Notice Board Dec-Jan 2017

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December 2016-January 2017

NOTICE board

Star-gazing Bishop Stephen tries Walking Backwards to Christmas BISHOP IS BOOKED IN?

AS we reach Advent, which book could the Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group possibly choose but our single all-time bestselling title – 'Walking Backwards to Christmas' by Bishop Stephen. Although for us it has become the book to read as Christmas draws near and one that we always recommend, it is - believe it or not - only two years since it was first published. So, it is not surprising that several reading group members had not got around to reading it. In December, we are particularly fortunate to welcome Bishop Stephen himself to our meeting to join in our discussion and, of course, to offer a few unique insights. If you haven’t read the book yet we won’t spoil it too much for you, but it does tell the familiar story in a fresh and impactful way; from the events following Jesus’ birth to way back in the Old Testament. We also hear about it from a number of different characters. You may have wondered about some of them before and what they might have to

say about the events: the shepherds, the magi (Casper is featured in the excerpt on this page), Joseph, Elizabeth and my personal favourite – the innkeeper’s wife. The author dedicates the book to “all those who thought they knew the story well.” If you are one of those, we do urge you to try it and to come and join us and Bishop Stephen on Thursday, December 8 for a closer look at the book. We will meet at 1pm in the Library at the Diocesan Office - new members and visitors are always welcome. ● For more details and encouragement, please call Rachel or Sally on 01245 294405 or email us at bookshop@chelmsford. ● Walking Backwards To Christmas,ISBN 978 0 281 07147 0, was published in August 2014 by SPCK at £7.99, but it is still available at a 10 per cent discount plus postage and packing from the Chelmsford Christian Bookshop (details above). RACHEL ORFORD Manager, Chelmsford Christian Bookshop

THIS festive season, using the brilliant, deceptively simple device of telling the Christmas story backwards in print for the third successive year, Bishop Stephen (right) will help us encounter it as if for the first time. Though the story is well known, it is almost solely told through school nativity plays and carols. The Bishop of Chelmsford’s literary device of narrating the story backwards, from the perspective of key characters, gives the reader an insight into the horrors and uncertainties that are often left unsaid. On the whole, this familiar version of the Christmas story is more concerned with light than it is with darkness. But in Walking Backwards to Christmas, Bishop Stephen’s approach tilts the narrative on its head, enabling the reader to get under the skin of the complex tale. Bishop Stephen opens up the minds and lives of some of the lesser known characters in the infamous story. Casper, for instance, one of the three magi or wise men, offers the reader an insight into his past as well

as his present. Casper says, in chapter four: “I am a stargazer. I have always had my head in the clouds. "When I was a boy I used to lie on the flat roof of our house and gaze at the stars. I would stretch out my arms and legs as wide as they would go so that I too might be a star, and that they might gaze at me. "My mother called me a dreamer. "She couldn’t understand the patterns of the night sky, did not even know there was anything to be read in their gently changing constellations. "But it is the moon that marks the months and pulls

the tides. It is the stars that direct the traveller. "On a stormy night, when the fierce waves billow and surge, the sailor has nothing else to lean on. "I have come to this conclusion. The darkness is my friend. For in the night the stars come out to shine and guide. "Most people learn to look down. Not me. I would not let my horizon shift. So there are obstacles in the path? "Let them trip me up. Better to keep looking upwards, to chase after dreams and stumble, than only ever see the few steps in front of you and spend a lifetime going round in

circles, getting nowhere fast. That is me: a dreamchaser, a stargazer, a misfit and a seer, a student of the cosmos and the galaxies. But I was also cautious. I liked to look at the stars and interpret their movements. But I did not follow them myself. It was easier to advise others. "And my wisdom was valuable. People would seek me out. My fluency in the stars made me a trusted navigator in the affairs of men. "Admirals, politicians, governors and kings, those who wanted direction turned to me. But I never travelled myself. "I became one who counselled the mighty and directed the strong. "I knew how to get to the ends of the earth. But I stayed in my own chambers and drew the charts that others would follow." ● The Month went to print as Bishop Stephen’s two latest books were awaiting publication - ‘The Things He Did’ a new Lent book by Bishop Stephen and ‘A Good Year’ to which the Bishop has contributed a chapter on ‘A Good Holy Week’. Please contact our Bookshop for further details.

DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER — December 2016-January 2017 CYCLE OF PRAYER FOR DAILY USE IN DIOCESE OF CHELMSFORD 'Be still and know that I am God.' Psalm 46:10 1 THURSDAY Charles de Foucauld, Hermit in the Sahara, 1916 ● Today is World Aids Day ● THE DEANERY OF DUNMOW & STANSTED—Area Dean: Cilla Hawkes. Lay Chair: Belle Beszant Reader: Joanna Pratt. ● Pray for the Chaplaincy at London Stansted Airport and all who work there. Chaplain: Robert Burles (London Stansted Airport). ● Diocese of Karamoja (Uganda). 2 FRIDAY ● THE SOUTH RODINGS: Abbess Roding (St Edmund), Beauchamp Roding (St Botolph), White Roding (St Martin), Leaden Roding (St Michael)—Clergy: Clive Duxbury (PIC). ● FELSTED (Holy Cross) and LITTLE DUNMOW (St Mary the Virgin)—Clergy: Colin Taylor (V). Readers: Joanna Pratt, Robert Stone. ● Felsted School: Nigel Little (CHP). ● Diocese of Karimnagar (South India). 3 SATURDAY Francis Xavier, Missionary, Apostle of the Indies, 1552 International Day of Persons with Disabilities ● Francis Xavier, commemorated today, was

STEBBING— Please pray for the clergy and congregation on December 8 an amazing missionary and evangelist in the 16th century. He understood that if Christians were going to preach the Gospel in India and Japan, then they had to wear the clothes of those cultures and speak their languages, both literally and metaphorically. Today, of course, especially as we hear John the Baptist’s preaching in Advent, that is a real challenge to us – how to we, in a post

Christendom culture, preach the Gospel here. ● Diocese of Karnataka Central (S India). 4 THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT ● Pray for all who work with people who have disabilities; for Denis Huntley, Chaplain amongst Deaf and Deafblind People and Adviser on Disability Issues, and his team. ● Diocese of Karnataka North (South India). 5 MONDAY ● BROXTED w CHICKNEY (St Mary Vn) and TILTY (St Mary Vn) and GREAT EASTON (St John & St Giles) and LITTLE EASTON—Clergy: Tim Goodbody (PIC). ● Great Easton School: Claire Jackman (HT). ● GREAT BARDFIELD (St Mary Vn) and LITTLE BARDFIELD (St Katharine)—Clergy: Robert Beaken (PIC). ● Diocese of Karnataka South (South India). 6 TUESDAY Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c.326 ● GREAT DUNMOW (St Mary Vn) w BARNSTON (St Andrew)—Clergy: Ruth Patten (PIC), Lea Williams (A). Reader: Nigel Warren. ● St Mary’s Primary School: Clare Griffiths (HT). ● Dioceses of Kasia and Katanga (Congo). 7 WEDNESDAY Ember Day; Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Teacher of the Faith, 397 ● GREAT CANFIELD (St Mary Vn) w HIGH

RODING (All Saints) and Aythorpe Roding (St Mary Vn), HIGH EASTER (St Mary Vn) and GOOD EASTER (St Andrew) w MARGARET RODING (St Margaret of Antioch)—Clergy: Dub Gannon (PIC). ● Diocese of Katakwa (Kenya). 8 THURSDAY THE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ● STEBBING (St Mary Vn) & LINDSELL (St Mary Vn) w GREAT SALING (St James) and LITTLE (BARDFIELD) SALING (St Peter & St Paul)—Clergy: Tim Goodbody (PIC), Cilla Hawkes (AD, AC), Helen Pelly (AC), Susan Hurley (A). Licensed Lay Minister: Paul Green. ● TAKELEY (Holy Trinity) w LITTLE CANFIELD (All Saints)—Clergy: Rob Burles (PIC). Licensed Lay Minister: Hugh Mascetti. ● Dioceses of Katsina (Kaduna, Nigeria) and Kebbi (Kaduna, Nigeria). 9 FRIDAY Ember Day ● STANSTED MOUNTFITCHET (St John) w BIRCHANGER (St Mary Vn) & FARNHAM (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Paul Wilkin (R). ● St Mary’s School, Stansted: Christine Tonkins (HT). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Dunmow and Stansted. ● Diocese of Keewatin (Rupert’s Land, Canada). CONTINUED ON PAGE II


THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT December 2016-January 2017

CONTINUED FROM PAGE I 10 SATURDAY Ember Day ● Today is one of the Advent “ember” days. The word “ember” means “cycle” or “revolution” and these groups of days come round four times a year. What are they for? Quite simply they are days when Christians are invited to fast and prayer. They have traditionally had a special focus on giving thanks for the gifts of the earth and to prayer for ordained ministers – both significant themes for us in our diocese today. ● Diocese of Kentucky (Province IV, The Episcopal Church). 11 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT ● Pray for all who work in radio or television, the work of Premier Radio, and all stations relating to the Diocese. ● Diocese of Kericho (Kenya). 12 MONDAY ● THE DEANERY OF HARWICH—Area Dean: Simon Heron. Gillian Moore, Trevor Walt (CHP, St Helena Hospice). ● Diocese of Khartoum (Sudan). 13 TUESDAY Lucy, Martyr at Syracuse, 304, Samuel Johnson, Moralist, 1784 ● Dedham (St Mary Virgin) Clergy: Antony Wilson (PIC). ● Dedham School: James Aylott (HT). Elmstead (St Anne and St Laurence)—Clergy: Pauline Scott (PIC), Pauline Hart (A). ● Diocese of Kibondo (Tanzania). 14 WEDNESDAY John of the Cross, Poet, Teacher of the Faith, 1591 ● HARWICH PENINSULA TEAM MINISTRY: Dovercourt (All Saints) & Parkeston (St Paul), Harwich (St Nicholas), Ramsey (St Michael) w Little Oakley (St Mary Vn)—Clergy:Margaret Shaw (TR), Rosie Tallowin (TV), Linda Porter, Sam Winney (AC), Astrid Tiesema-Samsom (A). ● All Saints School, Dovercourt: Mark Millbourne (HT). ● Two Village School, Ramsey/Little Oakley: Kay Wills (HT). ● Diocese of Kibungo (Rwanda). 15 THURSDAY ● ARDLEIGH (St Mary Vn) and THE BROMLEYS (St George, St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Vacancy (R), Antony Wilson (CIC). ● St Mary’s School, Ardleigh: Donna Parker (HT). ● St George’s School, Great Bromley: Julie O’Mara (HT). ● GREAT OAKLEY (All Saints) w WIX (St Mary) & WRABNESS (All Saints)—Clergy: Liz Barnes (PIC). Licensed Lay Minister: Laura Garnham. ● All Saints School, Great Oakley: Jane Simmons (HT). ● Diocese of Kigali (Rwanda). 16 FRIDAY ● LAWFORD (St Mary)—Clergy: Simon Heron (PIC), Paul Mann, Gillian Moore, Sally Morris (AC). ● Lawford School: Donna Wenden (HT). ● MISTLEY w MANNINGTREE (St Mary and St Michael) w BRADFIELD (St Lawrence)—Clergy: Vacancy (R), John Brien (AC), Claire Scargill (A). Reader: Stacie Withers. ● Mistley Norman School: Karen Jones (HT). ● Diocese of Kigeme (Rwanda). 17 SATURDAY O Sapentia [BCP] — Eglantyne Jebb, Social Reformer, Founder of ‘Save the Children’, 1928 ● Today in the calendar is the day Advent “speeds up”! It even has a funny name: “O Wisdom!” after a special song that is sometimes sung at Evening Prayer on this day. It is a sign that Advent has changed pace. We are no longer focussing on the big themes of the end of time or the preaching of John the Baptist, but seeking to focus more and more closely on the events of Bethlehem, the person of Mary, and the extraordinary reality of God being born as one of us. ● Diocese of Kigezi (Uganda). 18 THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT ● Pray for the work of the Diocesan Evangelical Association and its Chair, Gordon Simmonds. ● Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh (Armagh). 19 MONDAY ● TENDRING (St Edmund) and LITTLE BENTLEY (St Mary Vn) w BEAUMONT-CUM-MOZE (St Leonard)—Clergy: Vacancy (PIC), Liz Barnes (CIC). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Harwich. ● Diocese of Kimberley & Kuruman (Southern Africa). 20 TUESDAY ● THE DEANERY OF SAFFRON WALDEN—Area Dean: David Tomlinson. Lay Chair: Graham Cook. Assistant Area Dean: Margaret Davis. Bishop’s Advisor on Women’s Ministry: Jenny Tomlinson. ● Diocese of Kindu (Congo). 21 WEDNESDAY ● THE SAMPFORDS (St Mary Virgin, St Michael) and RADWINTER (St Mary Virgin) with HEMPSTEAD (St Andrew)— Clergy: Philip Tarris (PIC). ● Radwinter School: Kate Hockley (HT). ● ICKNIELD WAY VILLAGES: Great Chishill (St Swithun), Little Chishill (St Nicholas), Chrishall (Holy Trinity), Elmdon (St Nicholas), Strethall (St Mary Vn), Heydon (Holy Trinity), Duddenhoe End (The Hamlet Church)—Clergy: Vacancy (R). ● Chrishall School: Tracey Bratley (HT). ● Diocese of Kinkiizi (Uganda). 22 THURSDAY

CYCLE O THAXTED: Please pray for the clergy and congregation on December 23. Pictures: JON LONGMAN ● BRIGHTLINGSEA (All Saints w St James)—Clergy: Anne ● SAFFRON WALDEN AND VILLAGES TEAM MINISTRY: Howson (PIC). Licensed Lay Minister: Catherine Graham. Saffron Walden, Wendons Ambo (St Mary Vn), Littlebury (Holy ● Diocese of Kitgum (Uganda). Trinity), Ashdon (All Saints), Hadstock (St Botolph), Debden (St Mary Vn), Wimbish w Thunderley (All Saints), Great Chesterford 28 WEDNESDAY HOLY INNOCENTS (All Saints), Little Chesterford (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: David ● CLACTON (St James)—Clergy: Peter Kane (V). Tomlinson (AD) (TR); Hilary Davey, Richard Spencer, Jeremy ● CLACTON (St Paul)—Clergy: David Lower (PIC). Parsons (TV); Paula Griffiths, Tim Hardingham, Jenny ● FRINTON (St Mary Magdalene)—Clergy: Don Smith (R). Tomlinson, Angela Want, (AC). Licensed Lay Minister: Tracey Licensed Lay Minister: Maggie Wilson. Nicholls. Reader: Graham Davies. ● GREAT CLACTON (St John the Baptist)—Clergy: Guy ● St Mary’s School, Saffron Walden: Karen Cayford (HT). Thorburn, (V), Mark Mulryne (AC), Phillip Sacre (A). Readers: ● Debden School: Louise Gurney (HT). Mary Grint, Sheila Neale, Robin Whitworth, Ruth Whitworth. ● Great Chesterford Primary Academy: Sarah Mitchell (HT) ● Great Clacton C of E Junior School (Academy): Alison ● Most Revd Kahwa Henri Isingoma, Archbishop of the Congo, Syred-Paul (HT). Dioceses of Kinshasa (Congo) and Kisangani (Congo). ● Diocese of Kitui (Kenya). 23 FRIDAY 29 THURSDAY Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, ● THAXTED (St John and St Laurence)—Clergy: Philip Tarris Martyr, 1170 (PIC), Christopher Brown (AC). ● HOLLAND-ON-SEA (St Bartholomew)—Clergy: Clergy: ● CLAVERING (St Mary & St Clement) and LANGLEY (St John Vacancy (PIC), David Lower (AC), Susan Wiggins (A) Evn) w ARKESDEN (St Mary Vn) and WICKEN BONHUNT (St Lay Missioner: Ti Alan Chase. Margaret); MANUDEN (St Mary Vn) and BERDEN (St Nicholas) ● KIRBY-LE-SOKEN (St Michael) w GREAT HOLLAND (All —Clergy: Margaret Davies (V). Saints)—Clergy: Mark Holdaway (R). ● HENHAM (St Mary Vn) and ELSENHAM (St Mary Vn) w ● ST OSYTH (St Peter & St Paul)—Clergy: Sharon Miles (PIC). UGLEY (St Peter)—Clergy: Gary Townsend (V). ● St Osyth School: Mark Carter-Tufnell (HT). ● Elsenham School: Linda Reid (HT). ● GREAT BENTLEY (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Sharon Miles (PIC). ● Our link Diocese of Kirinyaga (Kenya), Rt Revd Joseph Reader: Wendy King. Kibuchua, Bishop. ● Diocese of Kivu (Rwanda). 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 30 FRIDAY ● Christmas Eve pulls us all in different directions! Doing the last ● THORPE-LE-SOKEN (St Michael)—Clergy: Jeremy Dowding bits of the shopping; getting ahead with Christmas dinner; (PIC). welcoming family home. And for us as Christians it’s a different ● Rolph School: Lorraine Ratcliffe (HT). kind of preparation too – great services for children; awe and ● WALTON-LE-SOKEN (All Saints)—Clergy: Peter Edwards wonder at Midnight Communion; the celebrations of Christmas (R). Reader: Viv Bull. Day. We need to be eager and enthusiastic about both – for we ● WEELEY (St Andrew) w LITTLE CLACTON (St James)— celebrate the Christ who comes to embrace this extraordinary Clergy: Vacancy (R). world. But also find a place to be still and ask God to prepare ● St Andrew’s School: Lorraine Ratcliffe (HT). your heart for this amazing mystery. ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and ● Diocese of Kita Kanto (Japan). work in the Deanery of St Osyth. 25 CHRISTMAS DAY — NATIVITY OF OUR LORD ● Diocese of Kobe (Japan). ● To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and his name will 31 SATURDAY John Wyclif, Reformer, 1384 be called the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) ● Three fantastic themes come together today – New Year’s ● Diocese of Kitale (Kenya). Eve; the naming of Jesus; and the commemoration of John 26 MONDAY STEPHEN, DEACON, FIRST MARTYR Wyclif. In order: our calling at the (secular) new year to preach ● NEWPORT (St Mary Vn) w WIDDINGTON (St Mary Vn), the Gospel afresh to our culture; our calling as we celebrate the QUENDON (St Simon & St Jude) w RICKLING (All Saints)— naming of Jesus to lift his name high in our lives and in his Clergy: Neil McLeod (V). Licensed Lay Minister: Andrea Harrison world; and our calling, remembering the radical challenges of ● Rickling School: Alan Gardiner (HT). Wyclif, to follow Christ no matter what.” ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and ● Diocese of Koforidua (Ghana, West Africa). work in the Deanery of Saffron Walden. ● Diocese of Kiteto (Tanzania). JANUARY 2017 27 TUESDAY ST JOHN, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST 1 SUNDAY THE NAMING AND CIRCUMCISION OF JESUS ● THE DEANERY OF ST OSYTH—Area Dean: Pauline Scott. ● Do not be anxious: in everything make your requests known Lay Chair: Wendy King. to God in prayer and petition with thanksgiving. (Phil.4:7) ● ALRESFORD (St Andrew) and FRATING w THORRINGTON ● Please pray for the members of the Guild of Servants of the (St Mary)—Clergy: Pauline Scott (AD, R), Pauline Hart (A). Sanctuary, and the Company of Servers, and all people who Reader: John Harper. serve Christ at the altar.

THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT December 2016-January 2017

OF PRAYER ● Diocese of Kolhapur (North India). 2 MONDAY Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishops, Teachers of the Faith, 379 and 389 Seraphim, Monk of Sarov, Spiritual Guide, 1833 Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, Bishop in Southern India, Evangelist, 1945 ● Please pray for Bishop Stephen Cottrell; for the Area Bishops – Peter Hill, John Wraw and Roger Morris; the Assistant Bishop and PEV – Norman Banks; the Assistant Bishops - Trevor Mwamba and Roderick Thomas; the Honorary Assistant Bishop – Derek Bond; and for their families. ● Diocese of Kondoa (Tanzania). 3 TUESDAY ● BARKING EPISCOPAL AREA—Peter Hill, Area Bishop; Archdeacons Elwin Cockett (West Ham), John Perumbalath (Barking) and Martin Webster (Harlow); and all the members of the Barking Area Team. ● Diocese of Kongor (Upper Nile, Sudan). 4 WEDNESDAY ● THE DEANERY OF BARKING AND DAGENHAM­—Area Dean: Julie Fleming. Lay Chair: Dean Gillespie. Assistant Area Dean: Martin Court. Chaplains: Anthony Rablen (North East London Foundation NHS Trust). ● Diocese of Kontagora (Lokoja, Nigeria). 5 THURSDAY ● BARKING EPISCOPAL AREA—Barking TM (St Margaret & St Patrick w Christ Church)—Clergy: Rt Revd Dr Trevor Mwamba (TR) (Assistant Bishop); Graham Dowling, Christine Chambers (TV), Elwon John (AC). Reader: Marco Filipo Lopes. ● St Margaret’s School: Ruth Ejvet (HT). ● George Carey Primary School: Christopher Harrison (HT). ● Diocese of Kootenay (British Columbia & the Yukon, Canada). 6 FRIDAY THE EPIPHANY ● BARKING (St Erkenwald)—Clergy: Young Lee (PIC). ● BECONTREE SOUTH TM (St Alban, St Martin)—Clergy: Vacancy (TR), Mark Blakely (A), Raymond Descombes (A). 7 SATURDAY ● Tomorrow the churches celebrate the Baptism of Christ. It’s easy to get mixed up – Christ’s baptism is completely unique. It isn’t “Christian baptism” for obvious reasons! And in a sense it has nothing at all to do with our own baptism. But it does have a lot to do with our discipleship. Christ’s baptism is explicitly his commissioning for ministry, and that’s the call each of us is invited to hear. ● Diocese of Kubwa (Abuja, Nigeria). 8 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST (THE FIRST SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY) ● Pray for the staff of the Cathedral, the events to be held there and for all those who will visit during the coming year. Give thanks, too, for all who generously give of their time as volunteers. ● Diocese of Kuching (South East Asia). 9 MONDAY William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1645 ● BECONTREE (St Cedd)—Clergy: Tony Rablen (V), Ruth Dowley (A). ● BECONTREE (St Elisabeth)—Clergy: Steven Hanna (V). ● Diocese of Kumi (Uganda). 10 TUESDAY Mary Slessor, Missionary in West Africa, 1915 ● BECONTREE (St Thomas)—Clergy: Vacancy (V), Carol Newnham (A). ● BECONTREE (St Mary, Hartley Brook Church)­—Clergy: Julie Fleming (V), Simon Lewis (A). Readers: Cliff McLeod, John Wallace. ● Diocese of Kushtia (Bangladesh). 11 WEDNESDAY Aelred of Hexham, Abbot of Rievaulx, 1167; Benedict Biscop, Abbot of Wearmouth, Scholar, 689 ● CHADWELL HEATH (St Chad)—Clergy: Martin Court (V); Christine Harding (AC). ● Diocese of Kutigi (Lokoja, Nigeria). 12 THURSDAY Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Teacher of the Faith, 367; Kentigern (Mungo), Missionary Bishop in Strathclyde and Cumbria, 603 George Fox, Founder of the Society of Friends, 1691 ● DAGENHAM (St Peter and St Paul)—Clergy: Joel Edwards (PIC). Reader: Kathy Playle. ● William Ford Junior School: Richard Hopkins (HT). ● Dagenham Park CE School: Simon Weaver (HT). ● Diocese of Kwara (Kwara, Nigeria). 13 FRIDAY ● BECONTREE (St George)­—Clergy: Simon Smallwood (V) ● MARKS GATE (St Mark)—Clergy: Timothy Brampton (PIC). ● The retired clergy, Readers and lay ministers who live and work in the Deanery of Barking and Dagenham. ● Diocese of Kwoi (Abuja, Nigeria). 14 SATURDAY ● Through January the prayers and readings invite us day by day to respond to Christ’s revelation to the world. Three

narratives from Scripture dominate: Matthew’s on the visit of the Magi bringing their gifts to lay at Jesus’ feet; John’s of Jesus’ first miracle at Cana of Galilee turning water into wine, the extraordinary extravagance of God; and all the Gospels on the Baptism of Jesus marking his sending out to preach the kingdom, teach and heal. ● Diocese of Lafia (Abuja, Nigeria) 15 THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY ● Pray for the Proctors and Laity of our Diocese who are members of the General Synod, that they may be filled with the wisdom and love of the Holy Spirit. ● Dioceses of Kyoto and Kyushu (Japan). 16 MONDAY Antony of Egypt, Hermit, Abbot, 356; Charles Gore, Bishop, Founder of the Community of the Resurrection, 1932 ● THE DEANERY OF EPPING FOREST AND ONGAR— Area Dean: Joyce Smith. Lay Chair: Vacancy. Assistant Area Deans: Vernon Ross, Peter Smith, Malcolm Macdonald. Lay Trainer: Samantha Brazier-Gibbs. ● Diocese of Lagos (Lagos, Nigeria). 17 TUESDAY Amy Carmichael, Founder of the Dohnavur Fellowship, Spiritual Writer, 1951 ● BUCKHURST HILL (St John, St Stephen, St Elisabeth)— Clergy: Ian Farley (TR), Sarah Guinness (A). Reader: Steve Bacon. ● St John’s School: Peter Tidmarsh (HT). ● Diocese of Lagos Mainland (Lagos, Nigeria). 18 WEDNESDAY Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095 ● Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins. ● CHIGWELL AND CHIGWELL ROW TM: Chigwell (St Mary) Chigwell (St Winifred), Chigwell Row (All Saints)—Clergy: Ben King (TR), Paula Preston (TV), Vernon Ross (AC), Neil Taylor (A). Licensed Lay Minister: Stephen Potts. ● Chigwell School: Simon Paul (CHP). ● Diocese of Lagos West (Lagos, Nigeria). 19 THURSDAY Richard Rolle of Hampole, Spiritual Writer, 1349 ● EPPING DISTRICT TM—Epping (St John), Epping Upland (All Saints), Coopersale (St Alban)—Clergy: Vacancy (TR); Bryony Morrison (TV), Jonathan MacNeaney (A). Licensed Lay Ministers: Marjorie Austin, Diana Lowry. Readers: Carole Goddard, Bob Taylor. ● St John’s Comprehensive School: Chris Seward (HT). ● Epping Upland School: Sarah Hurwood (HT). ● Coopersale & Theydon Garnon School: Terena Moreton (HT). ● Dioceses of Lahore and Peshawar (Pakistan). 20 FRIDAY Agnes, Child Martyr at Rome, 304 ● LAMBOURNE (St Mary & All Saints) w ABRIDGE (Holy Trinity) and STAPLEFORD ABBOTS (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Roger Gayler (PIC). ● Diocese of Lainya (Loryko, Sudan). 21 SATURDAY ● The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began in 1908 and has spread across the world and across the churches. The international theme this year is Reconciliation – The Love of Christ Compels Us. And a range of web based resources are available. But the heart of this week is to prayer for one another across both traditional and modern divides, and

commit ourselves intentionally to fulfil Christ’s prayer for us “that they may be one”. ● Diocese of Lake Malawi (Central Africa). 22 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY ● Please pray for the Spiritual Direction Co-ordinating Group and all who minister within it. ● Diocese of Lake Rukwa (Tanzania). 23 MONDAY Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, Teacher of the Faith, 1622 ● LOUGHTON (St John the Baptist, St Nicholas, Trinity Church)—Clergy: Christopher Davies (R); Richard Fisher (AC), Barbara Read (A). ● Diocese of Lango (Uganda). 24 TUESDAY THE CONVERSION OF ST PAUL ● LOUGHTON (St Mary Vn)—Clergy: Malcolm Macdonald (V); Sam Pollard (AC), Lydia Petitt (A). Readers: Pat Laker, Brenda Miller. ● Diocese of Langtang (Jos, Nigeria). 25 WEDNESDAY Timothy and Titus, Companions of Paul ● THEYDON BOIS (St Mary Vn) w THEYDON GARNON (All Saints)—Clergy: John Fry (V). ● Dioceses of Lebombo and Lesotho (Southern Africa). 26 THURSDAY WORLD LEPROSY DAY ● WALTHAM HOLY CROSS TM—Waltham Abbey (Holy Cross & St Lawrence), High Beach (Holy Innocents), Upshire (St Thomas) & Ninefields (St Lawrence)—Clergy: Peter Smith (TR); Kelvin Woolmer (TV); Trevor Scott (AC), Joyce Smith, AD (AC). Licensed Lay Minister: Jane Begley. ● High Beach School: Sarah Roffey (HT). ● Hillhouse School: Jo Willcox (HT). ● Diocese of Leicester (Canterbury). 27 FRIDAY Holocaust Memorial Day —Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Philosopher, Teacher of the Faith, 1274 ● LOUGHTON (St Michael & All Angels)—Clergy: Nina Coulthard (V), Lorraine Smart (A). Reader: Elizabeth Price. ● Diocese of Lexington (Province IV, The Episcopal Church). 28 SATURDAY ● Tomorrow in many churches is Candlemas – the day Christ is presented in the Temple in fulfilment of the law, and greeted by Simeon and Anna. A great question to ask as we prepare for this is: “was this really the kind of Messiah they were expecting?” and “what kind of Messiah do I seek to serve?” ● Diocese of Liberia (West Africa). 29 THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE (THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY) ● O God, who in the work of creation commanded the light to shine out of darkness: we pray that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ may shine into the hearts of all your people, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, and revealing to them the knowledge of your glory in the face of Jesus Christ. Amen. ● Diocese of Lichfield (Canterbury). 30 MONDAY Charles, King and Martyr, 1649 ● BLACKMORE (St Laurence) w STONDON MASSEY (St Peter and St Paul)—Clergy: Sam Brazier-Gibbs (V). Reader: Anthea Gray. ● Diocese of Limerick & Killaloe (Dublin). 31 TUESDAY John Bosco, Priest, Founder of the Salesian Teaching Order, 1888 ● CHIPPING ONGAR (St Martin) w SHELLEY (St Peter)— Clergy: Noelle Taylor (PIC), Sam Brazier-Gibbs (OPM). ● Diocese of Lincoln (Canterbury). NOTES:

The Cycle of Prayer is also available on the Diocesan website: www. Where parochial links are known to exist the names of overseas workers are placed immediately after the appropriate parish. Further information concerning overseas dioceses, including the names of bishops, is contained in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, available on their website www.anglicancommunion. org/acp/main.cfm. Honorary Editor: Jenny Robinson, 71 Powers Hall End, Witham, Essex CM8 1NH, 01376 516727 (email: who would be glad to receive comments and corrections and also any items for prayer and praise to be considered for inclusion from the parishes.


LINDSELL: Please pray for the clergy and congregation on December 8.

A Assistant Clergy; AAD Assistant Area Dean; AC Associate Clergy; ACD Associate Clergy Diaconate; AD Area Dean; ASM Associate Minister, AT Assistant Clergy Title Post; AYO Area Youth Officer, BP Bishop; C Community Worker; CA Church Army; CIC Curate in Charge; CHP Chaplain; EVN Evangelist; HT Head Teacher; LD Locally Deployed; LLM Licensed Lay Minister; MCD Minister of Conventional District; MIN Minister, P Priest; PIC Priest in Charge; R Rector; Rdes Rector designate; RDR Reader; PTO Permission to Officiate; RES Residentiary Canon; SNP Special Needs Post, T Teacher; TM Team Ministry; TR Team Rector; TV Team Vicar; V Vicar; Vdes Vicar designate; WDN Warden.



THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT December 2016-January 2017


month — What’s on near you during December in Essex & East London

Every Sunday (except Christmas Day) ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. See advertisement on back page for complete list of main services in the cathedral. Monday-Saturday ● Kings Cafe (above Aldi), London Road, Lexden, Colchester. Monday-Friday 10am-4pm; Sat 10am-2pm. Wednesday, November 16 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● House of Retreat, The Street, Pleshey, Chelmsford. 9.45am-4pm. Timing Out in Advent’. A BRF Quiet Day with Gordon Giles. £30.00 (including lunch). To book, simply contact us by post, or telephone us on 01865 319700. You can also order online at our website www. If booking by post, please send payment in with your booking and provide full names of all who are attending to Quiet Days, BRF, 15 The Chambers, Vineyard, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3FE. If you wish to receive a receipt, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Thursday, November 17 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. Friday, November 18 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Forest School Big Band. Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own. ● Great Totham village hall. 8pm. An evening of popular music with the Maldon Orchestra. Grand raffle and refreshments. Tickets available on the door. Further information on 891660 or ● Life Church, Chelmsford CM2 0HG. 7pm. Watch by Riding Lights Theatre Company. This performance is sponsored by Christians Together in Chelmsford, Simeon's Watch - a puzzle in the family at Christmas. Saturday, November 19 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am-12.30pm. Echo Event. Day aimed at young people and young adults who are looking, even at the very earliest stages, to explore God's calling on their life, especially to ministry in the Church. book-events ● All Saint's church, Romford Road, Chigwell Row. 7.30pm. Handel's Messiah. Concert Entrance £14 (concessions £10). Tickets can be obtained from 020 8500 8313 or at the door Cantamus Bach Choir and Cantamus Bach Orchestra of London. Conductor: Peter Macdonald. ● Christ Church URC, 164 New London Road, Chelmsford CM2 0AW. 7pm. CHESS (Churches Homeless Emergency Support Scheme). Charity Concert. Sunday, November 20 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. ● St James @ 4. St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1LE. 4-4.30pm. A short, informal Service of Holy Communion, using modern music, and followed by refreshments. Suitable for all ages. Wednesday, November 23 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. Thursday, November 24 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House. Friday, November 25 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 12.30-1.15pm. Lunchtime Concert by Maria Stratigou (piano). Admission is free, but we welcome your contributions, which are divided between various charities and Cathedral expenses. Light refreshments are available in the Cathedral from 12 noon, or you are welcome to bring your own. Saturday, November 26 ● St Michael’s Church, Gardner Hall, Fobbing. 11am3pm. Church Bazaar. Stalls: cakes, gifts, tombola, books. Refreshments and much more. ● St John's Church, Church Road, Southend on Sea, SS1 2AL. 6pm. Concert of Christmas music by Allegro Choir. ● Althorne Church Hall CM3 6BY. 11am-3pm. Christmas Bazaar. ● St John's Church, Church Road, Southend on Sea SS1 2AL. 10.30am-2pm. Christmas Tree Festival and Community Fair. Christmas trees decorated by local Charity groups, stalls, refreshments, See Father Christmas. ● St Mary's, Church Street, Maldon. 10.30am. Christmas Bazaar. Grand Draw, Hot Lunches, Cakes, Jam, and various stalls. ● The Room in the Rodings, Dunmow Road, Beauchamp Roding CM5 0PF. 10am-4pm. Christmas Market to raise money for St Botolph's Church funds. Gifts, refreshments, decorations, Christmas Craft

Shut Eye to support CHESS

THE Chess Sleepout 2016. takes place overnight at Chelmsford Cathedral on November 25-26. Registration is from 7.30pm 9.30pm and Shut Eye from 10pm until 7.30am. Sleeping out for the night might be fun, but for many people this is every night reality. CHESS works to relieve homelessness and hardship amongst single adults in Chelmsford and Essex through the provision of support services and temporary

accommodation. CHESS provides a seven-bedroom night shelter along with shared move on accommodation. Every year CHESS hosts its own Sleep Out in the grounds of Chelmsford Cathedral.

Market. Craft and food stalls, refreshments, raffle, tombola, plus Father Christmas. Admission £1 (accompanied children under 16 free). ● Budworth Hall, High Street, Chipping Ongar CM5 9JG. 9.30am-1pm. St Martin's Chipping Ongar with St Peter's Shelley Christmas Bazaar. Refreshments and home-made cakes, stalls include, cards, china, soft toy tombola, pottery, knitted crafts, plants, bric-a-brac, honey, bottle tombola and many other Christmas gift ideas. Admission free. Free parking in Ongar Library Car Park. ● St George's Church Hall, Ongar Road (near Robin Hood roundabout), Brentwood. Noon-2pm. Brentwood's brilliant Bazaar. Gifts Galore on sale and tempting cakes, toys and games, toiletries and jewellery, books & DVDs. Charming Chocolate Tombola and Tin & Bottle Tombola. raffles and refreshments. Event in aid of Church Funds. Tel 01277 213618. Admission 50p. ● Aldham Village Hall. 10am-4pm. Christmas Shopping Day. Entry £1 Adult, children under 14 free. The hall is fully booked with lots of different stalls selling a variety of gifts and goodies. Light refreshments will be available all day. ● St Lawrence, Bradfield. Christmas Craft Market. Bradfield Community Centre, CO11 2UU. 10:00am 4pm. Craft and food stalls, refreshments, raffle, tombola, plus Father Christmas. Admission £1 (accompanied children under 16 free). Sunday, November 27 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. Wednesday, November 30 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. Thursday, December 1 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am. Mothers' Union Corporate Communion in St Cedd’s Chapel. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 8pm. Mothers’ Union Evening Section meets in St Cedd’s Hall. ● St Laurence church, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster. 1.05pm. Free lunchtime concert. Retiring collection. Car parking available. Saturday, December 3 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10am-12 noon. Cathedral Coffee Morning in the Chapter House. Come and enjoy fresh coffee, home-made scones and a bring & buy. ● Friends of Messing Church Christmas Fayre. Village Hall, Messing, Tiptree CO5 9TY. 10.30am-2pm. Many stalls. ● St James' Church, Tower Road, Clacton on Sea CO15 1DA. 7.30pm. Clacton Choral at Christmastide. ● All Saints (Church Avenue, E4), Highams Park. 10am-3pm. Christmas Bazaar. Various stalls, Santa’s Grotto, tombola etc; refreshments including a selection of lunch options. Entrance: adults 50p, children free. Saturday-Sunday, December 3-4 ● All Saints' church, Writtle. Christmas Tree Festival. In the shops Christmas seems to come earlier and earlier every year, but it’s never too early to plan your Christmas outings. So here is one for your diary. On December 3 and 4, there is a fantastic opportunity to get your Christmas celebrations under way. All Saints church in Writtle will be full of Christmas Trees each one individually designed and decorated by village clubs, organisations, businesses and individuals. Come vote for your favourite tree. The festival will be a musical delight with the Chelmsford Community Gospel Choir, Writtle Handbell Ringers, Writtle Singers and others providing a carolling backdrop. As well as the trees, on Saturday, December 3, there will be a Christmas Craft Fair in the Writtle Christian Centre (alongside the church). All sorts of ideas for that unusual and unique present to delight the eye and to suit every pocket. Win a Christmas Hamper, purchase an

Anyone can take part, however young people under 18 cannot take part individually. A responsible adult must complete the registration for minors either on line or on the

exclusive All Saints Tea Towel and top your visit off with a cup of tea or coffee and some homemade cake – and there are light lunches available on the Saturday. If you have never been to a Christmas Tree Festival – come, and make 2016 'The Year of the Tree'. If you have been to us before, come again – 10am until 5pm on Saturday, December 3, 12noon until 5pm on Sunday, December 4. The Craft Fair is open on Saturday from 10am-4pm only. It’s a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. More details from John Howden on 01245 422023, see the festival website www.gosaints. or follow us on Facebook @AllSaintsWrittle. ● St Mary's Church, Church Street, Kelvedon, CO5 9AL. Saturday: 11am - 6pm; Sunday: 11am - 5pm. Christmas Tree Festival. Over 30 Christmas trees decorated in all manner of styles by local families and societies plus Christmas stall, entertainment and seasonal refreshments. Now in its eighth year and still growing! Sunday, December 4 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong ● Golf Green Hall, Golf Green Road, Jaywick. 2.304pm. Community Carol Service, Jaywick. A celebration of Christmas with seasonal Carols and Readings, featuring the Salvation Army Band.. Wednesday, December 7 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. ● Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. 1-3pm. Café Theology. Meet at the Food Court. ● Library at the Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford. 1pm. The Chelmsford Christian Bookshop Reading Group. Everyone is welcome and it is free to join in. For details and encouragement, please contact the bookshop on 01245 294405 or email bookshop@ (See story on Page I) Thursday, December 8 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 2pm. Mothers' Union Afternoon Section meet in St Cedd’s Hall. Saturday, December 10 ● St Botolph's Church, St Botolph's Street, Colchester, CO2 7EE. 7.30pm. Christmas Concert. The choral and orchestral concert will include Haydn - ‘Little Organ Mass’; Concertos by Telemann & Vivaldi; Six Christmas Sketches by Nicholson and English Carols. Ssan Piggott (Soprano), Stephen Cheek and Colin Nicolson (Organ) St Botolph's Music Society Choir & Orchestra conducted by Colin Nicholson & Jonathan Abbott. ● Messy Church at St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea (entrance through church hall in Tower Road) CO15 1LE. 3-5 pm. Come an enjoy the fun of Messy Church at St James Calcton Sunday, December 11 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. ● St Mary's Live Nativity 2016 at Great Dunmow. 3.00pm-5.00pm. Join us again this year as we bring the nativity story live to Great Dunmow following Mary, Joseph, the donkey and sheep as they journey to Bethlehem. Starting at 3pm in the Town Square and ending at the stable (outside St Mary’s Church, Great Dunmow). Our local school children will be involved in re-enacting the Christmas Story and singing Christmas Carols. Afterwards join us for mulled wine and hot chocolate while the Dunmow Wind Band play a selection of Christmas music in St Mary’s Church. Wednesday, December 14 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 9.30am. Baby and Toddler Group. Thursday, December 15 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 7.30pm. The Welsh Society meets in the Chapter House.

night and accompany them for the sleep out. By getting involved, you will help CHESS to support more people on a journey towards moving away from homelessness, from getting off the streets, to living in a new home and learning new skills and securing employment. The money you raise will help vulnerable local people to live independently and help CHESS reach their aims in continuing to change lives.

Friday, December 16 ● Beers and Carols at The Cricketers Pub, Danbury. The Cricketers Pub, Penny Royal Road CM3 4ED. 8.45pm. Join Revd Clive Ashley and the St John’s Choir for some festive singing and a few drinks! Sunday, December 18 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 3.30pm. Evensong. ● St John the Baptist Church, Danbury, CM3 4NG. Noon. Come and sing at Christmas. Do you enjoy singing? Do you love Christmas? Then please come and join your parish choir.To sing at our Traditional service of lessons and carols. We are a friendly and welcoming group. We would love you to join us. For rehearsal details, call Paul on 01245 400079. ● St Mary's Buttsbury on the Ingatestone road between Stock and Ingatestone CM4 9PA. 3pm. Crib & Christingle service. ● St James' Church, Beatrice Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1LE. 3pm. Community Carol Service. Come and celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. Traditional Carols & Readings, with St James’ Choir and the Salvation Army Songsters, accompanied by the Salvation Army Band and organ. Refreshments after service. Monday, December 19 ● Sing the Season at St Laurence, Blackmore CM4 0RN. 10am. Wednesday, December 21 ● Mothers’ Union Christmas Carols and Tea at St John' the Baptist, Danbury CM3 4NG 2pm- 3pm Thursday, December 22 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. Saturday, December 24 ● Christmas Eve at St John the Baptist, Danbury 5pm Christingle Carol Service. 10.30pm Christmas Music for Organ. 11pm Midnight Mass Cathedral Christmas Services ● Chelmsford Cathedral. Please see advertisement on back page. ● Check out for all the #JoyToTheWorld Christmas season events taking place in your area. More information on centre pages Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day ● Christmas Day service at St Mary's Buttsbury on the Ingatestone road between Stock and Ingatestone CM4 9PA. 8.45am. After the service mince pies and mulled wine will be served. ● Christmas Praise Service at St John the Baptist Danbury CM3 4NG10am. Wednesday, December 28 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 1-3pm. ‘Welcome on Wednesday’ in the Cathedral with our lay chaplain Jean Standen; tea/coffee and cakes. All welcome. Thursday, December 29 ● Chelmsford Cathedral. 10.45am. Faith and Fitness. A free fitness class with a difference for all ages and abilities. The session will include a prayer, a workout and meditation to improve your physical and spiritual health and well-being. January 2017 diary deadline ● Submit event details at www.chelmsford. or call Sarah Newman on 01245 294443 by December 1 for inclusion in The Month and on the diocesan website. Latest events ● You can find the latest events online at www. ● Cathedral events can be viewed online at www. events-diary.

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