Floreat 2010

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I S S U E N U M B E R T H R E E - J A N U A RY 2 0 1 0






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It is a great pleasure to be able to write to you again as Honorary President of the Cheltonian Association in this third edition of Floreat and to be able to report that College and the Junior School both continue to flourish, despite the harsh economic times in which we find ourselves today. Obviously our current parents are a key part of this success but it is also a reflection on the dedication of the staff and the headmasters that this continues to be so. However, I would like to thank all of you as members of the Cheltonian Association for your support in so many ways which contributes to the two schools and their well being. This year we have had a number of events that have brought together our members and in particular the house reunions in London were an outstanding success. We initially intended that this would be a one off event but there has been a huge demand for a repeat and so we have decided to do something similar every couple of years. We hope that all of those who failed to attend will realise that they missed out big time on a series of fun events and that we will see you in 2011.


T H E C H E LT O N I A N A S S O C I AT I O N M A G A Z I N E I S S U E T H R E E - JA N UA RY 2 0 1 0


We have also had reunions at College and welcomed back on Remembrance Day many members who were evacuated in 1939 and 1940; my father was one of those evacuated and he would have loved to attend such a reunion. Perhaps one of the most memorable gatherings was the Rugby Day when we brought together representatives from the College’s three unbeaten rugby teams of 1939, 1957 and 2008 as well as a reunion for the 1984 yeargroup which included a dinner and endless tall stories around the bar.

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I would like to pay tribute to Bridget Vick who, after 10 years of dedicated work on behalf of College, has moved on to pastures new and whose boundless energy and ready welcome to anyone associated with the two schools was such a key element in the establishment of the Association and its immediate success at bringing together so many different interests. We wish her well and know that Rebecca Creed will carry forward her legacy and will ensure that the great gains we made are not lost as we move to new leadership of the Association. In conclusion I hope that you enjoy reading this magnificent publication of Floreat and I would pass a vote of thanks to James McWilliam for his huge effort in helping to pull it together and also for helping out in the office through the summer. I hope that you will all continue to support the Association and if you haven’t yet purchased a pair (or two) of the magnificent boxer shorts in College colours then get them quickly before they sellout!


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Honorary President Peter Brettell (BH ’71) - OC & Past Parent Executive Members John Richardson Headmaster Cheltenham College Adrian Morris Headmaster Cheltenham College Junior School Rebecca Creed Association Manager & Current Junior School Parent

Peter Brettell (BH ‘71) Honorary President Non-Executive Co-opted Members Cheltonian Association Steering Group Committee Debbie Anderes – Current Junior School Staff Lawrence Anderson (Th ’59) – OC & President of the Cheltonian Society Peter Badham (Th ’65) – OC & Cheltonian Society Executive Committee Nick Byrd (BH ’71) – OC & Former College Parent Beccy Faulkner – Current Staff Member Bean Chapman (NH ’93) – OC Simon Collyer-Bristow (BH ’77) – OC & Current College Parent Rob Mace (NH ’04) – OC James McWilliam (S ’09) – OC Ian McFarlane (L/NH ’46) – OC

Simon Pattinson (NH ’62) – OC & Cheltonian Society Executive Committee Alex Peterken – Current Staff – Deputy Head of College & Current Junior School Parent Lillian Philip – Current Senior School Parent Malcolm Sloan – Hon OC & OC Administrator Julian Snell (L ’76) – OC & Current College Parent Helen Stubbs – Current Junior & Senior School Parent Please see the Association Website www.cheltonianassociation.com for Committee Member contact information.

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College 2009

COLLEGE 2009 ACADEMIC The A-levels this summer were preceeded by some anxiety as the first cohort embarked on the ‘terminal’ route of taking all their exams at one sitting. It is only a few years ago that all exams were terminal, and both IB and Pre-U remain so; but over the last nine years, modular exams have become the norm. As it turned out, there were many successes, including some notable unexpected triumphs; but also a small number of disappointments and some specific difficulties.



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The unfolding of College’s strategic plan has been uppermost in our minds this year. At Speech Day last May the 8 major projects that make up the plan were presented to pupils and parents. These include the refurbishment and extension of the library, the building of a new science centre, the redevelopment of the Old Gym to create a new Art & Design department, the refurbishment of Thirlestaine House to re-house the Music department and to provide for further staff accommodation, the development of a Business School to include the Modern Languages, Economic and Business Studies departments and new courses in Entrepreneurship, the redevelopment of Big Classical to upgrade our Theatre facility and the development of a whole-College social centre in the Quad. The 8th ‘project’ is the establishment of an endowment fund to provide for further scholarships and bursaries in pursuit of our charitable objectives. It is an ambitious plan, but one which we are confident we can make a reality within the next ten years. When completed it will put the College into a position of strength in what is an increasingly competitive educational market place and, in some important respects, make us a market leader. At times in College’s history we have taken substantial steps forward to provide the very best for current pupils and to secure our longer-term future. Working together with all those who have an interest in and love for College, we can succeed. Needless to say it is an exciting prospect!

John Richardson Headmaster Cheltenham College


College has enjoyed a superb year of music - Choral, Orchestral and Jazz, with the hugely successful final Orchestra Concert at the Pittville Pump Room featuring Su-Leo Liu (BH ‘09) as soloist in the Grieg Piano Concerto with the College Orchestra, as well as fantastic performances by JIG at Charity Events and Big Band in The Cheltenham Jazz Festival.

The class of 2008 had raised the bar very high, and we were not expecting to match their score of 77% A and B grades: we hoped for 71% or 72%. The final tally of 69% was thus just below what we would have wished and led, as many of you will know, to some modifications. Specific points that emerged included that the scores for A2 papers (the second, harder, half of each modular A-level subject) were a little lower than we expected, although scores for AS remained much as before. Above all, this was a year when university entrance proved very difficult, not least because of quirks of government funding: and despite receiving a bumper crop of offers, some Cheltonians did struggle to achieve the places they wanted. All now have a place or are re-applying, including a good number of Oxbridge applicants.

The Chapel Choir sang a superb Evensong at St.George’s Chapel, Windsor, and the Chamber Choir have had their best year yet, with Evensong for the Cheltenham Festival of Music followed by a tour to New York which included memorable performances in St.Thomas’s Fifth Avenue and the Cathedral of St.John the Divine. The Chamber Choir has also just released a CD of Renaissance Choral Music, available for purchase through the Cheltonian Association. Congratulations to Guy James for his Choral Award to Trinity College, Cambridge, and to Chris Bond similarly to Jesus College, Cambridge. Our Organ Scholar, William Mason, has been awarded the Organ Scholarship at Sherborne Abbey, where he will be joined by Ra Twilley as a Bass Choral Scholar.

After much discussion and review, we have decided to split the taking of AS and A2 again, and this year’s Upper Sixth will be having a crack at AS in January, followed by A2 in May and June.

DRAMA SUCCESSES This year has been incredibly busy and successful for Drama. Pupils Daisy Hughes and Richard May gained places at Drama Schools, with Daisy attaining a place at the prestigious and highly competitive RADA.

There is no doubt that many pupils benefit from not having public exams in Lower Sixth, and many seized the opportunities to pursue interests they would otherwise have sacrificed to the pressure of examination. It was great, and one of the pleasures of life

at Cheltenham, to see music, sport, drama, outdoor activities and academic societies flourish as they did, and to see the breadth of individual achievements. Just to pick a few: Chris Butlin and Georgia Rawlinson achieved a full house of A grades, he while captaining College cricket, she while Senior Prefect and captaining England at hockey; Guy James and Chris Bond ran the musical gamut and hit their As; Daisy Hughes ran cross-country, painted, gained an exceptionally rare place at RADA and achieved all As (she was last heard of completing a charity bike ride from John o’Groats to Land’s End); Jess Topping achieved exceptional marks in four A levels, including Art.



no We are delighted to an both the for , ite that our new webs ls, has oo sch r nio Junior and Se now gone live.

College Prefects 2009/2010 Senior College Prefect Nic Robbins - Leconfield Deputy Senior College Prefects Lucy Caines - Westal * Silas Fuller - Southwood * The Fifth Form were much less complicated: they achieved the best GCSE results we have ever had, by miles. A third of the results were A* grades and overall two-thirds of results were A* or A grades. Again, it was superb to see 43 of the 118 pupils achieving no grade below A; and especially to see Alex Austin, Emma Bevan, Nick Constantine, Bella Haycraft Mee, Tilly King, James Kirkpatrick, Nick Knudsen, Polly North, Gus Slator and Wouter Vorstman achieve 9 or 10 A*. Almost everyone’s result was a personal triumph, and up to the highest expectations.

College Prefects

Charles Runacres, Director of Teaching and Learning

* denotes Head of House

Freddie Braithwaite-Exley – Hazelwell * Joss Cheli - Leconfield * Felix Clarke – Southwood Imogen Clowes - Ashmead James Croft – Newick House * Tallulah Dyer - Ashmead Nikolaus Evers – Boyne House * Max Gardiner - Christowe * Camilla Gooddy -Chandos * Mathew Harber – Leconfield Ottie Henniker-Gotley – Queen’s * Minna Peake- Ashmead * Felix Sowerbutts - Hazelwell

A level results continue to thrive, with 88% of candidates achieving A/B grades. The AS students completed some fabulous practical work, with one piece, a multi-media adaptation of The Permanent Way, gaining special praise from the external moderator for its innovation and excellence. 13 out of the 16 students achieved A grades for this unit. Outside of the studio, this year has seen a fabulous range of Drama. Ashmead and Leconfield provided us with a riotous satire of the art world as well as some outrageous 70s costumes in their production of ‘Museum’. The Lower College Play, ‘The Chrysalids’, showed that we have a great deal of burgeoning talent in their chilling version of the John Wyndham classic. The Upper College play, ‘Sweeney Todd’, put together in just over two weeks, will live long in the memory for its exuberant yet chilling melodrama, and for its ruthless barber’s chair.

Of particular note, however, were two highly contrasting evenings, ‘The Threepenny Opera’ and the ‘College Variety show’. The former was a stunning piece of Brechtian theatre, with live band helping to add to the cabaret atmosphere suggested by Kurt Weill’s famous score, while the latter displayed a wide variety of talent, from beatboxers to ukulele bands, comedy acts and extreme table tennis. 4




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At a time of economic recession it has been gratifying to see Thirlestaine Long Gallery bursting with dynamic artwork throughout 2009. The department recorded some of its best results ever with 94% A & B at A level and 96% A & B at GCSE with 75% A grades. The summer GCSE and A Level exhibitions witnessed a vast range of superb work, including a strong figurative element, as we have returned to regular Life Classes. Large portraits were a significant subject, as well as textural seascapes, urban graffiti and Ugandan poverty. Full scale body casting in resin featured, as did an assemblage of ceramic lambs as an epitaph to the tragedy of Foot and Mouth!


New appointments


Scott Bryan, Deputy Headmaster, Cheltenham College Junior School

March saw the auspicious Biennial CCF Inspection, with over 280 cadets taking part under the watchful eye of the inspecting RAF officer, Air Vice-Marshal Garwood CBE DFC. After the official parade, the cadets took part in a Round Robin series of challenges, from gun runs and watermanship to flying a Eurofighter Simulator in Southwood car park.

Scott began his career at Hazlegrove School, a co-educational day and boarding preparatory school, in Somerset. This was followed by a move to Aiglon College, a British co-educational boarding school in the Swiss Alps. Most recently, Scott spent 5 years as Deputy Head at King’s House Preparatory School, a leading academic day school in West London.

Scott Bryan was appointed the new Deputy Head of Cheltenham College Junior School in September 2009, succeeding Geraldine Davis on her retirement.

Scott is looking forward to the fresh challenge of The Junior, working with an excellent team in the next stage of the school’s development. As well as his role as Deputy Head, Scott will also continue to teach science and coach boys’ games. Scott is married to Sophie and their two daughters, Molly and Lucy, have already settled into life in Kingfishers.

SPORTING HONOURS It’s been a tremendous year for College sport. Hockey has excelled, with both U16 girls’ and boys’ hockey teams representing the West of England in the 2009 National Finals and the U18 girls through to the 2010 National Finals. Many pupils are involved with Junior Regional Performance Centres across the country and Sixth Formers Holly Chipman and Georgia Rawlinson represented England in the European Nations Hockey Championships in Belgium over the summer. College Hockey Professional Richard Lane was called up to England Senior Hockey Squad. Rounders has enjoyed equal international success, with pupils Olivia Schofield and Sarah Wild representing England and Assistant Director of Sport Caroline Park being appointed Head Coach for Rounders England. Following the unbeaten season for the 1st XV last year, it has been a tough half of term for many of the rugby sides. Colts A, however, have shown some excellent talent with 3 boys, Will Seville, Jack Arundell and Oli Braithewaite-Exley, achieving representative honours so far this term.

Matthew Bull, Director of Sport, Cheltenham College Matthew joined Cheltenham College in September ‘09 as the Director of Sport across both the Junior and Senior Schools. He is tasked with the job of providing a clearer structure for sport at all levels of College life. Previously Head of PE and Hockey at Bloxham School for six years, Matthew was heavily involved in forging schoolclub links to provide greater opportunities for independently schooled children to experience and benefit from club sport. He has worked with a number of leading clubs both in England and Europe and has been involved in the development of a number of national standard athletes. Before Bloxham, Matthew studied at Warwick and Leeds Carnegie University where he read Sports Development and completed the Graduate Teacher Programme. Matthew’s immediate overriding aim is to establish Cheltenham College as a ‘centre of sporting excellence’ in the local and regional community, improving the opportunities for all Cheltonians to enjoy sport and realise their potential. Matthew is recently married to Kristina and both are looking forward to making a new life for themselves at College. Nick Nelson, Housemaster of Christowe

The XI cricket team had an outstanding season, retaining the Chesterton Cup and recording 15 victories out of 20 throughout the season. The boys’ tennis team qualified from over 440 schools to reach the last 16 at the National Finals, finishing 10th out of all schools in England and Wales. Both girls’ and boys’ squash teams triumphed in the National Schools Trophy Finals and, for the first time, College girls reached the finals of the swimming medley in one of the top independent schools swimming leagues, while the boys brought home the prestigious Alderman Cup, one of the English Schools Swimming Association trophies. Record success was had in the Schools’ Rifles meeting, with 8 pupils gaining the illustrious Schools 100 badge and captain Lulu Watson winning the 5th badge of her career.

Nick was appointed to teach Art and History of Art at Cheltenham College in 1995. In 2006 he became Head of History of Art. Throughout his time at College Nick has been involved in coaching multiple main sports, has sung in the Chapel Choir and run ornithology, architecture and canoeing clubs. Indeed his passion for singing is already clearly evident within the House, with Christowe boys emerging 2009 House singing champions.

Finally, 16 year old Lucy Peel was crowned the U17 English Alpine Ski Champion and Richard Morrissey qualified for the Athletics National Finals before recording a PB of 10.54 in an athletics meet against Radley.

Nick and Katie have two young children, Theo and Raif, with Theo in Kingfishers at The Junior.

Having attended Magdalen College Choir School in Oxford, Nick studied at Marlborough College in Wiltshire, where his father was then Director of Music. This was followed by a Degree in History of Art and Architecture at the University of East Anglia and a PGCE at Reading University. Nick was appointed to teach Art and History of Art at Cheltenham College in 1995, and became Resident Tutor of Christowe in 2003, moving in with his wife Katie, an Interior Designer.

Nick says: “I am delighted to be given the opportunity to take over Christowe – a House that already meant a great deal to us, having lived there for the last five years. I am so impressed by how well the boys integrate across the five year groups and generally there is an excellent atmosphere within the House. I have many exciting ideas for the future of Christowe whilst maintaining what is already an excellent foundation set by my predecessors.”

Chris Reid, Housemaster of Leconfield

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Chris joined Cheltenham College in 1999 and, after a brief time in Southwood, joined Christowe as a tutor. Chris has coached Hockey and Cricket and is currently Master in Charge of Clays and Contingent Commander of the Combined Cadet Force, as well as continuing to teach History and Politics. Prior to joining College, Chris taught at Brentwood School for 5 years, where he was an Assistant Housemaster. During this time he completed his Masters degree in Education at Anglia Ruskin University, having previously read Historical Studies at the University of Portsmouth and having completed a PGCE at the University of Nottingham. Chris is married to Sarah who also teaches Classics at College. They have two children, Isabella and Jamie, who are both at the Junior School. Chris says: “I am very excited and honoured about the prospect of taking over from Karl Cook and am looking forward to continuing and building upon the House’s many successes. Over my last ten years at College I have got to know many Porcherites and have always found them to be enthusiastic and willing to give 100%. Already from the passion that is given over to yardage, I can well see why Leconfield is often the House to beat in Pots finals!”



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It is with much pride that I welcome you to this edition of the Association magazine. Having completed my first year as Headmaster of The Junior, I am delighted to share with you some of the highlights from 2009; there are so many more recorded in our school’s magazine, ‘The Junior 2009’. Whether inside or outside the classroom, the opportunities for the pupils have been full and varied, reflecting the special atmosphere that exists within the school, especially the relationship between pupils and the hard working staff and support teams – my gratitude to them all.

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Already nearly half-way through the next academic year, The Junior goes from strength to strength and it also pleases me that the parents have launched a new ‘Friends of The Junior’ organisation to compliment the Association. Our aim to provide a first-class holistic education could not be more focussed and the community and I would welcome your visit. Enjoy Floreat 2010.

GIFTED AND TALENTED Educational links with the Cheltenham Festivals have gone from strength to strength. In June, the Junior School hosted a Gifted and Talented Science event for 30 pupils from local primary schools as part of the Science Festival. Junior and Senior School teachers worked together to lay on a day of exciting laboratory sessions, themed around the art of survival to celebrate Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday. Even the famous Professor Lord Robert Winston dropped in to take a few questions! In October, the school not only hosted several Cheltenham Literature Festival events and introduced others, but also held a ‘Young Writers Day’ for gifted and talented pupils around Gloucestershire to further creative writing. Popular children’s author Tony Bradman ran the sessions within the Junior School’s library, the perfect setting for such an inspirational day.



Transported across the world – Kingfishers Lessons and activities in Kingfishers, the Junior’s pre-prep department for children aged 3 – 7, are incredibly wide ranging, from gardening club and swimming to French and daily music. Drama too is immensely popular, with last summer’s production of ‘Animotion’ a real highlight. ‘Animotion’ transported its audience across the world as each class became either trumpeting elephants, cheeky monkeys, show time seals or rattlesnakes. Some Year 2 children became travel guides who narrated the performance whilst others were jumping kangaroos. Each class performed a magical display which enthralled the parents and families who came to watch. The children’s enthusiasm and enjoyment was evident throughout the performance and we are looking forward to the Nativity play! Vicky Plenderleith,

Supporting charities – Lower School There have been many highlights in Lower School, but Red Nose Day is the one that really stands out. We knew it was not going to be an ordinary day when Eduardo in Year 4 turned up in a dog costume, complete with a kennel! He stationed himself outside the building and friends soon joined in, shaking buckets to help collect donations. It was a bizarre but wonderful sight, seeing Lower School full of bright red clothes, mad professors, clowns, children wearing flippers or pants on their heads, to name but a few... The way the children threw themselves into the day and were supportive of each other was indicative of life in Lower School as a whole and also of how much the Junior School gets behind charity events. Jonathan Gould, Head of Lower School

Learning to work in teams – Middle School Terms in Middle School (years 5 and 6) always start as we mean to go on and this year’s highlight was definitely the team-building afternoon on the first day of the new September term. Year 6 travelled to South Cerney to be faced with the challenges of building a raft with barrels, timbers and rope to escape from an island and working as a team to pilot a Dragon Boat. Year 5 stayed on dry land at ough a spider’s The Junior, but had their own challenges to face up to – from passing through web to building a human pyramid and even building a tower of paper cups without touching any of the cups! It was a great way for the pupils, old and new, to make and develop friendships whilst learning to work with their peers. Derek Maddock, Head of Middle School

Touring Ireland – Upper School

Adrian Morris Headmaster Cheltenham College Junior School



Talented pupil Nicole Vanner moved from the Junior School into College this September as an Art Scholar, leaving behind a stunning array of artwork throughout the school. Her parting present of the front cover artwork for the magazine ‘The Junior 2009’ is a testament to the breath-taking quality of her work and provides a fitting memento of her time at The Junior. We look forward to seeing her future work in College exhibitions.

Over the past year, sporting triumphs have been in abundance for both individuals and teams. Special congratulations go to the U11 girls’ hockey team for being crowned county champions for the second year running, the U9 boys’ rugby team being crowned South West Champions and the U11 boys’ rugby team for winning both the Prior Park Prep School Rugby Festival (without conceding a single point) and the U11 Monkton Super 12s Rugby Tournament. The ski teams have also had an excellent year, not only competing in the English Schools Ski Association Championship finals but coming first in the girls’ U12 category, 2nd in the girls’ U14 and 3rd in the boys’ U14. Finally, over 30 pupils have represented their county and/or competed in national finals across many disciplines, from cross country and athletics to swimming and cricket. Congratulations to each and every one of them.



CHELTENHAM NEWS... Cheltenham College Junior School 2009



There have been many notable achievements and trips throughout Upper School, from the year 8 performance of Much Ado About Nothing at Bromsgrove as part of the Schools’ Shakespeare Festival to producing a sound track to Michael Morpurgo’s novel ‘Private Peaceful’. One of the biggest trips however was the 2009 October half term tour of Ireland. 60 boys and girls, accompanied by many staff and supporters, flew off to Dublin for a 5 day rugby and hockey tour campaign. The girls played a total of 7 hockey matches, winning 3 losing 4 and learning plenty in the process. The boys played 6 rugby matches, including one against the best rugby school in Dublin, winning 3 and losing 3; an excellent showing. All this while fitting in a visit to the Guinness Storehouse (in the year that Guinness celebrated its 250th anniversary), kissing the Blarney stone, being coached by an Irish international hockey player and seeing a Hurling match! Matt Dawson, Head of Upper School



A large number of pupils went on to win 13+ Scholarships and Exhibitions to College. Huge congratulations to the following scholars: Academic Design and Technology Constance Tombleson (Lord James of Hector Hunt Hereford Scholarship) Sports Amy Foulkes (The Prain Scholarship) Darcy Alexander Georgina Bond Callum Brand Hannah Clift Amy Foulkes Maisy King Adrian Montagu Adrian Montagu Jacques Sharam

Junior School Saturday 13th March 2010 at 9.30am. Contact: Lucinda Roskilly on 01242 522 697 or email: roskilly. lucinda@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk

Art Nicole Vanner

Senior School Saturday 20th March 2010 at 10am. Contact: Emma Ryan on 01242 265 680 or email: ryan.emma@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk



Indian Summer Ball

Farewell CCJS Constance Tombleson (OJ & Current Student)

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If I was asked to describe the last 24 hours of my time at the junior school, I would say that it was the closing of one of the main chapters in my life. The Leavers’ Dinner - which was being held for the first time - let us mark the end of the school year. We dressed up and spent an evening with our teachers, starting with drinks on the lawn and a photograph of us with the Headmaster and his wife. We had a great 3 course meal, with speeches made by the Headmaster and the four heads of school. Afterwards there was a surprise party in the hall, and everyone danced (including the teachers). It was a fantastic evening, and hopefully the event will carry on for many years.

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The next morning was Parents’ Day. There was a Chapel service, and the Headmaster gave the address - he cracked a few jokes which got some laughs, mainly from the parents. After Chapel there was house drinks, and some inter-house activities - which included “who can eat the doughnut the fastest (with no hands)”. There was also lunch in the marquee for the leavers - meaning we didn’t have to bring a picnic. The fact that we had nearly finished our time at the Junior had finally hit us. We said our goodbyes and thanked our teachers. This was the final day at the Junior school for us - a day to remember the years we had spent there. I’m sure we are all looking forward to going to College, where we can meet new people and face different challenges, but with the support of many of our friends from the Junior.


The Ball, which supported the Goedgedacht Trust and Sports Tours Fund, was a roaring success. Each year seems better than the last. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Amanda Johnston, Alayne Parsley and Michelle Thorley for their tireless efforts. This is certainly a not-to-be-missed event in the CCJS calendar.


“I liked the Y8 performance at the House Dinner – Murder Mystery – cool!” Lizzie Mellor Y7. “Shooting teachers at Lazertag!” Scarlett Fraser-Townsend Y6 “The huge charity effort from everyone in the House.” Dewi Edwards Y7 “The Karaoke – supposedly running out of the pies – the staff singing!!” Tom Kirmond-Paine Y7 “I really enjoyed the House Dinner because it was sort of based on Cluedo.” Will Bond Y4 “I looked up to US when they won the House netball.” Henrietta Ryan Y4 “ Becoming Head of House, winning house netball.” Maisy King Y8


In keeping with the Indian theme, Bollywood dancers performed and later gave lessons to the willing. After fifteen minutes of this tutorial, the dance floor resembled the final scene of Slumdog Millionaire; such was the precision of our Bollywood dancing. Flawless and unified. Britain’s got talent, I assure you, and most of it was out on the dance floor that night. Or maybe it was just the champagne…

In the centre of the room, peacefully gazing over the crowded room, was an ice sculpture of Buddha, which, to the delight of many, was actually a vodka luge. The vodka luge was undoubtedly one of the highlights of the evening. A vodka shot was poured into Buddha’s shoulder where it flowed down the ice (think Olympic athlete shooting down a luge) and was happily consumed by attendees who drank it from Buddha’s foot. For reasons that were purely journalistic in nature, I remained at the vodka bar for quite some time, mostly taking detailed notes. I amassed an impressive list of how many vodka shots each partygoer consumed that night, but sadly space does not allow me to print my data. Suffice it to say, no one was cheated out of any fun.

By Mr Woodbridge (Head of Corinth) Corinth’s big event this year was their House Dinner in the Spring term of 2009 where we had fun with a table quiz. We also enjoyed a Saturday morning together in the Autumn when small groups put together news bulletins which were filmed and judged by a panel of experts (the House staff!). Here are some Corinthians comments on the year… “Winning the House Hockey was definitely the best.” William Preece Y4 “I enjoyed all of the fun trips and House tournaments.” Jamie Thorley Y5 “The whole year rocked, but my favourite was the news reading.” Ned Kenwright Y7 “Highlight: House netball and song contest.” Georgina Thorpe Y7 “I loved the House dinner.” Tom Creed Y3

By Derek Maddock (Head of Rome) Rome house were united and happy throughout the year, led well by Jordan Mullenga-Moshi and Rebecca Quince. Highlights must include the boys’ rugby successes and being the inaugural winners of the house Ski championships. Combining with Persia, we enjoyed a great Karaoke night and a trip to Cadbury’s World was enjoyed by all. We look forward to Mrs Grote taking over as the new Head of Rome.


On Saturday, 13 June, the entrance to Cheltenham College Junior School was awash with glamour. However, there were no signs of our rambunctious children. The forgotten games kit and crumpled jumper lying on the bench had been removed. There was no misplaced prep wedged under a bush or lone shoe hidden behind the tree. Instead, parents, staff and friends were welcomed to the CCJS Indian Summer Ball by a red carpet flanked with torches. Inside the school, down the hallway, purple lights added to the enchantment and mystery. Mr Parsley and Mrs Walton were wellheeled and, might I say, very polite paparazzi.

As guests entered the assembly hall, they were left speechless. Metres and metres of Indian-inspired fabrics draped the room. Fairy lights and candles twinkled. Fragrant flowers were intoxicating. The transformation was magical.

J A N U A RY 2 0 1 0

Just a few reflective thoughts on the year by the pupils of Athens House. “I enjoyed the charity day raising money for the donkey sanctuary.” Sebastain St Johnston Y5 “I enjoyed the house singing and dinner.” Lottie Woodall Y4 “I really liked Lower School sports day. We won” Elizabeth Henty Y4 “I remember on the house outing we nearly got attacked by swans.” Darcey Alexander Y7 “I remember conducting the house song with Darcey.’ Frannie Ball Y7 “Before my speech at the house dinner I was nervous” Jack Parker (Head of House) Y8 “Coming second in the House mixed hockey was amazing.” Anna Birkett Y5

By Therese-Ann Pierce (Current Senior & Junior School Parent)

At lunchtime, when you are late for an orthodontist appointment and you are desperately trying to identify your child among the sea of uniformed children, it is easy to forget that the Dining Hall is quite a stately room. This evening, without the smell of chips and boys just in from the rugby pitch, the room became an elegant venue. We enjoyed Pimms and lively conversation in the dining hall with the early evening light streaming through the massive window.


What have you liked most about being a member of Sparta this year? “Everyone works together, like one big family.” Georgie Gardner Y7 “Everyone looks out for each other and everyone is supportive.” Flora Peel Y7 “I have enjoyed the House hockey most because we work as a team and it brings us together.” Harriet Lacey Y7 “I enjoyed making the bread in one of the House meetings.” Ella Timmis Y5 “I loved the House Singing. We didn’t win but we had fun.” Robin Helm Y3 “I have enjoyed the unity and team strength that being a part of the House has brought.” Katie Stanton Y6 “I have enjoyed getting to know the people in other years.” Emma Meecham-Jones Y6



By A M Dawson (Head of Troy) Troy have been under the stewardship of Mr Dawson for 2 years. This last academic year saw them take many of the sporting prizes in the early terms - with particular note to their Rugby Teams, who were particularly strong. With Jaques Sharam as their energetic conductor, they also won the House Singing. They enjoyed outings to Drayton Manor Park and the Y8s were treated to pizza at Zizzi’s. With Mr Dawson now taking over the role of Head of Upper School, the Housemastership of Troy has been handed to Mr Williams.





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COLLEGE & CCJS LEAVERS Dr Cameron Wilson Member of Cheltenham College Council 1989 – 2009 (20 years) By Reverend John Horan (President Cheltenham College Council)

After 20 years one of College’s greatest friends has called ‘time’ on his membership of Cheltenham College Council, College’s governing body. Dr Cameron Wilson joined Council in 1989 as the nominee of Cambridge University where he was a Teaching Fellow, Lecturer in French, Tutorial Advisor and Director of Studies in Modern Languages, at Jesus College. During his outstanding career at Cambridge he has also been President and Admissions Tutor of Jesus College, lecturer in French at Magdelene College, member of Cambridge University Careers Service Syndicate and its Executive and Appointments Committees as well as being a member of OCR Qualifications Committee, Chairman of OCR Appeals Committee and Chief Examiner in French, Sixth Term Examination Papers and Principal Examiner at A Level.

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Against that background it is little wonder that College wanted to keep hold of this extraordinary and talented man and over the past 20 years it has been extremely fortunate to have him as a friend and advisor. Cameron’s dedication to College was obvious to all with whom he had contact. His termly visits to the Common Rooms of both the Junior and Senior schools were greatly appreciated, as was his attendance at plays, concerts and Chapel services. As a member, and latterly Chairman, of the Education Committee of Council he brought great wisdom, experience and humour, always being available to a succession of Headmasters and Presidents of Council. His advice and guidance to countless prospective Oxbridge candidates was greatly appreciated, as was his involvement, on Council’s behalf, in establishing a good working relationship between the recently formed Cheltonian Association and the Cheltonian Society. In November he accepted The Society’s invitation to become an Honorary Member. College is indebted to one of its true servants, for his generosity of spirit, great kindness and devotion to his work. He will be greatly missed but we wish him a long and happy retirement and hope to see him in College wearing his OC tie over the coming years.

Geraldine Davis

Deputy Head Cheltenham College Junior School 1993 – 2009 (16 years) By Nicky Fortune (Current CCJS Staff Member) Looking back over the past 16 years everyone will have their own special memories of Geraldine: her friendship, her support and her leadership. Nigel Archdale told me about his initial contact


with Geraldine, as a parent, in the autumn of 1992. She was very direct in writing to tell Nigel that there were no financial short cuts to starting up an Early Years section of The Junior. When the Head of Kingfishers was advertised, Geraldine presented a brilliant portfolio to take on the position and she was appointed over other external and internal candidates - the rest, as they say, is history. CCJS was very fortunate that the then Bursar, Christopher Hoare, shared Geraldine’s and Nigel’s wish to make a go of Kingfishers by investing in all the furniture and equipment a term before any pupils arrived. This enabled the doors to Kingfishers to be opened in September 1993 with a viable number of thirteen pupils - 10 boys and 3 girls. To see that number increase to 130 boys and girls in less than three years was a real testament to Geraldine and all that she did for CCJS. In marketing the school and helping build our whole CCJS roll to 500+, Geraldine worked closely with the Headmaster in showing prospective families around the school. Her attention to their needs and presentation of a professional Early Years package were much appreciated. Geraldine sometimes talked about how good The Junior and College had been for her own children. She was always modest about their achievements. She was always, and still is, the picture of modesty. Her rise from Head of Kingfishers to Assistant Head and then to Deputy Head of the whole school was inevitable, given her care, compassion, concern and wide ranging educational knowledge. Geraldine also had the ability to handle all the diverse situations that arose from carrying out those roles so well - from naughty Nursery pupil to disobedient Yr 8! Her professionalism was all the more remarkable given the opposition that had to be faced, in the early days, from certain quarters of the College and Junior establishment to the introduction not only of a Pre Prep but also of girls! Geraldine’s skills as counsellor are known to many and the ability to climb those stairs to her office with a heavy weight on one’s mind, and to skip down with a problem halved by being shared, is an unsung but vital role that Geraldine has carried out with compassion, tact and insight. Peter has been a faithful supporter of The Junior over many years of highs and lows and must not be overlooked. His consort role to Geraldine is also something unsung but greatly appreciated by all those who know how much Peter has done for The Junior behind the scenes. The best bit of all though is Geraldine’s incredibly mischievous sense of humour and even in the darkest moments there have always been things to help us to keep a little perspective. The first female Deputy Head of The Junior in its 146 year history has risen to that challenge and made a real difference to the school during her time in that role and combined it with 16 years of outstanding leadership of Kingfishers. Geraldine has inspired everyone in different ways – and pupils who have been through Kingfishers have great memories of their time there under her leadership – and the Golden Rules for life that were instilled in them. As Robert Fulghum wrote in his book about Global Leadership – “All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten” - wisdom is not what we learn at University but what we learn in the ‘sand pit’ at school. Geraldine – she may not have been a Global Leader – has certainly been a great leader in the CCJS world and her warmth and wisdom will be missed. We wish her and Peter a very happy, and stress-free, retirement.

Bridget Vick


Development Director 1999 - 2009 (10 years)

Christowe Housemaster 1993 – 2009 (16 years)

By Nicholas Lowton (Current Staff)

By Chris Rouan (Current Staff)

Bridget Vick arrived at the College in October 1999 as Development Director to help raise money and to work with the Cheltonian Society. The initial task was to help to fund the Performing Arts Centre but, after a while, a broader look at what the College really needed over the next twenty years brought a shift in priorities and a wider remit. Initially Bridget worked with the Cheltonian Society, organising events, setting up a new database and engaging in a general process of modernisation. It soon became clear, however, that the community of those with the College at its heart was far broader than just Old Cheltonians, and, to accommodate them all, the Cheltonian Association was formed. Bridget was its Chairman: she set up coordinators around the world, organised a very strong events programme, produced Floreat and wrote a new Strategic Plan.

We say farewell to Mark after 18 years as he leaves to take up his post as Headmaster of Peponi School in Nairobi. He is quite obviously going to make a brilliant Headmaster - already he has announced that INSETS are to be banned and that Gin and Tonics are to be served at morning break.

It would be unrealistic to claim that relationships between the Society and the Association worked well from the start, but Bridget was central to the process of drawing the two organisations together. An OC recently wrote, ‘Bridget brought imagination, tact, efficiency and warmth to leading an emerging operation to its present established state. Bringing change to institutions is never easy but we have come to think of the Association with warmth. Above all she made the Association approachable, and made us aged OC’s feel most welcome, even though we must have tried her patience on many occasions’. Bridget joined at a time when it was assumed that the only reason why the College would choose to contact OCs would be to ask for money: by the time she left, OCs, former parents, former staff and many others associated with the College felt that they were a valued part of the community, welcome not just at the school but at events nationwide (and even further than that). While doing all this, Bridget also took over polo at a time when there were 8 players in the school. Three years later, there were 45. The College quickly became the best school in the country winning the main SUPA Senior Tournament 3 years running and being part of the Finals for 6 years. Bridget established a successful Annual Polo Dinner which attracted the major VIPs in the country’s polo world. The College lead the way in Schools polo for several years attracting many pupils to the school because of this: it also attracted major sponsors: the club was delighted to be supported by Aston Martin for several years. With her impeccable organisation – for which successive Leavers’ Balls bear full testament – and her deep love of the school, Bridget achieved an enormous amount during her time at Cheltenham while all the time feeling that she was not doing enough. She made a huge number of friends, not just among the Common Room and pupils but also with the wider community embraced by the Association. She is leaving for pastures new, but those she leaves behind are richer and more fertile thanks to all that she has done in and for the College. She will be hugely missed.


Certainly I shall miss those paniky phone calls as Speech day looms - “Chris - can you cover my class - I am having trouble with Matron’s canapés” Chef extraordinaire, outrageous teacher of Biology, passionately caring Housemaster, hockey guru, rugby and cricket super-coach. Many members of staff come and go, most are remembered for a short while and are then consigned to the archives. A few however, are never forgotten - such is their stature and impact that they are permanently etched into the annals of College history. Sadly Mark is one of the former (not). With gown flapping few will remember his brilliant teaching, often on the hoof, but always entertaining and totally inspiring. His classes were regularly treated to torrents of verbal abuse with only random and largely irrelevant references to the syllabus. A few perhaps will remember his enormous generosity - an invitation to supper at Christowe would mean an evening to remember in the full knowledge that to follow would be 24hrs of indigestion and a hangover to die for. He considered punctuality and deadlines to be very working class. On the games field his expert coaching was, he felt, unfairly interpreted as wild rantings, disturbing the nearby hospital patients, - but it did at least hasten their recovery. The quintissential gentleman - few of us will forget his riotous tales of exploding lavatories, attacks on the general public and nights slumped in hedgerows unable to find his way home, as well as his embarrassment whenever a saucy tale is relayed in front of the Ladies. Indeed the mere thought of buying a toilet roll would send him into a hot flush. He has been a delight to work with - both friend and colleague - and the most wonderful of travelling companions. We have had many adventures together on a variety of expeditions over the years. On the Epic Cycle ride to Romania, he shopped and cooked for 40 hungry cyclists every day and using only a makeshift barbeque, produced without fail mouthwatering cuisine - usually in torrential rain - and of course always served up with his unerring sense of style and panache. However, I think it was the painful image of Durston bobbing up and down on a very small Mongolian pony with an even smaller studded wooden saddle which will stay with me for ever- although he only rode the thing for twenty minutes he walked like John Wayne for a week. Always with a warm and welcoming smile, he has been to so many of us the kindest and most generous of hosts. He has a way of making his friends feel valued and special. He has brought to the College humour, intellect, judgment, integrity, and support.

He is a true professional of the highest calibre, sensitive and responsive to pupil need, yet able to debate, stimulate, challenge and demand the very best. The pupils understandably adore him. In the House he became a legend and generations of Christowe boys and their parents have much to be grateful for. He was an outstanding House Master and an unforgettable colleague. We will miss Mark so much! I note there have already been several block bookings to Kenya! We wish him every success and our love and respect, which he has so rightly earned, go with him.

Gerry Smith Head Of Careers 1976 – 2009 (33 years) By Mary Swingler (Current Staff) Gerry Smith retired at the end of the academic year 2009. He joined the College staff in September 1976 and played a full part in all aspects of College life. He taught French and German very effectively in the Modern Languages Department and was Head of Careers. In this latter role he developed a comprehensive programme to assist Cheltonians in making their choices for the future. He invited a wide range of speakers to regular careers evenings, organised practice interviews, masterminded the ISCO Morrisby tests and took charge of an informative Careers library. For many years, he successfully ran the weekly Young Enterprise activity, which nurtured the entrepreneurs of the future. His work as a tutor and his particular connection with Southwood were much valued. The present Housemaster, Barry Lambert, will miss his loyalty, particularly in the more difficult moments when a quiet, supportive word from Gerry made all the difference. He encouraged all of his tutees without exception, getting to know them personally and building up strong relationships with all. Those in the House who struggled and did not always find things easy have particular reason to be grateful to him. Having seen two sons through the College Gerry was able to view the Cheltenham experience from both sides of the fence and understood the challenges faced by our pupils. For many years, Gerry coached boys on the sports field and was regularly seen among the spectators at Saturday matches. He was an enthusiastic supporter of all extra-curricular activities and the College musicians, particularly, could be sure that he would be in the audience, appreciating their hard work and talent. Many parents and pupils will remember Gerry as part of the dynamic “Tom and Gerry” duo that led the College ski trip. This was an annual fixture until a few years ago when the visit was marred by his wife’s serious accident on the slopes and he decided that the time had come to take up less risky pursuits. As President of Common Room, Gerry spent three happy years making life more comfortable for us and keeping us all in order. It is to Gerry that we owe the stylish redecoration and refurbishment of staff facilities, not to mention the reintroduction of cake, three times a week, at tea. However, there was a tougher side to his reign. Only the foolhardy would ignore his threats whenever the Common Room started to look like a church jumble sale,


and he ensured that the whole area remained spick and span so that we would present ourselves impeccably to all who visited. High standards mattered to Gerry. He demanded much of himself, of his colleagues and of those whom he taught. Those who fell short of his expectations would find themselves the focus of much lamentation. The weekly departmental meeting will not be the same without him but I wish him and Georgie well for a happy retirement.

Jim Dunne Head of Craft Design & Technology CCJS 1986 – 2009 (23 years) By Alayne Parsley (Current CCJS Staff Member & Parent) Jim first came to The Junior in 1970, fresh out of St Paul’s and St Mary’s College, Cheltenham. As a resident bachelor in the boarding house of 120 boys, his contemporaries were Malcolm Sloan, Nick Lowton and postgraduate gap student, Reynaud de la Bat Smit. Liz joined the teaching staff in 1976 and in 1978 they were married. 1980 brought a change when Jim left The Junior for Yarlet Hall, Staffordshire, only to return in 1986 when he was asked by John Hunt, the then Deputy Head, if he would consider resuming his former post. Luckily for us he said yes and has been Head of Art ever since. Jim became Head of Persia and later Head of Sparta, coached Hockey, took a rugby team and was a long time coach of the 2nd XI cricket team. In 1990 he appointed Alayne Parsley to become his assistant in the Art Department. He was a wonderful mentor giving generously of his time and knowledge; he had endless patience and was always very supportive. Along with a wicked sense of humour and fun he has been a significant member of Common Room and very highly regarded as a colleague. He was President of Common Room for some years, during which time these qualities were appreciated and his skills as a counsellor put to the test. He will be remembered for his exceptional teaching qualities, as a man who could enthuse and inspire at all levels. His lessons are progressive and he has tried never to repeat a lesson exactly. A dedicated prep school teacher, often he would work long into the night to complete his legendary stage sets and Christmas stained glass windows. His ability as a skilled artist was recognised by Council when, after a very successful exhibition of portraits produced on sabbatical in 1999, Jim was asked in 2004 to paint the then departing Headmaster. A portrait of Paul Chamberlain hangs in College Dining hall for all to see today. Everyone has enjoyed his conversation, laughs and caricatures and the many public occasions when he has sung (his final performance was in this summer’s Concert). He decided it was time to retire when he could no longer do an Arabic spring on the beach at Normandy, having played a key part in the Normandy team for the last 10 years. He always said the main thing he would miss about The Junior would be the food; this may be true but I think he might just miss some of the long and lasting friendships, the wonderful children and beautiful school. After 33 years at The Junior Jim thoroughly deserves a healthy and happy retirement with his wife, Liz, in Ballybog, Ireland, his true home for over ten years.


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Penny Mason Careers Secretary 1984-2009 (25 years) By Gerry Smith (Former Member of Staff) Penny joined the College Administrative Staff in 1984 to work in Richard Morgan’s Office ‘upstairs’ alongside the redoubtable Betty HoughtonBrown. In those halcyon days only the H.M.’s Personal Secretary had access to an electric typewriter, reports for all pupils were written every term, both UCAS and PCAS references had to be completed and there were no photocopiers! In April 1991 Penny ‘retired’ to have her fourth son but still continued to type UCAS references from home. She returned to College in September 1996 to become secretary to the Head of Careers, proving a tower of strength in administering all the College Careers programmes over the next 13 years and becoming an expert in her own right in all aspects and areas of the Careers Department. She also continued to type and process UCAS references for the Head of Sixth Form until going ‘part-time’ in 2005. It is the non-teaching staff who are often the unsung heroes of College and Penny’s efficiency, reliability and unfailing good humour, even under pressure, were an outstanding example of this. After 25 years exemplary service to College, Penny retires to spend more time with her husband, follow more closely the musical talents of her family and enjoy her four grandchildren. We all wish her and her family good health and every happiness in the future.

Lyndsey Green Accounts Assistant 1987 – 2009 (22 years)

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Lindsay joined the College in 1987 as an Accounts Administrator for Gardner Merchant, the College’s catering contractor at that time. When the College took over responsibility for its own catering in September 1999, Lindsay continued in the same role.

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By Stephen Friling (Current Staff)

Gerald Kavanagh

In November 2001, Lindsay became a member of the Accounts Team as an Accounts Assistant with responsibility for processing purchase invoices from receipt to payment as well as many other things. Lindsay left the College in August 2009 after 22 years and was a valued member of the team and we wish her well for the future.

2009 saw the formation of a new ‘Friends of the Junior’ association, the role of which is primarily a social one with the aim to support the school, children and staff by arranging social functions during the year. All parents of present or past pupils, all OJs and staff are entitled to participate as members. A Committee was formed with representatives of each year group along with a Boarding parent, College parent and member of Staff. The Committee held its first meeting just before the end of the Summer Term; the first Annual Open Meeting, Men’s Golf Day and Barn Dance were arranged for the Autumn Term with plans for more events in 2010.

His varied hobbies include visiting National Trust properties playing chess and holidaying with family members. His overriding passion, however, is horse racing. He enjoys an occasional bet, but he prefers the atmosphere of actually attending race meetings where he tries to win a fortune. As he has now spent a large part of his working life at College he has obviously not succeeded!

THE BARN DANCE 14th November 2009

The Friends of The Junior Barn Dance was a wonderful success and greatly enjoyed by all those who made it through the windy weather to join us.

Gerald is a keen family man and is looking forward to being able to spend more time with his daughters and their respective families. Gerald’s skills, wealth of experience, and genuine kindness will be sorely missed by all of his colleagues and friends at the College and we all wish him a very happy retirement.

Mick Brunt Teacher of Mathematics 1969 - 2009 (40 years) remains at College as Examinations Officer By Brendan Enright (Current Staff) Mick joined College in 1969. He has worked tirelessly in the Mathematics Department for 120 terms and is one of the longest serving teachers in the College’s history. He has always taught with enthusiasm and his contribution to every aspect of the department has been huge. Despite being an excellent mathematician Mick found a niche teaching the lower sets in College; his compassion and sense of humour fit this role very well. Mick has spent many years as the Senior Examination Officer, a role which has greatly increased in complexity since the early days and will continue in this role as he retires from the teaching staff. This is a position that Mick has carried out with spectacular success; as one member of SMT noted “Mick simply does not make mistakes!” Squash has played a large part in Mick’s life over the years and College has benefited enormously as a result. During his reign as Master in Charge, Mick introduced ‘full time’ squash for pupils not required for the main sports of the term which not only improved the general standard, but also gave the opportunity for many less able sportspersons to receive coaching and to represent College in a competitive environment.

By Andy Banks (current staff) Gerald joined the College Works Department, as it was then known, as a plumber in 1988. He soon became a very popular member of the team, with a great sense

Mick’s faith has played a large role in his time at College. It has manifested itself in deep concern for others, and a readiness to offer counsel and support to anyone in need. He has also helped to run a Christian Union under different names over the years, which has nourished the faith of hundreds of pupils.

Member of Estates Staff 1988 – 2009 (21 years)

By Fiona Hacker (Current Parent & Chair of Friends of the Junior)

of fun and large repertoire of jokes. He has always been extremely hard working and his cheerfulness was universally acknowledged by everyone, both academic and support staff, who came into contact with him.

For many years Mick has run Community Service at College. This is an extremely worthwhile Wednesday afternoon activity that involves organising visits by Sixth formers to the elderly in the local area. He also organises a Christmas meal held at College for around forty senior citizens. The fact that Mick has found time in what is a very busy school week to help others from outside of the College speaks volumes about his character. His efforts on the anti-smoking front are legendary; he has helped many a pupil to give up and has offered advice to a few members of staff too.



Farewell Leconfield By Lizard Philip (Current & Past Parent) The huge turnout at Leconfield on Speech Day this year, for a party to celebrate the Cook family’s time in the house, demonstrated how immensely popular they are! A glorious day, plenty of wine and canapés contributed to a joyful atmosphere with current boys and parents mixing with a multitude of old boys and their parents. Simon Collyer-Bristow and Julian Snell led the tributes to Karl and Ruth acknowledging Karl’s relaxed but firm approach with their own sons and other boarders and how, as parents, they had felt very much part of Leconfield over the years. This was echoed throughout the day by other Leconfield parents as was Karl’s loyalty to his charges. Head of House Callum Scott then spoke of Karl’s generous spirit when the current Upper VIth’s conduct had not necessarily been quite as Mr Cook would have liked! Callum also thanked the Cook family for their support and sense of fun over the years and wished them well. Angus Philip, Deputy Head of House, read a wonderful letter from one of Karl’s first Heads of House which related the same fine sentiments as previous speakers.

Annie Lake and her team had magnificently transformed the Assembly Hall with hay bales and scarecrows and once everyone had enjoyed a half pint of cider the caller from Brand F quickly cajoled even the most ardent barfly onto the floor. As always, Caroline Hewitt’s team provided delicious food – and by the time the scrumptious puddings had been consumed the dancing beckoned again. My thanks to Annie Lake, Alison Goff, Helen Stubbs, Rachel Edwards and Alison Ferris for their help making scarecrows, setting up and on the evening, to Richard Tierney for lighting the Assembly Hall for the night, and special thanks to Jill Douglas and the Boarders for helping with the clear up on Sunday morning.

THE CHEESE & WINE EVENING 25th September 2009

The inaugural Friends of The Junior event – a Cheese and Wine Evening was a great success. Over 100 parents had an opportunity to meet informally and enjoy the excellent cheese boards and wine provided by Caroline Hewitt and her staff. My thanks to Adrian Morris for his support of this new venture at The Junior.

FIRST MEETING OF THE CCJS DADS’ GOLF SOCIETY By Jeremy Shaw (Current CCJS Parent & Father Rep)

The first meeting of the CCJS Dads Golf Society on Friday 2nd October was a great success. The inaugural event was held at Brickhampton Court Golf Complex in Churchdown and the conditions were perfect. The aroma of fresh coffee and bacon rolls greeted the 18 players and at 11am the competition was underway. First off was the organiser, Jeremy Shaw, and first shot nerves saw his ball fly off with the shape of a non EU regulation banana. Six teams of three went out and after the nerves had settled the standard of golf by all players was very passable. Phil Lockyer won both the longest drive and nearest the pin and went home with two trophies. Tony Elliot posted the best individual score of 41 stableford points, and his team just beat the Headmaster’s team to second place by one point. The team event was won by Jeremy’s team, with accusations of match fixing being ignored as he awarded him and his teammates the winning prize of Callaway golf shirts! A great day was rounded off by a delicious meal of Steak and Ale Pie and a glass of wine, followed by Chocolate Brownie and ice-cream. The whole group was delighted with the condition of the course and the catering provided and £40 per person was declared a “good deal”. The next event will be in the spring time, date to be advised. Please e-mail Jeremy Shaw on found1rep@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk if you would like to be advised of the next golf day.

Karl then spoke of his years in Leconfield and kept the assembled party thoroughly amused with tales of his early experiences in the house, exploits of various boys and groups of boisterous boarders as well as memories of successes and failures. The generosity of donations received from Porcherites all over the world was a testament to the warmth and huge affection felt for the Cook family. These gifts were presented by Gina Scott and the ever popular Matron Jean.




PUBLIC BENEFIT - WHAT’S ALL THE FUSS? By John Champion (Bursar & Secretary to Council) Judging by some of the more sensational ‘public benefit’ headlines recently, we could be forgiven for thinking that the Charity Commission is about to embark on a wholesale process of stripping independent schools of their charitable status. But what’s the truth behind the doom-laden headlines? What is this ‘public benefit test’ we hear so much about, and is it really the threat we’ve been lead to believe?

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Well firstly, in some ways, not much has changed. Charities have always been expected to operate for the public benefit and that remains the case. However, the Charities Act 2006 brought an important change of approach for independent schools. Prior to the new Act it had been presumed that educational charities, along with religious and poverty-relief charities, operated for the public benefit, but now we have to demonstrate that we do.

benefit the public if there are undue restrictions on who can benefit, perhaps as a result of the fees that are charged. So for Cheltenham College, this means that if the education we provide is to be considered to benefit the public, we have to widen the opportunity to attend to a number of pupils who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford the fees. Of course we’ve long done this through the provision of means-tested bursaries, in some cases covering as much as 100% of the fees. We currently have around 50 pupils with us, contributing fully to College life, who wouldn’t be here without the help of a bursary.

Exactly what constitutes ‘public benefit’ is the subject of a great deal of debate in the sector and it will be some time before we have a really comprehensive picture of what will, and perhaps won’t, ‘count’ as public benefit.

But public benefit isn’t solely about widening access to College, important though that is. There’s a great deal more going on that delivers a positive and broadly based contribution to society; we have teaching staff who act as public examiners – they deliver benefit; we invite local maintained schools to use our facilities, we host specialist teaching conferences and training sessions and we have a number of staff who’ve written, or contributed to textbooks – all of which delivers benefit.

Even at this early stage though, we can be clear about certain things. For example we know that an activity, however praiseworthy, won’t be considered to

In fact, at this time last year, we conducted our first public benefit ‘audit’ to assess just how much qualifying activity was going on and we’ll be repeating the exercise

annually. Last year we were hugely encouraged by the breadth and depth of activity, and this year we expect that we’ll be able to point to even more public benefit provision. That’s important, because in common with other independent schools, we’ll have to provide detailed public benefit information as part of our next published Annual Report. It’s the first time schools have had to do this and there will be plenty of interested observers keen to see what we’ve been doing – not least amongst our competitors, and at the Charity Commission. So, with this in mind, we’re confident, but not complacent about our position. We believe we already do a great deal that provides public benefit and we’ll be looking at every opportunity to do more. Public benefit, or the lack of it, isn’t about to sound the death knell for hundreds of charities. Indeed even where a charity is found to be falling short of what’s expected, it will be given time to put its house in order. Speaking recently about four such charities Dame Suzi Leather, Chair of the Charity Commission said, “Let me be clear, no charity is currently in danger of losing its charitable status. The four charities have been given a year to provide a satisfactory plan for how they aim to meet the requirement. They will be given ample time to put this into action. We will be on hand to support them throughout”.

COMMUNITY SERVICE By Mick Brunt (Current Staff)


In the past, Community Service included conservation work with pupils using a chain saw, grass cutting, gardening, painting and doing odd jobs. Health & Safety and insurance companies dictated that the possibility of pupils using chain saws for practising their juggling skills or the risks of climbing unsafe ladders to help the community became severely restricted.

By Zoë La Valette-Cooper

However, a group of pupils visit local folk in their own homes and invariably benefit as much as those who are being visited. Particularly for those in the community who find it hard to get out of the house for reasons of age or infirmity, it’s something they look forward to as our pupils, usually in pairs, head off each Wednesday to do their visit. At the end of the autumn term College hosts a Christmas dinner and arranges transport for those who are able to come. Not only is there some fine Christmas fayre on the table but also a group of choir members accompanied by Gordon Busbridge sing a variety of popular Christmas carols. To fill the room we also invite a few local nursing homes to bring some residents and carers to enjoy the evening. If these carols aren’t enough, our guests are also invited to the service of traditional readings and carols in Chapel at the end of term.

A Perspective from one of the Ladies visited by College Students By Jill Tew It’s been a great delight having students visit me on Wednesday afternoons. This is the third year for me and I have found them all charming, courteous and always willing to help. The friendship doesn’t even end after one year as I still hear from students from two years ago. I look forward to the Christmas dinner and I’m sure it will be as successful and appreciated as last year. The carol service is a joy and so moving. What a wonderful way to approach Christmas day. I look forward to next term. God bless you all this Christmas. 15

(Current Staff) Every Wednesday 5th and L6th form pupils from College journey over to Lynworth Primary School in Whaddon to assist with lessons and an after school club. We work with their students on a variety of activities which range from set building for the Christmas play and building air-raid shelters for their World War II projects to drama, creative writing and storytelling. It is mutually rewarding for the pupils involved; confidence grows and excellent relationships develop as the weeks progress. Lynworth pupils appreciate the opportunity to have one-to-one or small group interaction and our pupils gain from the close contact with children who are growing up in very different circumstances and with very different outlooks on life. It is a pleasure to be part of this activity as it really works for all involved.

CHELTENHAM NEWS... The Emthonjeni Trust By Andra Knight (Past Parent & Emthonjeni Trust Committee Member) Emthonjeni Trust is Cheltenham College students’ selected charity for 2009 and our thanks go to the students, the Headmaster and the staff for choosing and supporting the trust. Emthonjeni trust supports those living with HIV and AIDS in the Eastern Cape, South

Africa. In particular, the trust provides financial and practical support to the Raphael Centre. The Raphael Centre is a clinic which makes a huge difference to people whose lives are being ruined by AIDS in the poverty stricken Eastern Cape. Thanks to the excellent support that the trust has received from College, as well as others, we have funded the Raphael Centre for eight years. The centre started 10 years ago as a support group for thirty people living with HIV. Over the years it

has grown enormously and today it helps approximately 1,500 men, women and children every month. It is estimated that the centre has helped over 40,000 people over the past 10 years. Emthonjeni Trust is a Cheltenham based charity. To find out more about the trust please go to : www.emthonjeni-trust.org.uk Reg.Charity No. 1092880

Fashion & Jazz Evening By Di Paggett (Staff & Current Parent) College’s sixth form pupils entertained over 135 people and amazed everybody with their incredibly high and versatile range of talent in an informal, fun evening of fashion and jazz, which raised over £2,500 for the charity. The evening began with the superbly talented College Barbershop Quartet, who entertained us with their beautiful harmonies and excellent singing. This was quickly followed by the Fashion Show which featured Beatrice Von Tresckow’s vibrant and exciting designs, modelled by the boys and girls. After a delicious supper, catered for by Caroline Hewitt (head caterer for CCJS), the College jazz band, ‘JIG’ treated us to a superb one and a half hours of excellent music. Our thanks go to Gill Mew and the truly wonderful talents of the members of JIG and to the very brave and glorious models who made the fashion show such fun. We are extremely grateful to Beatrice Von Treskow for agreeing to provide us with her designs for the show. Finally, a big thank you to the Barbershop Quartet.

African Dreams Ball By Caroline Baillie (Senior College Prefect) On a glorious summer evening at the beginning of July some 300 people gathered at the waterhole adjacent to the quad for sundowners before moving on to meet friends for dinner at one of a number of African lodges. The atmosphere was magical as the marquee had been transformed into an African Safari lodge, complete with a tented landrover and sunset horizons. A live auction hosted by an extremely witty Edward Bagnell of Tayler & Fletcher generated lively and competitive bidding. The auction raised considerable funds as did the cash prize draw, the silent auction, the tombola, the casino and the bar. Revellers danced into the African night to the music of ‘Dance On’ and the dance floor was packed until ‘landrovers’ collected those on safari at the end of the evening. A phenomenal amount of over £19,000 was raised and sincere thanks to Cheltenham College for donating the use of the marquee, to all donors and sponsors, to all the guests, and of course to the excellent team of helpers who setup the marquee and ensured that the guests had a good time. Special thanks and congratulations to Di Pagett, Andra Knight and Malcolm Sloan who instigated the idea and worked on the project tirelessly for six months.

College Prefects’ 24-Hour Run By Nic Robbins (Senior College Prefect) The idea was born on our training day last summer, when we decided that an event to raise our profiles and raise money for the College charity was a good idea. It was fun, stressful and quite an experience, headed up fantastically well by Minna Peake the Prefect in charge of charities and Mr. Todd the master in charge. We started at 7.45 on Saturday 14th November but before that we had quite a build up. We had nearly the whole school in Big Classical. They watched a Rock ‘esque’ training sequence we had made and the Headmaster and the Deputy Headmaster were chasing each other around, one dressed as a cat, the other as a mouse. All 15 of us ran the first lap. Accompanied by the Cat and mouse. Thereafter, each prefect ran half-hour slots all through the night and the following day. And what an end it was! The whole school lined the quad as again all 15 of us ran down the quad and then a little while later into the chapel for the College Eucharist! The response we got was testimony to how much the school had got behind us. Nearly every person had given 2 pounds to guess how many laps of the school we would do. In the end we managed to do 309, and raised over £3,000. It was an amazing success and to raise so much money for a Cheltenham based charity such as the Emthonjeni Trust which does so much good work for those with HIV/AIDS was awesome. My thanks go out to Mr. Mike Todd, who really drove this through and helped to make it happen, to our shirt providers, Intersport of Cheltenham, and to our three shirt sponsors, Subway of Bath Road, The Regent Arcade and Beatrice Von Treskow. 16

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To IB or not to IB, that is the question By Charles Runacres (Director of Teaching & Learning) ‘Will you be doing IB?’ is the question on the lips of seemingly all visitors to College; and the answer, for reasons I will explain, is ‘No’. IB has become a talisman, an apparent cure for all the ills of an overcompetitive university entrance system, a kindly brand in an uncertain educational world; while at the same time A levels appear to succumb to endless government interference and certainly receive ritual annual flagellation in the August press. A levels, it is argued, are shadows of their former selves (of course it was harder when we took them) and grade inflation apparently renders them valueless. IB, aided by the decision to allow maintained schools to take it, has filled the vacuum created by this media pressure. So what is the best course to take? How do we get what we all want: the best for our children and our pupils? The answer takes us to the heart of what we are looking for in a Sixth-form education. There are various ways of defining such an education: by what universities or employers require; by what is perceived as the best way to train the mind; by the need to shape maturing individuals as they begin adult life; by the diverse needs of pupils of different interest and abilities. In some ways it can be summed up fairly simply: academically, pupils should • learn to work hard and to work under their own steam • learn to think for themselves • develop a curiosity about the world around them • develop a curiosity about academic ways of analysing the world • be excited about what they study • learn analytical techniques, approaches and skills and to discriminate • learn to research • learn to communicate • be prepared for life at university and beyond

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There are then further vital questions: do we want pupils to be generalists or specialists? Do we want their understanding broad or deep? In what sort of detail do we want pupils to be able to work? How far do we want to push them in their academic studies? What sort of analytical skills do we want them to have? The British educational system has long been based on specialism as regards subjects and generalism in vocational preparation. Russell Group universities offer subject-specialist courses that are at best linked to future careers: even studying Law will not necessarily prepare you for a career in the law. The premise is that the analytically-trained mind can adapt itself better than the vocationally-trained one. Chemistry is famously a series of ‘best explanations’: the joke is that you are told at the start of A level that everything you learned at GCSE was not quite true but only a way of representing the truth; and that the same happens again when you start university. What this does is to put analysis rather than knowledge at the centre: it’s not how much or what you know but how you know it. The emphasis is on depth; the focus of study is on the ways of thinking that enable you to probe deeply into your subject and to learn and understand what it has to tell you about the world. You learn to analyse in complex and detailed ways, which teaches you about your subject; and that ability to analyse is what the jargon knows as the ‘transferrable skill’ that you take with you into your career. The key to a Sixth-form education, then, is learning to analyse: in Darwinian terms, analysis is the adaptation that favours success in education. The majority of pupils in England, including those at the dazzlingly selective schools, take A levels. The reason is that A level syllabuses provide the best means of introducing pupils to the types of analysis and thought that give the most complete understanding of a subject; and thus to the kind of analysis that they are then going to be able to apply in whatever area of life they find themselves. One of the most enjoyable and interesting things I am allowed to do in my job is to observe other people teaching (I am not sure the pleasure is always reciprocated by the observed). What strikes me most, apart from the skill of teachers, is the different kinds of analysis going on. I am less conscious of being in an Art lesson or an Economics one than I am of being in the presence of different ways of thinking about the world. My own limitations in Maths and Science make following some of the lessons testing (my attempts to discuss the subjects with my colleagues are at best met with patient smiles); but I do understand the variations in analysis. I am struck by the fact that I understand what Chemistry is up to, even if I understand little of the subject itself; whilst History, which I expect to be very close to my own subject of English, in fact operates with a quite different analytical 17

approach. Physical Geography and Biology are all but impenetrable to me, not just because the concepts are hard but because the analytical techniques and approaches are quite different to mine. What A levels provide, superbly, is an introduction to complex and powerful types of analysis; and in turn this gives pupils a detailed understanding of their subjects and the means of adapting and moving on. To complete an IB Diploma, pupils take six subjects, three at Higher level and three at Foundation. Pupils at the College take three A levels, as recommended by universities such as Cambridge; they also take one subject for a year (to AS level). There is immediately more time for studying in more depth, and for learning more about analysis. One of the features of College is its broad range of ability, and A levels give teachers the chance to teach the analytical approaches to all our pupils, in ways appropriate to them. The range of subject combinations at A level is large, and most pupils will find some combination that suits them well: IB’s insistence on everyone carrying a science, an Arts subject and a language through to the end means that it does not allow all pupils to pursue their own interests so effectively or to learn the analytical techniques of greatest use to them. We all know the pupils who have struggled through the ten subjects of GCSE only to flourish at A level. While the IB combination suits some pupils very well, for others it means not being able to specialise or to drop weak areas. There is a specific question about how to stretch the most able. A levels are increasingly addressing the needs of the most able pupils, with an A* grade being introduced for those achieving very high marks. College is also investigating using a qualification called Pre-U in some subjects where the details of the A–level syllabus suit us less than Pre-U. The Pre-U qualification will in the end be a diploma, but pupils can for the time being take individual subjects. Pre-U is closely related to A level, but aimed at the top end of the ability range; everything said here about A level applies equally to Pre-U. Between the two qualifications we will be able to address the needs of pupils of all types and abilities. One final attraction of the diplomas for Pre-U and IB is the extended elements they include in the core. All candidates for IB must write an extended essay, must take part in community work and must study the Theory of Knowledge. Here at College we are achieving all these without being tied to the prescriptions of IB. We are introducing the Extended Project Qualification, which requires pupils to research and write a 5000-word essay (or its equivalent in other fields such as Art, Design, Drama or ICT); this qualification is graded as an AS and is well-regarded by universities (to the extent that Bristol for instance are reducing their offer for anyone scoring well at EPQ). We have established a small but successful Critical Thinking programme at AS and will be expanding that, including, we hope, to the best Fifth Formers. And of course community action, leadership and service are all alive and well in the very strong activities programme. The superb rounded education that produces OCs comes not only from the classroom, but from the whole experience of College including crucially the House and the Chapel. A levels not only give our pupils the best type of analytical education; they suit all comers and give us the flexibility to teach as we wish. IB is a powerful international qualification. Some of its appeal is novelty, especially as A-level teachers encounter it for the first time (when one such convert wrote ecstatically in the media about being allowed by IB to teach Voltaire’s Candide for the first time, I was teaching it to Third Form); for some pupils it is a good way of pulling together a particular type of course; that IB exams are set and marked internationally does give them a stability that is not always present in the over-burdened British exam boards; and there is no governmental interference in IB. A-level, however, continue to allow for excellent teaching that develops the independence, industry, passion, curiosity and analysis we seek. The higher grades come in large measure from more pupils working harder and in a more organised way than before; our current pupils are facing pressures that were quite absent even 10 years ago and many are responding with a strong work ethic and admirable ambition. Teachers are teaching more effectively. The best pupils still have to work very hard and examine very well to achieve their excellent results. College performs exceptionally well in university applications, and OCs do well at university; the preparation given them through A level and the opportunities that are available at the College for each individual to find their strengths far exceed what IB can do. It may not be fashionable, but A levels are doing a good job for us, and we do a very good job with them; we’re not sticking with what we know, but with what is excellent.





70th Anniversary Evacuation Reunion 8th November 2009 By Luke Wendon (BH ’43) The invitation arrived long before the event. Something ‘clicked’, but I put it aside. I had never been to any College reunion since I left in 1943. Some weeks later, my wife saw the invitation and said “why don’t you go?” Somewhat reluctantly I was persuaded and said ‘yes’. I have to admit she was absolutely right! As soon as we arrived, it became very clear that a great deal of time and effort had gone into planning the programme, and our reception by staff and all concerned was very welcoming. First, coffee in the Library anxiously searching for a face or name I could recall from the 19 OCs & OJs that attended. Alas, no luck. Not surprising really... it was after all 70 years ago. But conversation soon started and then never stopped. On to the main event...The Remembrance Service. The fantastic surroundings well remembered, the two minute silence, The Last Post and Reveille sounded as clear as a bell, the hymns sung with gusto, and the Anthem sung beautifully by the choir. I am sure that in our time we were not nearly as good. Next, to the Library in the Junior School where there was an exhibition of photographs, cuttings and letters that must have taken somebody a great deal of time and effort to put together. Memories started to flood back. I recalled the ‘digs’ we were in, the long hard winter with snow and ice, the shock of having been evacuated to a ‘soccer’ school. There was also the strangeness of playing games in the morning with the lessons in the afternoon, because we had to share classrooms and other facilities. One other little bit I suddenly recalled was the strange tradition of Shrewsbury School pupils acknowledging masters by ‘touching their ear’ rather than their mortarboards as we used to have to do! It was good to get back to Cheltenham after two terms. Some other memories were also stirred. The monastic existence in our time compared with coeducation now. (I must confess that it was back in 1943 that I was partly responsible for organising the first contact with Cheltenham Ladies College... a fencing match). Perhaps it was a forerunner of present policy! The photos of the senior boys who were our heroes. The distinct memory I have of Queen Mary arriving on occasions in her old Rolls Royce, to watch us play cricket... no fuss, no security. It could not happen now. Lunch was a great success, with members of staff and pupils dispersed amongst us ‘oldies’. Conversations never stopped. I am sure we learnt a lot from each other. The food much much better than we remembered. Mind you not difficult. The food we got in the war was terrible. Unfortunately we were unable to take part in the tours of the College and Houses but I am sure that my memories would have been shaken by all the improvements that have been made over the years. The Spartan life is consigned to history.

Photography by Andy Banks.



So, to the Headmasters of both Schools and to all those involved A BIG THANK YOU. Rest assured it was well worth the effort.

The Hampshire e and Dorset Annual Luncheon 2009 By John Balmer (Xt ’78) The Hampshire OC regulars and some newcomers met on Saturday 26th September at the South Lawn Hotel. Another successful lunch party, enjoying a beautiful sunny day in the New Forest. Malcolm Sloan made a short speech with some recent news from Cheltenham and we joined him in a toast to absent friends. This was the first luncheon since the death of Allen Greenwood who initiated this event which has now run for almost two decades.

Our numbers have dwindled somewhat over the last few years so I urge all OC’s around the south to consider joining us next year for this delightful informal gathering. Allen Greenwood.

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10 EVENTS... Polo Invitation Day 2009 FLOREAT

By Zoe Bond (Former CCJS Staff & CCJS Parent)

My family and my own parents eagerly awaited the Cheltenham College 2009 polo day after purchasing our champagne reception tickets. And what a wonderful day it turned out to be. As parents of two Junior School pupils and a teacher at the school, we expected this to be our one and only opportunity to attend this much talked about day as we were relocating to Somerset. It had been difficult to attend before due to the day normally being in term time and therefore Saturday school; this year it was moved to half term and was very well attended by parents and friends of both the Junior and Senior School.

Photography by Alice Gipps and Andy Banks.

I fully recommend the champagne reception tickets; these enabled us to arrive early, set up our picnic table right on the playing field boundary, which was ideal for young children. We then wandered over to the stalls. Having never been to a polo day, I really did not know what to expect but was very pleasantly surprised. The stalls were full of high-quality delights ranging from delicious homemade fudge to jewellery, shoes, portraits, wonderful cashmere pashminas as well as all the traditional polo gear. The canapés were served in another marquee and we found our champagne (or orange juice) was attentively topped up. It was a great opportunity to mix with many parents we already knew from the junior school but also to meet senior school parents. We then received a welcome address by the Headmaster of the College, Mr. John Richardson, and then the rules of Polo were explained by Peter Morris. We were very fortunate it was a beautiful day.

Sadly, due to an outbreak of swine flu, Eton College were unable to attend though were able to send an Old Boys’ team. However, Marlborough College managed to put together a polo team at very short notice. The matches were amazing, much faster than I imagined and having our front seat position we were able to continue our picnic. The matches are split into 4 chukkas. Each chukka is timed to last 7 minutes, then a bell is rung, but the game goes on until the ball goes out of play, or for another 30 seconds when the bell is rung again. Ponies can play two chukkas with a rest of at least one chukka in between. My son’s highlight was at ‘half time’ when all spectators were asked to go onto the field to tread down the divots broken up from the horses. Afternoon tea was served between the two matches, with deliciously tempting cakes and biscuits and a refreshing cup of tea. Both teams played so well, even to the untrained eye, though Cheltenham College were deserving winners in both matches. Lady Bathurst presented the Cup and prizes to the players. From start to finish the day was very much enjoyed by the whole family - so much so that we hope to travel back next year especially for it. It was exciting, relaxing, very well organised and very much a family day.

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There were three types of tickets on offer: Champagne Reception, whereby you arrived a couple of hours before the polo and had the opportunity to browse the various stalls, and obviously have champagne and canapés; or you purchased tickets for matches and tea; or just for matches.

While we were enjoying our picnic the two polo teams assembled and were very happy for children and adults to ask questions and stroke the horses- my daughter’s favourite bit of the day!



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HOUSE REUNIONS 2009 The sophisticated surroundings of The Arts Club was the venue for the girls’ houses. Uneven floors, deep scarlet walls, heavy gilt framed paintings and antique furniture suggested a setting reminiscent of one of the boys’ houses and seemed a distant cry from the modern purpose-built Ashmead House. Nevertheless, within minutes the room filled with shrieks as past Cheltonians excitedly recognised old friends. News of new jobs, new husbands, new babies were exchanged whilst also reminiscing on past experiences of life as a girl in what was, for some, still very much a boys’ school. From fascinating insights into being ‘one of the first girls’ to recent gap year travels by 2008 leavers, it all made for a lively, diverse and highly entertaining evening and reflected what a positive force girls are at Cheltenham College.

The Porcherite Reunion was a tremendous occasion on a windy March night. Despite the new venue, a great variety of Porcherites attended to exchange memories and news. Over 80 were able to meet and greet each other and the Leconfield memorabilia, together with the wine, proved excellent catalysts from 6.00pm onwards. Charles Wright and Karl Cook, spanning the past 28 years of Leconfield Housemastership, ensured that House and College news could be aired. Many Porcherites established a rapport with others as if they had never left the House; a particularly pleasing number coming from the last twenty years, as well as a sizeable core from Eric Lamplugh’s days of running the House in the late Fifties.

Boyne House Reunion – The Travellers’ Club, Pall Mall By Seb Bullock (Current Housemaster) There was a good turnout of Brooksmithites at The Travellers Club. It was excellent to see both recent leavers and those from the more distant past, with much comparing of notes with regard to experiences in Boyne House. Several old friendships were rekindled and plans made to visit College before too long. Overall a really enjoyable and entertaining evening. Cheltondale – The Commonwealth Club, Northumberland Avenue. By Gerald Vinestock (Former Housemaster) Despite the absence of a physical base for Cheltondale, Owenites turned out in force at the Royal Commonwealth Club. Sir Michael McWilliam hosted the evening and the McWilliam clan itself represented three generations of Cheltonians. The Headmaster kindly told those present something of what was happening at College. Many generations of Owenites shared reminiscences and memories of exploits and Housemasters past. Generous provision of wine and some surprising canapés added to the pleasure of the evening and encouraged many to pursue further memories of their time in Cheltondale at the local hostelry.

Photography by Andy Banks.


Leconfield – Balls Brothers Wine Bar, St James’s By Karl Cook (Former Housemaster)

It was a great pleasure to welcome back so many girls at the recent reunion. It was fun and very interesting to hear their stories and to marvel at the adventures they have experienced and the wonderful and varied careers they are making for themselves. They too seemed excited and genuinely delighted to see each other and the staff, after in some cases many years. It was a great occasion and should certainly be repeated.

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The Girls’ Reunion – The Arts Club, Mayfair By Anna Cutts (Ashmead Housemistress)

By Steph Chipman (Queen’s Housemistress)

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By Sir Michael McWilliam (Ch ’52) With Cheltondale having been sacrificed to the territorial ambitions of the General Hospital in the 1970s, the Owenite gathering on 26 March had a different flavour to the other OC reunions that evening. It was a more senior group than the other parties – more suits and ties – no current Housemaster. Instead, the Headmaster himself came to give an upbeat briefing on College affairs, while Gerald and Elizabeth Vinestock (Housemaster 1972-1978) gave a spirited evocation of the past and they met some of their old charges. I co-hosted the event at the Royal Commonwealth Society, and my OC sons and grandson were also present. I confirmed to the company that College was putting more effort into forging links with OCs as a supportive network for the future – as potential Cheltonian parents, financial supporters now or through legacies, and to help sustain friendship networks from formative schooldays. Some 50 Owenites were present, with one or two faded mauve and chocolate ties in evidence. A splendid blown up photograph of the old house provided a nostalgic reminder of long ago. Hazelwell – Just Oriental Bar, St James’s By Simon Conner (Current Housemaster) On the occasion of my first Greenite reunion, I was overwhelmed by the support that the House has from its old inmates. The Just Oriental Bar was flooded with stories from across the generations. What was particularly moving was the bonds that still existed between peers after all these years and the interest that the Old Boys still had in College. There was real affection and regard felt for John Bowes and his memory was in the forefront of many minds. 21

I thank all those concerned in making this work so well, notably Bridget Vick and Rebecca Creed, but most of all my thanks to the Porcherites who supported the event. Once again, Leconfield’s numbers were one of the healthiest. Newick House – Davy’s Wine Bar, Pall Mall By Martin Stovold (Current Housemaster) The ‘Muglistonite Reunion’ in London on 26th March 2008 was a tremendous event with an excellent turn out from a wide range of ages stretching from nineteen to a gentleman in his seventies; a positive mixture of generations with fantastic tales and stories to tell. The venue of ‘Davy’s Wine Bar’ was perfect, providing a great atmosphere and decorated with old photos and memorabilia. The evening became long and even more enjoyable as other ‘Houses’ descended on ‘Davy’s’. It was excellent to see the OCs take over most of St James’s for the evening! Overall, a great success which will be repeated every second year. Christowe – Mulligans of Mayfair By Mark Durston (Former Housemaster) The largest planned College gathering in London was always going to be full of interest and fun. However, nobody could have thought that it would be so successful. Old Boyceites gathered in a small basement of an Irish Bar somewhere in Mayfair. One of the classiest areas of town was a sensible venue for the House and an Irish pub could not have been more wisely chosen during the final year of service from our Second Master. As with most reunions, it started slowly and an odd trickle of young men descended the stairs to enjoy the free flowing access to the bar and rather a good selection of wines available. As stories began to be told, more came down and the noise soon rivalled that being made above by the busy London commuters having a final jar before catching their trains home. As the bar became busier, the stories flowed more easily and quite suddenly we were immersed in recollections of pranks, school masters, sporting victories, and life beyond the walls of College. What soon became apparent within an hour or so was not only the crowd but the spread of ages; we had representatives from almost all year groups from the nineteen forties until the leavers of last year. It really was a great occasion. The convergence to Davy’s Bar at 8.00pm was not an easy operation and even our old boys now senior in the Military could urge revealers to make the move. When the move was made by some they found that other House events had been equally successful as the gathering in another basement was huge. College had certainly made its mark! I am now writing from some distance away and my memories of the warmth, friendship and excitement that greeted all of us will remain in my memory. It was a great evening in every sense; I recommend you all to attend the next one. Southwood, Thirlestaine, Wilson & Day Boys – Franco’s, St James’s By Barry Lambert (Current Housemaster) It was a great evening and so nice to see so many familiar faces both young and old. The photographs on show provided many talking points provoking numerous stories and anecdotes. What perhaps was even more amazing were the scenes at ‘Davy’s’ where it was very difficult even to get into the venue. Amazing to hear of so many great stories and successful careers. 22

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Great getherings! Huge thanks, very much enjoyed.

Houses Merge


Lawrence Anderson (Th ’59)


A Day at the Association Cricket Marquee

Contratulations on the very successful OC gathering you organised in March. It was a considerable achievement to organize House meetings and then bring them all together, and thoroughly enjoyed by all who participated. It was good to see so many younger OCs there, which speaks well of College.

By Robin Danielli (Former Parent) The Cheltonian Association’s marquee at the Gloucestershire Cricket Festival, 19th July – probably one of the most beautiful settings for first class cricket. Old friends, new acquaintances, a chance to catch up on news. Excellent food. What more could anyone desire? Well, an end to the incessant rain, which blighted the 2009 Festival just as it did in the two previous years, would have been welcome. The middle Sunday of the Festival was scheduled for Gloucestershire to play Essex in a one-day Pro-40 match. Lunch was to be at 1.00pm, with the match due to start at 1.45pm. The weather forecast was for heavy showers and sunny intervals, and the guests arrived amidst the latter for their aperitif Pimms. However, as lunch commenced, a drumming noise on the roof of the marquee announced the arrival of the rain. A look outside revealed the ground staff operating in overdrive. The covers were rolled back on to the pitch and surrounded by large plastic sheets over the infield. Lunch was obviously going to be a leisurely affair.

Trevor Davies (Former Hazelwell Housemaster)

And such an excellent meal deserved not to be rushed. Surely amongst the best lunches served at the Festival throughout the fortnight, the buffet included crabs, jumbo prawns, salmon, beef and gammon, plus an amazing variety of salads, followed by strawberries or cheese.

Photography by Andy Banks.

With no live cricket to watch, attention turned to the television in the corner of the marquee, showing the Second Test from Lords. A sudden triumphal shout “Ponting’s been bowled by Broad” proved to be an isolated success, as Clarke and Haddon ground out their massive stand. 4 o’clock, and cakes and scones appeared for afternoon tea. Many of the guests slipped away after this, with the prospects for any cricket seeming remote amidst the continuing showers. However, it was announced that play would start at 5.15pm; with the teams playing a match reduced to 18 overs a side. Those resilient souls who had stayed on were then treated to a feast of big hitting. Essex batted first, and seemed to be impregnable at 191-5, following a volley of huge 6’s, but Gloucestershire responded with big guns of their own, and won by 6 wickets with 3 balls to spare. All in all, a most enjoyable day. Very well done to Cheltenham College Catering, and a big thank you to Bridget and Rebecca in the Cheltonian Association Office for their efficient organisation.


By Barry Selby (Former Parent)

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Thank you for organising the House Reunion event. A great success. Quite an operation and I hope we can have another one – although I guess it doesn’t necessarily make sense to have it annually. The early warning was also very valuable. I do hope we can repeat this event and that maybe even more Owenites will make it next time.

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How brilliant was last night!!! I had so much fun and loved every minute. It was truly fantastic! Henry Larthe (NH ’07)


I just wanted to say thank you to you and the rest of the staff and housemistresses for such a lovely evening! We all enjoyed it very much and it was great to catch up with people! Thank you for hosting such a great night. Nicola Rusborg (Ch ’01)

Photography by Andy Banks.

Barney Richards (Ch ’52)

The choir is exceptionally good this year and the choice of music excellent, my particular favourites being “In the Bleak Midwinter” and “The Shepherd’s Carol”, both sung beautifully. The very welcome mulled wine and mince pies rounded off a very pleasant and uplifting experience. As former parents, we really appreciate being included in the invitations for this event every year; it means the beginning of Christmas for us.

Photography by Stephen Clark.

The miserable cold and wet weather didn’t deter families from attending the end of term carol service. As the light faded outside, the candles were lit and, as always, the atmosphere was warm and inviting. There was a low buzz of conversation as people craned their necks, spotting friends and acquaintances in the crowd, whilst others studied the very well produced order of service leaflet. A hush descended as we became aware of the soloist standing in the gallery and the service began with her beautiful voice introducing “Once in Royal David’s City”.


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Leavers’ Tie Presentation & Leavers’ Ball 4th July 2009 By James McWilliam ( S’ 09) good fortune were passed. A Chapel service for the leavers, their parents and the rest of College, followed this bringing a fitting finale in what is the heart of the College.

A modest start to the evening of champagne and nibbles gave way to a superb three course meal, followed by a casino, magician, sumo wrestling and a very talented live band to name

Photography by Andy Banks and David Howe.

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The leavers’ scarf and tie presentation on the 4th July 2009 was a symbolic start to the final day at College for the U6th of 2009. The presentation of the ties and scarfs by the Headmaster proved to be an important moment where a few final words of thanks and

The ball that evening proved not only to be a more lively affair, but also one which many students said was one of their finest memories during their time at College. The quality of food and drink, and the variety of entertainment on offer, was really first class.

but a few. The fact that the band had to be told to stop as it was pushing 2am highlights the level of enjoyment experienced not only by the leavers but also the staff and parents alike. It was certainly an evening that will live long into the memory of many an OC.



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United Arab Emirates Reunion 25th February 2009

By Darren (Daz) Brown (L ’84)

I am having a surreal moment it is 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I am in a pub drinking beer with the formidable and dare I say charismatic Dr Malcolm Sloan. We are just about to order lunch AND he’s paying BUT... he has a proposition to make and he needs my help! I had not set eyes on Paddy since... “Well that’s just it Daz, twentyfive years have passed since the Class of ’84 left College and we (The Association) would like to celebrate. No – not that we had finally gotten rid of you”! To me it sounded like a script lifted straight out of the Italian Job - “The plan is to get the old team back together” for the inaugural quarter-of-a-century OC reunion. As taught in the CCF at College – never volunteer for anything! Well I didn’t, but someone else had already suggested my name! Paddy needed me to motivate those that may be interested - and more importantly, those who were not. The easy bits were to set a date and to tag-onto the Cheltonian Association Rugby Weekend in order to offer a worthy array of activities to maximize the interest and response. Saturday 19th September 2009 was the chosen day.

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At first, I suggested we should have live music and a band to encourage both OCs and their partners to attend. Whilst Cheltenham is fully co-educational now, back in the day ladies (read girls) were a bit of a novelty, so we needed wives to buy into the idea. I recall a conversation with the wife of one of my best friends “I can’t stand the thought of listening to you lot prattle-on about how much fatter you have got or how much hair you’ve lost”! Oohps – I thought, she was a banker and we will need more positive responses than that! As it was, her husband had informed her that it was a “Three Line Whip” - she had no say in the matter - she was coming! (Note to oneself: great idea ~ don’t ask, tell them!).

The day arrived - a short chapel service took place at 12.15pm and we subsequently had an enlightening tour of our old Houses – much had changed in Leconfield. Several of my fellow Porcherites were literally ‘blown away’ when approached by two thirteen-year-olds asking if we knew their dad, which we did! One’s father was in the year below us, the other’s was in the year above! We then enjoyed a relaxing lunch in the newly refurbished Sixth Form Social Club – cor, not like that in our day. Many OCs and their wives/husbands, parents and past parents had arranged to converge at the ‘beer tent’ erected on College Lawn beside the 1st XV rugby pitch at 3pm, just in time for kick-off against Uppingham.

I cannot more highly recommend your involvement in reunions – start planning and start volunteering Class of ’85! I also find it difficult to forget how very lucky we are to have attended Cheltenham College. 27

We had a super evening held at the Emirates Golf Club in Dubai. There was never a lull in the conversation which ranged from old stories of teachers/ headmasters to current students etc! Alastair and Betty Montagu, Mark and Sharon Sault, Paul Totterdill, Helen Allen and Andy, Paul and myself attended and had such a good time we decided to arrange another get-together soon. We hope to try and contact a few more people as there are a few more in the UAE. As the UAE Co-ordinator, I would love to hear from any Association Members in the area. Please do contact me on suddabys@mailme.ae – I look forward to inviting you all to our next event!

The Bermuda reunion on the 1st April 2009 at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club, Hamilton saw the gathering of about 20 OCs from a variety of generations. The event itself was a huge success with an excellent array of canapés and drinks being served, during which past memories of College were exchanged. A number of resident OCs were in attendance such as Barnaby West (xt ‘00) who presently manages and runs the only major nightclub on the island and the recently engaged Melissa Harney (Cha ‘01). Tori Martin (Cha ‘07) was a surprise attendee, who happened to be out on holiday, as well as Henry Paddison (L ‘09) who has been working in Bermuda for a few months as an accountant. The event’s success can be measured in the enjoyment experienced by all those who attended and serves as an important reminder of the Association’s desire to retain its link with Bermuda.

The Association wine and cheese evening on 27th February 2009 was a hugely enjoyable and informative evening. Well over half of the U6th attended an evening, which saw an introduction to the Association by Bridget Vick (Association Chairman) followed by a speech from Peter Brettell (Association Honorary President). This was followed by presentations on the full range of OC sports clubs avaliable by Tommy Richardson (Xt ’98 & Current Staff), Caroline Abendanon (Q ’07) and Simon Collyer-Bristow (BH ’77). The whole evening was made merrier by the wide selection of exotic cheeses and excellent wines.

Devon Luncheon 2nd May 2009 By Ian Moody (Ch ’46) Photography by Andy Banks and Stephen Clark.

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Once again I would like to express my genuine and sincere thanks to the Class of ’84. I am already looking forward to 2034! I also wish to pass on everyone’s gratitude to Dr Sloan for making a vision become reality; without his tenacity, commitment and determination it would not have happened. Also, many thanks to Rebecca Creed for all her hard work behind the scenes to make the whole day, and indeed the touch rugby tournament on Sunday morning – no, I didn’t make it – such a success.

By Nick Nelson (Current Staff)

By James McWilliam (S ’09)

More excitement was to come as we met ‘in all our finery’ in the Library – it had finally turned into a black-tie event without live music. It was soon apparent that the evening was to be a tremendous success, and credit was given to the many individuals who made an awful lot of effort to make others’ time even more enjoyable.

The night came to an end where it all began for me, though this time it was 2 o’clock in the morning - drinking beer with Dr Malcolm Sloan. Did I just dream this?

By Debbie Suddaby (Current Parent)

U6th Wine & Cheese Evening 27th February 2009

Blimey! – we had been transferred twenty-five years back in time and it seemed that we were all eighteen years old again. Two and half decades of separation morphed into what felt more like two and a half weeks – yes we had aged into our mid-forties but it made not a jot of difference ~ we were ‘best of friends’ once again. It was also great to see three of the first girls to enter College back for the reunion as well as Bill Nichol and his wife who flew in from Hong Kong, Rich Lennox, Martin Ingram and his wife from the USA and Alex Warner from Spain.

With excellent food and drink and even greater company, we managed to catch up with hundreds of years’ worth of experiences and did not stop laughing about ‘loving’ (in the main) our experiences at Cheltenham College. Thankfully all the wives enjoyed the evening as well!


A total of 24 attended the Southwest Luncheon in Lympston on 2nd May. This included 13 OCs and their ladies and Malcolm Sloan and Bridget Vick from College. We were blessed with good weather (second year running) and the ‘Bring a Plate’ provided us with a very good lunch and gave us the opportunity to hear the latest news of College happenings.



6th & 7th February OC Hockey Weekend (Hockey Supper Sat 6th) Girls’ and Boys’ Matches taking place on Saturday and Sunday. Spectators welcome. RSVP: Gwyn Williams, williams. gwyn@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk or 07974 145262. Caroline Park, park.caroline@ cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk or 07775 538569.

12th, 13th & 14th March OC Rackets Weekend (Rackets Dinner Sat 13th) OCs participation only, all welcome to spectate. RSVP: Karl Cook, cook.karl@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch. uk or 07771 988935.

18th March Ladies’ Day At the National Hunt Festival Cheltenham Racecourse All Association Members To book tickets contact Rebecca Creed on 01242 265694 or email creed.rebecca@cheltcoll.gloucs. sch.uk

2010 Events

19th March, 6.30pm Association Cheese & Wine Evening for U6th. Sixth Form Common Room. For U6th only.

UK & Overseas Reunions We hope to have reunions in the following locations: Kenya - Kiran Ahluwalia runninwild@iconnect.co.ke Canada – Peter Gooch (British Columbia - pgooch@shaw.ca Robin Lodge (Alberta) recl@telusplanet.net and Bob Charlton (Ontario) bobc@accessv.com


6th May, 7.30pm Warwickshire Reunion (Rep: Ian McFarlane) The Leamington Tennis Court Club Contact: Ian McFarlane, email: mcfarir@chevron.com Invitations to follow. April / May Scotland Reunion (Rep: Malcolm Hutton) Further information and invitations to follow. Contact: Malcolm Hutton, email: malchutton@yahoo.co.uk

22nd May Devon Luncheon (Rep: Ian Moody) Association Members living in Devon. Invitations to follow Contact: Ian Moody, email: ian@moody2.eclipse.co.uk

29th May Ireland Reunion (Rep: Alan Brownlee) Dublin City Centre. Further information and invitations to follow. Contact Alan Brownlee, email abrownlee@paddypower.com

Senior School Tours

7th – 12th July Choir Tour to Barcelona and Catalonia 16th August – 2nd September Rugby Tour to Argentina & Uruguay For further details please look on the website www. cheltenhamcollege.org

Invitations will follow about the above events but please also look at our website for updates,

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5th June Polo Invitation Day Cirencester Park Polo Club. All Association Members. More information and invitations to follow. June Wales Reunion (Rep: Clive Mossford) Further information and invitations to follow. Contact: Clive Mossford, email clivemossford@minton.co.uk 3rd July Leavers’ Tie & Scarf Presentation Library U6th leavers only

8th August The Gloucestershire County Cricket Festival Gloucestershire CCC v Middlesex CCC (one day match) All Association members – tickets limited. Invitations to follow.

Chapel Evensong Dates 3rd February 6.30pm 10th March 6.30pm 24th March 4.30pm 26th April 5.30pm 26th June 5.30 pm CCJS Chapel, 10.00am Sunday 24th January Sunday 24th March Sunday 9th May Sunday 23rd May

11th & 12th September Association Rugby Weekend College 1st XV v Warwick at Home Chapel, lunch, cash bar. 11th September 25 Years Anniversary – 1985 Black Tie Reunion Dinner. 1985 Year Group OCs. Invitations to follow.


By Jill Barlow (Archivist)

The modern library in course of conversion.

The old chapel as the library

10th December Association Carol Service All Association Members. Invitations to follow. Senior School Drama

18th – 20th March ‘School for Scandal’ by Sheridan All Welcome If you would like to attend, please RSVP to the Cheltonian Association Office on 01242 265694 or email info@cheltonianassociation.com Junior School Drama

8th & 9th March, 6.30pm Year 7 present ‘The Complete History of the World’ (abridged). All Welcome. If you would like to attend, please contact Helen Smith, 01242 522697 or email smith.helen@cheltcoll.gloucs. sch.uk

BRITISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION, PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA This Association meets four times a year for an informal lunch or picnic by the riverside. It is a purely social and good contact association as most of the members are long-standing residents. If you would like further information or would be interested in joining please contact Fred Shelley, deeshelly@inet.net.au

FEATURE ARTICLES SECTION Please keep your articles coming in. We would love to publish features about your life after College, interesting jobs you’ve done or amazing experiences.


14th November Class of 1960 50th Anniversary as part of the Cheltenham College Remembrance Sunday 1960 Year Group Invitations to follow.

NEWSHOUNDS We need you to continue to notify us of any relevant pieces of news, ie notable achievements, honours, births, marriages and deaths, etc. Please do also draw our attention to anything you see in the national or local press.

1991 & 2001 Were you at College in 1991 or the Junior School in 2001? If so, you may remember the Queen’s visit and the opening of the new Assembly Hall. If you do, please write in with your memories: we hope to run a feature on both.

10 FEATURE ARTICLES... The College Library

18th September Hampshire Luncheon Lymington Golf Club Members living in the South West. Invitations and details to follow.

CALLING ALL PROFESSIONALS We are planning to reintroduce the Careers Evenings for our Sixth Form. It would be great to hear from those of you who would be willing to give an individual or group talk on your profession. Please contact Malcolm Sloan, sloan.malcolm@cheltcoll.glocs,sch.uk or telephone 01242 265664.

2011 FLOREAT FEATURES Your School Report We still hope to run this feature so please do get in touch and let us know... How did your school report reflect your career path?... or didn’t it? Please let us know of any amusing anecdotes, accurate career predictions or statements that totally contradict your chosen profession.


Sunday 12th Touch Rugby Tournament All Association Members. More information and invitations to follow.

The Association would like to hear from anyone who can provide information about the following items. Please contact: Rebecca Creed on 01242 265694 or email info@cheltonianassociation.com, or write to The Cheltonian Association, Cheltenham College, Bath Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD with information on the following notices:

NB: We hope to continue to supply our obituary supplement, so any information in this respect would be gratefully received.


WHO ARE THEY Can you help identify these boys or are you one of them? If so, please contact Jill Barlow in our Archives Department on 01242 265600 or email barlow.jill@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk

John Darter presiding over the library whilst situated in the dining hall.

‘It having been discovered that pupils of the College living in the town are in the habit of procuring books from the circulating Libraries to be lent to boys in the Boarding Houses...’ the borrowing of such unsuitable books was banned by order of the Principal. Thus in 1845 the books which had been in small libraries in boarding houses were brought together in a room in the main building and College Library was created. It was supervised by a committee consisting of the Principal and six of the Directors (the predecessors of College Council). Membership of the library was optional for the boys, but necessitated an admission fee of 10 shillings and a halfyearly subscription of 2/6. Rules for the use of the library were published in 1846. A boy could only borrow books on a Friday and only by submitting a written request to his form master, who passed it on to the librarian who sent the book to the classroom. In 1849 the Board of Directors reported that ‘the Library continues to receive from time to time additions of books, and it is to be hoped that the increasing collection

of religious, useful and interesting works will be a source of improvement to the boys in their leisure hours.’ The circulating libraries of the town must still have seemed a tempting alternative. When the new Junior Department (now Old Junior) was built in 1865, the library was moved to a room on the first floor and the boys were at last allowed to work amongst the books, though since the room was unlit this was not possible on winter afternoons. As ever, it is the dissatisfied voices which make themselves heard and there are many letters to The Cheltonian complaining of the lack of light, of space, of newspapers, of a clock. A larger library was clearly needed, but so was a swimming pool, and the pool won the competition for funds. At last, when the new chapel was built, the old chapel (now the dining hall) became available for the library and museum. It opened in June 1897, the books sharing the space with museum exhibits, several large marble statues and eventually a grand piano bought by the boys of the Musical Club on which they gave many concerts.

Lawrence Shuttleworth, who taught English, re-organised the library and started work on a card index to replace the existing catalogue. It was on his recommendation that the stained glass in the south window was replaced with clear glass to give more light and he put together the collection of autograph poems still displayed in the library. When he died in 1925, his executors presented nearly 300 of his books to the College and many others were added to the Shuttleworth Bequest in his memory.

Lawrence Shuttleworth

2010 Calendar

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When College was evacuated to Shrewsbury in 1939, the books, like everything else, were packed away. On the return, the former library was required as a central dining room and the books had to compete for space with the museum established in Big Modern. Eventually they won and during the 1950s the library as we know it today, designed by the College Architect Louis de Soissons, gradually took shape. 30




Endicott Peabody (1857-1944) - An American Cheltonian Data assembled by Jeremy Taylor (Xt ’58) Endicott (Cotty) Peabody was one of some seven pupils of wealthy USA parents who entered College pre-1919 due to the international reputation it had established following foundation in 1841. Cotty, son of Samuel Endicott Peabody, was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1857. His great-grandfather was the distinguished Salem shipowner Joseph Peabody, who made a fortune importing pepper from Sumatra as well as opium from Eastern Asia and was one of the wealthiest men in the United States at his death in 1844. Samuel Endicott Peabody, was a Boston

Cotty also represented College at rugby, and in the Cricket XI. He was fives champion and a first class racquets player; his racquets cup being always on display in his home when he returned to the USA.

College Football 1874

E Peabody at Cheltenham 1874

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College had been recommended to Samuel by relations in the States, and although he went to see other schools, his interview with the College Principal, Rev. T.W. JexBlake, convinced him that Cheltenham was the school for his two sons. Francis and Cotty entered College in 1871. Both boys worked hard and developed a lifelong love of sports. Francis left College in 1873 having represented College in the Rugby XX, and as Captain of Rowing. After Cambridge University he became a well-known lawyer in Salem, and a very successful dealer in real estate.

Billings, E Peabody and Gardener

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merchant who moved to London in 1870 and together with his cousin George, founded the great house of J.S.Morgan & Co (later known as J.P.Morgan & Company). These two financiers were considerable philanthropists, putting up the money to fund Peabody Buildings, London’s first model estate for the urban poor.

In Cotty’s second year, a boy named C.T. Parker (1873), who lived in Paris, returned with a case of duelling pistols in his trunk. A shooting competition was suggested, and a target fixed to a tree. When discussing the scores, Cotty’s pistol fired inadvertently and struck his other hand. Cotty ran as fast as possible to a surgeon’s house but the bullet could not be found despite much probing. Cotty returned to Newick where the Matron put him to bed for five weeks with a badly swollen hand but chiefly due to a concern for lockjaw. Due to the injury, Cotty had to give up rowing for some time, and instead concentrated on cricket. He left College in 1876 at the age of 19 and went to Trinity College, Cambridge where he returned to rowing, just failed to obtain a place in the University boat but did win the Freshmen’s Sculls.

E and F Peabody 1885 31

Cotty graduated in 1880 with an LL.B

the manager’s desk lay another pistol; at the side was a shotgun and in a box on the other side of the barrier at which the customer stood was another hidden pistol which would be pointing directly at his diaphragm.” E Peabody circa 1920

E and F Peabody circa 1943

degree, and returned to the USA, entering in 1882 the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachsetts. The fact that he chose to train in an Episcopalian school reflects the influence of College, because the tradition of the Peabody family was as committed Unitarians. In his first year, when still a seminarian and not yet a priest, he was invited to take charge of a little Episcopalian congregation in Tombstone, Arizona. After a long and tortuous trip, Cotty arrived in Tombstone two months after the ‘Gunfight at OK Corral’ between the Earps and Doc Holiday and the Clanton family. Whilst at Tombstone, he succeeded in getting the church of St Paul’s built, which today is the oldest non-Catholic church in the State. Arizona at the time was the home of Indian warriors like Cochise and Geronimo, miners digging for gold, silver and copper and all the riffraff of the final years of the frontier, with its gunfighters, rustlers and whores. The Ringo Kid and Wild Bill Hickock had not that long before been killed there. Cotty was an impressively built man who never lost a boxing match. He raised money by walking into saloons and holding out his hat at the gambling tables. The epitome of Victorian Muscular Christianity!!! He later wrote of his life in Tombstone. “The life in the place was not without its crude, even cruel features. The son of a lawyer who was an intimate friend of mine was murdered as he came to answer a knock on his assay office. There were some dangerous spots in the middle of the town, and the Bank was a place which called for special precautions. When one entered it, one came to the teller who would have a pistol close to his hand. The paying teller was still more fortified while at the back on

Cotty’s friendships with Wyatt Earp and the Bank Manager put him in particular danger. The Bank Manager had proposed lynching some outlaws but the outlaws had heard of this and lay in wait for the Manager so he always had his hand on the revolver in his pocket as he and Cotty walked home from the restaurant where they dined each evening. E Peabody Head of School

Cotty told of how he buried a good many inhabitants and gunslingers on Boot Hill – the Tombstone Cemetery. Eventually, he went back East and in 1884 founded the Groton School for Boys, now a leading school in the USA; alma mater of future Presidents and distinguished men. Cotty was also its first Rector and the ethos he established was modelled on College. Its aim was “to cultivate a manly, Christian character, having regard to moral and physical, as well as intellectual, development.” Emphasis was given to “religious observance, vigorous exercise and spartan living” Groton adopted the College colours at the time – blue and white, now only retained by the Junior School. So fast did Groton’s fame spread that after ten years Rector Peabody was able to extract hefty registration fees from some of the most influential families in the USA. The school declared in 1884 that “if some Groton boys do not enter political life and do something for our land it will not be because they have not been urged”.

Peabody visiting FDR for the 50th Anniversary of Groton School.

Roosevelt was educated at Groton, and Cotty officiated at his wedding and at private religious services FDR held before his inaugurations and major events. FDR later recalled “as long as I live, the influence of Dr and Mrs Peabody means and will mean more to me than that of any other people next to my father and mother”. In 1926 Cotty founded another famous USA school – Brooks School - its motto being “we, who are about to be victorious, salute you” which surely describes the spirit and presence of its founder. In 1939 he retired as Rector of Groton School which he had formed into one of the most important schools in the world. He maintained contact with his College friends throughout his life and attended Old Cheltonian dinners when he could. He died in 1944 at the age of eighty-seven. The Peabody family generously donated funds for the conversion and enhancement of Big Modern, the College Library, and in doing so produced College’s most elegant room: a memorial to the life of Cotty Peabody – a remarkable OC.

This plaque is displayed in the library with the following inscription: ‘This wall and end bay commemorate the life and work of ENDICOTT PEABODY Born in Salem, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Doctor of Divinity. Founder and first Headmaster of Groton School, Groton, Massachusetts, 18841940. Died in Groton 1944.’ Peabody and FDR in Washington for the 50th Anniversary of Groton School.

In 1885 Cotty married his first cousin Fannie Peabody. They had six children. President Franklin D. 32

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By Andrew Gossage (H 76-81Current and Former Parent)

“The Headmaster will see you now!” This time it was an interview as a prospective parent; last time it was to discuss becoming a College Prefect, and the time before that it was to have a rather oneway discussion, as I recall thinking at the time! Three Headmaster’s interviews in 33 years with three Headmasters: D Ashcroft, R M Morgan and J S Richardson. Terence Gossage, my father, came to College in 1932. It was R V H Roseveare’s first term as Headmaster, although my father always liked to remind me of H H Hardy’s Headmastership. Terence was followed a year later by his brother, Peter. Both boys went into Hazelwell under J C Gurney OBE. They finished College in 1936 and 1937 respectively. My father went to RMA Sandhurst and my uncle went to Trinity College, Cambridge.

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Just before they entered College, their father, then Group Captain Leslie Gossage MC, had been the Air Attaché in the British Embassy, Berlin. My father recalled a dinner party in the family residence in Altonaer Strasse, during which the two boys began mock duelling in the hall with the dress swords brought by the German military guests. One of the guests, on hearing the klink of sword blades, excused himself from the dining table. Instead of being furious on discovering the mischief, he demonstrated some of the correct manoeuvres they should use! After seeing what Germany was up to under Herr Hitler, their father returned home to be the Senior Air Staff Officer in HQ Air Defence of Great Britain with quite a large list of Things-To-Do! Life was not without its surprises. Their mother was invited to be a passenger on the Graf Zeppelin as it made a second tour of Great Britain in 1932; she boarded at London Air Park, Hanworth, South West London, and enjoyed a trip around the British Isles. As they arrived over Cheltenham, she asked the Captain if she could deliver a note to her son at College. The Captain obliged and had the airship steered over College Field so that a postcard to Terence could be dropped onto the pitches below. Terence Gossage was commissioned into the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. After deploying to the Maginot Line near Metz, France in September 1939, he evacuated through Cherbourg in 1940. Subsequently he volunteered for special duties in Burma with General Wingate, walking from India into Burma on the second Chindit expedition in Feb ’44, and walking out again in Jul ’44 after some very harrowing experiences. He estimated that he walked 1,000 miles and got through 3 pairs of boots. He retired from the Army in 1960 and died in 1999. I was deeply impressed by the lifelong friendship shown by Group Captain Hugh Verity DSC DFC OLdeH CdeG, who made a great effort to come to his memorial service. They had both been in Hazelwell during1932-36. During a distinguished RAF career Hugh Verity had commanded 161 (Special Duties) Sqn RAF, and he explains the Sqn’s role in his book “We Landed by Moonlight”, which was the very secret, hazardous and courageous task of flying SOE agents in and out of Occupied France. Peter Gossage left College in 1937, graduated from Cambridge University in 1939, and pursued a wartime career in the RAF Volunteer Reserve. He had flown in the University Air Squadron and, after aircrew training, was posted in May 1940 to 85 Sqn RAF, a Hurricane fighter squadron, based at Debden, Essex. In less than a week he got into a dogfight with a German fighter over the North Sea and attempted to return to the airfield to carry out a crash landing because the undercarriage would not work. The Hurricane was still full of fuel and ammunition and, on landing, the aircraft exploded, killing him instantly, aged 21. At the time, his father was an Air Marshal and Air Member for Personnel, responsible for recruiting young men to fly the fighters and bombers as the Battle of Britain was about to begin. His parents attended the unveiling and dedication of the War Memorial in College Dining Hall, held after Chapel on Sunday 11 November 1951. My brother, Philip Gossage, was the next to go to College in 1965 (to 1969), going into Hazelwell under J F L “Johnny” Bowes. Keen on rowing and climbing with the indefatigable David George, Philip dabbled with a career in the Royal Marines. However, he ultimately 33




opted for the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, to study rural estate management. Since then, his travels have taken him variously to London, Wales, Botswana and Hampshire with a number of leading Chartered Surveyors’ companies. He now runs his own business ‘New Forest Home Search’, so if you are thinking of a ‘des res’ in the country’s most recent National Park – look no further: Philip will do it for you! He was at College for the filming of the infamous “If” and managed a cameo role in the lunch queue! I can remember my father, my brother and me only attending one OC reunion lunch together. It was at the Chewton Glen Hotel in Hampshire. We moved to the bar on arrival and from behind us Allen Greenwood (N 31 – 35) called out “SOSSAGE”. All three of us turned around to see who was calling. Clearly, we had all had the same nickname. I must admit it is not a major surprise! I went to College in 1976, going into Hazelwell under J T Davies. I enjoyed being captain of the 5th XV and captain of 2nd VIII, and being in the CCF, ending up as a JUO. I was also selected to be the first Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet for Gloucestershire. It was a concept invented in 1981 and no one really knew what to do – and so usually during Royal visits I held the Lord Lieutenant’s headdress while we were indoors and then I was kindly given tea by the Elwes family afterwards. Simon Sole (L 73–78) was a leading figure in the CCF while I was a junior. His father, Denis Sole (S 3135), met my father at a Speech Day in the 1970’s and initiated the reminiscences with the immortal phrase: “Haven’t see you since we were tiger shooting with the Maharajah of Baroda in ’44!” Once an Old Cheltonian, you know not where the OC’s connectivity will lead you. After leaving College in 1981, I commissioned from RMA Sandhurst into the 14th/20th King’s Hussars in 1982. Initially I was based in West Germany, where the Regiment was equipped with Chieftain Main Battle Tanks during that stage of the Cold War. Since then I have served in numerous countries and also qualified as an Army pilot, flying Lynx and Gazelle helicopters and Islander fixed wing aircraft. My regimental duty concluded with command of 5 Regiment Army Air Corps in Northern Ireland in 2008. I continue to serve in staff posts. Currently I am working in the Headquarters Army Air Corps in Middle Wallop.


Military Matters


By Major Stephen Clark MBE (College Adjutant)


Lt Col AA Gossage AAC

Major Jeremy Crossley (S ’96) has been awarded the Military Cross for his bravery in Iraq, which was presented to him by Prince Charles during a ceremony at Buckingham Palace. The Military Cross is awarded to all ranks of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and RAF in recognition of exemplary gallantry during active operations.

Peter Gossage

Jeremy was awarded the Military Cross for helping an injured colleague to safety after being hit by shrapnel and deafened by mortars. He had been directing an operation on a roof when he and his colleagues came under mortar fire. When one of his men was hit by shrapnel, he not only co-ordinated British Tornado aircraft and American Apache helicopters to enable the evacuation, he also stayed in position for the next three to four days. One mortar hit his position when he was looking through the window and pieces of shrapnel became embedded in his face.

Jeremy began his military career in the College’s Combined Cadet Force where he was head of the CCF as well as being a Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet working with Henry Elwes, Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire. He then moved on to train with Prince Harry at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst as a Forward Air Controller, whose job is to direct aircraft on the battlefield. He was commissioned in 1998 into the 1st Battalion The Royal Gloucestershire and Berkshire Regiment Light Infantry, which was amalgamated in February 2007 into the 1st Battalion The Rifles, based near Chepstow. His career has included three tours of Northern Ireland, two tours of Iraq, plus deployments to Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Falklands. We are immensely proud of Jeremy. He epitomizes the qualities of an Old Cheltonian and has given great service not only to his regiment but also to the Iraqi people.

Passing Out Philip Gossage

We have great pleasure in announcing that the following OCs and former members of the CCF passed out from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst this year. James Pither (Xt ’03) going to The Rifles, Olli Snell (L ’04) going to The Royal Army Medical Corps, Tom Hendriksen (Xt ’04) going to The Grenadier Guards, Alex Clarke (L ’04) going to The Royal Army Medical Corps and Ed Richardson (H ’05) going to Rifles.

Terence Gossage

James PIther, Oli Snell, Tom Hendiksen, Alex Clarke & Ed Richardson.

Race for Life Tom Gossage

Tom Gossage, my son, was born in 1994 in Suffolk but spent his first 2 years in Cyprus. On returning to Suffolk he went to Old Buckenham Hall School before coming to College in September 2008, going into Boyne House. He has clearly enjoyed his first year and we shall see what happens during the next 4 years. As a consequence, it has been a pleasure for me to return to rediscover the enduring benefits, and also to discover the significant improvements, that College has to offer.

Despite not being at the peak of fitness, Julia Powers & Heidi Bridges (HR), Sue Baxter (Headmaster’s PA), Sarah Butler (ICT) and Maggie Ballinger (Secretary to Dr Runacres) from Cheltenham College made the decision in May to enter the Race for Life on the 8 July at Cheltenham Racecourse. Although the race was only over a distance of 5km, a training plan was put in place and we embarked on our rigorous schedule! On Monday and Wednesday evenings, several members of the team could be seen pounding their way around College field in all weathers, and a level of almost ‘Olympian standard fitness’ was reached!

By Heidi Bridges & Julia Power (Current Staff)

Sunday 8 July soon arrived and pink running attire was donned. We joined the other 5000 walkers, joggers and runners in the car park, where the atmosphere was really lively and motivating. We soon began the pre-race warm up session, leaping around like maniacs!

The sum of just over £800 was raised, which was absolutely brilliant and our thanks go to all those who kindly supported us. Roll on next year, when we hope to complete it in half the time!

In fine weather, the race began and we joined the end of the mass of runners, and all completed the race in under 50 minutes – not bad for beginners! Crossing the finish line and receiving our medals was a great feeling of personal achievement for us all, and the knowledge that it was for such a good cause.


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Polo with a Difference By Mark Saunders (NH ’68) Several years ago I had the enormous pleasure of playing in the World Elephant Polo Championships at Tiger Tops in Nepal, having never before wielded a polo stick, nor ridden an elephant. A more extraordinary and surreal experience would be hard to imagine! This sport is played by 2 teams of 4 elephants, plus a massive old tusker Referee Elephant. A few months before the tournament, this chap went ape and trampled his handler, destroyed his house and went AWOL in the forest for a couple of weeks. He was therefore treated with the greatest of respect, but was impeccably behaved throughout! Due to this elephant’s age, the ref and a couple of other attendants and photographers mounted the large platform on his back by ladder. For the players, the elephants crouched and we clambered up their hindquarters in order to ‘assume the position’. The game is slow and lumbering, but very exciting with lots of noise from the cheering supporters, trumpeting elephants, shouting mahouts and enthusiastic players. Pooper-scoopers pursue the combatants, cleaning up and collecting manure for their cabbage patches. The players sit behind the mahouts on old sacks and are lashed on with ropes across their thighs. These occasionally slip and the game stops while the corsage is readjusted! Amazingly, the elephants seem to understand the rules of the game. Players tended to prefer the smaller faster elephants, although the larger and older ones were more useful in the many scrums. The sticks are over 2 metres long and whacking the wooden ball is incredibly hit and miss and tiring…your wrist rapidly turns to jelly. Occasionally the ball is kicked by the elephants or trodden on and needs to be dug out of the turf.

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JANUARY 2009 By Andrew Elmslie (NH ’78)

do without, including medium-sized flasks of Baileys and Cointreau for those high or low moments! All went reasonably well until we started going through steep forested terrain which was complete shock to the system. Distant memories of having to run up Leckhampton Hill paled into insignificance, as I had to tackle steep hill/mountain terrain carrying what felt like a medium-sized wardrobe on my back.

After the morning matches, we were free to experience and explore the area. This included tiger-spotting (we saw one magnificent specimen), riding the elephants back to their camp down the river (they loved splashing in the water), and a boat ride down the river, crocodile - and - rhino spotting. In the evenings, an orphaned baby rhinoceros called Mongol, who had been adopted by the kitchen staff, would wander into the bar begging for peanuts! One evening I sat next to the Russian ambassador, who produced a hip flask and insisted I drink “to friendship”. He claimed the contents were brandy from Kazakhstan, however I am convinced it was actually Soyuz rocket propellant. Every evening featured an event of some sort, each a separate story in itself. I played for Singapore, and we won the Quaich Cup, sponsored by Chivas Regal: I was lucky enough to score all my team’s goals. The Nepalese government declared Elephant Polo to be an Olympic sport, and thus I became an Olympic champion! The purpose of the entire event was to raise funds for schools in Nepal. Naturally, the Ghurkhas fielded a team, and there was also a team sponsored by Buckingham Palace, as well as teams of eccentric British expats from all over Asia.

The Power of the Old School Tie

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differences in size and speed. At half time, an elephant came on loaded with sugar cane as an energy snack for these magnificent creatures.

At half-time (there are 2 chukkas of 10 minutes each) there was a 10 minute break and the teams swapped elephants in order to equalise

By Mike Muller (Th ’69) It was the third day of the Karma Enduro Rally; a challenging 2200km charity road-trip through southern India, attracting participants of all age groups and from all walks of life that share a sense of adventure.The group of some 100 Enduros had met up in Goa and spent the first couple of days acclimatising and being introduced to their vehicles; a fleet of 46 white Hindustan Ambassadors, each boasting all of 37hp and a lack of power-steering. Essentially they are the Morris Oxford of the 1960s with no concession to modernity: a ‘classic’ car of great character and shocking build-quality, which we learned to love. Being a fundraising event, participants were e allowed to personalise their vehicles with sponsorship logos or other such adornments and, as proud Cheltonians, team-mates Philip Morris (Th ’65) and I attached an OC tie to the driver’s door handle by means of a proper Windsor knot - and jealously defended the said tie against frequent attack by marauding cattle, which evidently had an appetite for items of bold design. But it wasn’t only cattle that were attracted by the tie. During a mid-morning ‘coconut-stop’ in a remote village high up in the Western Ghats, who should approach us but the proud owner of a pair of OC socks, John Kennett (Ch ‘65) who was driving solo. Thereafter we formed a great friendship and travelled in convoy for the next 10 days through to our final destination on the Backwaters in Kerala. The Karma Enduro Rally took us southbound and inland from Goa, way off the beaten track through mountain ranges and the mayhem of Mangalore, past majestic Maharajas’ palaces, across hot dusty plains to cool hill stations, through elephant and tiger reserves and tea and coffee plantations. It was demanding driving for some 8-10 hours per day, and involved negotiating some entertaining road surfaces and other road users (pedestrians, elephants and livestock), all demonstrating an apparent death-wish. Enduring memories are the spectacular scenery, the warmth and generosity of the local people (reminding one that wealth and happiness are often to be found in inverse proportion), the remarkable camaraderie amongst a diverse group of fellow travellers united in a common cause, and the knowledge that we had helped to raise in excess of £300,000. This has helped to support the important work of the Rainbow Trust in the UK, and an Indian charity creating health-care facilities for some of the poorest communities through which we travelled. The three of us heartily commend the Karma Enduro experience to all OCs. Further details can be found at www.karmaenduro.com 35


As a very keen skier, it was with mixed emotions that I contemplated giving up a good chunk of the early part of the European season in 2009 to go trekking at the far side of the world in Patagonia. Some very good friends from my prep school era had managed to persuade me, based on the experiences of several trips and photographs, to join a group of eleven guys from all walks of life - and one girl dentist, from Cheltenham - to tackle the Dientes circuit on the Isla Navarino, Chile and a bespoke route at Villa Catedral near Bariloche, Argentina. Having bought a lot of new technical pieces of clothing and kit, done a few long walks in Wiltshire to a pub and back with a semi-filled back pack, and one afternoon of tent assembly practice in Surrey, it was with a degree of trepidation (but also some excitement) that I set out for 19 hours flying from London to Ushuaia at the foot of the Tierra del Fuego in Patagonia. After some easy days in Buenos Aires and Ushuaia enjoying being a British tourist, sampling the local beer, tackling huge pieces of Argentinian beef, “lomo”, and soaking up the local culture and scenery it was time for the real purpose of the trip to begin. After an exciting high-speed trip by across the Beagle Channel to the Navarino and literally “signing out” at local police station, we started on Dientes circuit.

rib Isla the the

My pack weighed in at close to 21kgs, with enough food for six days plus a few comforts that experienced trekkers would

The scenery though was stunning, when I had the presence of mind to enjoy it, as we walked for hours up and over steep wilderness, which was sometimes green, but once we had gained altitude became a mixture of loose rocks and boulders. That first day’s trek will stay with me forever as an old ski ligament injury started to scream at me for the pressure it was being out under carrying a large pack across mountainous terrain. Having started that first day at around 3.00pm, I eventually staggered into the first camp site at around 10.45pm having descended through the clouds over boulders, with a head-torch to try and make out the next safe step. Members of my team came to my rescue giving me a mug of hot pea soup with Tabasco and some pain-killers for the knee ligament and I crawled into my tent genuinely wishing I was somewhere else. The next morning dawned with thoughts of why on earth had I chosen to trek rather than go skiing and how was I going to cope with, let alone enjoy, the next few days. The experience and friendly encouragement from team mates helped me with my resolve to make the most of the experience and never grumble even in the toughest of situations. The scenery on subsequent days on both the Dientes and Villa Catedral treks was simply breathtaking at times and, with very few other trekkers about, the tranquility and beauty created a very special feeling. Over the six-day trek on the Dientes circuit, graded as extreme, we only encountered three friendly Chileans.

I shall never forget the variety of experiences, including looking down at Cape Horn from the mountains, ascending a very steep rock face where if I fell I would probably firstly slide over snow and then bounce over a steep rock face into a lake, walking/surfing down a 45 degree descent of scree for over 500 metres to reach a lake, endless loose boulder hopping, bush whacking through undergrowth, having a cup of mint tea at 3pm beside a waterfall in the middle of nowhere to be greeted by some Argentinians with a call of “How British!”, swimming in beautiful mountain lakes, hugging rock faces whilst edging around narrow ledges, doing a 180 degree flip over a fallen tree having fallen at speed through some undergrowth, and a fear of falling badly which I had never had to deal with to such a degree before. My lasting memories of the trip are the huge importance of receiving and giving support from and to my team mates when the going got tough, as it did every day; the vital need to have a steady supply of mountain drinking water; the massive sense of achievement of climbing and surviving very difficult terrain which just had to be covered to get to the next camp site and back home eventually. I also really discovered for myself what can be achieved if you really put your mind to it in difficult or unfamiliar situations. I have had my view reinforced, and undoubtedly the same view of many if not all Muglistonites, in that through real determination, perseverance, a good sense of humour and the support of others that many things are possible and fewer things are impossible.

I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER! Freddie Collyer-Bristow (L ’06) A large mixed group of 19 and 21 year old OCs plus a few wannabe Cheltonians from Westonbirt, CLC and Brisbane High School gathered at Chateau Martigny in Dordogne, France this summer. I organised the trip following Karl Dubers-Albrecht’s (L ‘06) suggestion and the lure of a week-long carnival soon boosted numbers to 36 participants including 3 current Ashmead girls as cooks/slaves. Suffice to say “what goes on tour stays on tour”, so little can be revealed about the trip other than the College Common Room theme evening was enjoyed by many with Jimmy the Cook, Alex McGrath, Doc Sloan and the HM making guest appearances; learning and remembering French pays dividends when dealing with French Counts and their agents; only one car was left behind due to the keys being lost (later found in Gloucestershire); the first supermarket bill came to =C1,196; and only one minor dental accident happened from diving into the shallow end of the pool. Further summer escapades are planned by FC-B Tours as last summer demonstrated that friends from College are friends for life! 36

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OC Memories

Dr F H Gordon-Clark (OJ & Xt ’54)

I went to Cheltenham College Junior School in January 44 at the age of 8. My family lived in Cirencester where my father practised as a solicitor as well as serving in the Home Guard. Cirencester was an extremely quiet place during World War II, in fact it suffered only one air raid and, much to my regret, I slept through that excitement. Accordingly, it was most exciting and different for me when during my first year the sirens sounded and the entire school was evacuated, down to the basement air raid shelter. I recall hearing the sound of guns firing and the noise of bombs exploding. I assume these were directed at the aircraft factories between Cheltenham and Gloucester. The Junior contained a number of wooden huts erected as extensions to the main school building and lying generally between the main building and the Lake, which in effect divided the two school playing fields from each other. While one was allowed to sail model boats on the Lake, other access to it was forbidden, no doubt in the interests of safety, although we were allowed to try and catch sticklebacks with fishing tackle consisting of cotton reels and bent pins. The lower age groups were taught by female teachers and it wasn’t until one was about half way up the school that one encountered male staff, many of whom I now realise were elderly and had, I assume, returned to teaching after the outbreak of war while the younger staff members were in the services.

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Boys dressed in all colours of blue boiler suits, from navy blue to sky, with the initials CC emblazoned in red on the top pocket. These, as I discovered, were from College, where the boiler suit was the uniform until well after the end of the war. I assume this was a wartime measure as clothing was rationed and in very short supply. I have often wondered what visitors to the school made of this very plebian costume! I was to become very accustomed to this dress later on; it continued in use until about 1950 when clothes became gradually more available and College went into a uniform of a navy reefer jacket and grey trousers with a green Harris tweed jacket for more casual wear. I particularly recall the desserts we were expected to eat, but for some obscure reason the main courses have vanished from my recollection. Lumpy porridge for breakfast, frequent servings of prunes, semolina and tapioca, the latter being overlaid with a very thin layer of tasteless jelly, presumably as an incentive to make us eat the horrors below: I now wonder why such foods, all of which must have been imported, together with powdered egg, which tasted and smelt of cardboard, were so popular and apparently readily available. I recognise most fully the very difficult task that the catering staff must have had while rationing was in force and food was both hard to come by and expensive when available. My elder brother, Matthew, and I both joined the Scout troop and on one trip we travelled to Norway, crossing the North Sea aboard SS Venus, occupying bunks which had clearly been used for troop transport during the war. In addition to these overseas visits, there were weekend camps at a site near Seven Springs, just off the Cirencester road, which involved pushing one’s heavily laden bicycle up the steep hill, past the golf course; it was fun coming home down hill on the Sunday afternoon as one could free wheel at speed down the hill. Camping out was sometimes great fun but not when, as often happened, it rained the entire weekend or most of it. We learnt Latin, from a very early age, which I found most problematic. In this I followed the example of Sir Winston Churchill whose struggles with Latin are graphically described in “My Early Life”. English, History (which I always adored), French, Art (at which as I cannot draw, I was utterly hopeless), and various forms of Mathematics (which gave me as much trouble as Latin), formed the balance of the curriculum. We played Rugby several times a week in term 1, Hockey in term 2 and Cricket in term 3. I recall with pleasure some of the addresses which were given by visiting speakers on Saturday nights and some of the films which we were allowed to attend in Big Classical, which then had tiers of bench seats along the walls and was covered with Honours Boards commemorating the numerous military and other decorations won by OCs. This was before its total alteration in the early 1950s when dry rot was discovered in the roof. On Sunday nights, after the evening meal, the Junior Headmaster read aloud to the more senior boys. I remember hearing Kipling’s Stalky and Co, C S Forrester’s The Happy Return, and Tolkien’s The Hobbit all read to us, among other books. 37

In 1948 I started in Christowe under the housemastership of C H Boutflower. Christowe was said to have been the first College house ever built. This may not be true but I clearly recall how cold it was owing to an entirely inadequate cokefired central heating system and to constant problems with hot and cold water. One evening Boutflower came to evening prayers and announced that a white faced plumber, who was trying to solve these endemic problems, had charged into his study saying “Do you know there’s a bomb in your roof?” This, it turned out, was the missing bomb from a stick dropped early in WW II. It was defused and disarmed and Boutflower used the case as a door stop for his study door. CCF was on Wednesday afternoons and everyone belonged to either the Army, Navy or Air force units. We were issued with khaki uniforms consisting of tunics and trousers, boots, webbing gaiters, belts and back packs. The brass buckles on the belts and gaiters, and also one’s boots, had to be highly polished and the webbing blancoed green. The House Platoons marched along Sandford Road to College buildings, where we dispersed into the various sections. Often we went to the armouries, where we drew .303 rifles, often of WW I age, with which we were instructed in rifle drill. Live ammunition was not provided and weapons were fired upon Field Days using blanks; these occurred once a term and lasted a whole day from breakfast onwards. We usually marched through the streets of Cheltenham to some not too distant farm or open area, marching to the music of the band and drums playing the regimental march of the Gloucestershire regiment, the former 28th of Foot. The tune is that usually known as ‘pop goes the weasel’ but is of unknown origin, going back to at least the 18th century. The master in charge of CCF was Colonel Vignoles, who, I believe, served in WW I. We often spent many a day getting cold, wet and dirty before marching back to College. On Speech Day, the cream of the CCF Beat the Retreat on the main playing field as part of the Day. The CCF, in my day, was considered very important, given College’s long history as a military school, training boys to enter the army. As O Levels loomed, I decided by then that I wanted to follow my father as a solicitor, which meant that, if I was to go to university, passing Latin was essential. I visited Cambridge when my brother was being interviewed and was so struck by what I saw that, for the first time, I started to apply myself to school work. To the astonishment of my teachers, I passed all but one subject at O levels, including both the dreaded Latin and Mathematics. I was very friendly with David D Mussell (Xt ’54), a friendship which has continued ever since. He was a keen fly fisherman and taught me how to cast a dry fly. At that time, someone at College had obtained fishing rights on a stretch of the upper river Churn, between Colesbourne and Cowley, some seven or eight miles south of Cheltenham just off the Cirencester road. As often as we could on Sundays, after the end of Chapel, we would mount our bikes with fishing bags on our backs and rods tied to the cross bars and ride to the river. There we could spend the afternoon happily in pursuit of trout. Those days by the Churn are some of my happiest memories of College. In Spring 1954, I was fortunate enough to pass the entrance exam into Cambridge and was offered a place at Trinity Hall to read Law. I left College at Easter, spending the summer in Cognac, nominally learning how to speak French (but in reality learning to appreciate and drink Cognac at all hours of day and night, as do the locals), before taking my place at Trinity Hall in October. My further career can be of very little interest to OCs save to say that I qualified as a solicitor in 1961 and, after marrying an enchanting and beautiful Australian, migrated to Melbourne, where I practised as a solicitor for the next 43 years. I returned to university in the 1990s and have since been awarded both an MA in English, for a biography of the drunken, illegitimate, murderous, poverty stricken English 18th century poet Richard Savage, and a PhD in History for my account of the voyage around the world of the CSS Shenandoah in 1864-65. I can only add that the ability to research and write English were skills I learnt at College and for which I remain very grateful.



FEATURE ARTICLES... SAVE THE CHEETAH I decided to spend part of my gap year in Namibia, working on a Cheetah Conservation project. Although it felt like a long time coming (having spent the summer jumping around from job to job), I can honestly say it was a wholly worthwhile experience; both rewarding and incredibly enjoyable. I arrived in Windhoek, the country’s capital, not quite knowing what to expect. Firstly, the term ‘International Airport’ seemed a bit grand for a dusty landing strip with thick bush either side, the Terminal more of a large barn with some luggage conveyer belts and big friendly smiling faces repeating ‘Welcome To Namibia!’ I was greeted by the head vet of the organisation, who had offered to pick me up as he had also come to get the latest import of rhino tranquiliser. When I told him I had actually come to work with cheetahs, he laughed and explained that the conservation attitude of most Namibian organisations is an all-inclusive one. With so much land to watch over, they have a responsibility to conserve all parts of the ecosystem that interact with the cheetah. It did not take me long to notice just how broad the task in hand was. The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF), was set up in 1991 by Dr Laurie Marker in response to cheetah numbers in Southern Africa being

By Hamish Baillie (NH ’08)

at an all-time low, and facing extinction. Marker identified that there were two main problems. One was low genetic diversity in the population (most cheetahs would be related to potential mates, thus there were few successful pregnancies); the second and more major issue concerned the conflict with Namibia’s farming community. The cheetah had a death warrant on its head as it was blamed for most livestock loss. The CCF’s main approach to cheetah conservation is in working closely with the farmers and redistributing captured cheetahs into safe game reserves. I was lucky enough to have a role in both of these areas. The working day began at sunrise. A bright sun forced me out of the farmhouse, down to the kennels where, before I got my breakfast, I had to feed the 19 puppies; part of the livestock guarding dog programme. These dogs are trained to stay with goats or cattle, warding off the cheetah and other predators with their aggressive bark. Next it was to the meat room, then a 20km drive around the farm to feed the 51 resident cheetahs. Each one qualifies for 2 kilos daily, tossed from the side of the truck. Remembering who has been fed and who hadn’t could be a daunting process at first! Then back to the kennels for the puppies’ second meal.

Afternoons involved either helping out with a farmers’ training course (run by the CCF to encourage new farmers to adopt nonlethal methods in dealing with predators), or working on a game count to monitor the animal diversity in the area. Looking busy is a fine art in Namibia, otherwise you will be roped in to pen maintenance: building fences and digging trenches, with the sun beating down on your back. But in the evenings, we relaxed on top of a rusty old water tower, over looking the savanna, as the heavy sun dropped below the horizon, happy with the thought that conservation was heading in the right direction.

BUSHCRAFTBy Andrew McBarnet (Xt ’04) It is a strange feeling one gets when asked to write an article for your old school’s magazine, especially in light of the deep despair many of my teachers felt, all too often, during my time at College. I remember on one evening, a desperate Mr Durston calling my mother to let her know that university simply was not for her son. Although this of course filled my mother with horror at the time, it turned out Mr Durston was probably right. After two and a half years at Oxford Brookes, I made the decision to leave and put all my energy into the company I had set up a year before: The Bushcraft Company. The company offers progressive outdoor education programmes to independent schools across the country, running day-long, overnight and week-long courses which focus on bushcraft survival skills. We also run residential leavers’ camps, as summer camps each week of the summer holidays, and seasonally-inspired mini-camps throughout the year. The majority of our courses are held within the beautiful ancient woodland of Cornbury Park in Oxfordshire; the perfect backdrop for a fantastic and challenging experience in the wilderness. Throughout my schooling, I had always been involved in outdoor activities, joining the mountaineering group at prep school and working for Ray Mears each summer holiday from the age of thirteen. However, it is not only my experience that has allowed me to set up and run a successful company, but also the bedrock of skills that Cheltenham College taught me. College always had a very strong sense of community that has a lasting effect on all its pupils, and gave me the good manners, self-confidence and social aptitude to build fantastic relationships with many of the country’s top independent schools. It was therefore a joy to give something back to the school when a group of third and fourth form pupils from Boyne House recently joined us for a day-long bushcraft course; lighting fires, building shelters and learning a number of survival skills. As the company grows it becomes increasingly difficult for me to get out into the woods to teach, but on this occasion I simply could not miss it. The day was enormously satisfying for me, teaching a group of children from the school I myself attended, and I know that the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. One of my first memories of College is of being taken out to the Forest of Dean with Seb Bullock, to cook on stoves by the river and learn the basics, so it was particularly great to have him out with us on the day. Cheltenham College gave me some of my fondest memories, and I hope that, working together with the school, The Bushcraft Company will provide some of the current students with wonderful memories that last as long. 38




“From Nursery to University” A College Childhood By Sally Goddard Blythe (née Pritchard) (OC) I was born in Linton House, now the breast screening and cobalt unit of the hospital, in the 1950’s. At the time, Linton House was itself a unit of College life. It was divided into several self-contained living quarters for members of staff and at one time housed 5 of the music staff and their families, providing an idyllic setting for young children. A tennis court and large gardens were secluded from the main road, while neighbouring children were available as constant playmates on the other side of the dividing walls, which separated the different family apartments.

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Times were very different. We did not have a family car until I was nearly six years old and my day would often begin riding on the back of my father’s bicycle to College Chapel, climbing the stone spiral staircase to the organ loft and sitting on the bench dangling my feet over the edge while he played for the morning service, before being taken to nursery school on the Bath Road. Twice a week children from the nursery school were marched to the College gym where an ex-sergeant would drill us in a series of stretches and physical exercises. I used to think their primary function must be to keep us warm in the days before central heating, but my subsequent professional life has taught me that at every stage and age in life, physical exercise trains the brain and the education department today could learn much from these simple daily activities. Once a year, my mother allowed my father who was Director of Music, to put on the annual ‘treble’ party – a welcoming party for new boys whose voices had not broken, and who, for a number of years would form the top line of the College Choir (did boys voices break later two generations ago?). As a child, I adored these parties, where sandwiches and cakes were followed by riotous games of ‘consequences’, “are you there Moriarty?” and ‘murder in the dark’, for which boys could roam anywhere in the house. We would sometimes find stray boys still hiding under the bath or in the airing cupboard long after the party was over and it was time to leave. Thank God there was no health and safety! During the summer months, the front lawn became a tennis court and occasionally some of the older boys would be invited to make up a tennis four with my two older sisters – much more demure occasions than the treble parties favoured by me. Linton House also hosted many music society evenings, including madrigal groups and gramophone societies. My mother had a lifelong loathing of opera and always got an attack of the giggles during “serious” madrigals. One evening when my father was trying to educate teenage boys into an appreciation of opera, as the soprano reached her peak coloratura moment, my mother put her head round the door and said, “that woman ought to be shot!” I don’t think my father ever did recover his authority. Music lessons provided a rare opportunity for boys to develop a more personal relationship with their teacher. I remember the story of one boy who in the early 1960’s shared my father’s love of steam trains and enthusiasm for cycling. I believe that he was the only member of staff who knew that this enterprising young man befriended one of the engine drivers on the railway. He would occasionally cycle to Gloucester before breakfast, put his bicycle on the train and be allowed to help drive the train to Cheltenham, changing back into uniform and arriving back in time for chapel. At 10 years of age, I went away to boarding school and it was not until 1973 that I returned to enter College life in a very different way. The late 1960’s was the time when for the first time public schools started to introduce girls into the 6th form. Marlborough was the first, and Cheltenham was not far behind. Initially, certain 39

6th form studies were shared with the Ladies’ College, and when this seemed to be a success, my older sister Jane became the first girl officially to attend College as a pupil. She was joined the following year by Pru White and the numbers slowly started to increase, so that when my turn to enter the Lower 6th came in 1973, there were three girls in the Upper Sixth. Despite this there was little planning for how girls should be introduced or integrated into College life. When my first day arrived, I was summarily ushered into an economics lesson by John Wilday and placed at a desk in the middle of a class of unusually silent boys – the only girl in the year. I had spent the previous 6 years in an all-girls convent boarding school. I do not know who was more wary of whom for the first couple of terms! There seemed to be an irrational division in the minds of the authorities between the needs of girls attending lessons from the Ladies’ College, who it was acknowledged needed social facilities and supervision, and the small number of College girls, who it was rather assumed would take care of themselves. We did not have a uniform and during afternoon games each day we were pretty much left to our own devices. The only social meeting place for College girls was the ladies’ loos at the upper end of Quad, and this became our makeshift common room until in my second year, by then the only girl in College, Trevor and Anne Davies took pity on me and provided me with a home in the housemaster’s quarters of Hazelwell. When I first arrived at College, I remember the surprise and liberation of entering a male environment in which nobody seemed to mind if you were not terribly good at things. The prevailing attitude seemed to be “have a go”, which after the restrictions of an all girls’ school where the possibility of failure could not even be considered, the more relaxed attitude enabled me to enjoy learning for the first time for many years. It also made me highly competitive: I could not compete with the boys on the sports field or in their houses, but I was determined that they were not going to defeat me in class. It was a generation of charismatic school masters and, although many of them were fine scholars, I learned most from those who brought personality, humour and debate into the classroom. I will never forget the look of gaping astonishment on the wonderful John Bowes’ face when I arrived a few minutes late for a history lesson. As I opened the door there was a boom of, “why are you late BOY?” It is the only time I ever saw him lost for words.

Director of Activities, Dominic Faulkner, led the EVERESTMAX expedition during 2005 – 2006. His book ‘The Longest Climb’ was published in 2009 and was recently short-listed for the prestigious Boardman Tasker Award. Here Dom reflects on the expedition and the pressures of recounting the tale.

Surviving The World’s Longest Climb

The original motivation in returning to Everest was actually to make a film. I had for some years been planning the longest climb possible, from the shores of the Dead Sea (the lowest point on Earth) to the summit of Everest. It had never before been attempted and I soon realised why! Roughly following the path of the ancient Silk Road for eight thousand kilometres on bicycles, we had to negotiate some major extremes. Temperatures of minus 30 tested both us and equipment, together with frequent sandstorms, illness, and of course bureaucracy. The latter threatened our progress on several occasions, but even in the depths of Iran and Pakistan the officials were always friendly and ultimately we won through. It took over

couldn’t stop myself peering up at the inky blackness of the sky. At such altitude you are quite literally closer to the darkness of space. The descent was equally dramatic. Our euphoria evaporated when we stopped to retrieve the effects of a deceased climbing friend. Then after losing a crampon it took hours longer to descend than we had planned.

three months to negotiate the overland phase of the expedition and the last few days were the hardest. Cycling in high winds at altitude on the Tibetan plateau was an experience not easily forgotten. Once at the mountain the ascent was anything but straightforward. It was a terrible year on the mountain, with at least eleven climbers losing their lives. Although our team emerged unscathed the tragedy touched us all in different ways. People we knew died high on the mountain and climbing to the top soon after their deaths was a tough test of resolve. The summit was everything I had dreamed of; a staggering view across the vast Himalaya, and in every direction dizzying exposure. Despite that I

Back at camp I slept for days. The longest climb had taken exactly five months and I was exhausted, physically and emotionally. I had dreamt for years that we might be as successful as this in our quest, but the level of tragedy witnessed had caught me unawares. It is difficult to feel at all triumphant in those circumstances and as I write

now I feel nothing but humbled by the experience. It took me a year of editing our footage to make the film, which was later published as a DVD. But while a film might convey a huge amount visually, what it cannot portray are the vicissitudes that accompany any long expedition. Only the written word can do that. The Longest Climb was begun with some initial reluctance, but it became a cathartic process, and on a personal level a closing chapter to an amazing period in my life. ‘The Longest Climb’ by Dominic Faulkner is published by Virgin and Random House. Available from bookstores and online. Signed copies available on request.

Unlike my sister who played hockey with the boys, and who, as an accomplished actress, threw herself wholeheartedly into all College drama productions and societies, I do not think I distinguished myself in any particular way during my two years, other than simply to survive as one amongst four hundred plus. However, the legacy of those years has supported me ever since, and I hope that in some way the first group of girls who studied at College in the early 1970s helped to pave the way for the successful co-education establishment College is now. Forthcoming…

Attention, Balance and Coordination

The A.B.C. of Learning Success


About the book…

Sally Goddard Blythe (née Pritchard) is married with three grown up children. She is Director of The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology in Chester and the author of four books on neurodevelopmental factors in education. www.inpp.org.uk

The symptoms of specific learning difficulties such a Dyslexia, Developmental Coordination Disorder, s Attention Deficit Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorders often overlap. Some of the shared sympto result from immaturity in the functioning of the Cen ms Nervous System, sometimes referred to as Neurologtral Dysfunction or Neuro‐Developmental Delay. Learni ical relies upon adequate mastery of motor skills: for ex ng learn to hold a pencil and develop hand‐eye coordi ample, in order to write a child must attention require postural control, balance and orienation. Even sitting still and paying two sides of the brain to cooperate. Attention, balanntation, which ultimately require the ce and coordination are the first A.B.C. on which all subsequent learning is built. Attention, Balance and Coordination explores the p up‐to‐date handbook for professionals involved in edhysical basis for learning. It is the most role of reflexes, posture and motor skills in educatio ucation and child development on the new understanding of the source of specific problemnal achievement, as well as a source of explores why early reflexes are important, their func s with behaviour. Sally Goddard Blythe tions in early developmen t, the effects on learning and behaviour if these reflexes are reta ined and the possible effects on other aspects of development such as posture, balance and motor skills.

The significance of posture and balance is explained literature in the field and the origins of The Vestibu together with a review of relevant Developmental Screening Questionnaire – an initiallar‐Cerebellar Theory. The INPP who may be at risk of neurological dysfunction – is a screening device to identify children explanation on how to use and interpret it. Dr Peter lso included together with an development of the INPP Method. The book conclu Blythe will contribute a chapter on the future. For example, is there a need for a new breedes with intriguing questions for the d of professional – the Neuro‐Educator?

About the author…

Sally Goddard Blythe is Director for the Institute of Chester, UK. She has is the author of a number of w Neuro‐Physiological Psychology in Reflexes, Learning and Behaviour and The Well Bala idely acclaimed books, including nced Child. She has written many papers and lectures frequently.

ISBN 978‐0‐470‐51623‐2 January 2009 Paperback 472 pages RRP £39.99/€87.80


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Boyne House

By Sebastian Bullock (Housemaster)

J Brooksmith 1853 - 1888

W M Baker 1889 - 1900

H G Bennett 1900 - 1911

S D Scott 1912-1926

Rev J K Best 1926 -1940

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£300,000) and his friend Alderman Sir Matthew Wood, who inherited Hatherley Manor, the copyhold for 24 acres in Cheltenham and £300,000.

Boyne House is full of surprises. Old boys of the House (Brooksmithites as they are known) may be interested to learn that it was not the Reverend John Brooksmith who first held sway over the boys of Boyne House, but rather a Miss Cunningham and then a Miss Lamotte. Also, in those early days, running a boarding house was a lucrative business, as fees (£35 pa for boarders and £10 pa for day) were paid direct to the housemaster or mistress. Boyne House is also the oldest continually used boarding house in the College. The College is the most senior in years of the great public schools of the Victorian era. Boyne House is therefore the oldest school boarding house of the Victorian era. The land on which Boyne House is situated belonged to a Gloucester banker named James Wood whose great-grandfather bought it in the reign of Charles II. Jemmy Wood, as he was known, was famous for two reasons. Firstly, he ran a very successful bank, the first provincial bank in the kingdom which was founded by his great grandfather, also James Wood in 1716 and secondly, he was a notorious miser. When Jemmy died in April 1836, he left upwards of two million pounds sterling. In what is reported to have been a ‘typical eccentric fashion’, he split his fortune between five people, consisting of his confidential clerks and assistants (including his servant Jacob to whom he bequeathed 41

The will was considered to be outrageous and shortly after it was read, a mysterious codicil was found to discredit it. For the rest of Sir Matthew Wood’s life, the will was contested by Jemmy Wood’s relations and taken through the courts and only in 1843 was it resolved in his favour. The school was officially opened on 28 July 1841. Miss Cunningham was authorised to open a boarding house on 7 September 1841, although she was only allowed to receive pupils after Rev William Gilbard’s house in Bayshill Terrace was full. Gilbard’s house was criticised for the neglected appearance of some boys there; Miss Cunningham it seems ran a much more satisfactory operation. Before moving to Boyne House on College Road, she must have housed up to 25 boarders in her house on Bayshill Villas. Although the minutes of meetings in the early years of the school do little to flesh out the character of Boyne House’s first housemistress, Miss Cunningham, we know that two of her former charges, Mr Bott and Mr Foot, chose to move to her house in Bayshill Road in 1849 for peace and quiet after her successor, Miss Lamotte, took over in 1847. On 23 March 1847, following her resignation, the school board registered their ‘entire satisfaction’ and Miss Lamotte entered into agreement with Miss Cunningham for her furniture and lease of Boyne House following her ‘anxious wish to avoid disturbing the boys already placed’. Until 1866-69, only Boyne House, the old Newick House and the old Southwood House in the Bath Road had been adapted for boys to be boarding houses as we now

L I D Davidson 1940 -1955

Rev L H Morrison 1955 - 1962

J D Phillips 1962 -1971

H R Wright 1971- 1979

Adrian Gobat 1979 - 1985

R F BadhamThornhill 1985 - 1993

understand the word. By the early 1860s, only the hospital, built in 1848, and Boyne House existed on the 24 acres, between Sandford Road and the river, which had been scheduled for development into a new town by Sir Matthew Wood almost twenty years before.

their necessary comfort.” The house was the setting for the larger part of a boys’ life and the main focus for his loyalty. House spirit was very strong and expressed itself par excellence in sport which, from the 1880s, played a larger and larger part in the life of the College.

Boyne House was put up for sale by Sir Matthew’s son, William Page Wood, in 1859 with about 20 acres of building land between it and the river to the north. Whether it sold or not is a mystery since it was let to the Revd John Brook-Smith who had been appointed to the College in 1849 and became housemaster of Boyne House from 1850 until he died in 1888.

In 1862, the College Boarding House Company Limited was set up to build purpose-built boarding houses and Leconfield, Christowe and Newick House (then called Teighmore) were built. Even at the time, their appearance caused criticism. They were described in the ‘Looker On’ in 1866 and 1868 as exhibiting “neither taste nor comeliness” and as “those architectural abortions called College Boarding Houses”. Boyne House is described as mercifully quieter than the 1860s buildings; stuccoed, Italianate, with quoins, bracketed eaves and shallow hipped roof. In the 1903 sketch of Boyne House by Seaton Montie, there is a spire in the south slope of the roof which no longer exists. Apart from this, the outside of the house is largely unchanged since the 1860 extension.

Brooksmith was a very popular housemaster and contemporary accounts claim that to those pupils who had experience of his generous and genial disposition, and his constant earnest efforts to advance their welfare, his memory was fondly cherished. Brooksmith’s obituary in the May 1888 issue of the ‘Cheltenham Looker On’ claims that he conducted the house so successfully that it soon acquired the reputation that it has ever since enjoyed as the premier Boarding House of the College. The Rev Alfred Barry, son of Sir Charles Barry, the architect of the Houses of Parliament, who was principal of the school from 1862 said: “It is too often forgotten that a Boarding House Master is not merely charged to see after the food, lodging, and health of his boys, but that his influence must be very great, for good or for evil, in forming the moral tone of the School. It is necessary that they should be men of high position and character; and it is also essential that they should not be under the pressure of the necessity of a too rigid economy, but should be able to treat their boys with liberality, as well as to ensure

Simon Wormleighton 1993 - 2002

S F Bullock 2002 to Date.

seem to be very fruitful. Boys go off to Oxbridge, gain choral scholarships, as well as attempt to climb Mount Everest and swim the channel. There has always been a great diversity of character and talent within the house, and the defining feature has been the closeness of the house community. Somewhat paradoxically it may seem, the greater the differences that exist between the interests and talents of the boys within the house, the closer they are drawn together. Brooksmith was carried out of Boyne House feet first; since then the majority of Housemasters have gone on to be Headmasters. Simon Wormleighton initially to Grenville College and then Portsmouth Grammar, Robin Badham-Thornhill to Summerfields, Adrian Gobat went on to be a Prep School Headmaster, Hugh Wright to Stockport GS, then to Gresham’s and finally King Edward’s Birmingham and David Phillips to Marling. I am hoping for some middle ground!

The history of Boyne House came alive again this term with the joint Boyne House and Westal play: The Head of Drama reviewed it as follows: a world premier of a play written by Katherine MacInnes for Boyne House, about Boyne House, performed in Boyne House! It was a fascinating, multi-layered, perfect drawing room drama combining the historical, artistic and literary origins behind Boyne House and Cheltenham itself in the link between the Mayor of Cheltenham, Charles Dickens and his illustrator, Cruickshank. The play was very well received, and was performed with great verve by members of the two Houses. As far as the boys of Boyne House go, the time that they spend in the house would 42

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Fame – Be Careful What You ou Wish For!

The Everest Test 2009 By Will Simmons (Xt ’98)

Brand and celebrity publicist , Mark Borkowski (Current Parent), takes a hard look at the culture of fame and discovers history has some words of warning...

Having travelled to Nepal, Richard KirtleyWright (H’ 98) (Kirt) was telling me about this amazing plateau up Everest. “Sounds a weird place”. “Yeah, I reckon it’s big enough to play cricket on”, he said. Both sets of eyes lit up and a very vague idea was born.

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For months it was all we talked about. The ideas evolved from a modest “wouldn’t it be great to trek there with mates and play cricket” to “right, we’ll do it for charity”. Through Kirt’s enthusiasm, he attracted the right people and the vague idea began to become reality. Before I knew what had happened, I’d received an email application asking what attributes I would bring to such an expedition and a finance plan for the trip. Over the next year, applications came in from complete strangers wanting to join, momentum grew as very motivated people started to sink their teeth in, and suddenly there was enormous pressure to not just pull your weight but try and outdo others to show how committed you were. Marathons, triathlons and other insane fitness regimes were initiated to get fit. Everyone had a personal fundraising target of £1500 in the hope of attaining our ambitious overall target of £250,000 for Himalayan Trust UK (part of The Sir Edmund Hillary Foundation) to put money back into the country we were visiting, and The Lord’s Taverners, who helped us hugely and use cricket to get disabled and underprivileged youngsters into sport. The group of now 50 had been split in three; two teams, Hillary (captained by Alistair Cook) and Tenzing (skippered by Andrew Strauss) after the first two people to ascend Mt. Everest; and a supporting crew of ‘Trektators’, medical crew, photographers and journalists. Media interest had gone wild over the twelve months and, by the time we boarded our Emirates-sponsored free flights to Kathmandu on 9th April, we had gone through a multitude of publicity events, launch parties and TV/radio interviews and were feeling oddly famous. It had really caught the imagination and grown into an event that Kirt, I and everyone involved hadn’t thought to dream about 18 months before.

We arrived in Kathmandu with a day spare to visit a local cricket academy. Nepal play in the world ICC competition and, bordering India, the IPL has boosted interest. Due to funding, it is a long way behind other nations and providing a coaching session and meeting some of the aspiring athletes was the least we could do to help. It wasn’t a surprise to see new breeds of ‘carum’ ball being developed for the future. Through the Taverners, we had taken a lot of kit to donate to aid their development. Later in the trip we visited a school in Khumjung province to see first hand the communities we were raising money for. For many, but especially Johnathan (Xt ’98) (in his NQT teacher training) this would become the most rewarding aspect of the journey. The next day we boarded tiny 17-seater planes to take us to Lukhla. It was our first sighting of the Himalayas - at 20,000 feet with mountains towering over you it was spectacular – the whole area makes you feel impossibly small. Landing on a 1:3 runway to stop the plane ploughing through the small town was the next highlight. Lukhla was our starting point on what is advertised as a 36 mile trek to Everest Base Camp, which doesn’t sound too bad. That is the horizontal distance – the Himalayas are so steep they make a mockery of that distance. With the climbs and falls, that 36 miles is doubled and, carrying all our own kit (up to 20 kilos, that no right-minded westerner attempts!), this becomes a substantial challenge. We did have porters but they were busy carrying the 100k cricket pitch and all the other equipment needed to play. What became obvious is the incredible strength of the Nepalese. Unless a community can afford a helicopter, there is no other way to transport materials up the mountains. Some of us being twice their size, it was humbling to watch them run up and down the steep slopes past us. The big danger was altitude sickness (AMS). This affects people at random after about 4,000m, and it got me about 2 days before we reached Base Camp. An intense headache, which grew worse until it put me off eating, and drinking, and then made me sick, were

the symptoms. This sounds extreme, but our medics were excellent and all I needed was time to sleep and let my body acclimatise. This affected a few people on the way up but the medics had done a great job in explaining to us how severe the problem can get if you let it escalate.

through the group, increasing exhaustion from the long trekking days and without the focus of attaining a world record, it was the hardest part. At the same time, it was where you tested yourself most and, although it is a cliché, found out a lot about yourself and others in testing circumstances.

Against expectations, all 50 people made it to our pitch at the plateau of Gorak Shep (5165m) and, after a final health check, both teams were cleared fit to play.

Having dared the return flight from Lukhla, we relaxed in Kathmandu before heading home. We were treated to a display of a montage of all the media coverage we’d had in the mountains. We had three photographers and an ITN journalist broadcasting back to the UK every day and had managed the front page of The Independent. Watching the five minute clip (youtube.com – the everest test), all the emotions and reality of what we had achieved sunk in along with a truly cold beer!

I was in Team Hillary and, amongst breathtakingly vast surroundings, we batted first. After an 82-run opening partnership set us up, we managed a decent total of 152-5 in our ECB-endorsed Twenty20 match. Running between wickets took the breath out of you, as the oxygen levels are 66% less than at sea level, so runs were hit in boundaries – thin air helped there! Tenzing chased, but losing their strongest batsmen cheaply they managed 116 before being bowled out with eight balls to spare. The artificial pitch played well and, after clearing the outfield of rocks, the ground enabled a realistic standard of cricket to be played. It was also satisfying to have a full game with 38 of the competitive 40 overs completed. What a relief after all the hard work that everyone got to be involved in the game. I was lucky enough to have a bat and kept wicket for most of the second innings. After the right team won (OCs were in Hillary!), the trophy had been presented and the Mumm sponsored champagne sprayed, the local Sherpas gathered us round to present prayer scarves. They are amazing people and were utterly fascinated by what we were achieving. They had huge patience and care for those who struggled and helped us the entire way with smiles on their faces. Our descent was demoralising as we had to take everything down in 3 days when the ascent had taken 10! For anyone with knee problems, as I have, climbing down is by far the more painful, with a virus spreading

It has dawned upon us all that it is probably the best thing we will be lucky enough to do in our lives. Since returning, we have been ratified by Guinness as having played the ‘Highest Ever Game of Cricket’ and the ‘Highest Altitude Ever Recorded for a Field Sport’. We didn’t manage our target of £250,000 due to the poor financial climate but as individuals we exceeded our expectations to raise a massive £175,000 for The Himalayan Trust and The Lords Taverners.

OCs involved:

Richard Kirtley-Wright (H 1998); expedition organiser Will Simmons (Xt 1998); Team Hillary John Richards (Xt 1998); Team Hillary Jonathan Hill (Xt 1998); umpire

We are living in a celebrity age, a time when people are more and more obsessed by the minutiae of the lives of the famous, especially the young. The western world is obsessed with celebrity heroes - it’s an overwhelming obsession that grows daily, fed by the exponential increases in the speed of technology. Children raised on the internet are taking these celebrities as role models – which would be all very well if the celebrities in question were talented, but the more the internet grows, the more room there is for new celebrities and the less chance there is that they will be famous for anything more than being famous. Too often, education fails to find alternative heroes whose lives and deeds are as engrossing as those of the superficial celebrities who have, for the last decade or two, been creeping into our collective consciousness. Disgust from some circles has not punctured the growth of the celebrity industry – indeed, it may even help fan its flames. After all, even at the highest of ‘high-falutin’ dinner parties I get invited to, where such things usually get short shrift, it is almost guaranteed nowadays that someone will take me aside and say, “So, you work in PR. Is it true that so and so did such and such”? Our understanding of heroes has shifted; the modern era requires them to be flawed, people want to be able to soak up their tears in Heat. It’s like the Greek myths illustrated in Fuzzy Felt and it’s got a lot to do with old media disintegration and the rise of the web. I charted the changes in my book, The Fame Formula: How Hollywood’s Fixers, Fakers and Star Makers Created the Celebrity Industry – how stars, in the hands of their publicists, became brands and how want replaced talent. Like it or not, this branded version of fame is, for the moment, here to stay. The biggest celebrities are, inescapably, brands, like banks or airlines. They are bidding for every corner of the consumer’s attention - and a huge number of consumers are fighting to become like them. 21st Century fame is toxic, an addiction. Yet it is still seen as a way out of drudgery, an end in itself. It is strange that more and more children aspire to be famous when they see the often-horrendous aftermath played out in graphic detail daily. But the media needs heroes, as do the readers, however flawed they are, and this process is not going to end whilst event TV like the X Factor continues and young people aspire to fame for fame’s sake. But it doesn’t help to alienate oneself from it. Fame may be toxic, but it’s a safer guilty pleasure than cigarettes. We might as well enjoy it while it lasts – as long as we never take it too seriously.

Mark Borkowski operates a brand and entertainment public relations practice. www.borkowski.co.uk Mark is also an author and commentator on media entertainment and brand issues www.markborkowski.com Mark’s book The Fame Formula: How Hollywood’s Fixers, Fakers and Star Makers Created the Celebrity Industry is published by Pan in paperback. 43


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THE EVACUATION OF CHELTENHAM COLLEGE & THE JUNIOR SCHOOL By Derek Maddock (Current CCJS Staff) At the outbreak of World War Two, there was a huge concern that London would be destroyed. In order for the country to continue it was felt necessary that an alternative Parliament had to be set up. This was to be College. The pattern of seating in Chapel mirrors that of Parliament, so in order to allow this ‘move’ to take place, both Junior School and Senior School were evacuated. During the Autumn Term 1939 and Spring Term 1940, the Junior went to Stowell Manor, near to Northleach, whereas College went to Shrewsbury. It was eventually decided that moving to Cheltenham would look as if the government was running away, so the experiment was off, and College and The Junior School were moved back. The following are memories from three of those who were evacuated whilst pupils.

The Evacuation, Memoirs of A Master By The Late Charles Henry Boutflower (Former Member of Staff)

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Canonbury House, Shrewsbury, which was our home for the first two terms of war, was a tall, 3-storey house with a basement, looking down on the Severn and the toll bridge that led across it to the town. It belonged to a very old lady who had disappeared – I know not where - and was full of bronze ornaments, pots of pampas grass, feather boas and collections of Victorian corsets which we had to clear away in order to make room for ourselves. Our party consisted of the Bishops – he was an ex-Housemaster and very senior – the Rogers, with their new baby daughter; Jacqueline and me; and finally Lamplugh and Swann, whose wives had stayed in Cheltenham, and, until the Army claimed him, Priestley. There was very little chance of escape into privacy; we had all meals together; in the evening there was only the drawing room fire to sit by. Our bedroom was only possible as a retreat when it was time for bed, for it was an attic, previously occupied by the cook. She must have been a lady of ample dimensions for the large double bed had been pressed down into a deep ravine in the middle and into this the first of us to get into bed rolled, the second rolling on top. Strict ‘black-out’ was in force, of course, and our bedroom had a rug suspended over the window by a system of strings. It was not a comfortable apartment. But it was not until the start of our second term that we found how uncomfortable life could be. A spell of bitter winter weather had set in at the end of the Christmas holidays, during which Canonbury House had been standing empty. The house, when we entered it, was just like a vast refrigerator. The water pipes were all frozen. More than that, a great butt of soft water inside the back kitchen was frozen solid. It stood about six feet high, a solid iceberg. For weeks, until a thaw at last set in, we had to get our water from a stand pipe in the road outside. The road was steep, a slide of frozen snow, and it was a perilous journey to the tap and an even more perilous journey back again with a full can or pail. The Severn was frozen right over with more than a foot of black ice. For weeks there 45

was no need to pay a penny to cross the toll bridge. One merely crossed over the ice. Normal games were impossible, but there was plenty of winter sport: tobogganing down the steep slopes to the river, and on one occasion, when, after a sudden thaw, the Shrewsbury cricket field froze into a sheet of ice, Cheltenham met and defeated Shrewsbury at ice hockey. The fact that we had to share Shrewsbury’s building with them on a kind of Cox & Box system made the College week very topsy turvy. Thus we started the day with breakfast while Shrewsbury were in early morning school. There much of the morning had to be spent in games and out-ofschool activities, for Shrewsbury were using the classrooms. We had the use of these rooms in the afternoons, and I certainly remember the horrid experience of teaching four lessons on a Saturday afternoon. Late afternoon lessons were bad enough but the stuffiness resulting from the dense blackout made them far worse; one afternoon the College scrum half fell fast asleep in the back row of my class. I let him sleep What with teaching, running the Scouts and the Playground committee, I had a pretty busy day. I also had from time to time to arrange for cinema shows at a Shrewsbury cinema for College. One such show was ‘Unmarried Mother’ featuring Ginger Rogers, a popular ‘pin-up’ of the day. In spite of its title this was a very innocuous film, but it provoked a violent letter of protest to John Bell from an OC who had never seen the film himself but had noticed the title in the Cheltonian and jumped to unjustified conclusions.

Memoirs of Evacuation to Shrewsbury By F H P Milton (Ch ’39) The ‘phoney war’ saw perhaps the period of greatest disruption to College in its 168 year history; that of the evacuation of College to Shrewsbury School. The pretence behind this was that the War Office required the use of the College facilities; in particular chapel which faced inwards and would thus provide a similar setting to the House of Commons. The evacuation itself was a disappointing end to my College career. I, along with many of my peers, did not enjoy the experience as one lost touch with many of ones other peers due to the impossibility of being able to get in contact with people, owing to an absence of phones and address details. Cheltonians were dispersed throughout the town of Shrewsbury in all types and forms of accommodation. I was allocated a bedroom in the house of a Shrewsbury school master, David McNeil, and shared with Lindsay Anderson. Unfortunately for us, McNeils wife had recently given birth to a child and as a result we had to observe a strict policy of no laughing or even talking so as not to wake the baby. The McNeil’s did not so much as offer us a cup of tea or coffee, let alone a meal. Fortunately we were relocated to Kingsland House, home to the Headmaster of Shrewsbury, which in time played host to the whole of my house, Cheltondale.



FEATURE ARTICLES... One’s existence in Shrewsbury could quite plausibly be described as both surreal but also very lonely. For example, the only occasion one would see other Cheltonians was during classes, which occurred on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, or on the rugger field when I was playing for the XV. Herein lay two issues; firstly, with the former, I was in the ‘army class’ as I had taken the Sandhurst exam the previous summer but failed to gain admittance. As a result, our class was separate from the rest as we were a more select group and attended fewer lessons, instead spending our time engaging in more physical activities such as boxing, rather than pursuing academic studies. Secondly was the fact that Shrewsbury played soccer and not rugby. As a result, many of our training sessions and some matches took place on football pitches, much to the displeasure of the Shrewsbury football team. The move also resulted in much of the fundamental aspects of College being lost. I, for example, never recall attending chapel during my time at Shrewsbury. All music and drama such as house and College plays did, to the best of my knowledge, cease to happen. It is therefore perhaps slightly bizarre that I should run into a group of Cheltonians shortly after I had left College and had joined the Indian army. Shortly before arriving in Bombay, having left from Scotland some weeks earlier, I encountered a group of 17 Cheltonians, who were all contemporaries of mine and who were also travelling to the same location. This shows that despite all the chaos and disruption caused during our time at Shrewsbury, many of us became united once more some months later in one location thousands of miles away, fighting for a similar cause.

Evacuation to Stowell Park By Ian McKay (OJ & Xt ’47) In the Autumn term of 1937, I entered Cheltenham College Junior School as a day boy. At that time, the very junior forms were run by mistresses, not masters, and my form mistress was the charmingly named Miss Love. I remained a day boy until the outbreak of war in 1939. At that time, the boarding element of the school was evacuated to Stowell Park, Lord Vesty’s estate in the Cotswolds, just off the Fosse Way, and about a mile and a half from Northleach. On the outbreak of war, the Admiralty had commandeered Cheltenham College, both Senior and Junior, although they never actually moved in to the premises. All that remained of the school was a small day boy element, which used a house called Fairholm in Montpellier Drive. Stowell Park was a small boy’s paradise, particularly so for boys who, like most of the juniors at that time, had been brought up entirely in an urban environment. There were trees to be climed, streams to be dammed, tree houses to be built, pheasants to be chased with homemade bows and arrows and rabbits to be snared. One could only just walk to the end of Long Bounds on a Saturday afternoon and get back in time for tea. The house itself was vast and there were plenty of rooms upstairs which made good five- or six-bed dormitories and it was here that the younger boys slept. However, the majority inhabited the Ballroom which could take forty or so with a master sleeping in the Musician’s Gallery to see there were no riots in the middle of the night. I recall spending much time

surreptitiously carving my initials on the wood panelling at the head of my bed with the aid of a small torch and a sharp penknife. Years later, when I took my family there to show them, I discovered that all the wood panelling had been taken away. I suppose too many other small boys had followed my example. Apart from the house itself, the complex contained a squash court, an open-air swimming pool (unheated) and a gem of a Norman church into which the whole school and staff could just be squeezed. A short distance down the drive was a small building which the school converted into an arts centre, mainly a carpentry training area. One recalls an invented game called ‘Do or Dare’ in the carpentry shop, which involved much use of glue! It is worth mentioning how relatively cut off we were because of petrol rationing. During the year at Stowell Park my mother only got out there once and then only by courtesy of being offered a seat in a car by another parent. There was no public transport that went anywhere near the school. Whilst with hindsight one looks at the year in Stowell Park as a great character building exercise, there was a downside too. The two most serious casualties were both members of staff; Mrs Johnston, the Headmaster’s wife, and John Slingsby, a senior master. It is fair to say that the move to and from Stowell killed them both. In different ways, they were both much loved. That being said, and with a large dose of hindsight, I would not have missed the experience for anything!

The boys were billeted in private houses all round the town. Lucky ones were in Clover, like those who were in the house of a wealthy doctor. Others were not so lucky, like the boy who explained that he could not do his prep satisfactorily because, “I’m billeted with a policeman and his new wife. There is only one sitting room and I have to try to do my prep while she sits on his knee.” We returned to Cheltenham in time for the start of the Summer term 1940. All the College buildings had been given back to us with the exception of Leconfield. The War was by now ‘hotting up’: Dunkirk; the air attack on this country was imminent. Nevertheless it was a great joy to be home again! 46

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BEN NEVIS JULY 2009 By Jana & Euan Bourhill (Current CCJS Pupils)

After climbing our first Munro (mountain over 3000ft in height), Ben Lomond, in July 2008, we decided to follow in our Grandfather’s footsteps and become ‘Munro-baggers” – a band of ardent walkers whose aim is to ascend all of Scotland’s 283 Munros. We chose to climb Ben Nevis, simply because it is the biggest. Although we had agreed (or rather our Mum had stipulated!) that we would only climb in fine weather, we set off in torrential rain. After an hour, we were completely soaked through and just as we were thinking of retreating, the rain stopped, the climb levelled out and we decided to carry on. As we headed into the boulder fields, around half way up, we could only see about 20 feet around us as the mist was so thick. The next stage was really hard as we had to scramble through scree and it was pouring again. We couldn’t believe it when we had to walk through snow to get to the summit! Although we had a compass to help us, we were really thankful for the series of trig points that allow you to follow a path to the top. Exactly at midday, after 3 hours 40 minutes of climbing, we reached the summit. We couldn’t believe we had made it! Our plan was to have our lunch at the top, but we were so cold and it felt so eerie – there is no vegetation and it was deadly silent - that after 10 minutes we were thankful to be heading down. The rain had turned to hail and was coming from the front now. We were starving, but we knew we would freeze if we stopped, so we ended up almost running down the mountain, to get out of the mist and feel warm again. Eventually just a few hundred feet from the bottom, we stopped (in the sun!) to rest and admire the view. There we met 3 men dressed only in kilts and T-shirts who were just starting the climb – we were so glad we weren’t them! What a brilliant feeling when we made it to the bottom. We couldn’t stop smiling through shivering teeth as we stepped into the lovely hot showers of Glen Nevis Hostel. Coming next Easter - Ben Lui, Ben Vorlich, Ben...

CROATIA CHARITY CYCLE RIDE 2009 By Charles Stuckey (Current U6th) After weeks of organising and money raising, August came and it was time to finally set off. When we boarded the plane, we knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but in reality we had no idea what we had got ourselves into. Leaving soggy and cold Bristol in the morning, it was a pleasure 3 hours later to step off the plane in Split in 40 degrees and blazing sunshine. Our guide, who organised the trip for us then picked us up and we went back to his travel agents where he fitted us with our bikes. After having some lunch and going through our route, before we knew it we were on the road, starting our 6 day trip equipped with nothing but a faulty GPS and four small panniers. We knew that it was going to be a long week when 3 meters into our 450km ride Felix’s chain came off, quickly followed by my pannier falling off. However, we got back on the road and eventually navigated our way out of Split’s twisty roads with no thanks to the help of the GPS. That day consisted of a 20km climb, then going right back down to sea level on a steep downhill road, and finishing off with another hard 20km climb. We managed to find our way to our guesthouse in the middle of a stunning vineyard in the mountains.

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We spent the next five days racing through the islands making sure we never missed any of our ferries, as the majority departed only once a day. This meant that several times we had long distances which to cycle in the morning. One particular morning which stood out was when we had to do 65km to catch our ferry, which was due to leave at 12 noon. It was uphill virtually all the way and we were not helped by the 40 degree heat wave that had struck the Dalmatian coast. In desperate times, however, friends pull together for each other and we managed to overcome any hard times (and there were ample for four relatively unfit and completely inexperienced cyclists).


The Tuck Shop – End of An Era By Tim Pearce (Former Member of Staff) and Nicholas Lowton (Current Staff) The eating arrangements at College in the nineteenth century are not recorded in any detail though it is known that day-boys went home for their meals and that boarders ate in House Dining rooms. This arrangement lasted until 1940, when what had been the College Museum and Library was converted to the present Dining Hall and day-boys could stay for lunch. The opportunity to buy something at other times than regular mealtimes, however, does go back a long way. In December 1866, not long after the Cheltonian was first published, a correspondent, designating himself Antepicurus, wrote a diatribe against the ‘grubcarts’, provided by Messrs Barnes & Tyler, which could be found outside the north entrance to the quad before and after school, including, which is what so shocked Antepicurus, immediately after lunch. These were unofficial and the writer does not, in fact, object to the ‘grub-stalls’ which were two shops on College Field, selling both hot and cold food in the afternoons. These are also referred to in the College accounts as the Refreshment Rooms and stood where the present kitchen at the west end of the pavilion lies. The provision of tuck seems to have been taken over at some point by George’s, a fashionable Restaurant and food supplier at 367, High Street. In 1879, a Carpentry workshop was built to the east of the Pavilion, which, in 1892, was divided into an Engineering workshop and the tuck shop at its western end (now the Textiles Department). A contract was sealed with George’s to supply the tuck shop, also still known as the Refreshment Room, in 1901, at which point, the Council sanctioned the erection of a verandah at the front. It was certainly still known as George’s on the occasion of the College ‘Riot’ on the 18th of June, 1919. After the First World War, College itself took over the tuck shop so that the profits could be fed back into the College budget and not to an outside enterprise. It was managed by ex-SergeantMajor Denham and became generally known as Denham’s. Lester Whatley, who started in Boyne House in 1923, referred in his memoirs to ‘the ample food obtainable at the College Tuck Shop, known variously as George’s or Denhams’. Denham was always

insistent that it was first come, first served, and ordered some sixfoot seventeen year-old to wait while he served some minnow who was at the front of the queue. Eggs, sausages, bacon and such like were served and washed down with Camp coffee. Denham also sold buns and chocolate in the Quad at mid-morning break. The tuck-shop remained in the building on the playing field until the late 70s, when, as part of the redevelopment of the quad area, it was moved to the ground floor of Little Modern and reopened in the Winter Term 1980. The new tuck-shop was in three sections: a chemist, a confectioners and a snack bar, serving anything from a substantial meal of beefburgers and chips to a cup of tea, all at reasonable prices. The décor was modern, all finished in garish red, which a review in the Cheltonian at the time described as resembling an American ‘all-nite’ hamburger joint. The new tuck-shop was very popular in break and you had to arrive early to get a seat or to avoid queuing, though at other times it was often virtually empty. By Summer Term 2009, the Tuck Shop was suffering from a crush at break time which made it resemble a quay-side bar when the American fleet was in, while the competition offered by cheaper outlets up Bath Road produced more of a Marie Celeste quality for the rest of the day. At the same time, the Sixth Form Social Club had become an underused place of unalloyed seediness. The decision was therefore taken for an entirely new look at both rooms to produce attractive social centres which could be used by all years in the College. The Tuck Shop has been miraculously transformed into an ineffably sybaritic café still offering snacks but also having machines dispensing food and drink throughout the day. It has become a really attractive and relaxing social centre, especially for Lower College. Similar work has been carried out in the Social Club where the same provision is on offer along with a bar dispensing freshly made bacon butties and sausage baps which frequently attract members of Common Room, quite apart from hordes of Sixth formers.

It wasn’t all hard work though and we had plenty of opportunities in the evening to sample the vibrant Croatian culture in the remarkable Dalmatian towns. A particular highlight was visiting the famous city of Dubrovnik, is an extraordinary place.

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Croatia is one of the most interesting countries we have ever visited, with its breathtaking scenery and friendly people. We all had the most amazing week and we all feel very privileged to have been involved in something so special. Thank you to everyone who donated (£6000 in total) and made the trip worthwhile.



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THE JUNIOR SCHOOL IN THE EARLY 1950’s By John Perceval (OJ, 1950 – 1955)

I recently revisited my old prep school for the first time in nearly 55 years. It was a fascinating trip down memory lane. The Junior in Autumn 1950 was an all boys school; about 120 boarders and a few day boys. We lived in much the same dormitories and cubicles as now, but without the luxury of central heating. This was ‘home’ until half term. There were no weekly parental visits and none of the contact with the outside world that comes from having day boys, or girls. How different it all is now, thanks to the civilizing influence of girls and the unimaginable comforts of modern life. The country was still getting over the ravages of the Second World War. Many of the teachers had recently returned from the War and were trying to get used to peace time civilian life. As small boys, we had no idea of what they had been through, and why some of them seemed to need to beat us for the smallest reason. I don’t think we minded this very much, but the result was that there was none of the friendly rapport that so clearly exists now between pupils and teachers.

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Food was rationed and life was simple. We visited the tuck shop once a week and queued up to buy one small bar of ‘Fry’s Five Boys’ or equivalent. Until 1954 many essential foods were rationed. Not just sweets, but also meat, eggs, cheese, bacon, and sugar. This meant that the meals in the dining room were nothing like as varied as they are today. Meals were watched over by the red-headed Mr Banks who would bang the table and demand a two minute silence if the noise of boys eating got too loud. The food was generally tolerable and probably very healthy. But scrambled eggs made out of powdered egg and milk, cooked into a sort of cake that was cut up and put on soggy toast is not a good culinary memory.

The centre of school life used to be the large room which is now the CDT centre. We had lockers round the wall – I was number 36 – and there were tables and chairs for reading, doing prep and so on. Some Saturday evenings were brightened up by a film show. There was no television in the school, though I suspect that the Head Master, Mr H. CluttonBrock, probably had one, as he seemed very up to date. He once explained to me the importance of bakelite, which proved to me how modern he was. The lack of television meant that important sporting events were listened to on the radio. The 1951 Boat Race was a short broadcast as Oxford sunk within a minute. So the River Thames map put up on the wall as a visual aid to show the boats’ progress was sent back to the Geography department for another year. In my recent visit I was amazed at the huge quantity of PCs and Apple Macs everywhere. In my day there was just one computer in the entire country; a huge affair with less computing power than the average laptop has today. Even the electronic calculator had not yet been invented. The 1950s were indeed a simple time, though paradoxically the lack of PCs and so on made learning much harder, and less fun.

medicines each evening at the top of the second floor stairs. To those unfortunate enough to be in the San, she also gave Horlicks. In those days the San was at the far end of the top passage; hard to imagine given the limited space there today. Perhaps we were never allowed to be ill. I only excelled in one thing at the Junior and that was building model boats, which I sailed on the lake, and model airplanes which I crashed regularly. New engines and diesel fuel (oil and ether) were readily available at a shop in the Bath Road just outside the school grounds. Trips there, or to the Cadena Café in the High Street, were vital contacts with the outside world. At the beginning of term we used to take the steam train from London Paddington to Cheltenham. Once I talked to the driver who stopped feeding coal into the engine to let me know that schooldays “are the happiest days of your life”. That was a profoundly troubling thought to a homesick 9 year old. Schooldays may not have lived up to the train driver’s description, but they were formative and important. No regrets!

The gym was in the main building where the library is now and it did not fire one’s enthusiasm the way the state-of-the-art new sports facilities would. However, I did find the yard an enjoyable playing area, which has now largely been taken over with a new building. Pity, as that was a good spot for playing conkers and for roller-skating. I believe the Nanny society now regards these games as too risky for small children to play! Talking of Nanny, the Matron, Miss Johnson, was a kindly person who administered

My Experience on the West End Stage By Frannie Ball (Current CCJS) My experience on the West End stage was fantastic! I learned a mixture of dance routines, harmonies, stage combat and attended various master classes with stars from the West End shows such as Mamma Mia and Hairspray. Later on in the week I had the amazing experience of watching the show (Hairspray) with the Summer School and with the added benefit of meeting the main characters backstage! I found out about the Summer School in the programme of Aladdin (the latest Christmas Pantomime at the Everyman Theatre, which I was luckily selected to take part in). There was an advertisement in the back of the programme for it and I just rang up the number and booked it! I had the option of boarding in the accommodation but decided not to because, thankfully, one of my best friends has a flat in London, about half an hour away from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, which she very kindly loaned to us for the week. The Guildhall School of Music and Drama was where most of our daily rehearsals took place. 49

Nearer to the first performance, we started to rehearse in Her Majesty’s Theatre. We had a tour of the theatre and the dressing rooms we shared with a couple of other people whom we had bonded with for the duration of the week. We had numerous amounts of Technical and Dress rehearsals to make sure we were ready for the performances to come. When I arrived on the first day I was extremely scared as I only would know one person, Georgie Gardiner (Current CCJS), and I didn’t know how easy it would be to make friends. I found out when the first lesson began I would have no problem making friends and by the end of the week I knew at least 4 people who I am even now keeping in touch with. There were four performances and four groups in each performance. I was in the second group (12-13 year olds). Each group did a performance of what they had been working on in the week. My group worked on a show called High School Musical. The other groups worked on the shows Hairspray (14-15 year olds), Bugsy Malone (7-11 year olds) and Chorus

Line (16-21 year olds). Every group worked on two of the same songs that we performed; one at the start of the performance and one at the Fran and Georgie end. These songs were Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel and Never Forget by Take That. Each group also performed a song from their show. My show did Breaking Free from High School Musical. I was the character Sharpay. If you have not seen the show she is the evil, popular drama queen who likes everything to go her way, runs the school and likes the popular basketball boys, especially Troy. The experience was one of the best I’ve ever had! I enjoyed it so much that I have already booked to do it next year! I recommend it to anyone who is willing to work hard and enjoys singing, acting and dancing.




By Malcolm Mennie (Hon OC & Past Staff)

Fifty years ago, the Eight which reached the semi-finals at Henley Royal Regatta decided to continue the rowing season and compete at Maidenhead, Henley Town and the Serpentine Sprints over the August Bank Holiday weekend. As the Upper Sixth leavers would no longer be members of the College Boat Club, a new club was created and registered with the Amateur Rowing Association; hence the birth of Cheltenham Caterpillars Boat Club. Other schools made up holiday crews and appeared as Radley Mariners, Bryanston Buffaloes, Eton Vikings, etc. That first foray in 1959 was a resounding success; the eight won events at Maidenhead and the Serpentine and in the years ahead Caterpillar tours both at home and abroad still live in the memories of those involved. During the 1960s and 70s, members of the Eight competed as Caterpillars both in the summer half-term and in the holidays. In those years only two or three regattas were on the term time calendar and competition at these was so severe that little racing experience was achieved. A holiday excursion to Bedford, Worcester, Monmouth usually resulted in a full day’s racing at the end of which might be some silverware. Just as cherished was the entitlement to wear a black tie adorned with cerise caterpillars, although in David Ascroft’s time it was not deemed a College tie and tended to creep down within a V-neck sweater. In the early eighties the Amateur Rowing Association restructured its affiliation charges and required all clubs including nonce clubs to pay a significant fee. The result was that the Caterpillars, along with a number of similar clubs, no longer appeared in regatta programmes. Our crews were simply entered as Cheltenham College Boat Club. The entitlement to earn the tie continued and was extended to any seniors who rowed for College out of term time. It included a number who were successful in the National Championships and represented England in the eighties. A noteworthy event was the 1989 Caterpillar tour of USA in which an eight and a four visited various New England schools during the Easter holidays. Caterpillars then became synonymous with OC rowing and during the nineties gatherings took place at Henley on the Saturday. By this time it was felt that anyone who had rowed in a College crew was entitled to wear the tie and a smart silk embroidered version was produced by Michael McWhinney (NH ’58) in Nottingham and was much in demand. That is the story to date...

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE: By James McWilliam (S ’09)

The turnout of a large number of OCs at both the College regatta and the Boat Club Dinner on June 6th 2009 rekindled the desire for a formal, established Old Boys’ Boat Club. Upon further research it was discovered that an Old Boys’ Club did once exist but had clearly got lost over time. It is now felt that the appropriate time has come to revive the Caterpillars Boat Club. The committee are extending membership to anyone ever affiliated with the Cheltenham College Boat Club, including coaches, parents and old boys and girls. The short-term hope is to build up a large membership base that will be invited to attend a number of social events per year, such as Henley Royal Regatta and a Caterpillars Boat Club BBQ on College Regatta day, followed by an invitation to the annual Boat Club dinner in the evening. It is hoped that this will not only provide a useful contact forum for younger OCs but also a chance for older OCs to meet once again and exchange stories. If you wish to enquire further about the Cheltenham Caterpillars, please contact a member of the provisional committee above. We very much look forward to hearing from you soon.

Please contact a member of the Provisional Committee below. James McWilliam (S ’09) Richard Watton (H ’08) Rod Jaques (H ’78) Malcolm Mennie (Hon OC & past staff) Richard Besse (B/Ch ’84) Tony Stevens (L ’59) Barry Wild (Hon OC & current staff) Patrick Weir (Current i/c rowing)

mcwilliam_jf@yahoo.co.uk rich_3@hotmail.co.uk rod@jaqueshome.co.uk mmennie@waitrose.com RBesse@oceansafety.com astevens@blenheimpalace.com wild.barry@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk weir.patrick@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk

MEMBERSHIP One off joining fee - £20 (waivered for under 21s) Annual direct debit payment of £10 Joining entitles members to purchase: •

MEN: Caterpillars Silk Tie

WOMEN: Silk scarf

Invitations to the various Caterpillar events throughout the year

Please call Rebecca Creed on 01242 265694 to arrange payment or email info@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk 50 50

SPORTS... OC Rackets Weekend 14th & 15th March 2009 By Karl Cook (Current Staff) An excellent O C R ack ets Week en d culminated in a thrilling final on Sunday afternoon when Ben Snell (L ’02) and Sam Northeast (Old Harrovian) beat Alex Coldicott (BH ’02) and Joe Bone (Old Harrovian) 3 games to 2 to lift the Cheltenham Gold Racquet - a battle which lasted just short of 2 hours. Both Northeast and Bone are previous National Schoolboy champions and the four players treated the gallery to some top class rackets. This was the 9th OC Weekend and attracted 32 players, ranging from 1992 leavers to 2006. A Black Tie Dinner was held in Common Room at which Charlie Liverton (BH ’92), the OC rackets secretary, praised the OCs and College for a most successful year with, obviously, Jamie Stout’s World Championship title as the highlight. Karl Cook and Mark Briers also added their thanks and congratulations to allcomers. Cheltenham currently boasts the most active Old Boy rackets club in the country, and the regular OC fixtures that are taking place in a number of courts are fabulous to see. At the dinner, Charlie Luckock (NH ’03) was presented with a racket for his contribution to OC rackets over the course of the year.

Mark Briers’ mammoth efforts cannot be overestimated: he can (and will) sleep well, knowing that this weekend has been the most successful OC Rackets Weekend to date, both in terms of quality and quantity!





By Gwyn Williams (Current Staff)

By Trish Smart (Current Parent)

By Martin Stovold (Current Staff) & Trevor Davies (Past Staff) Because of the County Cricket Festival at College, it has never been possible to arrange an OC Cricket week at the end of the summer term, as other schools are able to do. This resulted in a tour of three two-day matches, against our Lords rivals Haileybury, then Marlborough and Wellington. It meant a week of cricket on beautiful wickets, the other schools acting as hosts, much bonhomie and many lasting friendships. Often the core of the OC side was made up from the London club, Byfleet, where Sir Ronald Prain was the main benefactor. Sadly the club no longer exists. In the 50s a member of staff, Edwin Calvert, was a great stalwart, scoring many runs, the majority of which were behind the wicket. The problem of moving players from school to school was solved by Graham Prain’s (Ch ’59) old London taxi, which was roomy enough to take most of an XI. It must be remembered that cricket bags were nothing like as big as they are today! Much good cricket was played, many memorable matches enjoyed and feats of endeavour accomplished. Apart from cricket, members of the old guard, attempting to sleep in a long dorm at Haileybury, were kept awake by the young blood trying to beat Stirling Moss’s drive round a circuit, including the Haileybury quad. At Marlborough, Jake Seamer would entertain the whole team at a local hostelry, and regale them with hilarious stories about his playing days with Somerset. Alas, the pressures of modern day living meant that a six day cricket tour was no longer sustainable. One day matches continued for some while but even they fell by the wayside, due to lack of support. The nomadic nature of OC cricket does not have the pull of returning to the alma mater, which is reflected in our up and down performances in the Cricketer Cup over the years. We must continue to support this wonderful competition with all the resources at our disposal. Recently, a small group of us met at College to discuss the way forward for the ‘Club’. We are concerned about our lowly position in the Cricketer Cup Merit Table, the lack of commitment from active players and the need to increase our fixture list to encourage greater involvement. We also feel there is a need to make Old Cheltonians more aware of the ‘Club’.

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Charlie Cooper (L ’07) and Ed Young (Old Wellingtonian) beat Bruce Mason (H ’07) and Tom Bomford (Old Malvernian) 2 games to 0 to win the Plate Competition; a tournament which ensures all players get as much time on court as possible.


This is not to suggest it is all ‘doom and gloom’ as we have produced some excellent results recently in the Cricketer Cup, but last season was a good example against strong opposition of how vulnerable we are when players are not available or pull out. The opposition 51

contained a side with seven players having ‘first class experience’.

On a glorious sunny afternoon in late April, 31 over-excited and giggly parents congregated on the lawn in front of Staverton Airport for drinks prior to our flights to Jersey. We were then bundled in to two small chartered planes, reminiscent of skinny cigar tubes: for once, being short had its advantages!

Things have progressed and the following are now in place for next season (2010). Plenty to digest, but, please read on and make a note of dates. It would be good to see you playing and involved.

CRICKETER CUP & ADDITIONAL 2010 FIXTURES: Sunday 30th May (after Speech Day) - Old Cheltonians v Guest XI, at College, 11.30am, Match Managers – Mark Briers & Simon Cowley. Sunday 13th June – 1st Round Cricketer Cup – Old Cheltonians v Felsted Robins, at College, Match Manager - Martin Stovold, Captain Michael Cawdron. Sunday 20th June – College XI v Old Cheltonians, at College, 11.30 am, Match Managers – Chris Coley & Tom Richardson. Sunday 4th July – 2nd Round Cricketer Cup v Oundle or Lancing Rovers, at College, Match Manager – Martin Stovold, Captain – Michael Cawdron. Tuesday 6th July – Old Cheltonians v (TBC), at College, 11.30am, Match Manager – Tom Hughes. Wednesday 7th July – Old Cheltonians v Free Foresters, at College, 11.30 am, Match Manager – Chris Sandbach. Sunday 18th July – 3rd Round Cricketer Cup, Match Manager – Martin Stovold, Captain – Michael Cawdron. Sunday 1st August – Cricketer Cup Semi Final Match Manager – Martin Stovold, Captain – Michael Cawdron. Tuesday 3rd August – Old Cheltonians v Gloucestershire Gipsies, at Stowell Park, 11.30am, Match Managers – Charlie Hall & Kyle Stovold. Sunday 15th August – Cricketer Cup Final Match Manager – Martin Stovold, Captain – Michael Cawdron. Confirmation of Cricketer Cup fixture dates and times can be found on their website www.thecricketercup.org London Fixtures – we are waiting for dates, venues and opposition teams from Christopher Griffiths-Jones and George Brooksbank (L ’99) for two possible fixtures in London.

On March 7-8th College played host to the OC hockey weekend, and for the first time there were present both OC men and women. The girls played their game on the Saturday evening, with the 1st XI finishing the stronger in a hard-fought free-flowing game (2-1). Although the weather tried to dampen the spirits of those watching, everyone then attended the dinner in the cricket pavilion. A brunch was organised, again in the pavilion, for the following morning. Some heavy heads and bodies arrived feeling the effects of the previous night’s antics and discussions of various new rule changes and short corner tactics!!! The OCs were again able to field two competitive teams. The first Old OC XI v Young OC XI, was played with the traditional Cheltenham spirit of fast attacking open play with experience proving the dominant factor: the Old, wiser, OC XI running out winners 6-2. After a short break, the current XI took to the field to play against an OC XI. This game produced a high tempo game with both teams playing some disciplined and attractive hockey. The XI went 2-0 up, but the resilient nature of the OCs began to emerge and two excellent short corners, as discussed in the previous night’s team meeting in Subtone, brought the score back to 2-2. However, the length of the team meeting began to take its toll on the fitness of the OCs, and with both teams pushing for the winner, the XI with their fresher and lighter legs surged through to a 4-2 win. This was the first time that the XI had won this fixture and it seemed fitting that they should do so as a farewell to Mark Durston, who is leaving these shores for his Headship in Kenya. From all OCs, we wish to thank him for all his efforts, support, advice and work in making College and OC hockey what it is today-strong and an enjoyable group to be involved with. He will be missed and is more than welcome to attend the event next year as a returning OC. The Ellis Cup was presented by John Waters (BH ‘60) to current XI captain Tom Stubbs (NH).

On arrival in Jersey we were met by William Kay, a past parent and our tour guide for the weekend. We were whisked off to our ‘Faulty Towers’ hotel to check in before heading to Rozel Bay on the north of the island. There followed a jolly evening with the local opposition teams, and a sumptuous dinner of suckling pig washed down with jugs of Sangria. At dawn on Saturday morning, some of the tourists were reported to be enjoying the local amenities; golf before breakfast and even a spot of swimming in the sea. The morning progressed with a hike along the coast, with stunning views for some, or cycling the narrow lanes to enjoy the local scenery. Saturday afternoon gave way to two superb hockey matches with a host of goals, and we’d like to think, fast and furious play. As the sun set on an unrivalled day, we were treated to an evening at an exceptional fish restaurant, ‘The Oyster Box’, with the sea lapping outside. Sunday morning arrived and the tourists were not quite so bright and breezy after the previous day’s excesses. We proceeded to play in a mixed mini tournament, resulting in ‘nil all’ scores in every match. Sustenance was required and, once again, sunny Jersey provided us with stunning views and an equally stunning restaurant for our final moments on the delightful island. We enjoyed a long and lazy late lunch, with speeches and prize giving to finish off, before heading home in our ‘cigar tubes’ to the normality of a working week ahead. It was a truly superb weekend on tour, for which we owe our thanks to our team manager, Greg Poole, for excellent organisation. The hockey results were inconsequential, but the camaraderie, team spirit and hospitality were outstanding. Where next? If you would like to join this band of merry parents on a Saturday morning, contact Mark Smith (mobile 07766 878 356) for more details. New members are always welcome. We meet Saturday mornings throughout the year and Tuesday evenings in the summer term. We play a host of fixtures and our talent varies from young to old, and from novice to ex-internationals. Please do come and join us. It’s social, fun and very welcoming!

Old Cheltonian Cricket Club Dinner – we have provisionally booked Saturday 19th June for a dinner at College, the night before the OCs play the XI. Details to follow. Facebook – This will all be posted on facebook (Old Cheltonian Cricket Club) and you can make yourself available through this avenue or reply to any of the email addresses or phone numbers. Please enter the above dates in your diaries and also please forward to other Cheltonians who would like to play or be actively involved in the Club, the contact details are as follows: Martin Stovold – stovold.martin@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk 01242 705530 or mobile 07789 938516. Trevor Davies – 01242 574201.





OLD CHELTONIAN GOLFING SOCIETY (OCGS) By Simon Collyer-Bristow (BH ’77 & Current Parent)

Although very much enjoyed, the friendly matches and festivals produced a mixed bag of results. OCGS beat Cheltenham College 5-2 in the annual match: OCGS fielded a team of 14 and the OCs did well to hold onto the Trophy against a much improved College team. The new match against the MGS was a great success. Peter Richards (Xt ‘88) defected to the MGS team and won his match and in so doing turned the result against us 3-2. The Old Marlburians managed to see off OCGS, as did the Old Shirburnians, and we drew 2-2 against Old Decanians at Walton Heath with excellent golf from both sides. 2009 may have been our most successful year of golf. There were great results for the OCGS in the Halford Hewitt and Mellin and the College Golf team only narrowly lost in the West of England Schools final at Burnham, and reached the national finals of the HMC Foursomes in the summer. We are College’s largest sports club with over 100 members; we play in both the elite Old Boys’ competitions such as the Halford Hewitt and Mellin, and also in non-elite handicapped friendly matches and festivals. Members range from 18 year-olds through to those in their 80’s. This year, under the new Secretary, Charlie Elliott (H ‘89), the OCGS has played a record number of fixtures, with member numbers up and some 75% of members representing the Society. One member, Tony Anderson, played his first OCGS golf since 1955!

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The OCGS elite side drew their annual match with Radley back in February and followed that up with a draw against Loretto in March (both very strong golf schools). At the Halford Hewitt we reached the semi finals for the first time since 1966, losing 2-3 to Merchant Taylors’. In July, OCGS teams played in the G.L.Mellin Salver (Over 55), the Peter Burles (Over 65) & the Bunny Millard (Over 75). Cheltenham’s over 55s defeated Sherborne, Felsted, Haileybury and Forrest to win for the first time since 2001. The over 65s defeated Sherborne, Bradfield and Cranleigh, and lost to Shrewsbury in the final, in a sudden death playoff at the first extra hole. The over 75s qualified, but lost in the final to Cranleigh on the 18th green.

The new format for the Summer Meeting was an internal 10-aside match; the Evergreens (40+) v the Braves (under 39s), with the more mature team prevailing. The Autumn Meeting was held at Denham Golf Club with the President’s Scratch prize, Captain’s prize and Keene Cup all won by Peter Richards (Xt ‘88), whilst Henry Rees (Xt ‘59) carried off the Lysaght Cup, the Young Cup and Jumbo Trophy. The Founder’s Cup was won by James Meyrick (H) and Hugo Smith (NH ‘94) and the Prospect prize was again won by Hugo Snell (L). In early October, the season finished with the OCGS making their debut in the Welsh Public Schools Championship for the Edward Harris Cup at the Rolls of Monmouth GC. The Championship, although originally confined to Welsh schools, now admits bordering schools which can field with a predominantly Welsh-born team. We came a creditable 5th out of 10! Any OC interested in joining a fun Golf Society is encouraged to contact one of the Committee below: John Miller, President – millermj@btinternet.com, 01883 624148 John Watts, Captain – thewildwatts@aol.com, 01932 874039 Charlie Elliott, Hon Secretary – celliott@elliott-t-l.co.uk 01451 870995 Peter Richards, Halford Hewitt Captain – prichards@ihg.co.uk 0208 995 8617 Simon Collyer-Bristow, College Liaison – scb@crfc.co.uk 01285 760228 SEE WEBSITE FOR FIxTURE LIST w w w. c h e l t o n i a n a s s o c i a t i o n . c o m

Old Cheltonians Touch Rugby Tournament – 20th September 2009

Griffen Rugby 7s Tournament Sunday 15 March 2009

By Tom Richardson (Xt ’98)

By William Sandbach (NH ’07)

For the inaugural OC touch rugby tournament, there was a small but strong turnout from OCs. We managed two squads of nine, one of which was made up entirely of players from last years unbeaten XV, a side from the Lower 6th and a staff team. Matches were played five minutes each way in a round-robin format.

We played some brilliant rugby in the first game and won 19-5. The second game was against Teddies, who had a strong side, but despite playing some awesome rugby with a really well organised defence pressuring them and scoring some good tries, we lost 21-19.

We all played with great enthusiasm and flare; the staff side lead the way with mesmeric foot work and slight of hand! The heroics performed by last year’s unbeaten XV did not translate into the touch format of the game, although there were moments of magic from the boys that led to some scintillating play and fantastic scores. The Lower 6th performed well and showed some great skill and plenty of pace. However, it was the older OCs that led the way and eventually won the first Cheltonian Touch rugby tournament. It was a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed by all. I would like to thank Matt Coley the Director of Rugby, for all his efforts in getting this idea up and running, and also for refereeing the matches. 53

The opposition in the 3rd game were serious-looking athletes who were all Fijian or Kiwis and definitely not an old boys’ side. We put in a good first half effort and were 2-1 up on tries at half time. Our fitness was found to be lacking, however, and they went on to win 5-3 on tries. The 4th game was against an Abingdon side, and we came back from 2 tries down to win 3-2: another good win. The tournament was played in groups of 5, with the top 2 and bottom 2 going through to cup/plate with the 3rd team having no more matches. We ended up 3rd in our group; winning 2 and losing 2. This was probably a good thing as there wasn’t much left in the tank and we went back, had a few beers and watched the rugby! We are all keen to participate in more tournaments although we could do with some more good players. If you are interested, please contact Matt Coley, coley.matt@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk

2009 Marriages

Janet Methven (Cha ’98) married Andrew Franklin on Saturday 24th January 2009 in St Peter’s Church, Winchcombe.

James Davies (S ’94) married Jenny Thomson on 5th August.

Robert Sellers (NH ’97) married Maria Friebe on 20th March 2009 in The York and Albany, Regents Park.

Christopher Woodward (H ’96) married Sîan-Marie Jones at the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft at Westminster on 19th July 2008.

Amy Long (Cha ‘97) married George Hayman in Lower Swell Church, nr Stow on the Wold on 28th March 2009. Poppy Jenkins (Cha’ 97), Gareth Jenkins (S ‘97), Hannah Davis (Cha ‘97) took part in the service and Katie Alvey (Cha ‘97) sang. Amy Brown (Cha ’95) married Matthew Murgatroyd at Collegiate Church of Saint Michael the Archangel, Panicale, Perugia in Italy on 9th May 2009. David Brown (Xt ’95) gave a reading. Paul Mourton (S ’96) married Melanie Breen on 17th May 2008 in St Mary’s Church, Cheltenham. Charles Walford (S ’96) acted as an usher. David McCready (L ’81) married Andrea Biesterfeld in Quincy, Illinois on 6th June 2009. Sarah Bateman (Current Staff) married Andrew Davison in Chapel on 11th July 2009. Guy Hughes-Games (Current Staff) married Felicity Woolridge on 18th July 2009 in Chapel. Toki Adebayo (H ’98) married Debo Dina on 18th July 2009. Simon Johnston (BH ’98), Tom Graham (H ’98), Simon Danielli (H ’98), Simon Cowley (L ’98), Luke Durkin (L ’98), James Blakeway (S ’98), Luke Stack (NH ’97) and Afzal Babar (S ’97) were present. Jody Patrick (Cha ’96) married Mike Fletcher on 8th August 2008 in Norton, nr Evesham. Gwyn Williams (Current Staff) married Debbie Walker on 8th August 2009 in St James’s Church, Alderholt.

Tim Eastwood (BH ’98) married Amanda Brooks in Long Whatton, Leicestershire on 5th September 2009. Simon Johnston (BH ’98) was best man and Will Norcott (S’98) was an usher. Claire Blenkinsop (Cha ’92) married Luc Giraud-Guigues on 13th September 2008 at Holy Trinity, Geneva, and then celebrated in the vineyards of Geneva. Richard Lawrence (Xt ’01) married Kate Merrygold on 3rd October 2009 in Holy Trinity Church in Long Melford, Suffolk. Simon Danielli (H ’98) married Olivia Jennings at Christ Church, County Down, on 10th October 2009. Kate Danielli (Cha ’95) was Chief Bridesmaid, Luke Stack (NH ’97) and Gareth Atkins (H ’98) were joint Best Men. The ushers included Toki Adebayo (H ’98), James Ashbridge (BH ’98), James Blakeway (S ’09), Simon Cowley (L ’98), Luke Durkin (S ’98) and Simon Johnston (BH ’98), David Hornsby (L ’97) and Tom Morris (NH ’96) were amongst the guests. Chloe Wright (Cha ’00) married Ben Vestey on Saturday 11th October 2008 in Withington Church, Gloucestershire. Dom Faulkner (Current Staff) married Beccy Cannon (Current Staff) in Chapel on 31st October 2009. George Long (NH ‘99) married Araminta Atha in Kirkton Of Rayne, Aberdeenshire on 12th December 2009. Andrew Lyons (S ‘99) was one of the two best men. Kate Douglas (Cha ’98) married Ciaran Hickey on 20th December 2008 in St Gregory’s Church, Cheltenham. Kate’s nephew, son of Simon Douglas (Xt ’94), was a page boy

2009 Births Belinda Drummond nee Savage (A ‘01) and her husband Guy are pleased to announce the birth of their son Leo Richard, born on 13th March 2009. Oli Denton (NH ’95) and his wife Alison are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Lucy Annabel, born on 26th March 2009.

Simon Clarke (S ’96) and his wife Torie are pleased to announce the birth of their son Alfie Dylan, born on 26th March 2009. Jeremy Morley (H ’86) and his wife Lucy are pleased to announce the birth of Zoë Alice, born on 21st April, a younger sister to Emma.

Greg Selby (H ’90) and his wife Karen are pleased to announce the birth of their son George Oliver, born on 7th June, a younger brother to William, born on 9th September 2006. Tom Graham (H ’98) and his wife Claire are pleased to announce the birth of Archie, born on 12th September 2009. 54



MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHELTONIAN SOCIETY I wholeheartedly endorse Peter Brettell’s ‘Introduction’, in particular his thanks to Bridget Vick who with Rebecca Creed has worked so enthusiastically to bring back and to welcome OCs to College. During 2009 it has been a privilege and enormous fun to meet so many of you, to hear your news and to share your recollections of your time at College at events and gatherings. I do thank you for coming and also those who were able to attend The Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) prior to the Carol Service on Wednesday 16 December 2009. At this meeting OCs unanimously approved the revised Society Rules which had been amended to take account of the 10 May 2008 AGM’s voting for The Society becoming a distinct, but mutually supportive organization, with the Cheltonian Association. Paul Arengo-Jones and Lynn Rowland were elected to the Executive Committee. I also expressed my, and Members’, huge thanks to Edward Hollingworth, who is standing down from the committe, for the enormous amount of time which he has given to The Society as a County Representative, Executive Committee Member, President Designate, President and Past President. Cheltonian Society Executive Committee:

Finally my message continues to be: keep in and/or make contact with Malcolm Sloan, the OC Administrator, me or Executive Committee members. There are many ways in which you are able to support College.

LJC Anderson (Th ’59)


A P Arengo-Jones (BH ’62)


PFD Badham (Th ’65)

The Society, in conjunction with the Trustees of the Cheltonian Endowment Trust, were pleased to make Travel Scholarship Awards (to the Lower Sixth) to enable:

PS Hammerson (L ’62) ICH Moody (Ch ’46) SJH Pattinson (NH ’62) PMC Mason (H ’71) CN Peace (H ’60) E L Rowland (Xt ’62) AM Wilkinson (Treas) (L ’62) Cheltonian Endowment Trust Committee: A P Arengo-Jones (BH ’62) (Chairman) The other Trustees are: PFD Badham (Th ’65) R Davidson (BH ’67) - Press Sheet 28 - 26-Oct-2011 11:54:09 - Yellow Black Cyan Magenta

NPD McCanlis (BH ’66) GL Prain (Ch ’59)

L Caines (W) and N Edwards (W) to attend the Global Young Leaders’ Conference in Washington and New York; C Gray (Cha), E Golden (W) and H Tilley (Cha) to work in an orphan school in Nepal; F Meynell ( A) and T Dyer (A) to work in a young girls’ orphanage in India; and I Clowes (A) to view the art and architecture in Barcelona. and GAP Year awards (to the Upper Sixth) to enable: O J White (BH) to work in an orphanage in Peru, and E Taylor (W) to undertake community and conservation work in Ecuador. M Day (Xt ’04) was given an Award by The Society towards his travelling costs on taking up a three month internship in Tulane University, New Orleans as part of his Medical studies at Dundee University.

Cheltonian Endowment Trust The Cheltonian Endowment Trust (CET) is an independent trust run by a board of Old Cheltonians. The CET (formerly the Cheltonian Trust Endowment Fund) was formed under a Trust Deed in 1917 for the purpose of acquiring donations, subscriptions or legacies and applying this income for the benefit of Cheltenham College. In April 2005 the Trust merged with both the Cheltonian Society Fund and the Sir John Dill Fund to create a larger and more effective charitable fund. Many readers will realise that, in these challenging economic circumstances, some parents of pupils at College are finding it difficult to pay the fees. The CET gives financial assistance to families who, without our support, would otherwise have to withdraw their children from College. At present a number of families are being helped. The CET also funds Travel Awards to L6th pupils.

EL Rowland (Xt ’62)

If you would like to know more or contribute please do get in touch with me through the Old Cheltonian Administrator, Malcolm Sloan.

TR Woollatt (Xt ’54)

AP Arengo-Jones (BH ’62)

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GLOBAL YOUNG LEADERS’ CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK By Lucy Caines (Current U6th) Nicole Edwards (W) and I attended the Global Young Leaders’ Conference in the summer 0f 2008. This was a twelve day leadership course taking place in Washington D.C. and New York City with 330 students from over 70 different countries. As well as seeing the fantastic sights in these two cities, we were given lectures from leading members of prestigious organisations, such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the US Department of State. We participated in a variety of simulations of international diplomacy, leading to a final ‘Global Summit’ in the UN building itself. Our days were filled with a combination of group meetings, talks and simulations, leaving plenty of time aside for trips as well, including the War Memorials and the Smithsonian Institutions in Washington and Ellis Island and even a Broadway musical in New York. Although the schedule was busy, the various activities were all very rewarding and there was still time for us to meet and relax with the other students. We were divided into country groups to imitate the members of the UN Security Council and I was representing Russia in our debates. In order to draw up our foreign policies and establish our national aims and stances, we discussed Russia’s

history and government in depth, which proved to be both fascinating and challenging. Whilst the trip was very beneficial in terms of improving our diplomatic understanding and debating skills, one of the primary merits of the conference was the huge variety of students participating. Over the time I spent with fellow students from all over the world I gained a great insight into a number of the nationalities, cultures and political systems represented. Everyone quickly realised the importance of tolerance of different attitudes and we frequently discussed our varying backgrounds, cultures and languages. I am now fortunate enough to have friends in countries that I had never even heard of before the conference! The breadth of topics covered in the twelve days was also remarkable – we explored the financial world, international diplomacy and charitable organisations, to name just a few of the many areas we studied. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the Cheltonian Endowment Trust for their support in enabling us to attend the Conference. It was a fulfilling and unforgettable experience, which has left me with new friendships and great memories.

A YEAR AS A DAIRY VET IN THE AMERICAN MIDWEST By John Tulloch (BH ’03) As I wielded my scalpel blade, I could only think of a plethora of horrendous scenarios that could occur. It was -20°C, I had a cow in front of me who desperately needed a caesarean, I had only read about it in books, my boss was 5 hours away and the only help I had was a couple of Mexicans who were urging me to shoot the cow and who didn’t understand my attempts at Spanglish. How did I end up in this situation?

By Emily Golden, Camilla Gray and Harriet Tilley (Current U6th)

Having spent five very happy years at Cheltenham, I embarked on the journey leading to a degee in veterinary science. After another five years of some hard times, I swore my oath and the nation’s animals quivered in fear at the prospect of me being released upon them. Thankfully for the British herd, they had to wait as I was offered the honorary position of Dairy Intern at Michigan State University. With some financial backing from the Cheltonian Society, for which I am very grateful, I embarked upon this great adventure in the American Mid-West.

On arriving in Pokhara we were met off the plane by a group of the children from the Shamrock Boarding School and were then taken to the school where we spent the duration of our time. Our accommodation was free in return for teaching English, sports and drama as well as simply interacting with the children, aged 10 to 16, many of whom were orphans. The children were extremely humble, kind and just ever so keen to learn whatever was thrown at them.

Awaiting me in Belding, Michigan were two herds of 3000 and 2000 dairy cows that were to be under my care. It was a very steep learning curve, not aided by my complete ineptitude at learning Spanish (the whole workforce on the farms were Mexican). But before long I was comfortably pregnancy checking a few hundred cows at a time, operating on cows with twisted stomachs and managing forty bulls by regularly checking they were fit to breed.

Each morning we taught the younger classes English, which included spelling tests and playing games such as ‘hang man’ which the kids seemed to thoroughly enjoy. Early in the morning, before it got too hot, the older children got the chance to teach us how to do karate, which was definitely an experience to remember! We also taught them netball, volleyball and tried to explain rugby. On our last day in Shamrock we held an inter-house competition consisting of a general knowledge quiz and football. We organised a Fashion Show by mixing both our clothes and a few of their’s to make outfits and created different hairstyles for the girls to model down the catwalk. They loved this as they had never experienced anything like it before.

The caesarean operation was all that eluded me and I now had to perform it in the worst possible scenario. At points like this you realise why you trained for five years at university and thankfully that training kicked in, and before I knew it two healthy heifers were having their first feed. How can I summarise my time in America?


With the money we raised for Shamrock through selling pens we were able to buy them school supplies, clothes, shoes and the equipment to redecorate the main rooms. We also put aside some money to do fun things with them to include boating on Lake Phewa, a geography trip to the bat caves, and several trips to the local swimming pool which they aren’t normally able to do. We would like to say a huge thank you to the Cheltonian Endowment Trust for their grant which enabled us to enjoy such a brilliant experience that has definitely increased our emotional resilience and understanding in the face of such poverty. 55


Low Points – The freezing bitter winter. At times one would feel very isolated when one knows in all directions there are hundreds of miles of corn. High Points – Seeing cows that were next to death’s door making a turn around after surgically correcting them. Observing how a small change in diet can make a huge difference in the health and production of the herd. But best of all, when I landed back in England I managed to get an excellent job in Devon. Watch out West-Country cows!



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- Press Sheet 29 - 26-Oct-2011 11:54:09 - Yellow Black Cyan Magenta

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SA44671 Cheltenham Successful Year A4 ad.indd 1

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Gordon Wallace-Hadrill (Ch ’42 & Past Staff Member) Congratulations on Floreat No 2. An improvement on No1! Michael Billingham (L ’51)

Andrew Gossage (H ’81 & Current Parent)

Contratulations on Issue Number Two – even better than Issue Number One!

Thank you for a really well put together Floreat Cheltonia 09 – it was a very interesting read.

Andrew Gobourn (H ’78)

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I have just very much enjoyed reading the Floreat magazine. Some great articles, I especially enjoyed the tribute to Jonny Bowes and the article on If. Also the penpiece on Paddy Sloan and Geoff Silcock (who worryingly I still think of as a new Master and it looks like he has now retired!!).

Jess Sims (Past Parent) I have just received Issue Number 2 – what a great read, and very well put together.

Fred Shelley (Ch ‘ 43)

nian Thank you for the ’09 issue of Chelto still I Floreat. It came a week ago and years find it good reading despite 65 odd since I was a boarder at Coll.

Julian Snell (L ’76) A massive thank you for a brilliant 2nd issue of Floreat. It arrived with us in Abu Dhabi toda y and it is so well put together, good to read, covers all interesting aspects of College and is clearly a magazin e that is hugely well received by all. Many congratulatio ns to the team that put it together.

Cheltonian Association Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7LD

Contact Details: Tel: 01242 265694 Fax: 01242 265630 Email: info@cheltonianassociation.com www.cheltonianassociation.com Editor: Rebecca Creed, Association Manager

(H ’58) Peter Davidson

Floreat – very Just received ank you! impressive. Th

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