Prep for the Week Issue | 1800

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1800 – 12 June 2015

In this week’s issue… Headmaster’s Blog Saturday Morning update 11+ Assessment update Kingfishers News Lower School News Middle School News Upper School News Art department News

Girls' and Boys' Sport Cheltenham Festival Young Scientists' Day Persia House Dinner Headmaster's Commendations Individual Achievements Clubs and Notices Birthday Celebrations The School Week Ahead

Our children have been busy this week!

Year 2 children created and described the heroes from their own stories after a visit from 'Brett Danger' !

Cheltenham Festival’s Young Scientists’ Day was held on 5 June at the Prep and the day went with a bang!



Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents Today , we will be distributing the class lists for the next academic year, using a system called ‘The Hand of Friendship'. By doing so, we can ensure that every child will be in a class with at least one of their five closest friends. Whilst we understand that this will not be enough for every child, some of whom form close attachments to one friend in particular, it is the only fair and mathematically feasible way in which to do this. There are two reasons for changing the classes over; firstly, we feel that we should encourage children to develop their friendship groups and secondly, we sometimes need to take the opportunity to dismantle classes who have not bonded.

We must remember that whilst our children are in their class groups during lessons, opportunities for socialising are minimal. Morning and lunch break, in addition to time spent en route for activities and games are indeed valuable. I feel that too much importance may be being placed on which class a child is in. Whilst they register together and more often than not, move around together, interaction opportunities are greater at other times throughout the day. Activities Week Activities Week takes place in the penultimate week of the Summer Term. Please note that this will be the last year in which it will take place in its present form. Whilst some of our children, require an alternative approach to the end of the Summer Term and academic year (particularly Year 8), others benefit from ongoing momentum in academic matters. Of course, one week after Activities Week the long summer holiday begins!

Sports Day After a dry month, the one wet day forecast over the next two weeks, is due to arrive on Saturday. As the forecast for the severity of the rain changes from hour to hour, a decision about the Lower School Sports Day will be taken by pick up time today. All children in Middle School and Upper School should come to school as usual on Saturday and a decision will be clarioned to parents between 10.30 and 11.00. If it is necessary to postpone these events, Lower School Sports Day will take place on the morning of Tuesday 23 June and the Middle School and Upper School Sports Day will take place on Saturday 20 June.

Going forward, a series of voluntary trips, designed to promote a mixture of year group bonding and academic extension, will be run at different times depending on year groups throughout the academic year. This programme will be advertised in advance, in order that parents may plan ahead. Due to the fact that, in all cases, a cost will be involved, trips will be voluntary and a full timetable of lessons will be provided for those who do not wish to travel.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Saturday Mornings – Autumn Term 2015 Please find below the overview for our Saturday morning plans, beginning this September. Each week, a Saturday programme will be sent out by clarion giving the fine detail for the morning. The first of these will come out before the end of this term, to give parents a chance to digest the information. Below is the overview for both the Boys and Girls and accompanying notes (there have been some amendments since before Half Term).

• The Autumn Term’s major sports are rugby for the boys and hockey for the girls. • Both schedules begin with a preseason day, further details of this will come out via clarion. • There will be a sporting club and a creative club every Saturday for Year 2: this is optional, but will be great fun to attend. They will have their fixture against Dean Close on 28 November.

• The Academic Olympiad will be a brain taxing morning, containing everything from spelling tests to wacky quizzes about strange facts and maybe even a treasure hunt with cryptic clues! • Please note, there will be some afternoon fixtures against Dean Close for Years 6, 7 and 8. The Bonfire Weekend rugby fixture has been such a longstanding tradition that we didn’t want to lose the event. These matches will begin around 13:00, with plenty of time to get ready for the fireworks.

• Open Morning will be run slightly differently. The plans we have in place mean it will be just as fun for our children as it is for the visitors. Be prepared for mad science experiments, archery in the Barn, and Mr Dawson dragging visiting parents over to join in rugby drills.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Boys 12 Sept

19 Sept

3 Oct

Upper PreSchool Season Training

5 Sept

Training Day

Matches v Pinewood

Open Morning

Year 6

PreSeason Training

Training Day

Matches v Pinewood

Open Morning

PreSeason Training

Training Day

Matches v Pinewood

Open Morning

Year 4

PreSeason Training

Rugby Trials

Rugby Open Festival at Morning Cheltenham

Year 3

PreSeason Training

Rugby Trials


Year 5

Year 2

10 Oct

7 Nov

Matches v Bromsgrove

Matches Matches v v Dean Abingdon Close (pm start)

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Matches v Bromsgrove

Matches House v Dean Matches Close (pm start)

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Matches v Dean Close

House Matches

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Rugby Festival Matches at Clifton v Dean Close

Rugby Festival at Prior Park

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Rugby Open Festival at Morning Cheltenham

Rugby Festival Matches at Clifton v Dean Close

Rugby Festival at The Downs

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs





Matches v Dean Close

3 Oct

10 Oct

Matches v Bromsgrove


14 Nov

28 Nov

5 Dec


Girls 5 Sept

12 Sept 19 Sept

7 Nov

14 Nov

28 Nov

Upper School

PreSeason Training

Year 6

Year 5

Training Matches v Open House Day Pinewood Morning Matches

Matches v Dean Close (pm start)

Matches v RGS Worc

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

PreSeason Training

Training Matches v Open House Day Pinewood Morning Matches

Matches v Dean Close (pm start)

Hockey Festival at Bromsgrove

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

PreSeason Training

Training Matches v Open House Day Pinewood Morning Matches

Matches v Dean Close

Matches v Dean Close

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Year 4

Hockey Trials

Matches v House Matches v Pinewood Matches Beaudesert

Matches v Dean Close

Hockey Festival at Prior Park

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Year 3

Hockey Trials

Matches v House Matches v Pinewood Matches St Hugh’s

Hockey Festival at Beaudesert

Matches v Dean Close

Academic Matches v Olympiad The Downs

Year 2





Matches v Dean Close

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015



5 Dec



The New Cheltenham College 11+ Assessments Cheltenham College 11+ assessment procedures are changing for children moving into Year 7 in September 2016. What’s happening? Assessment for 2016 entry comprises of an 11+ Entrance Day and an 11+ academic testing day. The tests comprise of four elements: Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning tests. Pupils will also be asked to complete a short hand-written writing task. When does this take place? Cheltenham College 11+ Entrance Day

Friday 13 November 2015

Current pupils’ 11+ academic testing

November, before the 11+ Entrance Day*

*Exact dates will be confirmed in the Autumn Term

External candidates’ 11+ academic testing

Saturday 14 November 2015

What’s new? To assess candidates, Cheltenham College (in line with many other senior schools) is replacing written papers with computerised testing. These are standardised Pre-Tests administered by the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB). These tests provide reliable data on a pupil’s current attainment level as well as helping senior schools to predict how pupils may develop as they grow older. Why is there a change? We have introduced the separate assessment days to ensure the Entrance Day is focused on children experiencing the journey from 11+ through to College, showcasing some of the exciting elements which make up College life. The Entrance Day is meant to be fun and enjoyable, filling pupils with inspiration and aspiration. The online tests move us away from a big examination hall testing day, which can be intimidating and affect candidates’ performance. The range of tests enables us to gain valuable insight into each child’s learning profile. How should we prepare? There are no practice tests for the academic assessments. The content of the Maths and English papers are based around what children in Year 6 will have learnt in their syllabus to date. This enables teachers to continue to enthuse pupils following The Prep’s broad curriculum. There is no need to do lots of extra Verbal Reasoning or Non-Verbal Reasoning work in preparation, although we will recommend books if children wish to do more work following on from the sessions they have been having in school. What about 11+ Scholarship assessments – are they changing too? The 11+ Scholarship process remains the same as previous years: Academic Scholarship assessments will continue to be held in January of Year 6 and pupils will be invited to sit these if they have scored particularly well in the 11+ assessments in November. The non-academic Scholarship arrangements also remain unchanged and details / application forms will be available in the new academic year.

Mrs V M Jenkins, Deputy Head (Academic)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Kingfishers A Special Visitor Comes To Year 2 This week, Class 2S were honoured to have a special spanish adventurer come to visit during their English lesson. The fearless hero 'Brett Danger’ came in to share stories of his brave quests. This was a lovely coincidence, as the class have been exploring ‘Quest Stories’ and planning their own adventures to be written next week! Brett was interviewed by the children, who found out about his personality, as well as the obstacles he had faced whilst hunting predators around the world. Now it is up to the children to create and describe the heroes from their own stories and use the ideas that Brett Danger has given them. If only Mr Jennings had been there to see our visitor!

Cottage Sponsored Walk

Miss O C Sheldon, Deputy Head of Kingfishers

Children and families from the Cottage came together on Saturday morning to do a sponsored walk in aid of the school charity, TURF. The weather was kind to us and they had fun walking to the ten points around the fields, collecting stamps and puzzle pieces which they then put together on their return. Mrs D Stovold, Kingfisher Cottage Class Teacher

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Kingfishers Sports Day Kingfishers have been very busy! On Friday 5 June, we had our Sports Day. It was an exciting and eventful day; with a mixture of challenges: field events, sprint races, hurdles, egg and spoon and many more. We were really proud of how professional the children were on the day, starting races in the correct position, and showing great sportsmanship. The fastest girl and boy received trophies. Congratulations to Matilda and Henry in Year 2 for the their super fast sprints! As a reward at the end, the children very much enjoyed tucking into their delicious ice creams!

"It was great fun because we got to do lots of activities" Charlie, Year 2 It was as fun as a funfair! Lois, Year 2 Sports day was awesome! Max, Year 1 It was awesome because we got stickers and ice-cream! Flo, Year 2 Sports day was very fun because we got to run a lot! Zangir, Year 2 I loved sports day! It was loads of fun! Jack, Year 1 Everyone was as fast as lightning! Raif, Year 2 Mrs T K Kelway, Kingfishers Class Teacher

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Lower School Pupil Learning and Achievement Skills Year 3 have been enjoying outdoor activities this term as part of their Pupil Learning and Achievement Skills (PALS) lessons. Teamwork has played an important role, learning to listen to others and involve everybody.

This week they had to get their team across a swamp with a limited number of stepping stones. Some groups managed this quicker then others, realising it would only work if you helped each other. Archie's group was given the challenge to get him across the same swamp blindfolded! An important lesson was learnt, with fun and laughter along the way.

Lower School Camp Fire

Mrs D J Isaachsen, Head of Lower School

We welcome all Lower School children and their parents to join us for a camp fire on Monday 22 June between 17.00 and 18.00 to celebrate the end of term. We do hope you can join us! Lower School Staff Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Middle School Year 5 Geography Trip On Monday, Year 5 went to Cleeve Hill Common for a Geography trip. We had to walk from the coach down to the sheep dip, which was very deep. The sheep dip is where the sheep on the Common used to get washed, and closed in 1950. After looking at the sheep dip, we went on a bit of a hike to find the source of the River Isbourne. It was bubbling out of the ground, as it is a natural spring, and was really rocky. Then we split into groups for pond dipping and used magnifying cups to scoop up mini water beasts from the water and under stones. We found freshwater shrimps, leeches, dragonfly larvae, slugs, frogs and tadpoles, using charts to identify them. Finally, after the pond dipping, we hiked back to the coach up quite a steep slope where some of the boys kept pricking themselves with thistles. An excellent trip! Isobelle Mace and Ollie McGrath, Year 5

Miss Gooch and Mrs Grieves took some of Year 6 girls up to Reeves Field to play a great match of rounders with our guests from Guernsey, ECJS (Elizabeth College). We had a lovely time , playing a fun and good humoured game, although both teams definitely stepped up the pace and competition in their second innings. It was a close match, final score 13 1/2 to ECJS, 12 to The Prep. Clearly our girls enjoyed renewing their friendships with the Guernsey girls and the match was followed by a smashing match tea on the Head Master's Lawn. Mrs D Bond, Director of Middle School

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Upper School First Aid Training On Saturday morning, Year 8 were lucky enough to have a talk and encounter various activities associated with administering First Aid. We were given a talk about how to treat injured people in various situations with different injuries, and were able to put these techniques in a 'real life' scenario using a dummy. We practised how to react in different situations, including CPR as well as wrapping each other up in bandages! It was an interesting and valuable experience which I’m sure will come in useful later on in life. Mrs S X Reid, Director of Upper School

Year 8 Cotswold Way Walk On Friday June 5, Year 8 walked a 12 mile section of the Cotswold Way. Although tiring, the experience was entertaining and enjoyable and not one person failed to complete the walk. There was time to relax and chat after our different exams this term, and we enjoyed the beautiful scenery. We set off at a brisk pace through fields and woodland, and briefly stopped for snacks and drinks. The weather was hot and sunny, and overall, everyone had a great time. Thank you to Dr Gilmour for organising the day for us. Mrs S X Reid, Director of Upper School

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Art Department There are still a few places available at the Master Class event on 18 June, please do let Mrs A V Parsley know if you would like to attend.

Portrait Master Class with Jacob Sutton Thursday 18 June 2015 6.30pm - 9.30pm ÂŁ20 per person To include materials, wine and nibbles Limited spaces available All proceeds to TURF Charity

Register now Tel. 01242 522697 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Girls' Sport Tennis Scores Team





U10 – 4 pairs


6 June

5–3 matches


U11 – 6 pairs


6 June

7–3 matches


1sts – 3 pairs

St Hugh’s

10 June

3–6 matches


2nd – 3 pairs

St Hugh’s

10 June

3–6 matches


U12 1st – 3 pairs

St Hugh’s

10 June

0–9 matches


U12 2nd – 4 pairs

St Hugh’s

10 June

2 – 14 matches


Rounders Scores Team





U9 MIX 1


6 June

7.5 – 10


U9 MIX 2


6 June

9.5 – 11.5


U9 A

St Hugh’s

10 June

14 – 15


U9 B

St Hugh’s

10 June

19 – 9


U10 A

St Hugh’s

10 June 14.5 – 25.5


U11 A

St Hugh’s

10 June 12.5 – 22.5


U11 B

St Hugh’s

10 June

11.5 - 18


U11 C

St Hugh’s

10 June

15 – 25.5



St Hugh’s

10 June

15 – 21.5


Tennis Team of the Week – Middle School The U10 team split into 2 couples per team with Number 1 & 2 couple playing each other and Number 3 & 4 playing each other. The 1st couple maintained their winning form while the 2nd couple who had not played with each other before began to establish a good partnership, communicating and covering the court well. The 3 & 4 couples won one match each and it was evident that they have all made great progress, serving consistently and making lots of winning volleys from the net. Well done girls! The U11 girls enjoyed their tennis today, playing very evenly matched opposition. However, our consistency and attacking play from the net became apparent and our 3rd and 4th couple won all of their matches easily. Once again, thanks must go particularly to our 5th couple who stepped in to cover girls who were absent, winning one of their matches. One area for all our Under11 girls to work on is movement around the court, recovering quickly after a shot has been made so they are ready for the next. Mrs J Upton, Games Teacher

Upper School Mixed House Tennis The Upper School boys and girls split themselves between tennis and cricket on Saturday, to play some fun co-educational sport. The tennis competition was very enjoyable, with mixed doubles pairs, all girl pairs against all boy pairs, as well as some simultaneous singles matches. We were even treated to a very exciting and high level tie-break singles match, between two of our excellent male tennis players, while the results were being tallied up. Well done Monty and Louis. At the end of three different round robin tournaments, the overall results were as follows: 1st – TROY 2nd – ATHENS 3rd – PERSIA 4th – SPARTA 5th eq – CORINTH and ROME Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Girls' Sport Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Boys' Sport Where to begin, after so many adventures over the last few years ? Last Friday opposing sides travelled to Wycliffe, to take part in the annual six a-side cricket tournament. Following a very tight win over Dean Close in the semifinal, our boys beat Llandaff Cathedral in the final, to bring home the trophy. An outstanding achievement from all concerned! On Saturday, we held the Upper School House Sports event, where each house sent out a mixed cricket team of boys and girls to take to the field. The event was nothing short of fantastic; our girls threw themselves into the event and our boys undertook it in marvellous spirit, resulting in a great day for all. Persia came away with the win, following a very tight final game against runners-up Corinth. Well done to everyone! Sunday was the annual cricketing battle between our Staff and Parents. Following last year's win by our parents, the pressure was on our staff to perform... and they certainly did. After a strong performance in the field, it came down to Mr Whybrow to hit the winning runs (which he duly did) and the trophy came back to the School Staff for another year. Monday saw the arrival of our friends from Beechwood Prep, Guernsey. Following our visit to them for the Year 6 Hockey Tour, it was our turn to be host and play a match against them on Monday and then again in a small festival with Richard Pate on Tuesday. Once again, the children and staff who came over from Beechwood Prep were lovely, and great fun was had on the field. Many thanks to all those involved. On Wednesday we took part in a large block fixture against Clifton and a Colts A game against the Cardiff and the Vale District side. There were great performances throughout the school, led by an outstanding win from the 1st XI.

Cricket Results Team



1st XI

Clifton College

Won by 9 wickets

2nd XI

Clifton College

Lost by 50 runs

3rd XI

Clifton College

Won by 3 wickets

4th XI

Clifton College

Won by 7 wickets

5th XI

Clifton College

Lost by 51 runs

Colts A

Cardiff District Side

Lost by 23 runs

Colts B

Clifton College

Won by 13 runs

Colts C

Clifton College

Won by 9 wickets

Colts D

Clifton College

Lost by 46 runs

Colts E

Clifton College

Lost by 50 runs


Clifton College

Lost by 51 runs


Clifton College

Won by 1 run


Clifton College

Won by 25 runs

My heroes of the week were the 4th XI team, who battled home to a strong win, despite having a team with many children who had only taken up cricket at the start of the term. As you can see, there has been an awful lot of cricket over the last week and it continues. Thursday saw The Prep hosting the District Primary Schools Girls Cricket Competition and on Friday the 1st XI played Farmors School in the County Cup Semi Final. I would like to take this final line to thank our groundstaff. In 13 years of Prep School cricket, I have not played on wickets as good as the ones here at The Prep; all the credit for this must to go to the groundstaff team. Mr D E Simpson, Head of Boys' Sport

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Cheltenham Festival's Young Scientists' Day Cheltenham Festival’s Young Scientists’ Day was held on 5 June, and the day went with a bang! This years’ theme was Space, and the pupils experienced an exciting carousel of Science and Design Technology lessons: In the Biology activity, pupils investigated what astronauts need to survive in space. They conducted a range of experiments to test for glucose, starch, protein and fat, and then had to decide which foods they would take on a mission to Mars! Pupils worked in the Science labs and thoroughly enjoyed the practical experiments, looking like real scientists wearing safety goggles and white lab coats. In Chemistry, the pupils were treated to an exciting experience as they investigated, in particular, the use of hydrogen. Balloons with hydrogen went off with a bang, bubbles erupted in flames, chemicals bubbled ferociously and the pupils also made a real comet! They also conducted different experiments to see if they could get that ‘squeaky pop’ to show hydrogen was present. Altogether, an explosive and memorable session!

The Design Technology activity allowed the pupils to build their own rocket, using recycled materials. They then had the opportunity to fire their rockets using compressed air. The challenge focused on distance and direction travelled, whilst at the same time controlling the release of compressed air. Rockets were whizzing up the corridor! The exciting day finished with a fascinating talk by pyrotechnician Matthew Tosh and a large slice of a delicious space themed cake! My thanks go to Cheltenham Festivals for giving us the opportunity to host this special day, designed to promote Science to our young and enthusiastic learners. The pupils had an amazing day! Mrs G Barrett, Director of Learning

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Persia House Dinner Roll up! Roll up! The circus came to town on Friday night, as Persia House celebrated their bi-annual House Dinner. The theme of the evening was the circus, with entertainment provided by the Great Theedomo! His juggling skills were legendary, but many had yet to see the man in action. We were treated not only to balls and clubs, but also KNIVES and FIRE!

Amazing! After a delicious fry up and super puddings, our children were given the opportunity to juggle for themselves (with the slightly less dangerous bean bags and scarves!!). Balloon animals and balancing skills were also on offer. A big 'Thank You' to the catering staff, for their lovely meal and to the children, who were great hosts to their guests. Everyone had a lovely evening. Miss D M M Anderes, Head of Persia

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Well done to the following pupils who have been awarded Headmaster's Commendations

• Charles Hellens in Year 7, for outstanding additional research on 'The Crusades' • Rory Southall in Year 7, for outstanding additional research on his family history • William Speke, Annie Carter, Laura Bingham, Ian Chakravarti, David Noble and Minette Tombleson, in Year 6, and Denis Solovyev, Katelyn Morton and Peter Marstrand in Year 7, for being helpful, welcoming and polite to our visitors

Individual Achievements Violet Bailey received an offer from Birmingham Junior Conservatoire after her successful audition earlier this week. She is looking forward to starting in September. Charlotte Bailey

Well done to Henry Watkinson, who won the trophy for the fastest boy in Kingfishers during Sports Day!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Clubs Archery The Archery team achieved Third place in an event that took place on Friday of last week. Andy Griffin, Archery Leader

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Notices Thank you to everyone who brought in cakes for our Cake Sale today, the grand total of ÂŁ162.30 was raised in aid of our charity TURF ! Saturday June 13 Transition meeting for Year 6 into Year 7 in the Library at 12.00 Drugs education talk for Year 8 pupils and their parents from 09.45 until 11.45 in the Assembly Hall. Year 8 pupils should come into school at the usual time.

Why not take advantage of our Activity Camps during the holidays?

There is a 10% discount for all children that attend The Prep, email Gemma on for your discount code. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Friends of the Prep Headmaster's X1 Tennis and Cricket event The staff regained the annual trophy with a close fought victory last Sunday. This excellent cricket match was complemented by a close competition on the tennis court with Mrs Hughes (for the second year running!) and Mr Aylott running out worthy winners. My thanks to Emma Graveney for coordinating a special day! Mr Jonathan Whybrow, Headmaster

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Cheltenham College Prep School

Family Camp Out

16.00 Saturday 20 June- 9.00 Sunday 21 June 2015

• A camping experience for the whole family • Pitch your tent on the school grounds for £30 (charged to your end of year account) • Organised barbecue (or Indian takeaway from the Bath Road!) • Your children will have their friends to play with, under your supervision • Swimming pool • Bacon sandwiches served on Sunday Morning • Bathroom facilities in the Sports Hall

Please reserve your pitch with Reception by Friday 12 June Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015


Happy Birthday to the following pupils next week!

Finlay Anderson

Age 5

Joshua Adams

Age 6

Oscar Isaachsen

Age 9

Harry Whitney

Age 6

Isabella Mills

Age 11

Megan Message

Age 13

Seb Burden

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015

Age 12


Sunday, June 14, 2015 - Sunday, June 21, 2015 Sunday, 14 June 2015 09:00

Boarders' Big, Big Day Out. (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)


Departure for Year 8 Trip to Bude (until Friday)


Year 7 24 Hours Experience at College starts

Monday, 15 June 2015 Week 10 (35) 15 - 21 June 00:00

Year 8 in Bude


No after school clubs or activities this week. Late stay available.


Year 5 Animation Day


Year 3 Overnight Experience


Year 6 Trip depart for Rookesbury Park, Hampshire (until Friday)


Kingfishers Dress Rehearsal


Year 7 24 Hours Experience at College ends

Tuesday, 16 June 2015 00:00

Year 8 in Bude


Year 5 Animation Day


Year 6 at Rookesbury Park


Year 7 depart for @Bristol


Kingfishers Years 1-2 Summer Performance 1 (Assembly Hall)


Transition Meeting for Parents of children in Year 1 moving into Year 2 (Library)


Normal pick up for Years 3-4

Wednesday, 17 June 2015 00:00

Year 8 in Bude


Year 6 at Rookesbury Park


Year 4 depart for Bushcraft Residential Trip (until Friday)


Year 5 depart for Legoland


Year 7 Geography fieldwork on microclimates (Leckhampton Hill)


Year 3 Trip to Cattle Country


Kingfishers Cottage and Reception Summer Performance (Assembly Hall)


Transition Meeting for Parents of children in Cottage moving into Reception (Library)

Thursday, 18 June 2015 00:00

Year 8 in Bude


Year 7 Outdoor Experience at The Prep (overnight camp at school)


Year 6 at Rookesbury Park


Year 5 depart for The Imperial War Museum


Kingfishers Summer Performance 2 (Assembly Hall)


Charity Event for TURF: Early Evening Portrait Master Class for Parents with Jacob Sutton (Art Room)

Friday, 19 June 2015 00:00

College Council Day


Year 7 Outdoor Experience continues. Pick up 16:30


Year 5 Art Workshop with Jacob Sutton


Flying into Year 3 Morning for Year 2 pupils


Year 8 return from Bude All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow.

Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website - Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school 22

Sunday, June 14, 2015 - Sunday, June 21, 2015 16:00

Year 4 return from Bushcraft Residential Trip


Year 8 Leavers' Dinner. Pick up 22:00

Saturday, 20 June 2015 00:00

No school for Year 8 pupils


Departure for Rounders Festival at Down's Wraxall (A): U8A IX. Start 10:00. Pick up 13:30


Normal morning school for Years 5-7


Year 2 Cricket and Rounders Internal Matches. pick up 12:00


Year 5 Animation Project Display to parents (Assembly Hall)


Friends of The Prep Family Camp Out

Sunday, 21 June 2015 00:00

Friends of The Prep Family Camp Out ends


Boarders' Fun In The Sun 2

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website - Prep for The Week Issue Number 1800 12 June 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school 23

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