Prep for the Week Issue | 1797

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015

In this week’s issue… Headmaster’s Blog Kingfishers News Lower School News Tim Dutton Visit Musical Magic Girls' and Boys' Sport Boarders' News

Charity Tennis Tournament Book Collection for Children in Bosnia Individual Achievements Headmaster Commendations Notices Birthday Celebrations The School Week Ahead

Parent/Pupil Charity Tennis Tournament

Miss SLast E Ramsay, Head PE,largest Swimming Girls' Sunday sawof the turn and out yet forSport the annual charity

tournament which this year raised £360 for TURF.

Thirty eight pupils from Years 3-8, mostly Boarders who put up with their teachers as pseudo parents for the morning, along with mums and dads. Older siblings played in a round robin tournament. The top two couples in each group qualified to play in the quarter finals, and winners carried on until we had our two finalists. William in Year 6 (finalist last year), faced Louis in Year 7 in the finals. Keenly contested, Louis and his father continued their winning streak, having conceded very few points so far in the competition, and after a shaky start, went on to win this year's tournament! Well done to everyone for taking part and raising so much money! Mrs J Upton, Games



Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents

"Never judge a book by its cover". This was the theme of this week's Kingfishers Assembly, and a saying of which I will be encouraging the older children to be more mindful. Those who ignore this advice, must suffer the consequences of their actions, especially if unkind words centre on a child's physical appearance. The strength of a great prep school is to harness the energies of adolescence whilst retaining clear parameters and this we will continue to do. Parents’ Lectures/Question & Answer I am very keen to set up a series of lectures and/ or question and answer sessions to promote an interest in a range of topics. Therefore, if there are any parents who would be willing to talk about or be questioned on an aspect of their work, I would be interested to hear from them. These events would be informal, so please put your name forward, even if you do not consider public speaking a strength. My email address is Positions of Responsibility for the next academic year Under the guidance of Mrs Reid and the Upper School tutors, Year 7 have been pressing their claims to be appointed to the following positions of responsibility; Head Boy Head Girl House Captain Head of the Orchestra Head Chorister Chapel Monitor Prefect Captain of Rugby Captain of Hockey Captain of Netball Captain of Cricket Captain of Tennis Captain of Swimming Head of Boarding Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015

Previously, all of these positions had attracted the status of ‘Prefect’. This will not be the case from September; those made Captains of a sport will not automatically be made a Prefect. The allocation of positions of responsibility at this stage of children’s education is always fraught with the challenges of disappointment and a sense of inequality and unfairness. Suffice to say, any school under my leadership will look to ALL of the top year group for leadership, whether they carry a ‘title’ or not. Please refer to my opening paragraph. It is not the label, which carries the authority. Instead it is the character which is behind the title that is important. My final word on this subject is to commend to you the thoroughness of the process that Mrs Reid has run when selecting the successful candidates. Letters of application have been written and scrutinized, prefect duties have been undertaken and, most importantly, the behaviour and attitude of all children have been considered, not just in the last month or two, but throughout their time in Years 6 and 7.


Friends of the Prep This term I have tried to introduce an alternative event to the Fete “The Family Camp Out”. My reasoning was based on my experience that constant repetition of events result in them becoming stale. Be reassured, the popular fete will return next summer! The Family Camp Out, which is due to take place on the night of Saturday 20 June, is an opportunity for whole families to use the idyllic settings of the Prep grounds to create our own camp site atmosphere. The event would run as follows: 16.00 onwards 17.30 19.00

Tent pitching Fun in the Pool Evening meal

The cost of a pitch would be £30 to cover the costs of the pool hire and to make a contribution to charity. Parents should be aware that their children will be their responsibility throughout the duration of this event. If there are any families who would like to reserve a pitch, please can you let the Prep School Reception know via email (prep.reception@ To organize the pool event and catering efficiently, I need to know numbers by Monday 1 June, which is when we return to school after the half-term. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rachel Edwards for all that she has done for the Friends of the Prep, especially helping me as I took over the role of Headmaster. Rachel will hand over to Alex Young, to whom I am also very grateful.

(either a BBQ provided by the School or takeaways sourced from the Bath Road!) No individual cooking arrangements in order to avoid There exist some vacancies as Year scorching of the playing fields. Representatives, a role which mainly involves disseminating information to one’s year group. 21.00 “Lighthouse” game for the If you are interested in becoming involved in the children Friends of the Prep, please pass on your details to 22.00 All quiet in the campsite me and I will forward them to Alex. 08.00 09.00 onwards

Bacon sarnies and hot tea in Saturday reminders the Prep dining room Please do take the time to read next week’s issue Break camp when the plans for Saturdays in the Autumn term will be published. You will also be pleased to know that we will produce a version of “What’s On” for the academic year (2015/16) as soon as possible. This will enable parents to plan well in advance.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Kingfishers Year 2 visit the SS Great Britain As part of our studies on Isambard Kingdom Brunel this week, Year 2 embarked on an adventure to one of Brunel’s most famous designs in Bristol ; The SS Great Britain. Whilst travelling by bus we were lucky enough to also see another of Brunel’s creations; The Clifton Suspension Bridge. Once we arrived, we were split into two groups. One group started with a workshop, travelling back in time to help with the building of the great ship. We also dressed up in Victorian clothes for the launch party of the SS Great Britain. The second group had an interesting tour of the SS Great Britain, learning all about how the poor people were separated from the rich and looking at the different conditions they had to stay in on their 10 week journey to Australia. We all had a great day and if you ask us, we will be able to tell you many interesting things we have learnt! Mathematics In Mathematics this week we have been looking at capacity, and turned ourselves into potion makers for a wizard who wanted to sell our creations in his shop! He had sent us different ingredients, such as Frog’s Breath and Troll Bogies! We measured in intervals of 100ml to create a 1 litre potion and had to measure carefully and write out our recipe so the wizard would be able to make the potion himself. It was very exciting and we would have loved to have tried out the potions on ourselves and our friends! Mrs C L Baker, Kingfishers Class Teacher Reception at the Zoo On Tuesday, our Reception children went to Bristol Zoo, and we were tremendously proud of the way they represented The Prep. Although very excited, their behaviour was excellent. The Zoo staff commended them for their good manners and eagerness to learn. The highlight of the day, was when our children held a Madagascan Hissing Cockroach and an African Tiger Snail during our Minibeast talk. We all had a fantastic time, and as we boarded the coach to return, the competition started for who would fall asleep first, the children or the staff! (The children won easily). Mrs T Batty, Kingfishers Class Teacher Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Kingfishers - Forest School Forest School A great morning was had by the parents and children who came along to our “Bring a Parent to Forest School”. The rain held off for us, and a busy morning was had by all. Cooking meals in the mud kitchen, hunting down minibeasts, ‘painting' some trees, charcoal drawings and den building were just a few of the activities enjoyed. The hot chocolate and cookies were also very well received. Thank you to all who joined in the fun, exploring, investigating and sharing the Forest School experience. Mrs D Stovold, Kingfishers Class Teacher

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Kingfishers Ballet The Cottage ballet dancers galloped and clapped in pairs! This year they are in the classroom but next year, with a bit of luck, we hope that some of them will dance on the Town Hall stage at the Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts. Mrs MacInnes saw some very impressive and assured four minute solos by four year olds on that stage at this year's festival, so we have something to aim for! Keep calm and carry on galloping ... Mrs K McInnes, Kingfishers Dance Teacher

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Lower School On Tuesday 12 May Year 3 went on a trip to the Recycling Centre in Bishops Cleeve. First of all we walked up a steep, grassy hill to get a good view over the tip. What we didn’t know was that this hill was no ordinary hill. Underneath our very feet was a huge pile of rubbish. Any rubbish that cannot be recycled is put into a landfill site. When it is full, it is covered with clay and soil to look like an ordinary hill. After that we reached the top of the hill and were given binoculars to look at the trucks dumping rubbish and compost on a new landfill site

Finally we recycled our rubbish at the recycling centre so that it could be made into something new. We have learned to reduce, reuse and recycle to save our planet. Mrs L M Theedom, Lower School Class Teacher

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Tim Dutton visits Years 5 and 7 For several years now, Cheltenham Prep have been partaking in the Shakespeare Schools Festival (SSF). Initially, we started with Year 8, and last year we worked with our first Year 6 group. As performances take place in a very busy term, we have started preparations early, therefore both Year 5 and Year 7 were invited to sign up this term. The plays are thirty minute abridged versions of the originals, and this year we have a November performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Comedy of Errors at The Everyman Theatre. The pupils had a wonderful opportunity this week to conduct a Q&A session with Mr Timothy Dutton, whose acting career has covered stage and screen. He was wonderfully relaxed in front of the children and was happy to answer any questions they threw at him, all of which I am glad to say related to his acting career. He really reinforced the idea of line learning and the importance of being part of a team relying on those around you to assist if you forgot lines or froze. “Know your lines. Your lines are your friends.” He told many stories of his life on stage and reminisced about his Shakespearean roles - though he never did give us a soliloquy! Regarding live theatre, he said, “It’s lovely when you get in front of a theatre audience. You get very nervous and there’s a very live atmosphere. Comedies are fun because you get to interact with the audience and that’s a lovely feeling, when the audience reacts to you.” We would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Dutton for giving up his time to impart the joys of acting to the children and to reinforce the pleasure that can be had from performing to a live audience. He can be seen in the West End in a production of 1984 in the Autumn.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015

We hope that as many of you as possible will support The Prep in November, and join us at The Everyman for four contrasting Shakespearean plays. Mrs J Douglas, Drama Co-Ordinator Miss D M M Anderes, Lower School Class Tutor


Musical Magic On Thursday 7 May, the Chamber Choir visited Bristol Cathedral to sing the daily office of Evensong. This 34 strong, auditioned choir led the service with great aplomb, including various items 'cantored' by Charles Hellens (normally done by an adult). Music included Panis Angelicus by Franck and the Nunc Dimittis by Burgon. Both the singing and behaviour was a credit to the school. We were joined by many parents who had made the journey for the service, and we received many lovely comments after the event. Mr K W Perona-Wright, Director of Music

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Girls' Sport Tennis Scores Team





1sts (A) - 3 pairs


9 May

3–5 matches (1 draw)


1sts (B) - 3 pairs

Prior Park

9 May

4–4 matches (1 draw)


32 - 31 games 2nds – 3 pairs


9 May

3-4 matches (2 draws)


3rds – 3 pairs


9 May

6-2 matches (2 draws)


4ths – 3 pairs


9 May

1-5 matches (3 draws)


5ths – 3 pairs


9 May

1-5 matches (3 draws)


1sts – 3 pairs

Denmark Road HSFG

13 May

4-4 matches (1 draw)


32 – 32 games 2nds – 3 pairs

Denmark Road HSFG

13 May

4-4 matches (1 draw)


28 – 37 games 3rds – 3 pairs

Denmark Road HSFG

13 May

5-3 matches (1 draw)


4ths – 3 pairs

Denmark Road HSFG

13 May

4-4 matches (1 draw)


35 – 21 games

Rounders Scores







U9 A

Dean Close

9 May

10 – 17


U9 B

Dean Close

9 May

13.5 – 5



Dean Close

9 May

12.5 – 8.5



Denmark Road HSFG

13 May



Team of the Week – U9 B Rounders The U9B team were very successful in their first rounders fixture of the season against Dean Close. Our girls batted first and began the game tentatively, so as not to lose any players. Dean Close gave away a few half rounders with no-balls, giving us more confidence to hit harder and attempt some rounders.

On the evening of Tuesday 12 May, the Year 3 and 4 athletics teams headed to St John's on the Hill to participate in a full athletics competition, involving track and field events. All children took part in the Ball Throw, Standing Long Jump, Sprint and Relay. Each school was split in to two teams, and all points gained were awarded to the team. Our children gave their maximum effort to each event, resulting in Cheltenham Prep A-team ending as the overall winners. Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Girls' Sport

After 18 balls, the teams swapped around, and some very slick fielding from our girls meant that Dean Close struggled to score. At the end of the first innings we were leading 8 to 1 1/2 rounders. The second innings was more closely contested however! Dean Close gave away fewer rounders with their bowling, and their fielding became more organised. Despite this, and with determined batting and co-ordinated fielding we finished the game, winning by 13 1/2 rounders to 5. A fantastic team effort! Mrs L M Theedom, Lower School Class Teacher Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Girls' Sport Middle School House Tennis and Rounders The Middle School girls had a week off from fixtures to play in their summer term House competition. It combined the two sports that are played in Middle School – tennis and rounders. Due to smaller numbers in some Houses, for the rounders competition Sparta and Corinth joined together, Persia and Rome made up another team, with Troy and Athens playing as the third team.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015

At the end, the two Houses shared the allocated points. This meant that technically the tennis competition was worth double points because each house competed as themselves, and full points were up for grabs at the end of the competition. After a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon in the sunshine, played in good spirits as always, the results were combined and the final placings were as follows – 1st – ROME 2nd – SPARTA 3rd eq – CORINTH and TROY 5th eq – ATHENS and PERSIA


Boys' Sport Cricket Results Team



1st XI

St Hugh’s 1st XI

Won by 95 runs

2nd XI

St Hugh’s 2nd XI

Lost by 19 runs

1st XI


Won by 108 runs



Won by 7 wickets



Won by 8 wickets



Lost by 20 runs



Wanderers XI


Firstly, an update on Seb In Year 8. He has now hit three centuries this season, following his unbeaten 100 against Katharine Lady Berkeley's School in the County Cup on Wednesday. In seven matches, he has scored 465 runs off 308 balls!

I would also like to give credit to the whole of Year 6 this week, their outstanding results in the U11A, U11B and Wanderers XI follow on from very strong hockey and rugby seasons. Year 6 is a tremendous sporting year group, who have consistently pushed each other in the playground, on the training pitches and during matches. The strength of the C team drives the B team to perform and the strength of the B team pressurises the A team to deliver. The results you see are simply the reward for the hard work they have consistently put in. Mr D E Simpson, Head of Boys' Sport

Special mention must also go to the two U11s who represented the 1st XI in the Cup game to allow the Year 7s to focus on their exam preparation.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


What have have our our Boarders to?to? What Boardersbeen beenupup Tennis Tournament, BBQ and Boarders Superstars This Sunday, the Boarding House enjoyed a day of non stop activities, excitement and fun. The day started with the annual charity tennis tournament, in which a record 22 Boarders took to the courts. The tournament was a great success, and Mrs Upton will proudly tell anyone that this year was the biggest turn out she can remember. Those not playing were treated to a delicious BBQ, headed by Mr Jenkins and Mademoiselle Quicray. Once tennis had finished, the Boarders held battle in the annual ‘Boarders’ Superstars,’ which tested team work and athletic prowess in some whacky aquatic and athletic events, including rafting, piggy back, egg and spoon, dressing up and slowest bike races.

Boarder Profile Name : Edward in Year 8 Dream job: Professional rugby/football player Role model: My father Favourite sport: Definitely Rugby Dream holiday: Amanda Bay, Kenya Congratulations to Ed, for winning over half the Stowe Rugby Club’s trophies, including Players Player and Supporters Player at their Annual Prize Giving last week! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Book Collection for Children in Bosnia

This term The Prep is going to collect books to help build a library area in a teaching centre for English in the primary school of Gorazde. The English Learning Centre is being built by a charity called The Gorazde Children’s Foundation Bosnia; Mr Evlyn - Bufton, established the charity.

During the Easter holiday, Simon in Year 6 and his father, were involved in running 26 miles at a charity event to raise funds for the English Learning Centre. Here is Simon running the last 4 miles of the marathon. It was a hard run and he had a lot of hills to climb.

As a school we would like to collect as many books as possible so that we can help fill the shelves in the English Learning Centre. If you would like to support this collection then please bring the books you would like to donate into your child’s tutor. Many thanks for your support. It would be lovely to think that as a school community we can help create a positive learning environment in a Bosnian school.

When Simon and his father turned the final corner of the race they were cheered on by a group of supporters on a nearby bridge. This encouragement gave them the extra boost of motivation and energy that they needed to finish the run.

Ms B Williams, EAL Teacher Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Charity Tennis Tournament in aid of Turf

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Individual Achievements

Well done to the following pupils who have been awarded Headmaster's Commendations • Fifi Russell in Year 6 for excellent Spanish prep on her family tree • Rory Jenkins, Rory Maddinson and David Noble in Year 6 for excellent geography research • Ben Mace in Year 3 for showing kindness and patience with a Kingfisher pupil

Ross and Jack in Year 6 have been selected for the Gloucestershire County Best of District Cricket Team to play Cardiff & Wales on the 31 May. Well done boys! Mrs Broughton-Johnson

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Notices All week The Travelling Book Fair will be in the Library, parental permission is required for all book purchases, which will be added onto your end of term account. Friday 22 May Boarders can depart at any time of the day by prior arrangement No after school care, activities or tea

We welcome the addition of 'College Coffee' to the Prep, situated in the parking area outside the Sports Hall.

Please do come along and sample their locally sourced products! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Medical Notice: Scarlet Fever We would like you to be aware that there have been two cases of Scarlet Fever confirmed in Prep this week. The children are in different classes, which is reflective of what is happening in the community as a whole. Symptoms include a sore throat and high temperature, with a rash sometimes developing, usually on the neck and upper chest. Other common symptoms include headaches, vomiting and generally feeling unwell. If your child has any of these symptoms, please be mindful of the fact that they may need treatment with antibiotics. If Scarlet Fever is confirmed, and treatment has commenced, they are required to be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school. May I take this opportunity to remind you of the school's policy relating to the illnesses or conditions below: • Any diarrhoea or vomiting bug - pupils must be off school for 48 hours after their last episode. • Chicken pox - pupils must be off school for five days from the onset of rash, or until scabs have crusted over. • Mumps - pupils must be off school for five days from the onset of swollen glands. • Coughs and cold - pupils should stay off school until they have recovered. • Head Lice - please treat at earliest opportunity. Now that Hayfever Season is upon us, please could any child suffering from hayfever have any antihistamines /eye drops prior to coming to school. They may of course come to the Medical Centre for Piriton /Eye Baths if required. If you wish to discuss anything further please feel free to contact the Medical Centre or email Many Thanks Fiona Parry, Lead nurse Manager

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Happy Birthday to the following pupils next week! Hugo Mudie................ Age 6 Faith Urbanovsky �������Age 9 Jackson Joly.............Age 11 William Bradley........ Age 12

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015


Sunday, May 17, 2015 - Sunday, May 24, 2015 Sunday, 17 May 2015 11:00

Boarders' Wet and Wild (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)

Monday, 18 May 2015 Week 6 (31) 18 - 24 May 00:00

Travelling Book Fair (Library)

Tuesday, 19 May 2015 00:00

Travelling Book Fair (Library)


Year 2 Assembly (Assembly Hall)


Y5 Experience Day at College


Lower School Maths Competition (Assembly Hall)


Selected musicians perform at local Care Home

Wednesday, 20 May 2015 00:00

Travelling Book Fair (Library)


Departure for Cricket v Dean Close (A): 1st XI, 4th XI, Colts A XI, Colts D XI, U9A VIII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:00 for U9s and 18:00 for all others


Departure for 5th VII Rowing. Pick up 16:30


Departure for Tennis v Dean Close (A): U13 14 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:45


Departure for Rounders v Dean Close (A): U13IX. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:45


Cricket v Dean Close (H): 2nd XI, 3rd XI, Colts B XI, Colts C XI, U9B VIII, U9C VIII. Pick up 17:00 for U9s and 17:45 for all others.


Tennis v Dean Close (H): U11 4 pairs, U10 2 pairs. Pick up 16:30


Rounders v Dean Close (H): U11 IX. Pick up 16:30


Tennis v Richard Pate (H): U11 3 pairs. Pick up 16:30


Departure for Rounders v St Edward's (A): U9A IX, U9B IX, U8A IX. Start 15:30. Pick up 17:15

Thursday, 21 May 2015 No flexi boarding available 00:00

Travelling Book Fair (Library)


Cottage Trip to Cotswold Farm Park. Return for 15:00


Departure for St Edward's Athletics Festival (A): Years 3-6. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30


Kingfishers Summer Concert (Assembly Hall)


Athens and Corinth House Barbecue. Pick up 19:30

Friday, 22 May 2015 00:00

Half term begins


Non uniform day in aid of TURF


House Maths Challenge


Half term: Boarders can depart, by prior arrangement, at any time during the day


Travelling Book Fair (Library)


Year 8 Scholars' Drama Performance (Assembly Hall)


Transition Meeting for Parents of children in Year 2 moving into Year 3 (Library)


Half term begins for children in Kingfishers (no after school care, activities or tea) Half term begins for children in Lower School (no after school care, activities or tea) Half term begins for children in Middle and Upper School (no after school care, activities or tea)

16:00 16:30

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website - Prep for The Week Issue Number 1797– 15 May 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school


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