The Notice Board April - May 2017

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April-May 2017

NOTICE board

Stephen launches 'The Things He Did'

By JON LONGMAN IF you are one of those people who prefer to do something extra for Lent rather than abstain from another favourite then reading the Bishop of Chelmsford's latest book might be a perfect suggestion - and you can always pass it to a non-Christian friend when you have read the book. So why not treat yourself and then your friend's bookshelf to 'The Things He Did', the latest title from the pen of Bishop Stephen. The official Chelmsford Diocese launch at the Diocesan Office on Friday, January 27, turned out to be a full house as Bishop Stephen talked about the book and hosted a lively question and answer


session. He then signed copies of the book. Chelmsford Christian Bookshop manager Rachel Orford said: "The event was well attended with a lot of Q&A followed by good sales. Definitely a success. "It is not specifically a Lent book and can be read at any time of the year, but it revisits the events of Holy Week and, as you would expect from Bishop Stephen (left), this is done in a very insightful and impactful way. "The book draws out the significance of the happenings of

this final week before the crucifixion – in particular the influence of Jesus’ actions – and weaves them into the familiar compelling story right up to the arrest and betrayal. "With plenty of prompts for reflection, questions to ponder along the way and Bishop Stephen’s easy-to-read style, this is sure to be a best-seller in 2017.

● The book is available at £7.99

from the Chelmsford Christian Bookshop on 01245 294405 or email bookshop@chelmsford. to order your copy.

DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER — April to May 2017 Cycle of Prayer for daily use in Diocese of Chelmsford We can still say “Lord teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1)

ALDBOROUGH HATCH: Please pray for Revd Kate Lovesey and her ` congregation on April 13. Picture: RON JEFFRIES

APRIL 2017

1 SATURDAY Frederick Denison Maurice, Priest, Teacher of the Faith, 1872 ● F D Maurice was a controversial Anglican theologian whose thinking became more influential since the 1950s. Although he spent much of his life writing and teaching, he also put his theological convictions into action his absolute conviction that the teaching of Jesus meant we had to build a society where the needs of each are met and all can flourish together, with a special concern for the poor and forgotten. ● Dioceses of Missouri (Province IV, the Episcopal Church) and West Missouri (Province VII, The Episcopal Church). 2 THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT, PASSIONTIDE BEGINS ● “Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world; grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross, we may triumph in the power of his victory.” Celebrating Common Prayer ● Pray for the Diocese of Mityana (Uganda). 3 MONDAY ● NORTH WOOLWICH (St John w Silvertown)­—Clergy: Princely Croos (PIC). ● Diocese of Mombasa (Kenya). 4 TUESDAY ● WEST HAM (St Matthew)—Clergy: Christiana Asinugo (PIC), David Richards (AP). ● Diocese of Monmouth (Wales). 5 WEDNESDAY ● STRATFORD (St John w Christ Church)— Clergy: David Richards (V), Christiana Asinugo (AP), Annie McTighe (AP), Nicholas Bryzak (A) Readers: Rosemond Isiodu, Robert Otule, Carole Richards, Sheva Williams. ● Diocese of Montana (Province VI, the Episcopal Church). 6 THURSDAY ● STRATFORD (St Paul) and (St James)—

Clergy: Jeremy Fraser (V), Annie McTighe (AP), Jeanette Meadway (AP), Ivo Anderson (A), Milen Bennett (A). ● St James Junior School: Shirley Ann Jones (HT). ● Diocese of Montreal (Canada). 7 FRIDAY ● VICTORIA DOCKS (The Ascension)­— Clergy: Dave Chesney (V). ● VICTORIA DOCKS (St Luke)—Clergy: Dave Wade (V), Ifeani Chukuka (AP), Emeka Ejinkonye (AP), Benedict Atkins (A).Reader: Carole Davison. ● Mayflower Centre. ● Canning Town St Luke’s School: Matt Hipperson (HT). ● Diocese of Moosonee (Ontario, Canada). 8 SATURDAY ● Tomorrow is Palm Sunday when churches remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem greeted as a King, then read the story of his

arrest and death - a very different kind of coronation. The week ahead - often called Holy Week - is an extraordinary invitation to walk very closely in the steps of Jesus and say "his life is mine". ● Diocese of Moray Ross & Caithness (Scotland). 9 PALM SUNDAY ● Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. ● Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The Diocese of Jerusalem (Jerusalem and the Middle East). 10 MONDAY in Holy Week William Law, Priest, Spiritual Writer, 1761; William of Ockham, Friar, Philosopher, Teacher of the Faith, 1347 ● WEST HAM (All Saints)—Clergy: Stennett Kirby (V), Stephen Chandler (AC). Reader: Ben Williams.

● West Ham Church Primary School: Paulette Bailey (HT). ● BECKTON (St Mark)­—Clergy: Peter Ngugi (PIC). ● Dioceses of Morogoro and Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). 11 TUESDAY in Holy Week — George Selwyn, first Bishop of New Zealand, 1878 ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Newham. ● Diocese of Mount Kenya Central (Rwanda). 12 WEDNESDAY in Holy Week DEANERY OF REDBRIDGE—Area Dean: Marie Segal. Lay Chair: Jill Leonard Assistant Area Dean: Ian Tarrant. Chaplains: Barts Healthcare NHS Trust - Whips Cross University Hospital: Tristan Alexander-Watts; Barking, Havering & Redbridge Hospital NHS Trust: Tim Coleman, Philip Wright; East London NHS Foundation Trust: Stephen Chandler; North East London NHS Foundation Trust: Tony Rablen. ● Diocese of Mount Kenya South (Kenya). 13 MAUNDY THURSDAY ● ALDBOROUGH HATCH (St Peter)­­— Clergy: Kate Lovesey (V). ● Diocese of Mount Kenya West (Burundi). 14 GOOD FRIDAY ● ALDERSBROOK (St Gabriel)–Clergy: Martyn Hawkes (V), Mark Kenny (AP), Christopher Smaling (A). ● Diocese of Mpumalanga (Southern Africa). 15 EASTER EVE/HOLY SATURDAY ● Traditionally tonight is one aof the great points in the year for baptisms and confirmations. But whatever is happening in your local church today, use it to renew the commitments made at your baptism to live as a disciple of Christ, with all the cost that entails. ● Diocese of Mthatha [formerly St John’s] (Southern Africa). 16 EASTER DAY ● The angel said to the women: “Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen, as he said.” Matthew 28: 5-6 CONTINUED ON PAGE II



CONTINUED FROM PAGE I 17 MONDAY IN EASTER WEEK ● BARKINGSIDE (Holy Trinity)­—Clergy: Stuart Batten (PIC), Margaret Flintoft-Chapman (AP), Rosemary Potten (A). Reader: Tony Robbins. ● BARKINGSIDE (St Cedd)—Clergy: Paul Harcourt (PIC). Licensed Lay Worker: Gary Wilson. ● Diocese of Muhabura (Uganda). 18 TUESDAY in Easter Week ● BARKINGSIDE (St Francis)—Clergy: Stuart Batten (PIC), Michael Bradley (AP). ● Diocese of Mukono (Uganda). 19 WEDNESDAY in Easter Week Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1012 ● BARKINGSIDE (St George)—Clergy: Benjamin Wallis (V). ● BARKINGSIDE (St Laurence)­—Clergy: Chris Burrows (PIC), Ian Elliott (A), Hilary Musker (A) Licensed Lay Minister: Catherine Elliott ● Diocese of Multan (Pakistan). 20 THURSDAY in Easter Week ● GOODMAYES (All Saints)—Clergy: Petros Nyatsanza (V). ● GOODMAYES (St Paul)—Clergy: Janet Buchan (PIC). ● Diocese of Mumbai [formerly Bombay] (North India). 21 FRIDAY in Easter Week Anselm, Abbot of Le Bec, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1109 ● GREAT ILFORD (St Margaret of Antioch, St Clement)— Clergy: Stephen Pugh (V). ● Diocese of Mumias (Kenya). 22 SATURDAY ● The days of this week, and tomorrow used to be known by the unusual name "in white clothes" because people baptised at Easter wore their white clothes for eight days until the following Sunday. That may not fit our fashion sense or in fact our hygiene. But there is still a challenge there: to witness in public to the saving love we know through the death and resurrection of Jesus. ● Diocese of Mundri (Central Sudan). 23 THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER ● Pray for those who today still risk all to proclaimas they struggle to maintain their freedom to worship. ● Pray for the Diocese of Muranga South (Kenya). 24 MONDAY GEORGE, MARTYR, PATRON OF ENGLAND, c.304 (transferred); Mellitus, Bishop of London, first Bishop at St Paul’s, 624; Great Ilford (St Alban) Clergy: Stuart Halstead (V). ● GREAT ILFORD (St Andrew)—Clergy: Marie Segal (AD, V), Hayley Morris (A), Susan Sterry (A). ● Diocese of Muyinga (Burundi). 25 TUESDAY MARK THE EVANGELIST ● GREAT ILFORD (St John the Evangelist, Seven Kings)— Clergy: Calvert Prentis (PIC), Sharon Prentis (A). Reader: Jean Richards. ● Diocese of Mytikyina (Myanmar). 26 WEDNESDAY ● GREAT ILFORD (St Luke)—Clergy: John Brown (PIC). ● GREAT ILFORD (St Mary)­—Clergy: Gareth Jones (V.) ● Diocese of Nagpur (North India). 27 THURSDAY Christina Rossetti, Poet, 1894 ● HAINAULT (St Paul)—Clergy: Ken Ashton (V). Licensed Lay Minister: Ellen Hunt. Reader: Sarah Clarke-Clarke-Moisley ● Dioceses of Nairobi and Nakuru (Kenya). 28 FRIDAY Peter Chanel, Missionary in the South Pacific, Martyr, 1841 ● SOUTH WOODFORD (Holy Trinity, Hermon Hill)—Clergy: Robert Hampson (V). ● Diocese of Nambale (Kenya) 29 SATURDAY Catherine of Siena, Teacher of the Faith, 1380 ● Catherine of Siena was not a bishop, a priest or a nun. She was a lay Christian who felt called to a deep life of prayer at home. In fact you can even visit her house in Siena today! But that life of prayer rooted in God led her not to retire from the world but engage with it - rebuking popes and rulers and seeking to influence society for the common good. ● Diocese of Namirembe (Uganda). 30 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER ● Please pray for followers of other faiths, that there may be discussion and understanding between all of God’s people. ● Pray for the Diocese of Nandyal (South India).

MAY 2017

1 MONDAY PHILIP AND JAMES, APOSTLES ● WANSTEAD (St Mary w Christ Church)—Clergy: Jack Dunn (R), Richard Wyber (AP). Licensed Lay Minister: Olive Thursby. ● Wanstead Church School: Mark Hemsley (HT). ● Diocese of Nasik (North India). 2 TUESDAY Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, 373 ● WOODFORD GREEN (St Barnabas)—Clergy: William Obedoza (V). ● Diocese of Natal (Southern Africa). 3 WEDNESDAY ● WOODFORD (St Mary w St Philip and St James)—Clergy:


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HUTTON ALL SAINTS: Please pray for the clergy and congregation on May 29.

Ian Tarrant (R), Santou Beurklian-Carter (A). Readers: Sally Barton, Mark Lewis. ● Diocese of Nassau & The Bahamas (West Indies) 4 THURSDAY English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era ● WOODFORD BRIDGE (St Paul)­—Clergy: Ola Franklin (V). Reader: Mac Leonard. ● Diocese of Namibia (Southern Africa) 5 FRIDAY ● WOODFORD WELLS (All Saints & St Andrew) Clergy: Paul Harcourt (V), David Blackledge, Simon Marshall, Malcolm Porter (AP); Dennis Martin, James Talbot (A). Licensed Lay Minister: Lillian Mumme Christopher & Ros Smith - The Philippines; Steven and Jo Wright - Kuwait, Amanda Pearson - Cambodia; Helen Fraser - Egypt, Bishop Alf and Hilary Cooper - Chile (CMS); Andrew and Yvonne Moules - Austria (Agape); Chase and Ysanne Olsen - Australia (YWAM). ● The retired clergy, Readers and ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Redbridge. ● Pray for the National Indigenous Bishop (Ontario, Canada), Rt Revd Mark Lawrence MacDonald. 6 SATURDAY ● Tomorrow is known in some churches as 'Good Shepherd Sunday' because the Gospel reading is usually part of John 10 on the theme 'the Good Shepherd'. It's a great - but not a simple - image. Palestinian shepherds walk ahead of the flock to guide and protect them. They are ready to fight bears and wolves for their sake. When we say 'pastoral' we often imagine that means somebody gentle, but Jesus means a tough and dangerous enterprise, ready to face the world and all its challenges as it really is. ● Diocese of Navajoland Area Mission (Province VIII, The Episcopal Church). 7 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER —Today is Vocations Sunday. ● We give thanks to God that he calls us all to varieties of forms of service in his Church and in the world and pray for openness to his Holy Spirit, that each of us may discern the call of God upon our lives. “Christ, you call us to be your people in the world. We will follow your call to be our people: our hands will do your work, our feet will walk your way. Christ, you call us. Help us respond to your call.” ● Pray for the Diocese of Ndokwa (Bendel, Nigeria). 8 MONDAY Julian of Norwich, Spiritual Writer, c.1417 ● DEANERY OF WALTHAM FOREST—Area Dean: Christine Rablen. Lay Chair: Vevet Deer. Assistant Area Dean: Christine Rablen. ● Diocese of Nebbi (Uganda).

9 TUESDAY ● CHINGFORD (St Peter and St Paul, All Saints) Clergy: Andrew Trenier (R), Maxwell Hutchinson (A), Tina Rollings (A). ● Chingford CE Primary School: Lindsey Lampard (HT). ● Dioceses of Nebraska and Nevada (Provinces VI and VIII, The Episcopal Church). 10 WEDNESDAY ● (St Anne) Clergy: Jude Bullock (V), Mick Scotchmer (A). CHINGFORD (St Edmund) Clergy: Lesley Goldsmith (V), Sarah Batts (A). ● Diocese of Nelson (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia). 11 THURSDAY ● HARROW GREEN (Holy Trinity, St Augustine of Hippo)— Clergy: Neil-Allen Walsh (PIC), Bridget de Mello (AP). ● HIGHAMS PARK (All Saints)—Clergy: Steve Clarke (V). Licensed Lay Minister: Michael Holloway. ● Diocese of New Busa (Kwara, Nigeria). 12 FRIDAY ● LEYTON (St Mary w St Edward & St Luke)—Clergy: Christine Rablen (V), Hilda Gilbert (A). ● LEYTON (All Saints)—Clergy: Maria Holmden (V). ● Diocese of The New Guinea Islands (Papua New Guinea). 13 SATURDAY ● Christian Aid week begins tomorrow. Christian Aid has a very clear purpose: "We work in partnership with churches, individuals and local organisations in communities worldwide, supporting people of all faiths and none to rise out of poverty." They do that directly in response to the teaching of Jesus - for instance his very first sermon in Luke 4 and his very last piece of teaching in Matthew 25.31-end, and the recognition throughout Jesus' life and teaching and throughout the teachings of the Christian church that the poor - whether "deserving" or "undeserving", categories completely unknown to the Gospel are the focus of God's special care and concern. ● Diocese of New Hampshire (Province I, The Episcopal Church) 14 THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ● Christian Aid Week begins. As we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Christian Aid Week we pray: Holy Spirit of God, light a flame within us, burning for justice, glowing with kindness, shining with hope for the end of poverty and the peace of all people in this ever-turning world. Amen. (Prayers for Christian Aid) ● Pray for the Diocese of New Jersey (Province II, The Episcopal Church). ● LEYTON (Christ Church)—Clergy: Mark Burkill (V), Nicholas Algeo (A).



nd modern contrast HUTTON ST PETER: Please pray for the clergy and congregation on May 29. Pictures: JON LONGMAN

● LEYTON (Emmanuel)—Clergy: Ade Ademola (V). ● LEYTON (St Catherine and St Paul)—Clergy: James Waddell (V). ● Dioceses of New Westminster (British Columbia & The Yukon, Canada), and Niagara (Ontario, Canada). 16 TUESDAY Caroline Chisholm, Social Reformer, 1877 ● LEYTONSTONE (St Andrew)­—Clergy: Paul Trathern (PIC), Paul Kennington (AP). ● LEYTONSTONE (St John the Baptist)—Clergy: David Britton (V). ● LEYTONSTONE (St Margaret w St Columba)—Clergy: Revd Neil-Allen Walsh (PIC). ● Diocese of New York and Western New York (Province II, The Episcopal Church). 17 WEDNESDAY ● WALTHAMSTOW TEAM MINISTRY (St Mary, St Gabriel, St Luke, St Stephen)—Clergy: Vanessa Conant (TR), Nigel Anstey, Frances Shoesmith (TV); Jill Mowbray (AP), Ade Eleyae (A) Readers: Robert Duddridge, Helen Miller. ● St Mary’s CE Primary School: Beverley Hall (HT). ● WALTHAMSTOW (St Andrew) [Higham Hill Ecumenical Partnership]–Clergy: Stella Olukanmi (PiC) ● WALTHAMSTOW (St Barnabas w St James the Greater) — Clergy: Steven Saxby (V); Lionel Crompton-Thomas (AP). ● Diocese of Newala (Tanzania). 18 THURSDAY ● WALTHAMSTOW (St John)—Clergy: Kieran Bush (V). ● WALTHAMSTOW (St Michael & All Angels)—Clergy: Alex Summers (V). ● WALTHAMSTOW (St Peter-in-the-Forest)—Clergy: Paul Trathern (V). Licensed Lay Minister: Sue Diplock. ● WALTHAMSTOW (St Saviour)—Clergy: Salvador Telen (V). ● St Saviour’s CE School: Beverley Hall (HT). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Waltham Forest. ● Diocese of Newark (Province II, The Episcopal Church). 19 FRIDAY Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Monastic Reformer, 988 ● BRADWELL EPISCOPAL AREA: Area Bishop: John Wraw. Archdeacon of Chelmsford: Elizabeth Snowden; Archdeacon of Southend elect: Mike Lodge. Advisers: Graham Hamborg (CMD/ IME), Martin Wood (Mission & Ministry), Penny Sayer (Turnaround Minister), Mark Tiddy (Youth), Carla Hampton (Healing & Deliverance Ministry), Brenda Wallace (Liturgical), Marion Walford, Rose Braisby (Women’s Ministry), Ron McLernon (Stewardship). ● Diocese of Newcastle (York).

20 SATURDAY Alcuin of York, Deacon, Abbot of Tours, 804 ● Alcuin was born in Northumberland and grew to become one of the greatest European thinkers and writers of his period. Today he is still celebrated across Europe with statues from Vienna to Tours. He was widely regarded as the most learned person of his times, expert in mathematics and literature, and was responsible for training most of the great leaders in church and state in the time of Charlemagne. As a theologian - like many contemporaries - he uses the powerfully erotic language of the Song of Songs to talk about our relationship with God and with one another. ● Diocese of Newcastle (New South Wales, Australia). THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER: ROGATION SUNDAY ● Please pray for the work of the Church Army: “There are so many people we have yet to reach, and so many broken lives still to be touched by Christ’s light. That’s why you find Church Army on the edges of society, meeting people where they are, often in desperate need, helping them know God’s love and peace in their lives.” ● Pray for the Diocese of Ngbo (Enugu, Nigeria). 22 MONDAY ROGATION DAY ● DEANERY OF BRENTWOOD—Area Dean: Paul Hamilton. Lay Chair: Paul Betts. Chaplains: Tony Rablen (NE London NHS Foundation Trust); Adrian McConnaughie, Brentwood School. ● Diocese of Niassa (Southern Africa). 23 TUESDAY: ROGATION DAY ● BENTLEY COMMON (St Paul) w KELVEDON HATCH (St Nicholas) and NAVESTOCK (St Thomas)–Clergy: Mark James (R), Ann Coleman (AP). ● St Paul’s School: Louise Putt (HT). ● BRENTWOOD (St George)–Clergy: Garry Jenkins (V). ● BRENTWOOD (St Thomas)–Clergy: Colin Hewitt (V). ● St Thomas’ Infant School: Caroline L’Estrange (HT). ● St Thomas’ Junior School: Dean Moran (HT). ● Becket Keys School: Andy Scott-Evans (HT). ● Brentwood School: Adrian McConnaughie (CHP). ● Diocese of Christ the King (Southern Africa). 24 WEDNESDAY: ROGATION DAY John and Charles Wesley, Evangelists, Hymn Writers, 1791 and 1788 ● DODDINGHURST (All Saints)—Clergy: Mark James (PIC), Ann Coleman (AP). ● Doddinghurst Junior School: Jackie Avis (HT). ● Diocese of Niger Delta West (Niger Delta, Nigeria).

25 THURSDAY: ASCENSION DAY The Venerable Bede, Monk at Jarrow, Scholar, Historian, 735; Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne, 709 ● EAST AND WEST HORNDON (St Francis) w LITTLE WARLEY (St Peter) and CHILDERDITCH (All Saints & St Faith)—Clergy: Helen Bryan (PIC). ● MARGARETTING (St Margaret) w MOUNTNESSING (St Giles) and BUTTSBURY (St Mary)—Clergy: Patrick Sherring (PIC), Celia Parkes (AP), Andy Finn (A). ● Margaretting School: Maire O’Regan (HT). ● Mountnessing School: Holly Obank (HT). 26 FRIDAY Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury, 605; John Calvin, Reformer, 1564; Philip Neri, Founder of the Oratorians, Spiritual Guide, 1595 ● INGRAVE (St Nicholas)—Clergy: Paul Hamilton (AD, R). ● INGRAVE (St Stephen)—Clergy: Paul Hamilton (AD, R) Juan Sedano (AP). ● Ingrave Johnstone School: James Rogers (HT). ● Diocese of the Niger Delta (Niger Delta, Nigeria). 27 SATURDAY ● Thy Kingdom Come: May 25-June 4 is a global wave of prayer for the mission of the Church. Thy Kingdom Come, spearheaded by the Archbishop of Canterbury but with partners across the world, invites Christians to do the most foundational thing of all: spend costly time in prayer. There are great resources to share at ● Diocese of Niger West (Niger, Nigeria). 28 THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ● Pray with the thousands of people across the world who will be praying during Thy Kingdom Come: Almighty God, your ascended Son has sent us into the world to preach the good news of your kingdom: inspire us with your Spirit and fill our hearts with the fire of your love, that all who hear your Word may be drawn to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. ● Diocese of Nike (Enugu, Nigeria). 29 MONDAY ● HUTTON (All Saints and St Peter)—Clergy: Vacancy (R), Tony Baxter (AP). Licensed Lay Minister: John Patterson. ● All Saints School: Jeanette Miller (HT). ● Diocese of Nnewi (Niger, Nigeria). 30 TUESDAY Josephine Butler, Social Reformer, 1906; Joan of Arc, Visionary, 1431; Apolo Kivebulaya, Priest, Evangelist in Central Africa, 1933 ● INGATESTONE (St Edmund and St Mary) w FRYERNING (St Mary Virgin)—Clergy: Patrick Sherring (R), Celia Parkes (AP), Andy Finn (A). ● Ingatestone & Fryerning Junior School: Neil Taggart (HT). ● SHENFIELD (St Mary the Virgin)—Clergy: David Thomas (R). ● St Mary’s School: Sally Taggart (HT). ● Diocese of Nord Kivu (Congo). 31 WEDNESDAY VISIT OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY TO ELIZABETH ● SOUTH WEALD (St Peter)—Clergy: Jane Bradbury (PIC). ● St Peter’s School: Iain Gunn (HT). ● WARLEY (Christ Church) and GREAT WARLEY (St Mary)—Clergy: Robert Binks (PiC), Adrian McConnaughie (AP). Licensed Lay Minister: Tim Lee. ● Immanuel Church, Brentwood (Bishop’s Mission Order)— Clergy: Andrew Grey (MiC). ● Pray for the retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Brentwood. ● Diocese of North Ankole (Uganda). NOTES:

The Cycle of Prayer is also available on the Diocesan website: www. Where parochial links are known to exist the names of overseas workers are placed immediately after the appropriate parish. Further information concerning overseas dioceses, including the names of bishops, is contained in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, available on their website www.anglicancommunion. org/acp/main.cfm. Honorary Editor: Jenny Robinson, 71 Powers Hall End, Witham, Essex CM8 1NH, 01376 516727 (email: who would be glad to receive comments and corrections and also any items for prayer and praise to be considered for inclusion from the parishes.


A Assistant Clergy; AAD Assistant Area Dean; AC Associate Clergy; ACD Associate Clergy Diaconate; AD Area Dean; ASM Associate Minister, AT Assistant Clergy Title Post; AYO Area Youth Officer, BP Bishop; C Community Worker; CA Church Army; CIC Curate in Charge; CHP Chaplain; EVN Evangelist; HT Head Teacher; LD Locally Deployed; LLM Licensed Lay Minister; MCD Minister of Conventional District; MIN Minister, P Priest; PIC Priest in Charge; R Rector; Rdes Rector designate; RDR Reader; PTO Permission to Officiate; RES Residentiary Canon; SNP Special Needs Post, T Teacher; TM Team Ministry; TR Team Rector; TV Team Vicar; V Vicar; Vdes Vicar designate; WDN Warden.





month — What's on during Lent and Easter in Essex and East London

Every Sunday unless otherwise stated ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. See advertisement on back page for complete list of main services in the cathedral. Monday-Saturday ● Kings Cafe (above Aldi), London Road, Lexden, Colchester. Monday-Friday 10am-4pm; Sat 10am-2pm. Every Wednesday ● St Mary the Virgin, Church Road, Corringham. 10am-4pm. Church will be open every Wednesday for visitors, to see this historic building, there is a Saxon wall, Norman tower, 13th century tombstones, Medieval stained glass and much more. All welcome.. Every Thursday ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. Saturday, March 18 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7pm. Caprice Concert. ● St Mary's Great Baddow. 7.30pm. An “Evening with Michele Guinness” promises to be a unique one of insight and entertainment as we learn more about this amazing woman. Tickets from the Diocesan bookshop in Chelmsford or St Mary's church office (01245 477501). Price £10 to include refreshments. ● Bit of a Do! St Andrew's Church Hall, Althorne, CM3 6BY. 11am - 3pm. Come and shop for Mothering Sunday gifts, greetings cards and various crafts. Funds raised go to St. Andrew's Althorne church repair fund and St. Clare's Hospice. ● All Saints Church, Inmans Row, Woodford Green IG8 9QP. 2.30pm. Music Extravaganza - composite concert - for four organists and a choir performed by members and friends of the City of London and Eastern Society of Organists. Free entrance with retiring collection in aid of All Saints Organ Fund. ● All Saints Cranham, RM14 3YB. 10am-noon. Full English breakfast and sale of Items. ● Lent Course at St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea (entrance through church hall in Tower Road) CO15 1LE. 3-5pm. The church will be hosting an ecumenical Lent Course at 10.30am on Saturdays in Lent. It is entitled ‘At the Cross’. The course will take place in the church hall, and will be followed by Lent lunches. All are welcome. Wednesday, March 22 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 11am. Day-time Lent Group. Living an Authentic Life Chapter House, free entry. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. North Transept. 7.30pm. Lent Series ‘Faith & Poetry’ at the Cathedral. John Elliott, Head Verger at Chelmsford Cathedral; Resurrection, by Mary Ann Bernard. John joined the Vergers’ team at Chelmsford in 2016, having previously been at St Paul’s Cathedral. His interests include campanology, reading and cycling. He is a fanatical collector of rare Roman coins, and is a keen poetry writer. For more information please contact Canon Edward Carter on 01245 294486, or edward.carter@ ● Dagenham Park School. 7pm.School for Disciples 2017. Roadshow around the diocese to open up discussion, part of the Transforming Presence initiative. These stimulating and challenging events are free of charge and there is no need to book. Thursday, March 23 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. ● St Laurence Church. Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB. 1.05-1.50pm. Lunchtime concert by Paul Greally (organ). This church has a particularly fine Kenneth Tickell pipe organ and attracts many international/renowned organists. Retiring collection. Friday, March 24 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by St Cedd's School. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or bring your own if you wish. Saturday, March 25 ● Lent Course at St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea (entrance through church hall in Tower Road) CO15 1LE. 3-5pm. The church will be hosting an ecumenical Lent Course at 10.30am on Saturdays in Lent. It is entitled ‘At the Cross’. The course will take place in the church hall, and will be followed by Lent lunches. All are welcome. ● St Andrew's, Marks Tey. 3-5.30pm. Messy church. ● Valentine Singers Spring concert. St Andrew’s Church, The Drive, Ilford IG2 3PE. 7:00pm. Handel Belshazzar - The New Novello Choral Edition (Burrows), 'a dramatic masterpiece that enshrines the virtues of peace, liberty and harmony between nations” (R. Wigmore); Nitocris - Jane Streeton; Cyrus Madeleine Sexton; Daniel - Frances Jellard; Belshazzar - David de Winter; Gobryas - Tom Kennedy Jericho Ensemble. Leader: Tina Bowle. Conductor: Christine Gwynn. ● All Saints Cranham, RM14 3YB. 10am-noon. Full English breakfast and sale of Items. ● West Ham Church (All Saints). 6.30pm. A classical concert of Bach's great Passion according to St

Matthew performed by All Saints Chorus and Orchestra. Wednesday, March 29 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 11am. Day-time Lent Group. Living an Authentic Life Chapter House, free entry and all welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. North Transept. 7.30pm. Lent Series ‘Faith & Poetry’ at the Cathedral. Sally Lodge, Team Rector of Witham; Lazarus, by Joseph Braddock. Sally is Area Dean of Witham and Team Rector of the Witham and Villages Team Ministry, and is a member of General Synod. Prior to ordination she worked as a solicitor specialising in matrimonial law. She is married with three grown up children. For more information please contact Canon Edward Carter on 01245 294486, or edward.carter@chelmsfordcathedral. Thursday, March 30 ● St Laurence Church. Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB. 1.05-1.50pm. Lunchtime concert by Cygnus Trio (violin, cello & piano). This church has a particularly fine Kenneth Tickell pipe organ and attracts many international/renowned organists. Retiring collection. ● St Saviour's C of E School, Verulam Avenue, Waltham Forest. 7pm. School for Disciples 2017. Roadshow around the diocese to open up discussion, part of the Transforming Presence initiative. These stimulating and challenging events are free of charge and there is no need to book. Friday, March 31 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Divas in Duo (two sopranos). Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments from 12 noon. Saturday, April 1 ● Lent Course at St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea (entrance through church hall in Tower Road) CO15 1LE. 3-5pm. The church will be hosting an ecumenical Lent Course at 10.30am on Saturdays in Lent. It is entitled ‘At the Cross’. The course will take place in the church hall, and will be followed by Lent lunches. All are welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 10am-12noon. Cathedral Coffee Morning in the Chapter House. Come and enjoy fresh coffee, home-made scones and a bring & buy. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 7pm. Concert by Hutton & Shenfield Choral Society Concert. Bach: St Matthew Passion Featuring Chelmsford Cathedral Choristers Conductor: Tim Hooper Tickets: hscstickets@outlook. com. ● Fobbing Easter Fayre. Gardener Hall, High Road Fobbing, Stanford-le -Hope SS17 9JH. 11:00am .Many stalls, raffles and refreshments available ● Trinity Church, Mannock Drive, Loughton, IG10 2JD. 10am-4pm. Come to our 7th annual Lenten Quiet Day, this year with Rev Dr Stephen Need. For further details, please phone 0208 508 2948. ● All Saints Cranham, RM14 3YB. 10am-noon. Full English breakfast and sale of Items. ● Stisted Church, Off The Street, Stisted CM77 8AP. 9.30am-4pm. ‘Looking through the Stained Glass’. A hands-on workshop of stained glass through the centuries from “Gothic” through to the “Modern Era” led by local stained glass historian Chris Parkinson. Further details and booking form can be found at www. Sunday, April 2 ● Chelmsford Cathedral 6pm. Charles Wood: St Mark Passion sung by the Cathedral Voluntary Choir. Free entry ● Emmanuel Church, Billericay, CM12 9LD. 4.30pm. The Pantaloons: Pride & Prejudice. ● St. Mary the Virgin, Great Warley, Brentwood CM13 3JP. 7pm. Bra-Vissima Ladies Choir Spring Chorus. Tickets: £10 (under 16s £5) from Celia in advance on 07941 818164. Refreshments provided. Wednesday, April 5 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral North Transept. 7.30pm. Lent Series ‘Faith & Poetry’ at the Cathedral Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford; An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow, by Les Murray. On his recent sabbatical pilgrimage walk to Santiago de Compostela Bishop Stephen wrote a number of poems so as to express creatively his ‘journey’ experience. He has been Bishop of Chelmsford since 2011, and is married to Rebecca, who is a potter. For more information please contact Canon Edward Carter on 01245 294486, or edward. ● Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. 1-3pm. Café Theology. Meet at the Food Court. ● Library at the Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford. 1pm. The Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group. Everyone is welcome and it is free to join in. For details and encouragement, please contact the bookshop on 01245 294405 or email Thursday, April 6 ● Chelmsford Cathedral 10am. Mothers' Union Corporate Communion in St Cedd’s Chapel. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 8pm. Mothers’ Union Evening Section meets in St Cedd’s Hall. Saturday, April 8 ● St James' Church, Tower Road, Clacton on Sea,

CO15 1DA. 7.30pm. Clacton Choral's Easter Concert. ● St Michaels and All Angels Church, 62 Leigh Road, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 1LF. 7.30pm. St John Passion by J S Bach with the Southend Bach Choir and orchestra. Tickets £12, £6 for students available at the door. ● All Saints Cranham, RM14 3YB. 10am-noon. Full English breakfast and sale of Items. Palm Sunday, April 9 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.30am. Eucharist with the Procession of Palms Sung by the Cathedral Choir. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 4pm. Music and Readings for Holy Week Sung by the Cathedral Girls' Choir and performed by Essex Dance Theatre. ● St Laurence church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster. 6.30pm. The Crucifixion by John Stainer.Choirs of St Laurence, Upminster, St Andrew’s, Hornchurch, All Saints’ , Cranham and St Mary Magdalene, North Ockendon. Conductor: David Pickthall MBE and Organist: Richard Brasier. Free admission (retiring collection). Car parking available. ● Great Waltham. Passion play 'The Passion of Christ'. 6pm. Full details on page 6. Monday, April 10 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12pm. Chrism Mass. Tuesday, April 11 ● Chelmsford Cathedral 8pm. Holy Week Concert Thomas Tallis: Lamentations of Jeremiah; Tomas Luis de Victoria Tenebrae responsories Sung by the Choral Scholars, Conductor James Davy free admission, retiring collection. Wednesday, April 12 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. Maundy Thursday, April 13 ● Great Waltham. Passion play 'The Passion of Christ'. 6pm. Full details on page 6. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 2pm. Mothers' Union Afternoon Section meet in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 7.45pm. Eucharist with the Watch sung by the Cathedral Choir. Good Friday, April 14 ● Great Waltham. Passion play 'The Passion of Christ'. 6pm. Full details on page 6. ● Chelmsford Chelmsford Cathedral Noon. Meditations on the Cross. Words and Silence at the foot of the cross. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 2pm. Liturgy of the Cross. Sung by the Cathedral Choir. ● St Nicholas Church Canewdon. 7pm. Olivet to Calvary. The story of the events leading up to Good Friday, sung by the choir with soloists, and with congregational hymns for all to join in. ● St Mary's Maldon. 7.30pm. The Annual Liturgical Performance of Bach's St John Passion, including Bishop Stephen's Good Friday Homily. The congregation is invited not just to listen to the music but to participate by singing some of the chorales (hymns). Between parts one and two, Bishop Stephen gives a homily on the meaning of this most momentous day. ● St John’s church, Epping. CM16 5DN. Epping Church Choirs Association. Handel - Messiah, Part One and Two for Good Friday. Conducted by Simon Winters. Organist: Jonathan Lilley. Soloists: Julia Wilson-James, Chloë Threharne, Robin Horgan and Laurence Williams 7.30pm. Retiring collection for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research. Programmes £2.50. ● Music at St Nicolas Church, Witham CM8 2JS, 12noon: Haydn's 'Seven Last Words', to be given by the Helicon Quartet as part of our Three Hours Service. Saturday, April 15 ● Chelmsford Cathedral 7pm. Easter Vigil and Confirmations. Please email Canon Simon Pothen if you wish to be confirmed. ● Holy Trinity Church, Takeley (CM22 6QL). 9am. Dunmow & Stansted Deanery Walk. Monthly walk in 2017 Together on the Way with Christ programme. Members of other denominational churches welcome. Refreshments followed by short service from about 10.15am open to non-walkers. Suitable footwear advisable and dogs welcome. Contact Sue Humphries at Easter Day, April 16 ● Great Waltham. Passion play 'The Passion of Christ'. 11am. Full details on page 6. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 11.15am. Easter Day Choral Eucharist with Incense. Sung by the Cathedral Choir and Girls' Choir and led by the Bishop of Chelmsford. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 3.30pm. Festal Evensong with Procession. Sung by the Cathedral Choir. Wednesday, April 19 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. Saturday, April 22 ● St Winifred's Church, Manor Road, Chigwell IG75PS. 10am-4pm. Spring Fair Family day Craft stalls Model railway, plant stall, refreshments. Free admission. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 6pm. The Cathedral Youth Group are holding a quiz to raise money for their trip to Sweden. Tickets available by emailing steven.conroy@ Sunday, April 23 ● Brentwood Deanery Service of Evening Prayer St George's Church, Ongar Rd, Brentwood.6:30pm Come and pray for England that she will know the Risen Jesus as her living Lord and Saviour again. All welcome - whether you are in the Deanery of Brentwood or not! Tel 01277 213618.

Wednesday, April 26 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 9.30am-3pm. Essex Mind and Spirit Conference. Spirituality and Dementia. Thursday, April 27 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. ● St Augustine, Thorpe Bay. 7pm.School for Disciples 2017. Roadshow around the diocese to open up discussion, part of the Transforming Presence initiative. These stimulating and challenging events are free of charge and there is no need to book. Friday, April 28 ● Chelmsford Cathedral 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Chelmsford Male Voice Choir. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or bring your own if you wish. April 28 ● LUNCHTIME LIVE! St Thomas of Canterbury, Brentwood CM14 4DF. 1:00 -1:45pm,Essex Chordsmen (Barbershop Choir). Saturday, April 29 ●Prayer Book Society annual service of evening prayer St Katherine's, Church Little, Bardfield, CM7 4TT. 3:00pm. Annual Service of Evening Prayer with Choirs ● Beauchamp Roding Country Market.The Room in the Rodings, Dunmow Road, Beauchamp Roding. 10:00am .Plants, Cakes & Produce, Refreshments, Crafts, Bric-a-brac, Books and more. All proceeds to St Botolph Beauchamp Roding Church funds. ● Springtime Serenade at St. John the Baptist Church, Church Lane, Loughton IG10 1PD7:30pm .Three Valleys Male Voice Choir. Sing songs from the shows, 60's hits, plus well known opera pieces.Tickets are £10 and are available on the door or in advance from the Parish Office - 020 8532 0060 or 020 8508 3539. Interval refreshments will be available Saturday-Monday, April 29-May 1 ● The Church of the Holy Innocents, Church Lane, High Beach IG10 4BF. Flower Festival – “Beginning with Eve …” .Saturday and Monday: 10am to 5pm, Sunday: 1pm to 5pm. Lunches on Saturday and Monday 12noon to 2pm. Tea/coffee and home-made cake served at all other times. Wednesday, May 3 ● Chelmsford Cathedral 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. 1-3pm. Café Theology. Meet at the Food Court. ● Library at the Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford. 1pm. The Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group. Everyone is welcome and it is free to join in. For details and encouragement, please contact the bookshop on 01245 294405 or email bookshop@ ● Church of the Good Shepherd, Collier Row. 7pm. School for Disciples 2017. Roadshow around the diocese to open up discussion, part of the Transforming Presence initiative. These stimulating and challenging events are free of charge and there is no need to book. Thursday, May 4 ● Chelmsford Cathedral 10am. Mothers' Union Corporate Communion in St Cedd’s Chapel. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 8pm. Mothers’ Union Evening Section meets in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● St Mary’s, Burnham on Crouch. 7pm. School for Disciples 2017. Roadshow around the diocese to open up discussion, part of the Transforming Presence initiative. These stimulating and challenging events are free of charge and there is no need to book. Saturday, May 6 ● St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea (entrance through church hall in Tower Road) CO15 1LE. 3-5pm. Messy Church. Church – but not as you know it! We talk, have fun together and discover more about God. Crafts, games and stories suitable for children and their families, plus food. There is no charge, but donations are always welcome. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring a bag to take your craft activities home in. May 2017 diary deadline ● Submit event details at www.chelmsford. or call Sarah Newman on 01245 294443 by April 1 for inclusion in The Month and on the diocesan website. Latest events ● You can find the latest events online at www. ● Cathedral events can be viewed online at www.

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