Notice Board December 2015

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December 2015-January 2016

NOTICE board

Priest charts impact of First World War on Colchester

Meaning is in the Waiting request

ROBERT BEAKEN is parish priest of St Mary the Virgin, Great Bardfield, and St Katharine, Little Bardfield, in Essex. He holds a PhD from King’s College, London, and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He is the author of seven works, including Cosmo Lang: Archbishop in War and Crisis (2012).

Front cover: The Burial of the unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey, (detail), oil painting by Frank O Salisbury © Estate of Frank O Salisbury. All rights reserved, DACS 2015. Image courtesy of Palace of Westminster Collection WOA 2957 Back cover: Unloading wounded soldiers at St Botolph’s Station

CofE Home Front jkt 20150727A.indd 1

‘Robert Beaken provides an elegantly written account of an important aspect of how English society coped with the 1914–1918 war on the home front. In his study of parochial life in Colchester during the period, Dr Beaken tests and demolishes a number of myths, tracing their origins to the late 1920s, a period of disillusionment and literary reconstruction of the war years. His final chapter on the dubious contrast between a “bad” First World War and a “good” Second World War for the Church of England makes an important contribution to remembering those who endured and fought in 1914–1918, without condescension but with honesty and compassion.’ The Right Rev. and Right Hon. Richard Chartres KCVO DD FSA, Bishop of London ‘In telling the story of the Church and its people in Colchester, a garrison town, Robert Beaken enlivens our understanding of the First World War – not only as a clash of mighty forces, but also at a personal and communal level.’ The Very Rev. Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

‘An admirable book. In a year when we are encouraged to assess or reassess our attitudes to the Great War, it is useful to have this timely account of how the Church of England faced its wartime duties.’ The Right Hon. Lord Hurd of Westwell CH CBE

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Robert Beaken

I would urge readers not to skip the insightful introduction which reminds us of what we are waiting for and why! This year Paula has also published Journey to the Manger (above) which looks at the story of the birth of Jesus. l Both books are available from the bookshop at special prices: The Meaning is in the Waiting - £7.99 (RRP £8.99) and Journey to the Manger- £11.50 (RRP £12.99). Everyone is welcome to join the reading group. It meets at 1pm on the first Wednesday of each month in the Library at the Diocesan Office. Contact Rachel or Sally on 01245 294405 or email bookshop@ chelmsford.anglican. org for details. RACHEL ORFORD Manager, Chelmsford Christian Bookshop

ROBERT Beaken, parish priest of Great Bardfield Little Bardfield, has written an elegant account of an important aspect of how English society coped with the 1914-1918 war on the Home Front. In his study of parochial life in Colchester during the period (right), Dr Beaken tests and demolishes a number of myths, tracing their origins to the late 1920s, a period of disillusionment and literary reconstruction of the war years. In his foreword, Terry Waite says: "The late Robert Runcie, one-time Archbishop of Canterbury and a distinguished holder of the Military Cross, frequently proclaimed that ‘nothing was real unless it was local’. Mischievously, his private staff requested that he define what he meant by ‘real’, even though they knew full well what he really meant. "In a world where history is too often relegated to a lowly place


PAULA Gooder has been a much requested author by our bookshop reading group, so for December 2 we have chosen to look at Advent with her book The Meaning is in the Waiting. Written in Paula’s usual accessible style, readers can take either daily or weekly bites or, as I did, consume it at whole-in-one sitting. This presumably illustrates how hopeless I am at waiting. In fact, a slower approach is by far the better way. The author provides plenty of opportunities and suggestions for reflection on different ways of waiting, how we might become better at it and how this might bring us closer to God. She skilfully uses the stories traditionally associated with the four candles on the Advent wreath: Abraham and Sarah, the prophets, John the Baptist and Mary as her focus, but


Robert Beaken Foreword by Terry Waite CBE

in the school curriculum, another distinguished scholar, Dr Beaken, has done a distinct service to Colchester in recording the impact of the First World War on the garrison town. He has written a focused and detailed local history which he has placed in its wider context, and his careful research has revealed some fascinating statistics. Who would have thought that the Borough of Colchester Social Club for the


The Church of England is popularly believed to have had a bad First World War. This book challenges that tired orthodoxy. It examines the relationship between parish churches and the army during the war, using the important garrison town of Colchester as a case study. Colchester in 1914–18 was a microcosm both of English society and of the Church of England, in all their diversity. The presence of the army also meant that wartime experiences and trends which were noticeable elsewhere in England were sharply felt in Colchester.

Troops, well supported by the Church of St Mary-atthe-Walls, would have distributed 11 tons of cake to hungry troops during the war years? That is indeed a lot of cake! "However, Dr Beaken does not confine his research to statistics. Throughout the centuries, Christians of every persuasion have been divided in their attitude to warfare. "The episcopate urged the clergy to remain in their parishes, in order to give pastoral care to the many hundreds of people who were bereaved or who were suffering from other forms of distress as a result of the war. "Understandably, such were the social pressures, and their individual convictions, that not all priests felt able to obey this injunction. Most clergy did, and the book illustrates how the Anglican parishes of For the generation of Britons who lived through the Great War, Christianity was an important part of their culture, world view and, in many instances, personal lives. To understand life on the home front during the war, it is vital to understand the part played by Christianity, and particularly by the parishes of the Church of England. With the help of newly discovered archival material, this book reassesses the relations between clergy, soldiers and civilians, to show that, contrary to widely-held belief, the clergy and their parishioners responded to the crisis of 1914–18 with courage, common sense, and self-sacrifice: their ministry kept much of the population going during the Great War.

27/07/2015 13:36

Colchester served their community in diverse ways during harsh and difficult years of 1914–18. As might be expected, there are many references to the army, and the interaction between the civilian population and the troops, both positive and negative, is well documented. "There has been much controversy across the years in respect of the Church’s attitude to warfare, and in particular concerning the thorny question of the blessing of weapons of war. The author quotes research conducted by the director of the Army Chaplaincy Museum, who has been unable to uncover any such incidents, apart from the naming of an aircraft by an obscure princess in 1918. The myth continues, but, says the author, there are no documents to support this claim. "Reading this book,

one is reminded what enormous changes have taken place in both Church and society during in the last 100 years. Then, there was little doubt that the CofE was in fact the Church for all the people of the country, regardless of their religious or political persuasion. Organisations such as the Church of England Men’s Society flourished, as did their female equivalent. The CofE was a force to be reckoned with in the Colchester of the early 20th century, and it played a substantial role in bringing comfort to those in distress, and in enabling wartime society to hold together. "Dr Beaken shows the impact that the global conflict of 1914-18 had on a local community, and the response of the CofE. It was real and meaningful, and Dr Runcie would have fully approved." l The book is available from the Diocesan Bookshop (details left) at a special price of £22.50.

DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER — DECEMBER 2015-JANUARY 2016 Cycle of Prayer for daily use in Diocese of Chelmsford 'Being conscious of being in the presence of God.'

DECEMBER 1 Tuesday Charles de Foucauld, Hermit in the Sahara, 1916 ● Today is World Aids Day ● DEANERY OF DUNMOW & STANSTED Cilla Hawkes, Rural Dean. Belle Beszant, Lay Chair. Joanna Pratt (RDR). ● Your prayers are asked for the deanery’s continued work as they grow together for their future Mission and Ministry Unit, faced with the task of showing God in the growing housing without losing sight of their existing ministry. Pray, too, for the chaplaincy at Stansted Airport and the 10,000 employees there. ● Diocese of West Tennessee (Province IV, The Episcopal Church). 2 Wednesday ● THE SOUTH RODINGS: ABBESS RODING (St Edmund), BEAUCHAMP RODING (St Botolph), WHITE RODING (St Martin), LEADEN RODING (St Michael)—Clergy: Clive Duxbury (PIC). ● FELSTED (Holy Cross) and LITTLE DUNMOW (St Mary the Virgin)—Clergy: Colin Taylor (V). Readers: Joanna Pratt, Robert Stone. ● Felsted School: Nigel Little (CHP). ● Diocese of West Texas (Province VII, The Episcopal Church). 3 Thursday Francis Xavier, Missionary, Apostle of the Indies, 1552 ● BROXTED w CHICKNEY (St Mary Vn)

and TILTY (St Mary Vn) and GREAT EASTON (St John & St Giles) and LITTLE EASTON—Clergy: Ivy Crawford (PIC) [Also Diocesan CMD Adviser]. ● Great Easton School: Claire Jackman (HT). ● GREAT BARDFIELD (St Mary Vn) and LITTLE BARDFIELD (St Katharine)— Clergy: Robert Beaken (PIC). ● Dioceses of Southern and West Virginia (Province III, The Episcopal Church). 4 Friday John of Dasmascus, Monk, Teacher of the Faith, c.749 Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, Founder of the Little Gidding Community, 1637 ● GREAT DUNMOW (St Mary Vn) w BARNSTON—Clergy: Ruth Patten (PIC). ● St Mary’s Primary School: Clare Griffiths (HT). ● Dioceses of Western Izon (Bendel, Nigeria) & Northern Izon (Niger Delta, Nigeria). 5 Saturday ● Churches often make Advent far too much like Lent, even to using the same colours at services (in England it used to be blue for Advent and purple for Lent – now most churches use purple for both). But they are very different. The traditional themes of Lent are prayer and penitence, whereas the traditional themes of Advent are hope and expectation as we wait for the birth of God. ● Diocese of Western Kansas (Province VII, The Episcopal Church). 6 THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT ● Pray for the work of the Diocesan Evangelical Association and its Chair, Gordon Simmonds. ● Diocese of Western Louisiana (Province VII, the Episcopal Church). 7 Monday Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Teacher of the Faith, 397

GREAT BARDFIELD— Please pray for the clergy and congregation on December 3

● GREAT CANFIELD (St Mary Vn) w HIGH RODING (All Saints) and AYTHORPE RODING (St Mary Vn): also HIGH EASTER (St Mary Vn) and GOOD EASTER (St Andrew) w MARGARET RODING (St Margaret of Antioch)­—Clergy: Dub Gannon (PIC). ● Diocese of Western Michigan (Province V, The Episcopal Church). 8 Tuesday THE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ● STEBBING (St Mary Vn) & LINDSELL (St Mary Vn) w GREAT SALING (St James) and LITTLE (BARDFIELD) SALING (St Peter & St Paul)—Clergy: Tim Goodbody (PIC), Cilla Hawkes (AD, AC), Helen Pelly (A), Reader: Nigel Warren. ● TAKELEY (Holy Trinity) w LITTLE CANFIELD (All Saints)—Clergy: Rob Burles (PIC), Hugh Mascetti (LLM).

● Diocese of Western New York (Province II, The Episcopal Church). 9 Wednesday ● Ember Day ● STANSTED MOUNTFITCHET (St John) w BIRCHANGER (St Mary Vn) & FARNHAM (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Paul Wilkin (R). ● St Mary’s School, Stansted: Christine Tonkins (HT). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Dunmow and Stansted. ● Diocese of Western Tanganyika (Tanzania). 10 Thursday ● UN HUMAN RIGHTS DAY ● DEANERY OF HARWICH—Area Dean: Guy Thorburn, Lay Chair: John Baker. Asst. Area Dean: Simon Heron. ● Gillian Moore (CHP, St Helena Hospice). ● Diocese of Wiawso (Ghana). 11 Friday ● Ember Day ● DEDHAM (St Mary Virgin)—Clergy: Vacancy (V). ● Dedham School: Heather Tetchner (HT). ● ELMSTEAD (St Anne and St Laurence)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC). ● Diocese of Willochra (South Australia, Australia). 12 Saturday ● Ember Day ● Today is what is sometimes called an “ember” day. It is a very old Anglo Saxon word, but all it means is that today we specially prayer for the mission and ministry of the church; for our bishops, CONTINUED ON PAGE II


THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT December 2015-January 2016

CONTINUED FROM PAGE I priests and deacons, and – in the words of the prayer for today – “for all your faithful people that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth.” ● Diocese of Winchester (Canterbury). 13 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT ● The Parish of Great Clacton St John asks for your prayers that they may be a blessing in the days of Christmas and spread the message of Jesus Christ. ● Diocese of Windward Isles (West Indies). 14 Monday John of the Cross, Poet, Teacher of the Faith, 1591 ● HARWICH PENINSULA TEAM MINISTRY: DOVERCOURT (All Saints) & PARKESTON (St Paul), HARWICH (St Nicholas), RAMSEY (St Michael) w LITTLE OAKLEY (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Peter Mann (TR), Rosie Tallowin (TV), Guy Thorburn, Sam Winney (AC), Astrid Tiesema-Samsom (A), Sioux Thorpe (LLM). ● All Saints School, Dovercourt: Julie O’Mara (HT). ● Two Village School, Ramsey/Little Oakley: Kay Wills (HT). ● Diocese of Worcester (Canterbury). 15 Tuesday ● ARDLEIGH (St Mary Vn) and THE BROMLEYS (St George, St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Vacancy (R). ● St Mary’s School, Ardleigh: Donna Parker (HT). ● St George’s School, Great Bromley: Julie O’Mara (HT). ● GREAT OAKLEY (All Saints) w WIX (St Mary) & WRABNESS (All Saints)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC), Laura Garnham (LLM). ● All Saints School, Great Oakley: Jane Simmons (HT). ● Diocese of Wusasa (Kaduna, Nigeria). 16 Wednesday ● LAWFORD (St Mary)—Clergy: Simon Heron (PIC), Paul Mann (AC), Reader: Margaret Southgate. ● Lawford School: Donna Wenden (HT) ● MISTLEY w MANNINGTREE (St Mary and St Michael) w BRADFIELD (St Lawrence)—Clergy: Chris Hills (R), John Brien (AC), Claire Scargill (A). Reader: Stacie Withers. ● Mistley Norman School: Amanda Woolmer (HT). ● Diocese of Wyoming (Province VI, The Episcopal Church). 17 Thursday Eglantyne Jebb, Social Reformer, Founder of ‘Save the Children’, 1928 ● O Sapentia [BCP] ● TENDRING (St Edmund) and LITTLE BENTLEY (St Mary Vn) w BEAUMONT-CUM-MOZE (St Leonard)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC), Linda Porter (A) ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Harwich. ● Diocese of Yambio (Sudan). 18 Friday ● DEANERY OF SAFFRON WALDEN—Area Dean: David Tomlinson. Lay Chair: Graham Cook. Assistant Area Dean: Margaret Davis. Bishop’s Advisor on Women’s Ministry: Jenny Tomlinson. ● Diocese of Yangon (Myanmar) 19 Saturday ● December 17-24 have from very early times been special days of “counting down” to Christmas. There is a joyful urgency not about shopping but about welcoming Jesus into our lives, and the characteristic word of these days is “Maranatha” (1 Corinthians 16.22) – a word that can mean both “the Lord has come” and “come, Lord”. The perfect prayer for today. ● Diocese of Yei (Sudan). 20 THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT ● Pray for Denis Huntley, Chaplain amongst Deaf and Deafblind People and Adviser on Disability Issues, and his team. ● Diocese of Yewa [formerly Egbado] (Lagos, Nigeria). 21 Monday ● THE SAMPFORDS (St Mary Virgin, St Michael) and RADWINTER (St Mary Virgin) with HEMPSTEAD (St Andrew)—Clergy: Philip Tarris (PIC). ● Radwinter School: Kate Hockley (HT). ● ICKNIELD WAY VILLAGES: GREAT CHISHILL (St Swithun), LITTLE CHISHILL (St Nicholas), CHRISHALL (Holy Trinity), ELMDON (St Nicholas), STREHALL (St Mary Vn), Heydon (Holy Trinity), THE HAMLET CHURCH AT DUDDENHOE END—Clergy: Andy Colebrook (R). ● Chrishall School: Tracey Bratley (HT). ● Diocese of Yirol (Sudan). 22 Tuesday ● SAFFRON WALDEN AND VILLAGES TEAM MINISTRY: SAFFRON WALDEN, WENDONS AMBO (St Mary Vn), LITTLEBURY (Holy Trinity), ASHDON (All Saints), HADSTOCK (St Botolph), DEBDEN (St Mary Vn), WIMBISH w THUNDERLEY (All Saints), GREAT CHESTERFORD (All Saints), LITTLE CHESTERFORD (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: David Tomlinson (AD) (TR); Hilary Davey, Richard Spencer, Jeremy Parsons (TV); Paula Griffiths, Tim Hardingham, Jenny Tomlinson, Angela Want, (AC), Lydia Smith (A), Tracey Nicholls (LLM), Reader: Graham Davies. ● St Mary’s School, Saffron Walden: Karen Cayford (HT).

CYCLE O TENDRING: Please pray for the clergy and congregation on December 17 ● Debden School: Julie Gibbons (HT). ● Great Chesterford Primary Academy: Henry Weir (HT). ● Diocese of Yokohama (Japan). 23 Wednesday ● THAXTED (St John and St Laurence)—Clergy: Philip Tarris (PIC), Christopher Brown (AC), Reader: Adrian Wright. ● CLAVERING (St Mary & St Clement) and LANGLEY (St John Evn) w ARKESDEN (St Mary Vn) and WICKEN BONHUNT (St Margaret), MANUDEN (St Mary Vn) and BERDEN (St Nicholas)—Clergy: Margaret Davies (V). ● HENHAM (St Mary Vn) and ELSENHAM (St Mary Vn) w UGLEY (St Peter)—Clergy: Gary Townsend (V). ● Elsenham School: Linda Reid (HT). ● Diocese of Yola (Jos. Nigeria). 24 CHRISTMAS EVE ● NEWPORT (St Mary Vn) w WIDDINGTON (St Mary Vn), QUENDON (St Simon & St Jude) w RICKLING (All Saints)— Clergy: Neil McLeod (V), Andrea Harrison (LLM). ● Rickling School: Gill Napier (HT). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Saffron Walden. ● Diocese of York (York). 25 CHRISTMAS DAY — NATIVITY OF OUR LORD ● May the humility of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the joy of the angels, and the peace of the Christ child be God’s gifts to us this Christmas time, and always. (The Promise of His Glory) ● Diocese of Ysabel (Melanesia). 26 STEPHEN, DEACON, FIRST MARTYR ● It is an extraordinary feature of the Christian calendar that it places the death of the first Christian martyr straight after Christmas Day – a powerful and challenging reminder that the birth of Christ is not an easy story for children but a summons to costly discipleship. ● Diocese of Yukon (British Columbia & The Yukon). 27 THE FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS ● Please pray for the Church of England Guild of Vergers and give thanks for the work and devotion of the men and women who carry out this important task. ● Diocese of Zaki-Biam (Abuja, Nigeria). 28 Monday HOLY INNOCENTS ● DEANERY OF ST OSYTH—Area Dean: Guy Thorburn. Asst. Area Dean: Pauline Scott. Lay Chair: Wendy King. ● ALRESFORD (St Andrew) and FRATING w THORRINGTON (St Mary)—Clergy: Pauline Scott (R), Pauline Hart (A), Reader: John Harper. ● BRIGHTLINGSEA (All Saints w St James)—Clergy: Anne Howson (PIC), Katherine Graham (LLM). ● Clacton (St James)—Clergy: Peter Kane (V). ● Clacton (St Paul)—Clergy: David Lower (PIC). ● FRINTON (St Mary Magdalene)—Clergy: Don Smith (R), Maggie Wilson (LLM).

● Diocese of Zanzibar (Tanzania). 29 Tuesday ST JOHN, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1170 ● GREAT CLACTON (St John the Baptist)—Clergy: Guy Thorburn, (AD, V), Mark Mulryne (AC, Children & Families worker), Phillip Sacre (A), Readers: Mary Grint, Sheila Neale, Robin Whitworth, Ruth Whitworth. ● Great Clacton C of E Junior School (Academy): Alison Syred-Paul (HT). ● HOLLAND-ON-SEA (St Bartholomew)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC), David Lower (AC), Susan Wiggins (A). ● Diocese of Zaria (Kaduna, Nigeria). 30 Wednesday ● KIRBY-LE-SOKEN (St Michael) w GREAT HOLLAND (All Saints)—Clergy: Mark Holdaway (R). ● ST OSYTH (St Peter & St Paul)—Clergy: Sharon Miles (PIC), Eddie Howson (A). ● St Osyth School: Mark Carter-Tufnell (HT). ● GREAT BENTLEY (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Sharon Miles (PIC), Eddie Howson (A). ● THORPE-LE-SOKEN (St Michael)—Clergy: Jeremy Dowding (PIC). ● Rolph School: John Crane (HT). ● Diocese of Zonkwa (Abuja, Nigeria). 31 Thursday John Wyclif, Reformer, 1384 ● WALTON-LE-SOKEN (All Saints)—Clergy: Peter Edwards (R), Reader: Viv Bull. ● WEELEY (St Andrew) w LITTLE CLACTON (St James)— Clergy: David Newman (R). ● St Andrew’s School: John Crane (HT). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of St Osyth. ● Diocese of Zululand (Southern Africa).


1 Friday THE NAMING AND CIRCUMCISION OF JESUS ● A Prayer for the New Year: Lord of the years, we ask your blessing on the year to come. Give us resilience to bear its disappointments, energy to seize its opportunities and openness to accept the more abundant life which you have promised us in Christ Jesus our Lord. (More Everyday Prayers) ● Diocese of Aba (Niger Delta, Nigeria). 2 Saturday Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishops, Teachers of the Faith, 379 and 389 Seraphim, Monk of Sarov, Spiritual Guide, 1833 Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, Bishop in Southern India, Evangelist, 1945 ● A great quote from Gregory of Nazianzus, one of the saints in today’s calendar: “...God will be 'all in all' (I Cor. 15:28) when we are no longer what we are now, a multiplicity of impulses and emotions, with little or nothing of God in us, but are fully like God , with room for God and God alone. This is the 'maturity' (cf. Col. 1:28) towards which we speed.” ● Diocese of Aba Ngwa North (Niger Delta, Nigeria). 3 THE EPIPHANY ● Please pray for the members of the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary, and the Company of Servers, and all people who serve Christ at the altar. ● Diocese of Abakaliki (Enugu, Nigeria).

ELMSTEAD: Please pray for the clergy and congregation on December 11.

THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT December 2015-January 2016

OF PRAYER 4 Monday ● Please pray for Bishop Stephen Cottrell; for the Area Bishops Peter Hill, John Wraw and Roger Morris; the Assistant Bishop, Norman Banks; the Honorary Assistant Bishops, John Ball, Derek Bond and Trevor Mwamba; and for their families. ● Diocese of Aberdeen & Orkney (Scotland). 5 Tuesday ● BARKING EPISCOPAL AREA—Peter Hill, Area Bishop; Archdeacons Elwin Cockett (West Ham), John Perumbalath (Barking) and Martin Webster (Harlow); and all the members of the Barking Area Team. ● The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia. 6 Wednesday ● DEANERY OF BARKING AND DAGENHAM—Area Dean: Julie Fleming. Lay Chair: Dean Gillespie. Assistant Area Deans: Martin Court, Penny Sayer Chaplains: Anthony Rablen (North East London Foundation NHS Trust), Yousouf Gooljary (Dagenham Park CE School). 7 Thursday ● BARKING TM (St Margaret & St Patrick w Christ Church)—Clergy: Rt Revd Dr Trevor Mwamba (TR) (Assistant Bishop); Graham Dowling, Christine Chambers (TV), Elwon John (AC). ● St Margaret’s School: Ruth Ejvet (HT). ● George Carey Primary School: Christopher Harrison (HT). ● Revd David and Mrs Sandra Townshend (Canada). ● Most Revd Nicholas Okoh, Metropolitan and Primate of all Nigeria & Bishop of Abuja. 8 Friday ● BARKING (St Erkenwald)—Clergy: Young Lee (PIC). ● BECONTREE SOUTH TM (St Alban, St Martin)—Clergy: Penny Sayer (TR), Yousouf Gooljary (AC), Mark Blakely (A), Raymond Descombes (A, LD). ● Diocese of Abyei (Sudan). 9 Saturday ● “Christ has many services to be done: some are easy, others are difficult; some bring honour, others bring reproach; some are suitable to our natural inclinations and material interests, others are contrary to both; in some we may please Christ and please ourselves; in others we cannot please Christ except by denying ourselves. Yet the power to do all these things is given to us in Christ, who strengthens us.” Introduction to the Methodist Covenant Prayer ● Diocese of Accra (Ghana, West Africa). 10 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST (THE FIRST SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY) ● Pray for the staff of the Cathedral, the events to be held there and for all those who will visit during the coming year. Give thanks, too, for all who generously give of their time as volunteers. ● Pray for the Anglican Church of Australia. 11 Monday Mary Slessor, Missionary in West Africa, 1915 ● BECONTREE ST CEDD—Clergy: Tony Rablen (V), Ruth Dowley (A). ● BECONTREE (St Elisabeth)­—Clergy: Steven Hanna (V). ● Diocese of Adelaide (South Australia, Australia). 12 Tuesday Aelred of Hexham, Abbot of Rievaulx, 1167 Benedict Biscop, scholar, 689 ● BECONTREE (St Thomas)—Clergy: Vacancy (V), Carol

Newnham (A, LD). ● BECONTREE (St Mary, Hartley Brook Church)—Clergy: Julie Fleming (V), Simon Lewis (A), Readers: Cliff McLeod, John Wallace. ● Diocese of Afikpo (Enugu, Nigeria). 13 Wednesday Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Teacher of the Faith, 367; Kentigern (Mungo), Missionary Bishop in Strathclyde and Cumbria, 603 George Fox, Founder of the Society of Friends, 1691 ● CHADWELL HEATH (St Chad)—Clergy: Martin Court (V); Christine Harding (AC). ● MARKS GATE (St Mark)—Clergy: Timothy Brampton (PIC). ● Diocese of Agra (North India). 14 Thursday ● DAGENHAM (St Peter and St Paul)—Clergy: Joel Edwards (PIC), Reader: Kathy Playle. ● William Ford Junior School: Richard Hopkins (HT). ● Dagenham Park CE School: Simon Weaver (HT) ● Dioceses of Aguata (Niger, Nigeria) and Ahoada (Niger Delta, Nigeria). 15 Friday ● BECONTREE (St George)—Clergy: Simon Smallwood (V). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Barking and Dagenham. ● Diocese of Aipo Rongo (Papua New Guinea). 16 Saturday ● Mark 2:13-17 is one of today’s readings. Straight after calling Levi, the tax collector, Jesus goes to a party at his house with lots of tax collectors and sinners. A fantastic sign at the beginning of this new year of the kind of church we need to be. ● The Diocese Ajayi Crowther (Ibadan, Nigeria). 17 THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY ● Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins tomorrow. Lord Jesus, who prayed that we might all be one, we pray to you for the unity of Christians according to your will, according to your means. May your Spirit enable us to experience the suffering caused by division, to see our sin and to hope beyond all hope. Amen. ● Pray for The Church of Bangladesh. 18 Monday Amy Carmichael, Founder of the Dohnavur Fellowship, Spiritual Writer, 1951 ● DEANERY OF EPPING FOREST AND ONGAR—Area Dean: Joyce Smith. Lay Chair: Vacancy Assistant Area Deans: Vernon Ross, Peter Smith Deanery Readers: Andrew Argyrakis, Judith Argyrakis. Lay Trainer: Samantha Brazier-Gibbs. ● Dioceses of Akoko (Ondo, Nigeria) and Akoko Edo (Bendel, Nigeria). 19 Tuesday Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095 ● BUCKHURST HILL (St John, St Stephen, St Elisabeth) —Clergy: Ian Farley (TR), Sarah Guinness (A), Reader: Steve Bacon. ● St John’s School: Peter Tidmarsh (HT). ● Diocese of Akot (Sudan). 20 Wednesday Richard Rolle of Hampole, Spiritual Writer, 1349 ● CHIGWELL AND CHIGWELL ROW TM: CHIGWELL (St Mary), CHIGWELL (St Winifred), CHIGWELL ROW (All Saints)—Clergy: Ben King (TR), Sharon Guest (AC), Neil Taylor (A), Stephen Potts (LLM). ● Chigwell School: Simon Paul (CHP). ● Diocese of Akure (Ondo, Nigeria). 21 Thursday Agnes, Child Martyr at Rome, 304 ● EPPING DISTRICT TM: EPPING (St John), EPPING UPLAND (All Saints), COOPERSALE (St Alban)—Clergy: Geoffrey Connor (TR); Bryony Morrison (TV), Jonathan MacNeaney (A). Marjorie Austin, Diana Lowry, Piers Morgan (LLM), Readers: Carole Goddard, Bob Taylor. ● St John’s Comprehensive School: Chris Seward (HT). ● Epping Upland School: Sarah Hurwood (HT). ● Coopersale & Theydon Garnon School: Sarah Miller (HT). ● Diocese of Alabama (Province IV, Episcopal Church). 22 Friday Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon, first Martyr of Spain, 304 ● LAMBOURNE (St Mary & All Saints) w ABRIDGE (Holy Trinity) and STAPLEFORD ABBOTS (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Roger Gayler (PIC). ● Dioceses of Alaska (Province IX, The Episcopal Church) and Albany (Province II, The Episcopal Church). 23 Saturday ● We are coming to the end of the Week of Prayer for

Christian Unity. This special time of prayer emerged during 20th century at a time when Christians of different traditions were deeply suspicious of one another. Today, when we accept one another with ease, this week of prayer still invites us to be more fully one not for organisational simplicity but for the sake of the Gospel. ● Diocese of Algoma (Ontario, Canada). 24 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY ● Please pray for the growing ministry of our local sports clubs, and the chaplain who care for them. ● Pray for Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil). 25 Monday THE CONVERSION OF ST PAUL ● LOUGHTON (St John the Baptist, St Nicholas, Trinity Church)—Clergy: Vacancy (TR); Richard Fisher (AC) Michael Bradley (A), Barbara Read (LLM). 26 Tuesday Timothy and Titus, Companions of Paul ● LOUGHTON (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Malcolm Macdonald (V); Sam Pollard (AC), Readers: Pat Laker, Pat Miller. ● THEYDON BOIS (St Mary Vn) w THEYDON GARNON (All Saints)—Clergy: Stephen Walker (V), John Fry (A). ● Diocese of Amazon (Brazil). 27 Wednesday Holocaust Memorial Day ● WALTHAM HOLY CROSS TM: WALTHAM ABBEY (Holy Cross & St Lawrence), HIGH BEACH (Holy Innocents), UPSHIRE (St Thomas) & NINEFIELDS (St Lawrence)— Clergy: Peter Smith (TR); Gill Hopkins, Kelvin Woolmer (TV); Trevor Scott, Joyce Smith, AD (AC), Jane Begley (LLM), Readers: Michael Hall, Keith Utting. ● High Beach School: Sally Elliot (HT). ● Hillhouse School: Jo Willcox (HT). ● All Saints Cathedral Diocese – Garissa &Marsabit Missionary Areas (Kenya). 28 Thursday Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Philosopher, Teacher of the Faith, 1274 ● LOUGHTON (St Michael & All Angels)—Clergy: Nina Coulthard (V), Lorraine Smart (A, LD), Reader: Elizabeth Price. ● Diocese of Amichi (Niger, Nigeria). 29 Friday ● BLACKMORE (St Laurence) w STONDON MASSEY (St Peter and St Paul)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC), Reader: Anthea Gray. ● Diocese of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (North India). 30 Saturday Charles, King and Martyr, 1649 ● Mark 4.35-end is one of today’s readings – Mark’s remarkable account of Jesus stilling the storm. It is worth reading Psalm 107 alongside it – God’s great deeds in history are what we see Jesus doing now. And his command – “Peace! Be stil!” – is one he addresses to each of us. ● The Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (formerly Cariboo) (British Columbia and the Yukon, Canada). 31 THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY: THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE ● WORLD LEPROSY DAY: Almighty Father, the giver of life and health, look mercifully on those who suffer from leprosy. Stretch out your hand to touch and heal them as Jesus did during His earthly life. Grant wisdom and insight to those who are seeking the prevention and cure of the disease. ● Pray for The Anglican Church of Burundi. NOTES:

The Cycle of Prayer is also available on the Diocesan website: www. Where parochial links are known to exist the names of overseas workers are placed immediately after the appropriate parish. Further information concerning overseas dioceses, including the names of bishops, is contained in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, available on their website www.anglicancommunion. org/acp/main.cfm. To contact the Diocese of Chelmsford about the Cycle of Prayer, email


A Assistant Clergy; AAD Assistant Area Dean; AC Associate Clergy; ACD Associate Clergy Diaconate; AD Area Dean; ASM Associate Minister, AT Assistant Clergy Title Post; AYO Area Youth Officer, BP Bishop; C Community Worker; CA Church Army; CIC Curate in Charge; CHP Chaplain; EVN Evangelist; HT Head Teacher; LD Locally Deployed; LLM Licensed Lay Minister; MCD Minister of Conventional District; MIN Minister, P Priest; PIC Priest in Charge; R Rector; Rdes Rector designate; RDR Reader; PTO Permission to Officiate; RES Residentiary Canon; SNP Special Needs Post, T Teacher; TM Team Ministry; TR Team Rector; TV Team Vicar; V Vicar; Vdes Vicar designate; WDN Warden. Hon.editor: Revd Bill Howes, 26 Westfield Drive, Coggeshall, Colchester, CO6 1PU. 01376 561826 (email frbill@, who would be glad to receive comments and corrections and also any items for prayer and praise to be considered for inclusion from the parishes.



THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT December 2015-January 2016


month — C of E links with Twitter to broadcast services across the world

Daily until November 29 ● The Magna Carta Embroidery is continuing its UK tour with an exhibition at the Braintree Museum as part of its UK tour. Rhoda Nevins, part of the team that embroidered the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress, created the 12 embroideries. The project has taken more than three years to complete, and Rhoda, helped by a team of 12 volunteers, reckons they spent 30,000 hours working on the embroideries. The embroideries are part of Braintree Museum's ‘Medieval Toil & Trouble - Castle Hedingham: Magna Carta' exhibition. This display looks at local baron Robert de Vere's involvement in the events of 1215, and explores the district in the early medieval period. Saturday, November 21 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. Waltham Singers Concert. ● All Saints, Messing. Friends of Messing Church Christmas Market in village hall (opposite the church). 11am-2pm. Selection of stalls and light refreshments. ● Christmas Fair. Christ Church Centre, corner of Colbert Avenue/Warwick Road, Southchurch. Noon-3pm. Entertainment for everyone: bouncy castle, games, toddler play area, raffle, toy tombola. Christmas Shopping: lots of opportunities to buy gifts or just treat yourself. Refreshments. Free admission. Details from 01702 588468 or ● St Martin's Chipping Ongar. Christmas Bazaar at Budworth Hall. 9am-1pm. Grand draw, refreshments and stalls with lots of gift ideas for Christmas. ● Corpus Christi College Choir Concert. All Saints Church, Church Chase, Braxted Park Road, Great Braxted. 5.30-7.30pm. Sunday, November 22 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 2.30pm. Christmas Lights switch on High Street (Girls’ Choir). ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. Tuesday, November 24 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. ● Julian Meeting. St James the Less Hadleigh. 2-2.40pm. Silent prayer, introduced with words and music. Wednesday, November 25 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. Thursday, November 26 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. ● St Laurence church, Upminster. 1.05-1.50pm. Lunchtime recital by organ students from Birmingham Conservatoire. Retiring collection. Friday, November 27 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Chelmer Valley High School. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Refreshments are available from 12 noon. ● St Peter's Thundersley. Christmas Fair. Church Hall, Church Road, Thundersley. 6pm-9pm. Many stalls. Visit Father Christmas. Refreshments. Saturday, November 28 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am. Christmas Market. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. Caprice Concert. ● Althorne Church Hall CM3 6BY. 11am-3pm. Christmas Bazaar In aid of church funds. Stalls and refreshments. ● St Mary's, Maldon. 10am. Advent Day. A day of fun for children and young people exploring the meaning of Advent. ● St George's Church Hall, Ongar Road (near Robin Hood Roundabout), Brentwood. 10.30am-2pm. The Totally Reem Bazaar. Admission 50p. Stalls - handwork and handicraft, tempting cakes and sweets, books, toys and games, chocolate tombola, grand raffle, tin and bottle tombola, toiletries, presents galore & cards. Refreshments and Father Christmas will be there. Event in aid of church funds. ● Village Hall (Room in the Rodings), Beauchamp Roding, CM5 0PF. 10am-4pm. Christmas Market to raise money for St Botolph's church funds. Gifts, refreshments, cards, gift wrapping, tombola, cakes, raffle, book stall and more. ● Christmas Fair at St James the Less Hadleigh. 10am-3pm. Father Christmas, homemade, refreshments, raffle and gift stalls. ● Friends of St Lawrence Church Bradfield. Christmas Craft Market, Bradfield Community Centre. 10am-4pm. Craft and food stalls, refreshments, raffle, tombola, plus Father Christmas. Admission £1 (accompanied children under 16 free). ● St Mary's church, Southminster Road, Burnham-onCrouch. Christmas Bazaar. 10.30am-3pm. Come & visit Father Christmas, listen to Christmas organ recitals while doing your Christmas shopping. Stalls will include St Mary's handmade greetings cards, Christmas decorations, cakes and preserves, gifts, tombola & many others. There will also be games for the children. ● Christmas Bazaar. St Mary Magdalene church, Church Lane, North Ockendon. Noon-3pm. Bazaar with refreshments, light lunches, various stalls with stocking fillers, decorations, raffle, books, toys, tombola in the church and adjacent church hall. Sunday, November 29 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 6pm. Advent Procession. ● St Mary's, Maldon. 6pm. Processional Advent Carol Service. ● St James @ 4. St James' church, Clacton-on-Sea. 4-5pm. A short informal service of Holy Communion,

ChurchLive THE Church of England is partnering with Twitter UK to broadcast services across the world using mobile technology. ChurchLive was created in conjunction with Twitter UK as a way of showcasing a broad range of live church services to global audiences simply and accessibly through use of a smartphone. It could be the first taste of church for those unfamiliar with church services and an introduction to the best of worship, preaching and prayer. ChurchLive will also enable other people to rediscover church in a new way or for those in other countries to learn more about C of E services. Revd Arun Arora, communications director for the Archbishops' Council, said: "This is a project designed to bring C of E services to those who may not make it to church on a Sunday for all sorts of reasons. They will have the opportunity to be part of a service. The ability to join in worship should not be restricted to geographical constraint. We know that Periscope users are a global audience and we expect that there will be as many watching services broadcast via Periscope as are physically present at the services themselves." Talitha Proud, digital officer for the Archbishops' Council, said: "@ChurchLive" will see a different church in the C of E broadcast a live weekly service to global audiences via the Periscope app over the course of a year." ● The C of E are looking for churches to take part in @ChurchLive on December 13, 20, Christmas Day and January 3. If your church is interested in taking part contact talitha. including songs and an all-age talk. All are welcome. Suitable for all ages. ● All Saints' church, Doddinghurst. 2.30-3.30pm.The Diary of Richard Stonley: Life in Tudor Doddinghurst. Talk by social historian Zoe Hudson, who has been researching the life of Richard Stonley, patron of All Saints' church in the 16th century. Entry is £4 and will include tea and cakes. proceeds to church funds. Monday, November 30 ● House of Retreat, The Street, Pleshey, Chelmsford CM3 1HA. 9.45am-4pm. A BRF Quiet Day with Revd Dr Rodney Holder: ‘Behold, I am coming’. £30 (including lunch). Dr Holder is the former course director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, where he is a Bye Fellow. He has written books on the dialogue between science and religion. To book, contact us by post, or telephone us on 01865 319700. You can book online at Please send payment and provide full names of all attendees. Contact Quiet Days, BRF, 15 The Chambers, Vineyard, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3FE. Tuesday, December 1 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. Wednesday, December 2 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. 1-3pm. Café Theology. Meet at the Food Court. ● Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group. 1-2pm. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month in the Library at the Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford. Everyone is welcome and it is free to join in. For details and encouragement, please contact the bookshop on 01245 294405 or email Thursday, December 3 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am. Mothers' Union Corporate Communion in St Cedd’s Chapel. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 8pm. Mothers’ Union Evening Section meets in St Cedd’s Hall. Friday, December 4 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Cathedral Scholars’ Christmas concert by the Music Department. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available from 12 noon, or bring your own if you wish. ● Christmas concert at St Saviour's church, Kings Road, Westcliff on Sea. 7.30pm. 'Christmas Melodies': Traditional and popular Christmas music given by Victor Patterson (organ) and Two Elizabeths (vocal). ● St Laurence Parish Church, Upminster. 7.30pm. Friday evenings during Advent; Bach by Candlelight Suite no.1 in G major BWV 1007; Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland BWV 659-661; Suite no.3 in C major BWV 1009. Alex Rolton, Cello; Richard Brasier, Organ. Free admission (retiring collection). Saturday, December 5 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am-12 noon. Cathedral Coffee Morning in the Chapter House. Come and enjoy fresh coffee, home-made scones and bring & buy. ● Lighting of the Christmas tree at St James the Less

Hadleigh at 4.15pm with carols round the tree followed by hot drinks and mince pies in the vestry. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. Choral Foundation Concert: ‘John Rutter at 70’. ● St Luke’s church Tiptree CO5 0SU. 7.30pm. Tiptree Choral Society 70th Anniversary Concert. The programme begins with the Vivaldi Gloria followed by the romantic but lively Gounod’s Mass for Sainte Cecile. We will be accompanied by the popular Kingfisher Sinfonietta, led by Beth Spendlove and conducted by our Musical Director Malcolm Boulter. David Leveridge, our talented pianist, will be accompanying. Tickets £10 from choir members or on the door. Under 18s free. ● St Mary's Maldon.11am-3pm. Christmas Bazaar. Stalls, raffle, refreshments including light lunches. Display of decorated Christmas trees in church. ● Christ Church United Reformed Church, Carnarvon Road, Clacton. 7.30pm. Clacton Choral Society under the baton of Music Director Gillian Dulieu, is joined by soloists Elaine Henson (Contralto) and Daniel Joy (tenor), along with organist Andrew Wilson, three trumpeters and a timpanist. The major choruses and chorales selected from Bach’s Oratorio fill the first half of the concert, including recitatives and arias from the soloists; then in the second half which includes Listz’s achingly beautiful ‘Ave Maria’, the audience is invited to sing along with the three of the choir’s eight Carols. Hot spiced fruit punch, a mince pie or two, a warm environment and a comfy chair.Ticket price is £8, with complimentary programme, from 01255 424568 or Limited tickets at the door. Saturday-Sunday, December 5-6 ● All Saints Church Writtle. Christmas Tree Festival and Craft Market. Sat: 10am-5pm. Sun: 12 noon-5pm. The Craft Market is on Saturday only. There will be a church full of beautifully designed trees, live music including the Writtle Singers, refreshments, and on the Saturday plenty of Christmas ideas in the Craft Market. It is our fourth year, let’s make the best ever and if you are at All Saints on Sunday at 5pm there will be a short Carol Service as well! More information from Canon John Howden on 01245 422023. (Feature on page 4). ● Seventh Annual Christmas Tree Festival. St Mary the Virgin, Kelvedon. More than 30 trees decorated in all manner of styles plus Feering Singers at 2.30pm and Promenade Music at 8pm on Saturday. Simple closing service at 5pm on Sunday. Seasonal refreshments. ● St Mary's church, Elsenham. 10.30am-5pm both days. Christmas Tree Festival - Display of 50 individually-decorated trees. Home-made refreshments available. Free entry. Donations welcome for St Mary's Fabric Fund. Sunday, December 6 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. Community Carol Service ● Golf Green Hall, Golf Green Road, Jaywick. 2.303.30pm. A celebration of Christmas with seasonal Carols and Readings, featuring Salvation Army Band. ● Great Dunmow Christmas Special. Dunmow Town Square (outside the library). 3-5pm. The Vicar of Dibley meets Dunmow at our Christmas event. Come along for our live nativity, as Mary, Joseph and a real donkey make their way to the church. In the stable baby Jesus will be born as carols are sung by St Mary's primary school. Afterwards we will have Christmas treats, hot chocolate and crafts for children. Please come and join us in our festivities. #christmasstorydunmow. Tuesday, December 8 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. Wednesday, December 9 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. Thursday, December 10 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 2pm. Mothers Union Afternoon Section meet in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. Parti Nadolig (Christmas party). Friday, December 11 ● St Laurence Parish Church, Upminster. 7.30pm. Bach by Candlelight. Suite No. 2 in D minor BWV 1008; Schübler Chorales BWV 645-650; Suite No.5 in c minor 1011. Alex Rolton, Cello; Richard Brasier, Organ. Free admission (retiring collection). Saturday, December 12 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. Harlow Chorus – Handel’s Messiah ● St James’ church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea (entrance through church hall in Tower Road). 3-5pm. Messy Church with Christmas theme – but not as you know it! We talk, have fun together and discover more about God. Crafts, games and stories suitable for children and their families, plus food. There is no charge, but donations are always welcome. All children must be accompanied by an adult. For further details, please contact Peter on 01255 429896 or e-mail ● St Mary's, Maldon. 7.30pm. Handel's Messiah with Pegasus Baroque Orchestra and the Choir of St Mary's. Tickets £15, £12 conc, £5 children under 12 from Maldon Tourist Office on 01621 856503 or online at ● The Abbey Church, Waltham Abbey, Essex. 7.30pm. Felicitas Chamber Choir presents: 'O Holy Night'. Christmas music from around Europe: Rutter - O Holy Night; Parsons - Ave Maria; Bach - Extract from Christmas Oratorio; Pearsall - In dulci jubilo; Chilcott Before the ice; Gabrieli - O Jesu mi dulcissime; Whitbourn – Hodie; Guerrero - Pastores loquebantur. Arrangements of popular carols by Jonathan Rathbone, Will Todd and Andrew Carter. Tickets: £12 (£10 if

purchased in advance - free for children & fulltime students under 25). To purchase tickets please visit Alternatively, email tickets@ or (no later than two weeks before a concert) send a S.A.E. and cheque payable to Felicitas to: The Ticket Secretary, 87 Malford Grove, South Woodford, London E18 2DH. ● St Peter’s, Aldborough Hatch. 7pm. Christmas Concert by Ted Heath and Friends. An evening of music and laughter for the Festive Season. Tickets: £10 including seasonal refreshments from Jenefer Allen 020 8599 8738. Sunday, December 13 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. ● St Mary’s church, Manuden. 7.30pm. The Manuden Singers, Players & Soloists, Director Ian Priest; Vivaldi Gloria; Magnificat by CPE Bach & Franz Schubert. All proceeds will go to the Chelmsford Diocesan Fund for Syrian Refugees – providing essential support in our area for Syrians fleeing civil war. Tickets £10 (children £5) Ring 01279 812157, or on the Door. Tuesday, December 15 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. Wednesday, December 16 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am-12noon. Pram Group in St Cedd’s Hall. Friday, December 18 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Carols for everyone by the Music Department. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon or bring your own if you wish. ● St John’s Church, Epping. CM16 5DN. 8pm. Epping Church Choirs Association Christmas Reflections. A selection of choir and participatory carols for the season. Conducted by Simon Winters Organist David Pickthall. Entrance free, Retiring collection for St Clare Hospice. ● St Laurence Parish Church, Upminster. 7.30pm. Bach by Candlelight: Suite no.4 in E flat major BWV 1010; Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her BWV 769; Suite no.6 in D major BWV 1012. Alex Rolton, Cello; Richard Brasier, Organ. Retiring collection. Saturday, December 19 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. Chelmsford Singers. Community Carol Service ● St James' church, Clacton-on-Sea. 5-6pm. A celebration of Christmas with seasonal carols and readings, featuring the Salvation Army Band. Sunday, December 20 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. ● St Mary's, Maldon. 6pm. Ceremony of Nine Lessons and Carols with the Choir of St Mary's. ● Crib and Christingle Service. St Mary's Buttsbury, Ingatestone Road, near Ingatestone. 3-4pm Tuesday, December 22 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. ● The Priory Church of St. Laurence, Blackmore CM4 0RN. 8pm (Doors open 7.30pm). Mix of Christmas carols, both old and new, with an opportunity for the audience to join in the singing. The central work this year is the “Fantasia on Christmas Carols” by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and the concert also includes a new carol commissioned from Essex composer Alan Bullard, receiving its first performance in this concert. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served in the interval. You are advised to buy tickets in advance. There may be a limited quantity of tickets available on the door. Tickets £12 (adults) and £6 for under-16s. Available in advance from any choir member, Blackmore Post Office, James Dace & Son (Chelmsford), and Allegro Music (Chelmsford). More information: www.stondonsingers., telephone 01992 522300 or e-mail stondon_ for information. Wednesday, December 23 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. Christmas Eve, December 24 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 2pm. Chistingle. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 4pm. Nine Lessons and Carols. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 11.30pm. Midnight Mass. Christmas Day, December 25 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 8am. Holy Communion. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9am. Family Eucharist. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.30am. Christmas Day Eucharist. ● St Mary's Buttsbury, Ingatestone Road, near Ingatestone. 8.45-10.15am.Holy Communion with mince pies and mulled wine afterwards Sunday, December 27 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. Tuesday, December 29 ● Kingsland Cafe (above Aldi), Lexden, Colchester. 12-2.15pm. Friendship Group. Wednesday, December 30 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. January 2016 diary deadline ● Submit event details at www.chelmsford. or call Sarah Newman on 01245 294443 by December 1 for inclusion in The Month and on the diocesan website. Latest events ● You can find the latest events online at www.

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