LEED Project

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LEED PROJECT HMS 410 SPRING 2012 Chelsea Arellano Rhonda Spencer Anthony Simbi

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LEED: Commercial Interior LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors addresses the specifics of tenant spaces primarily in office, retail, and institutional buildings. Tenants who lease their space or do not occupy the entire building are eligible. TOPICS Sustainable Sites (SS) Water Efficiency (WE) Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Materials and Resources (MR) Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Innovation in Design (ID) Regional Priority (RP) LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors certifications are awarded according to the following scale: Certified 40–49 points Silver 50–59 points Gold 60–79 points Platinum 80 points and above

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Sustainable Sites Overview: This credit addresses environmental

concerns relating to building landscape, hardscape, and exterior building Issues.

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SS Credit 1

Intent: To encourage tenants to select buildings that employ best practices systems and green strategies. OPTION 2: The Tenant space in a building that has in place 1 or more of the following characteristics at the time of submittal (1 – 5 points)

 Path 5: Heat Island Effect—Roof (1 point)

A building whose roofing has a solar reflectance index (SRI) of the following minimum values for at least 75% of the roof surface;

 Path 6: Light Pollution Reduction (1 point)

A building whose nonemergency interior luminaires with a direct line of sight to any openings in the envelope (translucent or transparent) must have their input power reduced (by automatic device) by at least 50% between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. After-hours override may be provided by a manual or occupant-sensing device provided the override lasts no more than 30 minutes.

 Path 9: Innovative Wastewater Technologies (2 points)

A building that reduces the use of municipally provided potable water for building sewage conveyance by at least50%, OR treats 100% of wastewater on-site to tertiary standards.

 Path11: On-site Renewable Energy (1-2 points)

A building that supplies at least 2.5% (1 point) or 5% (2 points) of the building’s total energy use (expressed as a fraction of annual energy cost) from on-site renewable energy systems.

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PATH 5 Heat Island Effect—Roof A building that has installed a vegetated roof for at least 50% of the roof area.

Summary of Reference Standards •

This standard describes how surface reflectivity and emissivity and combined to calculate a solar reflectance index (SRI) for a roofing material or other surface. The standard also describes a laboratory and field testing protocol that can be used to This standard describes how to measure total normal emittance of surfaces using a portable inspection-meter instrument. The test methods are intended for large surfaces where nondestructive testing is required. See the standard for testing steps and a discussion of thermal emittance theory. Referenced in the ENERGY STAR roofing standard, this test method uses spectrophotometers and need be applied only for initial reflectance measurement. It specifies methods of computing solar-weighted properties using the measured spectral values. This test method is applicable to materials having both specular and diffuse optical properties. Except for transmitting sheet materials that are heterogeneous, patterned, or corrugated, this test method is preferred over Test Method E1084. The ENERGY-STAR roofing standard also allows the use of reflectometers to measure roofing materials’ solar reflectance. See the roofing standard for more details.

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STORM WATER MANAGEMENT The GreenGrid速modules offer integral stormwater retention. The modules can retain up to 99% of a 1-inch rainfall. Rain water slowly percolates through the planted material, thereby slowing roof runoff during peak flows. In addition, building runoff is reduced, decreasing the demand on the storm sewer system. INSULATION A green roof insulates the interior of a building, reducing the amount of energy needed to heat and cool a building by 25 to 50 percent. Also, a green roof provides sound insulation. REDUCING THE URBAN HEAT ISLAND Building rooftops absorb a significant amount of heat during the day. This heat, in turn, is radiated back into the atmosphere, causing further warming. A green roof cools the air through the evapotranspiration. PLANT SELECTION The plants in each module are suitable for the Gulf Coast region and climate and are drought tolerant

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Proposed GreenGridÂŽ modules

An Extensive vegetative green roofs, ďťż which are 6 inches or shallower and are frequently designed to satisfy specific engineering and performance goals. Extensive design typically gives the owner the highest benefit-tocost ratio. In most climates, a properly designed Extensive vegetative green roof cover will provide a durable, low-maintenance system that can realize the many benefits that vegetative roofs have to offer. Extensive vegetative green roofs are designed to be virtually self-sustaining and should require only a minimum of maintenance.

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PATH 6 Light Pollution Reduction A building that reduces the use of municipally provided potable water for building sewage conveyance by at least50%, OR treats 100% of wastewater on-site to tertiary standards. Summary of Reference Standards: There are no standard referenced for this credit. HMSS Building’s nonemergency interior luminaries with a direct line of sign. 12 – 440 2 x 4 recessed fluorescents

LED 2x4 Fluorescent "Day Light"

AoTuroaLED LED Kit to replace fluorescent lighting used in 2x4 style ceiling T-bar lay-in fixtures. This kit has equivalent output to a fixture with four (4) T-12 fluorescent bulbs or two (2) T-8 fluorescent bulbs. Features: * Save Energy Cost - 50% less power than comparable fluorescent * Reduce Maintenance - last 10X longer * Easy Installation - only takes 5 minutes, no Electrician needed * Environmentally Friendly * No Hazardous Mercury * Complies with California EPA Title 22 Law for disposal of hazardous waste * UL Certified Safe - no threat of fire or shock * No More Flickering - no more headaches or eye fatigue * Eliminates Humming Noise "Save Green with LED" can retrofit all of these. Our system consumes up to 70% less power than fluorescent and last 10x longer so it will reduce your energy cost and maintenance bills.

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PATH 9 Innovative Wastewater Technologies

A building that reduces the use of municipally provided potable water for building sewage conveyance by at least50%, OR treats 100% of wastewater on-site to tertiary standards.

Summary of Reference Standards: • • • • •

U.S. Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 (and as amended) This act addresses energy and water use in commercial, institutional, and residential facilities. U.S. Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 This statute became U.S. law in August 2005. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Uniform Plumbing Code, Section 402.0: Water-Conserving Fixtures and Fittings, effective 2006. Publication IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2006 International Plumbing Code defines maximum flow and consumption rates for plumbing fixtures and fittings for use in public and private lavatories, showerheads, sink faucets, urinals, and water closets.

Student Occupancy: 100 90 female 10 male FTE Occupancy: 5 Total: 105 Number of Fixtures




3 Toilets

514 x 1.6 gallons = 822.4 gallons

514 x .8 gallons = 411.2 gallons


1 Urinal

2 x 1 gallon = 2 gallons

2 x 0 gallons = 0 gallons


2 Faucets

64 uses a day 16 min 2.2 gallons a min = 35.2 gallons

64 uses a day 16 min 1.1 gallons a min = 17.6 gallons


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As shown below, the SCOT faucet delivers 0.5 gpm for 30 seconds, for a total of 0.25 gallons. In the same time period, a standard faucet would deliver 1.1 gallons. That's a minimum savings of 0.6 gallons per comparable use

Steward速 S waterless urinal Steward Waterless urinals provide significant value to the customer by reducing water, sewage and maintenance costs. Waterless urinals can save 40,000 gallons of water per fixture per year, based upon a typical commercial installation. Further, this product has redefined the paradigm for urinal design and functionality by offering a virtually splash-free surface along with odorless, easyto-maintain performance.

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PATH 11 On-site Renewable Energy A building that supplies at least 2.5% (1 point) or 5% (2 points) of the building’s total energy use (expressed as a fraction of annual energy cost) from on-site renewable energy systems.

Summary of Reference Standards: • • • • •

ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1n2007, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers American National Standards Institute http://www.ashrae.org Illuminating Engineers Society of North America On-site renewable or site-recovered energy that might be used to achieve EA Credit 2, Enhanced Commissioning, is handled as a special case in the modeling process. If either renewable or recovered energy is produced at the site, the energy cost budget method considers it free energy and it is not included in the design energy cost. See the Calculation section for details.

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1000 square-foot building uses approximately 1146 kW per day 11092 (HMSS sq.ft.)/1000 = 11.092 1146kW per day x 11.092 = 12,711.432kW per day 12,711.432kW / 1000(convert kW to kWh) = 12.711432kWh 12.711432kWh x $.15 (charge per kWh) = $1.91 per hour 5% = $.10 2.5% = $.05 $1.91 per hour x 24 hours = $45.84 5% = $2.29 2.5% = $1.15 $45.84 x 365 days = $16,731.60 per year 5% = $836.58 2.5% = $418.29 Or an average of $1394.30 per month 5% = $69.72 2.5% = $34.86 The efficiency of a solar cell is measured by what percentage of the energy from the sun actually generates electricity. A solar panel receiving 1,000 watts of sunlight energy and generating 100 watts of electric power is functioning at a10 percent efficiency. Most commercial silicon solar cells average in the 15 percent range. The higher the efficiency of the panels, the lower the cost of the solar power generated. Incentives - Federal (FED) incentives are available for installing solar systems. A 30% FEDERAL TAX credit can be taken against FED tax liability, or a cash rebate from the DOE is also available for some qualifying systems. State Incentives and utility incentives vary. AC Unison PM250MA0 / PM240PA0 Its panel-level MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) function makes AC Unison systems perform better than traditional systems under shaded situations and result in a 5 - 25% more energy output.

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SS Credit 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity

Intent: To channel development to urban areas with existing infrastructure, protect greenfields and preserve habitat and natural resources.

Summary of Reference Standards:

There are no standards referenced for this credit

OPTION 2. Community Connectivity

Select space in a building on a site that meets the following criteria: • Is located within 1/2-mile of a residential area or neighborhood with • an average density of 10 units per acre net • Is within 1/2-mile of at least 10 basic services • Has pedestrian access between the building and the services.

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SS Credit 3.1 Alternative Transportation—Public Transportation Access

Intent: To reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use.

Summary of Reference Standards:

There are no standards referenced for this credit.

OPTION 2. Bus Stop Proximity

Locate the project within 1/4-mile walking distance (measured from a main building entrance) of 1 or more stops for 2 or more public campus or private bus lines usable by tenant occupants. There is a city bus that will take you to destinations around the city – Brazos Transit District. The fare is $1.00. Hours of operation are 5 a.m. until 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.

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LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


SS Credit 3.2 Alternative Transportation—Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms

Intent: To reduce pollution and land

development impacts from automobile use.

Summary of Reference Standards:

There are no standards referenced for this credit.


Provide secure bicycle racks and/or storage (within 200 yards of a main building entrance) for 5% or more of tenant occupants (measured at peak periods). Provide shower and changing facilities in the building, or within 200 yards of a building entrance, for 0.5% of fulltime equivalent (FTE) occupants. One existing bicycle rack with eleven spaces is within the required distance of 200 yards from the HMSS building’s entrance. Step 1: 100 Students and 4.5 employees Step 2: 36hrs/8 = 4.5 employees in building each day. Step 3: 4.5(employees) x .05 = .225 (1 bike space) 100(students) x .05 = 5 (5 bike spaces) Step 4: 4.5(employees) x .005 = .0225

(1 changing room)

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Bike Rack


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SS Credit 3.3 Alternative Transportation—Parking Availability

Intent: To reduce pollution and land

development impacts from automobile use.

Summary of Reference Standards:

There are no standards referenced for this credit.


Parking spaces provided to tenant must meet but not exceed minimum number required by local zoning regulations. Preferred parking must be provided for carpools or vanpools capable of serving 5% or more of tenant occupants. 4 Tenant Occupants

“preferred parking” refers to the parking spots that are closest to the main entrance of the project -exclusive of spaces designated for handicapped persons- or parking passes provided at a discounted price.

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Water Efficiency Overview: This credit addresses environmental concerns

relating to building landscape, hardscape, and exterior building Issues.

Intent: To increase water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems.

Requirements: Employ strategies that in aggregate use 20%

less water than the water use baseline calculated for the tenant space (not including irrigation). Calculate the baseline according to the commercial and/or residential baselines outlined below.1 Calculations are based on estimated occupant usage and must include only the following fixtures and fixture fittings located within the tenant space: water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets, showers, kitchen sink faucets and prerinse spray valves. Summary of Referenced Standards • • •

The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 (and as amended) This act addresses energy and water use in commercial, institutional, and residential facilities. The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 Uniform Plumbing Code 2006, Section 402.0, Water-Conserving Fixtures and Fittings UPC defines water-conserving fixtures and fittings for water closets, urinals, and metered faucets. This ANSI-accredited code safeguards life, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, installation, materials, location, operation, and maintenance or use of plumbing system. International Code Council, International Plumbing Code 2006, Section 604, Design Building Water Distribution System- defines maximum flow rates and consumption for plumbing fixtures and fittings, including public and private lavatories, showerheads, sink faucets, urinals,

and water closets.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Calculations Student Occupancy: 100 - 90 female 10 male FTE Occupancy: 5 Total: 105 Toilet FTE 3 x 5 =15 Students Men: .1 x 1o =10 Students women .5 x 90 = 45 Urinal Student: Men .4 x 10 = Faucet 15 seconds 2.2 gallons per minuet FTE 3 x 5 = 15 Student .5 x 100 = 50 Total 65 Number of Fixtures




3 Toilets

70 x 1.6 gallons = 112 gallons

70 x .8 gallons = 56 gallons


1 Urinal

4 x 1 gallon = .2 gallons

4 x 0 gallons = 0 gallons


2 Faucets

65 uses a day 16 min 2.2 gallons a min = 35.2 gallons

65 uses a day 16 min 1.1 gallons a min = 17.6 gallons


LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE PREREQUISITE 1 Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Overview Intent :To verify that the project’s energy-related systems are installed and calibrated to performing according to the owner’s project requirements, basis of design and construction documents.Benefits of commissioning include reduced energy use, lower operating costs, fewer contractor callbacks, better building documentation, improved occupant productivity, and verification that the systems perform in accordance with the owner’s project requirements. Summary of Referenced Standards: There are no standards referenced for this prerequisite.

Building Commissioning and LEED Commissioning Agents, Inc Andy Mitchell, PE, QCxP, LEED AP 8 Years with CAI Commissioning is not a side business; it is our core competency. We work in a cooperative manner with architectural and engineering firms, construction managers, LEED consultants, trades and clients to confirm that the Owner's Project Requirements have been met. We also ensure projects stay on schedule. We have served as the technically competent, independent commissioning authority on projects ranging from several thousand dollars to those exceeding $1 Billion.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE PREREQUISITE 1 Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Services Include: Project Delivery Management Commissioning Planning Protocol Development Design Review Construction Quality Assurance Commissioning & Start-Up Instrumentation Fundamental Commissioning (LEED EAp1) Enhanced Commissioning (EAc3) Total Building Commissioning (TBCx) Measurement and Verification (LEED EAc5) Submittal Reviews Operation and Maintenance Manual (O&M) Warranty Review Systems Manual http://www.plantext.bf.umich.edu/for.archs/com/FRONT%20END200 803.pdf Owner’s Project Requirements www.osborn-eng.com/DatDownloader.aspx?ID=390 Basis of Design (BOD) http://www.emh.org/assets/0/274/306/3268/6904/9e5a5007-63f34a3b-90ee-781cec496a89.pdf

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1.1 Optimize Energy Performance – Lighting Power Intent: To achieve increasing levels of energy conservation beyond the referenced standard to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use. Summary of Referenced Standards: ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1n2007, Energy Standard for Buildings Except LowRise Residential •

American National Standards Institute

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and AirConditioning Engineers

Illuminating Engineers Society of North America


ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2007 was formulated by ASHRAE under an ANSI consensus process. IESNA is a joint sponsor of the standard. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2007 establishes minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design of buildings, with these exceptions: single-family houses; multifamily structures of 3 habitable stories or fewer above grade; manufactured houses (mobile and modular homes); buildings that do not use either electricity or fossil fuel; and equipment and portions of buildings systems that use energy primarily for industrial, manufacturing, or commercial processes. Building envelope requirements are provided for semi heated spaces, such as warehouses.

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1.1 Optimize Energy Performance – Lighting Power Lithonia PT3 MV 2x4 3 Light T8 Parabolic Multi Volt Troffer

Product Specifications Calculation 1 •Installed Interior Lighting Power = Quantity by Type of Luminaires x Luminaire Wattage by Luminaire Type (wattage) •Installed Interior Lighting Power: 83 Light fixtures x32watts = 2,656 Calculation 2 •Interior Lighting Allowance using Space by Space Method = Gross Lighting Floor Area (sf) x Space Area Type Lighting Power Density Interior Power Allowance (watts) = 11673 Calculation 3 Lighting Power Reduction (watts) = Interior Lighting Power Allowance – Installed Interior Lighting Power (watts) Lighting Power Reduction = 11673 – 2656 = 9017 Calculation 4 Lighting Power Density Percentage Reduction = Lighting Power Reduction ÷ Interior Lighting Power Allowance x 100 % Lighting Power Density Percentage Reduction = 9017 ÷ 11673 x 100 % = 77.2 %

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Lithonia Lighting 3 PT3 MV 1 120-277 32 Electronic T8 Fluorescent N 24 48 4-1/2

Space Type

Lighting Power Density (watts/sf) Classrooms 1.4 Restrooms 0.9 Corridor/Transition 0.5 Lobby 1.3 Electrical/Mechanical 1.4 Office 1.1

Gross Area (sf) x x x x x x

5360 240 1092 1407 140 1257

Lighting Power Allowance (watts) 7504 216 546 1829 196 1382

Interior Power Allowance (watts) = 11673

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CREDIT 1.2 Optimize Energy Performance – Lighting Controls Intent: To achieve increasing levels of energy conservation beyond the referenced standard to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use. Summary of Referenced Standards: There are no standards referenced for this credit.

Daylight controls for 50% of the lighting load: (1 point) Install daylight responsive controls for 50% or more of the connected lighting load and demonstrate that 50% of the connected lighting load is daylight responsive. Daylight controls must switch or dim electric lights in response to the presence or absence of daylight illumination in the Occupancy sensors: (1 point) Install occupancy sensors for 75% of the connected lighting load.

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ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 1.2 Optimize Energy Performance – Lighting Controls

Day lighting Controls LightSaver® LS-290C Photosensor To be used in lobby where skylights bring in natural light.

Daylight Control Sensors Within 15’ of skylights


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ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 1.2 Optimize Energy Performance – Lighting Controls

These sensors can also be retrofitted with occupancy sensors LS-4C to be used in the classrooms, offices, and restrooms.

Total number of fixtures controlled x 100 Total Number of Fixtures

Occupancy Sensors Control: 63 fixtures x 100 = 77% 83 total fixtures

Daylighting Sensors Control: 12 fixtures x 100 = 14% 83 total fixtures


LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 1.4 Optimize Energy PerformanceEquipment and Appliances Intent: To achieve increasing levels of energy conservation beyond the prerequisite standard to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use. Energy Star Equipment

Water Power (watts)

Total Number in Project

Number Of Energy Star

Total Power In Project (watts)

Desktop Computers Projectors Refrigerator Office Printers Desktop Printer





Power that is Energy Star (watts) 2040

100 450 250 120

5 1 2

5 1 2 4

500 450 500 480

500 450 500 480

750 45 30 500

4 2 1 1 1

2 1 0 0

1500 45 30 550

1500 45 0 0

100 100

1 1

0 0

1 100 1 100 6097 5715 Watts Watts 93.73% Energy Star Watts

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Plotters Scanner Coffee Maker Vending Machine Microwave TV

ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 1.4 Optimize Energy PerformanceEquipment and Appliances

17 computers- for classrooms, offices, and the computer lab HP - Business Desktop A2W53UT Desktop Computer - Intel Pentium G850 2.90 GHz - All-in-One ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED Green Compliance 80 Plus|EPEAT Silver|Energy Star|ErP/EuP|RoHS

2 printers- one for the computer lab and one for the Design center. (Includes scanner) HP - LaserJet Pro CM1415FNW Network-Ready Wireless All-In-One Printer ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED

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ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 1.4 Optimize Energy PerformanceEquipment and Appliances

2 Large Plotter Printers Canon imagePROGRAF iPF6300 Inkjet Large Format Printer Color - 24" - 68 Second Color 2400 x 1200 - dpiUSB - Floor Standing - PC, Mac ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED

Infocus Projector 5 projectors for the classrooms and the Design Center Power Supply-AC 100 to 240V; 50/60Hz Power Consumption-210 Economode-1600 lumens; Noise: 34 dB Audible Noise-38.0 dB Lamp-210W high pressure mercury Lamp Life-2000 hours ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED

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ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 1.4 Optimize Energy PerformanceEquipment and Appliances

DCR326BSL dual door Energy Star rated compact Refrigerator. Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED

4 printers for the faculty’s offices Epson - WorkForce 30 Printer ENERGY STAR QUALIFIED

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 2: Enhanced Commissioning

Intent: To verify and ensure that the tenant space is designed, constructed and calibrated to operate as intended. Summary of Referenced Standards There are no standards referenced for this credit. •Update the commissioning plan at milestones throughout the project. This should happen, at a minimum, during the design development phase, the construction documents phase, and just prior to the kick-off meeting with the general contractor. See EA Prerequisite 1. •Prepare a systems list that indicates which systems have been included within the scope of enhanced commissioning. See EA Prerequisite 1 •Confirm that the commissioning authority has documented experience on at least two building projects. See EA Prerequisite 1 •Create a written schedule of building operator trainings. Non Available

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ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT 2: Enhanced Commissioning

Retain a copy of the commissioning authority’s design review, any designer response to this review, and confirmation of the back-check. Non Available Retain copies of the owner’s project requirements, basis of design, commissioning specifications, commissioning report, and systems manual. See EA Prerequisite 1

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Intent: To encourage the development and use of grid-source, renewable energy technologies on a net zero pollution basis Summary of Referenced Standards: Green-e Energy is a voluntary certification and verification program for renewable energy products. Green-e certifies products that meet environmental and consumer protection standards developed in conjunction with environmental, energy, and policy organizations. Sellers of Green-e-certified energy must disclose clear and useful information to customers. Three types of renewable energy options are eligible for Green-e certification: renewable energy certificates, utility green-pricing programs, and competitive electricity products. The Green-e standard that went into effect on January 1, 2007, supersedes previous regional and product-specific criteria.

Products exhibiting the Green-e logo are greener and cleaner than the average retail electricity product sold in that particular region. To be eligible for the Green-e logo, companies must meet certain criteria. The first criterion is the inclusion of qualified sources of renewable energy content such as solar electric, wind, geothermal, biomass, and small or certified low-impact hydro facilities. Other criteria are the inclusion of new renewable energy content (to support new generation capacity); compliance with emissions regulations for the nonrenewable portion of the energy products; and the absence of nuclear power. Companies must also meet other criteria regarding renewable portfolio standards. Criteria are often specific to a state or region of the United States. Refer to the standard for more details.

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Product Name: Ambit Green Power TX http://ww2.ambitenergy.com/ Product Type: Electricity Available In: TX Plan Type: Fixed 24 Months 5.17¢ per kWh TSC - 24 month Term: Price stays the same throughout the contract term. REQUIRED GREEN POWER QUANTITY – The actual annual electricity consumption for the Human Science South has been determined to be 4,413,551kWh. 50 % of the building’s electricity use annually is 2206775.50 kWh. A minimum purchase of 4,413,551kWh of green power on a two-year renewable energy contract is required.

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ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE EA CREDIT 4 GREEN POWER Ambit Energy http://ww2.ambitenergy.com/

Electricity Facts Label (EFL) Ambit Energy Commercial Fixed Rate, Unbundled Effective Date: 04/05/2012 Electricity price

Average monthly use (kWh): Average price (¢/kWh)*

1500 kWh

2500 kWh

3500 kWh

Average price for Oncor 8.8* 11.0* 10.5* service area The energy charge shown below will be fixed and will not change during the term of the Agreement except to account for change in law, regulation, or TDSP. If your service location is in the Sulphur Springs area and an Underground Cost Recovery Factor (UCRF) is passed to Ambit by your delivery provider, this charge will appear on your invoice for the duration of this agreement or when the UCRF tariff expires, whichever occurs first. More information about applicable TDSP charges in your service area may be obtained online at: http://oncor.com or by phone at: 1-888-313-6862 Disclosure Chart Type of Product: Fixed Rate Product Contract Term: 24 Months Early Termination Fee: In the event Customer terminates this Agreement prior to the expiration of the term specified herein under the Plan Name and Pricing Section above, Customer will be required to pay an early termination fee equal to $250.00, plus the greater of a) $0.00 or b) Customer’s contracted rate per kWh minus Ambit’s current offer rate per kWh, multiplied by Customer’s average monthly usage to date, multiplied by the remaining months in the Term. Will my rate change during the contract period? Yes; but only due to changes in TDSP charges; changes to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas or Texas Regional Entity administrative fees charged to loads; or changes resulting from federal, state or local laws or regulatory actions that impose new or modified fees or costs that are outside our control. What other fees may I be charged? Please see the Pricing Section of the Terms of Service for more information. Is this a pre-pay or pay-in-advance product? No. Does Ambit purchase excess distributed renewable generation? No. Renewable content: This product is 12% renewable. Statewide average for renewable content is: Statewide renewable content averages 12% Ambit Texas, LLC d/b/a Ambit Energy, PUC license # 10117; www.ambitenergy.com, P.O. Box 864589, Plano, Texas75086; toll-free 1-877-2826248 Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sat 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT) TSC24MTCNG24_557_283_1120405 * The rate above includes your estimated Transmission and Distribution Provider (TDSP) delivery costs, which will be passed through to you at the prevailing rate charged by your TDSP. The three average price-per-kWh examples shown in the Electricity Price section above are based upon the following pricing elements: Monthly Usage Assumed (kWh) 1,500 2,500 3,500 Energy Charge: (Fixed) 5.41 ¢/kWh 5.41 ¢/kWh 5.41 ¢/kWh TDSP Pass-through Distribution Charges 2.71 ¢/kWh 3.91 ¢/kWh 3.91 ¢/kWh TDSP Pass-through Customer and Meter Charges $10.66 $41.39 $41.39

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Materials and Resources

Prerequisite 1: Storage and Collection of Recyclables Intent: To facilitate the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled to and disposed of in landfills. Requirements: Provide an easily accessible dedicated area or areas for the collection and storage of materials for recycling for the tenant space. Materials must include at a minimum paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals.

Paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal.

Kaleidoscope Collection Receptacle

5’ long x 2’ wide = 10 sq. ft. Need 13 Containers

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Materials and Resources

Prerequisite 1: Storage and Collection of Recyclables

Recycle Areas

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Materials and Resources

Credit 1.1 Tenant Space: Long-Term Commitment Intent: To encourage choices that will conserve resources, reduce waste and reduce the environmental impacts of tenancy as they relate to materials, manufacturing and transport. Requirements: The occupant or tenant must commit to remain in the same location for a minimum of10 years. Summary of Referenced Standards: There are no standards referenced for this credit.

LEASE THIS LEASE ("Lease") entered into as of the 20th day of December, 2005, between PARAGON 150 PIERCE STREET, L.L.C., a New Jersey limited liability company, with an address at One Paragon Drive, Suite 145, Montvale, New Jersey 07645 ("Landlord"), and DOV PHARMACEUTICAL, INC., a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of business at Continental Plaza, 433 Hackensack Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 ("Tenant").

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Materials and Resources

Credit 1.1 Tenant Space: Long-Term Commitment

In consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth, and intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. SUMMARY OF DEFINED TERMS . The following defined terms, as used in this Lease, shall have the meanings and shall be construed as set forth below:

(a) " Building ": The Building located at 150 Pierce Street, Franklin Township, New Jersey, which the parties stipulate and agree contains 133,686 rentable square feet. (b) " Premises ": The Building, the land and all other improvements located at 150 Pierce Street, Franklin Township, New Jersey as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. (c) " Term ": From the Commencement Date for a period of one hundred twenty (120) months, ending on the last day of the tenth (10th) Lease Year (as defined in Article 1(q) below. (d)

" Fixed Rent ":

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources

Credit 1.1 Tenant Space: Long-Term Commitment LEASE YEAR



Years 1-5



Years 6-10



(e) “ Rental Payment Address ”: If not wired: c/o PARAGON 150 PIERCE STREET, L.L.C., One Paragon Drive, Suite 145, Montvale, New Jersey 07645. (f)

" Letter of Credit ": $4,211,109.00.


" Tenant's Allocated Share ": 100%.


“ Rentable Area ": Premises: 133,686 ft. Building: 133,686 ft. (i) " Permitted Uses ": Tenants may use the Premises for general office, research and development, vivarium, biological and chemical laboratory (including, without limitation, biochemical assays, preclinical research support utilizing chemical synthesis and isotopes and research using rodents and such other related uses as are allowed from time to time by applicable law), pilot plant, light manufacturing, storage and any uses necessary to the foregoing, including, without limitation, cafeteria, computer rooms and fitness center, and for no other purposes. Tenant's rights to use the Premises shall be subject to all applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations and to all reasonable requirements of the insurers of the Building.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources

Credit 1.1 Tenant Space: Long-Term Commitment (j)

" Broker ”: GVA Williams


" Notice Address/Contact ":


“ Additional Rent ”: All sums of money or charges required to be paid by Tenant under this Lease other than Fixed Rent, whether or not such sums or charges are designated as “Additional Rent”.


“ Rent ”: All Annual Fixed Rent, monthly installments of Annual Fixed Rent, Fixed Rent and Additional Rent payable by Tenant to Landlord under this Lease.


“ Base Year ”: twelve (12) months, commencing from and after the Commencement Date. “ Lease Year ”: A "Lease Year" shall be comprised of a period of twelve (12) consecutive months. The first Lease Year shall commence on the Commencement Date but, notwithstanding the first sentence of this paragraph, if the Commencement Date is not the first day of a month, then the first Lease Year shall include the additional period from the Commencement Date to the end of the then current month. Each succeeding Lease Year shall end on the anniversary date of the last day of the preceding Lease Year. For example, if the Commencement Date is February 1, 2006, then the first Lease Year would commence on February 1, 2006 and end on January 31, 2007, and each succeeding Lease Year would commence on February 1st


LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources

Credit 1.1 Tenant Space: Long-Term Commitment and end on January 31st. If, however, the Commencement Date is February 2, 2006, then the first Lease Year would commence on February 2, 2006 and end on February 28, 2007, the second Lease Year would commence on March 1, 2007 and end on February 29, 2008, and each succeeding Lease Year would commence on March 1st and end on either February 28th or 29th of the applicable Lease Year. (p)

“ Utilities ”: The “Utilities” shall be the utilities described in Article 7 hereof and the payment obligations with respect thereto also as set forth in said Article 7.

2. PREMISES . Landlord does hereby lease, demise and let unto Tenant and Tenant does hereby hire and lease from Landlord the Premises for the Term, upon the provisions, conditions and limitations set forth herein. 3. TERM . The Term of this Lease shall commence (the "Commencement Date") on the “Closing Date” under that certain Agreement of Purchase and Sale by and between Conopco, Inc. and Paragon 150 Pierce Street LLC, dated November 15, 2005. THE TERM SHALL EXPIRE ON THE LAST DAY OF THE TENTH (10 TH ) LEASE YEAR (THE “EXPIRATION DATE”). The Commencement Date shall be confirmed by Landlord and Tenant by the execution of a Confirmation of Lease Term in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B". If Tenant fails to execute or object to the Confirmation of Lease Term within twenty (20) business days of its delivery, Landlord’s determination of such dates shall be deemed accepted.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources 3.1: Materials Reuse

Intent: To reuse building materials and products to reduce demand for virgin materials and reduce waste, thereby lessening impacts associated with the extraction and processing of virgin resources. Requirements: Use salvaged, refurbished or reused materials, the sum of which constitutes at least 5% or 10%, based on cost, of building (construction) materials, excluding furniture and furnishings The minimum percentage materials reused for each point threshold is as follows:

Salvaged Material

On or Off site

Door On hardware Wall wood On studs Wall gypsum On board Outdoor Off floor tile Total Salvaged Material value

Modification made to on-site Materials or source of off-site salvaged materials New finish applied

Replacement value ($)

Salvaged and re-milled


Salvaged and re-milled


Architectural re-use



Salvaged construction materials


Total construction material cost Less MEP material value

16,400 -6200

Net construction Material value


Percentage salvaged (8,200/10,200)


LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources

Credit 3.2: Materials Reuse—Furniture and Furnishings Intent: To reuse building materials and products to reduce demand for virgin materials and reduce waste, thereby reducing impacts associated with the extraction and processing of virgin resources.

Requirements: Use salvaged, refurbished or used furniture and furnishings for 30% of the total furniture and furnishings budget. Relocating the additional 9 activity tables, 6 chairs, 22 drafting tables, and 22 drafting stools to Stephen F. Austin State University’s campus surplus to be reused

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources

Credit 3.2: Materials Reuse窶認urniture and Furnishings

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources Credit 5: Regional Materials Intent: To increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the regional economy and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation. Requirements: OPTION 1 (1 point) Use a minimum of 20% of the combined value of construction and Division 12 (Furniture) materials and products that are manufactured1 regionally within a radius of 500 miles. OR OPTION 2 (2 points) Meet the requirements for Option 1. Use a minimum of 10% of the combined value of construction and Division 12 (furniture) materials and products extracted, harvested or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of the project.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials

Intent: To reduce the use and depletion of finite raw materials and long-cycle renewable materials by replacing them with rapidly renewable materials.

Requirements: Use rapidly renewable construction and Division 12 (Furniture and Furnishings) materials and products for 5% of the total value of all materials and products used in the project, based on cost. Rapidly renewable building materials and products are made from agricultural products that are typically harvested within 10year or shorter cycle. Product Name


Product ($)

% Renewable

Renewable value ($)

Rapidly renewable content information source

Marmoleum flooring

Forbo flooring




Cut sheet

Bamboo panelling





Cut sheet






Cut sheet

Glass tiles

Sandhill Industries




Cut sheet

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials

Bamboo Flooring Cut Sheet

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials Marmoleum Flooring Specifications Dimensions (width x height): Panel: approx. size 12"x 36" (actual size 300mm x 900mm) / Square: approx. size 12" x 12" (actual size 300mm x 300mm) according EN 427. Fire resistance and smoke behaviour in accordance with DIN 4102-1: class B2 EN 1399: Marks left on Marmoleum click/click square as a result of stubbedout cigarettes can be easily removed with slight abrasive cleaning. Linoleum does not melt. Castor resistance In accordance with EN 425: suitable for office chairs with soft standard castors, Typ W, in accordance with EN 12 529. Antistatic: static charge on persons remains under 2 kV, measured in accordance with EN 1815. Colour fastness in accordance with ISO 105-B02, method 3: minimum blue scale 6. Depending on the colour, the colourfastness is usually higher, often being 8 (blue scale maximum is 8). The samples may differ slightly from the Marmoleum click/click square supplied. Indentation resistance in accordance with EN 433 (req.: <=0.20 mm). Typical value 0,12 mm. Chemical resistance in accordance with EN 423: Marmoleum is resistant to diluted acids, oils, fats and to the conventional solvents, such as alcohol, white spirit etc. Not resistant to prolonged exposure to alkalis.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials

Suitable for warm water underfloor heating. Heat resistance (incl. PE-foil) in accordance with DIN 52612: Âą 0.08 m2 .K/W (req.: < 0.15 m2 .K/W). Dimensional stability in accordance to EN 13 329 max. 0.6 mm. Indoor air quality: certified with TĂœV ToxProof-label

Formaldehyd class EN 717-1: E 1 (=0,1 ppm) Disposal: energy recovery/ oddments can dispose at domestic refuse Determination of the effect of simulated movement of a furniture leg in accordance with EN 424: no visual damage Application areas Marmoleum click/click square according to EN 685

Class 23 (e.g. living rooms / bedrooms / entrance halls entrance halls) Class 32 (e.g. hotels/boutiques/ conference rooms/small offices) Marmoleum is provided with a Top Shield Finish. We recommend cleaning Marmoleum 'dry'. Dust wiping is the most effective and efficient method of removing loose dirt. If there are stains, spottreatment is sufficient.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials

Marmoleum has bacteriostatic properties, which are confirmed by famous laboratories such as TNO (The Netherlands) and NAMSA (USA), even against the bacteria MRSA. Paperstone Countertops Specifications PaperStone countertops are made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper and petroleum-free phenolic resin derived in part from the natural phenolic oil found in cashew shells. These green countertops are known for their warm touch, strength and environmental sustainability. Made from 100% recycled paper, they are FSC certified and can contribute to multiple LEED points - a very green choice for sustainable living. Recommended for both kitchen and bath. Paperstone Countertops Are: • Extremely durable and scratch resistant (used for cutting boards) • Heat resistant to 350 degrees (better than laminate) • Highly resistant to stains and practically impervious to water • Unlimited in edge detail and easily repairable • Natural looking with many colors available • Qualifies for LEED points for Indoor Environmental Quality • Shippable anywhere in the United States • Class A fire rated Sandhill Glass Tiles Specifications Sandhill Industries offers a 100% recycled glass tile in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. All sizes come in any of the 36 colors, with a gloss or matte finish. Sandhill Industries also offers five deco designs, including 3 raised 3D selections and 2 smooth finished recessed selections.

LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


Materials and Resources Credit 7: Certified Wood

Intent: To encourage environmentally responsible forest management. Requirements: When using new wood-based products and materials, use a minimum of 50% that are certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council’s principles and criteria. Division 12 (Furniture) material value is included in the determination of the certified wood content.

Wood Product


Material value ($)

Bamboo panelling 12000

Teragren 12000

Percent Wood (by weight)

Value of Wood ($)

Percent certified wood (by weight)

Value of Certified wood ($)

FSC chain of custody certificate no.







LEED CI - HMS 410 - Spring 2012


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