Prep for the Week Issue | 1799

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1799– 5 June 2015

In this week’s issue… Headmaster’s Blog Saturday Morning update 11+ Assessment update Kingfishers News Lower School News Middle School News Girls' and Boys' Sport

Headmaster's Commendations Individual Achievements Clubs Notices Birthday Celebrations The School Week Ahead

Year 6 visit Coughton Court and Bosworth Battlefield

On Monday, Year 6 made a trip to Coughton Court and Bosworth as aof part their History Miss S EBattlefield, Ramsay, Head PE,of Swimming and Curriculum. Girls' Sport Coughton Court is a Tudor House that played a part in the Gunpowder Plot during the reign of the first Stuart King, James I. Bosworth Battlefield is the famous site on which the Wars of the Roses ended, Richard III was killed and the Tudor Period began. Within one trip, we aimed to cover the three different time periods studied this year.



Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents These last few weeks represent one of the hardest challenges that Year 8 will face and is ideal preparation for when they complete their GCSEs and A Levels. Although we produce a comprehensive programme of events, which range from intellectually stimulating and educational to relaxing and informal, we still demand the same standards of behaviour. A young adult, aged 13, will need to be especially mindful of boundaries, as they are afforded greater freedoms and responsibilities during these final three weeks. There will be, as always, consequences to their actions. This period of time, this ‘icing on the cake’, represents the culmination of preparatory school education and another opportunity to harness the positive aspects of adolescence.

Meanwhile, the rest of the school presses on and, although there is a shift in focus, academic demands continue. Yes, some days are dominated by the traditional events of the Summer Term, but lessons and learning continues. The school remains purposeful, despite the proximity of the holidays and inevitable fatigue. It is, therefore, heartening to read the following unsolicited contribution from a parent: “I have just read the latest weekly round up, reading Mr Simpson’s piece about Colts D. I sent an instinctive reply, which I hope gets through. We parents are proud of you too. I decided therefore to take the opportunity to pass on my acknowledgement of and gratitude for the good manners shown invariably by the children. Mornings are often fraught and difficult. What a difference it makes when a Prep school child opens a door or says good morning. One morning, one boy even walked backwards through the doorway as he saw me approach, so I could go through first! These acts of consideration may seem small and, perhaps, our expectations of our children mean they are the norm. However, in the wider world, good manners sadly seem not to be the norm. Small acts can impact more widely. I am kinder and more patient with the people I see during the day when a child at school is polite and respectful to me at drop off. I felt a note of praise was appropriate.”

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015

My thanks for this acknowledgement of the behaviour of the children here. We are not perfect, we will not rest on laurels and will continue to strive to create a community, the atmosphere and ethos of which we hope will benefit the whole community. Planning for next year continues and, once again, an Annual Planner will be produced. This will be complemented by an outline of the new Saturday programme, a copy of which you will receive in the final three editions of this academic year. I look forward to seeing you all during the series of events which will bring the Prep’s academic year to a busy and challenging conclusion.

A very important notice – Parents Day will begin at 09.30 (children in school by 09.00) with the Leavers’ Service in Chapel and not at 10.00am as advertised in the Calendar. This is to accommodate our guest speaker, Alex Chalk MP, who needs to leave at a certain time.


Saturday Mornings – Autumn Term 2015 Please find below the overview for our Saturday morning plans, beginning this September. Each week, a Saturday programme will be sent out by clarion giving the fine detail for the morning. The first of these will come out before the end of this term, to give parents a chance to digest the information. Below is the overview for both the Boys and Girls and accompanying notes (there have been some amendments since before Half Term).

• The Autumn Term’s major sports are rugby for the boys and hockey for the girls. • Both schedules begin with a preseason day, further details of this will come out via clarion. • There will be a sporting club and a creative club every Saturday for Year 2: this is optional, but will be great fun to attend. They will have their fixtures against Dean Close on 28 November.

• The Academic Olympiad will be a brain taxing morning, containing everything from spelling tests to wacky quizzes about strange facts and maybe even a treasure hunt with cryptic clues! • Please note, there will be some afternoon fixtures against Dean Close for Years 6, 7 and 8. The Bonfire Weekend rugby fixture has been such a longstanding tradition that we didn’t want to lose the event. These matches will begin around 13:00, with plenty of time to get ready for the fireworks.

• Open Morning will be run slightly differently. The plans we have in place mean it will be just as fun for our children as it is for the visitors. Be prepared for mad science experiments, archery in the Barn, and Mr Dawson dragging visiting parents over to join in rugby drills.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Boys 12 Sept

19 Sept

3 Oct

Upper PreSchool Season Training

5 Sept

Training Day

Matches v Pinewood

Open Morning

Year 6

PreSeason Training

Training Day

Matches v Pinewood

Open Morning

PreSeason Training

Training Day

Matches v Pinewood

Open Morning

Year 4

PreSeason Training

Rugby Trials

Rugby Open Festival at Morning Cheltenham

Year 3

PreSeason Training

Rugby Trials


Year 5

Year 2

10 Oct

7 Nov

Matches v Bromsgrove

Matches Matches v v Dean Abingdon Close (pm start)

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Matches v Bromsgrove

Matches House v Dean Matches Close (pm start)

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Matches v Dean Close

House Matches

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Rugby Festival Matches at Clifton v Dean Close

Rugby Festival at Prior Park

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Rugby Open Festival at Morning Cheltenham

Rugby Festival Matches at Clifton v Dean Close

Rugby Festival at The Downs

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs





Matches v Dean Close

3 Oct

10 Oct

Matches v Bromsgrove


14 Nov

28 Nov

5 Dec


Girls 5 Sept

12 Sept 19 Sept

7 Nov

14 Nov

28 Nov

Upper School

PreSeason Training

Year 6

Year 5

Training Matches v Open House Day Pinewood Morning Matches

Matches v Dean Close (pm start)

Matches v RGS Worc

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

PreSeason Training

Training Matches v Open House Day Pinewood Morning Matches

Matches v Dean Close (pm start)

Hockey Festival at Bromsgrove

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

PreSeason Training

Training Matches v Open House Day Pinewood Morning Matches

Matches v Dean Close

Matches v Dean Close

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Year 4

Hockey Trials

Matches v House Matches v Pinewood Matches Beaudesert

Matches v Dean Close

Hockey Festival at Prior Park

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Year 3

Hockey Trials

Matches v House Matches v Pinewood Matches St Hugh’s

Hockey Festival at Beaudesert

Matches v Dean Close

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Year 2





Matches v Dean Close

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015



5 Dec



The New Cheltenham College 11+ Assessments Cheltenham College 11+ assessment procedures are changing for children moving into Year 7 in September 2016. What’s happening? Assessment for 2016 entry comprises of an 11+ Entrance Day and an 11+ academic testing day. The tests comprise of four elements: Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning tests. Pupils will also be asked to complete a short hand-written writing task. When does this take place? Cheltenham College 11+ Entrance Day

Friday 13 November 2015

Current pupils’ 11+ academic testing

November, before the 11+ Entrance Day*

*Exact dates will be confirmed in the Autumn Term

External candidates’ 11+ academic testing

Saturday 14 November 2015

What’s new? To assess candidates, Cheltenham College (in line with many other senior schools) is replacing written papers with computerised testing. These are standardised Pre-Tests administered by the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB). These tests provide reliable data on a pupil’s current attainment level as well as helping senior schools to predict how pupils may develop as they grow older. Why is there a change? We have introduced the separate assessment days to ensure the Entrance Day is focused on children experiencing the journey from 11+ through to College, showcasing some of the exciting elements which make up College life. The Entrance Day is meant to be fun and enjoyable, filling pupils with inspiration and aspiration. The online tests move us away from a big examination hall testing day, which can be intimidating and affect candidates’ performance. The range of tests enables us to gain valuable insight into each child’s learning profile. How should we prepare? There are no practice tests for the academic assessments. The content of the Maths and English papers are based around what children in Year 6 will have learnt in their syllabus to date. This enables teachers to continue to enthuse pupils following The Prep’s broad curriculum. There is no need to do lots of extra Verbal Reasoning or Non-Verbal Reasoning work in preparation, although we will recommend books if children wish to do more work following on from the sessions they have been having in school. What about 11+ Scholarship assessments – are they changing too? The 11+ Scholarship process remains the same as previous years: Academic Scholarship assessments will continue to be held in January of Year 6 and pupils will be invited to sit these if they have scored particularly well in the 11+ assessments in November. The non-academic Scholarship arrangements also remain unchanged and details / application forms will be available in the new academic year.

Mrs V M Jenkins, Deputy Head (Academic)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Kingfishers Cotswold Farm Park Trip The Cottage children were very excited when they set off on their first school trip to the Cotswold Farm Park. The coach trip there proved as exciting for them as the farm itself! Whilst there, they were kept busy with a number of activities including pond dipping, watching a cow being milked, a sheep being sheared, a tractor ride and holding little chicks. The bouncy pillow was, of course, also a highlight! Thirty-four weary children returned, having had a lovely day. Mrs D Stovold, Kingfisher Cottage

The Reception French Classes have been learning about mini beasts in French this term. Thursday's beautiful sunshine saw us outside on a French Bug Hunt! Spiders, ants, butterflies, even very hungry caterpillars, were hunted down by our intrepid linguists in and amongst our delightful grounds. The most prized find was "la petite coccinelle", whom they will be singing about in their upcoming concert. No animals were harmed, (or eaten), in the making of this learning experience! Mrs T C Llewellyn, Modern Foreign Languages

Year 1 have been preparing for their Regatta for next week. They have designed and built their own boats using 'junk' modelling. They have come up with some wonderfully inventive and hopefully watertight crafts. Mrs T K Kelway The children have enjoyed a range of clubs this term including swimming, chess, choir and art club. In art club the children were learning how to construct a picture using step by step guidelines forming a story around their ideas. Mrs C R Reeves, Kingfishers Class Teacher

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Lower School We're Going On A Bear Hunt and The Little Red Hen were enjoyed this week by the pupils in Year 4. Although they recognised the stories, these were read in French and Spanish, having been translated by a group of Year 8 children. Thank you to the Year 8s for reading confidently and engaging our Year 4 pupils. We look forward to another visit soon!

Year 4 also enjoyed a maths investigation involving smarties! They were given a box of smarties each and had to show their maths knowledge and creativity in any way they wanted. Spies were also circulating, identifying peers with particularly good ideas. Who would have thought so many maths concepts could come from one small box of sweets! There were graphs, pie charts, symmetrical patterns, area and nets of shapes and even measuring the distance travelled after a sweet had been catapulted! The children were so absorbed for the session and shocked themselves with how much maths they knew. They fully deserved the edible reward to finish! Mrs D J Isaachsen, Head of Lower School

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Middle School Coughton Court and Bosworth Battlefield At Coughton Court, we had a fascinating morning looking round the House and learning about the famous Catholic ‘Throckmorton Family’ who have lived at the residence for over 600 years. We discovered how the Catholics found practising their faith difficult, after Henry VIII started the ‘Reformation’, and were largely in hiding. We were able to explore the two different churches that were situated in the grounds, one which was Protestant and one which was Catholic, giving a unique insight into the differences between the two faiths. We also saw several ‘priest holes’ and actually met one minister who told us all about the Gunpowder Plot and how more than half of the plotters were linked to the Throckmortons. On view were also two famous artefacts: Mary Queen of Scot’s clothing, that she wore before her execution, and a Bishop’s robe, reportedly stitched by Henry VIII’s first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

It was a fantastic day out, jam-packed full of History that complimented the year of work. My thanks go to Mrs Bond, Mrs Conner, Dr Gilmour, Miss Smith and Mrs Baird for their help and for being so efficient with quite strict timings. I would also like to thank Year 6 for their enthusiasm, interest and great company. As a year group, they were praised throughout for their good manners and politeness, as well as intelligent questioning and answering. Here are a few lines written by some of those who attended:

After a brief lunch, we headed to our next destination, Bosworth Battlefield. Here, we split into two groups that swapped after an hour: the first half looked around the award-winning exhibition, where armour was tried on, weapons weighed and bows fired. Meanwhile, the other half of the party had a tour of the Battlefield, led by an expert who had recently been lucky enough to have been invited to attend the ‘state funeral’ of Richard III! We heard how Richard III looked as though he held the advantages until the Stanley Family betrayed him and the rest, as they say, is History! The guide gave some interesting detail into the ever-changing version of Richard’s story, which is still being researched currently, obviously inspired by recent ‘car park’ findings.

It was a very interesting building with History oozing out of the walls. The roof had two lookout rooms where you could see everything in a three mile radius. It was great.’ Jackson

'The Guide told us about how the plotters from the Gunpowder Plot met in secret at Coughton Court and how religious meetings took place and where the priest had to hide if there was a raid.’ Javier

Mr R D W Baird, Middle School Class Tutor

‘I felt strange knowing that I had stood where people from the Gunpowder Plot were.’ Sofia Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Middle School Scholars Assembly - Which anniversary event is the most significant? Just before Half Term, the Scholarship Set gave a presentation to the school regarding three important anniversary events that take place this year: 1215 Magna Carta, 1415 the Battle of Agincourt, 1815 the Battle of Waterloo. The purpose of the presentation was to determine which event was the most significant. Seizing on the ‘Election Fever’, the school would listen to the three arguments of the chosen anniversary events and then at the end vote on which they thought was the most important, marking their ballot papers with a ‘MC’, ‘A’ or ‘W’. Since the Scholarship Exam, in History the pupils have been working on various projects that have departed from the curriculum and explored further into different characters and events that have coloured our past. The group have produced their own ‘Historical Dinner Parties’, inviting seven guests from across time, predicting their conversations and debates. They have also assembled together a screenplay on the murder of Archbishop Becket using Google Docs. The pupils devised these anniversary presentations themselves, preparing a script and researching each topic. They had to measure how much of an impact each event had, but also how to convey this to an audience and convince them that their cause was the most worthy. It is important to note that not all of the presenters were convinced that their subject was the most critical, but still put on a fine exhibition that did not express their true feeling.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015

The expositions were wide-ranging and superbly put across. There was plenty of historical detail, humour and even some Shakespeare! The pupils pitched their subjects at the right level, keeping the attention and interest of staff and pupils alike. However, the results were as follows; 1st Place – Waterloo 2nd Place – Magna Carta 3rd Place – Agincourt Waterloo was the popular winner, but the ‘thinking person's’ choice appeared to be Magna Carta, which achieved the staff majority, as well as several eminent historians of Years 8, 7 and 6. Agincourt was acknowledged as the most difficult to convince of its significance, but still won a good number of votes. My thanks go to the Year 8 Scholars, for their enthusiasm and for putting on a great morning of entertainment, celebrating three very special dates in British History. Mr R D W Baird, Middle School Class Tutor


Music Department: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music results Candidate





Grace Adams





Tatty Anton-Smith Celeste Aylott Celeste Aylott George Bailey Violet Bailey Javier Berrow Alice Bradley Alice Bradley Piers Brown Max Callon Hine Jenny Carson Monty Dawson William Dutton Holly Ellis Holly Ellis Kiera Ferchland-Howe Kiera Ferchland-Howe Kiera Ferchland-Howe Annie Finan


02 04 03 06 05 P 02 01 01 P 03 02 01 01 03 04 03 03 05

118 123 128 130 130 PRE 120 130 122 PRE 120 120 126 125 124 118 131 130 131

Pass Merit Merit Distinction Distinction

Annie Finan Libby Hall George Hardy Elie Haugen Charles Hellens Louis Hillman-Cooper Abigail Hulett Beth Jenkins Charlie Keene Alexander McCombie Ella McCombie Megan Message Dorothea Peterken Jemima Rees Izzy Reid Izzy Reid Minette Tombleson


04 01 03 01 05 05 01 04 01 01 04 06 04 01 02 02 02

122 126 108 124 132 130 115 117 132 133 130 130 128 130 113 127 121

Merit Merit Pass Merit Distinction Distinction Pass Pass Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Merit Distinction Pass Merit Merit

Merit Distinction Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Merit Pass Distinction Distinction Distinction

Well done everyone, you should all be proud of yourselves! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Music Department Sponsored Grade 1 We are seeing more and more of these members of staff in the music department looking slightly frazzled, which means only one thing... the exam is looming!

Mrs Buttress – Piano Miss Sheldon – Voice Mrs Reeves – Piano Mrs Kelway – Saxophone Mrs Coley – Clarinet Miss Stovold – Flute Mrs Bond – Piano Mrs Connor – Voice Mrs Grieves – Flute Mrs Jenkins – Violin Mr Jenkins – Voice Mrs Reid – Trumpet Mrs Wells – Clarinet Mrs Baird – French Horn Mrs Patterson – Trumpet Mrs Buxton – Bassoon

They will take their exam on Thursday 11 June, so if you haven’t sponsored, this is your last chance! Please, at least, think of the poor examiner who will have to spend the entirety of their morning listening to them squeak, toot or screech their way through the exam. In all seriousness, the money raised will go towards the school charity as well as the music department tour in the Autumn Term, so any donations would be welcomed. Happy Practising!

Other musical news… Congratulations to the whole of Kingfishers who put on their Summer Concert. The children did themselves and the school proud, in a wonderful display of musical and dancing talent. Well done everyone! Chapel Choir will be performing at the Food Festival in Cheltenham on Saturday 13 June. They will be performing in Montpelier Gardens, so if you are around please do come and support. Miss G Jones, Assistant Director of Music Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Girls' Sport Tennis Scores

Tennis Team of the Week – Upper School






1sts – 3 pairs


3 June

5–4 matches


2nds – 3 pairs


3 June

6–2 matches


3rds – 3 pairs


3 June

7–1 matches


4ths – 3 pairs


3 June

5–4 matches


U10 – 2 pairs


3 June

4–0 matches


U11 – 2 pairs


3 June

2–2 matches


It is so clear, to anybody watching, just how much the Upper School girls have improved this year, as a result of more training and fixtures. They are really enjoying their tennis and it was fantastic to watch them play against Pinewood this week. We had some very close matches, as well as some very convincing wins. To have 24 girls playing and come out with a win for each team is an impressive record and was thoroughly well deserved. Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Girls' Sport

Rounders Scores

Rounders Team of the Week – U10








3 June

12 – 16




3 June

16.5 – 9



Airthrie A

3 June





3 June

16 – 11.5




3 June





3 June

10.5 – 12.5




3 June

9.5 – 12.5




3 June

10.5 – 13.5


Good communication when fielding and listening to each other made a big difference to this match. Careful and sensible decision-making meant that fewer risks were taken when batting and, whilst less whole rounders were scored, more half rounders were added to the total. When fielding, our team really worked together, to ensure that they limited the number of whole rounders scored by the opposition. Tactical discussion from training sessions was put into practice, and it was very obvious that our team were thinking about where they needed to send the ball. With greater accuracy in both throwing and catching, it was a pleasure to watch our U10 team. All we need to now is work on hitting the ball harder into deep field when batting. Well done girls! Mrs A Grieves, Middle School Class Tutor

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Sport's Day All of Sports Day entries are in and programmes will be printed and distributed by the middle of next week. Lower School Sports Day 10:00 - 12:30 on Saturday 13 June Middle and Upper School Sports Day 12:30 - 17:30 on Saturday 13 June All competitors must wear their House tops

Several events are taking place in the week prior to Sports Day: MS/US 1500m finals - 10:30 on Monday 8 June LS 1500m finals - 11:00 on Monday 8 June MS Boys High Jump Heats - 13:30 on Thursday 11 June US Boys Long Jump Heats - 13:30 on Thursday 11 June MS Girls High Jump Heats - 16:30 on Thursday 11 June US Girls Long Jump Heats - 16:30 on Thursday 11 June MS Girls Long Jump Heats - 13:30 on Friday 12 June US Girls High Jump Heats - 13:30 on Friday 12 June MS Boys Long Jump Heats - 16:30 on Friday 12 June US Boys High Jump Heats - 16:30 on Friday 12 June

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Boys' Sport Cricket Results Team




Wycliffe U12A

Lost by 7 wickets

Wanderers XI

Wycliffe 4th XI

Lost by 18 runs

Gentlemen’s XI

Wycliffe 5th XI

Lost by 6 wickets

Colts A

Wycliffe Colts A

Won by 8 wickets

Colts B

Wycliffe Colts A

Won by 109 runs

Colts D

Wycliffe Colts A

Won by 40 runs


Wycliffe U8s

See below

Team of the Week: Under 8s On Wednesday afternoon, the U8s played against Wycliffe in a small festival. We entered three mixed ability teams in with their two and had perfect weather for the event. The combination of the late arrival of the opposition and the slow play meant we didn’t get in as many matches as planned, but those that did take place were excellent. At Under 8 level, we now play the matches with two balls on tees, either side of the batsman. If a no-ball, or wide, is called, then instead of simply being given two runs, the batsman has a free hit off either tee. This means the batsman gets to hit, the fielders get to chase and all are involved, no matter how much the bowler may be struggling. With this new concept, it means the games are fast and furious, there are plenty of boundaries and everyone has a chance at every job. Our boys were fantastic in this format. On the whole, our bowling was very strong, which gave the opposition few ‘free hits’ and some of our batting was outstanding – one gentleman scoring 24 off six balls and another hitting two sixes in an over. Our only development point was fielding, where we were sometimes caught watching the clouds go by, but at the Year 3 level, you can’t have everything. On the whole, a great afternoon, which demonstrates that the cricketing future of the school is in very safe hands. Our 1st XI are through to the quarter finals of the County Cup and are well on the way to retaining our title. It is pleasing to see the development of our Year 3 boys, in the knowledge that when their turn arrives, they will be in a strong position to win the County Cup for the school. Mr D E Simpson, Head of Boys' Sport

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Well done to the following pupils who have been awarded Headmaster's Commendations • Sophie Morton, Charlotte Maddinson, Beth Jenkins and Megan Message in Year 8, for fantastic coaching at the Lower School Tennis Festival • Kene Ajogwu in Year 8, for outstanding artwork • Max Callon Hine in Year 3, for superb independent writing • Katelyn Morton in Year 7, for an excellent Latin display

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Clubs Bakery Club Cherry Oat Crunchies were the order of the day in Bakery Club! This mixture included oats and is like flapjack. With little encouragement, many pupils also added a scattering of chocolate chips to the top to make their baking EVEN more delicious! We were lucky enough to recently receive some free equipment from Anchor Baking Kits for Schools – some bowls, spoons and aprons - because our school is registered with the site. Please see the following web address for further details: Mrs Barrett has sent in some photographs from Bakery Club, so watch out for them appearing on the School of the Week section on the Anchor website. Mrs G Barrett and Mrs B Williams.

Craft Club The pupils have mostly completed their deco patch projects, with very impressive results. Cats, dolphins, unicorns and pencil boxes were covered to perfection. Many projects were given extra sparkle with the addition of shining gems. Mrs G Barrett and Mrs B Williams.

Polo Club The Prep School Polo Team had another impressive success yesterday at the College Polo Invitation Day. The team of Zac Beim, Izzy England, Charlotte Maddinson and Charlie Callon Hine beat Summer Fields in a very exciting and well played match. The College team also won their match against Stowe School and the OCs won against Eton. Mrs D Pagett, Polo Co-ordinator

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Independent Learning Project: Years 6-7 Year 6 pupils will shortly be receiving a talk about the Independent Learning Project they will be working on over the summer holidays. The theme this year is 'Under our feet', and allows pupils to explore this theme in any way they wish. An information leaflet containing further details and ideas will be posted to parents this week. Mrs G Barrett and Mrs S Reid

Please contact Mrs Barrett with any queries.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Notices Subsequent to the production of this term’s calendar, Miss Lindsay Gooch has been appointed to take over the leadership of Middle School with effect from 1 September. Miss Gooch is unavailable on Saturday 13 June, the day of the Transition Meeting for children moving from Year 4 to Year 5. As it is essential that Miss Gooch leads this event, we have re-arranged it for 16.30 on Monday 22 June, just prior to the Lower School Camp Fire.

Sally-Ann Kent has been appointed as Mr Whybrow's new PA. She can be contacted, for appointments with him, on 01242 706814 or at sa.kent@cheltenhamcollege. org. Sally-Ann has, for the last 12 years, been PA to the Chief Executive of Ofcom, based in London. Previous to that she worked for National Express, Carlton Communications and on board the QE2. She has moved back to Cheltenham to be nearer her family. Her brother was a student at both the Prep and College so she knows some of how the school works, but has lots to learn. This is her first time in education so she is very much looking forward to the challenge. Her door will always be open so please pop in and say hello. She looks forward to meeting you over the coming days and weeks.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


News from College Cheltenham College was fortunate to have the 2015 Speech Day in glorious sunshine last week! An uplifting service in College Chapel started the proceedings for the day, with our Leaving Pupils and their parents enjoying a service that commemorated our Upper Sixth Students. The Sports Hall was transformed to welcome our 1500 visitors, who heard from the President of Council, The Reverend John Horan and Dr Alex Peterken, Headmaster. Prize Giving and Presentation of Prefect ties and Heads of School prizes, were followed by two extremely articulate and entertaining presentations by Head Boy, Edward Robbins and Head Girl, Francesca Ball. Their dignified, thoughtful, humble and personal reflections provided a moving and fitting end to their service to College. As ever, this was a dignified and traditional occasion, celebrating achievements and saying farewell to the Leavers of 2015 and thanking them for the contribution they have all given to College. Please take a look at the website, the Head Girl was a former student of the Prep.

Why not take advantage of our Activity Camps during the holidays?

There is a 10% discount for all children that attend Prep, email Gemma on for your discount code. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Please bring in a maximum of ÂŁ2 in small change to buy the cakes on Friday 12 June at break time. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Cheltenham College Prep School

Family Camp Out

16.00 Saturday 20 June- 9.00 Sunday 21 June 2015

• A camping experience for the whole family • Pitch your tent on the school grounds for £30 (charged to your end of year account) • Organised barbecue (or Indian takeaway from the Bath Road!) • Your children will have their friends to play with, under your supervision • Swimming pool • Bacon sandwiches served on Sunday Morning • Bathroom facilities in the Sports Hall

Please reserve your pitch with Reception by Friday 12 June Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015


Happy Birthday to the following pupils next week!

Peter Cyphus-Hocken

Age 5

Flora Maxwell

Age 5

Morgan Dawson Felix Warr

Arthur Robinson

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015

Age 5 Age 8 Age 9


Sunday, June 7, 2015 - Sunday, June 14, 2015 Sunday, 7 June 2015 13:00

Friends of The Prep Headmaster's XI Cricket and Tennis Tournament


Boarders' Fun In The Sun (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)

Monday, 8 June 2015 Week 9 (34) 8 - 14 June 00:00

Year 8 Yearbook Project


Year 5 Trip to Cleeve Hill


Athletics v Elizabeth College, Guernsey (H): Year 6. Pick up 16:30


Cricket v Elizabeth College, Guernsey (H): U11 Hosting XI. Pick up 17:45


Geography Conference (Assembly Hall)


PE and Sports Conference - cancelled

Tuesday, 9 June 2015 00:00

Year 8 Yearbook Project


Year 3 Roman Day


Cricket Festival with Elizabeth College and Richard Pate (H): U11 Hosting XII. Pick up 17:30


Rounders v Elizabeth College, Guernsey (H): Year 6. Pick up 16:30

Wednesday, 10 June 2015 00:00

Year 8 Arts Festival


Cheltenham Prep at Work for Prospective Parents


Departure for Cricket v Clifton (A): 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 5th VII, Colts B XI, Colts D XI, U9C VI. Start 14:15. Pick up 18:30


Departure for Tennis v St Hugh's (A): U12 7 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15


Departure for Rounders v St Hugh's (A): U13 IX. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15


Departure for Rounders v St Hugh's (A): U11A IX, U11B IX, U10A IX, U10B IX. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15


Cricket v Clifton (H): 1st XI, 4th XI, Colts C XI, U9A VIII, U9B VIII. Pick up 16:30 for U9s and 17:45 for all others


Cricket v Cardiff and The Vale (H): Colts A XI. Pick up 18:00


Rounders v St Hugh's (H): U9A IX, U9B IX. Pick up 16:00


Tennis v Wycliffe (H): U13 6 pairs. Pick up 16:30

Thursday, 11 June 2015 Year 8 Arts Festival 00:00

Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music Examinations (for sponsored staff)


Year 5 English Speaking Board Examinations


Cheltenham Prep hosting the Gloucestershire Cricket Board Girls' Primary School Cricket Cup


Year 8 Arts Festival Performance (Parents welcome)


Association & Society London Drinks (Tom's Terrace, Somerset House, London)

Friday, 12 June 2015 08:30

Whole School, Leavers' and Boarders' Photographs


Cake Sale in aid of TURF (Dining Room)


Lower School Team Photographs


Middle School Team Photographs


House Singing Practice (no Chapel)


Upper School Team Photographs All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow.

Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website - Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school 23

Sunday, June 7, 2015 - Sunday, June 14, 2015 17:30

Troy and Rome House Barbecue. Pick up 19:00

Saturday, 13 June 2015 09:00

Transition Meeting for Parents of children in Year 4 moving into Year 5 (Library) - postponed to 22 June at


Lower School Sports Day. Pick up 12:30


Food Festival. Chapel Choir perform in Montpellier Gardens


Transition Meeting for Parents of Year 6 moving into Year 7 (Library)


Middle and Upper School Sports Day. Pick up 17:30


Sunday, 14 June 2015 09:00

Boarders' Big, Big Day Out. (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)


Departure for Year 8 Trip to Bude (until Friday)


Year 7 24 Hours Experience at College starts

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website - Prep for The Week Issue Number 1799 June 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school 24

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