totoaavariety ofofplaces around four years variety places around four years to a variety of places around the UK. theUK. UK. the After leaving school, atatMay Afterleaving leavingschool, school,II worked Iworked workedat May After May &&Baker where I Imet and subsequently Baker where met and subsequently & Baker where I met and subsequently married John inin1977. marriedJohn Johnin 1977. married 1977. We lived ininSeven Kings before We lived SevenKings Kingsbefore before We lived in Seven moving totoBicknacre 30 years ago. moving Bicknacre 30 years ago.II I moving to Bicknacre 30 years ago. have three children Emily, Richard and have three children Emily, Richard and have three Ichildren Emily, Richard and Charlotte. have aagrandson with Charlotte. I have grandson with Charlotte. I have a grandson with another grandchild due ininOctober. anothergrandchild grandchilddue duein October. another October. Sadly, I Ilost John totocancer four years Sadly, lost John cancer fouryears years Sadly, I lost John to cancer four ago. ago. ago. I Ididn’t become Christian until 1990, didn’tbecome becomeaaaChristian Christianuntil until1990, 1990, I didn’t followed by John and then the children, followed by John and then the children, followed by John and then the children, all ofofwhom are still very involved inin allof whomare arestill stillvery veryinvolved involvedin all whom their churches. I Iwas licensed as aa their churches. was licensed as their churches. I serving was licensed as a St Reader inin2003, atatDanbury Readerin 2003,serving servingat DanburySt St Reader 2003, Danbury John’s before being seconded totothe John’sbefore beforebeing beingseconded secondedto the John’s the Downham Benefice inin2009, where DownhamBenefice Beneficein 2009,where whereII will Iwill will Downham 2009, serve as aaLocally Deployed Priest. serve as Locally Deployed Priest. serve as a Locally Deployed Priest. My hobbies are English folk dancing Myhobbies hobbiesare areEnglish Englishfolk folkdancing dancing My and cross-stitch embroidery. and cross-stitch embroidery. and cross-stitch embroidery.

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DIANEGARFIELD GARFIELD DIANE forest.I really I reallymet metJesus Jesusininmy myearly early30s 30sand and thechallenges challengesofofsafeguarding safeguardingthe theintegrity integrityofof forest. the haveserved servedatatStStPaul’s Paul’sHainault Hainaultininmany many creationwhile whilesustaining sustainingand andrenewing renewingthe thelife life have creation roles,many manyinvolving involvingyoung youngpeople. people. theearth. earth.Alongside Alongsideher hercuracy, curacy,Christine Christine roles, ofofthe willspend spenda aday daya aweek weekasasthe thevoluntary voluntary LicensedasasReader Readerinin2001, 2001,I heard I heardthe thecall call will Licensed DiocesanEnvironment EnvironmentChampion. Champion. ordinationaround aroundfive fiveyears yearsago agoand andfinally finally Diocesan totoordination Christinegrew grewupupasasananonly onlychild, child,but buta afew few joinedStStMellitus MellitusininSeptember September2016, 2016,and and Christine yearsago agowas wasunexpectedly unexpectedlyintroduced introducedtotoher her joined followeda atwo-year two-yearmixed-mode mixed-modecourse. course. years followed father’ssecond secondfamily. family.She Shedelights delightsininsuddenly suddenly I’mgenuinely genuinelyexcited excitedabout aboutthe thepart partI get I gettoto father’s I’m having largeextended extendedfamily, family,including including DIANE GARFIELD CHRISTNE NEWMARCH having a alarge play inGod’s God’splans, plans,forforHainault Hainaultininparticular particular play in sisters,brothers, brothers,nieces, nieces,nephews nephewsand andgreat great sisters, andthe theworld worldiningeneral. general. and nieces. nieces. I’m married withtwo twodaughters, daughters, oneworking working I’m married with one a Christine fully qualified dance and drama teacher. Prior in the third sector and the other currently Christine has been aware of a persistent call has been aware of a persistent call in the third sector and the other currently in the third sector and the other currently to ordained ministry for many years, and looks to training at St Mellitus College Saffron ran a exploring ordination. to ordained ministry for many years, and looks exploring ordination. forwardto toher hernew new rolevery verymuch. much. theatre school for many years as well as exploring I love ordination. my job in The Forest Academy (our forward role I love myjob jobininThe TheForest Forestand Academy (our working for other performing arts organisations I love my Academy local Secondary Academy), I enjoy(our reading, local Secondary Academy), and I enjoy reading, and schools. local Secondary Academy), and I enjoy reading, swimming, cinema, board games… life Saffron Ryan Saffron Ryan swimming,cinema, cinema,board boardgames… games…life life Saffron joins Andrew's from the Parish of swimming, StAndrew Andrew Hornchurch St Hornchurch Brentford; her roles in the Parish have included SAFFRON from Ealing, London.She SheisChurch is Diane Garfield - St Mary with St SAFFRON isisfrom Ealing, Sunday School and YouthLondon. Leader, Café DianeGarfield Garfield- -StStMary Marywith withStSt married to James and they have three children, Diane married to James and have Leadership, as well asthey being partthree of a children, team Leonard Broomfield Phoebe (10), Skye (14), and Joseph (16). They Leonard Broomfield Phoebe (10), (14), and Joseph (16). They Leonard who went outSkye to Uganda. Whilst having been Diana will Broomfield serve at St Mary with St Leonard alsohave have acat cat anda adog. dog. DIANAwill willserve serve Marywith with Leonard also and involved ina lay Church leadership for many DIANA atatStStMary Leonard Broomfield – a parish where sheStSt has deep Saffron has a degree in dance studies and is Broomfield –and aparish parish where shehas has deep Saffron in dance years, thehas callatodegree Ordination took studies Saffron and by is Broomfield – a where she deep roots. Born bred in north-west Chelmsford, a fully qualified dance and drama teacher. Prior roots.Born Bornand andbred bredininnorth-west north-westChelmsford, Chelmsford, asurprise, fully qualified dance teacher. Prior roots. yet it was soand cleardrama and so personal She was baptised and confirmed in totraining trainingatatStStMellitus MellitusCollege CollegeSaffron Saffronran rana a to shewas wasbaptised baptisedand andconfirmed confirmedininBroomfield Broomfield that it could not be ignored. God asked her to she Broomfield church and went to school at King's theatreschool schoolforformany many years as well as theatre church andwent wenttotoschool schoolatatKing's King'sRoad Road dance and she said yes.years as well as church and Road Primary and then Chelmsford County workingforforother otherperforming performingarts artsorganisations organisations working Primary and then Chelmsford County High Primary and then Chelmsford County High andschools. schools. High School for Girls. and SchoolforforGirls. Girls. Sarah Clarke-Moisley School Saffron joins Andrew's from the Parish of Leaving home aged 18, Diana trained as a Saffron joins Andrew's from the Parish of Leavinghome homeaged aged18, 18,Diana Dianatrained trainedasasa a Brentford;her her roles theParish Parishhave haveincluded included librarian Leaving in Leeds, married, had three sons Hainault Stroles Paul Brentford; ininthe librarian inLeeds, Leeds,married, married,had had threesons sons SundaySchool Schooland Youth Leader, CaféChurch sarah writes: I and live, workLeader, and worship inChurch librarian (Philip, in Robert and Chris) and three returned to live in Sunday Youth Café (Philip,Robert Robertand andChris) Chris)and andreturned returnedtotolive liveinin Leadership, as well as being part of a team (Philip, Hainault. If I walk out of my house and turn Chelmsford in the 1980s. Leadership, as well as being part of a team Chelmsfordininthe the 1980s. whowent wentCentral outtotoUganda. Uganda. Whilst having been right, the Line takes me having into thebeen centre Chelmsford who out Whilst From her teens1980s. she had been aware of a call Fromher her teensshe shehad hadbeen beenaware awareofofa acall call Church leadership many ofinvolved London; iflay I Church turn left,leadership I’m in miles ofmany ancient From involved ininlay forfor to ministry teens and in 1990 Diana was licensed as a years, the call to Ordination took Saffron by to ministry and in 1990 Diana was licensed as forest. I really met Jesus in my early 30s and years, the call to Ordination took Saffron by toReader ministrytoand in 1990King Diana was having licensedbeen as a a All Saints, Road, surprise, yetitatitwas was clear andsoso personal ReadertotoAllAllSaints, Saints,King KingRoad, Road,having havingbeen been have served St Paul’s Hainault inpersonal many surprise, yet sosoclear and Reader one of the first students on the new Chelmsford thatit itcould couldnot notbebeignored. ignored. Godasked askedher hertoto oneofofthe thefirst firststudents studentsononthe the new Chelmsford roles, many involving youngGod people. that one Course in Christian Studies. new Chelmsford dance andshe shesaid saidyes. yes. CourseininChristian Christian Studies. Licensed as Reader in 2001, I heard the call Course dance and Diana worked asStudies. a librarian at Anglia Ruskin Dianaworked workedasasa alibrarian librarian at AngliaRuskin Ruskin to ordination around five years ago and finally Diana University from 1990 and wasataAnglia lay chaplain in Sarah Clarke-Moisley joined St Mellitus in September 2016, and University from 1990 and was a lay chaplain in Sarah Clarke-Moisley University from 1990 was lay chaplain the chaplaincy teamand there foramany years. in followed a two-year mixed-mode course. thechaplaincy chaplaincyteam teamthere thereforformany manyyears. years. Hainault St Paul the On retirement in 2012 she returned to Hainault St Paul about the part I get to I’m genuinely Onretirement retirementinin2012 2012she shereturned returnedtoto SARAH writes:I excited I live,work workand andworship worshipinin On SARAH writes: live, Broomfield where her long and circuitous play in God’s plans, forofHainault in particular Broomfield whereher herlong longand andcircuitous circuitous Hainault. If I walk out my house and turn Broomfield where Hainault. If I walk out of my house and turn path to ordained ministry has finally become a and thethe world in general. right, Central Linetakes takesme meinto intothe thecentre centre path pathtotoordained ordainedministry ministryhas hasfinally finallybecome becomea a right, the Central Line reality. I’m marriedif with two daughters, one working London; I turnleft, left,I’m I’mininmiles miles ancient reality. ofofLondon; if I turn ofofancient reality.



'Lee's calling came through his awareness 'Lee's calling calling came came through through his his awareness awareness 'Lee's of the lavish welcome in Christ Jesus' of the the lavish lavish welcome welcome in in Christ Christ Jesus' Jesus' of Lee Taylor Chingford, St Peter LeeTaylor Taylor-- -Chingford, Chingford,St StPeter Peter Lee and St Paul with All Saints andStStPaul Paulwith withAll AllSaints Saints and

7 77

Weare areable abletotoinsert insertyour yourleafl leafl ets We ets into this and similar publications into this and similar publications enablingyou youtotoreach reacha achurch church enabling audience in this and other CofE audience in this and other CofE dioceses. dioceses.

Mark Payne MarkPayne Payne Mark Bocking St Mary and Panfield Bocking Maryand andPanfield Panfield Bocking StStMary St Mary and St Christopher St Mary and St Christopher St Mary and St born Christopher MARK writes: I was in

MARKwrites: writes:I was I wasborn borninin MARK Wolverhampton and studied atatBangor Wolverhampton and studiedat Bangor Wolverhampton and studied Bangor University. University. University. My wife Suz and lived on the Isle ofof Mywife wifeSuz Suzand andII lived I livedon onthe theIsle Isleof My Man where I worked for aachildren’s Man where I worked for children’s Man where I worked for a children’s charity. charity. charity. InInRushen parish, gained some Rushenparish, parish,II gained I gainedsome some In Rushen experience ofofdifferent roles including, experience different roles including, experience of different roles including, preaching, reading the scriptures, leading preaching,reading readingthe thescriptures, scriptures,leading leading preaching, intercessions, helping totolead Messy intercessions, helping lead Messy intercessions, helping to lead Messy Church, facilitating house group and Church,facilitating facilitatingaaahouse housegroup groupand and Church, being part ofofthe pastoral care group. being part the pastoral care group. being part of the pastoral care group. I enjoy cooking, walking and cycling I enjoycooking, cooking,walking walkingand andcycling cycling I enjoy and, although I am currently without aa and, although I am currently without and, although I am currently without awith motor bike, I also enjoy riding aabike motor bike, I also enjoy riding bike with motor bike, I also enjoy riding a bike with an engine. engine. anan engine. I first heard God’s call on my life totobe I firstheard heardGod’s God’scall callon onmy mylife lifeto I first bebe ordained when I was aachild and although ordained when I was child and although ordained when I was a child and although atattimes went inindifferent directions, timesII went I wentin differentdirections, directions, at times different God’s voice remained constant. God’s voice remained constant. God’s voice remained constant. I thank Suz for helping me listen more I thankSuz Suzfor forhelping helpingme melisten listenmore more I thank intently and for helping me gain the intently and for helping me gain the intently and for helping me gain the courage for us totofollow God’s call. couragefor forus usto followGod’s God’scall. call. courage follow My daughter Caitlin, now 14, isisalso My daughter Caitlin, now 14, alsoaaa My daughter Caitlin,and nowsupport. 14, is also source ofofinspiration source inspiration and support. source of inspiration and support.

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MONTH July 2017 6 THE THEMONTH MONTHJuly July2017 2017 66 THE

THE MONTH July 2017 THEMONTH MONTHJuly July2017 2017 THE

THE month — Biographical details of Deacons to be ordained by Bishop Stephen in Chelmsford Cathedral THEmonth month— —Biographical Biographicaldetails detailsof ofDeacons Deaconsto tobe beordained ordainedby byBishop BishopStephen Stephenin inChelmsford ChelmsfordCathedral Cathedral THE

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Jane Begley JaneBegley Begley Jane High Beach HighBeach Beach High

JANE writes: born ininSouth JANEwrites: writes:II was Iwas wasborn bornin South JANE South Woodford and live next door totothe Woodford and live next doorto the Woodford and live next door the house where I Igrew up. house where grew up. house where I grew up. I Iattended Churchfields Primary attendedChurchfields ChurchfieldsPrimary Primary I attended School and then Woodford County High. School and then Woodford CountyHigh. High. School and then Woodford County I Ijoined Braby & Waller (now Irwin joined Braby & Waller (now Irwin IMitchell) joined Braby & Waller (now Irwin inintheir debt collection Mitchell)in theirdebt debtcollection collection Mitchell) their department inin1975 and still work ininthe departmentin 1975and andstill stillwork workin the department 1975 the same department as aaSolicitor. same department as Solicitor. same department as aJanuary Solicitor. I Imarried Martin in 1987 and marriedMartin MartinininJanuary January1987 1987and and I married have six stepchildren and four havesix sixstepchildren stepchildrenand andfour four have godchildren. godchildren. godchildren. My parents were married atatthe Myparents parentswere weremarried marriedat the My the Church ofofthe Holy Innocents, High Church the Holy Innocents, High Church of the Holy Innocents, High Beach and worshipped there for Beachand andII have Ihave haveworshipped worshippedthere therefor for Beach my whole life. I Ising ininthe choir, play my whole life. sing the choir, play my whole life. I sing in thevarious choir, play the carillon and organise thecarillon carillonand andorganise organisevarious various the events. I Irun aaBrownie Pack at St events. run Brownie Pack events. I run a Brownie Pack atatStStthe Mary’s South Woodford and enjoy Mary’sSouth SouthWoodford Woodfordand andenjoy enjoythe the Mary’s theatre, walking and holidays inin theatre, walking and holidays theatre, walking and holidays in Cornwall. Cornwall. Cornwall. I Ifeel God has called me as feel Godhas hascalled calledme meas asaaa I feel God churchwarden, then as Reader and churchwarden,then thenas asaaaReader Readerand and churchwarden, now as aapriest totoserve Him and the now as priest serve Him and the now as a priest to serve Himalways and the community in which I have lived. communityininwhich whichI have I havealways alwayslived. lived. community

Jane Quinton JaneQuinton Quinton Jane Chipping Ongar Shelley Chipping Ongarwith withShelley Shelley Chipping JANE writes:Ongar When I with was born in

JANEwrites: writes:When WhenI was I wasborn borninin JANE Barking 54 years ago, little did Barking 54 years ago, little didII realise Irealise realise Barking 54 years ago, little did that the plans God had for me would that the plans God had for me would that the plans God had for me would include ordination. includeordination. ordination. include InInfact, when Valentines High fact,when whenII left Ileft leftValentines ValentinesHigh High In fact, School inin1981, I Iwas rejoicing that School 1981, was rejoicing thatII I School in 1981, I was rejoicing that would never have totostudy again.... Oh, wouldnever neverhave haveto studyagain.... again....Oh, Oh, would study how God has sense ofofhumour! My howGod Godhas hasaaasense senseof humour!My My how humour! career began as secretary atatthe BBC, careerbegan beganas asaaasecretary secretaryat theBBC, BBC, career the moving through picture publicity into moving through picture publicity into moving through picture publicity into drama series. dramaseries. series. drama I Ileft totobecome picture editor atataa left becomeaaapicture pictureeditor editorat I left to become a sports photographic agency before sports photographic agency before sports photographic agency26before getting married totoGraham years ago getting married Graham 26 years ago getting married to Graham 26 years ago and subsequently running aaladies' and subsequently running ladies' and subsequently running a ladies' boutique and then newsagents. boutiqueand andthen thenaaanewsagents. newsagents. boutique So I Iguess I'm used totorobes and So guess I'm used robes and So I guess I'm used to robes and bringing good news! bringing good news! bringing good news! Hearing the call totoordained ministry Hearingthe thecall callto ordainedministry ministry Hearing ordained began ininthe Course for Christian began the Course for Christian began in the Course for Christian Studies (so beware!). amazed Studies(so (sobeware!). beware!).II am Iam amstill stillamazed amazed Studies that I Ihave the privilege ofofstill training at that have the privilege training that I have the privilege of training atat Ridley Hall for the past couple ofofyears. Ridley Hall for the past couple years. Ridley Hall for the who pasthave couple of years. I Ithanks all those helped, thanksall allthose thosewho whohave havehelped, helped, Iencouraged thanks and prayed for me on this encouragedand andprayed prayedfor forme meon onthis this encouraged journey, from my sending church atatStSt journey, from my sending church journey, from my sending church at StAll Winifred's, and also atatStStMary's and Winifred's,and andalso alsoat Mary'sand andAll All Winifred's, St Mary's Saints withinn the parish, to my Saintswithinn withinnthe theparish, parish,totomy my Saints attachment church of the past 18 attachmentchurch churchofofthe thepast past1818 attachment months atatBarkingside Holy Trinity. monthsat BarkingsideHoly HolyTrinity. Trinity. months Barkingside I Inow look forward with excitement to now look forward with excitement I now look forward with excitement toto serving my curacy atat Chipping Ongar serving my curacy Chipping Ongar serving my curacy at Chipping Ongar with Shelley, inincontinual awe to see withShelley, Shelley,in continualawe aweto tosee see with continual what our 'God of the impossible' will do what our 'God of the impossible' willdo do what our 'God of the impossible' will next! next! next!

Lee was born ininWales before moving toto LEEwas wasborn bornin Walesbefore beforemoving movingto LEE Wales Basildon with his family atatthree years Basildon with his family three years Basildon withup histhere family at later threeinyears old, growing and old,growing growingup upthere thereand andlater laterinin old, Wickford. Wickford. Wickford. Lee’s career was ininlocal government, Lee’scareer careerwas wasin localgovernment, government, Lee’s local working ininlibraries, and supporting working libraries, and supporting working in libraries, and supporting councillors and leadership teams. These councillorsand andleadership leadershipteams. teams.These These councillors roles were great for working with people roleswere weregreat greatfor forworking workingwith withpeople people roles and gaining leadership and management andgaining gainingleadership leadershipand andmanagement management and

skills. He grew up ininthe Pentecostal skills.He Hegrew grewup upin thePentecostal Pentecostal skills. the tradition and did his initial theological traditionand anddid didhis hisinitial initialtheological theological tradition and ministerial training there, gaining and ministerial training there, gainingaaa and ministerial training there, gaining BA and MA. He started attending St John BA and MA. He started attending John BA and MA. He started attending StSthe John the Baptist, Danbury inin 2006 where the Baptist, Danbury 2006 where he the Baptist, Danburyfor in five 2006years where he was churchwarden and waschurchwarden churchwardenfor forfive fiveyears yearsand and was latterly attended St Andrew's, Boreham latterlyattended attendedStStAndrew's, Andrew's,Boreham Boreham latterly before his training. beforehis histraining. training. before Lee has been ininaaCivil Partnership Leehas hasbeen beenin CivilPartnership Partnership Lee a2008, Civil with Charlie since living inin with Charlie since 2008, livingin with Charlie since 2008, living Chelmsford before moving to Mirfield toto Chelmsfordbefore beforemoving movingtotoMirfield Mirfieldto Chelmsford

study atatthe College ofofthe Resurrection. studyat theCollege Collegeof theResurrection. Resurrection. study the the He enjoys travelling, wine tasting Heenjoys enjoystravelling, travelling,wine winetasting tasting He (especially those two things can be (especiallyifififthose thosetwo twothings thingscan canbe be (especially combined!) and used totoenjoy the gym, combined!) and used enjoy the gym, combined!) and used to enjoy the gym, which he isishoping totoagain. whichhe heis hopingto again. which hoping again. His sense ofofcalling has come about His sense calling hascome comeabout about His sense of calling has through his awareness ofofthe lavish through his awareness the lavish through hisand awareness ofof the lavish hospitality welcome God ininChrist hospitalityand andwelcome welcomeof ofGod Godin Christ hospitality Christ Jesus and the desire to live that out as a Jesus and the desire to live that out Jesus and desire to its livefullest that out asasa a witness totothe living life to ininGod’s witness living life to its fullest God’s witness to living life to its fullest in God’s Kingdom. Kingdom. Kingdom.

The class of 2017 in the spotlight

THEMONTH MONTHmeets meetsthe thenew newDeacons Deaconswho who THE will be ordained by Rt Revd Stephen will be ordained by Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell,Bishop BishopofofChelmsford, Chelmsford,atat Cottrell, ChelmsfordCathedral Cathedralon onSeptember September30, 30,inin Chelmsford thefirst firstofofa athree-part three-partseries. series. the CanonPhilip PhilipNeed, Need,Director DirectorofofOrdinands Ordinands Canon (DDO)for forthe theDiocese DioceseofofChelmsford, Chelmsford,said: said: (DDO) wonderfulthat thatallallthese thesepeople peoplewill willbebe “It“Itisiswonderful ordainedininChelmsford ChelmsfordCathedral Cathedralon on ordained September30. 30.It Itisissosoexciting excitingtotowork workwith with September thewide widerange rangeofofpeople peoplewho whoare areoffering offering the themselvesfor forordained ordainedministry ministrythese thesedays days themselves as they seek to live out their baptismal as they seek to live out their baptismal callingand andoffer offerthemselves themselvesafresh afreshtotoGod. God. calling "Thesedays daysthere thereare aresosomany manyways waysinin "These whichwe wecan canserve servehim himand andmy myTeam Teamare are which constantlytrying tryingtotomake makeit itpossible possiblefor for constantly differentpeople peopletotoanswer answerthis thiscall callininnew new different andexciting excitingways. ways.If Ifyou youhave haveany anysense senseofof and feelingthat thatperhaps perhapsGod Godmight mightbebecalling calling a afeeling YOUtotoordination, ordination,speak speaktotoyour yourlocal local YOU SAFFRONRYAN RYAN clergy.Who Whoknows? knows?Your Yourpicture picturecould couldwell well SAFFRON clergy. be on this page in the coming years.” be on this page in the coming years.” andallallage ageworship worshipteam. team.I have I havea a and passionforfordiscipleship discipleshipand andequipping equipping passion Christianstotouse usetheir theirgifts giftsinintheir theircalling. calling. Christians Matt Houghton Matt Houghton Inmy myspare sparetime timeI enjoy I enjoyfilms, films,football footballand and In GreatBaddow BaddowTeam TeamMinistry Ministry listeningtotomusic. music. Great listening MATTwrites: writes:I was I wasborn bornininBurnley, Burnley,Lancashire Lancashire MATT andbrought broughtupupinina astable stableChristian Christianhome home and ChristineNewmarch Newmarch Christine alongwith withmy myyounger youngerbrother. brother.Following Followinga a along Witham Team Ministry period of rebelling against my parents' faith SAFFRON RYAN SARAH CLARKE-MOISLEY Witham Team Ministry period of rebelling against my parents' faith CHRISTINEisistotoserve serveininlocally locallydeployed, deployed,selfselfduringmy myteenage teenageyears yearsI eventually I eventuallymade madea a CHRISTINE during supportedministry ministryininthe theWitham WithamTeam TeamMinistry. Ministry. decisiontotofollow followChrist Christaged aged17. 17. supported decision St Nicolas church, Witham, has been her Nicolaschurch, church,Witham, Witham,has hasbeen beenher her THE MONTH meets the new Deacons I am married Kirsty and wehave havetwo twowho StStNicolas I am married totoKirsty and we place of worship for many years since moving place of worship for many years since moving children, Reuben (7) and Hannah (4). will be ordained by Rt Revd Stephen place of worship for many years since moving children, Reuben (7) and Hannah (4). from London Essex after graduating Town fromLondon Londontoto toEssex Essexafter aftergraduating graduatinginin inTown Town myadult adultlife lifeI of I have beena achurch church youth Cottrell, Bishop Chelmsford, at youth from InInmy have been Planning. where she and her husband, Planning.ItItItisisiswhere whereshe sheand andher herhusband, husband, workerserving serving variouschurches churches andhave have Chelmsford Cathedral on September 30, Planning. worker various and Brian, married and their son was baptised and Brian,married marriedand andtheir theirson sonwas wasbaptised baptisedand and apara-church para-church Christian youth inworked the first a three-part series. Brian, worked forfora of Christian youth confirmed. Christine has been active in many confirmed. Christine has been active in many charity. My call to ordained ministry started Canon Director confirmed. Christine has been active in many charity. MyPhilip call to Need, ordained ministryof started aspects parish life, including serving, singing aspectsofof ofparish parishlife, life,including includingserving, serving,singing singing whenI was I was21 21during during year Biblecollege. college. aspects Ordinands (DDO) for the Diocese of when a ayear atatBible the choir, and Messy Church. inthe thechoir, choir,and andMessy MessyChurch. Church. Severalyears yearsago agoinin“Canon mymid-thirties mid-thirties I againfelt felt inin Chelmsford, said: PhilipI Need, Several my again Christine sees strong links between her Christinesees seesstrong stronglinks linksbetween betweenher her thisgentle gentle 'nudge' whilstattending attendinga aFresh Fresh Christine this 'nudge' whilst Director of Ordinands background in town planning and her faith, in background in town planning and her faith, in expression of Church. My sending church is St. background in town planning and her faith, in expression of the Church. My sending church is St. (DDO) for Diocese of Chelmsford, particular the emphasis on serving people and particularthe theemphasis emphasison onserving servingpeople peopleand and John's,Colchester Colchesterwhere whereI served I servedononthe thePCC PCC particular John's, said: “It is wonderful that all these people the challenges of safeguarding the integrity of

will be ordained in Chelmsford Cathedral on September 30. It is so exciting to work with the wide range of people who are offering themselves for ordained ministry these days as they seek to live out their baptismal calling and offer themselves afresh to God. "These days there are so many ways in which we can serve him and my Team are constantly trying to make it possible for different people to answer this call in new and exciting ways. If you have any sense of a feeling that perhaps God might be calling YOU to ordination, speak to your local clergy. Who knows? Your picture could well be on this page in the coming years.”

Christine Newmarch Witham Team Ministry

Christine is to serve in locally deployed, selfMATTHOUGHTON HOUGHTON supported ministry in the Witham Team Ministry. MATT

creation while sustaining and renewing the life of the earth. Alongside her curacy, Christine will spend a day a week as the voluntary Diocesan Environment Champion. Christine grew up as an only child, but a few years ago was unexpectedly introduced to her father’s second family. She delights in suddenly having a large extended family, including sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and great nieces. Christine has been aware of a persistent call to ordained ministry for many years, and looks forward to her new role very much.

Saffron Ryan St Andrew Hornchurch

Saffron is from Ealing, London. She is married to James and they have three children, Phoebe (10), Skye (14), and Joseph (16). They also have a cat and a dog. CHRISTNE NEWMARCH Saffron has a degree in dance studies and is CHRISTNE NEWMARCH


YOUR YOUR LEAFLETS LEAFLETS Suzy Edmondson SuzyEdmondson Edmondson Suzy Downham Benefice Downham Benefice Downham SUZY writes: Benefice I was born at Dudley in

SUZYwrites: writes:I was I wasborn bornatatDudley Dudleyinin SUZY Worcestershire; however, due totomy Worcestershire; however, due my Worcestershire; however, due to my father's work we moved every three oror father's work we moved every threeor father's work we moved every three four years totoaavariety ofofplaces around four years variety places around four years to a variety of places around the UK. theUK. UK. the After leaving school, atatMay Afterleaving leavingschool, school,II worked Iworked workedat May After May &&Baker where I Imet and subsequently Baker where met and subsequently & Baker where I met and subsequently married John inin1977. marriedJohn Johnin 1977. married 1977. We lived ininSeven Kings before We lived SevenKings Kingsbefore before We lived in Seven moving totoBicknacre 30 years ago. moving Bicknacre 30 years ago.II I moving to Bicknacre 30 years ago. have three children Emily, Richard and have three children Emily, Richard and have three Ichildren Emily, Richard and Charlotte. have aagrandson with Charlotte. I have grandson with Charlotte. I have a grandson with another grandchild due ininOctober. anothergrandchild grandchilddue duein October. another October. Sadly, I Ilost John totocancer four years Sadly, lost John cancer fouryears years Sadly, I lost John to cancer four ago. ago. ago. I Ididn’t become Christian until 1990, didn’tbecome becomeaaaChristian Christianuntil until1990, 1990, I didn’t followed by John and then the children, followed by John and then the children, followed by John and then the children, all ofofwhom are still very involved inin allof whomare arestill stillvery veryinvolved involvedin all whom their churches. I Iwas licensed as aa their churches. was licensed as their churches. I serving was licensed as a St Reader inin2003, atatDanbury Readerin 2003,serving servingat DanburySt St Reader 2003, Danbury John’s before being seconded totothe John’sbefore beforebeing beingseconded secondedto the John’s the Downham Benefice inin2009, where DownhamBenefice Beneficein 2009,where whereII will Iwill will Downham 2009, serve as aaLocally Deployed Priest. serve as Locally Deployed Priest. serve as a Locally Deployed Priest. My hobbies are English folk dancing Myhobbies hobbiesare areEnglish Englishfolk folkdancing dancing My and cross-stitch embroidery. and cross-stitch embroidery. and cross-stitch embroidery.

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DIANEGARFIELD GARFIELD DIANE forest.I really I reallymet metJesus Jesusininmy myearly early30s 30sand and thechallenges challengesofofsafeguarding safeguardingthe theintegrity integrityofof forest. the haveserved servedatatStStPaul’s Paul’sHainault Hainaultininmany many creationwhile whilesustaining sustainingand andrenewing renewingthe thelife life have creation roles,many manyinvolving involvingyoung youngpeople. people. theearth. earth.Alongside Alongsideher hercuracy, curacy,Christine Christine roles, ofofthe willspend spenda aday daya aweek weekasasthe thevoluntary voluntary LicensedasasReader Readerinin2001, 2001,I heard I heardthe thecall call will Licensed DiocesanEnvironment EnvironmentChampion. Champion. ordinationaround aroundfive fiveyears yearsago agoand andfinally finally Diocesan totoordination Christinegrew grewupupasasananonly onlychild, child,but buta afew few joinedStStMellitus MellitusininSeptember September2016, 2016,and and Christine yearsago agowas wasunexpectedly unexpectedlyintroduced introducedtotoher her joined followeda atwo-year two-yearmixed-mode mixed-modecourse. course. years followed father’ssecond secondfamily. family.She Shedelights delightsininsuddenly suddenly I’mgenuinely genuinelyexcited excitedabout aboutthe thepart partI get I gettoto father’s I’m having largeextended extendedfamily, family,including including DIANE GARFIELD CHRISTNE NEWMARCH having a alarge play inGod’s God’splans, plans,forforHainault Hainaultininparticular particular play in sisters,brothers, brothers,nieces, nieces,nephews nephewsand andgreat great sisters, andthe theworld worldiningeneral. general. and nieces. nieces. I’m married withtwo twodaughters, daughters, oneworking working I’m married with one a Christine fully qualified dance and drama teacher. Prior in the third sector and the other currently Christine has been aware of a persistent call has been aware of a persistent call in the third sector and the other currently in the third sector and the other currently to ordained ministry for many years, and looks to training at St Mellitus College Saffron ran a exploring ordination. to ordained ministry for many years, and looks exploring ordination. forwardto toher hernew new rolevery verymuch. much. theatre school for many years as well as exploring I love ordination. my job in The Forest Academy (our forward role I love myjob jobininThe TheForest Forestand Academy (our working for other performing arts organisations I love my Academy local Secondary Academy), I enjoy(our reading, local Secondary Academy), and I enjoy reading, and schools. local Secondary Academy), and I enjoy reading, swimming, cinema, board games… life Saffron Ryan Saffron Ryan swimming,cinema, cinema,board boardgames… games…life life Saffron joins Andrew's from the Parish of swimming, StAndrew Andrew Hornchurch St Hornchurch Brentford; her roles in the Parish have included SAFFRON from Ealing, London.She SheisChurch is Diane Garfield - St Mary with St SAFFRON isisfrom Ealing, Sunday School and YouthLondon. Leader, Café DianeGarfield Garfield- -StStMary Marywith withStSt married to James and they have three children, Diane married to James and have Leadership, as well asthey being partthree of a children, team Leonard Broomfield Phoebe (10), Skye (14), and Joseph (16). They Leonard Broomfield Phoebe (10), (14), and Joseph (16). They Leonard who went outSkye to Uganda. Whilst having been Diana will Broomfield serve at St Mary with St Leonard alsohave have acat cat anda adog. dog. DIANAwill willserve serve Marywith with Leonard also and involved ina lay Church leadership for many DIANA atatStStMary Leonard Broomfield – a parish where sheStSt has deep Saffron has a degree in dance studies and is Broomfield –and aparish parish where shehas has deep Saffron in dance years, thehas callatodegree Ordination took studies Saffron and by is Broomfield – a where she deep roots. Born bred in north-west Chelmsford, a fully qualified dance and drama teacher. Prior roots.Born Bornand andbred bredininnorth-west north-westChelmsford, Chelmsford, asurprise, fully qualified dance teacher. Prior roots. yet it was soand cleardrama and so personal She was baptised and confirmed in totraining trainingatatStStMellitus MellitusCollege CollegeSaffron Saffronran rana a to shewas wasbaptised baptisedand andconfirmed confirmedininBroomfield Broomfield that it could not be ignored. God asked her to she Broomfield church and went to school at King's theatreschool schoolforformany many years as well as theatre church andwent wenttotoschool schoolatatKing's King'sRoad Road dance and she said yes.years as well as church and Road Primary and then Chelmsford County workingforforother otherperforming performingarts artsorganisations organisations working Primary and then Chelmsford County High Primary and then Chelmsford County High andschools. schools. High School for Girls. and SchoolforforGirls. Girls. Sarah Clarke-Moisley School Saffron joins Andrew's from the Parish of Leaving home aged 18, Diana trained as a Saffron joins Andrew's from the Parish of Leavinghome homeaged aged18, 18,Diana Dianatrained trainedasasa a Brentford;her her roles theParish Parishhave haveincluded included librarian Leaving in Leeds, married, had three sons Hainault Stroles Paul Brentford; ininthe librarian inLeeds, Leeds,married, married,had had threesons sons SundaySchool Schooland Youth Leader, CaféChurch sarah writes: I and live, workLeader, and worship inChurch librarian (Philip, in Robert and Chris) and three returned to live in Sunday Youth Café (Philip,Robert Robertand andChris) Chris)and andreturned returnedtotolive liveinin Leadership, as well as being part of a team (Philip, Hainault. If I walk out of my house and turn Chelmsford in the 1980s. Leadership, as well as being part of a team Chelmsfordininthe the 1980s. whowent wentCentral outtotoUganda. Uganda. Whilst having been right, the Line takes me having into thebeen centre Chelmsford who out Whilst From her teens1980s. she had been aware of a call Fromher her teensshe shehad hadbeen beenaware awareofofa acall call Church leadership many ofinvolved London; iflay I Church turn left,leadership I’m in miles ofmany ancient From involved ininlay forfor to ministry teens and in 1990 Diana was licensed as a years, the call to Ordination took Saffron by to ministry and in 1990 Diana was licensed as forest. I really met Jesus in my early 30s and years, the call to Ordination took Saffron by toReader ministrytoand in 1990King Diana was having licensedbeen as a a All Saints, Road, surprise, yetitatitwas was clear andsoso personal ReadertotoAllAllSaints, Saints,King KingRoad, Road,having havingbeen been have served St Paul’s Hainault inpersonal many surprise, yet sosoclear and Reader one of the first students on the new Chelmsford thatit itcould couldnot notbebeignored. ignored. Godasked askedher hertoto oneofofthe thefirst firststudents studentsononthe the new Chelmsford roles, many involving youngGod people. that one Course in Christian Studies. new Chelmsford dance andshe shesaid saidyes. yes. CourseininChristian Christian Studies. Licensed as Reader in 2001, I heard the call Course dance and Diana worked asStudies. a librarian at Anglia Ruskin Dianaworked workedasasa alibrarian librarian at AngliaRuskin Ruskin to ordination around five years ago and finally Diana University from 1990 and wasataAnglia lay chaplain in Sarah Clarke-Moisley joined St Mellitus in September 2016, and University from 1990 and was a lay chaplain in Sarah Clarke-Moisley University from 1990 was lay chaplain the chaplaincy teamand there foramany years. in followed a two-year mixed-mode course. thechaplaincy chaplaincyteam teamthere thereforformany manyyears. years. Hainault St Paul the On retirement in 2012 she returned to Hainault St Paul about the part I get to I’m genuinely Onretirement retirementinin2012 2012she shereturned returnedtoto SARAH writes:I excited I live,work workand andworship worshipinin On SARAH writes: live, Broomfield where her long and circuitous play in God’s plans, forofHainault in particular Broomfield whereher herlong longand andcircuitous circuitous Hainault. If I walk out my house and turn Broomfield where Hainault. If I walk out of my house and turn path to ordained ministry has finally become a and thethe world in general. right, Central Linetakes takesme meinto intothe thecentre centre path pathtotoordained ordainedministry ministryhas hasfinally finallybecome becomea a right, the Central Line reality. I’m marriedif with two daughters, one working London; I turnleft, left,I’m I’mininmiles miles ancient reality. ofofLondon; if I turn ofofancient reality.



'Lee's calling came through his awareness 'Lee's calling calling came came through through his his awareness awareness 'Lee's of the lavish welcome in Christ Jesus' of the the lavish lavish welcome welcome in in Christ Christ Jesus' Jesus' of Lee Taylor Chingford, St Peter LeeTaylor Taylor-- -Chingford, Chingford,St StPeter Peter Lee and St Paul with All Saints andStStPaul Paulwith withAll AllSaints Saints and

7 77

Weare areable abletotoinsert insertyour yourleafl leafl ets We ets into this and similar publications into this and similar publications enablingyou youtotoreach reacha achurch church enabling audience in this and other CofE audience in this and other CofE dioceses. dioceses.

Mark Payne MarkPayne Payne Mark Bocking St Mary and Panfield Bocking Maryand andPanfield Panfield Bocking StStMary St Mary and St Christopher St Mary and St Christopher St Mary and St born Christopher MARK writes: I was in

MARKwrites: writes:I was I wasborn borninin MARK Wolverhampton and studied atatBangor Wolverhampton and studiedat Bangor Wolverhampton and studied Bangor University. University. University. My wife Suz and lived on the Isle ofof Mywife wifeSuz Suzand andII lived I livedon onthe theIsle Isleof My Man where I worked for aachildren’s Man where I worked for children’s Man where I worked for a children’s charity. charity. charity. InInRushen parish, gained some Rushenparish, parish,II gained I gainedsome some In Rushen experience ofofdifferent roles including, experience different roles including, experience of different roles including, preaching, reading the scriptures, leading preaching,reading readingthe thescriptures, scriptures,leading leading preaching, intercessions, helping totolead Messy intercessions, helping lead Messy intercessions, helping to lead Messy Church, facilitating house group and Church,facilitating facilitatingaaahouse housegroup groupand and Church, being part ofofthe pastoral care group. being part the pastoral care group. being part of the pastoral care group. I enjoy cooking, walking and cycling I enjoycooking, cooking,walking walkingand andcycling cycling I enjoy and, although I am currently without aa and, although I am currently without and, although I am currently without awith motor bike, I also enjoy riding aabike motor bike, I also enjoy riding bike with motor bike, I also enjoy riding a bike with an engine. engine. anan engine. I first heard God’s call on my life totobe I firstheard heardGod’s God’scall callon onmy mylife lifeto I first bebe ordained when I was aachild and although ordained when I was child and although ordained when I was a child and although atattimes went inindifferent directions, timesII went I wentin differentdirections, directions, at times different God’s voice remained constant. God’s voice remained constant. God’s voice remained constant. I thank Suz for helping me listen more I thankSuz Suzfor forhelping helpingme melisten listenmore more I thank intently and for helping me gain the intently and for helping me gain the intently and for helping me gain the courage for us totofollow God’s call. couragefor forus usto followGod’s God’scall. call. courage follow My daughter Caitlin, now 14, isisalso My daughter Caitlin, now 14, alsoaaa My daughter Caitlin,and nowsupport. 14, is also source ofofinspiration source inspiration and support. source of inspiration and support.

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THE MONTH July 2017

THE MONTH July 2017



month — What's on in Essex and East London

.Friday, June 16 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Vocal Ensemble. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own. ● Evening Concert at St Mary with St Leonard, Broomfield CM1 7BD. 7pm. Concert - Lorraine Ely (Soprano) & Hans Montanana (Piano) £5 per ticket. Tickets can be purchased on the door. Saturday-Sunday, June 17-18 ● Village Hall, Maldon Road, Great Totham, Maldon CM9 8NH. Open Gardens. Sat and Sun 11am-5pm. Some garden owners will provide refreshments and cakes with the main refreshments being provided at the Village Hall. Entrance to the gardens will be by programme which will be on sale at individual gardens and at the Village Hall. The cost will be £5 for adults with under 16s free. Saturday, June 17 ● Feeringbury Manor, Coggeshall Road, Feering, Colchester CO5 9RB. 12.30-4.30pm. Medieval Fete In aid of All Saints’ Church Feering. Performances by the Thameside Mummers, Medieval Archery by The Fellowship of the Dragon and Eden Falconry displays, fun for children including making headdresses, swords and shields, children’s fancy dress competition, lace making, basket making and spinning demonstrations, market stalls, bouncy castle and much more. An opportunity to visit Feeringbury Manor Gardens, part of the National Gardens Scheme. Cream teas sponsored by the Cream Tea Society, Rodda’s Cornish Clotted Cream and Tiptree Jam; a Pimms bar; and sourced locally from Coggeshall - Bunting’s hot food, beer/bar tent with Red Fox Beer and Peter Watts Wines. Free bus service which will run between Coggeshall, Kelvedon and Feering to the Manor. Ample seating in the gardens and ample free parking in the grounds. Admission – Adults £3.00; Children free. Dogs welcome – must be kept on a lead. ● St Peter and St Paul's Church, Grays RM17 6LL. 10am-4pm. The Great get together in Grays. Community event with the charity formed in memory of the MP Jo Cox, in and around the church and churchyard. There will be bouncy castles, Thurrock Community Chorus. Thurrock Spectrum Brass will play at the start of the event at 10am. There will be an open church with free refreshments all day. Come and celebrate community and look at the various stalls available. Fun and games for everyone. Sunday, June 18 ● Debden Open Gardens, Saffron Walden. CB11 3LE. Fourteen gardens of all sizes up to one half acres across parish of Debden and Debden Green. Light lunches and refreshments in village hall in centre of village. Tickets available from hall and from gardens marked with yellow flower sign; plant sales; quiz for children. 12noon- 5pm. Saturday-Sunday, June 18-25 ● There is a week of special events taking place at St John the Baptist (SS1 2AL), Southend to celebrate its 175th Anniversary. Sunday: 6.30pm - Choral Evensong, with the Choir of Holy Trinity Church, Southchurch. Tuesday - Sunday- Art Exhibition, Flower Festival, tours and concerts. Saturday 3pm - A celebration of local author Warwick Deeping's Caroline Terrace. Sunday 10.30am Patronal Festival Eucharist; preacher Ven David Lowman Wednesday, June 21 ● St John's Church, Stratford. 1.10pm. Lunchtime Concert by Fatima Laham: Recorders. For information ● St Margaret's, Great Ilford. 7-9.30pm. School for Disciples 2017. Roadshow around the diocese to open up discussion, part of the Transforming Presence initiative. These stimulating and challenging events are free of charge and there is no need to book. Thursday, June 22 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. Friday, June 23 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Trinity Laban (wind ensemble). Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish Saturday-Sunday, June 24-25 ● St John's church, Hall Road, Mount Bures CO8 5AR. 10am-5pm both days. Flower Festival with a Celebration Service at 6pm on Sunday. There are events throughout the Village for all ages, with lots to see, to buy and to do for all the family. ● St Peter & St Paul church, Horndon on the Hill SS17 8NY. 9am-4pm both days. Annual Flower Festival. Lovely Cakes, Teas and refreshments available Stalls with Bric-a-Brac, Books and other treasures. Friday, June 23-Sunday, July 16 ● 10 Watling Street, Thaxted CM6 2PE.Thaxted Festival 2017 concert season. Series of 15 concerts throughout four weekends, from Friday, June 23 to Sunday, July 16. Saturday, June 24 ● St John the Baptist, Main Road, Danbury CM3 4NG. 11am-2.30pm. Summer Fayre. There will be plenty of stalls to look around and refreshments of sale. ● St Mary Magdalene church, Great Burstead, Billericay CM11 2TR. 11am-4pm. Summer Fete. Fun for all the family, various stalls, arena events, refreshments, free parking, free entry. ● St Nicolas Church, Chipping Hill, Witham CM8 2JS . 2-5pm. Medieval Fayre celebrating 40 years. Road closed for Morris Dancers, Twirlettes and modern

Regular events Every Sunday unless otherwise stated ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. See advertisement on back page for complete list of main services in the cathedral. ● Afternoon Teas at All Saints’ Epping Upland. CM16 6PH (until October 29).Come and enjoy our lovely rural setting and fantastic views, whilst tasting delicious home-made cakes, tea and coffee. We are dog friendly and have water bowls for our four legged friends. 3pm-5pm Monday-Saturday ● Kings Cafe (above Aldi), London Road, Lexden, Colchester. Monday-Friday 10am-4pm; Saturday 10am-2pm. Every Wednesday ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● St Mary the Virgin, Church Road, Corringham. 10am-4pm. Church will be open every Wednesday for visitors, to see this historic building, there is a Saxon wall, Norman tower, 13th century tombstones, Medieval stained glass and more. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group (term-time only). Every Thursday ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. dance. Stalls, refreshments including cream teas, games of chance, sideshows, Trad Jazz Band, Brass Quintet, The BIGSing. ● Seven Kings High School, 494, Ley Street, Ilford IG2 7BT. 8pm. Valentine Singers Summer Concert Midsummer Music. Musical delights for voices and piano from Mozart, Handel, Rossini, Schubert, Elgar and more plus an array of traditional songs from around the world. The choir will be conducted by Christine Gwynn and the pianist will be Tim Smith. Tickets: £12 (£7 students/ benefit holders) or £14 (£9) if purchased on the door Information and tickets online Box Office 020 8550 4654 Seven Kings High School is a few mins walk from Newbury Park tube/ Seven Kings rail station and there is ample free parking on site. Sunday, June 25 ● Bradfield, CO11 2US. 11am-5pm. The Friends of St Lawrence Church Bradfield Gardens Open Day There will be 13+ gardens open to visit. Refreshments and lunches available. Cakes and plants stalls. Admission by Programme available from the village shop in advance and also on the day at St Lawrence Church. Adults £4 with accompanied children free. ● Echo Down the Years - a classical concert at St Margaret’s, Barking IG11 8AS. 7.30-9pm. A free classical concert with choir, orchestra and soloist celebrating more than 800 years of the history and heritage of St Margaret's Church on the Barking Abbey site. Find out more ● St Mary with Leonard Church, Church Green, Broomfield, Chelmsford CM1 7BD. 6.30pm. Songs of Praise on the Green. Please bring a garden chair or picnic blanket with you. Send Hymns and Reading suggestions to Revd Carolyn Tibbott. revcat@outlook. com Wednesday, June 28 ● St John's Church, Stratford. 1.10pm. Lunchtime Concert by Maryland School Choir. For information Friday, June 30 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Cathedral Choral Scholars. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or bring your own if you wish. ● St Thomas of Canterbury, Brentwood CM14 4DF. 1pm. Lunchtime Live Concert by Tanzanite Piano trio. Retiring collection. For further details: 01277 218121. Saturday-Sunday, July 1-2 ● St Peter-in-the-Forest, Woodford New Road, Walthamstow E17 3PW. Flower Festival (part of Patronal Festival weekend). Theme: 'Favourite Bible Stories" or "Favourite Hymns". ● St Mary with St Leonard Church, Church Green, Broomfield, Chelmsford CM1 7BD. 10am-6pm. Flower Festival throughout church on the theme of 'Celebration'. Refreshments available. Saturday, July 1 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am-12 noon. Cathedral Coffee Morning in the Chapter House. Come and enjoy fresh coffee, home-made scones and bring & buy. ● St Laurence Church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB. 6.30-7-30pm. Summer Organ Recital by Colin Andrews (Indiana University, USA). Kenneth Tickell built the renowned pipe organ in 2003. Admission £10 to support the ongoing church music programme. ● St Peter's church, Bocking End, Braintree CM7 9AR. 11am-2pm. Summer Fayre. Stalls, sideshows and refreshments, plus come and see our beautiful

knitted church! Lots of fun for everyone! ● St Mary Magdalene Church, Church Lane, Upminster RM14 3QH. 2-4.30pm. Church Open. The church dates from 1170 and there will be a guided tour of the church and its monuments at 3pm. Refreshments will be available along with a cake stall, bring and buy and a raffle. All proceeds for church funds. ● St Mary the Virgin, Church Street, Kelvedon, Colchester CO5 9AL. 3-6pm. Disney-themed fete. Not going to Disneyland this summer? Then meet your favourite Disney characters in our fancy dress competition or win the Princess cake. Also a Fantasia of stalls and sideshows including Friar Tuck's barbecue and Robin Hood's Ale House. Tuesday, July 4 ● Church of SS Peter and Paul Ongar Road, Stondon Massey CM15 0LD. 7.30 for 8pm. The Stondon Singers William Byrd Anniversary Concert Conducted by Christopher Tinker. This year’s programme includes pieces by Byrd alongside anthems and madrigals by some of his English and Italian contemporaries. Refreshments will be served during the interval. Tickets £12 (£6 for under-16s) Available in advance from James Dace & Son (Chelmsford), Allegro Music (Chelmsford), The Cooperative, Blackmore, or any choir member. Also at the door on the night. Advance purchase recommended. Telephone 01992 522300 or e-mail for information. Website: Wednesday, July 5 ● Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. 1-3pm. Café Theology. Meet at the Food Court. ● Library at the Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford. 1pm. The Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group. Everyone is welcome and it is free to join in. For details and encouragement, please contact the bookshop on 01245 294405 or email bookshop@ ● St. John's Church, Stratford. 1.10pm. Lunchtime Concert by Cynthia Hall: Organ. For information www. until 27th September Thursday, July 6 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am. Mothers' Union Corporate Communion in St Cedd’s Chapel. Chelmsford Cathedral. 8pm. Mothers’ Union Evening Section meets in St Cedd’s Hall. ● St Laurence church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster. 1.05pm. Free lunchtime concert. Retiring collection. Car parking available. Friday, July 7 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Saturday, July 8 ● St Andrew’s Church, Althorne. 7pm. Last Night of the Althorne Proms! Pimms & nibbles, Organ music, Readings, Raffle, Poems, Sing-along. £7 tickets from Brenda 01621 744912, Lynda 01621 740481. In aid of organ fund. ● St John’s Church, St John’s Road, Epping CM16 5DN. 7.30pm. Epping Church Choirs Association Summer Concert. Programme to include A Little Jazz Mass - Chilcott, Little Organ Mass – Haydn, Verdi Opera choruses and songs from the shows. ConductorSimon Winters. Accompanist- Jonathan Eyre. Free Admission, Programmes £2.50. Retiring collection for choir funds. ● St Laurence church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB. 6.30-7-30pm. Summer Organ Recital by Giampaolo di Rosa (Portuguese Church, Rome). Includes a masterclass on organ improvisation, in collaboration with the Essex, and Enfield Organists’ Associations. See website for more details. Concert Admission £10 to support the ongoing church music programme. Saturday-Sunday, July 8-9 ● All Saints Church, Little Totham. Saturday: annual fete with and the Concert on the Common on Sunday, Activities on the Little Common will start at 12-30. Jewellery stalls, usual array of books including many nearly-new paperbacks, masses of delicious cakes and a host of toys for the children. Tea tent and barbecue as well as the ever-popular beer tent. Sunday, July 9 ● Harp Concert at The Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell with afternoon tea. 3.30-5.30pm. An afternoon concert with Lynne Creasey, Harp and Harvey Nightingale, Baritone. A magical musical afternoon in a beautiful setting followed by afternoon tea. Lynne will also play at the evening service at 6.30. Tickets £15. Wednesday, July 12 ● St John's Church, Stratford. 1.10pm. Lunchtime Concert by Carina Drury, cello. For information www. Thursday, July 13 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 2pm. Mothers' Union Afternoon Section meet in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Pleshey Garden Quiet Day. 9.30am-4pm House of Retreat, Pleshey. The garden at Pleshey is a wonderful oasis and place of peace. How can we learn from the garden what we need to be focusing on in our own rhythm of life? Sometimes we can feel like we are out of kilter and this will be a space to pause and reflect and notice what God is up to, to learn from the garden what is flourishing in the garden of our own lives, and what needs attention. How can we flourish where God has planted us now? Is there anything we need less of? What structures, trellis supporting a plant to grow, do we need now? We will be drawing on some of the monastic wisdom of the Society of St John the Evangelist to consider what we need in this season of our lives.

Friday, July 14 ● Chelmsford Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish Saturday, July 15 ● All Saints’ Church, Writtle. The Writtle Singers summer concert ‘Time Pieces’. A varied collection of music spanning six centuries, each referring to a time of day, year or a season. Composers include Gibbons, Morley, Brahms, Kodaly, Delius, Debussy, Whitacre and Saffron Walden’s Janet Wheeler. Full information and tickets can be obtained from or call 07815 966978. Writtle Singers is a chamber choir of mixed voices. We have been delighted to welcome several new members in recent months and we’re always pleased to hear from people who might like to sing with us. Any interested singers should call the Chairman on 01992 611711. ● St Laurence Church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB. 6.30-7-30pm. Summer Organ Recital by Timothy Noon (Exeter Cathedral). Kenneth Tickell built the renowned pipe organ in 2003. Admission £10 to support the ongoing church music programme. ● Harwich Secret Gardens. 11am to 4pm both days. More than 20 Gardens are open. Entrance tickets £5 from St Nicholas church. Refreshments are available Proceeds to local charities Sunday, July 16 ● Friends of Aldham Church Garden Party, Tile House, Aldham. Garden games, a BBQ, cake stall and a raffle. ● Cream Teas at the Priest’s house, All Saints Doddinghurst in aid of church funds. 2.30-4.30pm. Wednesday, July 19 ● St. John's Church, Stratford. 1.10pm. Lunchtime Concert by Ife Okoye: Tenor. For information www. Friday, July 21 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Saturday, July 22 ● St Laurence church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB. 6.30-7.30pm. Summer Organ Recital by Richard Brasier (St Laurence Church) Kenneth Tickell built the renowned pipe organ in 2003. Admission £10 to support the ongoing church music programme. ● Open afternoon at St Mary’s, Buttsbury CM4 9NZ 2-4.30pm. Cream teas, flowers in the church and a raffle in aid of church funds Saturday-Sunday, July 22-23 ● St Mary the Virgin church, Church Lane, Stapleford Abbotts RM4 1ES. A Flower Festival entitled 'National Treasures' Sat: 10am-3pm and Sun:11am-3pm. Admission is free. Beautiful floral displays and various stalls in our tranquil church grounds including, books, clothes, homemade cakes and jams, raffle and bric-abrac. Also pony rides and live music. Refreshments will be available throughout the festival. ● Friends of Holy Trinity Church, Rayleigh. Open Gardens. Sat: 10am-5pm, Sun: 2pm- 5pm. A dozen very different gardens will be open waiting to welcome you, including three new ones. Refreshments and other attractions in Rayleigh Parish Centre. Entry to all gardens is by programme, containing a map and details of all the gardens. £4 bought in advance or £5 on the day. Available from Rayleigh Parish Centre, behind Church SS6 8BB. For further information, ring Joanne Baker on 01268 742252. Sunday, July 23 ● Vesper Singers sing at Evensong at St Mary’s Buttsbury CM4 9NZ. Tea and cakes will be served afterwards. 3.30pm Wednesday, July 26 ● St John's Church, Stratford. 1.10pm. Lunchtime Concert by Cathy Davies & David Silkoff: Piano Duet. For information Thursday, July 27 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. Friday, July 28 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Saturday, July 29 ● Retreat day at the Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, Bradwell.10am-4pm. A day to experience praying and meditation in Aramaic. Led by Revd Dr Jenny Williams. Cost £25 Bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee will be available at the Othona Community. For more details, email Revd Brigid Main at August 2017 diary deadline ● Submit event details at www.chelmsford. by July 1 for inclusion in The Month and on the diocesan website. Latest events ● You can find the latest events online at www. ● Cathedral events can be viewed online at www.


THE MONTH July 2017

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Take an inner journey

For the Lord your God is a merciful God. He will not leave you or destroy you or forget the covenant with your fathers that he swore to them. Deut 4:31



THE MONTH July 2017


Worship & Prayer at Chelmsford Cathedral A warm welcome to your cathedral, Jobs serving Essex and East London

month — Barber refused to cut our writer's hair

'I left the shop, went home and cried...'

IF you live in the Basildon area, you may have seen me on the front of the Echo newspaper a Sunday couple of months ago. In the week previous to my 8.00am Holy Communion brief dalliance with front page 9.30am Parish Eucharist news, I had needed a haircut. 11.15am Choral Eucharist Entering the joint hairdresser 3.30pm Evensong and barber's shop that my hair had been cut in a couple of months previously, I was by the Education % hairdresser What's On Daily Services News % Sport % informed that they didn’t have any 7.45am Morning Prayer appointments available. 8.15am Holy Communion “Do not worry!” I said. “I’m (also Weds at 12.35 happy for the barber to cut my and Thurs at 10am) % Competitions hair, I want a ‘man’s haircut’ and I had it done in the barbers last 12.00pm Midday Prayer time.” 5.15pm Evensong At this, the barber looked up (sung on Mon, Tues, from the hair he was cutting Thurs and Fri) and stated bluntly, “I don’t cut woman’s hair.” Taken aback I asked him why News Local National not. First World WartoCentenary He proceeded concoct a story about a second Local Elections 2017 hairdresser who would arrive shortly and, taking him at face 10th May value, I patiently waited for 25 minutes for the hairdresser to arrive. After realising she wasn’t going to arrive, my levels of Chad Nugent humiliation and outrage at the injustice of it rose to such a degree that I told the barber that



! Register Sign in to go until women no longer face injustice within their faith community. And whatever your theological position on the leadership of women, we can all agree God wants us to be liberated into fullness of life, not squashed by unrealistic expectations and stereotypes. I’m doing my bit to try and move the church forward. Grove Books recently published a booklet written by me about gender aware youth practice. It’s only a small contribution to the issues, but hopefully if youth leaders and churches can get to grips with gender justice amongst their young people, maybe we can see future generations experiencing church as less sexist than wider society!

Women pay on average about £40 more than men for having their haircut. It may not be the biggest inequality of our time, but it’s a demonstration of how men and women are treated differently in society. We might like to imagine % Announcements % Bookthat aninad Pictures % our%churches, women would face less inequality. Given that we have a faith that honours every woman (and man) as created in the image of God, we could assume that would lead to women being valued as highly as men in Christian culture. However, women are often left doing the menial tasks, whilst men do the “important” work of preaching and leading. Travel latest Video Archive Centreare Campaign Girls inCancer youth groups told to dress modestly to stop the NATALIE COLLINS boys and men sinning, thereby 2016 National Sermon what he was doing was illegal. blaming females for male of the Year winner That under the Equality Act he issues with lust. could not refuse to cut my hair. Rapport at Christian events ● Natalie’s Grove booklet is After a few more assertions is often built on regressive entitled “Gender-aware Youth about my rights, I left the shop, gender stereotypes and jokes Work: Confronting Genderwent home and cried. After about men being unable to based Injustice With Young which I decided to inform the multitask, or women being too People” and is available at: local daily newspaper about emotional. the injustice of it. The Church has a long way collections/youth for £3.95.

" #

Rotary Club of Colchester Forum sleepout raises £11,000 for two charities

Raising vital cash for charities

TEAM EFFORT 1 (pictured by kind permission of the Daily Gazette, left to right): Will Quince, Bishop Roger Morris, Rotary district governor Terry Dean, organiser Tony Dutch, mayor Julie Young and Vivienne Wiggins from Beacon House.

Come to me, TEAM EFFORT 2: Organiser Jill Smylie (left) all you who said "a big thank you to all are weary and the Diocesan Office staff"' for their Bishop Big Team effort - Will Quince, Roger Morris, rotary district governor Terry Dean, organiser burdened, and Breakfast support from that Vivienne Wiggins Beacon House I willYoung giveandyou raised the grand total of £475 for rest. Christian Aid. !



Matthew 11:28


% Jill recently took part in the London Moonwalk for Breast Cancer and raised £970.


THE Bishop of Colchester, Roger Morris slept out with the Mayor of Colchester, the MP and business bosses to raise thousands of pounds for charity. The Forum Rotary Club of Colchester organised the sleepout in the grounds of Castle Park with each participant challenged to raise £500 each. Besides the Bishop more than 20 people took part, including mayor Julie Young, Rt Revd Roger Morris and Will Quince MP who helped raise £11,000 which will be split between Beacon House and the Colchester Samaritans. Participants slept in a range of shelters and Tony Dutch, the club's community service chairman said he was delighted with the amount raised. He said: "We were fortunate it did not rain or we would have been left with a lot of soggy cardboard, but it was a fairly Tony Julie coldDutch, night andmayor fortunately we were kept supplied with hot drinks. "We have already received some very good feedback from the participants and thank all those involved for what turned out to be an enjoyable event. "Everyone mixed very well and there was some very interesting discussions about homelessness and what could be done to help people. "We really wanted to help out local charities because rotary is all about helping communities both at home and abroad."

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