Completed guide archicad

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PRESENTATION I’m going to present you, with great pleasure, this operating guide for ArchiCAD : "Designing through images, due to the great educational and cultural significance it represents. Five European nations join together in a project that intends to export a computer drawing program; a group of Italian students, "experts", to groups of peers Spaniard, Portuguese, Romanian, Turkish, who do not use this tool in their schools. That is the most concrete and obvious example of free movement of ideas, people, knowledge which inspired the birth of the European Union from the beginning. In hard times, in which many people try to demolish the United Europe, without recognizing its value, the school gives a concrete answer to the most profound instances of unity and peace, pervading the feelings of the common citizen. So the dream comes true, now: adults and teens mixing passion, interests, skills, aspirations, share them in the name of a single, big goal. After two years of training, after lessons given by the Italian students, with the careful and constant presence of experienced teachers in design and foreign languages, everyone participates to a final competition, the ArchiCAD Games. A healthy competition that asks everyone to get involved, to try translating the learnings and knowledges in practice, to give the best of himself. There is a winner, as it should be in every competition, but moral winners are all the students who have lived this project making it unique and at the same time, universal. The entire route of the project, is legitimized in this operating guide, the result of the commitment of authors, documenting the work done step by step every lesson, creating a flexible and useful tool for each one wishes to acquire a specialization in the field of Computer Aided Design. Special thanks to teachers : Arch. Edi Tinarelli and Luigi Marcucci, creators and promoters of that difficult and ambitious project, carried out in an exemplary manner, as well as to Gianna Dr. Sorge, who represented a valid technical support. All of them, each for his own specialization, have made a valuable contribution to the realization of this final result. The distribution of this manual, in Italian and European schools, will represent the right reward to the efforts and the commitment being made, with the hope this small step can be a significant part of the long journey towards the unity of peoples through the language of culture. The Headteachers Daniela Rollo



Covilha Portogallo

ANTALYA / KEPEZ - Mobil Ortaokulu Turchia

L.T.A.S “Victor Slavescu” Ploiesti Romania I.E.S Olivar de la Motilla (Dos Hermanas) Spagna

I.T.E.T “Enrico Fermi” Lanciano Italia Questo manuale è di proprietà ed uso esclusivo della Unione Europea e della Agenzia Nazionale. La diffusione può avvenire solo all’interno degli Istituti Scolastici e l’uso è riservato a docenti e studenti di ogni ordine e grado. I simboli, le icone e le schermate utilizzate in questo volume sono tratte da Archicad 16 con autorizzazione Claudio Mandelli Education Manager GRAPHISOFT SE Italian Branch Office Via Rossignago 2/a | 30038 Spinea (VE) Italia.


INTRODUCTION The CAD programs (Computer Aided Design) are now integral part of the design processes for the construction of buildings of public and private use. For this reason, students preparing their professional future have to acquire the knowledge and ability to use the full potentiality of these programs both for the implementation of the design, as for three-dimensional modeling, rendering, animation, etc. Thus Archicad is undoubtedly the ideal tool to complement and enhance these competences, being this software born for the use of computer processing of both projects of residential buildings or public function. The European Commission accepted and selected the ITET "Enrico Fermi" Lanciano for its project "Create and design your future," in the framework of the Erasmus+ projects, Key Action 2. This project involves teaching and diffusion of Archicad in European high schools; our Institute is leader in this field for experience and competence, for his work in production of projects and texts. The project involves a group of partners that includes Spain, Portugal, Turkey and Romania. The final result of the project is this manual, a through images guide, that tells you, step by step, how to complete a work project. In fact, the structure of this manual has the peculiarity of being realized primarily through images, to make it immediately inclusive, to use a global language, to have an easy and quick correspondence with the "windows" of the program. The work was mainly carried out by the author, but in collaboration with the help, suggestions and directions of all the teachers and students of the partner schools. At the end of the text, you find, enclosed, the best examples developed by students of the partner schools, created for the event of final meeting in Lanciano (Italy). Archicad was born in Hungary with the company Graphisoft ( to develop a three-dimensional program specifically dedicated to architecture, beyond the concept of CAD as simple electronic drawing board. In fact with Archicad the purpose of work is not the design, but the design of the building, and it is just that we implemented (simulated) with the computer. Archicad reproduces, in a single working environment, the virtual simulations of the drawing board, and the building projected.


The approach to methodology of the "Virtual Building" is evident immediately as you open the program, because you find the same elements of the building: walls, columns, slabs, stairs, slopes, etc. Finally a recommendation about operating systems. This text is made with pictures of ArchiCAD 16 to 64 bits because, for different technologies and different computers of our school partners, it was necessary to adopt a version compatible with Windows Vista and XP, now obsolete. Since images, the structure, and the substance of transactions that we propose here are basically the same, with the same result, we’d like to recommend you the use of ArchiCAD 18. The system requirements are: Windows 8, 10; 64-bit processor with 5/7 or more cores, 8 GB of RAM, 16 GB for better rendering, 5 GB free space for installation and 10 GB to work; Open GL 2.0 graphics card compatible with 1024 MB of memory or higher; Monitor resolution 1440 x 900 or higher. These requirements are essential for any additions and applications as BIM Server or external rendering engines, including the main ones following: Artlantis, allows you to generate rendered images of perspective and axonometric views, while Artlantis Studio allows the creation of movies and animations. Cinema 4D is a program of high-level modeling and animation that also allows the interface and the interchange with Archicad that, similar to Artlantis, allows you to make updates to the model without losing the work performed. Lumion 5 is the latest program in terms of advanced technology to perform videos: this will be discussed later in a separate paragraph. Finally, as mentioned, is a guide created by and for students and teachers our partners; any inaccuracies or unorthodox mode, are due to the fact that the work was carried out according to the way we "see, feel and use the tools." Once you hold these basic elements you can always consult the user manual of the program (button "help" in the menu bar), or complete and various texts on the market, and the forum portal ArchiRADAR ... to become a true expert in this field. The Author Prof Arch Edi Tinarelli


CORSO DI ARCHICAD Presentation of the Project

The aim of our project is to tell, as mentioned, the "virtual construction" of a building through images. We therefore decided to build the work as a collection of lessons that could follow step by step the various phases of the construction of housing units at a single floor, in the first part and, subsequently, an elaboration on two levels, more complex, enriching it, in the last lessons, of all the accessories to make it complete, presentable, achievable. The choice of creating an environment of civil room with these features starts from the need to introduce the study of ArchiCad, for the design of semi-detached houses, mono or three levels, mainly with reference to wooden structures, following the design from the beginning to the end. This will allow you to follow the design process , through the images of each transaction, from the planimetric and distributive definition, to the realization of the furniture, to the solution of prospects, to the three-dimensional representation. To better introduce these concepts we propose immediately the views of the final product, of the plants and renderings.


Ground floor plan for a single level house.



Ground floor and second floor plan (for a double level house)







Lesson 1.0 Starting the program

To open the program, double-click on its icon.

Fig 2

Passing through the initial window "ArchiCAD 16", you get the window to start, it appears in the first dialog box (Fig 2). If you want to start a new project, select "Create a new project" and click "New" the main screen that represents the "Window plant" will open, you have just the space where to draw. Warning: when projects are created and saved in memory, after clicking on "Open a project", you have to indicate "Use Latest Project Settings", if you have customized files.


Fig 1

What appears is the initial window or screen that generally represents our worksheet. Fig 3

Let us examine, before starting, the different elements that make up this window: - The drawing area is the area into squared paper on a white background where the project is drawn and it is our worksheet; - The menu toolbar is located at the top of the window and contains all the drawing commands. The menus are selected by clicking on them with the left mouse button and displayed in the form of drop – down menu; - The standard toolbar and classic toolbar: is the classic of all softwares and CAD groups, the "icons" of some of the most important commands used during design; - The info toolbar: where are collected the displayed icons with which you can enlarge, move, zoom, etc. and manage the other features of the design. These bars are default, thus fixed within the work plan.


Features of ArchiCAD are the "mobile bars" composed of icons and editable text fields where you can enter, build, modify all the graphic elements of the design; these movable bars take the name of "palette". Let us look more closely at some parts of our screen, starting from the elements of the "Standard Toolbar" and "Status bar".

The Standard Toolbar


Fig 4









Pick Up Parameters

Fig 5

Find & Select

Inject Parameters

Special Snap Points

Fig 6

Guide Lines

Show / Hide Tricker 15

Grid Snap

Element Snap


Set User Origin Fig 7

Ruler Trim


Measure Trim Elements to Roof Fillet


Mark-Up Tools

Fig 8




Open 3D Window

Fig 9

Fig 10


Last Layout

Current Scale

Zoom Options

Quick Options

Energy Model Review


Floor Plan Navigator Preview

Suspend Groups

Explore Model Increase Zoom


Scroll-Zoom Reduce Zoom



To Previous Zoom

Fit in Window

To Next Zoom

The first thing to do before starting any drawing operation, is the choice of instruments. The tools can be divided into logical groups: - Selection tools (Arrow, Marquee); - Drawing tools (Fill, Line, Arc / Circle, Polyline, Spline, Figure, Hotspot); - Construction tools, in turn divided into basic elements (Wall, Roof, Beam, Column, Slab, Mesh) and library items (Object, Lamp, Door, Window, Skylight, Stair, Wall End); - Annotation tools (Dimension, Level Dimension, Arc Length, Text Label, Zone); - Complementary tools (Camera, Detail, Section, Elevation) - External instruments (the palette may have other tools when installing - the Add.On, external modules that add additional functionality to ArchiCAD).




Fig 12





Polyline Figure Arc/Circle


Fig 13

Fig 14

CONSTRUCTION TOOLS (Basic instruments) Wall






CONSTRUCTION TOOLS (library items ) Lamp

Wall End







Fig 15



Level Dimension


Arc Lenght

Zone 18

Fig 16





Before starting your project , recall some basic notions. To move from one command to another, or discontinue use of the instrument use the command "Esc" key on the keyboard; it deletes all commands and settings of classical bar of instruments. When you draw and make a mistake or if you use "Undo" to go back (as in the word) by the Standard bar, or by the instrument "Arrow" from the classic bar; click on it and the object turns green, click "Delete" to delete the drawing. You can also use the tool "Marquee" for entire parts; you create a window and then clear it. Check, finally, in the standard toolbar, if all instruments are active�, in particular Inspector� ("Show / HideTricker") and "Measure". Fig

Attention, please. The English version of ArchiCAD 16 provides the millimeter as the unit of measure (as shown in the figure). Since all the data of the manual is expressed in meters, you need to enter in Options > Project Preferences > Dimension. Click on Dimension to enter the unit of measure in meters with decimals. (at least 2 digits)


17 Fig 18

This represented figure is the plan of the ground floor of your building from which you can start to realize the construction of a detached house at a single level.

Fig 19


Take example from the internal distribution and the dimension set, start to officially enter in the world Archicad, through its most important command: the tool WALL.

Lesson 1.2 THE TOOL WALL

Fig 20

To start, click with the left button of your mouse on the icon wall (in the toolbar) since you have to set the characteristics of the wall to draw. By clicking the icon box settings (contained in the window default settings), in the figure you’ll have the settings window.

Fig 21

To get the settings window you can also double-click on the icon wall.


Set, in this window, thickness and height of the wall which in this case are respectively 0,40m and 2,7m. ( 400 mm e 2700 mm.).

Fig 22

When finished press "OK" on the bottom left.


See what contains this window. Geometry and positioning; define height and thickness of the wall. In your case insert walls of constant section, but it can also have different types of wall by placing the values from time to time. The panel Floor Plan and Section and lets you choose the type of line, color and pattern you want to use internal to draw the wall. In the panel Model we click on the icon to the choice of materials wherever it appears a predefined list; you can leave the wall to put the plaster or brick. The chosen solution is, however, only in the 3D view. If the option chain is active, the wall will consist of a single material, if it is “off� a different material can be assigned to every surface. You can now begin. Click with the left mouse button anywhere on the worksheet and moved away to the right with your mouse. Warning: if the rectangle does not appear with distance and angle, you have to switch the icon "Show/Hide Tracker" on the Standard toolbar.

Fig 23

to make a horizontal (or vertical) to the wall and hold the "shift" key and press the "R" key: Fig 24


Leave the keys and type a length of 5.6 meters:

Fig 25

Press the Enter key (or double-click) to get the following result:

Fig 26

With the same procedure realize the other walls of your house. If you approach the mouse on the lower top right side of the wall (as in all EU summits and centerline points) a small "v" appears, indicating the correct position on the summit.

Fig 27

When you see the "v", click with the left button and move upwards with the mouse. To make vertical the wall hold down the shift key:

Fig 28

Note: when you start a work the grid of the initial window is small squared. To enlarge the sheet or design, turn the mouse wheel; while holding down the wheel, the cursor changes into a hand and you can move the drawing within the spreadsheet. Now that your wall is perfectly vertical, hold down the shift key, click the "R" key and set the length of the wall, which in this case is 11.90 meters. Press Enter key to get the result in the figure.


Fig 29

The wall can be designed, as mentioned, in various forms, ways and sizes.

Pay attention to their method of construction, indicated in the figures with bold line and arrow. Selecting “geometry method straight” and “construction method left” you will have a wall that will be drawn on the left side of its axis. Selecting the various methods you can decide the way in which the wall will be represented.

Fig 30

If you need to make some changes to a designed wall, you can select it (click on it); the wall will turn green and the nodes automatically appear at the ends (black dots ), practically the attachment points where you must click.

Fig 31


Click on a node so that a palette appears :

Fig 32

The first instrument "DRAG" allows you to change the object position, of course, even with specific measures; the second instrument "ROTATE" allows the object to rotate to any desired angle, also by entering a specific value. For example, placing the cursor on a node you will have a protractor; clicking on it, it will become active allowing a rotation.

Fig 33

You have to keep straight the main line with "SHIFT + R" and click so to create a point "0" for the rotation: you can rotate it either exactly 90 °, keeping the key "SHIFT + R", or enter a specific value of the angle:

Fig 34


Fig 35

With a specific angle you get this result:

Fig 36

Command "MIRROR", also in this case click on a node to activate the command that allows you to preview the change.

Fig 37


click and the item will be mirrored on the opposite side. Fig 38/39

The instrument "MULTIPLY" is used to create multiple copies of the object, and you can do it in four different ways, but you will see them in subsequent lessons.

Fig 40

And finally the tool "STRETCH" that allows you to change the object: to lengthen or shorten it, or to change direction. Fig 41


Continuing: wall of 4.50 m at a height of 1.00 m. In this case, you have to create the wall (always with shift + R and distance) in the bottom corner. Fig 42

Now to raise the wall of a meter you must proceed in this way. Delete the wall command from the toolbar with Esc and select the wall (which is green): then right key / Move and Drag. Enter 1.00 meter, again with shift + "R", and click to finish .

Fig 43

Fig 44

Now add a wall of the same height to an existing one. With the tool wall push shift and move the pointer, with the form of white pencil, at the same height of the wall above. When the pointer becomes a black pencil, click. The two walls have the same height. If you want to measure the walls using MEASURE / Cross + Ruler: tip the extremes of a wall, click and get the exact height. Fig 45


Let’s continue with a wall closing the last two already made; Click with the pointer on top of the wall just realized, move to the left and when it will be perfectly aligned, ENTER. Fig 46

Now produce a wall of 6.70 m at a distance of 0.90 m from the previous one, then proceed with that method, previously seen: create the wall and move it:

Fig 47

Now complete the design with the latest perimeter walls; create a wall of 4.00 m.

Fig 48

To complete the plant of your apartment continue by entering the values in the figure: 49



Finally connect the last wall designed with the top of the first one, with the same system already seen, and complete the perimeter of the plant to get the following result:

Fig 50

Now we need to create the partitions: they will be part of thickness 0.40 m and part of 0.20 m. Start with the partitions of 0,40m thickness, using the method you learnt, to move the walls; thus create the first partition wall adjacent to an existing one (measure to enter is 4.10 m) and then move it of 3,00 m Fig 51

Fig 52


Move now at the top of the building and proceed in the same way: create a wall of 4.10 m and move it of 4.50 m. The result will be the one in the picture.

Fig 53

To conclude with the partitions of thickness 0.30 m, realize the last two as shown: Fig 54


Now, to complete the plant, change the wall thickness to 0.20 m and then open the Wall Default Settings and change the thickness.

Fig 55

By reducing the wall thickness of 0.20 meters, you can draw the partitions. In the following figures the main partitions are represented. Near the height of the floor, in Geometry and positioning, there are three symbols of building with a bold line and an arrow. To align the walls we must pay attention to the symbols and use them from time to time. The procedure is always the same, then creating the wall and moving it, you can complete your project. In any event, if you select the wall and click on the node (black tiny balls), a palette will appear. Choose Stretch command combined with shift, to keep the wall vertical or horizontal, to lengthen, or shorten it, or change direction of the wall.


Now your plant is ready.

Fig 56

Holding down the Ctrl key the cursor turns into scissors. Approaching to a part of it and clicking, you will delete / cut the part. If you want to do a rounding or chamfering part, highlight both walls, open Edit > Reshape > Fillet/Chamfer.


Lesson 1.3 DOORS AND WINDOWS Insert now doors and windows. Start by entering the door that allows access to housing. Select the tool door in the “Door Default Settings” of the setting dialogue: for example select the folder " Flat Top Hinged Doors 16". Fig 57 Fig 58

Select the door type (eg a “Door with Sidelight 16”) and enter the desired measures: in this case they are 1.50 and 2.10 for the width and the height. Pay attention to the preview. Press OK. 35

In the subfolder "Hinged Door Settings" and then in " Door Leaf Type and Handle� you can choose different types of panels for the door and many handles.

Fig 59

Then come back to the plant and approaching the mouse to the spot on the wall where you want the door. When you are on the inside edge of the wall, in the desired position for the insertion of the door, the pointer will turn into an inverted Y; Click with the left mouse button to place it.

Fig 60


After clicking the left mouse button you will see a symbol that represents an eye: click again with the left button, making sure to click on the inside of the perimeter, to indicate that the door opens inward and not vice versa. By clicking on the selected part, floating toolbars or palettes will appear; they may be useful, as for example, by selecting the door and using "Drag", you can move the door. This can be useful to positioning the door, for example, 10 cm from the edge. Clear the command with Esc and select the door. With an internal node, let a palette appear; clic Drag ( or select Move with left button and drag). Bring the door to the end, adjacent to the wall and then click. Select again the door (internal node) and shift + R put at distance of 0.10 m. Proceed in the same way for the insertion of the other doors changing of course a new type of door for the interior side. Fig 61


Suppose you have this solution:

Fig 62

Obviously the two highlighted doors, so close together, can create problems in the paths: to eliminate the problem see how to proceed in inserting a sliding door.


Open the settings window and choose "Flat Top Sliding Doors 16" and “Pocket Door 16; set the measures and everything you want to change, click on OK and the door will be changed automatically. Fig 63


In this figure you have the final complete plant. Fig 64


Lesson 1.4 WINDOWS Now proceed with the insertion of the windows, using the same process seen for the doors. Click on the command Window: Open the window of the box settings and choose the type of window, (“Basic Windows 16” and “Double Sash Window 16”) in "Preview and Positioning"; the first two symbols indicate the width and height of the window, the low symbol indicates the height from the ground. Fig 65 Fig 66


Choose the " Double Sash Window 16" and complete the plant by the insertion of the windows. Obviously the rooms have a standard size, while for the bathroom you can choose a smaller one and a larger for the living room. The figure shows an example that you can change at will. At this point you can only proceed with the inclusion of them in the plant that is the same as explained for doors. To make a copy of the window and open it on the same wall, select it, click on its side and press Ctrl. You will see a +; drag the window and click. The same system can also copy the entire plant and put it on the worksheet. In the subfolder "Basic Window Settings" you can make all the changes you want, such as the shoulders or the shutters.

Fig 67

Finally to save the drawing go in the top bar. From File / Save as‌, for example, on the desktop. Enter a name and save.




FURNITURE, FILL, DIMENSION,TEXT, PRINT Lesson 2.1) Interior FURNITURE Click on the icon "0bject" from the toolbar and then click on settings dialog to choose the object to be inserted and set the parameters. Fig 68

Fig 69

Suppose you want to insert a table in the living room. In the folder Furnishing 16, choose the subfolder "Tables 16" and "Dining Table 01 16".

Fig 70


From " Object Default Settings", in the file "Parameters" you can define all the details of the object, such as the size, the material, the representations in 2d and 3d, etc. So in "preview and positioning" enter the size of the table: Fig 71

Pay attention to the black X in a box; it indicates the point where the object is positioned in the plant. In the parameter list, open "2D representation", click on the arrow to display the subfolder and "Contour Pen" to change the color of the line of the perimeter of the selected object because, sometimes, the default color is not black, but green. Warning that next to the colors you have even the thickness of the pen.

Fig 72

If left of a parameter you see a small black arrow, you must click on it to show a number of additional subordinates parameters.


In "Floor Plan and Section" you change the thickness and color to be attributed to the elements in both plan and section, In "Symbol" be sure that in “Symbol Line Pen" the box is black and not green.

Fig 73

Close "Symbol", open "Cut Surfaces " and change the green with grey; Click the "OK" button in the lower right corner to close. Fig 74


Click now at the point where you wish to insert the object; Click the "Esc" key on the keyboard to disable the command.

Fig 75

Fig 76

Even for objects you can use the commands: Drag, Rotate, Mirror, Elevate, Multiply and Move node. In fact clicking the object you have the icon that allows you to make the desired changes. You should click on the external nodes otherwise the command "Move node" does not appear in the palette.

With the Drag command you can move the object in all directions; just click on the point where we want to place the object to deselect it.

As regards the Rotate command you must first select the command.

Fig 77


Click on the node where you want rotation; a guideline appears so that you can choose the 'rotation angle. Fig 78

Click on the desired point: the object begins to rotate according to the guideline. When you have chosen the new location of the object, click again and the object will be placed perfectly; finally click Esc to deselect the command.

Fig 79

With the command “ Move node� you can change the size of the object. With shift and R you can directly enter the measures to lengthen or shorten it without returning to the home screen of the settings. Fig 80


Now let’s insert the chairs, introducing the method for inserting objects under other objects. Open “Object Default Settings”: Fig 81

From the library, proceeding with the method as for the table, choose a chair; from the subfolder "Chairs 16" choose "Designer Chair 01 16". Remember to change to black the "Contour Pen" in Parameters, 2D Representation. The chair will be positioned at the top or bottom of the table. Fig 82


To create another chair, you can follow the same procedure or you can do a copy / paste (select table, click right) of the previous chair with shift to maintain the orthogonality; position the chair next to the first. It's clear that if you want to place the chairs in an exact location, you can put them on board table and, with shift + R, enter the distance.

Fig 83

If the chairs appear above the table select the same table> right click> Display Order > bring to Front, to enable the option. Fig 84


Fig 85

Select the two chairs (one at a time with shift)> right click> Move> Mirror a copy.

Fig 86


Placing the cursor along the edge of the table, a small segment shows you the middle of it. By clicking the midpoint two rectangles representing appear the shapes of the chair. With the shift to keep them straight, click on the long side on the middle of the table. Point to the center (when engaging snap at the center of the table next to the pointer it appears a "v") and shift +click to end and place the chairs on the other side of the table. Fig 87/88

To put the side chair> selection of a chair> right click> move> rotate a copy and after finding the position, shift + click to close. Alternatively, return to the screen “default settings�. If in the preview you see an arrow in the top left corner, you can click here to turn the chair. At this point, you can perform the same operations described for the insertion of the first chair. Fig 89

It is not necessary to repeat "Bring to Front" because the command is already stored and then all the chairs will appear under the table.

Fig 90


Exercise: proceed putting two sanitary in the bathroom. From 1.6 Mechanical 16> Plumbing Fixtures 16> Wc, Bidet, Urinals choose (eg WC 16) and position it by the method discussed above. Obviously, as with any element of Archicad you can make changes, such as in the section Parameters > Wc Settings, you can change the type of wc and Flush Type.

Fig 91

In the window “Preview and Positioning�, in the screen of settings appears a small arrow with which you can perform an orientation or a rotation immediately without resorting to subsequent commands.


Remember also in "Symbol" and "Floor Plan and Section�, to change color (black) into little rectangles. To put it at a precise distance, it is always the same concept: put side by side the two elements and select, the command move and shift + R to enter the distance. Fig 92

Also in this case, as seen for doors and windows, you can place that element at any point; then with selection > palette > drag, let it coincide with the perimeter wall: at this point with shift + R enter the distance from the wall (at least 0,50 m.) for the final position.

Fig 93

Finally choose the second sanitary element and, as depicted and defined in the screen, position it in the plant according to the procedures just described.


When finished you will have the following situation.

Fig 94

Finally, for some furniture, armchairs and dressers, for example, you can also change the feet, the facade, the handles, always in General Settings screen of Settings. To practice you should furnish the whole plant, also in view of interior renderings. The following solution is an example. Fig 95


Lesson 2.2 FILL To insert a fill to an object, select it and click with the right mouse button on the object. Automatically the drop-down of the functions appears; click on "Object Selection Settings".

Fig 96

Fig 97

The fill can be: - Full shading; - Blank; - Net linear gradient

From the menu bar Options> Element Attributes> Fill Types is possible to duplicate, rename or delete them. Fig 98


In the Settings dialog box you can add the "text area"; at the end of the design of the texture will appear a hammer that will help you to place the text with one click. The unit of measurement and the measurement precision of the surface are defined in Options > Project Preferences > Dimension. Under the folder "Parameters" open the subfolder "2D representation" from which you can change the border color of the fill, the type of the fill, as the material of the object used. Fig 99

It will Appear "Fill void" be cause the object is in the plant, in fact, is empty. Now go to "Fill Type" and ch oose, for example, wood (it ap pears only in 2D).

Fill Pen indicates the wood grain; 94 clear. Fill Background Pen, finally for the color of the table (color 114), in Fig 92


Fig 100

From the list of parameters open 2D representation and "Contour Pen" that allows you to change the color of the line of the perimeter of the object and "Model" to edit the material. With "Fill Pen" choose the lines that will cover the subject and with the command "Fill background Pen " you can modify the uniform color of the object. Then close with "OK".

Fig 101


After setting all the parameters the object will appear already colored, then click on the OK button and see the object in the plant: Fig 102

As exercise, you can complete the plant with colors and materials you prefer.

Fig 103


Suppose finally you want to put a floor in the bathroom. This is not a simple Fill and it is therefore necessary to perform a different procedure. Double-click in the vertical toolbar icon "Fill" and in the “General Settings”, click “Foreground", black arrow and “Grid 30 x 30"; you must always change the nib (light gray) and put "zero" at the color of the grid.

Fig 104

Fig 105

Fig 106

There are three methods; from the menu bar, choose "rectangle". Click on a corner /inside vertex > palette> Straight segment. Click on all inside corners until coming back to the starting point; Double-click to enter the fill.


Pay attention to the outline of the fill; if it is not equal> select fill> right click> settings> contour fill.

Fig 107

Fig 108

Clicking on a node> palette> move node, you change the fill adapting it to the outline; You can also insert new nodes by clicking on the thicker line of the green outline. In the selected fill, it appears a thicker line; take an edge of the line and tilt the fill that rotates; or take another corner of the room and click on it.

If you want to insert tiles inclined at 45 °, select the Fill > right click> Fill Selection Settings > General Settings > Construction Method > Distorted Fill or Relative to the Fill Origin linked to the origin of the screen and ok. Fig 109


To enter square meters of the surface, by “Fill Selection Settings” > replace “grid 30 x 30” with “Air Space”, click and select the box “Show Area Text”. Back in the drawing, using rectangle method > edge> edge and going back to the beginning the cursor takes the form of a hammer. Clicking it appears the value of the surface.

Fig 110

To change the value, select only the measure > right click > Dimension Text Settings> Custom Text change the measure > ok.

Fig 111


Lesson 2.3 DIMENSION

From the toolbar, select the command "Dimension"; it serves to quote all the elements. Double-clicking on the dimension command, it appears the usual window “Dimension Default Settings. Here you can choose all the settings before you place Dimension. You can choose the type of share, or choose the "image" to be displayed in your design; the same goes for the "Witness Line" (before activated). Also you can set the type of the writing, the size of this, and the location (above, in the middle or below the line).

Fig 112

Fig 113


Pay a particular attention to the nib (put black color) and to the height of the dimension (M = 3.00 mm). A very important element is "Display the Height of Openings as well " (Dimension Details) because this command allows you to quote doors and windows. After choosing all the parameters and click on OK, it appears a cross, instead of the usual mouse pointer. Fig 114

Before proceeding with the list of dimension, choose from "Default settings", the side that can be vertical or horizontal, oblique or arched. Fig 115

Now you can start to dimension your project. Fig 116


With the cross, that appears, select all the edges to quote. On each selected edge appears a little ball, double-clicking on an external dot of your design, dimensions will appear.

Fig 117

To remove the grid> View> turn off Grid Display To remove the dots in the written dimension > View > On-Screen View Options> and turn off Figure Handles.


Lesson 2.4 TEXT To enter a text on the page of your project: select the text tool in the tool bar. Double clicking on the "Text", the following window will appear:

Fig 118 Fig 119

From here you can change all the settings and the character of the writing, its height and type that can be bold, italic, underline, or even striped. You can also decide the alignment, line spacing, width and spacing; once set all parameters click on the OK button.


Now you have not the mouse pointer, but a cross, point it at any point of the sheet and dragging the mouse, you’ll have a rectangle: when the rectangle reached the desired size, click again and you’ll have another image. Fig 120

In the bar surrounded by color blue, choose the parameters; while in the below bar you will write your text. To close the command simply click anywhere in your worksheet. As an example it is proposed the usual plant shown in Fig 121. .

Fig 121

Consider the position of the rectangle, because where it appears you’ll have the text.

Fig 122


As exercise, customize the plant, changing furniture, screens and any other element, to obtain a suitable environment for both interior rendering, or other solutions to offer and choose the best one.

Fig 123


Lesson 2.5 PRINT Fig 124

To print open "File" from the drop-down box and then click on "print."

The following window appears: Fig 125


To change the printer, click on page size and the next window will appear.

From here you can change the printer and its settings by clicking Properties, set the paper size and orientation. Once you have finished choosing all the settings you want, click OK and return to the previous screen.

Fig 126

Fig 127

So in '"print area" choose whether to print the entire drawing or print only the current zoom you see in the visible part of the screen. In the part relating to '' break 'if you choose to print one or more pages in the case your design occupies more than one sheet. In the "scale" sets the scale of the drawing that can be original 1: 100; Adapted to the page and the drawing will be adapted automatically to the sheet, or choose personal, where you can set the desired scale. On the right side you can choose to print on file, collate copies, print in black and white, etc. .


You can also insert the headlette or footer and edit their parameters by clicking on settings. You can also determine the quality of printing and the number of copies. In the "Arrangement" you can immediately see the position of the drawing on the paper that we can move with the arrow keys of positioning, with the above modifiers. Obviously, click "Print" to close and print the worksheet.

Lesson 2.6) EXTRA FURNITURE If you want to enter furnishings that are not present in the base library of ArchiCAD, you can increase the existing one through other objects, downloading them from the website, accessible via the following link: You will have the following interface: Fig 128


From the red edged panel, you can load the objects of the specific sector, or only objects for the kitchen, the living room, rooms. etc. Suppose you want to load a series of objects for the living room. Therefore in the "Category" you're going to click the "Chairs, Tables, Sofas," as reported in the following image.

Fig 129

You can browse through several pages to display more items, clicking "Next" in the green box. Start with loading the Sofa (red box): click on it to have the following screen :

Fig 130


Clicking again on the figure in red in the above image , to get the following screen:

Fig 131

Drag the file on to the desktop to have the following icon:

Fig 132

Now you can perform the normal download and can open the downloaded file, that is zipped. Once you open the downloaded folder, you have a set of files: take into account only that edged in red in the figure below, which is the file extension ".gsm":


Fig 133

After saving the file on your desktop, go back on the interface of ArchiCAD to load the downloaded object in base library. Double-clicking on "Object" you have the screen shown next. You will then click on the red icon "Upload another subject," in the figure.

Fig 134


Open the following screen: Fig 135

Proceed, finally, in the following way: 1. Click on "Desktop" red edged. 2. choose the saved file, which is located on the desktop, green edged. 3. Click on "Open", edged with orange. Once loaded the object, proceed with the insertion into the plant, as for all other objects.




SLAB and FLOOR, SECTION, ELEVATION, AXONOMETRY, PERSPECTIVE. Lesson 3.1) SLAB and FLOOR Let’s continue our project of a single level house complete it .


new commands to

The tool "Slab" is used to perform a floor, an intermediate floor, or both to cover it or a terrace. Double-clicking the slab command you’ll have the usual window "Slab Default Settings". In the "Geometry and Positioning" area, choose which measure to enter the slab and its thickness. The default does not allow, sometime, to enter or change the thickness. It is necessary to go to "FLOOR PLAN DISPLAY" item STRUCTURE and "Cut Fill" and put a fill (Vectorial Fills) or any other fill, but not "composed" (Composite Structure). The composed ones, in fact, are already structural with their thicknesses; for example, put in "Vectorial Fills" the fill "Lightweight concrete" (Figure 138).

Fig 136

Fig 137


When you activate the box, enter the value. For a roof slab thickness put 0.30 m. and a height of 3.00 meters (2.70 + 0.30) to "Current Story" (Fig 137): if you leave the value zero you insert a floor.

Fig 138

Fig 139

In "Floor Plan Display" you have also to change the thickness of the contour lines and colors of both lines and filling. Under "Cut Surfaces" in "Cut Fill Pen" the rectangles, by default, are always green, (if you have not already used the tool); put the color black or gray. Scrolling the folder, under Cut Surfaces, find "OUTLINES", be sure that in "Uncut lines" there is the Solid Line. Otherwise click on the line and choose Solid Line, click on "Uncut Line Pen" and on the arrow of the small rectangle choose "Black 1": Ok to close. In the last section about the "Model" you can choose the materials. For a roof slab click the small arrow to choose the coverage and the materials; e.g. "Roof-Asphalt Shingle Brown". Finally click the OK button. In the information bar, you can choose several Geometry Methods, but there are only three with tools slab: Fig 140

Select the method of polygonal construction, click on a summit of the plant; it appears a line with which you can trace the perimeter of the entire plant, if you want to make a single floor, otherwise you can just trace the affected area to a portion of the slab floor covering or flooring.


In fig 141 you have an example just for a single piece of coverage (or floor with measures in the settings of 0.00). You can proceed as seen for the fills, clicking edge to edge. Clicking on a starting node and using shift to maintain the vertical and /or horizontal plant, click on the node where the boundary changes direction (at the following edge the pencil becomes black). Continue to click node by node up to close the perimeter as shown in fig 142. Fig 141

Fig 142

To realize on the contrary, the covering slab, click on the nodes of the entire perimeter.

Fig 143


A covering floor cannot be built at a plumb line to the wall. It is necessary to add a ledge. Select the whole plant in order to highlight the nodes (black dots). To make the ledge, or EAVES, take a node (edge)> palette> move node> shift + R> enter a ledge, for example 0.50,> enter. This action must be done for each node (edge) around the perimeter, or with shift + mouse you can align to the previous node. If the slab matches a node of the wall, you have to change the position of the node with "tab" (button of capital letters on the keyboard) as an element of selection.

Fig 144

Fig 145

Fig 146

In the figure 145 you can see the full ledge (a continuous blue line). You can check the operation in Axonometry. To insert the floor go back to the Slab command in the toolbar and open the window "Slab Default Settings": first set 0.00 value to " Current Story" so that the slab, you create, can become the floor. Now you can, optionally, run a single floor or change the materials to distinguish the different areas. In "Model", for example, you can choose the Marble White 01 for the living room, a Tile for the bathroom and a parquet for the bedrooms, as in Figure 147.


To enter the materials in every room, proceed node by node, as seen previously. Delimit a zone at a time; for example, begin with the floor of the living area by entering the marble. Delimit the next area, the bathrooms, for example, change material and go on to fill the rooms. Fig 147

NB: it can happen that after creating the floor this overlaps with all the other elements of the plant and whenever you want to select a specific object (for example to change part of the furniture), the pointer could "hang" only the floor-fill, not allowing any operation. So you must select the floor and with right key> Display Order> Send to Back, put below all the other elements. This will happen only in the plant, without changing any value; then in the 3D slab/floor it will not move (Fig 148). Fig 148


Lesson 3.2) SECTION To perform a section of the project select "Section Tool" from the toolbar; double-clicking it, you’ll have the usual default.

Fig 149

In this window you can assign a reference ID, the name of the section (instead of section 001, put A-A), and choose the view depth (Horizontal Range: Infinite). Fig 150

Fig 151


First, in the "Marker" folder (in Fig 151 on the previous page), choose line of orientation of the section, for example "Dot & Dashed" or with the small black arrow choose the type of line. Then "Continuous or Segmented" and "Marker Head at the Ends." Fig 152

Then set the character (like Word) and the height for both letters and symbol. In "Marker Head" choose a symbol, that is the style to be attributed to the section, using the small black arrow in the bottom right; such as Style 3. In the " Model Display " you can choose whether to display the colors of their elements into cutting or matching the colors of both Cut Elements and Uncut Elements. It is recommended, for the sections, to click on "Uniform Pen for Cut Elements" and to control the example of Fig 152. Scrolling the folder you can choose whether or not to insert the shadows; besides the choosing of the color you can define the angle and the altitude of the sun. Fig 153

Finally click on the button OK. To enter the section line at the wished point scroll the mouse horizontally or vertically cutting the plant, and then double-clicking it, you have the section line.


Fig 154

To see the Section select line section, even if you just see it, click on it with the right mouse button; a window appears in which you can select "Open Section". Fig 155

If the arrows and/or letters are too large or too small, proceed in the following way: Select the section line and right click> Section Selection Settings open the folder Marker where in Built in Section Marker you can change the sizes until they go well. The computer develops the section automatically. Click F2 to come back to the plant.



Fig 156

Remember that the "shadows" are in the subfolder Settings default under "Model Display". To change them "tick" Vectorial 3D Hatching and Sun Shadow; enter the desired values. To remove them, delete the check mark.

Fig 157

SECTION B-B (not in your plant)

Fig 158

To make changes, or any other operation, you have to bring the section on the worksheet where is the plant. Select all> right click> copy. Close the window with "x" (the small black one), return to the plant and paste the section: enter key. No tool must be active, now simply delete by Can button, after having selected the interested part, any part considered superfluous. Remember that when submitting a project, it must be structurally "clean".


Remember that the sections should always be listed vertically. Example with Section B-B cleaned by furniture, with measures.

Fig 159

Lesson 3.3) Section or Elevation (prospectuses) To make a prospectus proceeds as seen in the section, but the line of the prospectus must be external to the plant. By tool "Section" or "Elevation" open the settings window (Fig 160) and operate as above, pay attention that the ID must contain the cardinal points (North, East, West, South). Remember: the line of the prospectus must be drawn outside the plant; select the line> Open Elevation> enter. (Fig 161).

Fig 160

Fig 161


In the prospectus you must include the shadows The prospectus, as the section, must be brought on the worksheet, where the plant and the section are, in order to perform operations; repeat the procedure just seen previously for the section. Fig 162

This figure is however a "clean prospectus" (it can be used to change something, to enter different shades, to mark a thicker line of the ground level, etc.). Fig 163

Let’s modify, for example, the table shown in Fig 163. Our project is in wooden structure; change the white fill with a wooden fill of plank type. Select a fill as shown > right click > Fill Selection Settings:


Fig 164

you have the following screen: Fig 165


Click on the small arrow of "Air space" and select the fill "Plywood"

Fig 166

Before you close you have to change the color of fill, otherwise, white on white screen, you cannot see anything; choose gray (n. 61) for a statement in black and white. Fig 167


The result is the following:

Fig 168

You can change the rest and put the shadows:

Fig 169

Let’s modify, for example, the table shown in the figure, or let's replace the white wall with a colorful plastered one. Select the wall of the prospectus> right click> Fill Selection Settings; clicking a window appears in the figure in which you must modify the Fill with Solid Fills. Click on the "Air Space"> small arrow> Solid Fills> Foreground (Air Space key is now named Foreground and is stored).

Fig 170


Then choose the color. In line with Foreground there is a black pen with the fill, a number and a key of the same color of Foreground. Click on the button and you have the choice of colors for the wall; the figure shows the color 114. Click OK and Enter. Fig 171

The prospectus will appear colored as in the picture. In the event that the fill does not appear in the prospectus just select wall > right click > Display Order > bring to Front.

Fig 172

Unlike the sections, the prospectus must have shadows to give a sense of depth. Therefore it’s necessary to insert them before making the prospectus, or after, as follows.


Double-click on the tool Section or Elevation to have the window Section / Elevation Default Settings. So in " Model Display " change the values "Sun Azimuth" and "Sun Altitude"; try to set Sun Altitude at 45.00 °, as shown, and "check" Sun Shadow. Ok and Enter. Fig 173

Opening the prospectus it will look like this:


Fig 174

This example was done with the front prospectus; if you want you can try exercising with other prospectuses, possibly by changing both the colors, to see their differences, or the shadows, or using different materials. In the realized prospectuses you see shutters on the windows. Now let's see how to insert them; click on the top of the window and open Window Default Settings. Fig 175

Scrolling with the arrows the different pages of the settings window, get to Sash Options; click on the small arrow and choose the option Sunshade Settings.


Fig 176

Choose, finally in the Sunshade Settings, Type and Panel Style and click OK.

Fig 177


You can now enter the sunshades clicking on the walls or directly in 3D. If you want to change the color of the sunshades select the last button on the right of the bar Sunshade Settings; you’ll have the following window.

Fig 178

You can try, for example, with the color blue.


Fig 179

Fig 180

As an accessory you can add a handle to the door; double-click on Door to open Door Default Settings. Fig 181


Go to settings hinged door and scroll pages until you get Door Leaf Type and Handle; click on the handle to open the window in the figure, where you can choose the handle of your choice (Knob 2) and insert it, for example, in the front door. Remember that, by clicking on the handle, the door opens.

Fig 182


Lesson 3.4) AXONOMETRY 3D

Fig 183

Before achieving a 3D image, select from the palettes "3D Projection Settings" of Figure 184, to have the following figure: Fig 184

If you click on the icon little house, Custom axonometry, you have a window from which you can directly choose the desired axonometric view; click on one of these and you will immediately see the selected view in the model at your left. If you need to have a different view among those proposed simply vary the values of X, Y and Z, in Îą for the angle and h for the size.


Fig 185

If you move towards the bottom you can find the image of the building in the middle of two orbits; on the first is located a camera, on the other the sun. By moving the camera on the orbit the construction will have a rotation on the plane and the same can be done by changing the value of azimuth. Moving the sun, on the contrary, you go to change the position of the shadow and the light, and the same can be done by changing the values in Sun Azimuth. By clicking on the icon below "Sun", a window appears, Figure 186, where you can change the color of sunlight and the environment and decide to insert the fog and in what intensity. Also you can choose the city where you are and enter the date and time when you want to see the 3D. Fig 186

After setting all the parameters click OK to return to the project.


Finally, click on the icon "Axonometry" and the computer automatically will draw the 3D image. Fig 187

Fig 188

To rotate the 3D click the "Orbit" icon.

Fig 189

To explore inside the building you must first enter the "3D Window" in "Perspective" to turn the moving man (Explore Model), in Figure 190. Click Explore Model> "Explore 3D information> Explore 3D. you can enter "virtually" in the building with the arrows on the keyboard.

Fig 190



Fig 191

To create a perspective view you can enter, as before, "3D Projection Settings" and click "Perspective Settings" or the icon Perspective in Fig 192 and then "3D Projection Settings".

In any case you have the screen as in Fig. 193. Fig 192


From this window you can change the height of the camera, or the height of the viewer, and the target that is the point to display. The distance is the space between the camera and the Target; the azimuth is the angle that is generated between the camera and the Target; the cone of vision is the focal opening of the camera; rotation allows us to rotate the image on the Y axis; Sun altitude and Sun azimuth work as you have seen previously for the axonometry.


Click on OK coming back to the plant; click on the icon “Perspective� and the computer will give you the image. Fig 194


Fig 196

To generate an axonometric cutaway you must first open the "3D Window", then opening the axonometric project with "Elements in 3D View" > 3D Cutting Planes ... ". Alternatively, after viewing the axonometry, you can directly get the same result with Ctrl + Shift + Y pressed simultaneously. Fig 197


Fig 195

This opens the "3DCuttingPlanes" window, in the figure, which is divided into four quadrants where you see a front view, a side view and a view of the plant of the project. Fig 198

In the first quadrant you can select the image where you want to generate an axonometric cutaway, drawing a horizontal line with shift + R, as in Fig 199. Fig 199


After drawing the line you’ll have an eye instead of the usual mouse pointer; click at any point above the drawn line, to generate the cutaway of the image. Fig 200

Click OK and return to the project.

Fig 201

Now click on the button "3DCutaway" (look it up on the top bar) and it will generate an axonometric cutaway Fig 194. If you do not find it View> Elements in 3D View> 3D Cutaway


Example of an axonometric cutaway:

Fig 202

If you want to create different cutaways you need to change the cut line. Repeat the procedure to return to "3D Cutting Planes" and click the "Delete All Cutting Planes"; There is thus a new line (for example, oblique) and you can proceed as above. To return to 3D ENTIRE you need to do the following procedure: from the top of menu bar, open "View" > Elements in 3D View > 3D Cutaway. To change the plaster, both internal and external, you can operate here in 3D. Just select the wall, click with the right button, click Wall Selection Settings and in Model change the color (plaster) of walls.




TWO-STORY BUILDING, MANAGEMENT OF STORIES, STAIRS, FURNISHINGS AND ACCESSORIES Lesson 4.1) MANAGEMENT OF STORIES After creating the Ground Floor, you can enter other stories, both above and below it. In this project we want to build a two-story building: so let’s create a story above the ground floor, or a First Story. It is necessary to set the parameters of stories. From the menu bar at the top, open "Design" and "Story Settings. Fig 203

(This process can be shortened by clicking the Settings button, located in the bar Navigator in Fig 204) ; with both methods you have the window in Figure 205.

Fig 204

Fig 205

From here you can create or delete the different stories, choosing their Elevation and their difference in level (Height to next), or better the height of progressive stories. To create the top story (1. Story) click on the item Insert Above.


The new story is created: rename it “ First Floor� and set its Height to Next to 3,00m (for different levels the value of difference in height must always be of 3.00m, since the height of a floor is obtained from 2,70 m of the wall plus 30 cm of the floor). The voice Elevation indicates the height in level of the story (e.g. The ground floor is at a height 0.00 m, while the first floor is at 3.00m, the second at 6.00 m, etc.) Fig 206

After inserting the stories and setting the parameters click OK at the bottom right, to exit the window. If you want to delete a story just select it and click on "Delete Story". From the Navigator bar , on the right of the screen, you can choose the story to work on, by clicking on the floor concerned. In the bar of the Navigator click twice on item First Floor; The worksheet appears white, because the story has not yet been drawn.

Fig 207

Now to design the story of the first floor, follow these steps: from the menu bar, going on View, activate the trace function. Fig 208

On the worksheet is displayed the story of the ground floor in a transparent way, it serves as a guide (Fig 209) to build the first floor right in line with the floor below.


Fig 209

You can start drawing the first floor on transparency starting from the top left corner of the building; draw a wall of 11.60 m

Fig 210

Then continue with a wall of 10.00 m as in figure 204; be sure the construction is always in line with the plant below.

Fig 211


Proceed and complete the plant with the measurements shown in the figure, but watch to the left "open" part, because you will close it with a curved wall. Fig 212

Keep selected the command WALL , change the geometry with "Curved":

Fig 213

Taking always reference to the plant below, locate in the intersection of the wall and click (Figure 214); soon the circle with the guideline appears. Keep the guideline straight and hook to a wall: at this point you will see only the part of the circle you have to draw (Fig 215). Fig 214


Fig 215

To close the drawing, hook the next wall and click to get the result of fig.216

Fig 216


You can now draw inside walls. To speed up operations, here is shown the plant listed with all the measures of the inside walls with a thickness of 0.20m. Fig 217

To get the view of the realized single-story, you can eliminate trace from "View" and remove the check mark to "Trace", but now you should still keep it to complete your work.


Lesson 4.2 Dors Windows Slab To finish the plant enter doors and windows, according to the example in the figure, and the methods seen in the previous lesson. The windows are French windows going outwards. In fact for the double room (at the top right of the plant) you will insert a balcony, while, for the other two windows, insert a flat roof, practicable as coverage.

Fig 218

Draw now the balcony of the double bedroom. Start with a wall thickness of 0.40m and a height of 3.00m which in practice will be continued both in length (0.90 m) and height of the bearing wall of the downstairs (it is also known thanks to trace). This will be useful also for the support of the next roof covering. Let’s complete it with the wall on the right:

Fig 219

Fig 220


Now you can draw a wall to close the balcony, straight or, as in the example, even curved. To facilitate it, from the toolbar, select the "command line" to create construction lines; proceed to draw a first line between the two walls already drawn and a second one on the center line of the first one, perpendicular to this, and 0.90m long. Fig 221

Select the Wall command from the toolbar, by setting height at 0.90m and thickness at 0.10m, and from Default Settings, in Structural -Bearing, select the Geometry Method "Curved - Circumference":

Fig 222

With this activated tool, click on all the three points circled in the figure. Fig 223

The construction line of the circumference will appear.

Fig 224


Click again, and the wall will be placed; then delete the construction lines and design the floor balcony with the criteria seen in the previous lesson (remember you are on the first floor).

Fig 225

To draw the perimeter of the terrace, you have to report all the measures necessary for its construction (Fig 226). Obviously, also in this case you must give a look to the trace, to have a "guide" to arrange the walls.


Fig 226

At this point the trace can be deactivated from View> Trace. First you must enter a Slab - floor between the ground floor and the first floor, otherwise you will have two detached floors. Then select the tool "Slab" from the toolbar and activate the polygonal method.

Fig 227


See, however, "Slab" in Lesson 3, just to perform the floors and the slab of the terrace, the procedure is identical. Select (only the parts, if you want to diversify the materials) and click on all the vertices of the perimeter concerned. For example in the "Model" of "Slab Default Settings" you can put a parquet in the rooms and tiles in the bathroom, while both in the balcony and the terrace tiles are needed for outside as "fired tiles" (see next section 4.3).

Fig 228

To get an overview, just to check the work done, open the 3D Window and Axonometry; you should get the result of fig 230. Fig 229


Fig 230

For prospectuses or sections of the building, from the toolbar click on Section or Elevation command and draw the lines of the plan or section depending on what you want to achieve. In this case two lines are represented in the figure for prospectus. Fig 231


This is the example of the first prospectus.

Fig 232

This is the second one.

Fig 233

As you can see a prospectus is "clean": so you can insert the color on the walls and the shadows. Exercising it is recommended to perform also sections.


Lesson 4.3) Furnishings Once the plan of the first floor is completed, you can furnish it; open from the toolbar the command "Object" and enter all the furnishings (necessary for subsequent interior rendering). In the figure an example of a complete furnishing of the first floor.

Fig 234


As a result of the arrangement of the first floor, you have to make some small changes on the ground floor. For example, there are now too many rooms; so you should replace one with a study (bottom right). You can also introduce the floors and paint the furniture; in this figure you have a new example of plants furnished. Fig 235


First floor

Fig 236


In the examples, coverage (the Roof) still lacks, it will be the object of next lesson. Meanwhile, here is an example of a complete building.

Fig 237


Lesson 4.4) THE STAIRS As you may have noticed in the above example, it has been inserted a stair to connect floors. Let's see how. To enter a stair, click on the Tool "Stair" in the toolbar. Fig 238

The window "Stair Default Settings" will open. In that screen you can choose the type of stair to use; set the sizes, materials, etc ... In the ArchiCAD 16 Library, click on "Complete Stairs 16" and choose, for example, a Stair U-Shape 16. Fig 239


The first step is to enter the general dimensions of the stair (length, width and height), as shown next. Fig 240

The parameters of width and length can be inactive if in the "Parameter> parameter Type" is enabled option "No. Of Risers per run ".

The "little square with internal X", in Default Settings, at the top right, indicates the insertion point on the plant. Clicking inside the preview, the cursor becomes a curved arrow; click and the stair rotates of 45°, 90° at a time. In "Relative" you may insert, instead, any value of angles. After having entered all parameters, please click on OK, and click on the space of the plant to enter the stair; here is the following figure: Fig 241


If the space is too small or large, or if the location is not correct, you can adjust the stair by selecting it and using the commands of the palette to move , enlarge or shrink it, etc., or you can go back and reconfigure the settings. You need now to create a hole to go upstairs; go to the first floor and select the slab concerned. Activate the slab command from the toolbar, then activate the polygonal method and place your cursor at one end of the stairs, as shown in the following figure. With the active command move node by node on the perimeter of the stairs, now go back to the starting point, and when the pencil cursor turns black, click to obtain the result of Fig 243. When the part of the slab is white in color, it means that the emptiness was created. Fig 242

Fig 243

As you can see, for manufacturing requirements, in the part of the first floor, the emptiness of the stair is not complete to allow access to the rooms; in figure 244 you see the result.


Fig 244

For further check, open 3D:

Fig 245


Lesson 4.5 Create Stair

In addition to the types of pre-defined stairs, there is the possibility to create custom stairs, in order to adapt them to every need. To create a custom stair click on "Create Stair". Fig 246

The window "Stair Type Selection" there is a wide range of types.

appears, where

Use the first two buttons at the top to choose Create Stair or Create Slope; then click, as an example, on the stair U-Return Winder.

Fig 247

Fig 248


The first thing you notice is the amount of information required in Geometry Settings; so only check the difference in height (3.00 m or 3000mm) and the Tread Settings, practically the ratio Riser + Run. Once defined the measures click on the "padlock" to lock them. Fig 249

Fig 250

As you can see a part of the stair is highlighted in gray and all the steps included are inclined; the white steps are perpendicular to the walking line that is the line that indicates the direction of ascent. You can change the interval of irregular steps with the mouse. Move the cursor within a gray step and click; when the treads become white, interval is reduced and the step assumes a regular trapezoidal shape, as in figure. Fig 2451

Caution. Be sure to define a fanned section without inclined steps, overlapping or intersecting, in that case a warning message appears when attempting to save it. An error occurs if you do not respect the relationship Riser + Run.

Fig 252

Bottom screen, you can click "Check Stair" and then. "Save As.." and enter the name in the editable space.


The new stair is saved in the "Embedded Library."

Fig 253

Under "Embedded Library", you can find Linked Libraries; click it and the usual ArchiCAD Library 16, by default, appears.

Fig 254

In these types of stairs you can round or chamfer the corners of the ramps. Move the mouse cursor on one corner of the stair until you see a perpendicular symbol. Click and you have the window "Corner Setting". If you choose "chamfer" and "Fillet" it appears an edit field to enter values. Fig 255


In this case with "Fillet" the result is obtained in fig. OK to close and see the result both in plan and 3D. Fig 256

Fig 257

As you can observe the railing is suspended in the air, it is not attached to the stair. In fact, the realization of a stair is a complex operation. At the left of the window of settings of the stair created "Stair.gsm" several buttons appear, worthy to be discovered. To introduce the railing, create a new stair, that is with ramps of different lengths, more suitable to our plant; this also allows you to gain more experience with these commands. Fig 258

Choose Single Winder U Return. Check the values given and that they are all locked with a padlock. In particular, note the difference in level of 3.00 m. and the lift of 0.15 m and the tread of 0,30m, the optimal values, and the lengths of the first and second ramp that are different. Fig 259


Let us now examine the buttons to the left of the screen, in Geometry Settings. The first is the one already seen and that allows you to enter all the data of the stair.

Fig 260

The second to choose the structure, or the ability to make steps in "cantilever", a nd the type of material for the supporting structure; in this case “concrete�, but you can do the staircase of wood and steel. Fig 261

The third one to choose the protrusion of the step compared to the previous one and to choose the coating of the tread of the step.

Fig 262


With this window you can choose how to represent the stair plan (20 types), the symbol of the beginning and the end of the step line and attributes for pens (you should always have color black where colored squares or rectangles appear).

Fig 263

With this window, finally, you can fix the railing (in wood or metal) and, as in this case, putting the uprights. In Railing Setting click on Simple Surface and choose Post with Panels. Fig 264


Once you have settled all the settings, you can return to plant, remove the old stair and adjust the new stair in the space you have just created. Fig 265


You can check the result in 3D;

Fig 266

Axonometric view of the stair just created. Fig 267

Fig 268


Lesson 4.6) Stair Spiral Let us now examine another important type of stair the� stair spiral� (default), both because it is a very common type of stair, and because it has a different procedure to create a vacuum. Go back to the toolbar, select the command Stair and open Stair Default Settings; from the library "Complete Stairs16", choose "Spiral Stair 16" (Figure 262), set the sizes, materials, various accessories and all the customizations you want. Click on OK.

Fig 269

Now you can enter the stair in the plan where you want it. Consider the position of the inside arrow, it indicates the point of arrival. It is clear you can move, rotate, etc. the stair, by the relative paddle. Just select the stair and use the black dots. Fig 270

For exercise you can think to move the entrance in the plant on the ground floor, and to place the spiral staircase as shown, to allow direct access to the terrace.


As noted above, you have to pierce the slab; with the navigator bar move to the first floor. Select the slab and activate the tool Slab. Bring the pointer in the middle of the stair (where you have also the guidelines) and click; the cursor changes into the " check sign" in the center, then a black pencil and a white one. Fig 271

Draw a line from the center to the perimeter where the direction of rotation of the stair ends, and click. With the command of the palette, "Arc by centerpoint", when activated it forms a circle; from the perimeter back to the center of the stair until the circle is on the perimeter, and click. Fig 272

Fig 273

Rotate with the white pencil of the cursor of the mouse the black line you created for 270° degrees clockwise. Fig 274

Fig 275

Click on the perimeter and still click. Only a clove remains green and it is the landing; the white part indicates the vacuum, practically the ceiling has been removed. Fig 276


Finally turn the stair until you get the position shown in figure. Fig 277

Remember that in the final plan you must fix a railing because there is the vacuum of the stair.

Fig 278

Fig 279

Double click on "Object" and in the dialog default settings, in Library on the left, look for "1.4 Building Structures 16 > Concrete Structures 16" and click on the "Fences and Railing 16". Select the railing, and in "Rail Settings" put the values for its length and height, in this case 1.00 m and 0.90 m. Fig 280


Example for entering a railing.

Fig 281

View of the staircase in 3D. Fig 282

In "Stair Type Selection" if you choose the stair "Spiral with Newel" you get the following figure:

Fig 283


Lesson 4.7) ACCESSORIES (Furnishing) In this section we introduce a method to use, as furniture, particular elements of complement or accessories, such as a vase of flowers on a table or a picture on the wall. Let's start with the first example. Consider some of the living room furnished as in the figure; the green part is a carpet and the white one a coffee table. Now we want to put a vase of flowers on the table. Fig 284

Double-click on "Object" and in the "Object Default Settings" click on "Decoration 16", in the "1.1 Furnishing 16". In the screen below a list of ornaments (few) appears; click "Vase 16". Fig 285


Enter, in Preview and Positioning at "by Current Story", the height of the laying of flower pot which must coincide with the height of the table 0.45 m. Other values are standard and fixed, you can only change the height of the composition (0.60 m). Ok to close. Note that in the screen at right in the figure, the vase is not represented in plan, as before, but in axonometry; I suggest you to try all the buttons to the side to see the other views.. Fig 286

Back in the plant and click on the table. If you do not like its position select the vase and with the right key move and still move, you can place it in the center or in a corner of the table. Fig 287


Fig 288

As you can see in plant, the design is not significant, you must check it in 3D. If the command is not present, I remember you the procedure; from the menu at "Window" click on "Toolbars" and check "Visualization 3D" to bring up the paddle on the worksheet. Fig 289

Click in Axonometry and Orbit to obtain the view in Figure. Even in 3D you can move the object with select > right click > move > move.

Fig 290

Fig 291


Now suppose we want to put a picture on the wall next to the window. You can now work in plant or in Axonometry (as shown in figure) as you can also intervene in 3D.

Fig 292

With active "Orbit", you can choose the best view of the wall to insert the picture. Fig


Fig 294

Double-click on the command "Object" to open the "Object Default Settings". As for the vase, choose "Decoration16" and as you can see there is only one picture: Click on the "Picture 16". I remind you that in the second lesson there is a section that allows you to enrich the library with many new furnishings.


Fig 295

In "Preview and Positioning" you must intervene in (remember that the values can be in mm): - "To Current Story" that is the height on the wall from the plane of the floor: 1:00 m., where you can insert the picture. - Width and Height; if you want to enter a square picture, put 1.20 x 1.20 (1200 x 1200 mm). - Thickness: leave what set in default.

Fig 296

Take care at the right of the view, under "Relative": this angular value is important since it varies depending on the position of the wall. In our case, 180.00 °; Click OK to close.


Go back in the plant and double-click on the wall; check in axonometry. Fig 297

I remind you that if you select the picture and with the right key > move> move, you can move its location. This is the picture by default, but of course you can add other images also customized; let's see how. First choose a photograph or an image, copy it on the desktop and name it, for example "Photo Edi" as shown: Fig 298

“Photo Edi�

This picture must now be loaded in the library of ArchiCAD. From the "File"> "Libraries and Objects"> Library Manager ... and click.


Fig 299

In the window appearing, click on "Archicad Library 16" and "Add ...": The screen of the desktop appears; find the picture (Photo Edi), double-click. Fig 300

Fig 301


In the "Library Manager" click on OK. As you can see under the heading Embedded Library now there is the image named “Photo Edi. JPG�. Now open the window "Object Default Settings", click on "Decoration 16" and "Picture 16" and open "Parameters"; under "Use Custom Picture" click on the square and activate the command. Fig 302

Fig 303

Fig 304

On the command line appears the "Custom Picture Name". Click and, in the blank, enter the name of the file; example "Photo Edi". OK to close. Now you can go back to plan or axonometry and click on the wall concerned.

Fig 305


Enlarge the image to control it.

Fig 306

To exercise go positioning another picture, for example the image in figure, on the wall above the sofa. Here it is not repeated the procedure, but some images as a solution.

Fig 307

Repeat the process; at the end of the work you should have this solution.

Fig 308


You can check in detail both in axonometry or orbiting; You can also change the sofa as shown in figure: Fig 309

Fig 310


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Coverings and roof Lesson 5.1 Roof Pavilion type To create a covering or a roof, select Roof from the tool bar. The geometric form of a roof, the surface covering a building, is determined by one or more flat inclined surfaces, said brim. The brims are realized always with the same pitch (slope), starting from ridge lines of the same level. The roof can be of pavilion type, or with as many brims as the sides of the perimeter of the building, or a roof with separate brims. In this lesson we are going to examine the different possibilities for the construction of a roof: a classic covering pavilion type, a roof construction with wooden frame, a roof with separate brims.

EXAMPLE 1 - ROOF: PAVILION TYPE Let's start with an example of automatic covering, the procedure that allows you to build the roof directly with the settings of ArchiCAD.

Fig 311

Open the usual settings window from which you can change everything about the roof: height from the ground, pitch (slope), thickness, material, etc. ...

Fig 312


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In "Geometry and Positioning" you can set the height of the roof from the ground, or from the floor where you are, that is 2700 mm to Current Story or 5700 to Project Zero. In the second part you can set the width (200 mm) and the slope of the roof (we recommend an angle of 16%).

Fig 313

* You can’t always modify these values; in this case you need to go to STRUCTURE and "Cut Fill"; enter a fill NOT in the subfolder "Composite Structure",(Ex. wood in Symbol Fills) otherwise, I repeat, the values are not editable. You can draw the roof into two methods: single-plane and multi-plane.

Fig 314

Select "Geometry Method multi - plane" from the bar information; to draw the coverage click on each corner of the building to cover, closing the polygon, with the same procedure as above for the slabs. Fig 315

Before you enter the settings on the subfolder "Multi-plane Geometry" in the settings; on the right box set at Level 1. The slope of the brim (recommended 16 percent), while in the lower left in the offset, insert a value of 600 or 800 mm for the cornice.


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Fig 316

Note that the curved wall has been cut with a straight segment: we will see the procedure to follow the shape of the wall. After closing the perimeter and coming back to the starting point, click and have the pavilion type roof.

Fig 317


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Sight of the covering:

Fig 318

In the window 3D

Fig 319


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You can now also make changes to the shape of the roof, for example to create a curve that follows the wall below. Select the roof, as usual, it turns green:

Fig 320

After selecting the roof, go to the concerned area, the one shown in the picture, where you have to select the green continuous line.

Fig 321


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Once you select the line, you have the palette; click on the second command.

Fig 322

After selecting the command you can make the change to the roof: simply align the created curve to the curved wall: Fig 323

Final result in plan: Fig 324


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As you can see there are many nodes in the curved element. Remember that if you need more, you can always add them. The concept is important because you will need it in the chapter on the Mesh. You can finally notice, remember that if you haven’t yet done it, you need to enter the furnishings.

Fig 325

3D sight. Fig 326


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Lesson 5.2- Construction of a roof with different inclined planes (pitches). To proceed with this type of roof, select Roof, from the toolbar. In the settings window, choose “Geometry Method Single-plane” and “Construction Method: Rectangular” Fig 327

Fig 328

Fig 329

Open the “settings window” and set the desired values, such as height positioning, thickness and percentage of inclination. Now click OK and proceed to draw the plane of covering; moving the cursor on a wall it will change shape, (a reversed Y), but positioning it on an edge it will change again and will have the shape of a “V”.


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After selecting the covering, you will have again the plan where you must first choose the location of the brims and, above all, the ridge line where you are going to meet the brims; in this case the central supporting wall. Position the pointer on the center line or on one side of the supporting wall and click once. Fig 330

A line appears (get it straight with SHIFT) and extend it to the opposite side of the building. Click again creating the direction line, the cursor changes into an eye that is the directional control, or changing the slope of the plane depending on the position of that eye above or below the line. So in this case, so that the plane has the slope towards the balcony of the double bedroom, position the eye below the line of direction. To simplify everything, we can say that the eye should be positioned in the opposite side to the inclination of the plane. The cursor now takes the shape of a pencil, click on the start point of the direction line and move to the opposite corner.


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Once completed the perimeter of the first part (the red line in the figure) the brim is ready. So when the cursor will have hooked perfectly the starting edge, click again and the brim will be generated automatically.

Fig 331

For the creation of the other plane of coverage, do the same but choosing "Construction Method: Complex Roof":

Similarly draw the construction line as above, carefully draw the line coinciding to that already designed.

Fig 333


Fig 332

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Once created the brims, you can intervene on curved wall, aligning the roof line with that of the curved wall, using the method already explained, or you can simply do a covering like the one in the picture:

Fig 334

In the figure there is the cornice, this operation already seen. First select the brim, click on a node, make it straight with SHIFT + R: enter the value to stretch the brim (eg. 0.60 m). Repeat this process on all the nodes of the perimeter; ENTER and the change is made.

Fig 335


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That is the final result: Fig 336

If you enter the 3D, you can have this result.

Fig 337


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Select the two brims, click on the black node on the bottom of the roof and through the command on your right, bring the roof at the same height of the side walls. Fig 338

Fig 339

Note that the walls of the building do not join the roof. Back on the plant, select all the walls and in the window Wall Default Settings put up existing measures of at least 2 m just to create the design in the picture: Fig 340


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Now you have to cut all the walls in excess. Select them all and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 0, to have the screen in Figura. Leave setting "Crop Element Top", because in this case you have to eliminate the top part to the brim. On the contrary, if you have to remove the side below the covering, you must change the setting with "Crop Element Base". Click on “Crop and automatically the roof is generated.

Fig 341

Fig 342


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You can also proceed as follows: select the walls interested, right click> Crop to Single - plane Roof: Fig 343

Once clicked you will see the screen in Figure 343: then you can proceed in the same way. If you like to undo the cut, even one wall, select it, settings menu, Undo All Crops.

Fig 344


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There are cases in which if you bring the planes at the same level of the wall, one of the two does not match, as in the case in the figure; you can also perform this operation with the purpose to have separate planes with different slope. Fig 345

Continue as before: the first thing to do is to increase the walls to the left going in the settings walls and increasing the height. Subsequently cut the surplus parts, both right and left, with the window and the process seen in Figures 341-342. Fig 346


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Lesson 5.3 TOOL ROOFMAKER This tool allows you the "Guided roof creation�, practically the creation of a roof with wooden frame. You need first a covering ready. Select all the roof and from the menu Design> Roof Extras> Roofmaker> Roof Wizard, open the settings window. Fig 347

Click on "Show RoofMaker toolbox" in order to let shortcut keys appear on the worksheet for the creation of the roof. The methods of construction are then two, but in this example we will use "Roof Wizard" where you must manually enter the values of the components of the roof structure.


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Open the configuration dialog tabs. You need to set the sizes of each element of the roof; Click then, in succession, on Rafters, Beams, Purlins, Trimmers, Ridges. You must enter sizes for each item, the Width and Height, and where required, the distance between the elements. It is recommended to leave the default values for the moment: to get the real size, in fact, the roof must be designed in addition to understanding the elements forming the structure of the roof.

Fig 348

The material is wood; choose the type, for example, the Pine and click on OK. The construction components are now inserted and the roof is generated automatically.

Fig 349


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3D sight

Fig 350

Structure of the roof

Fig 351


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The created structure can be mixed with a covering of tiles:

Fig 352

Select the roof and with a special scoop up the roof until it aligns with the structure created: Fig 353




LE MESH Lesson 6.1 Mesh piana Well, we’re going to examine the use of an important tool: MESH. Select the tool MESH in the toolbar and open the Settings window: Fig 354

Fig 355

In "Geometry and Positioning" you can choose the thickness of the soil, the type of mesh and where you can place it.


If you choose to create a flat mesh, you have the same methods of construction of the floor or of the fills: the method Polygonal, Rectangular, Rotated Rectangular or Regular Sloped. As you see in the settings window there are three different types of mesh. After you have designed it in the plan, you can display it in three ways, in the 3D view :

- Create Superficies In this way the mesh will be represented by a surface without thickness. Fig 356


Create Skirted Superficies

In this way you can give a thickness to the mesh, and you have the edges around it, but the inside part remain empty. Fig 357

- Create Solid Bodies

This way you can create a mesh completely "full" , with a precise thickness. Fig 358


Now, enter the mesh in your project. After selecting the command "Mesh", and setting all the parameters in the settings window, choose the method of construction "Create Solid Bodies" and press OK. To get the mesh, draw and extend a rectangle in plan; the process is identical to the construction of a slab. The result is as follows: Fig 359

And 3D view

Fig 360


As you can see in 3D view, the soil overlays the slab because both at the same height. Therefore it is necessary to pierce the mesh, with the method used to pierce the slab for the insertion of a staircase. Back in the plant, select the designed mesh, select the command Mesh in the toolbar and redraws, node by node, the perimeter of the plant; when the polygon is closed, you will see a small window (New Mesh Points) in which you choose "Create Hole" and press Ok. Fig 361

You can also click on the mesh, click on a black node and select the command "Subtract from Polygon" from the palette you see. Add, finally, a floor around the house; the result is the following. Fig 363


Fig 362

Fig 364

Lesson 6.2 APPLICATION: MESH - RETAINING WALL Here's NOW, how to create a mesh with a slope. Draw a Mesh as already seen. Click on a node (as shown): you have a palette in which you choose "Elevate Mesh Point":

Fig 365

Fig 366


Automatically the window "Mesh Point Height" appears, in it you can enter, for example, the value of 5,00 m. Do the same for the other node.

Fig 367

The ground takes the form as in the figure:

Fig 368

As you can see the house is partially underground. You can intervene in various ways. Let's start, for example, excavating the ground, making flat the land where the house is located, constructing a retaining wall on the ground, as assumed in the following figures. First, with the wall command, draw a wall 0.40 to 0.50 m. of thickness, 3.50 to 4.00 m. of height, and enter it in the plant as shown.


Fig 369

Fig 370

Now let's see what are the steps to perform this operation. Back in the plant to give new heights to the mesh.


Select the mesh and click anywhere on the perimeter of the mesh (X red bordered); It appears a palette where you can choose "Insert new node". Enter two nodes for each side of the created wall and repeat the same operation for the other edge of the wall. Fig 371

Fig 372

Now click on the top node, as shown, and automatically you have the window "Mesh Point Height" that has already a value that you can leave so. Fig 373


Repeat it for the right node. Now simply click on the bottom left node and enter the value 0.00 m. Fig 374

Do the same for the bottom right node to get it in 3D, the following figure: Fig 375

Another important application of the MESH is the creation of sloping soils, but with contour lines, because buildings do not arise only on flat ground or with a fixed slope.


Lesson 6.3 Creating a 3D ground by contour lines Let's create a ground by contour lines. First, draw, by the tool mesh, a plot of land of size m. 30x50. For convenience, build a rectangular mesh of 1 meter in height.

Fig 376

Fig 377


Go on, drawing the first contour line to 7.00 m (with the command line) away from the bottom of the plot; trace a reference line. Fig 378

This line will be useful in the next step for the creation of contour lines; so, as in the following image, draw all the necessary guidelines for the whole plot, according to the distances indicated and reported.


Fig 379

Draw now by the Spline tool the contour lines within the mesh respecting the guidelines just created, similar to the figure.

Fig 381


Fig 380

Do the same for the remaining contour lines. Fig 382

Now you have to give "volume" to the lines drawn in the mesh so that they are recognized as 3D points of the mesh itself. To do this, select the mesh you created and then the Mesh tool from the toolbar (the guidelines you had drawn can be deleted).


Fig 383

Fig 384

Simultaneously hold down the Ctrl key and the spacebar on your keyboard to make the icon of the "Magic Wand" appear; click on the first contour line. "New Mesh Points" menu appears, in it you can specify whether the contour (the contour line) on which you clicked, must create a hole in the mesh, or new nodes. Choose "Add New Points" and from the drop down menu choose "Fit to User Ridges"; Click OK.

Fig 385


The curve is now an integral part of the mesh.

Fig 386

Do the same for the other contour lines until you get the following result.

Fig 387


As you can see in the 3D window, these new points you created have the same height of the initial mesh. Fig 388

Now you have to set a height for each contour line. Select the mesh designed and Mesh tool from the toolbar and click on a point of the first contour line; here is the palette where you choose "Elevate Mesh Point". Fig 389


Here you have the dialog window "Mesh Point Height" automatically: In Height enter the difference of the curve of 0.50 m and under the heading to " Mesh Reference Plane " activate the checkbox "Apply to All" and then OK.

Fig 390

In the plan you will see all triangulations according to the height of the various points. Fig 391


Do the same for the next contour line by entering the value of 1,00 m. Fig 392

Proceed by entering various heights for each contour line as shown, with the heights of the next figure.


Fig 393

The result will be as follows:

Fig 394


If you want to make the plant "clean" without triangulations, select the mesh created and open the window of settings. In "Floor Plan and Section" open the subfolder "Ridge Selection"> "Show All Ridges" and choose "Show User Defined Ridges".

Fig 395

Fig 396

You will have this result in plant, being able to remove the spline.


Lesson 6.4 Sistemazione casa nella mesh If you like to have rounded corners, instead of sharp ones, re-open the window of the settings and, in "Model", choose "All Ridges Smooth".

Fig 397

Now that the ground is molded you can enter the project: going to place it, you can see the effect of the slope, the ground "will enter" inside the house as in the example below: Fig 398

Fig 399


Arrange the building in the best location possible: to ease move the mesh or, better, up the house, to minimize the changes you need to do. Fig 400

Once you find the right position, you can fix the plot: first back to plan, select the mesh and mesh command from the toolbar to create not only the hole, but also some landmarks.


The hole created, as seen in the figure, will have many points, but this is due to the slope of the ground. Fig 401


It is necessary to provide the ground shaping.

Fig 402

Fig 403

Its adjustment may take place directly from 3D; raise the first points, or select a point of the ground and by the command elevate, move up hooking the base / platform. Do the same for the other side.


Fig 404

Go on its side and proceed with the same operation: Fig 405


You need to do the same operation also on the other side of the building, while as regards the back side of the building, you can provide a retaining wall to obtain a homogeneous course of the ground, as in figure. Fig 406

Fig 407


Lesson 6.5 MESH - Access ramp to the underground floor. We now want to build an underground floor and an access ramp, for example, to a garage. You must first redo the mesh defining well all the points, (it is clear that more will be the points more precise and defined will be the design; and all of these points will be elevated by the command "Elevate Mesh Point") or you can continue with the example created. First realize an underground floor (precisely a garage, that is, a part of the building to height, for example, -3.00 m below the study); in the dashed area (or continuous, defined with the command line) in the figure, you will perform, at a later time, an access ramp. Fig 408


Select the existing mesh, also select the mesh command from the toolbar, and pierce the mesh. Fig 409

Fig 410

Now, for the realization of the ramp, draw a mesh in the perforated area, to fill the hole.


Fig 411

Then set the height of -3.00 m on the red squares of the mesh edges.

Fig 412

You get the result in figure, just the creation of a ramp.


Fig 413

You can now place the window of the study, to add retaining walls for the ramp, which also act as a bulwark, and a floor to access through the ramp. Fig 414




Beam and Column Lesson 7.1 Beam tool and Column. If you want to build a wooden gazebo for your garden, you need two tools: Beam and Column. Let's start with the first command. To select “Beam� click on the appropriate icon: you have the classic window "Beam Default Settings".

Fig 415

Fig 416


In Geometry and Positioning You can define all of the beam parameters and the shape it should take; because, as well as the classic rectangular shape of the beam, you can use different profiles. To view them, click on the icon in red, said "profile" Fig 417.

Fig 417

After clicking on the icon, under "Structure" click on the arrow (to the right of the item "Complex structure"), in order to bring up the window, where you can choose the type of profile: Fig 418

First, let us see construction methods, although we often use the first one. The construction methods are four and they are:


- “Geometry Method Single” Fig 419

With this method it is possible to create a beam at a time. To create it, run a first click to select its starting point, choose its direction by the cursor position, and by a second click choose its ending point. To create a perfectly perpendicular beam, as usual Shift + R.

- “Geometry Method Chained” Fig 420

This method, similar to the above, allows you the creation of multiple beams connected to each other: - “Geometry Method Rectangular” Fig 421

With this method you can directly create a series of beams arranged in a rectangular or square shape: - “Geometry Method Rotated Rectangular” Fig 422

This method of construction is similar to the above too; the only difference consists in the choice of an axis of rotation, which, in fact, allows you to create the set of beams already rotated.


Suppose, now, you wish to position a wooden cover (gazebos), successively, in the garden for the realization of external renderings. - First create a main beam long 7.00 m (section 10 x10 and with a ground clearance of 2.30 m); once set the values click anywhere on the sheet and holding SHIFT + R enter the value.

Fig 423

- Now create the first secondary beam (10 cm high, 5 cm wide, with a height of 2.40m from the ground) 3 m long and 30 cm from the start of the main beam. As usual you can locate it at the beginning and then move it by shift + R of 30 cm.

Fig 424


- Then insert the other secondary beams, using a distance of 40cm. Select the beam> right click> Move> Multiply: Fig 425


Multiply screen appears; choose "Drag" and enter the value of 0.40 to "Spacing", click on "Spread" and Ok

Fig 426


Back now to the drawing, click on the node of the beam to be multiplied, and as you move to the right you’ll have the beams created and automatically placed at the same distance. Fig 427

When finished, close the command by clicking with the pointer at the end of the main beam. Fig 428

To complete the drawing, you must add another main beam parallel to the first one; select the first beam created, right-click> Move> Mirror a Copy (Fig 429).


Fig 429

The pointer takes the shape of a "v" and moving to the center line of the first beam, the sign indicating the exact middle will appear:

Fig 430

Click on that point and you will generate the new beam; put it in place by SHIFT and click to close the command: you’ll have the following figure.


Fig 431

Finally, to ensure that the structure is completed, place the pillars. From the toolbar, select the Column command. These ones will have 2.30m in height and the size of 0.10 x 0.10 m. Fig 432

Fig 433


After setting all values, enter in the drawing by clicking the necessary pillars, at least three per row as in the figure. If an error occurs in the location, enlarge the drawing, and place the pillar, by selecting it with the command "move". Fig 434

You will get the following result: Fig 435


Lesson 7.2 Making structural plan The project is executed with wooden supporting structure, practically, the walls support the slab. With acquired tools you can achieve a "structural plan" where the slab is supported by pillars and reinforced concrete or steel beams (of course leaving out the necessary calculations to the actual sizing of the structures). From the toolbar, select the command “ Column� and open the settings window: Fig 436

Fug 437

Fig 438


Set the parameters, in particular the height, the shape and the size of the column:


Fig 439


Size or Dimensions

Select the square shape, set a height of 5.70 m, to have them full height where there are the two floors, and 2.70 under the terrace; as the size, it depends on how thick is the wall. In this case you have the walls 0.40 m thick, even the pillar size will be 0.40 m or 0.35 m, if coated. Once clicking ok, place the first column. After entering the first one, select it and by move command and Ctrl on the keyboard, create copies of columns. By clicking on each edge, and according to the diagram shown in the figure, enter all the columns. Fig 440


After entering the pillars you can enter the beams. Click on the BEAM command on the toolbar; It appears the usual settings window, where you can insert the width of the beam, its thickness and its shape: Fig 441






Fig 443

After selecting the thickness of 0.30 m, the square shape and the width of 0.40 m, click ok and combine the columns with beams, up to create the drawing in the figure.


Fig 444

Once you have done you can repeat all the steps for the second floor by matching perfectly the pillars and beams with the help of the transparency, up to create the drawing in the picture:

Fig 445


You can also run and extrapolate the structural plan in the following way. Fig 446

From "Edit" select "Find & Select". The following window appears:

Fig 447

Insert in "All Types" first columns and then Beams.

Fig 448

Fig 449


After inserting the beams and the columns in the plan, they automatically appear selected: as the following situation:

Fig 450

Now just make a copy of the structure and extrapolate it by the copy command: the same you can do with the ground floor. Fig 451


Lesson 7.3 Application: construction of a porch. By beam and column tools you can perform various things. Let us now see another application: the construction of a porch. You want to realize a wooden porch in the living area: so, you will use, as a support base, the small retaining wall created with mesh. Begin with the placement of the beams. From the toolbar open the beam command and set its values: recommended the rectangular shape (in Geometry it is always square) 12 x 16 cm. Fig 452

Fig 453


Back in plan, positioning the beam as in figure. Fig 454

If you open the 3D view, you can see that the beam is straight: you must give it the slope to be able, later, to support the brim of coverage.

Fig 455


Open "Beam Default Settings" and Geometry and Positioning, at Horizontal or Inclined voice enter the value (recommended 10 °). Fig 456

As we intend to make a porch, the cover must be inclined and thus the beam too. Select the beam and set a negative slope; just put a minus sign "-" in front of the inclination value. Fig 457


Fig 458

Now you can add other beams with the same parameters as before.

Fig 459

Fig 460


Now let’s create columns. In Geometry and Positioning, and in Column Default Settings, choose the shape of the column and enter its values. In our case click on square shape with dimensions of 12 x 12 cm. at least, or as you did with beams, of 12 x 16 cm. Fig 461

Fig 462


Back in the plan and with a click place columns as in the figure.

Fig 463

You can also add other columns, smaller or of circular shape or inclined, as in the last two examples.

Fig 464


As final step you have to enter the cover brim. For the brim, set a height of 3.00 m, sizes as shown in figure, remembering to give the same inclination given to the beams.

Fig 465

Fig 466

So you can draw the brim.


Fig 467

In the plant

In 3D

Fig 468


Once finished, you can proceed with the construction of the porch on the other side; the procedure and the method are always the same. It can happen that between the junction of the two brims, it can be a mistake as in figure. This is given by the fact that the long brim is narrower than the other, so they have the same inclination but don’t join.

Fig 469

To correct it, select that brim directly from 3D, take the node as illustrated in figure and with the command "Change Roof Pitch" drag the node to the desired location:

Fig 470


They will change uniting the brims.

Fig 471

Fig 472


Proceed to a last step to fix everything, changing the angle of the brim beams, changing the previous value, in Geometry and Positioning, with what appears automatically and shown in the figure. Fig 473

You can see that it was also inserted a column at the intersection of the brims. Fig 474


A complete view of the operation.

Fig 475

Fig 476

On this page you can see another example of the porch, combined with the wooden color of the house and the roof type pavillion. Fig 477


Lesson 7.4 Construction of a gazebo on the terrace. Always with the same tools and with the same method you can also build a wooden gazebo for a practicable roof. Select the command beam and in the t settings window, default beam enter the measurements as shown:

Fig 477

Now draw the beam (in segments) along the entire perimeter of the wall facing the terrace up to create what is shown in the figure:

Fig 478


Draw then the two side beams parallel to the walls just to the point where the round wall starts.

Fig 479

Merge finally the two beams as shown in the figure:

Fig 480

Now select the two beams highlighted in green and make the changes you have in the settings window, in particular the slope of - 4.00 ° (to give then, the sloping to the roof beams and to the structure itself).

Fig 481 Fig 482


Let’s now introduce the columns, select the column command (round) and enter the measurements shown in Figure.

Fig 483

Place them in the four edges shown in the figure:


Fig 484

Now consider only the selected beams in green. You must lower them to a certain level so that the top half is inclined; to do that, put the same measures shown in the figure. You can also check it in 3D. If you don’t like it, you can make attempts to give a different slope as you better like.

Fig 485

Fig 486

Now select the 3 columns on the bottom and change the height, with the same measures written in the settings window:

Fig 487


Select, finally, the column at the top and in the settings window set 2.70 m in height. Open the 3D window to check if your result corresponds to what is shown in the figure:

Fig 488

Build now the coverage of the structure. Begin selecting beam and entering the data shown in figure:

Fig 489


Once entring measures, you can draw a beam as shown:

Fig 490

Now draw parallel beams, with shorter dimensions and after attempts: play a bit with the paddle to shorten or lengthen the beams, until you get the result in the figure.

Fig 491

After creating the coverage, change the beam in the figure (green), giving it a movement that reflects the curved wall in front of it, as in Figure 494.

Fig 492


Click on the center of the selected beam, it appears where you can select the first command "INSERT NEW NODE"; Once selected, you can move the beam, up to create the example below: Fig 493

Fig 494

Finally go on 3D:

Fig 495


Fig 496

Fig 497


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Capitolo 8 RENDERING Lesson 8.1 The Lights Lightworks (Internal Rendering). The aim of this chapter is to see how to perform the rendering or the "picture" of the executed projects. We begin with the internal renderings. It is 'necessary, to start, to include in the project three lamps, using the tool "Lamp": "WindowLight, Sky Object and Sun Object". Clicking the icon twice, you have the classic window "Lamp Default Settings". You can choose the three lamps within the folder "Lightworks 16", which is in the "ArchiCAD Library 16". Fig 498

Fig 499


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In "Lightworks 16", you find icons of three types of different lights: - Window Light 16 - Sky Object 16 - Sun Object 16 Now let's see, first, the object Window Light; we will see the other two objects later in order to make a broader and complete lesson about lights. -

Window Light This lamp must be used in conjunction with windows or openings and, as you can see in the picture, it simulates the behavior of the sunlight coming from 'outside; so you must place it inside of the frame. Fig 500

Selecting the icon and ok, you have the light element to be positioned; in the particular beside, the magnification of inserting of "Window Light". Enter, therefore, the light element adjacent to all windows, as shown in Figure 502. It is important to remember to set the sizes of the object, so if the window has a base of 1.20 m and a height 1.50 m, you have to report these same sizes to "Window Light". It is also important that the lighting color must be white in "Light Intensity" parameter. Fig 501

Fig 502


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It’s important to remember that: - The arrow appearing in plan indicates the direction of light and its intensity, which can be increased by clicking on hotspot on the top of the arrow. - The Settings Window allows you to set light intensity, shadows and light resolution. - The "Light Resolution" parameter can be set with values ranging from 0 to 5; the more you increase this value, the better is the result. - The option "Cast Shadows" enables or disables the shadows created by the light of the window. - The "Shadow is soft" option improves the definition of boundaries, producing softer and more realistic shadows. - The "Shadow Quality" parameter provides to define the quality and details of shadows. - The "Rotation Angle" allows you to tilt the object Light Window ………. - The "Set Sun Position Manually" option allows you to enter the Azimuth and Elevation of the sun independently for the current object. Then enter the "light elements" adjacent to the windows and open the 3D views, "Perspective Settings", setting the visual cone of, for example, 75 °. Fig 503


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Open the 3D window to see the light element inserted (note the reflections in the window and in the door).

Fig 504

Now open the window "Photo Rendering Settings", and set the parameters as shown in the window frame in the figure. Fig 505

Turn off the "Sun" sources and "Ambient�, and set the value of " Camera "at 80%.


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To see the full effect, open the rendering (clicking on the camera). Renderings, depending on the power of computers, take time for the realization of the image. Fig 506

In the example of Fig 507 rendering of the kitchen. Fig 507


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Lesson 8.2 External renderings. After fixing and compiled the 3D model, of the building and external, you can begin to create the Photo Rendering.

Fig 508

First, go to "3D Projection Settings" to fix some parameters.

It appears the same window of the previous view, where you can set the position of the sun and the parameters of the point of view: Fig 509

On the left side, you can see a small preview of the project plant, where there are the sun and the position of the point of view (with the visual angle representation). Using the cursor you can move manually both the position of the sun, and the position of the viewpoint. On the right side , however, you have a number of parameters that allows you to set the values of the sun and the point of view through numeric values. All values can vary according to your needs, except the one concerning the "ViewCone" which you ought to leave on the 55°, otherwise you get a view too crushed. Clicking on "More Sun" you can set the parameters concerning the light and the sun automatically (choosing date and time of the day, the location and the altitude of the sun will change accordingly). The following window appears:


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Fig 510

You can also set the view of the 3D model in order to control variations and solutions directly in real time. Set now the project with the best possible view, for, once chosen all parameters and the external solutions of the building and of the site, you can follow the steps to create the photo or rendering. Fig 511


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Now you can work on the lighting parameters, taking the two basic items that we talked about at the beginning "Sun Object" and "Object Sky", because they are the two objects to "light up" really the rendering. To include them, as usual, go on the "Lamp" in the toolbar. The following window appears: Fig 512

Go to "Lightworks 16" and enter into the worksheet, next to the map to any position, the "Sun Object" and the "Sky Object".


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Fig 513

Let's start with the Sun Object. As with all objects, you can change the settings in the "Parameters" folder. Fig 514


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You can vary the Number of Light Sources (1 to 20), the Diversion Angle (with a zero value, the light beams are parallel to the shadows), and the Cast Shadows, which can be either active or inactive. You can also set by Different Sunset / Sunrise Color red, green and blue colours, and finally, by "Set Sun Position Manually" you can vary the azimuth and altitude of the sun. In the "Lamp Default Settings" select, finally, the "Sky Object": Fig 515

and open "Parameters" folder.


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Fig 516

To start, click on the color folder and change the color to white. In "Sky Object Type" you can choose between "Quick Method" and "Realistic Method". In Quick Method choose Latitude Resolution and Longitude Resolution and to activate or not the shadows wiyh their quality. The Realistic method works in the same way, but you have to choose the Number of Samples; the higher will be, the greater the calculation time, but the quality will be much better. Fig 517


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Before generating a rendering you must set all parameters: so go to Document> Creative Imaging> Photo Rendering Settings. Fig 518

Or you can click on the first icon in the top bar:

Fig 519

This window appears, and you can set Effects, Background, Brightness, etc. The main difference is in the choice of used Rendering Engine . Fig 520


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It is now necessary to spend a few words about "Engine" used by ArchiCAD. All the "Creative Imaging" proposed in this chapter may be realized by the methods hitherto listed: axonometry, perspective and 3D (as Fig. 511). However different types of realization and visualization, can be done with the "Rendering", technically known as "photo-rendering or Image Model." The photo-rendering capabilities of ArchiCAD allow you to create realistic images of the model, as if it is photographed in the present state of the project and therefore allow you many more possibilities than those offered by the views created in the 3D Window. The various types of images of Photo rendering you can create, depend on the type of "Rendering Engine" you use. The main available engines are: - Internal Rendering Engine; - Lightworks rendering engine; - Sketch; You can choose them from menu "Document > Creative Imaging> Photo Rendering Settings. Subsequently, on the settings made, to create an image with rendering, you must choose the command "Document> Creative Imaging> Photo Render Projection". Now open the "PhotoRendering Settings" window, characteristics and the differences of the various Motors.




The windows for dialog of all the motors, "Effects", "Background", "Brightness", already have controls for Reflection, Transparency, Shadow casting, Colours, etc., we discussed earlier; the difference is the use of its available engines. - Internal Rendering Engine: This motor is mainly used for rendering with shaded surfaces, simple shadows and transparencies. - LightWorks Rendering Engine. This engine is the most sophisticated of the three, because it creates professional rendered images of the highest quality; - Sketch. As the name says, this engine does not produce renderings of realistic photos, but real "sketch" with a design effect as when you work with a pencil. Among the effects, in fact, in line style you have Pen & Ink, Felttip, Marker, Graphite, Pen and Aqua, etc. In "Sketch style" folder, there are files with predefined styles, you may try to use, as Pastells. Remember that once the work is completed with "Sketch" you have to see the result in Document> Creative Imaging> PhotoRender Projection ".


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Working with "Lightworks". In the usual window “Photo Rendering Settings� choose "Lightworks rendering engine". Fig 521


[Digitare il testo] To generate a rendering by Lightworks engine it takes a long time. To remedy it, you can disable the option Reflection in Lightworks Effects and set to Off the Antialiasing (Figure 521). In Lightworks Environment you can set the parameters related to the sun, which can be realistic or not, and choose what to see in the foreground. If you choose "None" the image will be normal, without any effect, but you can also enter the fog and even snow.

Fig 522

If you wish to generate an external rendering you can choose some colors or an image to the background to make a more realistic image. In the "Background" folder you have the opportunity to choose between Colors and Picture; setting Colors, choose the color for the sky by clicking on "Sky Color": the palette automatically appears and you can choose the color for the sky. You can perform the same procedure to assign a color to the ground.

Fig 523

Fig 524

If you click on Picture, you have a real picture to the rendering of the background. You can now choose in folders "Load Image from Library". Click on ArchiCAD Library 16, click on the Background Images 16, click on Photos 2048x1536 16, and finally click on Sky doudy1 photo.jpg.

Foto 525 Foto 526


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Of course through the list you can choose the "pictures" of the sky more suited to rendering and design situation.

Fig 527

Fig 528

If you want to change the background you can return to the window and click Change Picture; the window of the fig 524 comes back, there you can choose the new image.. Fig 529

The most interesting thing, really, is that you can import, upload and also insert your photos by clicking Load Other Picture. By clicking on "from File Dialog Box" you can choose the image from your desktop (as you did inserting paintings on the wall).


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Now you have set all the parameters for rendering. But remember to switch off in "Light sources" items Sun and Ambient, since you entered the sun and the sky objects in the worksheet. Fig 530

You can now launch the rendering with "Photo Render Projection" or click on the icon of the camera. You can notice that the chosen positions are equal, but it changes the position of the sun and consequently the shadows; then pay attention to all the parameters and possible solutions offered by the settings window (Fig 532 / 533) Fig 531

Fig 532


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Fig 533

Fig 534


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Lesson 8.3 Materials If you want to change materials in the render you can change the settings: then go to Options> ElementAttributes > Materials:

Fig 535

Here is The window "Material Settings", where you can change the parameters regarding material: its color, its way of reflecting light, its roughness, etc.

Fig 536


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Select the "Surf-White" material and set the following parameters: - In "Reflectance" window you decide how the material should behave according to the exposure to light. -

In the "Displacement" window you set the roughness or smoothness of the material. Fig 537


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In the fpllowing renderings you can observe the different color of the exterior walls, the different perimeter wall, the arrangement of the terrain. As an exercise you can try the various solutions can offer you the topics discussed in this chapter. Fig 538

Fig 539


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Based on the project carried out in the above figures, we can now see the process to simulate a render as if it was night, the characteristics to change the sky or to "turn on" the internal or external lamps in the garden and in the road. As you have already seen, in window menu “Document > Creative Imaging > PhotoRendering Settings”, open the window of settings and click on Background”. Click on symbol “chain” (near the frame Sky color, coming of uniform color), to unite the settings. Fig 540

Click on “Sky Color” to have the colour window: Fig 541


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Choose the color "black" and click on OK. For night renderings you must do this in order to have a better definition for the insertion of the sky. You can proceed, now, as already seen. Click on the "Background Image" and "Picture" to bring up the library where you can choose the background. For example in "ArchiCAD Library 16" click on "Background Images 16", click on "Photo1024 x 768 16", click on "Photo starry sky" (or "Sky sunset 3 photo", as in the figure), and finally OK. Fig 542

Fig 543

Remember, you can always use the "Change Image" button. You must now enter the lights. Click, in the command bar on the left, on "More" and then on "Lamp". Fig 544


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It appears the settings window. In ArchiCAD Library 16> Interior Lamps 16, you can choose the interior lamps, while in Street Lamps 16 you can choose both the lamps for the garden and the exterior ones for the road. To exercise you have both the settings of all types of lamps and their positioning. Fig 545

Fig 546


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In figure two night renderings, one with street lamps off and one with the lights on. Fig 547

Fig 548


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Lesson 8.4 Rendering Sketch With this method you can get views with various levels of detail, with or without fills, highly technical or more "artistic" To realize a sketch rendering proceed as for a normal rendering. So open the Document> Creative Imaging> Photo Rendering Settings:

Fig 549

It appears in the settings window. In the Engine directory you need to set "Sketch", as shown, and in Size set width and height of the image.

Fig 550


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Turn now to "Basic Settings" where in Sketch style you can find predefined styles, while in Line style you can choose various options: Set as "11_Tech_Pencil" and the line color as "Custom". In the "Enhancements" folders you can do some real improvements to the design and, opening all other settings, you can define the thickness of lines, fills and even modify shadows. The Background folder works as already seen for the external rendering. . Click OK and start the rendering.

Fig 551

You can get different " sketch rendering" according to the parameters you go to change, so you can do more tests. In the figures two views are proposed, but with the same technique.


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Fig 552

Fig 553


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Lesson 8.5 Camera

From the toolbar click on "Camera Tool " to open the "Camera Settings" window. Click on New to create a path; with Rename and Delete keys you can obviously rename or delete the path created. With the active tool you can place cameras in the plant. It appears an elastic line which serves to give the position and direction of the camera; in the plant you can enter how many cameras you want and they will be connected by a line that will be the actual path you will later see. Fig 554

Fig 555


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Fig 556

Now re-open again "Camera Settings" and click on Path in the lower left and you will have the next window, Path Options :

Fig 557


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In this window you can change the name of the path you created, check the animation and choose the type of path in the "Motion Controls". In the "Motion Resolution" you can set the number of frames between a camera and the other following in "Inbetween frames". In "Display Options" choose what to see in the drawing, so if you wish to see only the camera, only the path, both or nothing. Returning to the "Camera Settings" you can set the parameters for each camera, inserted into the project by selecting them one by one. For each of these you can stop the path for a specific number of images in "Wait here .... frames ". Fig 558 In the area below you can set the height of the camera, the aiming point and other as seen in the settings of the 3D projection. Now you can create a series of images or animation by opening in the window "Document," "creative representations" and then "Create Fly-Through". The following screen appears. Fig 559

In the area “ Source� choose the origin of the animation that can be 3D Window, Photorendering Window, choose if you want to use Pre-Set Parallel Projections, etc. Finally, by clicking on the Show button you have a preview, or you can click Save to store the work that will be saved in the "QuickTime" format. This method produces a fast and very simple movie, but the topic is used to introduce a very important program for the realization of the video: the Lumion.


CAPITOLO 9 DA ARCHICAD A LUMION This software allows you the creation of videos projected by ArchiCAD.

Once set up a complete project, through ArchiCAD software, you can transfer it to Lumion software to make a video. Let's see the steps. Click on "File" and "Save As." (But remember to save a 3d file and to transport it on Lumion, you must be in the 3D window).

Fig 560

Fig 561

After clicking on "Save As" the screen shown opens and you can enter the file name (LUMION COURSE) and in the second box (Save as) the file format, that is 3D Studio File. Click on "Save".

Fig 562


Fig 563

When you click on "Save" you have a new screen "Save 3D as object 3D Studio" where you set the scale value. Select " Types element-Materials" and in Drawing Units put "1000 mm"; click on "ok". After a brief loading the file will become a 3ds file and you can open it now by Lumion. You can then save the project, and exit ArchiCAD Fig 564

Now you're ready to open Lumion. Double click on the "Lumion 4.5.1" and the program will open. Lumion is a software distributed by Autodesk and it is very heavy; Therefore, to process images and videos it asks quite high requirements. For a good performance it is necessary: • IntelCore i7 Processor • Filing with SSD • Graphics card Nvidia Gforce 730 with minimum 2GB. The figure below represents the initial screen of Lumion where you can choose the environment in which to place the building depending on the context; clicking on the chosen image you will open the environment. In this case you choose the first image; be sure to stay on the number "2" box for a new project. Clicking on the box "4" is possible, however, to reopen the already completed projects and in archives.

Fig 565


The image below is, however, the main interface of Lumion 4.5 software. Through the various boxes placed left and right you can change the sky and the sun, the soil, import new objects or new buildings, insert other objects belonging to Lumion, such as plants, trees, cars, interior, lights, sounds and people. In addition to each of the four boxes located to the left, the box on the lower left will change with new indications. On the right you can find the work field where you can edit, add materials, change the soil and sun, the box that allows the execution of the rendering, the box that allows the video plays, the command to save.


Fig 566

Now you can proceed and import the project in Lumion.

Fig 567


Follow These 4 steps: Click on the "1" and the bottom opens a screen That Allows you to open the icon "2" Which opens a new icon where you can choose the type of 3dstudio files through the "3" icon and then, finally, choose the file with the icon "4" "Course Lumion" for example. After performing These steps click on open and Lumion Appears in the picture screen where you enter a name (of course lumion); Click on the sign V ".

Fig 568

After clicking the checkmark positions the house by clicking anywhere on the ground. Once you positioned the house it will Appear as shown below. Now you need to edit the materials according to the library that Lumion has available.

Fig 569


It must first specify the minimum controls needed to display the entire building. Fig 570

• • • •

"Arrow up" the view will move forward "Down Arrow" moves the view behind "Right arrow" the view moves to the right "Left arrow" the view moves to the left

• With the mouse button "SX" we can select the various objects by clicking on the ball under each of them and rotate them, raise them, zoom in, out, move them or delete them. • With the "Right" button and hold it down we can turn our sight • With the "ROTELLINA" We can perform the same movement forward or backward, and that can perform with "arrow up" and "down arrow". Fig 571

To edit you edit all of the building materials click on the "bucket" and later on casa. Remember that left materials equal in precedence over ArchiCAD will look the same on Lumion. Fig 572


It aprein down a strip with a "+" where we're going to add all materials: Fig 573

By clicking on "+", and later on the part of the house to be changed, such as the balcony, it opens the following screen:

Fig 574

This screen is one of the most important of Lumion program because it allows us to modify the materials and make them real in order to create a more interesting rendering. As we can see there are many pages to choose materials such as marble, brick, masonry, wood, parquet etc ... For our balcony you can take a brick that, in this case, it was dwarfed by the command "scale." Now you can change the glass of the windows by clicking again on the "+" button that lets you add a new material.


Fig 575

You can continue to edit the 'building changing, if you feel like, all of the wall materials, windows, roof and floor. Repeats again the same step: click on "+" then on the affected part (eg "the wall") and change the material according to the types provided by the program. Final example in the figure:

Fig 576


Now you can proceed to improve the external environment to ensure that rendering are as real as possible. Therefore it begins by placing a bit 'of trees at will by contouring the building. Fig 577

Click on the "1" then choose the icon "2" if you want to add a tree, an internal element, a person, a car etc ... In our case, choose a tree and click on the "3" to open the screen in the figure:

Fig 578

The image represents the screen of choice of plants to which the software has. At the top we have the boxes where they are given the various types while in the various folders have multiple varieties of plants.


After choosing the plant click on it and go to place it in the lot. If you want to change the plants repeat the passage again. Once the plants included in the lot will have a result like this: Fig 579

Now proceed by changing the position of the sun and the intensity and type of clouds.

Fig 580


Click on the "1" which is located in the left of the screen pop; clicking on this icon at the bottom you will have the icon "2" that allows you to change the position of the sun, the icon "3" that allows you to change the height of the sun, the "4" icon that allows you to change the intensity the sun and the clouds and the "5" icon that allows you to choose the type of clouds. Once defined the types of clouds and the sun's position can change the adjacent land. Therefore always in the dropdown click on the "1" located on the left, then on the "2" and then on the icon "3" appear and you'll see that the mountains behind the building. Fig 581


Once you arranged the soil can decorate with people and the 'environment objects to make it more real, by adopting the same method of insertion of the plants. In the drop down on the left click on the "1" (the one to choose the objects) and depending on what you choose to place the icon "2" if you want to add machines, the "3" icon if you want to add objects and on ' icon "4" if you want to add people. Fig 582

Click on the "5" and it opens the following screen where you can choose the person, the car or the desired object. Fig 583


(Remember that if you wanted to delete the object or person when inserted into the drawing, you need to click on the "6"). After entering persons, cars and decorations we will have a result like this: Fig 584

Now you can proceed with the creation rendering and video. Fig 585


First we click on the "1" located in the bottom drop down to the right and you will get the following screen:

fig 586

In this screen you can choose the type of format in which to save the image; Obviously the larger the larger format will be the duration of the rendering. Once you have decided on the format in which to save the rendering click on it and it will open the following screen where you can save in 1 with a name (" COURSE OF LUMION: RENDERING) rendering, and then click "save." Fig 587


After clicking on "save" the rendering will start automatically.

After the rendering by clicking on the "1" of the next picture you can go to the labor camp to make changes or make the construction of a new rendering.

Fig 588

Once the rendering can proceed with the creation of the video. Once back in the main work screen you can click on the "2", which opens a window where you’ll create the video.

Fig 589

The window that opens is the one side where you can select the "record" button that gives you the opportunity to take several pictures around our filmed and the program later, automatically, mount the video.

Fig 590


After clicking on "record" opens the following page where, for each view, you click on "take a photo".

Fig 591

Now run a few pictures around the building until you get the following result, a series of views from around the perimeter of the building: Fig 592


After finishing the picture you can click on the button "1" in the lower right: Fig 593

It opens another window, which is the previously edited video. Click on the "2" or "play" in the picture to get the video.

Fig 594


Once the video you just have to save it: Click on "Save Movie" on the bottom right of the screen and choose the video format. By clicking on "Save Movie" will open a window with the settings that we will leave the default.

Fig 595

Click on "Save movie export" and opens another window where you can set the video name ("OF COURSE LUMION VIDEO"); as a format you can give MP4 "files".

Fig 596


After giving a name to the video click on "save" and the installation of the video will start by itself.

Fig 597

It must be clear that the better the photos around our object of recovery, so the higher the quality of the video we're going to set the default settings and more, finally, will be the duration of the installation.


Appendix In the last meeting in Lanciano Italy , 15 to 21 May 2016, it took place the ArchiCAD Games . Based on an assigned topic , the students of partner schools were to draw up a complete project , articulated in the days provided for in the meeting calendar, to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the two years of the Erasmus + project.

Students and teachers Spain




Antonio Pérez Vázquez Emilio Antonio Barrio Veron Consolación Pedrera Salguero

Isabel Maria Marques de Almeida Lopes FaelMaria Leonor Borges Santos LoboSulamita Raquel Vicente Lopes

Students José Castillejo Redondo Álvaro Aumesquet García Jesús Hidalgo Fernández Borja Bermudo Viñuales Ana Muñoz Palacios Maite Recio Gil Alejandra Celeste Ruíz Díaz Laura Vanessa Díaz Gutiérrez Marta Ruíz Millán

Students Ana Rita Prata Gonçalves Margarida Alexandre Tavares Inês Lopes Mendes Cruz Ana Beatriz Calado Antunes Mariana Oliveira Matos Simão Pedro Real Pereira Sofia Carolina Ramos Dias Daniel Santos Duarte Mariana Marques Gil


Turkey Romania



Hatice Armağan Fatih

Savulescu Luminita, Stoica Niculina, Sandu -Macovei Razvan

Uyar, Arslan, Urhan.

Students Rümeysa Yilan, Ümmü Ay, Irem Nur Kocamanoğlu. Utkan Talha Çelik, Doğukan Şengün, Ergün Karakuş, Berzan Ildeniz, Barış Doğan, Hüseyin Aktürk

Students: Toma George-Catalin, Paun Denisa-Gabriela, Marinescu Adina-Nicoleta, Ghetu Andreea-Georgiana, Chera Robinson-Constantin, Gutu Marius, Brezeanu Cristina-Ionela, Dragan Radu-Valentin, Mandica Constantin-Alexandru

The Italian team Teachers Edi Tinarelli Sabina Di Florio Maria Carmela Inglese

Antonio Cicchini Andrea Troilo Andrea Marrone Alessia Tucci Noemi De Liberato Erica Di Carlo Miriana di Biase

Students Erika Carbone Arianna Di Camillo


The participating students had no knowledge of the software or the design in general coming from institutions with completely different fields of study ; the aim was to provide them with an alternative means for their future . These are the results of the projects awarded in ArchiCAD Games during the last meeting .

ROMANIA Paun Denisa-Gabriela Fig 598

Fig 599

Fig 600

Fig 601


ROMANIA Chera Robinson-Constantin Fig 602

Fig 603

Fig 604


PORTUGAL Ana Rita Prata Gonรงalves Fig 605

Fig 606

Fig 607

Fig 608


TURKEY Utkan Talha Çelik

Fig 609

Fig 610

Fig 611


SPAIN Jesús Hidalgo Fernández

Fig 612

Fig 613

Fig 614


In these pages , finally, it is proposed accomplishments , especially rendering , as other pupils .

PORTUGAL: Margarida Alexandre Tavares e Daniel Santos Duarte Fig 615


Fig 616


SPAIN: José Castillejo Redondo e Ana Muñoz Palacios Fig 617


Fig 618


TURKEY: Ergün Karakuş e Berzan Ildeniz Fig 619


Fig 620


TURKEY: Doğukan Şengün Fig 621


e Rümeysa Yilan

Fig 622


INDEX Designing through images Operative guide for Archicad -

Presentation Introduction Presentation of the Project

Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

pag 3 pag 4 pag 5

Chapter 1

Starting the program The Tool Wall Door Windows

pag pag pag pag

13 21 35 41

pag pag pag pag pag pag

43 55 62 65 68 70

Chapter 2 Furniture, Fill, Dimension, Text, Print Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Interior Fill Dimension Text Print Extra Furniture

Chapter 3

Slab and Floor, Section, Elevation, Axonometry, Perspective. Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Slab and Floor Section Elevation (prospectuses) Axonometry 3D Perspective Axonometric Cutaway

pag pag pag pag pag pag

75 80 84 96 99 100

pag pag pag pag pag pag pag

104 110 117 120 124 132 136

Chapter 4 Two-Story Building, Management of Stories, Stairs, Furnishings and Accessories Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

Management of Stories Doors Windows Slab Furnishings The stairs Create Stair Stair Spiral Accessories (Furnishing)

Chapter 5 Coverings and roof Lesson 5.1 Roof Pavilion type Lesson 5.2 Construction of a roof with different inclined planes Lesson 5.3 Tool Roofmaker

pag 146 pag 153 pag 162

Chapter 6 Mesh Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Plain Mesh Application: Mesh - Retaining Wall Creating a 3D ground by contour lines Placing the building in the plot of Mesh - Access ramp to the underground floor.

pag 166 pag 170 pag 175 pag 187 pag 192

Chapter 7 Beam and Column Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4

Beam tool and Column Making structural plan Application: construction of a porch Construction of a gazebo on the terrace.

pag pag pag pag

196 205 211 223

pag pag pag pag pag

231 236 249 256 259

Chapter 8 The rendering Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5

The Lights Lightworks (Internal Rendering) External renderings Materials Sketch Rendering Camera

Chapter 9 Lumion


Operating guide to “Lumion� program

pag 262

Appendix -

Processed the partners student of the project Erasmus +

pag 280

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