Notice Board: June - July 2015

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June-July 2015

NOTICE board

‘Vicar’s Wife’ to share Messy House Ministry


AMANDA Robbie, a clergy spouse, mother and author from West Bromwich, who also tweets and blogs as ‘The Vicar’s Wife’, will be leading this year’s Chelmsford Clergy Spouses Weekend. The weekend is September 25-27 and held at the Diocesan Retreat House at Pleshey. Worship will be led by Revd Sharon Guest, curate at Chigwell and also a clergy spouse. "To love one’s neighbour messy makes" writes Amanda, in her 2013 book ‘The Ministry of a Messy House’. On her theme for the weekend, ‘Making the most of a Messy Ministry’, Amanda says: "There's no getting away from it: ministry is messy. "And it's not just the glitter stuck on the church hall floor after the toddler group. "We are messed up people ministering to and with

Revd Sharon Guest messed up people in a messy world. "Our homes receive mess in the form of ecclesiastical junk mail, people seeking help and all the problems and joys of parish life. "Our churches and our communities are not as they should be - sometimes we can feel totally inadequate when faced with the mess around us - and inside us. "Why not join us at the Chelmsford Clergy Spouses weekend as we think about how God's grace and

providence help us to make the most of the mess? "We'll be thinking about our homes, churches and communities and how God's power is made perfect in weakness. "Come to laugh at the sometimes ridiculous situations we find ourselves in, to share ways to persevere when the mess threatens to overwhelm us and to be encouraged in God, who meets us in and through the mess." The weekend is an opportunity for spouses of clergy currently serving in Chelmsford Diocese to enjoy the peace of Pleshey. Although it is no longer called a retreat, the aim is to provide a mixture of spiritual and social, with relaxation and reflection, teaching and talking, friendship and fellowship. There is a friendly group of regular attendees but those who have not been previously would be very welcome. Most spouses come for the whole weekend but we have a

Town Hall Gospel Choir coming to the lTHE Harwich Festival on July 4 (7.30pm) and will perform at St Nicholas, Church Street. This outstanding choir from Birmingham were the winners of the first BBC Songs of Praise Gospel Choir of the Year competition. The 40-strong choir, under the directorship of Colin Anderson, will be singing a variety of gospel music in their own inimitable style. Roderick Earle, the Festival Artistic Director says: "I am thrilled that this fabulous choir has agreed to come to the Harwich Festival. They are at the top of their game and this will be a concert to remember. Prepare to be excited, moved and uplifted. Gospel singing doesn’t get better than this!" The event is sponsored by Churches Together in the Harwich Peninsula and tickets are £12 from 07425 145022. The Harwich Festival runs from June 24 to July 5. l

Organ scholarship on offer

THE Parish Church of St. Nicolas, Witham is looking for a new Organ Scholar to take up the position from September 2015, initially for one year but with the possibility of a further year. The new Organ Scholar is likely to be aged between 14 and 18, to be reasonably competent on the piano or electronic keyboard, and willing to make a commitment to the church over a 12-month period.

What the church offers is the chance to learn the organ, with regular lessons given in church by an excellent teacher; to practise regularly on our superb Kenneth Tickell instrument; to work with the choir, training, leading and accompanying them; and to play regularly at services. What the Organ Scholar has to do is attend organ lessons, choir practices and services regularly during term time; to practise regularly and

to make progress on the organ; and to take advantage of the opportunities being offered. If you know of anyone who might be interested in the St Nicolas Church Organ Scholarship, please get in touch with the Director of Music, David Martin. l David can be contacted on 33, Bridge Street, Witham, Essex CM8 1BU, 01376 515827 or e-mail: martind77

few spaces for day visitors on the Saturday. Pleshey Retreat House is not large so places are limited and early booking advised. Invitations and information will be sent to clergy spouses shortly, either by personal email address if available, or via their spouse’s email. l For further information, contact Shirley Anstey (020 8520 2885) or for bookings contact Christine Wragg (01708 446571). The diocese holds a list of spouses email addresses and we encourage spouses who think they may not be listed to contact one of us with their details so they can be included. l Book: ‘The Ministry of a Messy House: grace in place of guilt’ – by Amanda Robbie (IVP 2013) l Blog: https://thevicarswife. l Twitter: @thevicars

GUEST SPEAKER: Amanda Robbie and her book: ‘The Ministry of a Messy House: grace in place of guilt’



● Cycle of Prayer for daily use in Diocese of Chelmsford Come close to God through prayer and contemplation of his Holy word.

JUNE 1 Monday Justin, Martyr at Rome, c.165 ● DEANERY OF BASILDON­—Area Dean: Margaret Shaw. Lay Chair: Shirley Jeffery. Assistant Area Dean: Jo Delfgou Chaplains: Linda Peall (Basildon & Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Tara Frankland, Shirley Jeffery (St Luke’s Hospice). ● Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania (Province III, The Episcopal Church USA). 2 Tuesday ● BASILDON (St Martin of Tours)—Clergy: Esther McCafferty (R), Martin Wood (Hon. A). Reader: Phyllis Wood. ● Diocese of Norwich (Canterbury). 3 Wednesday The Martyrs of Uganda , 1885‐7 and 1977 ● BASILDON (St Andrew w Holy Cross)—Clergy: Margaret Shaw (AD, V), Andrew Smith(A). Reader: John Shaw. ● Diocese of Nsukka (Enugu, Nigeria). 4 Thursday CORPUS CHRISTI Petroc, Abbot of Padstow, 6th century ● BILLERICAY & LITTLE BURSTEAD TM: Billericay (Christ Church), Billericay (Emmanuel), Billericay (St John the Divine), Little Burstead (St Mary Vn)­—Clergy: Paul Carr (TR), Paul Gambling (TV), Margaret Fowler (A). Readers: Peter Fisher, Sue Ginn, Susan Oakley, Pauline Randall, Linda Russ, Jane Tolaini, Pauline Woolnough. ● Diocese of Nyahururu (Kenya). 5 Friday Boniface (Wynfrith) of Crediton, Bishop, Apostle of Germany, Martyr, 754 ● BOWERS GIFFORD w NORTH BENFLEET (St Margaret, St John)—Clergy: David Ibiayo (PIC). ● St Margaret’s School: Emma Wigmore (HT). ● Dioceses of Offa (Kwara, Nigeria) and Ogbaru (Niger, Nigeria). 6 Saturday Ini Kopuria, Founder of the Melanesian Brotherhood, 1945 ● Today the Anglican Communion remembers Ini Kopuria, a remarkable evangelist who died on this day in 1945. He was a police officer in the Solomon Islands and was responsible for starting the Melanesian Brotherhood in 1925. This is the largest Anglican religious order in the world, with large numbers joining every year. It has evangelism as its core work and has been deeply effective in making the Melanesian church one of the most lively and fast growing. Pray for their work today. ● Diocese of Ogbia (Niger Delta, Nigeria). 7 FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Environment Sunday ● Loving Father, we praise and thank you for giving us so much to enjoy in your world. And if we do not understand why nature sometimes seems so cruel and harsh, and why people suffer from floods, earthquakes and man‐made disasters, help us to trust where we cannot see and to rest in the knowledge that not even the smallest sparrow lies outside your loving care. Help us to do all in our power to relieve suffering, and make us willing and eager to share the good things that you have given us for the benefit of all. ● Dioceses of Ogbomoso (Ibadan, Nigeria) and Ogoni (Niger Delta, Nigeria) and their bishops, Rt Revd Matthew Osunade and Rt Revd Solomon Gberegbara. 8 Monday Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Nonjuror, Hymn Writer, 1711 ● LAINDON (St Nicholas) w DUNTON—Clergy: Andrei Petrine (PIC). ● Diocese of Ogori‐Mangongo (Lokoja, Nigeria). 9 Tuesday Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary, 597 Ephrem of Syria, Deacon, Hymn Writer, Teacher of the Faith, 373 ● GREAT BURSTEAD (St Mary Magdalene) w RAMSDEN CRAYS—Clergy: Michael Hall (PIC). ● Diocese of Ohaji/Egbema (Owerri, Nigeria). 10 Wednesday ● LANGDON HILLS (St Mary & All Saints)—Clergy: Colin Hopkinson (R), Mark Petitt (A), Julian Patching (A). Reader: Kennedy Rath. ● Diocese of Ohio (Province V, The Episcopal Church USA). 11 Thursday BARNABAS THE APOSTLE ● PITSEA (St Gabriel) w NEVENDON (St Peter)—Clergy: Simon Law (R). ● Diocese of Oji River (Enugu, Nigeria). 12 Friday ● VANGE (St Chad)—Clergy: David Ibiayo (R). ● Diocese of Okene (Lokoja, Nigeria).


13 Saturday ● The desert in our lives is the place where in our poverty, our sin and our need we come to know the Lord. For us, like the Israelites before us, it is the place of the essential confrontations, where the irrelevancies are stripped away and the elemental things become all‐important, where the truth in our hearts is revealed. From The Coming of God by Maria Boulding. ● Dioceses of Oke‐Osun and Oke Ogun (Ibadan, Nigeria). 14 SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ● Refugee Week begins tomorrow. ● At this time of war and unrest in the Arab and African nations, we remember especially all those people who have been torn from their homes and countries and now look to us for comfort and support. ● Diocese of Okigwe (Owerri, Nigeria), Rt Revd Edward Osuegbu. 15 Monday Evelyn Underhill, Spiritual Writer, 1941 ● WICKFORD & RUNWELL TM: Wickford (St Catherine, Wickford (St Andrew), Runwell (St Mary)—Clergy: Jane Freeman (TR), Norbert Chumu Mutuku, Jo Delfgou (TV), Sue Mann (A). ● Wickford CE School: Deborah Rogan (HT). ● Diocese of Okigwe North (Owerri, Nigeria). 16 Tuesday Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1253; Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham, Philosopher, 1752 ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Basildon. ● Diocese of Okigwe South (Owerri, Nigeria). 17 Wednesday Samuel and Henrietta Barnett, Social Reformers, 1913 and 1936 ● DEANERY OF CHELMSFORD NORTH: Area Dean: Tom Page. Lay Chair: Robert Hammond. Chaplains: James Ridge (HMP & YPI, Chelmsford); Julia Sheffield, Allison Cline‐Dean (Mid‐ Essex Hospitals NHS Trust); Lucyann Ashdown (Farleigh Hospice), Tony Cant (Anglia Ruskin University). Deanery Reader: Andrew Merchant. ● The Deanery asks for your prayers for the continued development of their Ministry and Mission Units, and for those working hard with the challenges brought about by change. ● Diocese of Okinawa (Japan). 18 Thursday Bernard Mizeki, Apostle of the Mashona, Martyr, 1896 ● BROOMFIELD (St Mary w St Leonard)—Clergy: Carolyn Tibbott (V). Anne Harvey (A). Reader: Diana Garfield. ● Diocese of Oklahoma (Province VII, The Episcopal Church USA). 19 Friday Sundar Singh of India, Sadhu (holy man), Evangelist, Teacher of the Faith, 1929 ● CHELMSFORD CATHEDRAL (St Mary the Virgin, St Peter, St Cedd)—Clergy: Nicholas Henshall (Dean), Ivor Moody (Vice‐Dean), Edward Carter (Canon Theologian), Simon Pothen (Precentor), Kate Moore (Hon. AC). Reader: Allison Cline‐Dean. ● The Cathedral School: Linda Wiskin (HT). ● Diocese of Okrika (Niger Delta, Nigeria). 20 Saturday ● Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into the places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears. Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human. ― Henri Nouwen. ● Diocese of Oleh (Bendel, Nigeria). 21 THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ● Pray for all those involved in Lay Development and Training in the diocese, led by Elizabeth Jordan, Lay Development Adviser. ● Diocese of Olympia (Province VIII, The Episcopal Church USA), Rt Revd Gregory Rickel. 22 Monday Alban, first Martyr of Britain, c.250 ● CHELMSFORD (All Saints)—Clergy: Tom Page (PIC, AD). ● Diocese of Omu‐Aran (Kwara, Nigeria).

23 Tuesday Ethelreda, Abbess of Ely, c.678 ● CHELMSFORD (The Ascension)—Clergy: Tom Page (V) (AD), Leslie Rogers (A). ● Diocese of On The Lake (Owerri, Nigeria). 24 Wednesday THE BIRTH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST Ember Day● Pray for the Ordinands beginning their Retreat at Pleshey today, and for their Retreat Leader, Revd Ann Coleman. ● Diocese of On The Niger (Niger, Nigeria). 25 Thursday ● CHELMSFORD (St Andrew)—Clergy: Paul Greenland (V), Susan Ives (AM). Reader: Linda Robinson. ● Diocese of Ondo (Ondo, Nigeria). 26 Friday Ember Day ● THE CHIGNALS (St Nicholas w St James) w MASHBURY—Clergy: Caroline Brown (PIC), Sandra Sykes (A), Rosemary Braisby (A). ● Diocese of Ontario (Canada). 27 Saturday Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, 444 EMBER DAY ● Today 28 new deacons will be ordained at Chelmsford Cathedral to serve in communities across the Diocese. So today pray for each of those being ordained, and also pray for those in training and for those just beginning to discern God’s call to them. ● Dioceses of Orlu and Oru (Owerri, Nigeria). 28 FOURTH SUNDAY OF TRINITY ● Please pray for Denis Huntley and his team as they minister to the less able within our diocese. ● Diocese of Osaka (Japan), Rt Revd Samuel Osamu Onishi. 29 Monday PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES ● GREAT & LITTLE LEIGHS and LITTLE WALTHAM (St Mary Vn, St John, St Martin)—Clergy: Caroline Brown (PIC), Rosemary Braisby, Sandra Sykes (A). Readers: Greg Waters Little Waltham School: Liz Maycock (HT) ● Dioceses of Osun and Osun North East (Ibadan, Nigeria) 30 Tuesday ● GREAT WALTHAM (St Mary & St Lawrence) w Ford End (St John)—Clergy: Caroline Brown (PIC), Rose Braisby, Sandra Sykes (A). ● Ford End School: Hazel Arnill (HT). ● Great Waltham School: Alex Burden (HT). ● Diocese of Ottawa (Ontario).

JULY 1 Wednesday Henry, John, and Henry Venn the younger, Priests, Evangelical Divines, 1797, 1813, and 1873. ● PLESHEY (Holy Trinity)—Clergy: Sheila Coughtrey (PIC). ● Diocese of Otukpo (Abuja, Nigeria). 2 Thursday ● ROXWELL (St Michael and All Angels)—Clergy: Vacancy (PiC). ● Roxwell School: Claire Newson (HT). ● Pray for those attending the Priests’ pre‐ordination retreat at Pleshey and their Retreat Leader, Revd Geoffrey Connor. ● Diocese of Owerri (Owerri, Nigeria) 3 Friday THOMAS THE APOSTLE ● SPRINGFIELD (All Saints)—Clergy: Susan Iskander (PIC designate), Carla Hampton (AC). Readers: Roger McFarland, Keith Otter, Pat Otter, Robin Stevens. ● Diocese of Owo (Ondo, Nigeria). 4 Saturday ● New wine is put into fresh wineskins!” (Matthew 9.17): today’s Gospel reading is a challenging and joyful invitation – appropriate for American Independence Day, certainly, and that is a reminder to us that the region covered by our Diocese has a history of vibrant religious renewal. The Lollards in the 14th century, Puritans from the 17th century. And we should be proud that the Mayflower originally sailed from Harwich. The challenge of course is to us – to make our Diocese once again a place of vibrant religious renewal, truly a transforming presence.


OF PRAYER ● Please pray for all those taking part in the Bradwell Pilgrimage today and for the guest speaker, Pádraig Ó Tuama, Leader of the Corrymeela Community. ● Diocese of Oxford (Canterbury). 5 FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Disability Sunday ● Pray for all those being Priested today, for their families and the parishes where they serve. ● Diocese of Oyo (Ibadan, Nigeria). 6 Monday Thomas More, Scholar, and John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, Reformation Martyrs, 1535 ● NORTH SPRINGFIELD (St Augustine of Canterbury). Clergy: Jane Anderson (PIC), Lee Batson (AP, also Community Missioner). Reader: Simon Carpenter ● The Bishop’s School: Greg Waters (HT). ● Diocese of Pacong (Sudan). 7 Tuesday ● EAST SPRINGFIELD (Church of Our Saviour) LEP— Clergy: Ann Mackenzie, (PIC), Mandy Hewson (A). Reader: Gillian Price. ● SPRINGFIELD (Holy Trinity)—Clergy: Keith Roddy (V), James Harding (A). Reader: Ian Fuller. ● Diocese of Panama (Central America). 8 Wednesday ● WRITTLE (All Saints) w HIGHWOOD (St Paul)—Clergy: Jo Jones (V). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Chelmsford North. ● Diocese of Pankshin (Jos, Nigeria). 9 Thursday ● DEANERY OF CHELMSFORD SOUTH—Area Dean: Andy Griffiths. Lay Chair: Christine Horton. Assistant Area Dean: Carol Smith. Chaplains: Michèle Marshall (St Andrew’s Healthcare Essex), Carol Smith (Workplace Chaplain). ● Diocese of Paraguay (South America) 10 Friday ● BOREHAM (St Andrew)—Clergy: Lee Batson (PIC), Sue Howlett (A). Reader: Christine Horton. ● DANBURY (St John the Baptist)—Clergy: Clive Ashley (PIC). ● St John’s School: Claire Williams (HT). ● General Synod begins today. ● Diocese of Pelotas (Brazil). 11 Saturday Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Cassino, Father of Western Monasticism, c.550 ● Today the church remembers Benedict, probably the most influential lay Christian in history. In disgust at the decline of society in collapsing Roman Empire he went on to found a series of communities where Christians could live lives of prayer, work and service. The guide or rule that he wrote is still followed by thousands today, and his pattern of daily prayer has been fundamental to the spiritual life of the Church of England. One of his great lines is “Listen with the ear of your heart.” ● Diocese of Perth (Western Australia). 12 SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY: Sea Sunday Praise God for the untiring work of the Mission to Seafarers, their Roman Catholic brothers and sisters from the Apostleship of the Sea and the Free Church British and International Sailors Society. Remember all who earn their living on the sea, and those who minister to them. ● Diocese of Peru (South America), Rt Revd Dr Harold William Godfrey. 13 Monday ● DOWNHAM (St Margaret) w SOUTH HANNINGFIELD (St Peter) & RAMSDEN BELLHOUSE (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Stephen Robertson (R), Jean Andrews, Miranda Seaman (AC). Reader: Suzy Edmundson. ● Downham School: Helen Craig (HT). ● EAST HANNINGFIELD (All Saints)—Clergy: Lee Batson (PIC). ● East Hanningfield School: Kerry Collins (HT). ● Diocese of Peshawar (Pakistan). 14 Tuesday John Keble, Priest, Tractarian, Poet , 1866 ● GALLEYWOOD (St Michael & All Angels)—Clergy: Andy Griffiths (AD, V), Stephanie Gillingham (AC), Carol Smith (AC, AAD), Gemma Fraser (A) Readers: Travers Harpur, Fiona Seldon.

● St Michael’s Junior School: Maria Rumsey (HT). ● General Synod ends today. ● Diocese of Peterborough (Canterbury). 15 Wednesday Swithun, Bishop of Winchester, c. 862, Bonaventure, Friar, Bishop, Teacher of the Faith, 1274 ● LITTLE BADDOW (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Clive Ashley (PIC). Reader: Charles Cope. ● Diocese of Phulbani (North India).16 Thursday Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury, 1099 ● GREAT BADDOW TEAM MINISTRY: (St Mary Vn, St Paul, Meadgate Church Centre)—Clergy: Philip Ritchie (TR), Philip Sheldrake, Tim Bull (TV), Graham Hamborg, Roger Matthews (Hon. AC), Katie De Bourcier (A). ● Diocese of Pittsburgh (Province III, The Episcopal Church). 17 Friday ● MOULSHAM (St John the Evangelist)—Clergy: Carol Smith (PIC, AAD), Stephanie Gillingham (AC), Andy Griffiths (AD, AC). ● MOULSHAM (St Luke)—Clergy: Carol Smith (PIC, AAD), Stephanie Gillingham (AC), Andy Griffiths (AD, AC). ● Most Revd Dr Winston Halapua, Bishop of Polynesia and Primate of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. 18 Saturday Elizabeth Ferard, first Deaconess of the Church of England, Founder of the Community of St Andrew, 1883 ● Today the church remembers Elizabeth Ferard, the first Deaconess in the Church of England. Women deacons were common for many centuries in the early church. But Elizabeth followed the continental model – the deaconesses were not ordained and had service as their fundamental task. Elizabeth’s pioneering work led to a wider understanding and acceptance of the ministry of women in the Church of England and more broadly. ● Diocese of Popondota (Papua New Guinea). 19 SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ● Give thanks for the men and women of the RNLI and HM Coastguard, who risk their lives to protect those who travel the seas around our coast. ● Diocese of Port Elizabeth (Southern Africa). 20 Monday Margaret of Antioch, Martyr, 4th century; Bartolomé des las Casas, Apostle to the Indies, 1566 ● SANDON (St Andrew)—Clergy: Terry Brown (PIC). ● SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS (Holy Trinity)—Clergy: Carol Ball (V), Michèle Marshall (AC) Jane Richards (A). ● Trinity St Mary’s School: Christina Gooday (HT). ● Diocese of Port Moresby (Papua, New Guinea). 21 Tuesday ● STOCK HARVARD (All Saints)—Clergy: Stephen Need (PIC). ● Stock School: Alina Clay (HT). ● WEST HANNINGFIELD (St Mary & St Edward)—Clergy: Stephen Need (PIC). ● St Peter’s School: Wendy Figueira (HT). ● Diocese of Port Sudan (Sudan). 22 Wednesday MARY MAGDALENE WIDFORD (St Mary, Church of the Holy Spirit)—Clergy: Stephanie Gillingham (PIC), Andy Griffiths (AC, AD), Carol Smith (AC, AAD). Reader: Roger Gillingham. ● Diocese of Portsmouth (Canterbury). 23 Thursday Bridget of Sweden, Abbess of Vadstena, 1373 ● WOODHAM FERRERS (St Mary) and BICKNACRE (St Andrew)—Clergy: Carol Ball (PIC), Michèle Marshall (AC), Jane Richards (A). ● St Mary’s School: Stephanie Redgate (HT). ● The retired clergy, Readers, and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Chelmsford South. ● Diocese of Puerto Rico (Province IX, The Episcopal Church USA). 24 Friday ● DEANERY OF MALDON & DENGIE—Area Dean: Sandra Manley. Lay Chair: Adrian Smith. Assistant Area Dean: Ken Dunstan. ● The Deanery asks for your prayers that the right candidates will be found for their various vacancies and for a positive and enthusiastic working with the Transforming Presence programme.

● Diocese of Pune (North India). 25 Saturday JAMES THE APOSTLE ● It is St James’ Day in the calendar – that is James, the son of Zebedee and the brother of John. With Peter, James and John were clearly the group closest to Jesus in his earthly ministry – present with Jesus for instance at the Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus’ daughter and in Gethsemane. James is one of the very first disciples to follow Jesus, and also probably the first apostles to be martyred. ● Diocese of Qu’Appelle (Rupert’s Land, Canada) 26 EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ● Pray for the work of the Hockerill Foundation, which provides grants to teachers in training from this diocese, St Albans and others, especially those studying Religious Education. ● Diocese of Quebec (Canada), Rt Revd Denis Paul Drainville. 27 Monday Brooke Foss Westcott, Bishop of Durham, Teacher of the Faith, 1901 ● BRADWELL ON SEA (St Thomas, St Peter on the Wall) & ST LAWRENCE (St Lawrence)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC), Brigid Main (CHP St Peter on the Wall). ● St Cedd’s School: Pauline Ward (HT). ● BURNHAM‐ON‐CROUCH (St Mary Vn)­—Clergy: Mark North (V). ● St Mary’s School: Geraldine Denham‐Hale (HT). ● Diocese of Ruaha (Tanzania). 28 Tuesday ● PURLEIGH (All Saints)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC). ● CREEKSEA (All Saints)—Clergy: Vera Wadman (PIC). ● COLD NORTON (St Stephen) w STOW MARIES (St Mary & St Margaret)—Clergy: Sandra Manley (R, AD). ● ALTHORNE (St Andrew) & LATCHINGDON (Christ Church) w NORTH FAMBRIDGE (Holy Trinity)—Clergy: Sandra Manley (R, AD), Barry Johnson (AC). ● Latchingdon School: Margaret Amery (HT). ● Diocese of Rajasthan (North India). 29 Wednesday Mary, Martha and Lazarus, Companions of Our Lord ● TILLINGHAM (St Nicholas) w DENGIE (St James) & ASHELDHAM—Clergy: Lorna Smith (PIC). Readers: Margaret Plant, Adrian Smith. ● St Nicholas School: Robert Pike (HT). ● Asheldham Youth Centre: Barry Howard (Manager). ● Diocese of Rayalaseema (South India). 30 Thursday William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833; Olaudah Equiana and Thomas Clarkson, Anti‐slavery Campaigners, 1883, 1797 and 1846 ● HEYBRIDGE (St Andrew, St George Heybridge Basin) w LANGFORD (St Giles)—Clergy :Peter Low (V). Readers: Julia McGregor, Lynne Wood. ● Diocese of Recife (Brazil). 31 Friday Ignatius of Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus, 1556 ● MALDON (All Saints w St Peter)—Clergy: Stephen Carter (V). ● All Saints’ School: Michele Williams (HT). ● Diocese of Rejaf (Sudan). NOTES:

Where parochial links are known to exist the names of overseas workers are placed immediately after the appropriate parish. Further information concerning overseas dioceses, including the names of bishops, is contained in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, available on their website main.cfm To contact the Diocese of Chelmsford about the Cycle of Prayer, please email The Cycle of Prayer can be downloaded in a handy booklet format from


A Assistant Clergy; AAD Assistant Area Dean; AC Associate Clergy; ACD Associate Clergy Diaconate; AD Area Dean; ARD Assistant Rural Dean; ASM Associate Minister, AT Assistant Clergy Title Post; AYO Area Youth Officer, BP Bishop; C Community Worker; CA Church Army; CIC Curate in Charge; CHP Chaplain; E-P Extraprovincial; EVN Evangelist; HT Head Teacher; MCD Minister of Conventional District; MIN Minister, P Priest; PIC Priest in Charge; R Rector; RD Rural Dean; Rdes Rector designate; RDR Reader; RES Residentiary Canon; SNP Special Needs Post, T Teacher; TM Team Ministry; TR Team Rector; TV Team Vicar; V Vicar; Vdes Vicar designate; WDN Warden; YW Youth worker. Hon. editor: Revd Bill Howes, 26 Westfield Drive, Coggeshall, Colchester, CO6 1PU. 01376 561826 (email, who would be glad to receive comments and corrections and also any items for prayer and praise to be considered for inclusion from the parishes.





month — Second volume from Chigor Chike explores Holy Spirit beliefs

New focus on African Christianity published WITH the growth in the number of Africans living in Britain, the need to understand what Africans believe as Christians has never been greater. For example, do African Christians have the same beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, Salvation and the Holy Spirit as other Christians? Is their belief shaped by factors such as their experience of living in this country and their African worldview? These and other questions are addressed in this fascinating book, The Holy Spirit in African Christianity. The book is based on the study of five East London congregation of various denominations.

BOOKSHELF By studying the worship and practices of these congregations, the author, Revd Dr Chigor Chike, distils the five key factors that shape what Africans believe about the Holy Spirit – what he calls “the anatomy of African Pneumatology”. This is a book with many benefits for Christians in this country. The Bishop of Chelmsford, Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell writes: “It is my experience that African Christians are helping the Church of England rediscover its theological roots and its evangelistic nerve.

Chigor Chike’s study of the Holy Spirit is a major contribution to this on-going and very creative discourse.” The Holy Spirit in African Christianity is the second book on the subject by Dr Chike, who is the Vicar of Emmanuel Church Forest Gate. The first book, African Christianity in Britain, was published in 2007. l The Holy Spirit in African Christianity is published by Paternoster and is available from the Chelmsford Christian Bookshop bookshop or on Amazon for £24.99.

Much Ado About Nothing is highlight of Tudor fun

EXCITEMENT is already building at the Diocesan Residential Centre St Mark’s in Audley End in anticipation of this year’s Tudor weekend. Following on the heels of a very successful Tudor day held last summer, this year's event has been extended to include free entry on the Saturday and Sunday, July 18 and 19 (11am-5pm). Revd Peter Hillman, Director of St Mark’s College says visitors to the Audley End site will experience staff and friends in Tudor dress from the period during which the buildings were designed and constructed. Once again there will be activities for all the family from bees wax candle making to trying on your own Tudor clothing. Some modern facilities make an appearance such as inflatables for kids and a barbecue running all day. But alongside these you can try your hand at more traditional skills such as archery which was still an essential part of Tudor life. Guided history tours will be running throughout both days and you are welcome to bring your own picnic as well as sample cream teas served during both days. Another exciting new addition for 2015 is a Sunday morning visit from Archdeacon Robin King who will preside at a 1662 prayer book service in St Mark’s chapel at 10am. This Tudor construction was rebuilt in 1951 after its collapse some years earlier with the design based upon the earliest surviving image of the chapel from 1815. The

large stained glass window in the East wall was added at that time made from stained glass rescued from churches destroyed in the East End blitz. The centrepiece of the weekend is an outdoor performance at 7pm of William Shakespeare’s hilarious comedy Much Ado About Nothing. The play is being performed by professional touring theatre company The Pantaloons. What could be better than seeing a play written around the same time as the construction of the building in whose grounds it will be performed? Tickets for theatre performance £12.50 adults, £8 children (under 5s free) are available in advance from Saffron Walden Tourist Office and at www.saffrontickets. com All proceeds from the weekend will go towards maintaining and developing the youth ministry of St Mark’s. Last year’s donations have been well spent during the last 12 months seeing a new heating system installed as well as much needed

redecoration to the guest bedrooms which are now all themed for a different work of children’s literature. These include Narnia, the Chocolate Factory, Treasure Island, Neverland and Middle Earth. Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford and Chair of Trustees said: “St Marks has had a wonderful track record of providing space for young people to spend time away together and to grow physically, morally and spiritually. "In the past couple of years there have been many exciting developments. "Under creative new leadership St Mark's is leading the way in providing innovative youth ministry for young people in the Saffron Walden Area but also across a great spectrum of communities that make up Essex and East London. "St Mark's has always been a jewel in the Chelmsford diocesan crown. Right now it seems to be shining brighter than ever.” l More information from St Mark’s College on 01799 522006, www.stmarkscollege. or info@

TUDOR GARB: Archdeacon Robin King, left, is welcomed to St Mark's College

Father Martyn clocks 2hr 58min in London

FATHER Martyn Hawkes, Vicar of St Gabriel's Church, Wanstead in East London (wearing the orange vest) completed April's London Marathon despite his 100 mile fund raising church centenary run last September putting him into Whipps Cross Hospital. Martyn clocked two hours 58 minutes for this year's run through the capital's streets as runner number 29468. Picture: Howard Smee.

New history of Bradfield St Lawrence A NEW history of St Lawrence church, the oldest surviving building in the village of Bradfield, was published on April 24 by the Friends of St Lawrence. The parish church of St Lawrence, which is on the Essex Way, dates back to Norman or possibly even Anglo-Saxon times. The history book uncovers the many changes that have been made to the church building over the centuries up to the present day and looks at the lives of some of its patrons and vicars. These include the famous Harbottle Grimstons, one of whom is said to ride round the churchyard at night on his white horse and the eccentric Revd Leighton George Hayne who tried unsuccessfully to install a massive five-manual organ in the church in the late 19th century. The book also outlines the story of how Christianity came to England, how it developed over the centuries and how changes in belief and religious practices would, at times, have dramatically affected the style of church services and church design. Bob Coe, leader of the history group, said: “This

has been a fascinating project. "We wanted readers to gain an understanding not only of the church as a building but also of its impact on village life over the centuries. "We are partcularly pleased to have found so many interesting illustrations to include in the book and are very grateful to the many people and organisations who have helped in its production.” Norma Barrow, Chairman of the Friends of St Lawrence said: “Our first history book – ‘Bradfield – a history of an Essex village’ – has been very well received. “Bob and his group have now produced a second book which will, I’m sure, be of interest to a wide audience. “The profits from its sale will go towards our latest fund-raising project which is to pay for the cleaning and restoration of the stained glass windows.” l 'St Lawrence, Bradfield – a history of an Essex church', costing £4.99, is available from the village shop, Bob Coe (01255 870123), Amazon and the Friends website www.fosl.

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