Notice board Oct - Nov 2016

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October-November 2016

NOTICE board


Vicky steps up to lead Church in a big surprise THE Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group have decided that it is time to tackle another novel. Their October book choice is Archbishop by Michele Guinness which imagines the scenario if (horror of horrors) a woman was appointed to the most senior role in the Church of England. We are in 2020 and Vicky Burnham-Woods, a popular, committed priest is just what the Church of England needs after the unexpected death in murky circumstances of her predecessor, but not everyone agrees. Expect a complex plot, larger than life characters and plenty of House of Cards type skulduggery and corruption as dark forces working in the shadows try to discredit her; all of this while she balances her commitment to home and family with her role as Archbishop.

Diocesan friendship with Sweden renewed

by Revd Canon Dr ROGER MATTHEWS, Dean of Mission & Ministry – Chelmsford Diocese

John Ball

THE Anglican Communion

Office has announced the Michelle Guinness is AT the end of August, death of John Ball, a former a popular writer and Esbjörn Hagberg retired Assistant Bishop of the broadcaster and is on as Bishop of Karlstad Diocese of Central Tanganyika top form with this well after 14 years of and an Honorary Assistant researched book outstanding pastoral, Bishop in Chelmsford Diocese. which is extremely spiritual and visionary A website has been set up to absorbing from page leadership. There were pay tribute to his life: www. one. few dry eyes as he laid The reading group the diocesan crozier on like a challenge and the altar in Karlstad this is a big book, both Cathedral. in terms of relevance That was on Thursday and number of pages - evening, then with barely not a book to be read time to catch our breath, we were in Uppsala in an afternoon! Cathedral on the Sunday l Archbishop is morning for the available at the Consecration of the new Chelmsford Christian bishop, Sören Dalevi. Bookshop for £8.50 Bishop Stephen (right (RRP £9.99). The with Bishop Sören) was reading group meets on the first Wednesday one of only a few bishops of the month at 1.00pm invited to lay hands during the Consecration in the Library at the (far right). Diocesan Office. l Karlstad Diocese in young people. His guest bishops or funding of specific At 47, Sören becomes Sweden is one of the doctorate is on children’s archbishops from projects. For details and the youngest bishop in ‘overseas link dioceses’ engagement with the Denmark, Norway, Many exchange visits encouragement please Sweden. He is married to Tanzania, Poland, Estonia, of Chelmsford Diocese. have taken place with contact Rachel or Sally Veronica, a hospital nurse Bible. We expect that At Sören the youngest bishopSören in Sweden. Heofisourmarried to Scotland Veronica, Every diocese in the will be one Latvia, anda hospital Karlstad since an on 47, 01245 294405becomes or at specialising in MS, with speakers at the Diocesan Ireland – together with in theChurch of England has ecumenical link, through bookshop@ nurse specialising in MS, three up to the age of 18. Sören was teaching three with children up tochildren the one or more links with a Conference in July 2017. their spouses! the Porvoo Agreement, chelmsford.anglican. age of 18. at Karlstad University Religious Studies department with a particular interest diocese overseas. These One of the events of the Please prayin forthe Sören began in 1997. org Sören was teaching in links are expressed Consecration weekend as he settles into a very Chelmsford’s other link spirituality of SALLY children young people. His doctorate is on children’s engagement with the theand Religious Studies through mutually was an afternoon seminar different and demanding dioceses are Embu, MATTHEWSON department at Karlstad Bible. We expect that Sören will be one of where our speakers at the Diocesan Conference in July beneficial exchange Bishop Stephen ministry and for the family Kirinyaga, Meru, Mbere Chelmsford Christian University with a visits. Some partnerships spoke on Anglican as they move house and and Marsabit (Kenya); 2017. Bookshop particular interest in the also involve school and Evangelism to all the adjust to their new Trinidad and Tobago; and spirituality of children and Swedish bishops and parish links and the context and expectations. Iasi (Romania).

One of the events OF of thePRAYER Consecration weekend was an afternoon seminar where Bishop DIOCESAN CYCLE — OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2016 Stephen spoke on Anglican Evangelism to all the Swedish bishops and guest bishops or

● ChurchNorway, of the Province of West Africa, Estonia, ● Diocese of Ibadan (Ibadan, Cycle of Prayer forarchbishops daily use in from Denmark, Tanzania, Poland, Latvia, Scotland and Nigeria). Ireland Diocese of Chelmsford Most Revd Dr Daniel Sarfo, Primate & 5 Wednesday – together with their Metropolitan. spouses! “I will give you thanks as long as I live; I ● FINGRINGHOE (St Andrew) w EAST will raise my hands to you in prayer.” 3 Monday DONYLAND [or ROWHEDGE] (St (Psalm 63). ● COLCHESTER EPISCOPAL AREA — Lawrence), ABBERTON (St Andrew) w Roger Morris, Area Bishop; Annette LANGENHOE (St Mary)—Clergy: Patrick SEPTEMBER Cooper, Archdeacon of Colchester; Robin McEune (PiC), Sam Norton (AC). LLM: King, Archdeacon of Stansted. Advisers: 1 Saturday Remigius, Bishop of Rhona McEune. Jenny Tomlinson, Mission & Ministry; Rheims, Apostle of the Franks, 533 ● Fingringhoe School: Jane Stalham (HT). Geoff Read, CMD; Christine Gorringe and Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of ● Rowhedge St Lawrence School: Kerry Sarah Hayward, Women’s Ministry; Dub Shaftesbury, Social Reformer 1885 Malcolm (HT). Gannon, Rural Evangelism; Chaplains: ● Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of ● Diocese of Ibadan North (Ibadan, Julia Murphy, Essex University; Allison Shaftesbury, is celebrated today for his Nigeria). Cline-Dean, Colchester Hospital; Gillian work as a social reformer. A deeply 6 Thursday William Tyndale, Translator Moor and Trevor Walt, St Helena Hospice; committed evangelical, he was clear that of the Scriptures, Reformation Martyr, Rob Burles, Stansted Airport. “Christianity is not a state of opinion and 1536 ● Diocese of Hyderabad (Pakistan). speculation. Christianity is essentially ● GREAT TOTHAM (St Peter) w LITTLE practical.” His reforming work changed 4 Tuesday Francis of Assisi, Friar, TOTHAM (All Saints) and GOLDHANGER the lives of factory workers, women and Deacon, Founder of the Friars Minor, (St Peter)—Clergy: Jonathan Pearce (R), children in coal mines, chimney sweeps, 1226 Susan Godsmark (A). people with mental health issues. The ● DEANERY OF WITHAM — Area Dean: ● Diocese of Ibadan South (Ibadan, Shaftesbury Society, set up to continue his Sally Lodge. Lay Chair: Mike Robinson Nigeria). work, is now part of Livability, the largest ● WEST MERSEA (St Peter and St Paul) 7 Friday Christian disability charity in the country. w EAST MERSEA (St Edmund), PELDON ● HATFIELD PEVEREL (St Andrew) w ● Diocese of Huron (Ontario, Canada). (St Mary Vn), GREAT & LITTLE ULTING (All Saints) —Clergy: Stephen 2 THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER WIGBOROUGH (St Stephen & St Northfield (V), Derek Clark-Mayers (A). TRINITY : DISABILITY SUNDAY Nicholas)—Clergy: Sam Norton (R), ● St Andrew’s Junior School: Christopher ● Please pray for the work and ministry of Patrick McEune, John Pantry (AC) LLM: Chaplains to the disabled. James (HT). Peter Owen, Ann Owen.

● Dioceses of Ibba (Sudan) and Idah (Abuja, At 47,Nigeria). Sören becomes the youngest bishop in 8nurse Saturday specialising in MS, with three children In today’s reading from Galatians 3 comes Religious Studies department at Karlstad Uni the extraordinary line “There is no longer spirituality children and slave youngor people. His Jew or Greek, of there is no longer free, there is no longerthat maleSören and female; Bible. We expect will be one of o for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” It’s 2017. almost impossible for us to see how profoundly challenging this was for the church in Paul’s day. But also easy to miss how challenging it should still Oneprofoundly of the events of the Consecration week be for us today. Stephen spoke on Anglican Evangelism to all ● Diocese of Idaho (Province IX, The archbishops from Denmark, Norway, Tanzan Episcopal Church). – together with spouses! 9 THE NINETEENTHtheir SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ● Animal Welfare Week: Pray for the various charities involved in the care and protection of our animals, and for veterinary surgeons and all those who work for the welfare of animals. ● Church in the Province of the West Indies, The Most Revd & The Hon. Dr John Holder, Archbishop. CONTINUED ON PAGE II


THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT October-November 2016



10 Monday Paulinus, Bishop of York, Missionary, 644; Thomas Traherene, Poet, Spiritual Writer, 1674 ● KELVEDON (St Mary the Virgin) and FEERING (All Saints) Clergy: Simon Garwood (PIC). ● Kelvedon St Mary’s School: Michael Walsh (HT). ● Feering School: Jane Pomeroy (HT). ● Dioceses of Ideato (Owerri, Nigeria) and Idoani (Ondo, Nigeria). 11 Tuesday Ethelburga, Abbess of Barking, 675 James the Deacon, companion of Paulinus, 7th century ● NORTH BLACKWATER PARISHES—Tollesbury (St Mary Vn) w Salcott Virley (St Mary Vn) Tolleshunt D’Arcy (St Nicholas) w Tolleshunt Major (St Nicholas) Clergy: Vacancy (PIC), Denise Corley, Christine Gorringe (A), Readers: Isabel Adcock, Tim Whitfield. ● Tolleshunt D’Arcy St Nicholas School: Sophie Massey (HT). ● Diocese of Ife (Ibadan, Nigeria). 12 Wednesday Wilfrid of Ripon, Bishop, Missionary, 709; Elizabeth Fry, Prison Reformer, 1845; Edith Cavell, Nurse, 1915 SILVER END: Please pray for the clergy and congregation on October 1. Picture: JON LONGMAN ● WICKHAM BISHOPS (St Bartholomew) w Little Braxted (St ● Dioceses of Ikeduru (Owerri, Nigeria) and Ikka (Bendel, Nicolas)—Clergy: Hilary Le Seve (PIC), Derek Clark-Mayers (A). Henny (St Mary), Lamarsh (Holy Innocents), Liston and Borley, Middleton (All Saints), Ovington (St Mary), Pentlow (St Gregory Nigeria. ● Diocese of Ife East (Ibadan, Nigeria). & St George), Twinstead (St John Evangelist) and Wickham St 25 Tuesday Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs at Rome, c.287 13 Thursday Edward the Confessor, King of England, 1066 Paul (All Saints), & Little Henny (St Mary), Lamarsh (Holy ● RIDGEWELL (St Laurence) w ASHEN (St Augustine of ● THURSTABLE AND WINSTREE TEAM MINISTRY— Innocents), Liston and Borley, Middleton (All Saints), Ovington Canterbury) and BIRDBROOK (St Augustine of Canterbury) w Tolleshunt Knights (All Saints) w Tiptree (St Luke), and Great (St Mary), Pentlow (St Gregory & St George), Twinstead (St STURMER (St Mary); STEEPLE BUMPSTEAD (St Mary the Braxted (All Saints), Layer-de-la-Haye (St John the Baptist) & John Evangelist) and Wickham St Paul (All Saints)—Clergy: Virgin) w HELIONS BUMPSTEAD (St Andrew)—Clergy: Layer Breton (St Mary the Virgin) w Birch (St Peter) & Layer Margaret King (TR), Sally Womersley (TV). Reader: Graham Jonathan Lowe (AD, V). LLM: Theresa Lowe. Marney (St Mary the Virgin), Copford (St Michael) w Easthorpe ● Ridgewell School: Denise Madden (HT). (St Mary), & Messing (All Saints) w Inworth (All Saints) – Clergy: King. ● Bulmer St Andrew’s School: Ellana Mortimer (HT). Anne-Marie Renshaw (TR), Vacancy (TV), Julia Russell Grant ● Diocese of Ikwerre (Niger Delta, Nigeria). ● Belchamp St Paul’s School: Linda Buchanan (HT). (AC), Peter Streete (AC). Readers: Harold Toms, Anne Wild. 26 Wednesday Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons, ● Diocese of Ijesa North East (Ibadan, Nigeria). ● Tiptree St Luke’s School: Gordon Malcolm (HT). Scholar, 899; Cedd, Abbot of Lastingham, Bishop of the 20 Thursday East Saxons, 664 ● Layer de la Haye School: Patricia Wilkie (HT). ● UNITED BENEFICE — Great Tey (St Barnabas) w Little Tey ● SIBLE HEDINGHAM (St Peter) w CASTLE HEDINGHAM (St ● Birch School: Kate Moore (HT). (St James the Less), Wakes Colne (All Saints) & Chappel (St Nicholas)—Clergy: Barbara Hume, (PIC), Liz Paxton (AC) LLM: ● Diocese of Ifo (Lagos, Nigeria). Barnabas)—Clergy: John Richardson (R). Reader: Valerie David Brown. 14 Friday Bartlett. ● St Peter’s School, Sible Hedingham: Julie Harper (HT). ● WITHAM AND VILLAGES TEAM MINISTRY: Witham (St ● Great Tey School: Lucy Overton (HT). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and Nicolas), Rivenhall and Silver End (St Mary & All Saints), ● Chappel School: Julie Ingram (HT). work in the Deanery of Hinckford. Fairstead (St Mary Vn), Terling (All Saints), White Notley (St ● Diocese of Ijesha North (Ibadan, Nigeria). Etheldreda), and Faulkbourne (St Germanus)—Clergy: Sally ● Diocese of Ikwo (Enugu, Nigeria). 21 Friday Lodge (TR), Paul Watkin, Rob Kean (TV), Susan Malam, Alex 27 Thursday Jeewan (A). ● HALSTEAD AREA TEAM MINISTRY: Colne Engaine (St ● DEANERY OF BRAINTREE—Rural Dean: Beth Bendrey. Andrew), Earls Colne (St Andrew), Gosfield (St Catherine), ● Witham Howbridge Junior School (Academy): Sean Wade Lay Chair: John Turton The Deanery asks for prayer for the Greenstead Green (St James), Halstead (St Andrew w Holy (HT). vacancy at St Michael’s and the plans across the deanery to Trinity), White Colne (St Andrew), Gestingthorpe, Great ● Rivenhall School: Rebecca Cooper (HT). work more closely together. Maplestead, Little Maplestead, Pebmarsh—Clergy: Katie de ● Terling School: Jacky Wragg (HT). ● Diocese of Ikwuano (Aba, Nigeria). Bourcier (PiC), Peter Allen, Gay Ellis (TV), Hugh Mothersole ● White Notley School: Ruth Baugh (HT). 28 Friday SIMON AND JUDE, APOSTLES (AC). LLM: Terry Streamer. Reader: Nick Ellis. Colne Engaine ● Diocese of Igbomina (Kwara, Nigeria). ● BLACK NOTLEY (St Peter and St Paul)—Clergy: School: Julie Sarti (HT). 15 Saturday Teresa of Avila, Teacher of the Faith, 1582 Beth Bendrey (R, AD), Iain Bendrey (AC), Olivia Maxfield-Coote ● Halstead St Andrew’s School: Bridgette Gough (HT). (A). ● Teresa of Avila, commemorated today, is one of the most helpful teachers of prayer. Her point is absolutely clear: prayer is ● Great Maplestead St Giles School: Jinnie Nichols (HT). ● Diocese of Ilaje (Ondo, Nigeria). ● Pebmarsh St John’s School: Karen de Pietro (HT). sometimes difficult, sometimes easy. But the test of it isn’t how 29 Saturday James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern ● Halstead Holy Trinity School: Jonathan Smith (HT). we feel but how through it God teaches us how to live. One of Equatorial Africa, Martyr in Uganda, 1885 ● Diocese of Ijumu (Lokoja, Nigeria). her great lines is “If you see a nun having visions, send her to ● James Hannington, who died on October 29, 1885, was work in the kitchen and they will probably go away.” Teresa 22 Saturday the first Bishop of East Equatorial Africa, and died as a herself was a visionary, but she was clear that the Christian life ● Today’s reading from Ephesians 4 gives us not just a focus on martyr in Uganda. No academic, a good soldier, and an is not about personal religious experiences but about lives lived the nature of Christian ministry, but an extraordinarily powerful adventurer, the death of his mother had a huge effect on in God’s service. vision of the corporate nature of the church – not in the modern him and led him to think seriously about his life. This led him to ● Diocese of Igbomina - West (Kwara, Nigeria). sense of “corporate” but in its core meaning as “the body”: ordination and a call to work in East Africa. He faced major “speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into 16 THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY health issues, but in 1885, at 37 and now as a bishop, he set him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, ● One World Week begins; also the Week of Prayer for World out for Buganda. It was to be a short episcopate. The local joined and knitted together by every ligament with which it is Peace: Pray that a time will come when all the peoples of the world king Mwanga was deeply suspicious, imprisoning equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s may be enabled to live together in peace, harmony and love. Hannington and his companions. They died as martyrs. growth in building itself up in love.” Hannington’s last words to the soldiers who killed him were: ● Church of Ceylon ( Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of ● Diocese of Ikara (Kaduna, Nigeria). "Go, tell Mwanga I have purchased the road to Uganda with my Canterbury), Rt Revd Dhiloraj Ranjit Canagasebey, Bishop of blood." Colombo. 23 LAST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (BIBLE SUNDAY) 17 Monday Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c 107 ● Lord, help us to grow in faith, hope and love as we spend time ● Diocese of Ile - Oluji (Ondo, Nigeria). with you and your Word this coming week. Help us, also, to ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and 30 FOURTH SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT support others as they grow in their faith. work in the Deanery of Witham. ● Let the glory of the saints, O Lord, illuminate the dullness of ● Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba, Rt Revd Griselda Delgado Del ● Dioceses of Ihiala (Niger, Nigeria) and Ijebu (Lagos, Nigeria). our hearts; that following the example of their lives on earth, we Carpio, Bishop. may shine with them in the everlasting light of heaven; through 18 Tuesday LUKE THE EVANGELIST Jesus Christ our Lord. 24 Monday ● DEANERY OF HINCKFORD—Area Dean: Jonathan Lowe. ● Bermuda (Extra-Provincial to Canterbury), Rt Revd Nicholas ● United Nations Day Lay Chair: Brian Vidler. Dill, Bishop. ● UPPER COLNE PARISHES — ­ Great Yeldham (St Andrew), ● Diocese of Ijebu - North (Lagos, Nigeria). 31 Monday Martin Luther, Reformer,1564 Little Yeldham (St John the Baptist), Stambourne (St Peter & 19 Wednesday Henry Martyn, Translator of the Scriptures, St Thomas), Tilbury-juxta-Clare (St Margaret) and Toppesfield ● BOCKING (St Mary the Virgin)—Clergy: Roderick Reid (R). Missionary, 1812 (St Margaret)—Clergy: Barbara Hume (PIC), Michael Bursell, Reader: Pat Scott ● NORTH HINCKFORD TEAM MINISTRY—Alphamstone (St Elizabeth Paxton (AC). ● BOCKING (St Peter)—Clergy: Tim Barnes (PIC), Robert Barnabas), Belchamp Otten (St Ethelbert & All Saints), ● Great Yeldham St Andrew’s School: Carrie Prior (HT). Stone (A). Belchamp St Paul (St Andrew), Belchamp Walter (St Mary), Bulmer (St Andrew), Foxearth (St Peter & St Paul), Great & Little ●Toppesfield St Margaret’s School: Kim Hall (HT). ● Diocese of Ilesa (Ibadan, Nigeria).

THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT October-November 2016


1 Tuesday ALL SAINTS’ DAY ● BRAINTREE (St Michael)—Clergy: Vacancy (V). LLM: John Turton. Reader: Roger Cook. ● Braintree St Michael’s School: Mandy Short (HT). ● Diocese of Ilesa South West (Ibadan, Nigeria). 2 Wednesday ALL SOULS DAY ● COGGESHALL (St Peter ad Vincula) w MARKSHALL (St Nicholas)—Clergy: Chris Davey (PIC), Katharine King, Neil Tozer (AC), Tracey Harvey (A). ● Coggeshall St Peter’s School: Alison Cole (HT). ● Diocese of Indianapolis (Province VI, The Episcopal Church). 3 Thursday Richard Hooker, Priest, Anglican Apolgist, Teacher of the Faith, 1600; Martin of Porres, Friar, 1639 ● FINCHINGFIELD (St John the Baptist) w CORNISH HALL END (St John the Evangelist) and WETHERSFIELD (St Mary Magdalen) w SHALFORD (St Andrew)—Clergy: Colin Wilson (V). Reader: Sarah Pilgrim. ● Wethersfield School: Caroline Shingleton (HT). ● Finchingfield School: Lisa Feldon (HT). ● Diocese of Iowa (Province VII, The Episcopal Church). 4 Friday ● CRESSING (All Saints) w STISTED (All Saints) & BRADWELLJUXTA-COGGESHALL (Holy Trinity) and PATTISWICK (St Mary the Virgin)—Clergy: Chris Davey (PIC), Katherine King, Neil Tozer (AC), Robert Burden, Tracey Harvey (A). ● Stisted Primary Academy: Martin Hawrylak (HT). ● Diocese of Iran (Jerusalem & Middle East). 5 Saturday ● Today’s reading from Luke 16 contains one of the most difficult lines in the Gospels: Jesus says “You cannot serve God and wealth.” In the early centuries that was taken literally – if a wealthy person became a Christian, they had to give away their money or use it for the service of others. In the third century the church softened Jesus’ line, but right up to the 16th century had strict rules about what Christians should do with their money, and God’s preferential option for the poor. In our culture today, it’s high time for us to consider Jesus’ teaching about money again. ● Dioceses of Irele - Eseodo (Ondo, Nigeria) and Isikwuato (Aba, Nigeria). 6 THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT (REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY) ● Remember before God those who suffer as a result of war: the injured and the disabled, the homeless and the hungry. All who have lost their livelihood and security. Those who mourn the loss of husband or wife, children or parents, friends and comrades. And especially pray for the lost children and those who have no hope in Christ to sustain them in their grief. ● Lusitanian Church (Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury), Rt Revd José Jorge De Pina Cabral, Bishop. 7 Monday Willibrord of York, Bishop, Apostle of Frisia, 739 ● BRAINTREE (St Paul)—Clergy: Sarah Hayward (PIC), Colin Fairweather (A). Reader: Susan Riches. ● PANFIELD (St Mary and St Christopher) and RAYNE (All Saints)—Clergy: Rod Reid (CIC). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Braintree. ● Diocese of Isiala-Ngwa (Aba, Nigeria). 8 Tuesday The Saints and Martyrs of England. ● DEANERY OF COLCHESTER—Area Dean: Paul Norrington. Lay Chair: Roger Ennals. Assistant Area Dean: Peter Walker. ● The deanery asks for prayer at a time of rapid growth in housing developments and pressure on congregations and ministers in supporting new and old communities alike. ● Diocese of Isial-Ngwa South (Aba, Nigeria) 9 Wednesday Margery Kempe, Mystic, c.1440 ● MARKS TEY (St Andrew) and ALDHAM (St Margaret)— Clergy: Ian Scott-Thompson (PIC), Wendy Pagden (A). Reader: Iain MacCallum. ● Marks Tey St Andrew’s School: Lelia Berkeley (HT). ● Diocese of Jabalpur (North India). 10 Thursday Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 461 ● BERECHURCH (St Margaret w St Michael)—Clergy: Andrew Fordyce (V), Caroline Martin (A). ● Diocese of Jaffna (South India). 11 Friday Martin, Bishop of Tours, c.397 ● GREENSTEAD w COLCHESTER ST ANNE TM: Colchester (St Anne), Colchester (St Andrew), Colchester (St Matthew) Clergy: Tim Platts (PIC). LLM: Alison Gray, Terry Gray. ● Parsons Heath School: Claire Newson (HT). ● Diocese of Jalingo (Jos, Nigeria).

● This week has strong themes around remembrance. We have just celebrated All Saints and All Souls. Many churches will have held memorial services for the bereaved. Now Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday focus our thought on all those who have died in war. Remembering is a key theme in Christian faith – and in a sense every Christian act of worship is remembering what Christ has done for us. The challenge in remembering is to make sure that it is not simply nostalgia for the past but that it changes how we live and act today. ● Diocese of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands (West Indies). 13 SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT ● Prisoners Week begins. Lord, we pray for those who are held in prison. Support with your love: prisoners, their families, prison staff, chaplains and all who care. May those who are in despair, weighed down by guilt and without hope in prison, be built up with faith and love to know for themselves that they are like all other people of God, under construction. Amen ● The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain (Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury), Rt Revd Carlos LópezLozano, Bishop. 14 Monday Samuel Seabury, First Anglican Bishop in North America, 1796 ● COLCHESTER (St Barnabas Old Heath)—Clergy: Richard Tilbrook (V). Reader: Jackie Twinn. ● Diocese of Jebba (Kwara, Nigeria). 15 Tuesday ● Langham (St Mary the Virgin) w Boxted (St Peter)—Clergy: Mandy Elmes (PIC). Reader: Denise Hobday. ● Boxted St Peter’s School: Tania Devereux (HT). ● Diocese of Johannesburg (Southern Africa). 16 Wednesday Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Reformer, 1093; Edmund Rich of Abingdon, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1240 ● COLCHESTER (St James and St Paul)—Clergy: Peter Walker, (AAD, R). ● St James School: Pauline Batley (HT). ● Dioceses of Jos (Jos, Nigeria) and Kabba (Lokoja, Nigeria). 17 Thursday Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200 ● COLCHESTER (St John the Evangelist)—Clergy: Andy Sachs (PIC), Geoffrey Read (AC), Hannah Patton (A) LLM: Vivien Whitfield (in the Deaf Community). ● St John’s School: Nicholas Hutchings (HT). ● Russell & Katharine Norton (Nigeria), Mark & Shirley Sinclair (Cambodia), Hugh Battye (China). ● Most Revd Dr Daniel Deng Bul Yak, Archbishop of the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan & Sudan. 18 Friday Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231 ● COLCHESTER (Christ Church) w (St Mary at the Walls)— Clergy: Paul Norrington (AD) (R). LLM: Sara Humphreys. Reader: Clive Joyce . ● Diocese of Kadugli & Nuba Mountains (Sudan). 19 Saturday Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680 Mechtild, Béguine of Magdeberg, Mystic, 1280 ● Hilda of Whitby, who is remembered in the calendar, lived at a time when the church was still working out how to be a missionary presence in Great Britain. They had the same kind of arguments as we do today, but their answer to the mission question was clear: create mission centres and send people out to preach the Gospel. These mission centres were monasteries of men and women together, always led – like Hilda – by a woman. These were centres of worship, education, hospitality and healing. But primarily they were mission stations, and at Whitby Hilda trained monks, nuns, priests and at least five bishops as missionaries. ● Diocese Kaduna (Kaduna, Nigeria) 20 SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT - CHRIST THE KING ● Pray for all those men and women who work in the emergency services providing 24 hour care and protection, both in front line and behind the scenes, and pray, too for their chaplains. ● Falkland Islands (Extra-Provincial to Canterbury), The Rt Revd Nigel William Stock, Bishop. 21 Monday ● COLCHESTER NEW TOWN AND THE HYTHE (St Stephen, St Leonard, St Mary Magdalene)—Clergy: Ian Hilton (R), Hannah Cooper (A). Lay Pioneer Minister: Nikki FosterKruczek. LLM: Tim Nice. Reader: Andrew King. ● Kendall School: Clare French (HT). ● Diocese of Kafanchan (Abuja, Nigeria). 22 Tuesday Cecilia, Martyr at Rome, c.230 ● COLCHESTER (St Luke)—Clergy: Vacancy (V). LLM: Diana Benge-Abbott, Hugh Thomas.

● COLCHESTER (St Peter and St Botolph)—Clergy: Mark Wallace (PIC), Aella Gage (AC). Reader: Duncan Breckels. ● DNA Networks (Bishop’s Mission Order)—Clergy: David Beales (OPM). ● Diocese of Kagera (Tanzania). 23 Wednesday Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c.100 ● FORDHAM (All Saints) w EIGHT ASH GREEN (All Saints)— Clergy: John Parker (PIC). Readers: Peter Holden, Quinlan Terry. ● All Saints School, Fordham: Stuart Wainwright (HT). ● Holy Trinity School, Eight Ash Green, and Aldham School: Heather Hann (HT). ● Diocese of Kajiado (Kenya). 24 Thursday ● STANWAY (St Albright w St Andrew’s Church Centre)— Clergy: Tony Bushell (PIC). LLM: Penny Bonham. ● Diocese of Kajo Keji (Sudan). 25 Friday Catherine of Alexandria, Martyr, 4th century Isaac Watts, Hymn Writer, 1748 ● WEST BERGHOLT (St Mary the Virgin) and GREAT HORKESLEY (All Saints, St John)—Clergy: Mandy Elmes (PIC). Readers: Michael Foster, Sandra Baker, Derek Webber. ● Heathlands School, West Bergholt: Jeremy Hallum (HT). ● Bishop William Ward School, Great Horkesley: Toby Bull (HT). ● Most Revd Stanley Ntagali, Archbishop of Uganda. 26 Saturday ● Tomorrow marks the beginning of Advent – not a season of sorrow and penitence so much as a time of prayer and preparation. Many churches use the colour purple during Advent, as they do in Lent. But that is quite a modern practice – Advent had its own colour (blue) to show it was different! And it is. The season ahead is dynamic, exciting, and the prayers and readings point us forward not simply to the babe of Bethlehem but to the birth of God in our lives. ● Diocese of Kano (Kaduna, Nigeria). 27 THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT ● God of hope and promise, be with us throughout this Advent season and draw us ever closer as we journey together toward the stable and the birth of your Son, our Saviour. Amen. ● Dioceses of Kansas and Western Kansas (Province VIII, The Episcopal Church). 28 Monday ● LEXDEN (St Leonard)—Clergy: Teresa Wynne (PIC), David Armstrong (A). Reader: Rosemary Elden. ● MYLAND (St Michael)—Clergy: Ray Gibbs (PIC), John Chandler (AC). Reader: Colin Turner. ● Diocese of Kanyakumari (South India). 29 Tuesday ● Day of Intercession and Thanksgiving for the Missionary Work of the Church. ● WORMINGFORD (St Andrew) and MOUNT BURES (St John) w LITTLE HORKESLEY (St Peter and St Paul)—Clergy: John Chandler (PIC). ● St Andrew’s School: Maggie Branfield HT 30 Wednesday ANDREW THE APOSTLE ● SHRUB END (All Saints w St Cedd)—Clergy: Nicholas Davis (V). ● WIVENHOE (St Mary)—Clergy: Erwin Lammens (R). Reader: Glyn Stanway. ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Colchester. ● Diocese of Karachi (Pakistan). NOTES:

The Cycle of Prayer is also available on the Diocesan website: www. Where parochial links are known to exist the names of overseas workers are placed immediately after the appropriate parish. Further information concerning overseas dioceses, including the names of bishops, is contained in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, available on their website www.anglicancommunion. org/acp/main.cfm. Acting Honorary Editor: Jenny Robinson, 71 Powers Hall End, Witham, Essex CM8 1NH, 01376 516727 (email: who would be glad to receive comments and corrections and also any items for prayer and praise to be considered for inclusion from the parishes.


A Assistant Clergy; AAD Assistant Area Dean; AC Associate Clergy; ACD Associate Clergy Diaconate; AD Area Dean; ASM Associate Minister, AT Assistant Clergy Title Post; AYO Area Youth Officer, BP Bishop; C Community Worker; CA Church Army; CIC Curate in Charge; CHP Chaplain; EVN Evangelist; HT Head Teacher; LD Locally Deployed; LLM Licensed Lay Minister; MCD Minister of Conventional District; MIN Minister, P Priest; PIC Priest in Charge; R Rector; Rdes Rector designate; RDR Reader; PTO Permission to Officiate; RES Residentiary Canon; SNP Special Needs Post, T Teacher; TM Team Ministry; TR Team Rector; TV Team Vicar; V Vicar; Vdes Vicar designate; WDN Warden.



THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT October-November 2016


month — What’s on near you during this autumn in Essex & East London

Every Sunday ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. See advertisement on back page for complete list of main servics in the cathedral. Monday-Saturday ● Kings Cafe (above Aldi),, London Road, Lexden, Colchester. Monday-Friday 10am-4pm; Sat 10am-2pm. Tuesday, September 27 ● Dedham Lecture 2016. Dedham Parish Church, High Street, Dedham, Colchester CO7 6DE. 8pm. With Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester on faith, freedom & the future “Challenges for the 21st Century”. For further information, email office@ Wednesday, September 28 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● St John’s, Stratford, London E15. 13.10. Lunchtime concert series. Andy Losq: organ. Retiring collection. Thursday, September 29 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. Free fitness class for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve physical and spiritual health and well-being. Friday, September 30 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. ● St Thomas of Canterbury, Brentwood - Lunchtime Live! St Thomas’ Church Centre St Thomas Road Brentwood CM14 4DF. 1pm Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School Choir. Admission free - retiring collection. For further details: 01277 218121 ● Last Night of the Proms at St Nicholas Church, Great Wakering. 7.30pm. Admission by ticket, £8 for adults, children £5. Refreshments available including cheese and wine. For tickets, please contact 01702 294029. Saturday, October 1 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am-12 noon. Cathedral Coffee Morning in the Chapter House. Come and enjoy fresh coffee, home-made scones and a bring & buy. ● St Andrews Church, Marks Tey CO6 1LW. Noon. Pastoral Care Foundation Course. The Pastoral Care Foundation Course aims to develop your understanding of pastoral care from a Christian perspective and to give you the skills to become more effective in relating to and caring for the people and communities around you. This ten session course will be running in the autumn at St Andrew’s Church, Marks Tey. For more information visit fresh-expressions/mission-ministry/pastoral_assistants ● Sanctuary Prayer event. 6.30-8.30pm. Chelmsford Cathedral Sanctuary is an alternative prayer and worship event at Chelmsford Cathedral, for young people in their teens or early 20’s who want to discover more about Jesus Christ. Light refreshments will be available. There is no charge for attendance. People can just turn up, although if part of a large group, it would be great to have a rough idea of numbers in advance. email: Sunday, October 2 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.15am. Harvest Festival Celebration with Parade Service. ● All Saints' church, Epping Upland. 3-5pm. Sunday Afternoon Teas at All Saints’ Church. Enjoy our lovely rural setting and fantastic views, whilst tasting delicious home-made cakes, tea and coffee. Dog friendly church and have water bowls and biscuits for our four legged friends. This year, we hope to run a series of Extra Special Sunday Afternoon Teas with events happening in the Church. ● St Peter’s-in-the-Forest church, Woodford New Road, Walthamstow E17 3PP. Noon-5pm. Walkers’ Cafe Church. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a piece of home-made cake while visiting E17's least-known church, hidden in a strip of Epping Forest, yet easily reachable by bus (number 20 stops yards away), by bicycle, or on foot. Learn about the 176-year history of the listed building, including its links to the Warner family, and the plans for the future. Depending on the weather, either relax in the tranquillity of the churchyard, or take shelter inside. ● St Clement's Church, Leigh-on-Sea, SS9 2DE. 3pm. Pet Blessing bring live pets and photos of pets which are no longer with you. Collection for PDSA. Preacher: Father Clive Hillman. Wednesday, October 5 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. 1-3pm. Café Theology. Meet at the Food Court. ● Library at the Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford. 1pm. The Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group. Everyone is welcome and it is free to join in. For details and encouragement, please contact the bookshop on 01245 294405 or email Thursday, October 6 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am. Mothers' Union Corporate Communion in St Cedd’s Chapel. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 8pm. Mothers’ Union Evening Section meets in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● St Laurence church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster. 1.05pm. Free lunchtime concert. Retiring collection. Car parking available. Friday, October 7

THIS monument to Sir Anthony Everard (died 1614) and his wife Anne (died 1609), in St Mary & St Lawrence, Great Waltham, is in one of the churches to be visited by the Friends of Essex Churches Trust’s Autumn Study Day on October 8. The monument was erected by Sir Anthony in 1611 and shows the two figures lying on shelves, Sir Anthony above and slightly behind his wife. This autumn Essex historian Dr Christopher Starr will be leading a series of talks for the Friends of Essex Churches Trust in four favourite medieval churches in central Essex: St Mary & St Lawrence, Great Waltham; St Martin, Little Waltham; St John the Evangelist, Little Leighs; and St Mary, Great Leighs. The Friends of Essex Churches Trust’s Autumn Study Day, which is open to everyone, will take place on Saturday, October 8. Light refreshments will be available. Please make your own arrangements for lunch. More information and a booking form can be found online at studydays.php. Alternatively please contact: Mrs Susan Clark-Starr, tel 01787 24212, mob 07956 463628, email: susanclarkstarr@ ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Gillian Ward Russell (organ). Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Saturday-Sunday, October 8-9 ● St. Giles' Church, Great Hallingbury, CM22 7TZ. Cream Teas. Floral Arrangements. Stalls. Sat: 2-5pm. Sun: 2-4pm. Saturday, October 8 ● St Laurence Church Main Hall, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB. 7pm. Quiz Night in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA). ● Celebration of Lay Ministry Day, with Prof David Ford, Chelmsford Cathedral, 11am-3.30 pm. Open to all commissioned and licensed ministers. RSVP Liz Watson ● St Mary's Church, Kelvedon. 2-5pm. Royal School of Church Music: Plainchant Workshop. Explore the history of plainchant. Learn to read and sing plainchant. When and where can we use plainchant music? This workshop is suitable for anybody interested in singing or teaching plainchant. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. If you have the RSCM ‘Guide to Plainchant’, please bring it along. Copies will also be on sale on the day should you wish to purchase one. Cost: Adults £6.50, Students and U18s £3.00. Director: Jonathan Schranz. For any questions or further information, please contact: Emmelia van der Walt 07940516565 / 01376 516565. ● Life Church (Elim), Hall Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0HG. 7pm. Global Gospel annual concert. Ready for a great night of soulful, uplifting gospel music? Then come along to Chelmsford Community Gospel Choir's annual concert. 'Global Gospel' is a celebration for anyone - with or without a faith - who enjoys spiritual, contemporary and African gospel sounds. Gospel music began as an expression of dignity by African slaves. Its rhythm influences popular music to this day and, with over 65 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, its message is as relevant as ever. This year we are supporting Mary's Meals, a global movement that transforms the lives of hundreds of thousands of the world's poorest children by providing a nutritious daily meal in school.

Saturday-Sunday, October 9-16 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am-4pm. Prisons' Week Art Exhibition. An opportunity to view a collection of work created by local prisoners. Sunday, October 9 ● All Saints' church, Epping Upland. 3-5pm. Sunday Afternoon Teas at All Saints’ Church. Enjoy our lovely rural setting and fantastic views, whilst tasting delicious home-made cakes, tea and coffee. Dog friendly church and have water bowls and biscuits for our four legged friends. This year, we hope to run a series of Extra Special Sunday Afternoon Teas with events happening in the Church. ● St Peter’s-in-the-Forest church, Woodford New Road, Walthamstow E17 3PP. Noon-5pm. Walkers’ Cafe Church. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a piece of home-made cake while visiting E17's least-known church, hidden in a strip of Epping Forest, yet easily reachable by bus (number 20 stops yards away), by bicycle, or on foot. Learn about the 176-year history of the listed building, including its links to the Warner family, and the plans for the future. Depending on the weather, either relax in the tranquillity of the churchyard, or take shelter inside. Wednesday, October 12 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● St Cedd's Hall in the Chapter House, Chelmsford, CM1 1NX. 8pm. Theological Society Lecture (in association with the Montgomery Trust) From Eve to Yummy Mummy: The Spirituality and Theology of Maternity and Childbirth with Revd Dr Miranda ThrelfallHolmes, an Anglican priest, a writer, historian and theologian. She is particularly interested in the history of the church, and how historical understanding can shed fresh light on contemporary issues. She also has an interest in contemporary spirituality. After a degree in history at Cambridge she first worked in brand management, then studied for a PhD in medieval history at Durham. Her most recent books are the Prayer Experiment series published by SPCK. She is married with three children, and comes from a family of midwives and doulas. A video of the lecture will be available on Youtube after the event. Please click on the lecture title when it turns blue. Admission to the lecture is £3.50. Thursday, October 13 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 2pm. Mothers' Union Afternoon Section meet in St Cedd’s Hall. ● Hylands House, Chelmsford CM2 8WQ. 10am-3pm The Friends of Essex Churches Christmas Fair. Browse for all your Christmas gifts in elegant surroundings. Many new stalls. Entrance £5 including coffee and biscuits. Light lunches and wine available. Ten per cent of all sales goes towards repairing and improving Christian churches and chapels in Essex and East London. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. Friday, October 14 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Resonance Recorder Consort. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Saturday, October 15 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7pm. Caprice Concert. A performance by the Essex-based wind orchestra. Tickets available by calling 01245 465718. ● Central Baptist Church, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford CM1 1LN. 10am-4pm. Chelmsford Anglican Bible Conference 2016: Drift: A Danger We All Face? with guest speaker Kev Murdoch. For more information, please contact CABC c/o St. Peter's Church, Harold Wood, RM3 0QA, phone 01708 342 080 or email Visit: ● All Souls, Langham Place, London. 10am-4pm. Jubilate celebration 50 years since Youth Praise. Tickets £10 or £8 before 24 September. Tel 01509 558467. Sunday, October 16 ● All Saints' church, Epping Upland. 3-5pm. Sunday Afternoon Teas at All Saints’ Church. Enjoy our lovely rural setting and fantastic views, whilst tasting delicious home-made cakes, tea and coffee. Dog friendly church and have water bowls and biscuits for our four legged friends. This year, we hope to run a series of Extra Special Sunday Afternoon Teas with events happening in the Church. ● St James @ 4 — St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1LE. 4pm. A short, informal Service of Holy Communion, using modern music, and followed by refreshments. Suitable for all ages. ● St Peter’s-in-the-Forest church, Woodford New Road, Walthamstow E17 3PP. Noon-5pm. Walkers’ Cafe Church. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a piece of home-made cake while visiting E17's least-known church, hidden in a strip of Epping Forest, yet easily reachable by bus (number 20 stops yards away), by bicycle, or on foot. Learn about the 176-year history of the listed building, including its links to the Warner family, and the plans for the future. Depending on the weather, either relax in the tranquillity of the churchyard, or take shelter inside. ● The Parish Church of St Edward the Confessor, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB. 6.30pm. Music for a Royal Festival. Wednesday, October 19 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group.

Thursday, October 20 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● Taking Funerals Seriously — A day to engage with the research and resources emerging from the Archbishop’s Council funded work around funeral ministry, tried and tested in parishes and shown to make a difference. 9am to 5pm, Cornerstone Church 149 Canterbury Road, Leyton, London, E10 6EH. The cost is £5 per delegate or £10 for a parish group of up to three people. Contact Friday-Sunday, October 21-23 ● St Peter and St Paul, High Street, West Mersea CO5 8QE. 7pm. Visit and talk by Michael Hardin, Writer, Theologian and "regular dude who occasionally likes to read a book" who will be visiting Mersea Island from the USA with his refreshing takes on life. Sat: 10am-3pm Seminar. Sun: 7pm Talk. Friday, October 21 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by the Salvation Army Band. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Saturday, October 22 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7pm. Flanders & Swann & More. James Davy and Laurence Lyndon-Jones sing well-known and well-loved songs at this informal concert to raise money for the Cathedral Choirs' Association Tickets £8 available from the Cathedral, including a glass of wine on arrival. ● St Andrew's Church Hall, Althorne (CM3 6BY). 10am-4pm. Display of Photographs 'old & new' of Althorne, and also Latchingdon & Mayland. Entrance £2 in aid of Essex Air Ambulance. Refreshments and Raffle. Sunday, October 23 ● All Saints' church, Epping Upland. 3-5pm. Sunday Afternoon Teas at All Saints’ Church. Enjoy our lovely rural setting and fantastic views, whilst tasting delicious home-made cakes, tea and coffee. Dog friendly church and have water bowls and biscuits for our four legged friends. This year, we hope to run a series of Extra Special Sunday Afternoon Teas with events happening in the Church. ● St Peter’s-in-the-Forest church, Woodford New Road, Walthamstow E17 3PP. Noon-5pm. Walkers’ Cafe Church. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a piece of home-made cake while visiting E17's least-known church, hidden in a strip of Epping Forest, yet easily reachable by bus (number 20 stops yards away), by bicycle, or on foot. Learn about the 176-year history of the listed building, including its links to the Warner family, and the plans for the future. Depending on the weather, either relax in the tranquillity of the churchyard, or take shelter inside. ● St. Catherine's church, East Tilbury Village, RM18 8PB. 2-5pm. The church is open for tea and homemade cakes. Make time to visit the ancient church of St. Catherine's (St. Cedd's other church in the diocese) which has recently been extended and refurbished. Also why not visit the adjacent historic Coalhouse fort and its country park. Wednesday, October 26 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. Thursday, October 27 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. Friday, October 28 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Gaudeamus (mixed choir). Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments available in the Cathedral from noon, or you are welcome to bring your own. Suday, October 30 ● St. Catherine's church, East Tilbury Village, RM18 8PB. 2-5pm. The church is open for tea and homemade cakes. Make time to visit the ancient church of St. Catherine's (St. Cedd's other church in the diocese) which has recently been extended and refurbished. Also why not visit the adjacent historic Coalhouse fort and its country park. ● St John the Baptist Church, Danbury CM3 4NG. 5pm. The Choir of St John the Baptist, Danbury, and their friends, in the peace, calm and tranquillity of the candlelit Church of St John’s celebrate a service of All Souls’, featuring Fauré’s Requiem. If you are a singer and would like to join the choir for this service, please speak to Paul Hagger on 01245 400079 before 20th September. If you wish to commemorate a departed friend or relative at this service, please email Paul ( with their name for inclusion on the list of the faithful departed.

November 2016 diary deadline

● Submit event details at www.chelmsford. or call Sarah Newman on 01245 294443 by October 1 for inclusion in The Month and on the diocesan website. Latest events ● You can find the latest events online at ● Cathedral events can be viewed online at

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